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Sunrun Reviews

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Marie-France Sam Torrance, CA

ABSOLUTELY WORSE COMPANY EVER. They are either incompetent or crooks, but I suspect they are both. Shame on Costco for choosing to partner with Sunrun (I will also notify Costco of my negative experience). After meeting with a Sunrun sales person who we discovered later is a rookie and has NO experience whatsoever in the solar power industry, we decided to sign a first contract which would allow for Sunrun to send a surveyor to inspect our roof. We made it crystal clear from the beginning that we were putting on a brand new TILE roof. We were never notified that this could be a problem. NEVER. Sunrun sent a surveyor to do an inspection (inside the attic, inside the house and outside as well) while the new tile roof was being started. A day or so later, I received a text message from the sale person that the roof was perfect! "I just talked to the surveyor, the roof is all good to go" (I kept her text messages as proof and will forward to Costco when I write my complain). They sent a second surveyor with a drone... Still good to go... until I received a phone call that they cannot place solar panels on a tile roof unless we remove the tiles where the solar panels would be mounted and lay asphalt. Really??? Do you think that a company whose primary business is to put solar panels on roofs would have the decency to notify us of this earlier???? Well, if we were to pay an additional 10K than what was stipulated on the original contract, they would do it.... which of course we refused to do. Story short, unless you want to risk doing business with incompetent people or crooks, stay away from Sunrun!

1 year ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Marie. We are sorry this was your experience; we would be frustrated too! We apologize on behalf of our sales team. That mix-up should not have happened. If there is anything we can do for you in the future, please feel free to reach out.

Jan. 24th, 2023

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William Koski Las Vegas, NV

Sunrun took our prior year's power bills and promised to generate enough power so we'd only pay NV Power the less then $14.00 connection fee', Due to a death and cancer diagnosis and treatment I didn't sit down and look at their performance until 16 months after it was activated. When I did I discovered they were producing about 50% of their PROMISED output. I was actually paying them more per KWH then I'd have paid NV Power. In January 2022 I quit paying my monthly bill because they CLAIMED the system was operating at 100% of what it was designed for. They then told me if I provided statements from NV Power, which we'd done before installation, they'd review the system's performance which I knew was a waste of time because they'd again claim it was at 100%. But I did it and before they'd even had time to study it they DEACTIVATED the system because I was 2 months in arrears! Now they're telling me if I pay the 2 months I owe they'll reactivate it? THEN I'd be right back to paying them more then I'd pay NV Power per KWH, SO why would I? My demand now is they either up grade the system to perform like their representatives PROMISED us over and over that it would or remove it!

1 year ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for reaching out, William. We are so sorry for the issues you have experienced with our services. We will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can assign a specialist to reach out to you as soon as possible to resolve your concerns. Thank you and again apologies!

Jan. 23rd, 2023

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Richard Brown San Diego, CA

Horrible company! So far, it has a) failed to properly file with city of San Diego for permits forcing a delay of 4 months; b) the delay would not have been discovered without having a relative within the city government discovering it; c) the initial installation of the roofing underlayment was done improperly, leaving a clear seam in the shingles which led to roof leak; d) company could not schedule a roofer to inspect so we had to do that ourselves; e) roofer discovered that sealant had not been applied properly nor had solar panel mounts been properly installed which necessitated complete removal of all panels and re-roofing (again arranged for by us, not the company); f) after panels were removed today, we discovered that a caulking gun and caulking tube had been left on the roof--which the workers merely tossed on the ground by the house, and several plants by the house had been trampled and broken; G) to add insult to these, we had to spend time filling out a form to request for the removed panels to be reinstalled! This company has been, to say the least, a complete disappointment in terms of its stewardship, accountability for quality of work, and follow through. We are regretting our choice of company to say the least.

1 year ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Hello Richard! My name is Frances, and I am with the Social Media Team here at Sunrun. We're so sorry to hear about your frustration with faulty installment and reinstallment of the panels. We want to do everything we can to resolve it quickly for you. Your feedback helps us continue to improve your solar experience. We'll be sending you a private message to gather more information so we can assist you further. Thank you!

Jan. 19th, 2023

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Sukhi Sembhi Olivehurst, CA

I can see all you new customer are very happy with the quick installation. I hope and pray you will not have to call Sunrun for a roof leak be it their brackets created the leak or any roof leak. One of our rooms developed a leak around the 5th December 2022. I contacted Sunrun and I talked to a rep on 12/07/2022. I knew our warranty was for 10 years. The lady insisted it was for 5 years. I asked them for a copy of my contract.If the warranty was for ten years Sunrun would be responsible to repair the leak. Surprisingly the contract could not be found for 7 to 9 days. When it was finally sent to me it was differed with what I had paid for.It is noteworthy I was not sent a copy since the last 8 years. I insisted the warranty was 10 years but the lady said otherwise. I reminded her that I had got a quote in September 2022 from Sunrun to add more panels to increase production from 61/4 KW to 18KW and the warranty I was offered was 10 years but she would not agree.Every solar company offers 10 years roof warranty and 25 years product warranty. I must have contacted Sunrun almost 7 times between 12/07/2022 to 12/27 20222 before I finally got an appointment on the Thursday 12/29/2022 for a technician to come remove my five panels so that my roofer can come check my leak . I was promised a technician for 17 January 2023.If you do the math It would take 40 days to get a technician from Sunrun. With the heavy rains, we are experiencing for the last three weeks all my carpets,ceilings,documents etc. are damaged just because Sunrun could not provide a technician for 40 Days. Getting Sunrun was my biggest mistake in my life.

1 year ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Sukhi. My name is Kristyn, and I am part of the Social Media Team here at Sunrun. We are so sorry to hear about your frustration, and we want to do everything on our end to help resolve your concerns and turn this situation around. I've assigned an Expert who will review your account and reach out to you as soon as possible to look into this further. If you have any questions before then, please feel free to send us a private message. Thanks!

Jan. 4th, 2023

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JV Milpitas, CA

Today I heard some loud noises on my roof and then piece of equipment fell off my home. I called Sunrun to report it and have someone come out to make sure everything is secure and I was told fill out a claim and the damage claim team will call in 24-48 hours. I explained something already fell off my home and this is now a safety issue and need someone asap before something else falls off and possibly hurt someone. They said nothing they can do until a case is opened and they call me back. Then the rep ask for me to get pictures of the equipment and I explained I live a in a 2 story home and could not get pictures but they needed those photos before they can move forward with the claim. The manager even said sorry nothing we can do without the damage team but your equipment seems to be online and working so everything is ok. Seems as Sunrun doesn’t care about the safety of their customers and even when they know equipment is falling off the roof. Horrible service and would not recommend Sunrun to anyone. So now I hope nothing else falls off while I wait for a phone call!!!

1 year ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, JV. We are sorry this was your experience; we would be upset too! We will be sending you a private message to obtain the information we need in order to assist you further. Thank you!

Jan. 3rd, 2023

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AM Brockton, MA

I signed SunRun's contract in August, 2022, They installed panels on Sept 26, 2022, Then on Sept 27, 2022 , they sent me an e mail indicating thatthey installed a different model panel than that which the contract specified AND that the system, can't provide anywherre near the production that was guaranteed IN WRITING in the contract that we had signed . The e mail included a "change order' for me to sign- again this is AFTER they had installed the solar panels. SUN RUN knew their contract had overpromised production but apparently chose to install the panels BEFORE they advised me of this, presumably out of concern that I would not agree to the terms of the change order/new contract and they would lose the sale along w/ the investment they had made by replacing the part of my home's roof on which the panels were installed. I did not sign the change order but , strictly out of a sense of fairness, I indicated I would be more than happy to work w/ SUNRUN in creating a new contract the terms of which to be satisfacorty to both SUNRUN and me. I actually came to an agreement with the project manager regarding terms for a new contract . So one would think this should have been the end of this saga, but amazingly, despite me agreeing to , what is in essence, BAILING out SUNRUN for ITS mistake, SUNRUN seems to have "ghosted" me. I have left 2 phone messages for the project manager over a 2 wk period, with SUNRUN representatives who assured me they would give him the message and that I should be getting a return call within 24 hrs. I have received NO call back. I had also emailed him 3 times, waiting at least 4 days between e mails to give him time to respond. NO responses. So now my concern is that if customer service is THIS bad at a time when SUN RUN should be "BENDING OVER BACKWARDS" to satisfy me and get me to sign a contract (which I have no obligation to agree to) I can imagine how bad customer service WOULD BE IN THE FUTURE when /if a have a problem with the functioning of the system. I have never had the misfortune of working with a company whose customer service was THIS BAD.

1 year ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Hello AM,

My name is Kristyn, and I am part of the Social Media team here at Sunrun. I'm following up with you regarding the review you provided, we definitely want to turn your experience around. In order to look into this further, can you please provide me with your service address and an overview of the specific issues you are currently having?

Thank You,

Dec. 6th, 2022

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Richard M Smithtown, NY

I have my Sunrun solar panels for 7 years and noticed solar production started reducing over the last 18 months. It took several phone calls to Sunrun before they recognized an issue and agreed to send a technician. When the tech. arrived they had a device and could see that 11 out of my 43 panels were not working. They indicated that they will need to order optimizers which are back-ordered and could take up to several months. The technician indicated that new Sunrun installs will get the priority. I am now making 30% less from my solar panels while Sunrun puts resources to new installs. I have a problem with a company that cares more about new customers and less about existing customers. That's a poor way to conduct business.

1 year ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Richard! We are so sorry to hear about your experience, and would love to review your system's performance and any other specific concerns you have. We will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can get a Specialist assigned to your case. Thanks!

Nov. 14th, 2022

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Laurie K BURNS Lafayette, CA

The worst customer service EVER! Their meter stopped working in April/May 2022, they could not schedule an appointment as they were sort on staff.- Months have gone by, they have received NO data as to my usage, but they determined it "probably went up" so my monthly payment went up by nearly $100 per month. Multiple calls- everyone will bet back to me, but no one does. Then customer service tells me it is my fault as they have been unable to reach me. Seriously?? Still no repair. So I cancelled auto-payment! It is AMAZING they can call , text and email using multiple methods of media successfully as I am receiving 3-5 messages a day asking for money! I told them when they fix it - I will consider payment - and I expect a refund and full accounting of their methods and procedures for these last SEVEN months- how, why and who authorized my increased usage! They are so fraudulent! Frankly, I don't believe a word they say - I would never do business with them again . . . EVER!

1 year ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Laurie. We're so sorry to hear about your frustration, and we want to do everything we can to resolve this quickly for you. We will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so we can connect you with an Expert who can look into for you. Thanks!

Nov. 10th, 2022

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Shelly Mitchell Fresno, CA

If I could give ZERO stars I would. Leased my first set of Panels in 2011 and received a $2000+ True-Up bill from the start. It was truly like the panels were doing nothing. Saw Sunrun guy at Costco and since Costco was endorsing them I purchased another set of panels, but financed this set this time. Again, the panels seem to have done nothing. Still received a True-up of over $2000 year after year. I've called, emailed, reached out on Facebook and I just get the runaround. "Your panels are producing fine". Finally talk to someone who told me what I needed to do. Find on my paperwork how much Sunrun promised they would produce VS. what they actually are producing. First set, 5.265kW and the 2nd set 7.155kW so that should be over 12kW. On my SunRun production app is shows that my panels produced 4.5 in 2021. So I called and spoke with someone on the phone for 3 HOURS and finally got her to see that they were indeed underproducing. She scheduled someone to come out. Dude came out, said they didn't have the part and would have to order it and someone would contact when it is in. That was September 16th, over a month ago! I call again today to just get transferred around and disconnected everytime I get transferred. So I have been paying for panels for the past 5 YEARS that have been WAY UNDERPRODUCING AND YOU DON"T NOTICE?? AND WHEN I CALL TO BRING IT TO YOUR ATTENTION I AM TOLD EVERYTHING IS WORKING FINE! BEWARE OF SUNRUN - RUN AWAY!! Worst Solar company EVER!! Oh, and just to let you know, I am a single mother struggling to raise my kids. I don't have time for this CRAP. You have taken advantage of this mama and she is NOT HAPPY!

1 year ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Shelly. We're so sorry to hear about your frustration, and we would love to review your system's performance and any other specific concerns you have. We will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can get a Specialist assigned to your case.

Oct. 29th, 2022

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Ivan Krivokapic San Diego, CA

Inverter on my system failed back in July. I discovered this myself by reviewing electricity bill's . Sunrun failed to inform me about the event so I'll keep wandering of why they have remote monitoring... To make story short I lcall them reporting the problem. I have been promised to get inverter replaced at certain date. Sunrun scheduling service LIED. No one showed up at the promised time frame - I called them back to find out what happened and guy on the phone was clueless about the appointment. Four hour of my time has been lost. I rescheduled for the next available time frame - more than two weeks down the road. I requested written confirmation this time. Anyways if they lie again and fail to adequately reimburse me for lost electricity generation I afraid that I will look for breached contract resolution at the court room.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Oh no, Ivan! We're so sorry to hear this and we definitely want the chance to turn your experience around. We will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can get a Specialist assigned to your issue.

Sep. 6th, 2022

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matt tuck Chicago, IL

My solar was installed over 3 weeks ago and I have had no contact with my agent about what is going on. I was told when I purchased that permitting and will be taken care of ahead of time and the only wait will be for PG&E to switch on. After calling around I am getting different answers of what is going on. I have been told like 4 different stories but the underline theme is the permit was screwed up and needed to be fixed. My agent assigned to me Angelica L has not tried to fix the situation or communicate in anyway. I am paying PG&E bills for 100+ heat because Sunrun cannot figure out what they are doing. At this point I just want the panels removed and go with a different provider that will actually acknowledge that I exist. Sunrun was quick to take my money, but actually communicating afterwards is nonexistent.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We're so sorry to hear this, Matt. We certainly don't want you to feel frustrated. We will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can get a Specialist assigned to your issue. Thanks!

Sep. 6th, 2022

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Carole Lane Encinitas, CA

It took over a year for Vivint (now Sunrun) to turn the system on after installing it due to one issue after another requiring follow-up appointments that were scheduled 3 months out each time. They finally did turn it on 2018. There were numerous problems with breakers, inverters, etc. after that. The current and most pressing problem now with that the communication unit stopped working in December of 2020, and they seem to be incapable of fixing or replacing it, as call after call, appointment after appointment are scheduled to no avail. They even send out repairmen without checking if the replacement part has come in (it had not). They finally installed another small box, but it still didn't communicate. I called again and "Mary" told me that they needed to enter the serial number in the system and it should work in a day or two, and she PROMISED to call back and check. She never did, and it's still not working. (She's in a long line of customer service reps who have promised to follow up and never did.) THIS HAS B EEN GOING ON FOR A YEAR AN 8 MONTHS SO FAR. I call again and again, and they say that Riley B (who is assigned to the account) is the ONLY person that I'm allowed to speak with - but Riley is NEVER available and NEVER calls back, so I wait a few days and call again, and spend another hour on the phone PLEADING for ANYONE WHO CAN HELP. In the meantime, SDG&E wants their money, but Sunrun is unwilling to speak to them about what my system is generating until the technical issues are resolved, which apparently is never. UNBELIEVABLY POOR SERVICE.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We're so sorry to hear this, Carole. We certainly don't want you to feel frustrated. We will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can get a Specialist assigned to your issue. Thanks!

Aug. 23rd, 2022

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Eric and Melanie Hanson Seymour, CT

Let me start with the positives. My local rep was fantastic. Responsive, explained things in great detail, always communicated changes that were occurring and what step of the process we were on. One time, I got a customer service representative that said they were in California, I don't remember her name... she was great. Every. Other. Thing. has been awful. I cannot express this enough. I am at the point where we will be seeking legal action against Sunrun. We signed a contract for the company to install 29 panels on our roof. I cannot see the majority of my roofline (2 story house on a hill). Guess what? They installed 36 panels. I am producing more power than I expected. I am paying more money that I expected. I am called Sunrun COUNTLESS times about this. Asking them to either lower our cost/KWH or remove the extra panels. Lots of run around and lots of no answers. Their customer service representatives are trained to reiterate what you say, over and over again. It is infuriating. One male representative asked me if I knew what a screen was. They broke my contract and are now dodging their error. They owe me a solution and an apology a this point. RUN from this company.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Eric and Melanie. We'd be happy to look into this for you and we will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can assign a Specialist to assist you directly.

Aug. 3rd, 2022

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stillinshock Angwin, CA

I've read many reviews on this site and it looks like most people are really happy with SunRun. But truly, after six months and my first summer, I'm still in shock about how much it costs. Please read the review from MAB Rancho Santa Margarita, CA. She is exactly right. I am paying up to $188 per month in summer just for my solar bills. Over 7 months, I've paid almost $1000. I can't believe how much it costs. I'm paying for the energy production--and will still have to pay PGE about $200 across the course of the year. This defeats the purpose of having solar in the first place. I contacted the company twice a few months apart and asked if I could change my contract and both times they have said "Migrated accounts cannot switch between billing types right now, but we're looking into offering this in the future with the integration of billing systems." I am deeply, deeply disappointed and out of pocket.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We'd be happy to look into this for you and we will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can assign a Specialist to assist you directly.

Jul. 27th, 2022

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Imelda Phillips Vallejo, CA

Do NOT go with this company! They installed our panels over a YEAR AGO!…. Locked us into a loan with GoodLeap and they failed the inspection by the City of Benicia the first thtime around and have left us holding the bag ever since! They do not return phone calls either! If you go on Instagram you will read HUNDREDS of similar complaints! This is criminal! All that they care about is the sale. Don’t take my word for it… go check out their complaints on Instagram: Stay away!!! We don’t know what we are going to do now. We will probably have to file a lawsuit to pay off our loan and have the panels removed.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We're so sorry to hear this and we definitely want the chance to turn your experience around, Imelda. We will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can get a Specialist assigned to your issue.

Jul. 18th, 2022

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Todd Thienngern Anaheim, CA

Worst service I have ever experienced. I signed up for Sunrun in November of 2021. I needed my panel upgraded first so they sent out electricians last week of March. They installed the pannels the first week of April 2022. After the installation, I heard nothing for months. I called the 800 number, but no one answered. I have left messages, but no one calls back. I purchased the pannels so my first payment was due June 1st. On June 3rd the city came out to inspect the panel. It failed, they needed at least three different repairs. Of course, I have not heard anything from Sunrun. Now it is July 1 and my second payment has been made. It has been 90 degrees for the last two weeks, and I have had to run my AC the whole time. So now I will have a huge electricity bill on top of my payment to Sunrun. Not worth the promised saving. They way things are going I am sure I won't get the tax credit either. Well I will try to update this when they finish the install and I get the solar working. Todd Anaheim CA

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thanks for bringing this to our attention, Todd. Monthly savings will vary depending on your usage, but we would be more than happy to take a closer look at this for you to ensure that you are enjoying the full benefits of going solar. We will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can get a Specialist assigned to your issue.

Jul. 5th, 2022

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judith reid San Diego, CA

Our journey with this company was the worst very long story short we signed a contract for a 25 year lease for 8 panels everything was going great until they were done installing and we look up our roof and notice only 7 were installed.. The war started… over a year of no solutions phone tag refusing to add the missing panel such an easy fix right?! NOPE!! They refused to do it so I wanted their panels off my roof why would I pay for something I dont have!! It was like going in circles with these people.. we finally decided to file a complaint to California Contractors State Licensing Board and it went through.. finally some hope in this nightmare!! All of the sudden we have someone calling US!! She was available all the time and quick to respond so I knew that we had their attention now.. we ended up going into negotiation with them and they handed ownership of the system to us and we got out of being in that stupid contract with them pretty much for no cost which I hope is a win for us.. this was a very difficult.. time consuming …and stressful journey with this company.. I’m glad is over but its really sad how something that can be so good rich companies make it so bad and ugly… hope this is helpful for other out there trying to go the Solar route.. do your research… I consider myself blessed that I dont have to deal with this company’s BS anymore!

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We're so sorry to hear this, judith. We certainly don't want you to feel frustrated. We will be sending you a private message requesting additional account information so that we can get a Specialist assigned to your issue. Thanks!

Jun. 27th, 2022

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Lawrence Hee San Diego, CA

The installation of the solar system on my roof went smoothly and I didn't have to worry about permits. It took four days to install the thirteen solar panels and another two weeks to be hooked into the system. My monthly electric bill averaged $120-150 monthly and now only pay $87.31 for the SunRun lease. Problem was that after working for six months, Sunrun solar panels stopped working, as of September 15th. I wasn't informed by Sunrun and didn't realize my system was not operating til January 2022. A tech was sent out and changed out my control panel,but til this day no solar generation. I stopped my direct payment as of May2022. Now I am getting harrassing calls to pay my SunRun bill? After 120 days of non-payment, it will go to a third party collection agency. Fix my solar system or take it off my roof?

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are so sorry to hear this! We would love to review your system's performance and any other specific concerns you have. Please send your address and an overview of your concerns to, so that we can connect you with a Specialist that can help you. Thank you!

Jun. 21st, 2022

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Seamas Culligan Dorchester, MA

Pushy sleazy sales reps. They lied to me in order to get me signed up, then they reneged on a promise made to me in writing. I told their sleazy rep that I would not sign up for solar until after I did an addition on my house. He told me that we should install solar array immediately in case the incentives end, because SunRun/Vision Solar "will honor a one time removal, storage, and re-installation of your solar system array at no additional cost." So trustful me signed up, the solar system was installed and I regretted it immediately. Once ready to renovate SunRun went back on their removal/storage/installation promise and hit me with a $1287 re-design fee, not mentioned on their letter. They also tried to stick me with the storage fee, playing semantics with the meaning of their letter. We have been ruined by these crooks, I had to cancel the intended June 15 renovation/addition on my house, all our plans & dreams shelved because of the corrupt pencil-pushers at SunRun. A truly hateful company, typical of the cowboys that are infesting the solar industry since states started a goldrush offering solar incentives. Solar is the new wild west, I curse the day I let that SunRun con-man into my house. BTW since getting solar our electric bills are even higher than before, so much for the $50 monthly savings promised by SunRun's sleazy sales rep, who has since vanished from the face of the earth. He is unavailable for comment, uncontactable, no follow up calls from him. Go on Yelp and you'll see what a shoddy customer satisfaction rating SunRun has. Personally I believe that their occasional 5-star ratings are fake, because they are drowned out by the 1 star out of 5 ratings. I've read 5-star ratings by people who made identical spelling errors, so I suspect the same individual authored a bunch of fake positive reviews. Run a mile from these cowboys, read their Yelp reviews, and don't do business with them.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for reaching out, Seamas. We're sorry this has been your experience. We'd be frustrated too. We see you are currently working with one of our Specialists. Please continue to work with your Specialists to resolve your concerns. Thank you!

Jun. 1st, 2022

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Jean McGinnis San Diego, CA

They installed the equipment quickly, the staff was very knowledgeable and I have not had any problems with the equipment since it was installed 2 1/2 years ago

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We're thrilled you're having a good experience, Jean! We really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. We hope you continue to enjoy the benefits of solar for years to come! Thanks for playing such an important role in our solar community and for helping us create a planet run by the sun!

May. 27th, 2022

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Joyce Chicago, IL

The employees were very professional. They explained the program succinctly. The installers were efficient and didn't make any mess. The product is working as expected.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We're thrilled you had a good experience, Joyce! We really appreciate you taking the time to share your feedback. Thanks for playing such an important role in our solar community and for helping us create a planet run by the sun!

May. 24th, 2022


Review Source

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Marcia Bollwage Sicklerville, NJ

When they noticed a problem with our system, they sent someone out to fix it as soon as they could! When a piece of our siding was damaged, their representative took it upon himself to replace it !

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you, Marcia. Your review brightened our day! Our goal is to provide you with the best solar service possible, and we're delighted to hear that you had a good experience while helping us create a planet run by the sun!

May. 23rd, 2022

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Minghua He Honolulu, HI

Working with Sunrun.Inc was the WORST EXPERIENCE I had. Since LAST YEAR, I STILL HAVEN'T RECEIVED ANY REPLACEMENT FOR MY BATTERIES. Both of my batteries for my solar panels have not been working and I have contacted the company multiple times to change my battery. However, every single time, the company refuses to do so because they "did not have any at hand." If the company did not have any batteries in stock, there is no way they can form new contracts with new customers. Sunrun.Inc is only looking to get new customers and leaving the old customers, ones who have been with them for years in the dust, struggling to pay the bills. According to their advertisement, I should have seen a decrease in my electricity bills; however, due to my batteries not working, the bills have gone up by hundreds more dollars when instead it should have been helping me save the hundreds of dollars instead. I HIGHLY encourage people to NOT make leases with Sunrun.Inc because their customer service is TERRIBLE and extremely UNHELPFUL and their product DOES NOT meet the expectations as they advertised.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are so sorry to hear this, Minghua! We would love to review your system's performance and any other specific concerns you have. Please send your address and an overview of your concerns to, so that we can get a Specialist assigned that can help you. Thank you!

May. 9th, 2022

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Heather Snowman Baldwinsville, NY

I originally purchased my solar system through Sungevity, after several years of wonderful service, they transferred my contract to SunRun and I am not impressed. I have a lease-to-own contract and everything is covered under warranty for 10 years until I fully own the system. On 4/4, I noticed that one of my Inverters was displaying an error message and called SunRun to get a service appointment scheduled. The person that I spoke with said that they had been aware of the issue since FEBRUARY. I asked why nothing had been done if they were aware of the issue since February, and she didn't have a good answer. She said that the technical team wanted to monitor the situation for 5 days and then they would be back in touch with me to schedule a service call. I asked why they needed another 5 business days if they had been monitoring the system since February. Again no good reason. After not hearing from anyone I called back on 4/18 and was put in touch with the technical team, the person that I spoke with said tht they were having problems with there scheduling system but that someone would call me back to schedule an appointment within 24 hours. Again no call, I called back on 4/22, the person that I spoke with was very nice, and submitted a ticket to Solar Medics, LLC to schedule a service call provided me their number, just in case, and said they would contact me within 5 days to schedule the service visit. Again no call, on 5/2 I called Solar Medics, LLC and they do not service upstate NY. Called the SunRun technical team back and the person that I spoke with said he was scheduling with a company that definitely services this area. I asked for the name of the company and he said Sungevity. I told him that my original agreement was with Sungevity and my contract was transferred to SunRun when they went out of business. He said, that sungevity was bought out by anothe company and that company (whose name he could not remember) would be calling me to schedule the service call. My system has been functioning at half capacity since February, and SunRun has been aware of the issue since February and have done nothing proactively. It has been a month since I called and requested a service call and I still don't have an appointment yet.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We're so sorry to hear this, Heather. We certainly don't want you to feel frustrated. Please send us a private message with your service address so that we can help resolve this for you. Thanks!

May. 3rd, 2022

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KLW Asbury Park, NJ

One of your Sunrun Representatives came to my house today asking my Husband to cut down a tree in our yard so the neighbors can have solar installed. The Rep explained Sunrun would pay for it but my Husband told him No. The Rep did not take no for an answer and proceeded to call my husband a "D***head" which our two young children overheard as well. My husband could have gone outside and followed that up with an altercation, but he does not stoop that low for men that act like children. We are teaching our sons to be better men. The Representative did not provide his name and his ID badge was not clear in the video. However, we have his full face, clothing, and all that was said. He does not deserve a job representing any company with his insulting, juvenile behavior. Never will I ever have anyone in my family or whom I am associated with get anything from Sunrun. I have a screenshot and full video of the conversation, which Sunrun has as well. Disgraceful.

2 years ago Edited April 21, 2022

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are so sorry to hear about your experience. Please send the details of your experience to, so that we can get this to the appropriate department. Thank you.

Apr. 25th, 2022

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michael emigh Spring, TX

Worst decision ever made. Has never made close to amount of power quoted. Several months no production at all, was not notified. Paying double every month than I was paying before. Dryer vent was knocked off roof and didnt realize it until water was coming in my laundry room after a hard rain and in attic. I was in the attic with towels trying to keep house dry. Now after a hail storm insurance is approving me a new roof, I want to pay sunrun to remove them while re-roofing and even the fee to re-install but keep them as I am selling my house. I do not want them mounted on a brand new roof that I am selling my house with. It makes no sense to them remove them a month later and shingle company void warranty. Selling home to a faimly member moving in from out of state which they do not want them so the whole transfer it over in not even applicable. Instead want me to pay rest of lease off, which in this situation should be an instance where Sunrun would do the right thing. Case agent should be getting assigned hope to work it out with them. I may can update this review on this aspect afterwards in a positive outcome.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are sorry to hear this, Michael! Please send us a private message with your service address, and we will have a representative reach out to help resolve your concerns. Thank you!

Apr. 19th, 2022

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LawyerBoy San Pablo, CA

Sloppy installation, left materials all over the yard and every time it rains, more washes down. Installed a defective back-up battery that is a fire hazard, so they cut-back the amount of storage. The battery was only 9Kw in the first place while a Tesla would have been 13 Kw. Now I guess this thing is 5-7 Kw. They unilaterally and arbitrarily determined your losses and send you a check every month, rather than fix or replace the fire hazard. Now it has been a hazard for nearly a year. When you call to complain, the response is always the same: "That's not my job." The battery wasn't even installed properly and the first power outage our refrigerator wouldn't work. They sent a guy out and he fixed it, but all the primary circuits were all mis-installed and mis-marked on the panel. The original installation was by the Three Stooges. Go with anybody else and get the Tesla equipment.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are so sorry to hear this! We would love to review your issuee and any other specific concerns you have. We will have a representative reach out to you as soon as possible in a private message.

Apr. 6th, 2022

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April Mahoney San Diego, CA

Not off to a good start they sent me a quote and want me to do a transfer of owner and applicatoin with 24hours. I have never had solar panels and I have some question plus I want an inspection as a new owner of a condo property. I was told that they don't do that, What? and you want me to take over a 23yr lease. That is not a good business model . This might be a deal breaker on a new sale of a property .

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for reaching out, April. We would be happy to look into this for you. We will have a representative private message you. Thanks!

Feb. 28th, 2022

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Ramy Farag Cary, NC

Worst experience ever. i wish I could even give them less than a one star. the only good thing so far is the sales person who did an amazing job, other than that this company is the worst company to do a business with. I started the process on September and the promise was that I will have everything up and running by November 1st on 2021. Till now february 12th of 2022 things are not done yet. communication is horrible so don’t expect anyone to call and update You until you keep calling and asking what is going on. Technicians are horrible and have no experience with anything. the Day the technician came to upgrade the panel, he just came in the morning for few minutes and then left his coworker together with his friends who is not even a sunrun employee to finish the job and he went to shop and buy a motorcycle lol. The technicians who came to put the solar panel panels made a while in the garage ceiling and the next day there was a rain and everything I had in the garage was missed up. Since the technician who upgraded the electricity panel did not finish his job, the technicians who came after him to put the solar panels did not finish their job too because the previous step was not complete. now they scheduled a final inspection from the city and I was sure that it won’t get approved because nothing was done completely and in the way it should be but unfortunately on the same morning of the inspection the sunrun technician called me saying that he has to cancel the inspection because he did not have the right paperwork and that’s why another house had inspection on the same day was failed because of the wrong documents. finally and after I reached out to my sales person again, they scheduled another appointment for the final inspection and for sure the inspector had some comments as expected and he did not approve and said that his comments need to be corrected and he has to come back after that (was totally expected LOL) I reached out to them again and they said that someone will come to fix the inspection issues on Saturday 02/12/2022 and for sure no one showed up or even called till now at 3 pm LOL. Lastly, now I’m due to pay my first payment on the solar loan and the system is not even working yet so I will end up paying both the loan and the loan edison electricity bill for at least 2 months because I have no idea when this job will be completed. honestly if I ever go back I will never contact with them again, they are horrible. I don’t recommend them at all UPDATE: On Sunday 02/13/2022 the same guy who came with the inspector (Jonathan) called me saying that i am scheduled for another inspection the next day Monday 02/14/2022 LOL. I told him how come you are doing another inspection without making the corrections from the previous one so he surprisingly said, oh i thought someone came to do the corrections already. Catastrophic miscommunication. on 02/15/2022 they sent me message on Yelp saying that i am scheduled to have a technician coming over on the 17th to do the corrections but the funny thing is that no one even contacted me to schedule that and they did not even tell me what time they will be coming (assuming that i am just staying home for them to come at anytime LOL) Today, 02/17/2022 i just got surprised with that technician knocking my door without any previous notification saying that he is her for the corrections.

2 years ago Edited February 18, 2022

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for reaching out, Ramy. We are sorry to hear that the preparation process is taking a long time. Please send us a private message with your service address so that we can look into this. Thank you.

Feb. 15th, 2022

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Janelle Thomas Alamo, CA

***DO NOT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY!!*** My Solar System was installed and ready for use back in November of 2020. It took over a month to get someone out just to connect the system and get it running, mind you I had already had money snatched out of my account for that first month. After connection, system stopped working right away. We made several phone calls, attempting to schedule a service appointment but had to wait weeks before they sent someone out to service it. Unfortunately the person they sent only took pictures and said they needed to send someone else. Another long wait.. next person to show, changed the fuse. Unit worked only a few days and back off again. Another long wait.. next service said we needed a new system because it would keep blowing fuses. Another long wait.. To make a very long story short with months of back and fourth, we went a total of almost 4 months with no Solar!! I called right away back in Dec after 1st payment was taken and we had no solar and they said we would be refunded for time we were without solar. When I asked again about them taking money out my account for a service I didn't have we were again assured about refund but had to wait til new system was installed and working properly. Once that happened, we were then told that we had to wait for our Anny year to receive a refund. After waiting the year and receiving an upcharge from PG&E for $553.33, we were then told that we had to wait a week more for them to estimate our annual system output so they could see how much they'd owe us. I waited the week, called back and was told that our system still wasn't working at 100% and that they couldn't get us the calculations needed to refund us til it was. I was then told that someone would contact us with an appt time and of course that never happened. We've been waiting on that call/appt since Nov of 2021. Over the course of a year I asked to speak to a manager or resolution team and was always told an email was sent and someone would call us. That call NEVER came, not once! This has been by far the WORST experience EVER!!! I can't believe Costco backs this Company, what a joke!! I filed a complaint with the BBB and their response was that they're looking into it. It's been exactly 8 days and still no update. HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO LOOK INTO A MATTER???? This is and has been their MO since the beginning. My next step with be legal action, I'm soo tired of waited!!

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thanks for letting us know, Janelle. We're so sorry it's taking longer than what was discussed. Please send us a private message with your service address so that we can help speed things up. Thanks!

Feb. 10th, 2022

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Gopal Nair Boardman, OR

Our battery for the Solar stopped working months ago, and Sunrun has no answer on when it will be fixed. They have claimed over the last 4 -5 months that they are waiting on their supplier to deliver the battery parts. meanwhile they started sending out checks for $52 each monthly without actually telling us what it was for. We assumed it was calculation error in the payments made and was being refunded for that. Over the last call, we were informed that the payment was being made in lieu. New subscribers BEWARE. Horrible customer service. No one seems to know anything that's happening . I am beginning to suspect that their online chat service is a robot because you get the same answers each time. Never thought that COSTCO would deal with such a company.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We're so sorry to hear this, Golpa. We certainly don't want you to feel frustrated. Please send us a private message with your service address so that we can help resolve this for you. Thanks!

Jan. 28th, 2022

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Tom Quail Valley, CA

Absolute worst company ever!!!!! Run. Please, if you have listen to any review, listen to this one. I have 24 panels on a 2200 square foot house, for just my wife and I. We pay $185 for the solar. We STILL get a yearly electric bill between $2200-$2500. So we average about $200/month in utilties plus the $185/month we lease the panels. That's almost $400 a month I pay between solar and electric. That's more than I paid when I didn't have solar panels!!!! Customer service is atrocious. Good luck getting anyone at that level to answer a question and no one will ever call you back at a higher level. I have called at least 40 times and been with them for six years. No one can tell me if the panels are ALL working. No one can tell me why my electric bills are still outrageous or even why I still get a bill with 24 panels on my roof. The one call I ever received back from these fools is from a salesman who told me I should get 8 more panels and a battery backup for an additional $110/month. Mark my works, STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY, STAY AWAY. Do you research and read the comments on this clown company. They consistently have worst reviews.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We're sorry to hear this, Tom. Savings will vary widely based on your usage, location, etc., but we definitely want to make sure you're getting the most out of your solar system. Please send us a private message with your service address so that we can look into this for you. Thanks!

Jan. 20th, 2022

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James sylvia Mesa, AZ

PLEASE READ IF YOU ARE CONSIDERING SUN RUN. I was introduced to Sun Run through Costco while in Home Depo. I have always trusted vendors that operate through these two companies as being thoroughly vetted. The salesman we met with told my family, "We may not be the cheapest, but we will make up for it with superior customer service ." My experience with Sun Run has been a nightmare. I built a brand-new home and hired Sun Run. The initial install was quoted for half a day. The crew was here for three, and when they left, they had only completed a partial install. The team blamed Sun Run for not supplying them with the necessary parts to complete the installation. An installation crew member explained that he was instructed to "make it work" with what they have. This resulted in the crew cutting untreated 2X4 slats in my driveway to secure solar panels. When the team left, I inspected what I could see from a neighboring lot. It is evident that some of the panels were diagonal and not in line with the others. I climbed a ladder to gain a closer look and found that three panels were not installed at all and were, in fact, just sitting on my roof. I retrieved one without getting on the roof but contacted Sun Run about the other two. It took two days before someone came out to inspect my complaint. These unsecured panels could have blown off at any time and injured someone. I submitted my findings to Sun Run, and they attempted damage control by sending a crew out unannounced. I only knew of their existence because I heard someone on my roof. By the time I confronted the crew, they had removed the two unsecured panels and filled the bed of a truck half full of broken tiles retrieved from the roof. The crew asked permission to enter my attic space to inspect the work of the previous crew. I allowed on the condition that they did not take any tools to cover up mistakes made by the last crew. While they were up there, they unplugged my security system. I can only guess they were hoping this would disable recording; however, this only disabled me from accessing the recordings remotely. Locally everything was still being stored. After seeing the wood and unsecured panels, I decided to hire a third-party home inspection company. What they found was beyond incompetence on Sun Run's behalf. After I submitted my finding, Sun Run sent another crew out. The gentleman who came out told me that he has been with Sun Run for 14 years, and mine was the worst install he has ever seen. We worked out an agreement that Sun Run would hire a nonaffiliated roofer to do any repairs before we continued the solar panel installation. Some days later, it started raining. My roof was full of missing tiles and numerous holes where the original crew attempted to tie into the trusses, missed and left the holes unfilled. My brand-new roof was leaking! I contacted Sun Run through their customer service number because they were ignoring my Emails. Sun Run sent a crew out to replace the missing tiles and stop any leaks. At this time, the crew leader informed me that the install job was unsalvageable. They took down everything the original crew had installed and replaced the broken tiles. They assured me that they would do what they were within the scope of their profession. Then the aforementioned unaffiliated roofer would come and make the repairs. The next day the roofer arrived and spent about an hour before leaving. I contacted Sun Run and asked for the report from the roofer. To this day, they have not given me the report. The solar panels have been stored in my garage for months now. Sun Run started my install in September, and it’s now mid-January. My driveway is permanently stained from the 'make it work" crew, and now I'm having to deal with their legal department because I want to cancel with them. They won't let my family out of the contract because they claim they already installed the same panels stored in my garage. I have filed with the R.O.C, and now I'm trying to warn everyone I can about my experience with Sun Run.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We're so sorry to hear this, James. We certainly don't want you to feel frustrated. Please send us a private message with your service address so that we can help resolve this for you. Thanks!

Jan. 11th, 2022

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Daniel Shaw

BUYER BEWARE! Our system has been down since May of last year. It's brand new only 1 year since installation! I am on Auto billing never late never missed !! They came to repair it and it is still off line right now! They have cancelled maintenance appointments without contacting me , so I sit at home waiting for them and lose money NOT being at work! Now I have a PG&E Net Energy Metering (NEM) over $1900.00 due on January 19th! How can I pay that?? I spent hours on the phone (ON HOLD!) and still no resolution, No new maintenance appointment, and still off line! They told be its MY responsibility because I purchased the system, as opposed to leasing it! WTF! Bad company all the way around! I went Green now I am in the RED! Notice the Auto respond to most all of these complaints? Pure Scam!

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are sorry to hear this, Daniel! Please send us a private message with your service address, and we will have a representative reach out to help resolve your concerns. Thank you!

Jan. 11th, 2022

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Joscelyn Walker Antioch, CA

Wish I could put a zero. Currently have a leak in my roof where the solar is located. Reached out to Sunrun to have someone come out to do an inspection to see if the solar caused the leak or not. They pushed my inspection out a full month. What used to be a bubble in my ceiling is now a large crack allowing water to pour into my house when it rains. I can't even get someone to come remove the solar to do the repair myself. This is just causing more damage and increasing the risk of the ceiling collapsing on my kids. Appointment was supposed to be today. It is currently 4PM and no one has showed up.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are sorry to hear this, Joscelyn! Please send us a private message with your service address, and we will have a representative reach out to help resolve your concerns. Thank you!

Jan. 10th, 2022

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Cannon Family Richardson, TX

We had solar panels installed via SunRun in July 2021. The process to begin with was a nightmare, which should have been our first clue to run in the other direction. However, we went through with the installation and the first month the panels were installed, we received the highest electric bill we have ever received in our home without panels. The bills continued to be high. We were told that having solar panels would save us money. We have called in for months now trying to get some help from SunRun. They are taking no responsibility saying that the panels are working fine and there is nothing they can do about it. They will not escalate the issue and they will not let us speak with anyone else when we call in. The calls always end or get disconnected after we have waited on hold for multiple hours to speak with them. This has become a full time job trying to resolve this. They are now demanding full payment of the solar panels. We filed a complaint with BBB and someone reached out to us (finally) from SunRun saying that our electricity usage has drastically increased since we had the panels installed. Nothing in our home as changed as far as electricity usage is concerned and we even have been more diligent about when we use certain appliances due to SunRun's recommendation. Our usage is still showing on their end at about 3x what it was previously. Again, no one is willing to help us resolve this issue and they are taking no responsibility on their part.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are so sorry to hear this! We would love to review your system's performance and any other specific concerns you have. Please send us a private message with your service address, and we will have a representative reach out. Thank you!

Jan. 7th, 2022

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Nope Bessemer, AL

If I could give this company 0 stars, I would. After a month of good communication about doing a contract modification - to make payment of the modification through escrow - when we sold our house, we find out Sunrun didn't send the right transfer form to do the modification and created a whole nightmare after the transfer was completed. Getting in touch with anyone helpful is just as problematic. Our original service coordinator, Maria G, tried to cast blame on us for not filling out the right form, when the form we needed to fill out was never provided by her. Oh... And good luck trying to get through to a supervisor. We were finally put in touch with a different transfer coordinator, Vivian, who was the most pleasant and helpful person in this whole process (give this woman a raise) and got us taken care of. Because of all the difficulty and runaround received by just about everyone we spoke to, previous issues with getting a maintenance team to fix our inverter, and the constant "someone will be in touch in the next 24-88 hours" every single time we called, I've been telling everyone I know, in every state Sunrun services, to never hire them for anything. And we're military, so we know people all over the country. In addition, my realtor has also stated that they will not accept clients who have service with Sunrun. They have also passed this experience on to their colleagues and advised them to the same. So good luck in the future to those trying to sell their house.... Also working to see if it's possible to have the company blacklisted so they can't service military members in the future. I hope Sunrun burns to the ground. They'll only have Maria to blame. And then on top of that, they went and charged us for another full month of service when we only had partial service for the last month because of the transfer. We had 46.5 months of service and they charged us a whole extra month. My husband paid it just to never have to deal with them again, but it was a load of crap and he should have fought harder. Sunrun commented on my Google review asking me to contact them.... What exactly is emailing you going to accomplish? When it's obvious you don't give a crap about your customers. We absolutely NEVER want to have contact with anyone from your company again. Not in a million years.

2 years ago Edited January 7, 2022

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are sorry to hear this! Please send us a private message with your service address if you have any further questions or concerns. We will have a representative reach out to help resolve your concerns. Thank you!

Jan. 7th, 2022

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jeo1968 Fresno, CA

I have had my solar unit insatalled for four months now, and Sunrun still will not activate it. Calls to the the corporate offices have given me excuse aftrer excuse as to why there is a delay. I have been given dates of expected activation on three occasions already. They have all passed one by one. I know if I call again I'll get a 4th. I was initially told that it would turn on 4-6 weeks after intallation. Again it is now 4 months and no sign of life from the unit that is just sitting on the roof. Reaching someone with knowledge about my system is impossible. Calling the toll free support line or reaching out via company email gives you the same answers over and over; they are without doubt pre-scripted excuses. Not sure where to turn from here. I know now that I have made the worst home decision since my 18 years of owning this home. Do not make the same mistake.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Oh no! We're so sorry to hear this. We definitely want to make sure you have a positive experience. Please send us a private message with your service address so that we can help resolve your concerns. Thanks!

Dec. 14th, 2021


Review Source

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Una Molnar Wildwood, NJ

Actually ZERO stars! Worst decision made! Issues from day one. First Trinity solar company did the installation and contract. Equipment was faulty, I was misled about efficiency and payments. My electric bill was still way too high considering all of my appliances and heat was natural gas! I believe Trinity's installers were undocumented. Also continue to have issues with transfer after sale of my house, they are continuing to bill me, although I discontinued after sale of house. They said they would only credit my account if I had or install su run solar to my new residence. I had auto payment or it would have I teased the payment I was quoted. Just another money grabbing scam. They are Still investigating the case. I have NOT ONCE had an issue satisfactorily resolved. I feel bad for new buyers. I'm not at all against solar, I will use my mother's company. Good Riddance!

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Una. We'd be happy to look into this for you. Please send us a private message with your service address. Thanks!

Dec. 10th, 2021

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David Bruce Franklinville, NJ

Entered into a 20 year lease with this company. Multiple problems with their installer. Including bad penetrations into my roof. Was told that my roof was stronger at the bad penetration sites, because repaired with metal plate. I asked for an extension on their 5 year warranty due to these issues. Was told that roofs will leak within 5 years of installation, so the answer was no. At just over the 5 year anniversary; my roof is leaking in 5 places. Sunrun reviewed my lease contract, and closed the case unresolved, because I was over 5 years. Their solution was to remove the panels replace my roof and reinstall the panels. All at my cost. Do the math ! I will replace my roof about 2 more times in the remaining 14 years with their success in no leaking roof. Oh, and did I mention. Sunrun will not guarantee the roof not to leak with the replacement of panels for even ONE DAY.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, David. We are so sorry to hear about your experience. Please send us a private message so that we can gather more information and look into this. Thank you.

Dec. 10th, 2021

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David Picon Houston, TX

If I could give Sunrun a negative number of stars I would. I am an existing customer ( which matters little ) of Sunrun. I spoke with my agent to start the process of upgrading my system to include batteries, and correct an exposed conduit connection issue. I need a new roof so the plan was to install new roof once old panels were removed. The process involved new lease contract and associated documents as with initial install. Everything was going fine, until the schedule of removing the panels. This is when everything became a total cluster. Sunrun could not give me a firm date of removal, seams they only have one crew to handle Texas and New Mexico. The earliest date was five weeks, which would put my removal mid November since I started this process October 5th. After several calls (talking to customer service, which is a total waste of time ), emails, and text messages I finally get a date of December 6th for my panel removal. Well it's December 6th and no crew. I call Sunrun, and sure enough the call goes to customer service. I have to explain to agent the whole process start to finish as I have done literally dozens of times before, as you never get the same person . Today I am again trying to find out the status of my work order, only to find out that it may now be sometime in January for my removal. At this point I don't know if maybe cancelling my service all together, and going with a different provider would get the panels removed faster, since they belong to Sunrun. I still need to get my roof replaced, but can't till panels are remover, and there lies the rub.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are sorry to hear this, David! Please send us a private message with your service address and we will have a representative reach out to help resolve your concerns. Thank you!

Dec. 7th, 2021

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Dionel Rodriguez Newburgh, NY

Walk away! I've spent almost 2 years waiting for the solar system to be activated, no clear plan of activation offered as of today Nov. 16th 2021. Plenty of permitting and installation issues. I signed a lease agreement on 06/30/2020 where it clearly states that installation and utility interconnection will be completed within 60-120 days following the execution of the agreement. As of today, Nov. 16, 2021, our interconnection application has failed, and permitting has been denied. The county code department overseeing our project confirmed that the Sunrun engineers/architects have failed to submit additional documents requested on July 2021. We have written many emails to our project coordinator Joseph G and called him many times over the past several months with no response or action toward resolving our interconnection/permitting issues. We have made many calls to customer service with no resolve and no consistent attention to this problem. Everyone just keeps passing the ball.  We'd like to proceed with a cancellation of our agreement and have this contract dissolve but they refuse, taking no responsibility in this matter and binding us to an agreement they have violated themselves. I have yet to hear from a supervisor or executive to help in this matter, no resolve as of Nov 16th 2021. Do not give this solar company your business as they will not protect your consumer rights and have very poor service overall.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Dionel . We'd be happy to look into this for you. Please send us a private message with your service address. Thanks!

Nov. 18th, 2021

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Thomas DeLuca Port Saint Lucie, FL

BAIT AND SWITCH!!!!! BEWARE!!!!! The sale person Sabrina R, LIED to get the sale. They will tell you that you will not have a utility bill and that you will only pay a low price a month to get the system on your roof and then you will receive a bill from them and your utility company for TWICE what you pay now!!! Then they will tell you need to give them a recording of the conversation you had with the sales person in your yard or there is nothing they can do!! DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!!!!! HORRIABLE!!!!!! If they come to your house RECORD every word that they say!!!! THEY LIE AND THEN IT COSTS YOU MONEY!!!!!! DO NOT FALL FOR THIS!!!!!!!

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for bringing this to our attention, Thomas. We'd be happy to look into this for you. Please send us a private message with your service address. Thanks!

Nov. 4th, 2021

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Dana Albrecht FL

We put our solar panels on with Vivant and they were a great company. Ever since Sunrun took over, it’s been a mess. We are trying to sell our house and just transfer service to the new buyers. We literally call or email every day and have very little responses. It’s been weeks!! When they respond, the information is incorrect or vague. All we need to do is transfer service and they are making this a horrible experience for us and our buyers. We close in 1 week and if there are any issues closing due to their lack of communication, we will sue and have already contacted our lawyer. If I were you, I would steer VERY clear of this company.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are sorry to hear this, Dana! Please send us a private message with your full service address and we will have a representative reach out to help resolve your concerns. Thank you!

Oct. 13th, 2021

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George Osborne Topanga, CA

We had our Sunrun installed after purchasing via Costco in 2016. Up until July 20, 2021 all went well. When we received our July energy bill from Edison it was obvious something was wrong as we owed them $550.00. Our average monthly bill is usually a couple of dollars. We checked and discovered the solar system hadn't been working since July 20th. Sunrun advertises that if our system stops they will notify us as they receive notification from their system. That never happened. Since then, it is now October 5th our system still has not been fixed and we now owe Edison over $2000.00 I have notified Sunrun several times, received several service dates that have been ignored. We did have a Technician respond on September 9th and informed us the Invertor needed to be replaced and he ordered one. He told us that it should be in within 7-9 working days. As of Oct 5th we are still waiting. I have repeatedly called Sunrun and been jerked around by Sunrun Customer Care representatives who have not resolved our problem, not called us back as promised and scheduled new repair orders that were like original orders to determine the problem. Some of those never bothered to show up either. I am currently waiting for a Supervisor from Sunrun to call me back as they were "all in a meeting" when I requested to speak to one. It's no wonder Sunrun recently changed their CEO but so far with the same lack luster results.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you so much for letting us know, George. We are sorry this was your experience, we would be frustrated too! Please send us a private message with your full service address so that we can help you out. Thank you!

Oct. 8th, 2021

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Frank Hankey Jersey City, NJ

Our system was installed by Momentum Solar, which acts as a 3rd party contractor and installation was okay, after a glitch or two. It actually costs us more money for electricity than we used to pay, but I could live with that. But the moment you have to have any work done through SunRun, you're in trouble. Their customer support is quite poor. We had some work that needed to be done, we got an estimate from Momentum Solar but they said that we had to request a work order from SunRun, who sent us an estimate that was 4 times Momentum's estimate and didn't even address our problem. Repeated conversations with SunRun customer service just ran us in circles. At this point I'm sorry we had the solar panels installed. We're in a 25-year contract or I'd have them removed tomorrow. Even so, I'm seriously considering buying out of the contract and having them removed.

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

We are sorry to hear this, Frank! Please send us a private message with your service address and we will have a representative reach out to help resolve your concerns. Thank you!

Oct. 4th, 2021

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Becca H Short Hills, NJ

I had solar panels installed by Vivint and they were a decent company. They resolved issues and handled repairs properly. Sunrun took over less than a year ago, and it's been nothing but issues since. Their customer service department has ignored multiple service requests that I've submitted, making me call and wait on hold multiple times to get a response. They then mis-schedule appointments, telling me a different time/date than they schedule a technician for. I had technicians tell me they arrived on the 10th at 12pm with no answer because I wasn't home. Sunrun told me to be home on the 13th at 8am, so they claimed I missed my appointment on the 10th! On top of that, they then try to charge me for repairs and maintenance for the solar panels, claiming that issues that were identified from installation are no longer going to be covered. That makes NO sense to me! Why am I paying for issues that are now arising due to issues upon initial installation?

2 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you so much for letting us know, Becca. We are sorry this was your experience, we would be frustrated too! We have sent you an email to start creating a solution to your concern.

Sep. 27th, 2021

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Kwallis Palm Desert, CA

I signed up for solar through Current Home back in October of 2020. It is now September 2021 and it's still not complete. I last communicated with my project manager over a month ago about two issues and have not heard back from anyone since. I know my HOA was difficult to deal with but the installers made some big mistakes that created extra visits to my property. I would like some help in dealing with my issues.

3 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Oh no, Kwallis! We are sorry to hear that the preparation process is taking a long time. We will have a representative send you a private message. Thank you for your communication.

Sep. 16th, 2021

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maureen meyer Surprise, AZ

GET A HARD COPY AND HAVE AN ATTORNEY READ BEFORE YOU SIGN YOUR CONTRACT!! Don’t believe a word you’re told. As I have had solar for one year, I have provided a year’s spread sheet to different reps, as I was bounced around from one to another, proving solar was more expensive than without several times. Always shuffled or, the latest, they need the actual APS bills to “analyze” them. They only needed ONE prior to the sale to guarantee savings. I told them I would indeed provide them 12 months of the bills, if they guaranteed they would adjust my monthly payment, if I was correct. The response..” I cannot guarantee to you right now that I can lower your bill before the analysis is complete”. There is nothing to “analyze”. Before the sale, there is a guarantee! After, jump through hoops. Oh…and this month their monthly payment has gone up!

3 years ago Edited September 24, 2021

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Thank you for reaching out to us, Maureen. We definitely want you to experience all the benefits of solar. We will have a representative send you a private message. Thank you for your communication.

Sep. 16th, 2021

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Kim George Las Vegas, NV

Just got my first bill after months of getting the run around in getting the panels installed and 3 months of trying to get them hooked up to PG&E. It took about 40 hours of my time just to get Sunrun to get everything installed and fully functioning. I thought it had been difficult to get anyone to respond during the installation process. Now I have received my first bill and it is the highest bill I have ever had for electricity in the ten years I have owned the home, both in cost and number of watts used. It is 1.5 times higher than my previous highest usage. We have done nothing different this month than any other month. I tried to get a tech on the phone or chat and was told that since their system shows it as functioning I would have to pay $200 to have someone come out. The customer service agents will not let me speak to a manager or anyone else. All they say is that we must be using all of that electricity while we are asleep and everything is off. This has been a huge waste of time and now money on my part. I regret getting the panels, save yourselves the headache, wasted time, and stress and avoid Sunrun.

3 years ago

Sunrun Logo

Reply from Sunrun

Hello Kim, We are sorry to hear about this negative experience and would like the opportunity to address any specific concerns you have regarding the account. Please send us a private message with your full address and primary name on the account so that we may review the situation.

Sep. 9th, 2021