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Choice Home Warranty Reviews

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Jarvis Moore

I have had to use my warranty twice. Both times the response was quick from Choice. Also the vendor contact was timley and the repair done with no further problems.

1 month ago


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Todd Deweber

They have exceeded the estimated time to dispatch a technician on multiple occasions (1 week). Then once dispatched you have to wait until the technician can make an appointment (2-3 weeks). After a technician comes out they do a song and dance with choice about finding replacement parts or replacing your appliance (4-5 weeks). When choice finally decides to cut you a measly Lowe's gift certificate for you appliance they don't send it to you for another month. So you can expect if you are a choice customer to be without a critical home appliance for 2-3 months. There's is no way I will ever use them again or recommend them. You're better off saving your money in a savings account and just buying a new appliance or paying a local handy man.

1 month ago


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Walker Morris

One of my a/c units has been out of service since 7/14/24. I am now on my third assigned contractor who is scheduled for 8/5/24. This is the 22nd day in a hot summer without that unit in operation. The reliable, established companies, who value customer service reputations, won’t work for you because you nickle and dime them to death. I had AHS for several years and they were terrible, but you guys make them look good! Your contract says you will repair or replace, but for hot water heaters it only means “replace the unit”. It cost me $925 labor plus my $75 dollar service fee to get it installed. I’m sure this rating will never be seen by the CHW CEO, but I can hope it does!

1 month ago


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Sam Redden

In 2 years I have had 2 claims and it has cost me $800.00 to replace my 2 appliances. And yet I'm paying you for a home warranty to fix or replace my home appliances. This is all BS. I could of taken the money I'm paying you to replace what I need. I will not renew my warranty with you. Plus I excepted an offer from you and it's been a month and I still have not received my money. You told me that you can only offer me an appliances at cost. When I can't get it at cost. So how am I supposed to replace it at cost. And you only give a gift card to Lows and they are one of the most expensive places to get appliances.

1 month ago


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There is absolutely nothing wrong with the service through independent contractors that are hired by choice warranty. The problem comes when there is an emergency such as diabetic medicine not being able to be cooled because the refrigerator is out, and we can’t get it repaired even though we have had the parts for three days now; it is going to be 12 days from the time it quit working until we maybe can get it fixed. I have begged them to assign a technician to come and put the parts in, but they say that they have no control over their own schedules. They are just sent where to be and what to do. I am very disappointed in choice because of the way they handle repairs. Is absolutely ridiculous that you cannot get somebody to help you in an emergency situation. My husband is 74 and a 100% disabled two tour Vietnam vet with dementia, diabetes, and so many things wrong with him there too numerous to mention , and I am 70 and disabled as well. We have no food that belongs in our refrigerator; because of this we have a piddly little ice chest to put ice in, and I am not at all happy about this as whole thing. We are being told that we cannot get a repair date until August 7 , one person even told me August 12. I could really raise cane and call people that I know but I haven’t done that yet. This is ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous! Something must be done about these situations. There was a time when we could call Sears home warranty, which is what we used to have, and if we got the parts in that day, they were here the next day. I just don’t have the words to tell you how angry I am and I don’t get angry!

1 month ago


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Choice warranty assured me that If An appliance was broke and needed to be replaced that it would be replaced and all I would pay is the $75 deductible Currently They came to the conclusion that my dishwasher at my property needs replaced. They are only giving me a $246. Check to replace the dishwasher, the cheapest dishwasher I found is over $400 so I have to pay the difference of that installation. Choice warranty is not truthful when you are signing up with them about replacement works. I was with a different home warranty company before them and I will be going back to this company because of this.

1 month ago


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Kimberly HarrisCoates

You guys are great! One thing I will say is that it'd be helpful if you provided updates from vendors. I've had a request in to fix my dryer but a part had to be ordered. the vendor, has not updated me on the progress - It's been about 3 weeks. I will reach back out to them but it'd help if they were prompted to update us.

1 month ago


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I have warranties on 2 homes they have no sense of urgency to help you get your item repaired. We had water coming from the ceiling due to a bathtub leak. You have to wait until they assign someone to come which can take 48 hours or longer Then I had an issue with another appliance and they denied the claim saying it wasn’t normal wear and tear So far, I haven’t had a great experience with Choice Hime Warranty

1 month ago


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When I purchased the warranty I had actually pulled up American Home Shield when Choice Home Waaeanty’s home page has jacked the the other’s site. I thought perhaps they had merged; I didn’t know, besides Richard Karn is paid to endorse it how bad can it be? Well our refrigerator went out. The service technician came out almost a week later and diagnosed it as a bad compressor and suggested replacing the refrigerator. I explained the medical emergency was an insulin-dependent diabetic in the home……it took 27 days and filling a complaint with our North Carolina Attorney General’s Office to get Choice to respond as their representative did not on tge date and time our interview appointment time was despite my stopping work for 20 minutes at my employer waiting for their call. Despite daily calls (which go unanswered except for a computer generated message “ that all representatives are busy and will call you when next in line.” and four emails daily to the representative assigned to my case with excuse after excuse on her part why the ecard to purchase another refrigerator has not been sent. After another lie told to the AG’s office their attorney agreed Choice would “just mail a check.” It arrived another week later. Thirty days to replace a refrigerator that a diabetic was dependent on. Two lessons learned here: (1) Samsung refrigerators are garbage (2) and so is Choice!

1 month ago


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Mary Lowery

You take too long to find a technician . When I signed I was told that a technician would be dispatched within 24 hours. I filed a claim on the 12th of July and no one came until the 29th and it was hottest days being 100÷. It was like you all didn't care. I asked if since it had taken so long if the service fee could be waved and the representative said no.

1 month ago


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With two children and a broken air-conditioner, Choice kept "scheduling" with Sears and no one would call. When calling Sears, I was told a) I had to talk to Choice and b) Choice routinely says an appointment is scheduled through Sears without actually contacting Sears to make sure a technician is available. After the third time this happened, Sears felt sorry for me and allowed me to schedule with them directly because Choice was incompetent. All emails with Choice resulted in 'cut and paste' excuses and no legitimate plan to help solve the problem. Choice said to talk to Sears, and Sears had said to talk to Choice (until the one person felt sorry for us). This was extremely frustrating, and I was clearly speaking to people on the other side of the world with stock answers and no willingness to expedite the claim after their repeated failures. We had no air-conditioning during the hot summer for about three weeks in total. I despise Choice Home Warranty, will tell anyone I can to stay clear of them, and look forward to using a different company soon.

1 month ago


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Niki L.

They quickly assigned my ac issue to a company. It was up and running within 4 days. It cost me $100. Not the $350 that it would have without Choice Warranty.

1 month ago


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I called Choice Home Warranty on July 16 th to let them know my air conditioner was not working. They told me that Sears would come out on the 20th. I told them that u could not wait for the 20th because the heat index was 108. So they told me that they noticed Sears and they say that they could come on July 17th and I said thank you. On the 17th Sears did not show up. When I reached out to Sears I never got a live person. I then reached out to CHW and told them to send another company. They agreed to send a company that worked in my air conditioner around June 3. When they came out this time they told me that my air conditioner could not be repaired. They notified CHW so I had to wait until CHW approved the repair… I then had to wait for CHW to approve the repair which took a few more days. Then CHW told me that I would have to send them 1,497.75 to get them to approve the repair. They also told me that I would have to pay the company that they sent out to make the repair 3,252.00. At this point I was shocked that I would have to pay so much money. I thought that my warranty would cover all but the 75.00 service call fee. My husband and I an are senior citizens and for us to have to live in a house for 10 day was absolutely dangerous and could have caused our death. I called them every day and they told me they ordered the part we would have to wait on the parts to replace the air conditioner. I called on July 23 and they told me that the parts were delivered but when I called the technician that was supposed to do the repair they told me that only the outside and the heating part was their and not the air handler…. CHW told me that all the parts were delivered but the technician said the air handler was not there…. So that went on for a day then on July 24 the technician said the air handler was delivered and they would install on July 25 and they did. Now I have a Lennox Seer 2 4 ton air conditioner that u believe I paid for most of the cost. I pray that they gave me in adequate air conditioner with the right seer . The temperature in my home was very hot and I am so disappointed in the way Choice Home Warranty had no regard for my health or my life. I could not afford to go to a hotel and pay the 4,749.75 that I had to pay. I also have for properties that I have a home warranty with CHW. The reason I selected CHW to be my property warranty company because I saw that they were the top home warranty company…… if this is true they all of us that have home warranty companies are in trouble. I did not name the company that CHW sent out to me because I don’t think it was their fault….. i am hurt, sad and very disappointed in CHW😭😭😭😭

1 month ago


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Been with Choice Home Warranty since 2014. Never had a problem with them when making a claim for one of my systems, A/C mostly, until I needed to replace my A/C system. From the time the technician came and said I needed a new A/C system and put in the claim, Choice Home Warranty gave me the run-around. I live in Nevada, the temperature is in the triple digits, 110 to 118 degrees. Each time I contacted Choice, they told me they were waiting for the technician to give them information. This went on for 2 weeks. I'm melting! They kept trying to have the technician use a cheaper model that was not up to code in this area. I contacted Choice and requested to speak to a manager. While talking to the manager, I asked him if Choice was stalling because it cost more for the right unit and the approved out-of-pocket cost that they quoted me would not be enough. He said that was the reason for the delay. I told him the I knew that it would probably cost me more out-of-pocket and said I could work with that. The next thing I know is that Choice sent me a new out-of-pocket cost quote of over $9300.00. I talked to the technician and he told me the whole cost for the unit and installation was only a little over $8300.00. Choice then had the nerve to tell me that they were paying $600.00 for the air handler. There was no separate air handler. It's not a side-by-side unit but an all inclusive single unit. More bulls**t from Choice. This works out to me paying for everything plus an extra $1000.00 plus to Choice for giving me the run-around. I tried to talk to another or the same manager I had talked to previously and got a "Case Manager" that kept telling me I had to pay the more than $9300.00 amount even after I explained that it did not cost that much for the unit plus installation. I asked to speak to her supervisor and was told the she did not have a supervisor because she was the Case Manager. After about 30 to 45 minutes of this bull, I told her to cancel my policy and refund my remaining balance which I received today. I used that to purchase my NEW A/C unit at just a little over $8300.00 and it works fine.

1 month ago Edited July 24, 2024


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Margaret Dunavan

I have made two service calls since signing up for the warranty. One was for a dishwasher and one for garbage disposal. Getting a technician scheduled to come worked out well and the plumber for the garbage disposal literally came into business days and resolved the issue within 10 minutes. The concern I have is over the repair that was needed for the dishwasher. Only one of the three parts that required replacement were covered by the warranty. I had to pay for the two other parts totaling over $230.

2 months ago


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I don't like it takes a few days at the minimum before someone comes out to service the appliance. If we have to find our own people, it takes longer. I do like being to make a claim anytime online. That is very convenient.

2 months ago


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Linda Knight

LOVED the ease of the online request to fix my appliance, and evaluation of my appliance. Very DISAPPOINTED in the initial AMOUNT and final AMOUNT of the LOWE'S GIFT CARD offer. Initially, I was offered only $329.00 for an oven valued at over $2,000. Then, after escalating the issue, Victoria was able to increase my Lowe's gift card to $1,012.00. Unfortunately, that was not enough to cover my new oven and installation, but at least I was able to purchase a NEW, lower-end, 27" oven.

2 months ago


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Pamela Guidi

Choice Home Warranty responded quickly when my AC was not cooling properly. I was so thankful that this was taken care of less than 24 hrs after I called. I’m so glad I choose them when I bought my new home.

2 months ago


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Andrea C

So far so good! We have had Choice for three years now and have had great experiences! It’s worth it, especially when you have an older home! Excellent customer service and the contractors they’ve sent have been great!

2 months ago


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Tina Jones

Very impressed with this company. So glad we switched to Choice Home Warranty. Having service contractors willing to come to our rural area is a MUST for us and Choice came thru for us!

2 months ago


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It has taken too much time to handle my claim. The vendor has been very hard to get in touch with & when he did contact me he wants to charge me $150 to flush the hot water tank. That was not what the issue is with it. I declined his Flushing of tank. He also wanted me to pay for the parts seeing as he said that Choice Home Warranty does not cover parts.

2 months ago


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It is very easy working with Choice warranty. Their claim process is very straight forward and they quickly assign service representatives to your issue. The only problem I have is that they have a lot of exclusions in their contract which leaves the customer responsible for fully rectifying the issue.

2 months ago


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Kylie O'Neil

When I had a problem with my AC, I was told once I upload a claim it would be assigned to a technician within 6 hours. After that window, I was told by a team member they had 24 hours to assign the claim. Well 36 hours later I call and get in touch with a rude person about the fact that my claim hasn’t been assigned and I’ll have to wait there’s nothing else they can do. When it’s been 3 days of no AC in June! I ended up finding my own technician who came out that day and had to file a reimbursement through choice to get money back. Not sure why the call center says they’re a 24/7 business but won’t take my call unless it is Monday-Friday and told me I should try messaging online in the meantime. That didn’t get anywhere because nothing was updated on my profile about my claim. Just not impressed.

2 months ago


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Donna Dalziel

I was pleased to hear that someone would be here in 2 days. Ned did a great job getting our A/C back up and running. Also told us not to use bleach but to use vinegar. Very happy with the service.

2 months ago


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Our refrigerator was deemed to be unrepairable on 06/01/24. Our repairman did a fantastic job and submitted the paperwork for our claim. Even though the offer of $986 was not enough to replace the refrigerator, we decided to accept because the offer was in Lowe’s credit and we found a refrigerator at Lowe’s that same day. We had money out of pocket but they could deliver the next morning. We then find out it may 30 days. We switched to receive a check and we still don’t have the money.

2 months ago


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D Lane

Choice Home Warranty worked well and provided me with a plumber as soon as possible to fix a leak from my dining room ceiling. In addition, they also worked with me to get my water heater pipes fixed quickly.

2 months ago


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Buyer Beware! Make sure you read your policy thoroughly! Household appliances are not fully replaced; you will only receive a portion of the replacement cost. Additionally, you might have to spend money for delivery, hauling the old appliance away, installation, etc.

2 months ago


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My AC went out completely during some very hot days. The technician that I got from choice home warranty basically said they couldn't come for 2 weeks. And there was no way that I can't have air conditioners for 2 weeks so I had to see someone else's service and they were able to come that day and fix it. I did have an experience on my dryer wasn't working well and the technician that came was very knowledgeable and friendly. But he came within a a couple of days. But that wasn't like losing your air conditioning though.

2 months ago


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Patty Hadaway

Every time I have called, I have had an appointment by the next day. It has been the best purchase I made when we bought the house. My sister recommended and I have recommended to many. Worth it!!!!

2 months ago


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Danielle Williams

A better idea of expectations would really help your company filing a claim where we were very uncomfortable in our home until the problem can be fixed. It was a day and a half before we got anything resolved. Just would have been nice to hear from somebody first line instead of just fill out the claim and wait.

2 months ago


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Andrew Gozdziak

Choice home warranty is great. Promt with scheduling, they only ask what problem we are having and it gets fixed and only a yr prescription and $85 deductible. You guys are life savers. Thank you. I will be renewing.

2 months ago


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William Verigan

Bennett and Sons did an excellent job fixing what turned out to be a minor problem with an HVAC. There was a storm that prevented their keeping an appointment. But Choice rescheduled quickly. Happy with Choice.

2 months ago


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Winona Barreto

Three claims Submitted in a month. One for dishwasher.which they didn't cover the pull out trays. 2 calls for the air conditioner. 1 covered. The second call is still to be determined since they haven't come out yet. Scheduled service for repairs are usually within 72 hours except for holidays.

2 months ago


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I recently had a service person come out as my garage door was not operating correctly. The service call cost 75.00 and the only issue the provider found was that the rollers needed to be replaced and this cost 250.00. this was not covered by Choice Home. Recently the same issue happened, and I had a handy man take a look and he fixed the issue within 10 minutes at no cost. However I recently had an issue with my garbage disposal and it was replaced with no issues.

2 months ago


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Some of the contractors sent to do the claims are not very supportive. I've had one come for my exhaust fan and wouldn't take the plate off to get the model number to fix the problem. After they left I took it off and resubmitted the claim. In this instance they were in a rush to do nothing. It appears that the contractors tell me the warranty company doesn't pay them good so the claims get put on the bottom of their list for service.

2 months ago


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Priceing was excellent for the service. The washing machine needed to be replaced and it is going to take approximately two weeks.I think that is a long time to be without a washing machine.

2 months ago


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Not impressed at all. Had our fourth claim for the identical problem. I was told today that as long as it’s over 30 days, it’s a new claim as you consider it “fixed”. It’s all just bandaid work so the customer will have another claim and pay yet another out of pocket visit co-pay. So far over $200 plus stayed at home 8 times (each time once to diagnose and another after you approve to have it “fixed”)

2 months ago


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Slow response. Extremely difficult to speak to a human. My sales representative never responds to emails or phone messages. Settlement for my high end microwave was pathetic… didn’t even cover the tax. Really wish I had not entered into a 5 year contract… would love to find another company!!! For the record… it took 3 months to get a pathetic response to my claim.

2 months ago


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Lalita Easter

The customer service representatives are so terrible! I had to ask for a supervisor every time I tried to get anything done. I was selling my house and trying to get everything transferred to the new owners. It was so much trouble and very stressful! When I did need service, that was excellent & the price is outstanding. If they want to give 100% satisfaction, they really need to hire some good customer service representatives.

2 months ago


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Our air conditioning heat pump recently went out, but the replacement service was excellent. We are extremely pleased with the outcome and have no complaints whatsoever. The new system is working well and we are satisfied customers.

2 months ago


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I recently received a denial for an air conditioner claim, which is disappointing. This is not ideal timing for me, and I didn't even bother reading the email thoroughly. I just know it's been denied, and now I have to cover the cost myself. It's been a frustrating week dealing with this situation.

2 months ago


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I needed some plumbing work done and called this company. They were able to come out the next day, which was great. The service was very efficient and I was pleased with the overall experience.

2 months ago


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James Denman Miamisburg, OH

I recently had an issue with my water heater that took almost a month to get fixed. Although it wasn't a critical problem, the delay in response was disappointing. I've had better experiences with other companies in the past, where I didn't have to pay anything for similar services. Having to pay over $1,000 for the repair made me question my decision to go with this company.

2 months ago


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I had a great experience with this company. When my hot water heater broke, they responded quickly and sent someone out on the weekend to fix it right away. I highly recommend their services.

2 months ago


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There were delays in finding someone to work on our dryer. Despite having used the service multiple times, this particular instance took longer than anticipated. Overall, the experience was satisfactory, but improvements could be made in terms of efficiency and timeliness.

2 months ago


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I recently needed to use this service, but they rejected my request and I've been struggling to reach a caseworker for assistance. Despite recommending it to others and encouraging them to join, I have faced difficulties in getting the help I needed.

2 months ago


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I had a positive experience with customer support when I needed to use the warranty for my HVAC system. I easily opened an appointment on the website to report the issue, which made the process smooth and simple. Overall, I was satisfied with the service provided. Thank you.

2 months ago


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Customer support was helpful in addressing my concerns, but there were some issues with pricing and service changes. The representatives were easy to work with, fixing the problem efficiently. However, the increase in prices and service fees, along with the removal of certain services, was disappointing. Overall, the experience was satisfactory, but improvements could be made in terms of pricing and service offerings.

2 months ago


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I had a great experience with this company. I only used their service once when my dishwasher had an issue, and they were prompt in setting up a date for repair. The claim approval was quick, and the technician was efficient. I appreciate that they work with reputable companies. Overall, I am satisfied with their service.

2 months ago


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I've been struggling for weeks to get my freezer fixed due to the ice maker issues. Despite canceling and reopening the claim, the problem persists. Customer service has been unresponsive, promising callbacks that never happen. This experience contrasts sharply with my previous provider, leaving me disappointed and unsure about my decision to switch.

2 months ago