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Choice Home Warranty Reviews

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Travis Simpsonville, SC

The delays in finding a technician is a Serious Pain point when you are already stressed about getting something repaired. I tried to be patient with a particular problem but it just escalated over and over. It was finally resolved after 3 months.

1 year ago


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Bob Morrison Indianapolis, IN

1) Not many contractors want to work with choice 2) In hot summer months or cold winters, CHOICE can almost never find a contractor within 48 hrs 3) We are allowed to find our own contractor but its an irony because they will not fill out diagnosis reports of Choice snd thr home owner ends up having to pay for everything. Plus, after repair choiceNEVER reimburses or thry give you a small amount I have 5 of my homes with choice and i just cancelled 2 recently snd will slowly move away

1 year ago


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Louis smith

It was pretty simple to add a claim online and a 2nd claim by calling in. One of the claims were denied without communication as to why. If it was started as to why versus my guessing, I could give 5 Stars.

1 year ago


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nancie tomosunas Cave Creek, AZ

Prompt response. Only complaint is that I was not consulted about the day or time for the needed repairs to take place. I had to make several phone calls to reschedule the appointment times assigned to me.

1 year ago


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First year service was spot on. Each year after that is sketchy at best. Takes days to find techs and in my case not at all. Leaking water ruined my bedroom wood floor and the won’t help compensate me for the damage. I pay over $1000 year and I not be renewing in July of 24. Don’t have local companies working with them and now they are sending out what appear to less than reputable companies.

1 year ago


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Deb Lexington, SC

We had an issue with our washing machine, repairman came out and was very polite and professional. He said they would have to order parts. Later that day I received an email from CHW that said Good News, they were going to replace the washer instead of repairing it. It was hardly good news. CHW stated the amount they will give to replace it. The amount was less than HALF of the cost of a new washer. (This is for the exact washer, which is still available). If that wasn't enough, they are providing the reimbursement in the form of an e-gift card specifically and it's to Lowe's. Why specifically this retailer? If the replacement cost is in the form of a gift card, why is it retailer specific? Why not provide a Visa or Mastercard gift card, so we can determine where we want to purchase the replacement. AND, to top that, it will take 30 days to receive the e-gift card. Seriously, 30 days to send out an email? That is total BS, why is there such a delay? . This is a major appliance that needs replaced immediately, not 30 days from now. As a result we had to shell out the full amount (more than double the amount they're paying) to replace the washer. I would never renew my warranty with or recommend this company.

1 year ago


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Leticia MA

I called Choice because my microwave was not working. A technician was sent out and then I received an email saying I could replace the microwave. I was advised that I would get a gift card from Lowe's. This was back in the beginning of AUGUST. We are now in SEPTEMBER and I have not received the gift. When I called customer service I was told it takes 30 DAYS to receive the electronic gift card. NO ONE EVER said it would take 30 days. The 30 days in at the VERY BOTTOM of the email AFTER you have accepted the electronic Lowe's gift card. To date, I have to gift card and no microwave. To say I am upset in an UNDERSTATEMENT.

1 year ago


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Nicole Gautreaux Houston, TX

So far this warranty has been amazing. I've had 2 other warranties and the quick response time along with the quality of workers this company sends are the best so far.

1 year ago


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Carolyn Comfort, TX

The contract price was reasonable, the service call fees are reasonable, responsive when needed, on occasion a bit difficult to deal with about what is covered, but overall has been a good company to work with.

1 year ago


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Tom & Donna Richmond, IN

At 6:06 AM on Friday September 1st [the day before the long Labor Day weekend) we contacted CHW about a problem with our water heater not working. Hadn't heard anything from them or a service tech so around 10AM we called the claims department and got voice mail and was requested to leave a phone number so they could call me back, which we did. They hadn't called back so around lunch time we called the claims department again and got voice mail. Still no call back so we called the sales department and they picked up the phone right away. He said he couldn't help me and and again we were transferred back to the claims department with no luck being able to talk to anyone. Funny they will answer in the SALES department but not in the CLAIMS dept. At 4:35PM we received an email that they couldn't find a tech to help us out. Notifying us that late in the day and trying to find someone to check the water heater out before a long Labor Day weekend doesn't sit well with us. No hot water for 4 days?????? Also, recently filed a claim on our A/C when it was extremely hot and our air wasn't working. It took them 3 day to contact a tech to send out to service our A/C. Needless to say, not the best dealings with this company.

1 year ago


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Alexander Caceres Mobile, AL

Yo tuve muy mala experiencia estuve pagando mes a mes y cuando se presentó un problema mínimo en mi casa que se quemo una hornilla de mi estufa puse la queja rápido un mes esperando y llamando cada 3 días por que de parte de ellos no te notifican nada no te reciben llamadas tienes que llamar al departamento de compra de póliza con ellos para poder hablar con una persona y no con la máquina. Punto tuve que cancelar la póliza ya que nunca resolvieron mi problema por que no tenía un técnico en el área pero eso no fue lo que me dijeron cuando me vendieron el seguro todo te lo venden bien bonito mejor los cancele y perdí mi dinero con ellos está compañía son número uno supuesta mente pero personal mente para mi no sirven. Imagínate o pudieron reparar algo sencillo que te ase pensar que te podrán reparar algo mas delicado como el aire acondicionado de tu casa no ase lógica alguna yo no recomiendo que gastes tu dinero en esta compañía busca otra mejor escúchame el que lea este mensaje. No pierdas tu tiempo muy mal servicio I had a very bad experience. I was paying month by month and when a small problem arose in my house that burned a burner on my stove, I quickly filed a complaint for a month waiting and calling every 3 days because they do not notify you of anything. They do not receive. calls, you have to call the policy contracting department with them to be able to speak with a person and not with the machine. Point I had to cancel the policy since they never solved my problem because I had no technician in the area but that was not what they told me when they sold me the insurance they sell it to you very well I better cancel them and I lost my money with them, their company supposedly is number one, but personally for me they are useless. Imagine if they could repair something simple that makes you think they can repair something more delicate like the air conditioning in your house, it doesn't make sense, I don't recommend you spend your money on this company, look for a better one. One, listen to me whoever reads this message. Don't waste your time, very bad service.

1 year ago


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Terrible policies after you get sucked in and buy the ‘Total Plan’ to make sure you can get anything that breaks down, fixed for the family, and the find loopholes and not matter what it is or what it costs to fix it, high or low, CHW denies it! It’s terrible to have to ‘fight’ for the services you paid for. Right now I h e a $150.00 bill I am stuck with because CHW says that we somehow must have neglected or abused the AC system! Really?!! It’s 100 degrees outside and systems just breakdown trying to work to cool off the dwelling. I can guarantee there was no neglect or abuse involved, yet CHW denies the claim to fix the unit that only needed a small part to keep it going. It’s a racquet I guess, right now I am very dissatisfied and upset that they denied to fix our AC! It’s totally covered!!

1 year ago


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christopher Jacocks Houston, TX

Good afternoon, On August 4, 2023, I had an issue with my Air conditioning unit Not Responding to the Thermostat, the Unit outside making noise periodically and the air was not blowing on the upper level of the house, no airflow at all. I submitted a claim to Choose Home Warranty through their portal on August 5, 2023, and made a claim, I received a message on August 6, 2023,at 07:16 AM stating that EMERGENCY RESPONSE HVAC-R SERVICES had been assigned to my claim and an appointment had been scheduled for Tuesday August 8th, 2023, between the hours of 11:00 AM and 03:00 PM. The technician from EMERGENCY RESPONSE HVAC-R SERVICES showed up to my house and replaced the thermostat, went into my attic, went outside to the unit then came back inside and told me that it was the compressor that was leaking and defective. I asked the gentleman what would cause that? He said it happens over time which to me meant “Wear and Tear”. He was confident in his ability to fix it and said he would put the claim in with Choice Home Warranty to order the parts and should be back within a week to fix it. To me it sounded routine, and it would be fixed quickly. Days went by and here in Georgia we were experiencing a Heat wave of 90+ degree weather all week which was horrible for my family with no A/C during this time, I heard nothing from Choice or from the HVAC company concerning a follow up or as far as a repair date. I called Choice Customer service on August 17, 2023, 12 days after my initial contact and 12 days with no A/C. the representative told me that they were waiting on photos from the HVAC technician and would contact me as soon as they reviewed everything, the very next day on August 18, 2023, I received a notification from Choice Thanking me for my recent claim submission. They stated that they understood how important it was to have claims processed in a timely manner and they appreciated my patience while they reviewed my request and after careful review, they regretted informing me that my claim was not covered. They stated that Based on the information provided to them by me and the HVAC technician assigned to my claim, they determined that the failure did not constitute normal wear and tear and/or was excluded from coverage in accordance with the terms and conditions of my contract. They told me that the technician said that the failure was due to a power surge. They then told me that I had the right to appeal the decision with a written request within 7 days, which I did. I was sent an email prompting me to set up an appointment which I did for the next day August 22, 2023, at 3:00 P.M. I received a call from case manager, she basically reiterated the denial that I received in written form previously, I asked how Choice came to this conclusion, she stated that the HVAC technician stated that a power surge caused this compressor leakage. I asked her how he could determine that? What is the physical proof or indicator that would show that a power surge caused this? She could not answer, I asked how the technician would know that I had a power surge? I said I did not have a power surge at all so where is that coming from? She stated that the technician said that there was storms in my area and there was power outages. I stated to her that I did not have a power outage, and how would the technician know about storms in my area or power outages? Does he live in my area? She stated he resides in your area; I asked her how she would know where a 3rd party contractor lives? Someone that doesn’t even work for your company? She stated that she didn’t say he lived in my area she said she stated that he resides in my area. I then told her that lives and resides by definition mean the same thing. She became silent, I then stated that the HVAC technician did not write on his work order that a power surge caused this issue, he didn’t tell me that face to face and he did not have it in his notes back at his company because I called his company earlier in the day and that is what was told to me. I then told her if I got another HVAC company to look at it for a second opinion and they determined it was a power surge I would leave it alone but then asked if they stated otherwise would Choice fix it? She stated that she could not guarantee that would be the case and any cost for another technician would be out of my pocket at my cost. I asked her was there a recorded conversation where the HVAC technician stated that a power surge caused the issue, she replied yes but we would only have to produce it for a court, I found that statement telling. She then closed by saying that they could not help me, and they were denying my claim. On August 23, 2023, at 3:43 P.M. I called HVAC-R SERVICES again and I spoke to a rep from the hvac company who pulled up my account and went over what transpired with my claim and with Choice Home Warranty Company. the HVAC technician that handled my claim never stated that a power surge caused my compressor to fail, she also stated that he never stated anything about storms in my area or power outages at all. She stated that he never said it verbally nor did he write it on any paperwork but instead the Choice Home Warranty company Authorization team came up with the power surge statement and tried to coerce her company into agreeing with it to deny my claim. She continued by stating that Choice does that all the time to get out of approving customers claims and this was not the first time. She then asked if I would like the notes that were sent to Choice by her company, I stated yes which she then sent me. I think this is egregious for a company to behave in this manor and take consumers hard earned money and not provide the services they agreed to, this company has been sued in other states and had to pay out an 800,000 settlement for this exact kind of business practice in one case. I now have to have my A/C unit repaired by someone else out of pocket after paying Choice all these years for the security of being covered in times like this. I ask that something be done about this company for myself and all the other customers that are subjected to this kind of malfeasance. I would also like to be compensated for being defrauded by Choice Home Warranty company. Would give 0 stars if I could.

1 year ago Edited September 8, 2023


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Charlotte Bargersville, IN

I have been with this company for 5 years they cover a warranty on any age appliance they serviced my microwave garbage.deposal my air conditioning unit.

1 year ago


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Nancy Munoz Long Beach, CA

I do not recommend choice home warranty because they don’t ever check on the outsourced work or companies they hire. They just take your money and send people out and never check on you or know if everything went well or if there were problems. It doesn’t matter to them if things take long to fix or parts take long to deliver. I have had it initiate calls because they don’t care after assigning your claim to an outsourced company. I tried canceling and was told I would not get my check I was owed if I canceled.

1 year ago


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Mary Goad Fort Worth, TX

This has been the most difficult for just my burned out microwave. I have had multiple appointments, taken off work to be here twice, and still today the tech suddenly was unavailable, but only after I called Prompt to say “where’s you man?” Another tech saw me in the que and was here by 6pm. Not very good service at all! Also now he has to come back with parts or replacement. Quite frankly, I deserve a new microwave!

1 year ago


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Disappointed North Las Vegas, NV

I had two claims denied in which I didn't think was warranted. They found loop holes to avoid paying out the claim to fix my plumbing issue and my A/C issue. They use sub-standard companies to go out to review your claim and then they report back that it is not fixable and that it is not covered...homeowner's responsibility. Recent had my A/C go out and the company they sent recommended two new A/C when I only needed one. Said it could not be fixed and that it was not covered. I got a 2nd opinion by a 5-star rated company and they fixed was nothing that the warranty company could have repaired with their 2-star contractor.

1 year ago


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Mitch New Braunfels, TX

Freezer still not working. The company has been out here to repair twice and still doesn’t work. They say they’ve ordered the same part twice now. Freezer has been taken apart three times. Gaskets are torn and will not seal properly. Freezer should be replaced.

1 year ago


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Dennis Kulp

I purchased the five year plan from them and I would say for the value of my money, it would probably rate a 5. But they make it very difficult to reach somebody, and their process of reimbursing customers for expenses out of pocket is cumbersome. It should not take the length of time it does, and to do it, what they ask contractors to do is extensive and complicated. And I had another experience with them where the contractor got so frustrated it took him multiple tries, he finally gave up. So I got involved with it and submitted the information on his behalf. They rejected that, then sent it back and said if you'll do it one more time, they would accept it. And he did it one more time and we got it accepted. They just make it a very cumbersome process for a contractor to work with them as well. My most recent experience was a garage door opener that failed and I called and they said that because they did not have technicians available at the time, they suggested I try to secure my own technician to get the repair done, and I did. They said they had a new method in which I would pay the technician to do the repair and as long as they preauthorized the type of repair, I submit the paid receipt to them and they reimburse me less the amount of the service call, which is $65 in my case.

1 year ago Edited September 6, 2023


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Steven Woodbridge, VA

I submitted for a repair leaking bathtub faucet and showed head and pipe damage. I was told by one of CHW receptionist that you did t cover the repairs. I also mentioned I purchased a new shower head and faucet just in case I needed a new one. I then Called a repairman to fix the leak because it was causing more damage to my walls and floors. After the repairs I called CHW again to speak to a rep, was told to resubmit the claim or provide the receipt for repairs in which I did just to be told they don’t cover leaks! Not what their policy says. I asked to speak to a manager and was denied several times. Totally sucks! Wanted to report to the military JAG and BBB.

1 year ago


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James Stephens

It took nearly a month to get any action. Claims manager told me technicians can not take time to look for leaks! Finally they sent someone to find the leak. He did not fix the leak, just showed it to me. I called claims manager and told het. She told me that she authorized the technician to do the work fixing four leaks. Technician said the claims manager can't and didn't give the approval. I complained online and received an answer online that the claims manager can't authorize work and that I have to open a new claim to get the work done. This company needs to train their employees!

1 year ago


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Montanna Deverreaux

I would not recommend Choice Home Warranty to anyone they’ve never made anything easy for me as their customer they went up on my service fee $20 without giving me any warning just for no reason they just went up from $65-$85 and every time I’ve had to file a claim with them, I’ve had to jump through hoops and do circus acts to get any satisfaction I would not recommend this company to anyone all of the technicians that I’ve ever dealt with have told me, this is one of the worst warranty companies that they deal with. I’m currently sitting here in 100° weather with no AC because they sent me an email telling me that replacement AC units had been approved then when the technician comes out here they only sent a part. My AC units are 31 years old. I made two separate claims as they had me do for each unit and the technician told them in his report they were too old Freon could not be put in them because it had been all outlawed and they had a crack, so they were beyond repair fast forward. They sent me an email saying your replacement have been approved. I don’t have any air to this day it is hundred degrees outside. I have a senior citizen in my home and a disabled person so no no and more no nobody needs to pay for this company .

1 year ago


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Linda Alpharetta, GA

They started out sending someone to access the service needed and to collect their exorbitant fee of $85 which isn’t applicable to what actually is still a hefty bill act the end. I m still waiting for installation of the water heater with a out of pocket cost of about $500. Don’t think I would recommend choice warranty their reviews rank them as one of the home warranty companies..

1 year ago


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John Dallas, TX

We bought it to cover our homes systems. Our home has been covered by Choice for aomost ten years. The AC went out in the middle of the summer when it was 107 degrees out. They took almost a week to send a repair person and they rejected the claim. The repair person/company said that the 7 year old compressor failed from wear and tear. Choice Home Warranty changed the decision and called it a catastrophic failure and would not cover it. Who wants a warranty that does not fix a covered item? They fixed my new refrigerature's ice maker and it had a known issue with that brand. I did appeal it and they were nasty on the phone and got me mad, while my family cooked at home. They could have cared less.

1 year ago


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David Kenner, LA

Your dispute customer service was great. Sorry it had to get to that level, but she did a great job of taking care of the situation. Hats off to her.

1 year ago


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Debbie North Richland Hills, TX

I've had a few technicians come to the house to repair some appliances. The technicians did a good job each time. I like that I can request appliances repairs online.

1 year ago


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Joseph Wichita Falls, TX

I have dealt with 4 differenct home warranties and have to admit the decision to change to Choice has proven to be one of the smarter decsions i have made.

1 year ago


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Margaret Tuckerton, NJ

Choice Hime Warranty comes thru every time. Quick efficient service. We have used others but Choice Home Warranty is the only one to trust your money too.

1 year ago


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They answer right away when we need them.

1 year ago Edited September 6, 2023


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Mireille Michel Jacksonville, FL

Had to wait 2 weeks to have something to get fix and now my AC is going into 2 months to get fix. Sears was finally sent to assess it told me that it a ductwork problem and choice home will send someone else this is since the 29th . I have called them multiple time and they tell me that will call Sears and call me back. That is about 3 times.

1 year ago


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Gloria Charlotte, NC

Great response to the initial call to them. They soon had contacted someone to check out our dryer. It was just a few days later he was able to come and replace the part.

1 year ago


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Marlene Buford, GA

It was hard to get an immediate answer to a question. You had to either be transferred to someone or wait for someone to answer the phone and to wait for an e-mail for an answer to a question within 24 hours

1 year ago


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Charles Fesmire Macon, GA

Very deceptive business model. The claim review process is unethical. Claims should not be able to make it to the 3rd party technician without being reviewed and approved/denied before the service call is made and the customer pays the fee. I fear submitting any additional claims since I cannot be certain if it will actually be covered or if it is just briefly stated as covered but in reality it is not. Customer service reps lack emotional intelligence and sensitive training. They will not work with you. They only repeat the same information 3 times and abruptly hangup in my face. The claim process via the portal needs to be revised to remove Code Violations so customers will not try to submit a claim they believe is valid. Information and details input on claim by customers do not reach the 3rd party technician. This creates a discrepancy with establishing the root problem and further complicates the approval process for claims. No way to escalate issues to management and discuss reasonably or to get clear advisement on what is actually covered under policy.

1 year ago


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James Keller, TX

customer for 3 years. recent 2023 claim on two AC units two separate times took days to assign contractor and longer time to schedule repairs. Texas 105-107 and no AC. replaced 22 yr old unit on my ticket vs. repair by CHW. With the myriad of exceptions in fine print, question the value

1 year ago


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Overall, they're very good, except for the time the air conditioner people didn't come.

1 year ago Edited January 10, 2024


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Randy Stephens Houston, TX

Good customer service and communication. Disappointed with time to get a technician scheduled, get parts approved, get parts delivered, then get tech back for installation.

1 year ago


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I have excellent, expedient service with Choice Warranty. All of my issues have been addressed in a speedy manner and all with a resolution. Very pleased.

1 year ago


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XrpGal Shirley, NY

Incompetent customer service. I’ve had appliances that were needing replacement. They lied, and said number one: that I would be reimbursed at their wholesale rate. The reimbursement was a fraction of wholesale rate. I had a GE profile double oven. Current retail price about $3000. Wholesale price is well over $1000. They offered me $300. I had a GE profile microwave. Retail price is $700. They offered me $100 and change. They don’t replace anything. They tell you your appliance can be replaced, and then they send you a gift card for Lowe’s that you didn’t ask for, for a fraction of current wholesale prices. Number two: They said I accepted a Lowe’s gift certificate as payment, I didn’t. Then there was the most recent debacle with my central air conditioner. Their tech inserted a part in my air conditioner which was meant for a larger unit. It caused the entire motor to fail and needing replacement as a result, and then they wanted me to pay $3000 to have it replaced. I’ve told everybody I know to run away from this company. I will be taking them to court.

1 year ago Edited January 10, 2024


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Connor Finch

Lack of customer service. No one in the customer service department knows what’s going on. They barely speak any English. I feel like my first year with Choice was amazing and now that I renewed nothing gets approved or fixed by choice.

1 year ago


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Katheleen Vacaville, CA

I reported that two of my appliances had stopped working, my LG Washing Machine and my GE Dishwasher wasn't cleaning the dishes and that it wasn't using hot water. Someone called about my washing machine and came out to fix it. He said it was spinning like it was supposed to do after he did a few things to it. It washed three loads and stopped spinning again. No one called me about my dishwasher. When I contacted them, by phone, they said that they would connect me to the proper people. I either got a robot that couldn't understand what I was sayiong and couldn't understand the letters LG and GE. Even when I told them what the trouble was, they couldn't grasp it. I called a few times and eventually was told that the orders had been closed and completed . PERIOD. I WANT MY TWO AND HALF YR. WARRANTY PAYMENTS TO BE RETURNED TO ME AND CANCEL MY WARRANTY.

1 year ago


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Carl Uniontown, PA

I filed a claim for my A/C online. After 2 weeks, Choice had not found a local contractor to fix. I reverted to the option whereby I would contact someone to resolve the problem. There are two very big Heat/AC contractors in Uniontown but Choice was inept to call either for repair my unit. I called one of them and they came within 24 hours. I had to pay $125 service call. I took their diagnosis, estimation of repairs and photos to post online. After another 1.5 weeks or more I was finally told that the repairs were denied because 3 years ago, the outside unit for this AC system was replaced under Choice warranty, the inside components were supposed to be replaced but were not by the contactor. I was told that if I felt I was shorted by that contractor I would have to contact them directly. I am of the opinion that Choice should be doing this not me and repair the present broken components. AND that it took 2 weeks without any help to resolve this by Choice after the initial claim is unacceptable especially in the middle of the summer. I just extended Choice warranties on two properties for 3-4 years to the tune of over $3000. My future business with Choice along with negative reviews to many of my rental owner friends will be based on the final outcome of this particular claim.

1 year ago


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Mildred White

Customer Review Video

1 year ago Edited August 2, 2024


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If we have a problem, they're very good. We didn't have any bad experiences with any technicians. My problem with Choice is that we have the refrigerator which is kind of old. We constantly have problems with that and we pay $45 for the visit and Choice pays a lot of money to the company. I think it's a waste of company's money and our money.

1 year ago


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I'm not really satisfied. Just three weeks ago my dishwasher was broken and my dishwasher cost in a store costs almost $1000 and they gave me just $250 which doesn't covere installation, dishwasher cost and delivery of the dishwasher. I tried to call to reach someone to talk about my problem. Almost 3 weeks and it's not easy. Nobody is calling back when I left my phone number and when I send the e-mail, nobody sends me answers to my e-mail. So it's not easy to reach their customer service.

1 year ago


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I had two appliances that broke at the same time and I was able to connect with them and get a technician to my house right away. I think it's very reasonable.

1 year ago


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They were very helpful because I have called them back to tell them that the contractor that they sent out did not complete the job to my satisfaction, and they have been very helpful. I'm currently using it to fix my air conditioning system. And customer service has been very friendly.

1 year ago


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You can't speak to anybody, they're far too important to visit with any of their clients that pay them, and I just don't care for that at all. I scheduled an appointment, they called, rang the phone one time, and then sent me an e-mail that said that if I want to reschedule I can do that a week later whenI had already waited about 5 days. I just think that they proclaim themselves self-important and apparently the rest of us are peons.

1 year ago


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They don't answer their phone and it takes forever for them to call you back. If the maintenance person is there and they have a question about whether something is covered or not, or to get authorization they don't answer and the person who's come to fix an appliance has to wait until it gets authorized and they get angry and I get angry too, because they don't answer their phone quickly.

1 year ago


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I was thinking that I could call in if I need the service and they are going to send me someone right away. That didn't happen. They never respond to my calls, I had to go online. They told me like it would take 24 to 48 hours to get someone out, even if it was urgent.

1 year ago


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I submitted a claim and they had a service provider respond within two to three business days. They're typically responsive and helpful, but sometimes they have rules that are difficult to manage.

1 year ago