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Landmark Home Warranty Reviews

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Jim Susa Tucson, AZ

My realtor picked it out for the house that I was buying. They set up for someone in town to address my issue. That local person then contacts me quickly and resolves my issue and the resolution is usually good. I had an air conditioner actually stop working and I contacted them. A local person came on the day they said they would, they looked over the problem, and it was all covered under the warranty. They just replaced the parts, fixed it, and the air conditioner has worked fine since then. There's no hustles when getting coverage.

6 years ago


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Amati Pettes McGregor, TX

The interactions I've had with them has been positive, and they have been able to take care of all the issues and have done their job really quickly. I had to put in a request on Monday and they responded really quickly. For some reason when I called the contractor I lost my request somewhere, so I had to call Landmark and they looked into it. They fixed that situation quickly too. So far, I've had great service.

6 years ago


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M.B. or Anonymous Phoenix, AZ

I had a plumbing problem in my bathroom because the water would come up the bathtub when I flushed the toilet. They were really responsive and came and took care of that. They are also very thorough. It's all really straightforward, which I really like and appreciate. It's easy and helpful for when you're trying to contact someone to solve any problems.

6 years ago


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Kathy Bienz Herriman, UT

I work in a place where we deal with a lot of homeowners and people buying new homes. Landmark seems to be the home warranty that they all seem to choose and they always have a good response. They're always there, follow up with you, and schedule your appointment. I used the service once for the re-keying of our home when we moved in. After that, we only got a free check on our furnace. The warranty covers everything and they are a great company to work with.

6 years ago


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James Vincent Nampa, ID

They helped me with my claim really quickly, and whenever things don't work out with a contractor, they find another one really quickly. They actually did that for us when our dishwasher just stopped working. We called Landmark and they sent over a technician to look at it. That particular technician didn't work out too well, so we just told them we wanted a different one. Two days later, they sent a different person and everything was settled. They've worked fine for us.

6 years ago


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Gary Clews Syracuse, UT

The service was part of the agreement when we bought our home. We've never had any problems with them. Anything we've called about has been dealt with quickly and easy. It has been nice not to have tot worry about finding a technician or having the issue drawn out. Just a couple of weeks ago we had a toilet break and spray water everywhere. We called them and we had someone out the very next day who got it fixed. It was all done within two days. We have no reason to complain about it.

6 years ago


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Valee Wright West Jordan, UT

We used it to re-key our house too, but at the time I thought that was just a freebie that came with the house. I was surprised when I received the $60 charge. On a different occasion I just needed to have someone that could come and look at our dishwasher, so we set up an appointment. We did that on the phone and we could also have done that through email. They helped us get it all set up. I have no reservations about calling them again if I need anything. I think they'll take care of me.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Salt Lake City, UT

My real state agent got me set up with it. They have been very responsive, helpful and nice. I got them to help me with my furnace since it kept going out. They sent somebody out the very next day who realized that the furnace was actually broken. We are working on replacing it through Landmark too, which is really awesome. They do what they say they are gonna do and show up and they say they will show up. Everything has been really positive.

6 years ago


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Brooke Mclay Fort Worth, TX

They are always polite and never question why I call them. They give me feedback and inform me to the best of their knowledge on what's going on. They came once because the air-conditioner was not blowing well, and the air was not going through the vents. The people that came were alright and assessed the situation, though I'm not sure I'm all that happy about paying for just that. Still, they have been very nice and reputable, it has been a pleasure.

6 years ago


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Elsie And Laurie Michael Crowley, TX

Recently I had to use it and the company came out very quickly. There was a problem with the technician though, something to do with my property managers, so he was out there for 2 days. The problem was gone, but just for 7 hours. Landmark made sure to send a different person that solved the problem really quickly. They were very helpful and it has been very good so far.

6 years ago


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Elsie And Laurie Michael Allen, TX

They have been very responsive and they understand the problems very well. I had a situation where my air conditioner wasn't working, so I gave them a call and they sent out someone. The technician looked at it, knew what was wrong, and fixed it, all in just one visit. They have fantastic coverage and it's a very low price. It's all very good and comprehensive.

6 years ago


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James And Mary Gilroy Salt Lake City, UT

Most of the time, our concerns and questions are addressed immediately and efficiently. The most memorable occasion when we used the service was when a line out in the street in front of our house was making everything overflow. The faucets, tubs, and any other drain would overflow. They came and thought they had it cleared, but it ended up getting plugged back up. They had to come back and get it unplugged again, but I was impressed. There have been a few things that aren't covered, but I think they're very reasonable and fair with their prices.

6 years ago


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Grant Lowell Crezee Wellsville, UT

The contract itself has many choices to pick from and I got the one that covers everything that we have in the house. We have used it once when we purchased our home. Landmark got a hold of the local vendors and made arrangements for them to come out and re-key it. They did that in a short amount of time. We've had no hustles or miscommunications so far.

6 years ago


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Raymond L. Garcia Henderson, NV

They answer all my questions, and when someone doesn't get things done they tell call me and notify me that they'll change the contractor. Customer service makes sure that everything is done right and in a timely manner. So far I've used it 5 or 6 times for things like a stain on my refrigerator and a leakage on my sink. I did have one bad experience, but they made it all right and rectified the situation. I do think that the fees could be lower, but it's not too bad.

6 years ago


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Laurie & Jeff Hill Gilbert, AZ

I called them after seeing it in an advertisement. I've heard of other home warranty companies and Landmark has been the best one of them all. They have very good and strong customer support to process claims and answer questions. Both the phone and online support work well. I've had a couple of claims for my washer and I think they have very good coverage. They actually increased the amount of things that they cover rather than reduce it.

6 years ago


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Alex Young Salt Lake City, UT

I like their website because it's very clear and concise. Besides you can make appointments with it. On an occasion 2 of our things were not flowing quite right, so we set up an appointment with a plumber. They came at the designated time and fixed it up for us. They're very efficient and somebody always gets back to you fairly quickly. It's nice just to have the service available.

6 years ago


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Mitchell And Pamela Mckie Tucson, AZ

So far we've had a great experience. They are very supportive and easy to talk to. I get treated like a human being and the girl that I spoke to was wonderful. She set everything up in a few minutes. I also get another gentleman that calls me to follow up and make sure that everything was fixed well. When our garage door broke, we called them on Saturday and by Monday at 1 o'clock it was fixed. It was all done for 65 dollars, had we tried to get it fixed ourselves it would've costed hundreds of dollars. It's a great experience, and they're very professional.

6 years ago


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Alex Young Cedar City, UT

It came with the house at first and we decided to keep it for the last 5 years. We've been very happy with the service. There's always somebody there to answer the phone, they are quick in getting the information of the contractors, and they always try their best to please us. Just last month we had some annual maintenance done to our furnace. I just called them on a Friday and they had a person come on Monday and bingo! They were here on time. They are just very knowledgeable, have good prices, and are overall good. That's why we kept going back to them.

6 years ago


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Kelly Langley Mesa, AZ

They have a quick response do a good job following up once the service is done. Recently I had issues with my water softener, so I gave them a call. Within a day or two, they had someone here to fix that. They always come through for us, that's why I've had it for 4 years so far. They always give me a lot of options of what I want to cover in my home warranty, and they usually cover a lot of the most expensive things to replace. They are just overall a great company, and I recommend them.

6 years ago


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Jennifer And Todd Madsen West Jordan, UT

Whenever we call them they're always very friendly, easy to get a hold of, and are always very proactive in following up with you. On an occasion our oven unfortunately went out. On that occasion the subcontractor that they hired was sub par in the repair, but Landmark came through and they backed us up and the warranty. They are actually paying for a new oven for us. They cover what I need covered.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Houston, TX

The service was highly recommended by a satisfied customer. Ever since we got it, they've always been extremely helpful and efficient. I've used Landmark a number of times and I have been extremely satisfied. Last time I was having issues with my AC and they were able to get me a contractor to help me immediately. I'm just happy with them and will continue to use them.

6 years ago


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Nicholas Pedersen Salt Lake City, UT

Our realtor suggested we get it after we bought the house. They have been helpful and quick, always on top of things. I've only used it once when we first moved in because we were having issues with our furnace. All I had to do is call them and set up a time for someone to come and check it out. It all worked out great for us. So far it's working well.

6 years ago


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Steven And Marjorie Magee Caldwell, ID

Set up was easy and it's very easy to talk to them and figure out what I need to do to get everything ready. We had an electrical issue where the circuit was popping really often. At first we weren't sure if that was a new issue or something that was a pre-existing problem with the house. We took a close look and it turned out that the house was not wired properly. He was quick to respond and come to fix the problem right away. They have been a very good company to us.

6 years ago


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Christopher Pound Dallas, TX

Follow up is timely, they are very professional, and the companies that they send out are good quality. When we had an issue with the refrigerator we just called them and got a company out here within 2 days. They diagnosed the problem immediately and were able to fix the appliance within 5 days of the initial call. It's just the best customer service.

6 years ago


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Travis And Kristen Tyson Nampa, ID

Our realtor gave us the service as a house warming gift, and we thought it was a nice idea. Because of that we just decided to continue and renew the service every year. When our water heater broke, we just called them and paid the flat rate service fee. The company came out and took care of it all with just that flat fee. There have been a couple of times where the fine print has been troublesome. I would look at something and think it's under warranty and suddenly I find out it isn't, so I don't get their help with the repair and replacement of things. I would suggest anyone that gets it to read the fine prints and get a good understanding of what's included or not, just to be aware ahead of time.

6 years ago


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Amandeep Saini Salt Lake City, UT

I needed to use the service for my furnace since the fan in it went out. So they came out here and put a new heater fan for me, all within 3 days of the first phone call. They have been prompt, courteous and knowledgeable. All they do is come in and fix what needs to be fixed on time. Customer service always gives me the information that I need when I renew my warranty to make sure that the things that I want covered are covered. Recently when I renewed it in December, it felt like the gave me a little extra service. Now the roof of my home is also covered.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Hutto, TX

Recently, I've had to use it twice, one for the garage door and the other for the dishwasher. For both occasions, we just called them, scheduled an appointment, and they called to make sure that the contractor had contacted us. After that, they call us to make sure that the service is done. The warranty covers more items than what I thought it did, and I've really enjoyed their costumer service. They are friendly and go above and beyond to make sure our needs are met.

6 years ago


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Pam Winn Provo, UT

Every time I called them, they put me in with somebody. It all workes out really nicely, and they are very prompt when I call to complain about something. The only problem that I've had was when I needed my fireplace checked. It turned out that they wouldn't cover it and I was really upset, though I guess that wasn't their fault. I'm mostly getting what I need out of it.

6 years ago


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Alan And Sharon Blomquist Richfield, UT

The service was enforced when I bought the house. They are always here to help whenever I call them and the come out here without hesitation. A couple of weeks ago the gas water heater and the electric water heater were both leaking. We had some problems with that since Landmark tried to call the contractor and didn't get an answer. I also tried calling the contractor and just got voicemails. In the end we finally got someone to respond, so that one took a little too long to process. I haven't received any payments yet, but so far everything has been fine.

6 years ago


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Nate Shields Yuma, AZ

They are always responsive and willing to help me from the beginning to the end of a project. When my water softeners flooded my bathroom and the garage, the set a plumber right away. He replaced the water softener and did it all really quickly and efficiently. I also love the redeem feature that is included in the warranty and will be taking advantage of it in the future. I've had other warranty companies in the past that failed me too many times, but I'm very happy to be a Landmark customer.

6 years ago


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Eskender Mogus And Natran Rezene Flower Mound, TX'

For the most part they have been very responsive. I haven't had any issues with them. Just this week we had to call them because we needed something to be replaced. The service was very good and it exceeds my expectations in terms of what is covered. The response time has also been impressive. Even their vendors call us right away and Landmark follows up with us to make sure that the appointments have been set

6 years ago


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Mithun And Preeyadarshini Adiga McKinney, TX

Every time I call them, the response I've gotten has been good and I get the contractor out the very next day. When my house's AC was not working someone told me that that it was the heater and that that would be a major expense. When I called the warranty they just sent out someone who saw that the problem was AC and told me it just needed a minor fix. It was all done with just one call and my problem was fixed. They're always available and very immediate in their service.

6 years ago


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Dustin And Elizabeth Norman Dallas, TX

They are always very responsive and check on the status of our orders. We've had to use it a couple of times for random repairs around the house. It is very easy to open a request online and afterwards someone from their service center calls to make sure that an appointment is scheduled. They also check afterwards to make sure that we are satisfied with the service.

6 years ago


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Joseph Schweighofer Justin, TX'

I didn't really choose the service myself, it was part of the sale price of the house when I bought it. Still, their follow up is really good and they seem to be a very reputable company so far. When I needed my air conditioning's motor to be fixed I just called them. They set up an appointment for me and everything went fairly smoothly. The contractor called me within 28 to 48 after the initial call and they showed up to the appointment. Their coverage is good and is easy to use it.

6 years ago


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Kenya And Stephanie Merritt Conroe, TX'

I heard they had the best customer service, so I decided to go ahead and try it. The rep that I communicated with was thorough and followed up with me to make sure that the service provider had done a good job. A couple of weeks ago I had to call them since my garbage disposal stopped working. I haven't really tested the full limits of my warranty, but as far as our needs go it seems to be good and easy process.

6 years ago


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Darlene And Louis Georgiades Kingwood, TX

We had American Home Shield for many years in 3 different properties and, after a while, we were just very upset with their service so we decided to switch. We felt that Landmark would suit our needs best so we went with them. The biggest claim we had with them was with our air conditioner. It went out and, since our house gets very hot, we called Landmark. They dispatched someone very quickly and within a day the air conditioner was fixed. If there's something on the weekend, we get priority service which is great. Recently they have made changes to improve their service. Now instead of just checking in with you after the service is done, they follow through with every step of the way. They make sure that after signing the contractor gets in touch with you to make an appointment. When the appointment is done they make sure that the contractor shows up. They also keep track of the diagnosis, if there's a repair, or if there should be a callback. At the end they do a quick check as well to make sure things were fixed. It might be a bit overdone but I think it's good to check. I don't think that coverage is as extensive as I would've liked it to be, but I guess I would actually have to pay more for more coverage, so that would be ok.

6 years ago


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Mark Shields Conroe, TX'

We were not happy with American Home and we wanted to try a different company, so we just went with them. Landmark is really good about giving is a good idea of what's going on during the repair or replacement process. Usually they sent us a survey for feedback about the process and the contractor as well in terms of their professionalism, service, and efficiency. On an occasion we had a dishwasher leaking and a couple of different plumbers came out to take a look at it. They replaced one of the parts but that didn't solve the problem, so Landmark offered us cash to replace the dishwasher completely. We're happy with the service and it has covered a good number of issues we've had with our appliances. They have sent a couple of contractors that didn't meet our standards, it's a bit hit or miss sometimes to be honest. Overall though Landmark is the best they can be.

6 years ago


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Anonymous New Braunfels, TX'

I changed after my brother, who is a real estate broker, recommended it to me. Their customer support is good and they follow up immediately after each visit. Last time something happened both my stove and my air conditioner went down. They sent me 2 different technicians out on two different days to take care of each problem. For the air conditioner it costed me $630 in addition to what I usually pay to get it fixed. For the stove, it took them 3 trips to get it fixed since they ordered parts two different times to get it fixed. There are a lot of repairs that are not covered under the warranty, like my air conditioner, that cost me a lot of money.

6 years ago


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Christopher Jones Round Rock, TX'

I've called customer service a couple of times, once just to get to know about the plan and the other to actually make a claim and things went smoothly on both occasions. The claim I made was because my water heater broke. I called and asked if it was under warranty and it was, so they send a plumber out to determine what needed to be done. The plumber also gave us an idea of how much the replacement we needed would cost and gave us the option of getting cash and replacing it all myself. I ended up going with that choice and everything went smoothly.

6 years ago


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Armondo Sepulveda Austin, TX'

I haven't used it much but so far it's a really fast and efficient service. They always respond really quickly. When our pool pump broke, they came up here and assessed the situation. Afterwards they just fixed it. They also have good follow up and I haven't had any issues with them. I think I'll have to pay much more than what I thought I was going to pay, but it seems pretty good.

6 years ago


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Erick And Roxana Ahola Eagle, ID'

They are available all the time. They pick up all our calls and get back to us right away if I have a question or anything. We called them when our dishwasher broke down, I think the seal went out on it. The technician came out right away and Landmark followed up afterwards to make sure everything was moving along. They have just been very nice and consistent.

6 years ago


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Christopher & Rachelle Horras Boise, ID

The service was included with the home we got, either from the mortgage or included with the sale, I can't really remember which one. So far customer service has been very friendly and efficient. When we were having issues with our plumbing I just called and we were able to get someone out here on the next day. I know that there's better plans than the one I have, but the cost of the one I have is the best I can pick.

6 years ago


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Heidi Fejeran Boise, ID

The service was a gift from my realtor, so I didn't really choose it, but I did decide to stay with them and renew after my year was up. Customer service has always been polite and they do what they're supposed to do. I've never really had a really bad experience with them. I've used it twice in the past couple of months. The very first time I've used it was because my AC went out. I didn't necessarily like that the contractor that they sent was a heating and cooling technician and he didn't communicate what was going on with us. I wished they had explained things better to us in that instance. But the second time I used Landmark it was wonderful. They got me in touch with a wonderful electrician and they have generally been great. I feel like I should've done more research when getting my warranty since I didn't realize at first that there were different levels of coverage. I probably should upgrade to a better warranty.

6 years ago


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Marci Taylor Lehi, UT

Either my realtor or my mortgage company got it for me, I don't know which one did it. I think they're an okay service but not quite exceptional. There was an incident recently where my water heater needed some repairs. I called in on a Saturday and tried to get someone as soon as possible, but the plumber they gave me wouldn't be able to come until Wednesday. They did try to get me someone else, but they couldn't. Still, after the first year of my warranty I started paying a higher amount thinking that I would get better coverage. I ended up having the same situation with my water heater and I thought they would be able to replace its expansion tank using the warranty. They just wouldn't replace it and I had to pay out of pocket to replace it! I should've gotten that paid for, especially after bumping up my warranty.

6 years ago


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Ryan Barton North Salt Lake, UT'

The service was included much like the mortgage vendor I used when I bought my house. There have been a bunch of times where my water heater had leaks and in the end they had somebody out to replace it the day after I called them. I haven't had any problems with them. Every time I call they have been really prompt, courteous and professional. The warranty has covered everything I have needed.

6 years ago


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Louis And Jane Thompson Midvale, UT

When we purchased our place, the realtor set it up for us for a year. After that, we just decided to keep it going. They are usually very quick to respond and courteous when we have questions. Recently we had our water heater replaced, I think because it wasn't all up to code. We are satisfied and I appreciate knowing that we have the coverage. The only thing is that we've had the service for a long time and we just got a rate increase...

6 years ago


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Brian Sandy, UT

It's been about 2 years since we got the warranty. They have always been very courteous and helpful on the phone. They have always been prompt and done a good job as far as the warranty service goes. When our air conditioning unit went out during the summer we just started a claim and they sent out somebody to fix it. They have done things as expected and have always been helpful.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Sandy, UT

The only problem I had with them was that when I call I have to go through this barrage of prompts. I get transferred from line to line and have to go through the bullshit messages. I'd rather just get to a person right away instead of poking numbers to get to a department. Other than that, I've been very happy with the service that they give me. I've used it several times and they always get me a person to call or refer me to someone that will call me to make an appointment. After that they just come and take care of the work. It covers everything in my home.

6 years ago


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Amanda Hart alt Lake City, UT

They have been really responsive and helpful. When our water heater went out it took them a couple of minutes to figure out what was wrong. We eventually had it replaced and even though it took a little while they ended up covering everything for us. So far the only thing they haven't covered was our furnace, but that's not a big deal. Everything else they do cover.

6 years ago


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Eugene And Mary Miluk Ogden, UT

The woman that we bought the house from used the service so we just decided to continue with the policy. They have always had very good costumer service and only once was I slightly irritated by them. We've had to use the warranty several times and every time all I had to do was call and open a claim. They would contact the supplier and that was it. The process is very straightforward and it's a fairly decent service.

6 years ago