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After being a loyal and trusted T-Mobile customer for almost 20 years, I was travelling in Europe this past summer (2022) and using the Magenta plan that I've been on for years, where international roaming is included. I ended up staying significantly longer than intended, had no idea there was a time limit to the roaming, but in early October I got sent a text that informed me if I didn't stop using the international roaming by October 27, my account would be blocked for roaming. On October 6 I called T-Mobile and changed my plan to talk and text only, no roaming, removed my sim and used a local European one instead. A day and a half before my impending return to the US, I had my Magenta plan reactivated, but discovered the roaming feature was not working. I called T-Mobile, only to be told that because I hadn't stopped roaming within the time warned, my account had been blocked from roaming FOREVER. I had three separate calls where I explained in great detail every step I had taken, including switching my plan and removing my sim card well before the warning date, but no-one would help me! They said it was an irreversible system (AI) configuration and that the system had somehow picked up my phone was pinging cell towers (not possible!) and therefore registered that I had not stopped the roaming. In summary, a loyal and trusted customer of 20 years was treated like a criminal, all because of a mistake made by T-Mobile's faulty AI system. This company has completely lost track of who they started out as, a company who used to care for their customers and treat them as humans. No longer. So I left for Mint Mobile, a smaller, much more human, and cheaper option.

1 year ago

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Paul S. Durham, NC

We have been good loyal customers of T-Mobile for a long time. My son has an I-phone 11 pro max which seems to keep freezing. We have taken it to T-Mobile and the service tech told me that it is because Apple changed the software and it can not be uploaded into these old phones. I told my son to go into a local T-Mobile store and trade the I-phone 11 for the new I-phone 14 to solve the software problem, since he lives 2 hours (one way) away from my home. He took the phone into a T-Mobile store in Greenville, North Carolina who's employees are very badly trained both on the phones and customer service. The store actually called me to get authorization, but told me that I needed to add my son to the account before they can help him. Now you may trust your kids in a T-Mobile store, but not me. I said to them why don't you tell me how much it's going to cost me for the new phone, since his phone is on my account. They told me that since I'm not at the store, they can't give me any information about pricing. I said then why do we have pin numbers that verify who you are talking to. When I call customer service that's the first thing they ask for so they can authenticate the person. Obviously, I don't drive to Texas to show them my ID. The store said "we'll that's the way we do things around here". Well, let me tell you, if you don't want to lose old loyal good customers like me, then you need to figure out how to handle this problem. My money spends just as good at other cellular companies which I'm sure they would love our business. Remember T-Mobile your Free Tuesdays aren't that good to keep me, if I don't get the customers service I pay for. I think since the last CEO left, you guys have gotten worse and worse. I think it is time for customers to BOYCOTT your company and leave. Then we will see your customer service policy change.

1 year ago

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Michelle Kornegay Norcross, GA

This company is absolute garbage. I have "had" home wifi for about a month. They finally, after much back & forth, shipped me the modem which does not work at my house. I cannot log in to an account because my email is linked to an old account from 8 years ago that hasn't been in service since then. They cannot seem to fix that, I have no idea what an account number is or any way to find it. No one there can seem to help me at all. I call & am told to drop off the modem at my nearest store. I tried that & they will not accept it. They cannot send me a label & I REFUSE to pay these people any money but I'm sure it will end up on my credit that I will then have to fight.

1 year ago

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Kellie Davis Memphis, TN

T-Mobile complaints I decided to switch from AT&T to T-Mobile thinking I would get a lower bill and better service. Jokes on me. I purchased 2 phones from a local T-Mobile store with the magenta max plan also the WiFi service. I was given a handful of lies about the plan and sent out the door with 1 of the phones being the wrong phone I requested to purchase. I wanted 2 iPhone pros with 256GB and I only got 1, the other phone was 128GB. I’ve contacted customer service several times about this issue and have also confronted the store manager who in a nutshell called me a liar and said he couldn’t do anything about it. It also turns out I never signed a contract. The sales associate forged my signature on the documents. I filed a complaint with the fraud department and have yet to hear from them. At this point I just want to cancel the entire service and go back to AT&T. Customer service says they can cancel my service but I would be responsible for the full price of the phones. I told them they could have the phones back and they said I couldn’t return them because it’s past the 14 day return period. That’s not my fault I’ve been waiting days for the their fraud department to contact me with the forgery issue. I’ve been dealing with this for over a month and I’m done. I can’t talk to anyone past a customer service representative and I’m getting know where. I just wanted T-Mobile to do the right thing and exchange the phone to the correct one. I DO NOT recommend T-Mobile to anyone.

1 year ago

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Deb Hill American Fork, UT

I liked T-mobile while I had service with them. But when I decided to change to another company they tried their best to not let me go. They wanted me to wait till the end of month but I already had new phones so I finally said no please close down my phones. Then my last bill came and they owed me $42.84 . The bill stated -$42.84 so I thought they would send me a check or credit for that amount but never got a refund but continued monthly bills of -$42.84, then saying it will be credited to my next bill. What bill, I don't have them anymore. So, I finally called them and spoke to the customer service person and was on the phone for 2 and a half hours waiting while the rep was trying to get permission to give me a refund for my money. I just hung up. Really what does it take to give back money that belongs me. It is my refund. Give it to me!

1 year ago

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Lowell Gordon Canfield, OH

I have two stories regarding T Mobile. First DO NOT order a phone on line. Every representative that you talk to will give you a different story of what you will get and most do not tell you what you have to do to get there perks. Also each call is two hours. I will say all of the representatives are very courteous. Secondly, if you want a T mobile phone go to one of their stores. We did and the representative was very knowledgeable, helpful and properly set us up. I would give the store a 4+ star rating. Only negative was it just takes so long. BTW ...I would not say amazing.

1 year ago

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Gregory Lamke London, ENG

Phones work fine in America. Activated International plan but when we got to the UK, texting criminally slow, inconsistent, and incompetent, Wi-Fi became inept in most cases, and even my telephone itself had limited functionality in relation to networks. I have sent 10 days turning WiFi on and off. We get absolutely nothing when Wi-Fi is off, and latent, retarded incompetent messaging service. We were notified upon landing that we are also on International Roaming and our International Plan had not been activated as we were assured the evening before we left when we called to double check. As soon as we are home we are dropping T-Mobile like it has CoVID AND Monkeypox AND Ebola. Carrier pigeons are quicker and infinitely more reliable.

1 year ago

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Karenza R St Louis, MO

I have been with T-Mobile for quite some years now and I’m so glad they finally brought home internet. It is great just for me and my daughter but when I’m at her father’s house it doesn’t work as well.

1 year ago

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Arturo Arredondo Lima, LMA

Everything was fine with T-Mobile until came the time that I have to close my account because I was moving overseas. I called on August 19 2022 to close my account. On August 19 I payed my last bill of $101. After I called to close my account, they told me that the account was going to be close at the end of my billing cycle wich was on 30 August, ok by me. On September 19 I got a bill of $107. I called again to see what happened. They told me that It was a billing mistake and that I will recieve a refund for those $107 in four to five business day. The refund never came, and I have to called again just to find out that my refund was rejected, and that I was not elegible to get a refund until 30 days after my cancelation, so, until 30 September. Will see if that happens. Today is 28 September 2022. My question to T-Mobile is , why they told me first that my refund was going to take four to five business day the first time . And, why do I have to wait 30 days after my cancelation to became eligible for a refund of a billing mistake that T-Mobile made. I was with T-Mobile for over five years. So, I guess that, as long as that you are a paying coustomer, everything is fine, but when it comes to closing accounts and refunds you are an unwelcome person.

1 year ago

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twinblues Carroll, IA

First: T-Mobile bragged about their great coverage in our area. They have no coverage here for 50 miles in any direction. We switched online and it was miserable doing the conversion from Verizon to T-Mobile. We had no coverage at all. We then switched back to Verizon. (Verizon has great customer service). We had made a payment to T-Mobile for the switch. Now that we switched back, we have a credit. 2nd- T-Mobile deactivated our account so in order to get the refund we need the online pin number that no longer exists on their server. They cannot help us with this refund. Basically, we are screwed in getting the refund. Third: There customer service is horrible. They disconnected me after calling them and waiting 30 mins to talk to their customer service. Well at this point it looks like they can keep the $60 and keep sening me bills with a credit for the next 50 years. I would stay away from this company because if you have an issue, I hope you have 4 days to do nothing but hold to resolve it

1 year ago

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Suzanne Bautista Charlotte, NC

I switch from Verizon thinking that I would get a better deal and better customer service however I have had nothing problems with the customer service from the initial point until yesterday when I had called them about finding about my contract to find out if there is any way that I could switch it so that I could get a new phone the guy told me that basically there was nothing they could do for me unless I bought iPhone outright while he smacked his lips and acted like it was just rude then a supervisor called name isil who said that she was going to look up to something and call me in the morning and lo and behold she didn't call go figure should have stayed with Verizon this T-Mobile company is the worst ever out of all of them wish I had never switched

1 year ago

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John Vaught Denver, CO

This is the worst company that exists they i dislike this company because they lie alot and have horrible customer service look at all other of there reviews unless this web page is paid by them then that would be only way to not show my review and if its not shown i will have to put reviews up on Real Customer Review and show that not honest and only show positive reviews from companies they are affiliated with even pulled a video that my girlfriend took and posted on social media of the employee cursing and acting like a child on. Included they laziness and lies they spread they are not ranked high look at better business rating ad they accurately state ranks one of the worst cell phone carriers there is don't listen to more of the falsness

1 year ago Edited September 13, 2022

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Inspirations By Sharon Crump

Run fast from Tmobile! They have you spend hours troubleshooting with non-technical people before they send you to a technical person who still can not fix your problem. I can not access my voice mail since upgrading to the flip 4. Spent 1 hour on the phone with a customer service rep who tried to troubleshoot my problem. It was way over her head. I finally asked her to escalate the call. Then I spent another 1 1/2 hours with a tech support and they couldn't get it to work. They said my Sim card doesn't allow voicemail and they don't know how to fix it. I pay for voice mail but I have no access to it. I am not a happy customer now that they are T-mobile. I was with Sprint for over 10 years. I've always had a good experience with Sprint. Me and my 8 devices is going to a new carrier because I've had problems ever since they merged with Tmobile. Tmobile sucks.

1 year ago

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Shelton Germaine Rogers, AR

I have had their service for about 10 months now. I feel like I was scammed into thinking they had good customer service. They do not, I have contacted them over the past 10 months at least 30 times and I have yet to even get average service. I am counting down the days until I can kick this trash of a company to the curb. Based on the way I have been treated from their "Personal" customer care team, this company needs to close its doors and shut down. No service just about worth not having to deal with them.

1 year ago

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Reviews True Kirkland, WA

Overcharged and no refund!!! T-Mobile is a huge liar! So dishonest! I used T-Mobile service for 2 years and decided to close my account early 2022 as I was not satisfied with the customer service. When I closed the account, I paid the dues. Soon after that, I received a bill of $50, I called and paid. In a month, I received another bill of $20, I called and paid again. In another month, I received another bill of $5. I got upset, so I send a check of $5 and wrote a letter telling them that I would not keep paying them for the service that I cancelled a couple of months back. Finally, T-Mobile stopped sending me bills. Surprisingly, in another month, they sent me a mail saying that I have a balance of negative $75. So, I called and asked for the refund, I was told they didn’t find my account. I wrote a letter and told what happened. I got a reply from an offline service expert telling me that they sent me the refund in a citiBank prepaid card in March. As I never received it, so I replied. Then I received another letter from him repeating the same information. I replied again and said if they didn’t want to refund me, just let me know so I could stop expecting. Again, I received his reply, this time, asking me to call Northlane about the citiBank prepaid card. I called and talked to 2 different agents, they didn’t find my information in their system which means T-Mobile lied to me as they didn’t ask Northlane to send me the refund in a citiBank prepaid card. I called T-Mobile and asked them to send a request to Northlane, they didn’t find my account and they can’t send the request. T-Mobile lied all the time. T-Mobile closed my account and delete the key information to make the refund request. Then T-Mobile lied and told me that they sent me a citiBank prepaid card. Finally, T-Mobile asked to check with Northlane about the prepaid card but Northlane didn’t have any of my information. T-Mobile is such a liar. Why don’t be honest?? If you don’t want to refund me, just let me know and that’s it. It’s so simple. This issue harassed me for half a year as T-Mobile kept sending me bills and mails. If you have any doubts or questions, let me know.

1 year ago

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Irv Brown Warwick, NY

To whom it may concern, The Samsung/ T-Mobile watch really appealed to me. Last year I had serious open-heart surgery, and the result could easily have gone either way. When I was offered this watch, the salesperson explained to me that it could monitor my heartbeat, measure my blood pressure, and various other biometrics, including sleep. Most important, I would be able to dial ''911'' and the ''GPS'' would direct first responders to my location. After a life and death experience, a ''safety net'' is most appreciated... As a rehabilitation tool, the watch can monitor the total number of steps I perform daily to assist in my recovery. As sold to me, this watch was paramount to my well-being and future progression as a cardiac patient. After reading this, I am sure that every ''at risk'' person would rush to purchase one. This is where the nightmare starts... I bought the watch and was excited to begin my recovery. Initially, the watch would charge for a short time but would not retain the charge. The employee at the T-Mobile store told us I charged the watch for too long. ''The watch was not meant to be continuously on the charger.'' It turned out not to be the case. The watch was defective. Although only a month old, T-Mobile charged me $20 to replace it! The second watch was no better. For some mysterious reason, the watch cannot monitor my steps. The most infuriating aspect of this is the watch would measure my steps on a ''hit or miss'' basis. Mostly miss and only for brief periods of time. Hours were spent talking to customer service to no avail. Reboot. Reboot. Reboot. This was the response. The watch would only work sporadically.  Finally, I sent the watch to the Samsung repair center to be evaluated. Dealing with the repair center was a debacle in itself. The center e-mailed us the incorrect barcode for the return so we traveled 25 miles only to discover the incorrect code. At $5.50 a gallon for gas, we probably purchased the watch a second time! The repair center contacted us and informed us that the watch is now fine. I am excited to regain my ''safety net''. Lo and behold, the watch works worse than ever! That means never ... One more try with customer service and the familiar Reboot. Reboot. Reboot. As a former customer service executive for a Fortune 500 Company, I am appalled at the customer service by both Samsung and T-Mobile. This watch was presented as a lifeline for my peace of mind and healthy recovery from a major surgery. I look at my watch that cost me hours of my time wasted with customer service, untold miles of driving to the nearest T-Mobile, and the $10 per month I am still being charged for service that was never delivered. As a loyal customer of Samsung for many years, I am disgusted and ashamed how such an established brand can so thoroughly tarnish their image.  To facilitate the generation of seamless customer service and a product that lives up to the brand Samsung. Sincerely, Irv

1 year ago

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V M Lombard, IL

When my relative warned me about T-Mobile as it took him forever to receive their promised credit until he finally gave up and canceled his plan with them, I thought it's just a single case (which may happen with any company). As I was tempted by their promo "Buy One Get One Free" so I decided to have my phone plan with them. Who would not want to have a free line and a free phone, right? Wrong! Not with T-Mobile! After opening the phone line and being charged for both lines (in spite of what I was promised) I contacted back T-Mobile at Yorktown Center. I was told that my plan is not qualified for the promo - Obviously the representative have not read their own "small print". He apologized and informed me that the only way I won't be charged is to cancel the line and return the free phone. It's what I did. He promised to credit back all charges (the free phone was not really free as the taxes and fees had to be paid). When I have not received the credit after a few weeks I talked to their manager and was promised that my money would be return after the credit will be "processed". By now it has been MONTHS for me to follow up on returning my money back and I still have not received it. I have spent HOURS explaining the same thing to different "managers" but still have not received back all what I was charged. When I asked (a number of times) the representative and store managers for the contact information of the regional manger I was never given it - Obviously they are not required by the company policy to provide their managers info (vs. most other legitimate companies that care and want to know about their customer's experiences). It means this is not a single case as I thought originally. And I am not even talking here that their client data base leaks (unless they sell the customer's info) as I started receive junk mail from marketers that I know due to giving my info to T-Mobile. CONCLUSION: If you don't want to deal with incompetent people and listen to never fulfilled promises, stay away from T-Mobile!

1 year ago Edited August 22, 2022

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Barre PEAK, INC Brooklyn, NY

The sales agent offered confident reassurance that the new T mobile 5G Hotspot would receive “great” TMobil cell coverage and specifically in my area. Turns out that’s not AT ALL the case. Without a cell signal this “great deal” and the hotspot is worthless. I was all set to leave my AT&T account but the AT&T signal is strong here, so I will stay with them. Meanwhile I hope a refund will come though from T-Mobile …. And reaching customer service to arrange a return required hours of waiting…..what a waste of time !

1 year ago

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jamee emens Scottsdale, AZ

T-Mobile in Arizona is terrible. I drop calls multiple times a day. When I first started with T-mobile, I had to get the booster for our house. That did next to nothing. I have to stick with T-mobile because my company that is based in CA uses them. I gave them two stars instead of one because the customer service people are so nice and try to troubleshoot for me. However, the problem of lack of coverage in Arizona is out of their control.

1 year ago

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Vivian Wright Mammoth Lakes, CA

Unbelievable bad customer service!!! It is a bad decision to switch from ATT to T-Mobile. I spend 6 hours with reps from Philippines on the phone for my legitimate claim of rebate which they promised if you switch to them they will pay your iPhone 13 pro installment bill for up to $800. They keep asking for proves and proves more and more. You felt like you have to defend yourself in criminal court. Seems like someone got hold of this approval power and enjoy making you jumping through the hoop. A mentality only exist when you switch your customer service division out of United States. Please bring some real customer service back to the level which will win your customer’s heart! Business 101. I am switching back to AT&T!

2 years ago

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Tri Fectagal Atlanta, GA

For years, with Verizon. Grandfathered in with unlimited data on phone and iPad. Customer service at store in ft oglethorpe GA bites. Decided to change provider. T-Mobile over 50 yrs old, $50. Transferred. Within 1 week, iPad 2G used, cut off. Only used iPad for googling and candy crush. Went to store. Package changed. Had issues with having to manually reset phone and iPad settings on daily basis for internet connection. Back to store. Was offered home wi fi, 2 wk free trial. Still having internet connection issue. Called, package changed again, increasing price. Bill coming due. Was charged $50 wi fi, only one week into 2 week trial. Called again. Plan changed again. Wow, my text wouldn't send to my mom, but I could call. Back to store. 25 minutes later, i can text my mom. Now I see on bill being charged for FREE phone. Since I've left Verizon due to bad attitude customer service, going back, but I'm sure I'll not get my same package, no longer available. Tip for consumers: T-Mobiles set up requires gmail. Most difficult changing to yahoo email after being made to have gmail account. Products used: Moto stylus & ipad

2 years ago

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Summer Phoenix, AZ

My family is extremely frustrated and have been in the store and on the phone with representatives for hours being transferred and hung up on over and over. We canceled the account in August 2021, and are still being charged $150 every month by auto pay to this day, thats 10 months of charges. Because our account is closed, customer service cannot access our account with our phone numbers, address, and pin. We have been charged $1400 for having no phone lines with them and they won't stop the charges because they can't access our closed account. This is outrageous. There are many other customers who have written reviews about this exact problem happening to them also. We are beyond frustrated with this and can't speak with anyone who has the authority to resolve this.

2 years ago

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Bridget Walker Bay Saint Louis, MS

I have been with T Mobile for 2 years now and I love their service because they have the fastest 5G towers anywhere in the world. I do not have dropped calls or lost service.

2 years ago

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SA Stoneham, MA

I was forced by T-mobile/Sprint to give up the phone I had because of the new 5g service. -Even though my phone was 4g not a 3g. They sent letters, texts and emails saying that the new phone would be free and that my plan was going from Sprint to T-mobile. Now they insist that I am still under Sprint. I had no problem getting the new phone they offer, (most of the phones they offer for the free replacement are crappy ones that get bad reviews) however, I feel the phone is defective because the battery keeps going down too fast even when I'm not using the phone. I tried to get a replacement because the phone was only used for 4 days when I tried to bring it back in at two different stores. They refused to give me a new one and said I have to file a claim(lied and said they didn't have ANY of the phones on the free replacement list). I called customer service and now they said I have to pay a deductible even though it should be free under warranty replacement and they want to do it under my insurance plan. When I got the insurance I asked how much total it would cost and the sales person said it was only $16.00 a month. He Never told me there were deductible charges as well. I have argued with about 6+ reps on the phone(I lost count). spent an hour with first rep who finally told me they would send a new phone for free then he put me on hold to enter the info at which time he hung up on me before confirming everything was settled-never called me back like they're supposed to. After being on the phone for another almost two hours trying to get to and talking with another rep, they now refused to replace the phone for the same one for free, under warranty without a deductible. Then they had the nerve to call me back insisting they wanted to do everything they could to help me out because I said I was going to another carrier and again said they would replace only if I paid the deductible. They are also charging me for insurance for the entire month of cost (after 4 day days) even though I told them to cancel the plan under false pretenses. I was perfectly happy with my old 4g phone and would not have replaced it but now because they won't replace the new defective phone for free like they initially said; I am stuck with a phone I can barely use, that keeps running down the battery by the end of the day, 43%+ in less than 8 hours (even when I made no calls, no text, not using video and was only on web for about 7 minutes) which means I can't use it as a normal person would. AND They shut off calling service to my old phone before I even got a replacement so I never had a choice in anything. if you're going to pay for a new phone, go with someone else because these goes won't replace your phone if it's defective within a warranty period from date of purchase/replacement, you lose it or crack it without making you pay for the $16/month insurance, plus deductible and a week or two for a new one. 7 years with these jerks and this is how they treat you all because they want to use a phony 5g service and give out crap phones to make up for the inconvenience. So all I can do is report them to the FCC, file complaints with local news stations, let family and friends know and put out as many reviews warning folks when I can.

2 years ago

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Lorraine Williams Walnut Creek, CA

I ordered service from T-Mobile on May 11, 2022. I spoke with a representative who said I had to pay the activation fee and set up auto pay up front, so I gave her my credit card number. On May 13, 2022, I got the SIM card, but could never get my service to work. After putting my old carrier’s card back in my phone, I finally got through to a rep at T-Mobile who said they could not port my number in and that is why I could not connect to their network and use their service. Only a few hours after my first call to T-Mobile, I called T-Mobile back and told them to cancel the service. I spoke with several different representatives until I was finally transferred to the cancellation department. The rep said I had a zero balance and told me that I do not and would never owe T-Mobile anything and that the service had was cancelled. On June 4, 2022, I found an “automatic payment” charge on my credit card from T-Mobile. I called and the representative I spoke with could not find any account for me and said I do not owe them anything. I again told her that I had an incorrect charge on my card and this time she put me on a very long hold. When she finally came back on the line, she said the charge is legitimate, but she did not know why and said I must speak to a different department to get it reversed. I was put back in the hold queue and had to start over with a different representative. That person had an extremely thick accent and kept asking me the same questions over and over. They too put me on a long hold only to come back on the line claiming that I do owe this bill. Instead of working in good faith with me to resolve it, the representative threatened me with collections and hung up on me. I never received any bill or any communication from T-Mobile after May 13th. The emails of May 13 say nothing about any charges owed or any cancellation fees. They do contain a lot of bad links that take you to 404 pages. And since I was never able to set up an account, I have no way to find out what I am being charged for. I now have to dispute this through my bank since T-Mobile refuses to work with me.

2 years ago

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Ambisyosa Don Winter Garden, FL

Store Kissimmee, FL. I asked for help, Immediately the employee cut me off and did not even listen to what I have to say. He told me to go to the Apple Store, they are not technician! THEY DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT PHONE! THEY CANNOT HELP ME! BUT, IF I BOUGHT THE PHONE FROM THEIR STORE or FROM THEM, THEY WOULD HELP ME! IS THAT SCAM?! You DID NOT GET THE PHONE FROM US, WE CANNOT HELP YOU! IS THAT SCAM?! THEY ARE FRANCHISE! and THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH T-Mobile! The employee told me to get out of my store, he owns the store?! He was loud, almost yelling across the store, he was walking and circling around. I told him why are you yelling and too far, I'm right here standing right by the table near the door. They didn't even have customer and not busy at all. Christian came to me told me the same thing! The other guy was laughing, I told Christian, you see that employee is making fun of me and he is condescending. Christian kept cutting me off and gave me nasty attitude, he is even worse! A Manipulator! I was calling the T-Mobile #611, to get help while I'm inside the store. Hoping that we can resolve my phone issue, but, both employee told me to get out of their store! Technically, they harassed me, I was by myself and there's 2 of them and they both man. I told them there's a camera here, They can see how you mistreated me! I called the T-Mobile from my car. I told the Reps what happened in that store, I asked for Manager, she put me on hold took the info. I asked her I need to speak to manager, she can't get a manager? I will never ever go to this place again, I am cancelling my T-Moblie carrier and I will tell my friends and family to cancel theirs. I will tell everyone never to sign up with T-Mobile. HORRIBLE EMPLOYEE! HORRIBLE EXPERIENCE! HORRIBLE PEOPLE! THEY ARE VERY IMPATIENT! THEY HAVE NO COMPASSION! THEY ARE VERY DISRESPECTFUL! NO CUSTOMER SERVICE! VERY RUDE!

2 years ago

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Just gave Tmobile one star and now Assurant one star (neither are worthy of the 1 star). I have been with Tmobile for 11 years and never had the worst experience between both of them. Never thought I would be writing a review of this nature. I've been getting great reviews and feedback on both of them but this time I've lost my confidence with both organizations. I file a claim in January for a broken phone. I sent Assurant the replacement device back and Tmobile the broken device. A simple mistake turn into a complete nightmare from that point. OMG why did I do that..my blood pressure has been elevated dealing with both of them back and forth. My family member seen the stress from this situation first hand. I pay all this money for phone insurance just to receive the worst customer service. I've been going back and forth with both of up to this very date 5/24/22 trying to get the correct credits applied to my account. I had to get corporate involved, which I received great customer service from Ms. Nancy. I thought that would be favorable but still had to call Assurant and Tmobile once again concerning my bill and credit. I'm so sick and disgusted at this point. What is the point of paying for insurance and it doesn't benefit me when I need it the most. This is insane to be put through this process every week or every other week. I have lost my trust in Tmobile and Assurant. I WOULD NOT (hear me clearly) recommend either company to anyone. There's no integrity, unproductiveness, dysfunctional, and terrible customer service between Tmobile and Assurant. This matter has left a best taste in my mouth!

2 years ago

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Tula Varela Miami, FL

I’ve been a tmobile costumer for 16 yrs. Their costumer service has been so bad since they switched overseas. I ordered 3 phones on May 2nd one was received 2 were not . After waiting and calling for 10’days letting them know that the phones were lost. Nothing has been resolved. Costumer representatives had the same speech for you this call is different and I can assure you that I will take care of it. The last representative just hang up my call and told me that was not manager available when I asked for one. The people at the stores are amazing but costumer service overseas on the phone it is extremely unprofessional

2 years ago

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Olivia Lee Pittsburgh, PA

I wiish that I could give 0 stars. There is no good about this company... First off they forced us to switch to T mobile and threatened to shut down our phones (we had Sprint at the time), Second, when we did get T Mobile there was no service to be had anywhere even in the city. Third, when we eventually switched to Verizon they didn't unlock the phones and now even though we have the Verizon Sim card in our phones when we restart them it shows up with T MOBILE we have even changed the SIM cards multiple times!! This is outrageous. Not to mention Customer Support is nasty and the guy we got on the phone didn't even speak English and was rude. Do NOT use T Mobile... Please

2 years ago

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Joanne M. Thomas Framingham, MA

I recently applied to t-mobile's "Thank nurses and teachers" promotion. I think that this was a great idea that t-mobile had come up with, but I also believe that it (making current inactive nurses and teachers feel left out) discriminates! I had submitted my current nursing certificate as proof of documentation at t-mobile's request, and I received the response back that I needed to supply more information, specifically, the organization with which I am affiliated. I am currently in between nursing jobs, and, at the present time, I do not have an organization with which I am affiliated, and because of this reason I was not eligible to participate in the advertised promotion. Does it not count that I too can get "thanked" for being a working nurse on the frontline during the worst of this pandemic?

2 years ago

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Van Do Las Vegas, NV

We love T-mobile while we were still using there service. We made and error or T-mobile made and error on cancelling some of line and the bills remain high. AT&T offer better price and trade in for new phone so we switch. After we switched to AT&T, we realize multiple line was still active after my wife supposedly cancel them when she visited local T-mobile store. That is why our bill is stubbornly high and we thought AT&T is cheaper if we switch. But that wasn't why I spend the time to write a bad review of T-mobile. After we found out multiple line was still active, I called T-mobile to cancel the rest of the line. This is when the nightmare started. First time, we got disconnected and before we got disconnected, their customer rep said their system is freezing up but they got the information they need to cancel our service. Looking back now we are not sure but we felt like T-mobile did this on purpose. Why? Because next month we got billed again, we called again to cancel service and the next customer rep said they didn't have a record of us calling in to cancel service, we told them fine, cancel the service. To our surprise, we got billed the next month again. I called them again and by now I am pissed off, I asked to talk to a manager, explain to them we cancelled the service more than two months ago and twice but we kept getting billed. After 5 or 6 time we did this, T-mobile cancel our service and we made sure they know that we cancel service much earlier and shouldn't have to pay for all those months. We were assured by their customer rep that everything has been cancelled and they will credit the last few months so we don't have to pay it. Despite already taking money out of our bank account for at least 1 or 2 months after we cancelled the service and told us that the remainder of the bills is taking care of, it still ended up in collection. We knew that some company make it harder for customer to leave but this is ridiculous! What they are doing is illegal rip off or their customer rep is such incompetents that is beyond words.

2 years ago

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I renegotiate my bill every 6 months. I tell them exactly what I am willing a month to pay or I will start looking at their competitors. I gave them my limit number, and they had it under that and I was happy until the truth of where they were trying to cover up their part being caught and while one of the many agents who have been entranced in fixing this entire aftermath, typing into notes that they're not to take the money out on bill because we've escalated this for the 4th time but they didn't stop their system from still taking the money that was double the amount and while I spent 3 hours trying to get their wrongs right in actual monthly bill, 12 hours later I get a text stating they never recieved my turn in phone and my bill was raised! This meant I was up, calling them before I even had ☕️ and the breakdown of repeating the story to hear a total different number for my monthly bill and even with their attempts to make me feel confident, I don't,.... they've lost my ability after 6 months of running in circles to think this company is nothing more then a bait n switch scammer who got caught and tried desperately to hide information! I warned them I would start writing everywhere and to everybody from state, federal to all people in job positions who take and file complaints as well as send every letter, a copy to T Mobile as well! In December 2021, they said they would have to order a phone. 2 months go by, I call back enquiring where my order is,.... they are confused at why I'm calling because the order was canceled.... oh,..... snap, I didn't get that invisible memo all the while waiting 2 months.... I then renegotiate the contract again,.... only to be told more lies and the many agents and supervisors who supposedly escalated issues only to have them not once but twice take money from my account that was set up both computer and manually by an agent to not. I have spent hours...... on the phone from December 2021, to May 2022 so far still attempting to figure out where their system is in itself only to not believe anything anyone attempts to commit as truth in this debacle T Mobile has caused! I am exhausted and now ready to enquire competitors becuz of how long TMobile has tried to evade me from seeing how and where they mislead and deceived me and now the sharing of events for consideration of if this scenario is worth trusting them to provide what they're selling is what it is!!!! Shame on T Mobile!!!!! The amount of hours I have micromanaged since pandoras box flew open and the unprofessional handling and taking of money that I as well as agents wrote in notes not to remove while trying to unravel the many lies that were being caught up in!!! I cannot trust this company. I have been trying since December 2021 to get me bill right! I've been through 7 agents, 4 supervisors who all did the bait and shuffle with the bill by trying hard to hide where they lied and tried covering up..... In December 2021, I enquired about an upgrade and the descent to hell began! I have been on the phone an entire month of April 2022 when PANDORAS box opened and the race to hide the lies and serve me up different numbers was on! Then in April 2022, I got an extension of the bill only for the system to not honor and over ride by taking the withdrawal anyway....I went 2 weeks with no grocery money, which meant no food..... I then, in the midst of all trying to get my bill to what it was intended they to out another voided/rejected payment that was double the amount agreed upon contractually what the dollar figure monthly was to be! And now, they've shuffled numbers again, and told me what they were removing to reduce bill to the intended and agreed upon amount,.... only to get a message that they've not received the phone I turned in, only on phone to tell me they have received it and rambling that I have nothing to worry about lol, and yet I have this saved text telling me how much more my bill will be adding this new figure,but don't worry lol!

2 years ago

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Tia Medlin Boston, MA

The service it’s self is pretty good. I do have issues randomly from time to time or in specific areas of town. But nothing to bad. It’s the amount they charge I have 2 lines and the service alone is 150 each which is totally bs. That’s not counting insurance, the payment on the phones them selves, etc. I got sick back in November and and started falling behind every time I mom late that’s 60 in fees (2 lines and home internet). Then if they cut service that’s another 60 in fees and then 60 more in fees to turn them back on. I’ve been DROWNING in mostly fees for months. I counted up how much fees alone is attached to my account and I gave up and stopped at 600 THATS NOT COUNTING THE MONTHLY BILL ITS SELF. I know someone with Verizon having 5 lines all devices being payed off and they don’t pay half as much a month. Save urself the financial struggles. It’s killing me. And if my phones were not owed on or if I could afford new ones flat out I’d switch in a heart beat.

2 years ago

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Renee Truly Chicago, IL

T -Mobile is the worst regarding their customers. I had their service for 5 years when I finally decided to switch. 4 months later I was placed in collections for over 500.00 dollars. Payment was directly taken from my account monthly and I never purchased any phone equipment. The collection agency said this bill was from 2016 and my service didn't end until late 2021. After calling T-Mobile customer service and corporate several times, they all stated its done through a system so its nothing they are willing to do to rectify this problem even though when I went to a T-Mobile location they pulled up the account and verified that there is no balance. The corporate office is over seas so good luck finding someone to speak with that will understand your situation.

2 years ago

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Ronda Johnson Billerica, MA

T-Mobile charged my debit card $53.13, 2 times, 2 days apart. I have never had T-Mobil , I do not have T-Mobil and I know no one with T-Mobil! When I call led the number listed on my statement with the fraudulent charge, Amon asked for a transaction number When I explained that since I did not make a purchase, I do not have a transaction number. He asked what was listed I told him and he asked what phone number! Um, the number I reached you at. They were not interested in searching their data bank for any transaction on that date using my card number or even use my name and info to see if If i made any purchases. He told me his supervisor said to get refunded by my bank! They are not interested in helping to figure out who is fraudulently making transactions with their company or in my opinion preventing it. if i could give 0 stars I would happily!

2 years ago

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Queen H3r Sacramento, CA

I’m a customer and have been for over Ten Years and I’ve never been more disappointed in T-mobile until now. I got a SyncUP Drive 4/13/22 and a week later 4/20/22 I’m still having issues, haven’t been able to use the device because they can’t resolve whatever issues on their side so the device operates properly. I’ve been told I would get a call back three time and only received one call back with no resolution to the problem because it’s been confirmed that the device is compatible with my vehicle. For days they’ve had me out driving around wasting my time and money due to the cost of gas and me using my gas to try to get this device synced. 4/19/22 I was told I would receive a call back from one of the tech rep’s on 4/20/22 i still have yet to get that call back and the tech rep also informed me that he would be crediting my account for the remaining amount on my bill for the month of May due to everything I’ve had to go through in which HE DID NOT CREDIT MY ACCOUNT.

2 years ago

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Aaron Beavers Cincinnati, OH

Ever since TMobile took over Sprint's accounts, I have had nothing but issue, from lackluster coverage, to being throttled despite being on an unlimited plan, to being told that my contract was 'grandfathered in' and was unavailable for the cheaper options. Over the past week, though, have been the worst. I finally decided to switch providers, and began the process of closing out and buying my phone. Finally, it came time to unlock the phone for the new provider. A week now I have been told 'the device is unlocked' which it not being unlocked, being straight hung up on by two different 'service specialists' after spending almost an hour on the line and being told by a third that there was nothing she could further do before she hung up as well.

2 years ago

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Charlie Chu Ithaca, NY

The world worst carrier for 3 reasons: 1). extremely poor cell signal even though its cell tower is only one mile away. 2). T-Mobile ILLEGALLY LOCKed my unlocked OnePlus 8T new phone purchased from OnePlus directly as soon as I put T-Mobile SIM card. This illegal lock of my unlocked phone is done without notification and permission from me in advance. There is no legal support for T-Mobile to lock a customer's unlocked phone. 3). We have tried to get T-Mobile to unlock its illegal locking for more than 24 hrs, and we have been getting run around by several T-Mobile representatives. These T-Mobile representatives inform us that we have to wait for 24-72 hrs to unlock its illegal locked my originally unlocked phone. We were not allowed to talk to T-Mobile supervisor about our serious complaint. Please DON'T suck into T-Mobile, really the worst carrier in this world.

2 years ago

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!!! BUYER BEWARE !!! I purchased a REVVL V from a T-MOBILE store that was plagued with manufacturing DEFECTS. After months of attempts to reassign blame, TMOBILE finally admitted their product was the root cause of my poot device and agreed to REPLACE their defective product. When I took time off work to exchange the DEFECTIVE product that I purchased outright, the exchange was DENIED. T-MOBILE said that I had a hairline fracture that is 1.5 centimeters long, they WOULD NOT WARRANTY their DEFECTIVE product. An analogy would be if you purchased a new car that the manufacturer conceded that was critically defective, unreliable, and possibly unsafe...refused to replace the DEFECTIVE vehicle because of a crack in the windshield. BUYER BEWARE OF T-MOBILE and consider spending your money with a company focused on honest customer service.

2 years ago

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Daniel Pak Castro Valley, CA

TMOBILE - ARGGGGGG I am so frustrated with TMOBILE. I have been a satisfied Verizon customer for over a decade but ended up needing to switch to another carrier when we moved because at our new home for some odd reason Verizon did not work. Based on a referral from the previous homeowner we switch to Tmobile. Here is a synopsis of the challenges I have had thus far. 1. I order the phones and tell the agent I am going to trade in my two iPhone X 256gb models for my two Verizon lines. They say that I will get $800 trade in per phone. 2. I drop my phone a couple days later cracking my screen prior to activating or even opening or receiving the phone I order. I call Tmobile and say I want to cancel one of the iPhone 13’s and just use an older phone that I have because my trade in is no longer valid as I broke it. 3. The Tmobile rep says don’t worry - You can trade the one remaining non broken iPhone 10 and get the $800 credit AND get do a buy one get one promotional trade in credit. I ask repeatedly if they are sure I can do that and they reassure me that I can. I ask for them to put it in writing because that doesn’t sound correct. They reassure me that they put it on my account notes. 4. I get the phones and take them into the Tmobile store to activate them. The in store Tmobile rep says that I can not use both promotions but can see that they agent noted that on my account and if I call customer service they can get it applied. We agree to do the data transfer and swap my phones from Verizon to Tmobile. 5. Over the next week I spend over 12 hours trying to get my bill sorted out. I speak to a supervisor who promises me that she will call me back on Monday after the holiday weekend and she can see the notes on my account. She never calls me back. I wait an extra week and call back in and leave a message for her. I call in and speak to another agent. I lose connection and try to call back. The new agent will not speak to me as I don’t have pin. She tells me the only way she can help is if I go to a brick and mortar store to get a pin. I drive to the brick and mortar store and they will not help me there. They say I have to call customer service. I tell them customer service told me to go to the store. I call back into Tmobile. The next agent was able to verify me easily. The next agent who now says that she may not be able to apply the promotion to my phone and now neither promotion will go in because it has been too long. After a long conversation she is able to apply the one BOGO deal to my account. DEAR LORD PLEASE GRANT ME PATIENCE!!! At this point, I realize that I am not going to get anywhere and the frustration and time spent is not worth it. So now, I am living with a bill that is $32/month higher then originally promised. Every time I get this bill it will remind me of my frustrations and I will share my story with others to hopefully help them avoid this same problem. AND, the cell phone service with Tmobile is not really better. Yes, I have coverage at the new house BUT the connection speed is not better, the cell phone coverage off the beaten path is certainly way worse and if I could go back to a different carrier I would. I am disappointed that for a brand that claims to have the best customer service that what I experienced has been far from good. Update: I had customer care call - a “Senior rep” who promised to follow up with me in 4 days to see if my GPS is working. 2 weeks later - still no call. I feel like Tmobile is full of empty promises. If you are considering swapping over to Tmobile I would highly recommend trying them out as our experience has been so bad thus far. I miss Verizon so much - I just wish that they had service at our new home. Update 2/18/22. I call in to see how much it is to cancel my account. They offer me a mobile booster where I can strengthen my call signal. This means I will have to carry two products. I live in the middle of a large metropolitan area. I should not have poor connection driving down the street or at my house. They also offered a $30 rebate. 1hr 17 min later still not sure if anything is going to change. The tech is telling me that I need to use LTE instead of 5g so I don’t have so many dropped calls. Nothing changed. Update - I have been very busy the last month so I have not made the time to figure out how to cancel my service - however I have had THREE promises to have a mobile booster sent out and have been promised to have call backs NONE of which happened. So, in conclusion - I would HIGHLY advice against coming to TMOBILE. I came from Verizon which was wonderful with the exception of not having service where we have moved to.

2 years ago

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T-Mobile 4615 Grape Rd, Mishawaka, IN Edit your review 4.0 283 reviews People often mention All sprint 38 money 8 questions 6 waste 6 +6 Sort by Most relevant Newest Highest Lowest LIZ VAN CAMP Local Guide·81 reviews 20 hours ago NEW-Edit 2 hour wait April 2nd at Grape, Mishawaka. Was 3rd in line. Very rude young girl. Snappy. Cocky. Brown long hair. Eyeliner. Avoid her at all costs. Zero customer service skills. They are sinking fast. Hung up on people. 2 only working. 25 clients waiting. Was 3rd. But these 2 workers skipped me 6x. I dialed 611 while waiting. Got on phone with Sprint. Customer service on 611 took care of the problem. Went straight to ATT across the street.at Day and Grape. Signed up and they were fast. T-mobile sent out a pink sim card to go in all phones and tablets. They don't work. All kinds of lost calls. Voicemail. Very soft voice. And call is dropped. My advice is switch to ATT.

2 years ago

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Amy McKertich Exeter, NH

So I was looking into switching to TMOBILE. They had a great deal going on. I am a current Verizon customer and wanted a more reasonable price. When I talked to a representative I made sure to ask her if I would be paying 2 phone bills. She said tmobile will not charge you until you activate the SIM cards. I got the cards in the mail and didnt activate anything. I changed my mind and returned everything. 2 weeks later I got a bill for 300$ . I used NOTHING and got charged 300$. I have been disputing the bill for 3 months. No one will call me back or give me a reason why Im being charged. It is now in collections. Do not go with TMobile. Not easy to deal with customer service. They dont know what they are doing.

2 years ago

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Juli K Redding, CA

I upgraded my contract for the duration of 1 month from 15$ to 55$. One week after that my service is suspended and my phone is not working any more. I have to call customer service. First they refuse to add it its their fault. If I paid for an entire month I should be able to receive their service for an entire month, right? Then she "offers" me to make my phone work again, if I pay another month for 55$. I tell her, that's a bad deal! Why should I loose so much money? Then she changes her mind and tells me to pay 15$ for 1 more month for the service that would cost the 55$. Well okay, so I only lost 10 $, the time for the phone call and the drama. So that's the way they create "happy constomers"? It's not working! Too much chaos and phone calls to customer service again and again!

2 years ago

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Very Blessed

Worst costumer service ever, I did the mistake to go personally to the store 4167 located in 5561 Broadway Bronx , NY 10463 and spoke with the “Manager” Victor A to try to resolve an issue in my account but he didn’t shows any interest in helping me and told me to call the company, I explained him that I already called the company about 7 times and they just kept transferring me to another department but no one fixed the problem and that’s why I decided to go personally to an store and told him that he wasn’t showing interest in helping me neither then he replied “so simple get out of my store “ I felt insulted, humiliated and disrespected, I don’t wish nobody else pass through this experience.

2 years ago

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Nancy Brace West Des Moines, IA

Horrible. I thought it would be a great experience. I called ahead of time to find out the cost to transfer my lines from another carrier. I then decided to go to a store to do it. There internet did not work.I had to drive back 3 times, then they only did 1 phone, and told us to go home and call in to have the other lines transferred becuase it was taking too long. My time wasn't important his was. Now I'm being charged double for 3 months... since they haven't added my promotion correctly. Paying an extra $150 each month and being told they will have it fixed in 1-2 months is not ok... it has been 3 months and now they have no answers! This is ridiculous.

2 years ago

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kevin benjamin New Orleans, LA

Honestly, this story is just sad. My girlfriend and I booked a hotel through t mobile on t mobile Tuesday. We received a confirmation email 2 days before we arrived to the hotel. Then, upon arrival, the hotel told us they had been booked for months and someone should have called us to let us know what hotel they were relocating us to. Nobody did. After calling t mobile, they said they had no idea what I was talking about. Then I called Priceline (they are partnered for travel) and they told me they had no idea what I was talking about. Then I called this little company at the bottom of the confirmation email, rocket travel. Rocket travel finally had our reservation details, and made us wait 2 hours to hear back from them about relocation. During this time, I called several hotels in the same area and finally found one with two rooms available for only a $50 difference. I quickly called them and asked to be put in that hotel and said I would just pay the difference. When they finally called back, they tried to put us in a cheaper hotel over 3 miles away....in New Orleans....on st Patrick’s day. Have you ever been to bourbon street on st Patrick’s day? It’s insane. Since the whole point of the TWO hotels we chose was to be within walking distance, I declined and told them we needed to be closer. I then waited on hold for OVER AN HOUR before the guy came back and told me that the company they subcontract through, Agoda, REFUSED TO PROVIDE ANOTHER OPTION. They told me they did everything they could to address my concerns, even though I found them a hotel to switch us to and basically did their job for them. Their proposed solution? Give me a refund and call it even. So, I had driven 7 hours, paid roughly $600 for a hotel I couldn’t stay at, spent several hours on the phone talking to various companies trying to get help, and the ultimate solution was to give me my money back and leave me in New Orleans with nowhere to stay. To say I’m upset is an understatement. This was supposed to be a special trip for my girlfriend and I (I had planned a proposal) and the entire trip was ruined. We ended up paying another $600 for a different hotel that price gouged us due to the late notice and we were given a disgusting, dirty, 10 by 10 jail cell to stay in. Also, by the time we got a room we were so hungry so we stopped at a place right outside the hotel to eat....my girlfriend ended up getting food poisoning and throwing up/violently having bowel movements for the next 12 hours. Thank you t mobile, Priceline, rocket travel, and Agoda for the trip of a lifetime and one I will surely never forget. I am going to post this review on every website and social media platform I can find until one of you address this situation. We have also started pricing out other phone carriers because your companies are pathetic. You can fix it, or lose a loyal customer of over 10 years. Up to you.

2 years ago

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MIKE WUSS Barnegat, NJ

They were good but lately their customer service is bad. 80% is overseas support but they advertise us baed in Maine. Just trying to port a number over to their network which is a very basic process has been a nightmare over 7 days not done each time I get a text saying they need my assistance to call, each time they have no idea why ilm calling and I have to explain to the support person again and each time they assured me it's taken care of and should be ported over in 24hrs only to get a text the next day to call them and the same process starts all over again. I posting this review while on hold with them 7 times ilm doubtful

2 years ago

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Frank Beyer Sebastopol, CA

WORST RECEPTION EVER.. BAD FOR BUSINESS CUSTOMERS! We had for 8 years a business account with Sprint with 4 phones and were very happy with it without any problems. Now its T-Mobile and we had to switch out the sim cards. What a difference. At all the important places we are constantly going, even in our home we have very poor or NO reception. If we try the mobile hotspot we have NO internet. What the heck. Not that we would be in the middle of nowhere. It is right in cities and populated areas. This is a totally useless service for us. They will probably charge us an arm and a leg if we want to get out of that contact.

2 years ago Edited March 15, 2022

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Terri Nagel Boise, ID

Customer service in general is pretty good with T-Mobile. They are a bait and switch company,they offer a free phone if you switch and then end up charging you if you decide you don’t want their service,and you go in and you tell them that you just wanna get connected but you don’t want to be on a contract and suddenly you end up on a contract for 24 months with your free phone and you ask them what the contract says they forget to tell you that it’s a contract for 24 months and that if you switch companies you’ll end up paying for their free phones. The reason I asked them to tell me what was in the contract as I had forgot my glasses but they omitted the parts that I needed to know. I regret switching to T-Mobile as soon as my contract is up I will be done with T-Mobile I would not recommend this company to anyone. They are very dishonest company

2 years ago

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Donald Hornback Milford, MI

This has to be the worst company to deal with out there next to comcast. The customer service is the worst I have ever dealt with. If your lucky enough to even get someone you can understand you will be even more lucky if they are able to actually fix your problem. The illegaly locked out a phone that was already fully paid for and getting it resolved I just keep getting hung up on. I couldn't be happier with the fact that I switched from this company and the lack of care they have for customers is insane. I'll give them 5 stars when they go out of business that's the best thing that could happen for them

2 years ago