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Frontier Internet

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Ink Stained Roni Albion, IN

If I could rate it a 0 I would!! We live in a rural area and Frontier is the major provider. They know they have a monopoly and the service reflects it. We pay 55.00 a month for service that is as slow or slower than dial up. They don't care, I even had a tech tell me that, "This ain't your daddy's Oldsmobile" I suppose he thought it was funny but my dh told me to ask him why we are paying for a Cadillac then? You can't talk to anyone in this country when you call for a service call - you talk to someone in India that is reading from a script...that is after you wait 30-60+ minutes on hold. My speeds for the last week have been: 1.67 download/.10 upload; .31/.03; .52/.00; .64/.00, etc. IT SUCKS!!!

5 years ago

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Stover Capon Bridge, WV

If I could give a zero stars rating I would! It has been an awful experience! First, before I purchased my current home I asked the IT folks to call frontier and verify they it could provide suitable internet coverage. My company requires 25mbps cable. Frontier confirmed they could provide 18mbps guaranteed dedicated port. I purchased my home on 6/10, it is now 8/6 and frontier it yet to install a work line of 18mbps. In fact they have reschedule me 4x by text msg, no call no show for all 4 and now I'm receiving text msg that they will be here from 6:30-8pm 2 night in a call and no show. This is by far the worse internet company I have ever dealt with!!

5 years ago

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Lisa B Altamont, IL

The worst internet service in the entire world. I cannot even use my laptop or watch Netflix and can never play an online game. Even using only one item on wifi at a time does not help. I just did a speed test and it is.... .25 mpbs. Yes, that is .25 mpbs. Not 25 but .25. Appalachia area has better internet speed than central IL. Pathetic. And Frontier knows this and choose not to do anything about it. No other internet service is in my area. Only Frontier. Sad, it is almost 2020 and there are a lot of areas in the US that have horrible internet service still. If you have a choice, do not get Frontier. CS is slow also and can't really help.

5 years ago

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Daniel Taylor Hesperia, CA

For years at my old home we had Verizon FIOS with no complaints. Then Frontier took over and customer service went from excellent to horrible while prices kept going up, up, and up. Would have switched companies but we ended up moving before finally losing our temper with Frontier. At my new home in a rural area Frontier is the only option for telephone/DSL and their service is even worse. Line keeps going in and out, India call centers, rude customer service staff, and a 'we don't need to do anything for you' attitude. DO NOT do business with this awful company. We're going to ditch them completely and go with satellite Internet or a cellular hot spot. Frontier is absolutely awful and I curse the day that Verizon sold part of their business to this junk company.

5 years ago

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Jay Garland, TX

The service is okay. It was much better when owned by Verizon. I noticed in my May bill that they started charging me $10 a month because I DONT use/buy their crappy $200 router (it's a $20 router tops) and that this will continue into the foreseeable future. That's 20% of my bill that I pay simply because I refused to buy their crappy product to go along with the service that consistently drops for what I've been told is "intermitten update packets". So their Custom Service has no real knowledge and has their hands tied behind their back, making them ineffectual and helpless.

5 years ago

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The Zohan Watertown, MN

Absolute Joke! Worst customer service I have ever seen. They could care less about the end user! My service is constantly going out take more then 1 hour to reach a rep after speaking to one they ask for my phone number in case we get disconnected just like there service what other company asks for your phone number in case you get dis connected. They tacked on 2 home phone charges to my bill for 6 months which I never had. They always give you a 4 hour window to schedule a service call, screw that we are the one paying there wages so they should be meeting us on our schedule not there's. I would never recommend them to anyone like I said a JOKE of a company

5 years ago

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Christopher Fitzgerald Tampa, FL

Signed up on 7/1/19 for $54 a month and was promised $100 gift card and Amazon Prime free for a year. Had to wait 9 days for a technician to come set it up... After set up I found out Amazon Prime did not come free. Then I received a call from their sales team, a week after the service was finally set up and working, that I could upgrade for FREE to faster service. That was not true either, my bill increased and when I called in about this, they completely shut off my original internet service, leaving me with nothing. They said they would come back out for 10 days to re-set up the service but the faster internet I was promised for FREE (which wasn't) was not even available in my neighborhood! This Company is the most disorganized company I've ever dealt with, causing their customer service to be the absolute worst I've ever dealt with. I canceled and can only imagine what kind of fees they are going to try to charge me with. They also drilled a hole in my wall when they set up the internet so I also have that to remember this terrible experience. Do not choose Frontier!

5 years ago

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Vanessa Durham, NC

Bad customer service, spotty slow service. I ordered faster service (since the basic is spotty and slow), they immediately began charging me for faster service including installation. Turns out I can not receive faster service. Frontier recognized their error, apologizes, and promises to fix the error. This was 6 months ago. Every few weeks, I call, and we do this pretty little dance again and again. Now they’re threatening to terminate service for non-payment even though I would love to pay what I actually owe. Last call a rep swore a supervisor would call me back. That was 2 weeks ago. Oh and each time I call it’s 60-90 minutes of waiting, reviewing the notes, etc. I’m at my wits end. Oh, this is a good one, at one point a more competent rep (my guess) actually tried to eliminate all the extra charges but was eventually denied by the billing department because it was “over the allowed amount”. True Fact: If you hang up and immediately call back another rep will tell you something completely different from the previous one. I did this 5x once. I had some free time. NEVER EVER knowingly and willingly work with this company. I promise you’ll regret it, maybe not right away but eventually you’ll think of this review and wonder “why didn’t I listen?” These hassles are not worth saving a few bucks.

5 years ago

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global Stamford, CT

Frontier service is ok. Less than desirable. It does switch on and off... Admin is very poor. Service Staff is highly unqualified. Today I spent half hour to establish a simple error issue with the billing. Person simple didn't know accounting or math to check a statement. Not her fault but the company. Wanted to pay the bill directly but had no confidence she could enter the info properly. Knowing business, I recommend Frontier to focus on better service, hiring qualified team and deliver on quality. I am about to switch providers and certainly not recommending anyone to Frontier.

5 years ago

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Devina Broad Brook, CT

It is actually unbelievable that this company still exists. I was duped into going with them twice: Initially to save money for home internet and a few years later when I started my own small business. (only because I was told no other provider was available in my area). They talk you around your issues. I was told I would have speeds of "up to 7" -- I get that it can be lower, but my workplace averages speeds of 0.5. I left my office mid-day today to complete work at home because the internet would not even work at the office. When I call tech support the guy has the audacity to tell me that 4 devices is too many. HOW MANY BUSINESSES HAVE LESS THAN 4 ITEMS HOOKED UP TO THE INTERNET!? They tell you they will transfer you to a "supervisor" - such a fake term. There is NO way the "Anthony" I spoke to was in charge of anything -- he sounded like a total fraud - barely spoke English coherently. He evaded questions and gave me the run around --- did NOTHING to address any of my concerns or issues. THIS COMPANY SHOULD BE TAKEN DOWN -- There have to be legal actions that can be taken against such fraudulent behaviors. Try to get out -- they'll charge you a $400 fee to break the contract early. I think the reviews here speak for themselves. DONT DO IT -- better to be without this company than pay for something you don't even get. FRONTIER IS A COMPLETE SCAM!!!

5 years ago

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Darin Kingman, AZ

Thanks for nothing frontier communication it was the worst 5 hours of my life. Hooked up my modem no problem thought it would be easy from there try to sign into my network with my service phone number was which was provided and it kept saying more than account with this number so I could not log into my I would call and talk to somebody from customer service they would transfer me to tech support, I was on hold the first time for over an hour told them that problem I said that there's only one number to that account.and total I call them probably at least five times I spent a total of 5 hours getting nowhere then I decide to call back and cancel my service with these lousy. I have never in my life experienced the worst customer service or anything up until today with frontier I will never use the service again. Customer service is horrible.

5 years ago

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Kate Solvang, CA

I signed up with Frontier, being promised a download speed of 20 to 25 mbps. What I actually received was less than 4 mbps. I called the same day it was installed and cancelled the service, as it is not what I was promised and unusable for my family. I was told that they would issue a credit and I would not be charged anything. Now a month and a half later I have a bill for canceling $9.99 and the first months charges. When I called to ask why, I was told they agent could not promise a credit, that there were no notes on the file regarding a credit, but that he would send an email to another department to have them decide if I was deserving of a credit. I would never recommend this company. They made promises not kept regarding service and then charge for service that was not received.

5 years ago

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Scott M Clearwater, FL

Like many modern businesses I work at a retail store that REQUIRES internet in order to do its business. Service since we GOT Frontier Internet has been spotty at best. Constant minor ups and downs. However yesterday (5-29-2019) I got to work and no internet. Down. Period. No ability to run my business and run tickets, charge cards, etc. IMMEDIATELY got on the phone with Frontier support and after an HOUR AND A HALF on the phone and constant tweaking, rebooting the modem, going into the back side of the modem and changing settings at their insistence and nothing. No internet. So the tech puts in a trouble call for me telling me that a tech will call me. He gave me the trouble call number. Lo and behold, it's now 3 pm, yet STILL no call from their tech. I called them back, gave my trouble call ticket number and after an HOUR on the phone they tell me "oh that call was going to be tomorrow on the 30th and they are going to call and try and fix it over the phone..." Isn't that what they tried to do earlier that same day??? "Then they will determine whether a technician will be dispatched..." Wait, what? So they are expecting a business, a LIVELIHOOD to shut down because their service SUCKS??? Well here it is, the next day (5-30-2019) and STILL no call from Frontier... We will be switching to Spectrum. *EDIT* It is now 6-3-2019 and it has been SIX DAYS that our business has been without internet due to the bumbling inefficiencies and incompetence of Frontier.

5 years ago

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Doug Schaefferkoetter Logan, OH

Frontier Communications is NOT an ethical supplier of communications/internet services and I would not recommend using them if you have other options. They did not support lifeline services for my disable daughter and they charge anyone a termination fee if you stop using them. Their policy states their is an early termination fee if a customer discontinues before the promotional period is up (this is reasonable) but I found that they charge a termination fee to anyone even if they are not on a promotional agreement. Buyer beware as I was with them for 10 years, had no promotional pricing or agreements and they still charged me. Doug S.

5 years ago

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RT Milton, WV

We got Frontier internet about 2 years or so ago. Worked fine for a while, then we started experiencing internet connection drops. We were told there was a malfunction or something in the hub, and that it would be fixed. Internet seemed to get better, then started same old crap. Now it just randomly disconnects and then reconnects at varying lengths of time, and then stays connected at varying lengths of time. We never know when it is going to go out, which is frustrating to say the least to be online doing something and then get kicked off, thereby causing work to be interrupted and sometimes even lost. I would give them NEGATIVE stars if I could. Also, when calling technical support, the wait times are extremely long, like around an hour or more, and when you do manage to get to speak to someone, you usually then have to try and decipher what they are saying even though they are speaking English, because Frontier apparently thinks it's a good idea to employ people with such thick Indian accents, that they may as well be speaking a foreign language. Nothing racist, as I have nothing at all against Indians, but when you can't freaking understand someone... well that DOES present somewhat of a problem when you're trying to resolve an issue now doesn't it? It simply is not worth the hassle to throw money away in dealing with such an incompetent and uncaring company.

5 years ago

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Tony N. La Verne, CA

Read all the other reviews in the past and I said I hope this would not happen to me. Was I wrong. I cancelled my services March 18 and yet they bill me for the whole month of March. The first person I spoke to reverse the charges and told me that they bill a month ahead and I will be getting a refund and went ahead and reverse my charges in the credit card. Then all of a sudden I got a letter that my account is past due and have me pay the whole amount of 139.49 even though my services was cancelled on March 18 and they will refund me the differecence in 3 to 4 month. I ask why would it take that long to get a refund and was told it was the policy. No interest is given on my money that they will keep for 3 to 4 month. This is a good class action law suit. Any lawyers out there who will be interested to take the case.

5 years ago

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My dealings with Frontier over the past couple of months has been an absolute nightmare. I'll be 70 this year and this has been the worst customer service experience of my life. Their level of service is truly pathetic ... they never called me back with answers/information after promising to do so over a dozen times, sold me internet service that did not exist in my area - twice, and they blew me off on service installation appointments without calling to let me know they wouldn't be there - twice. Reading the reviews on this site actually made me feel better - I thought it might be just me that was being treated so horribly. I guess misery really does love company.

5 years ago

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Shawn Fuhrman New Salisbury, IN

I WAS a customer for 5 years. The first 4 years I was charged one price, then they upped the cost without telling me. We were paying automatically through our bank. So for the last year they were charging me late fees every month. When I call to complain, they hung up on me twice, was supposed to be called by a supervisor twice(they never called), then I finally cancel, and call back yet again to complain and try to get them to at least remove the late fees, nope. So much for serving loyal customers. I have dealt with bad customer service, but they are by far the worst. If that wasn't bad enough their download speeds are slightly above dial up at between 3 to 15 mbps. Was constantly resetting the router and paid more for phone services than internet. Wish I would have switched to cable sooner than I did.

5 years ago

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jake kennedy

I cannot begin to understand how Frontier Communication's internal customer service meetings go. Maybe something like this: 'I know you know that all calls are monitored, but if things get too tough with the customer, and it looks like you may have to give them a concession or actually give them good customer service that involves giving them money back - just hang up. We actually don't care about our customers, but let's put on a good show so we look like a real company, trying to give a good service, while actually delivering a sub par offering all around. Sound good? Let's go get 'em!' This vibe must pump through the veins of everyone there. Full force. They seem great on the surface. But peel that back and apply pressure, and their true colors come through - which are like a rainbow of promise gently smeared with the blood and feces of nice-but-terrible-horrible customer service department. At least that's how it felt in mine and my wife's interactions with them over the last year. The details are too great to discuss, but the basics are as follows: We lose internet and phone and ultimately they can't come out for 3 weeks to fix. My poor wife works from home and had to spend 3 weeks in Starbucks trying to run her business from her laptop. Plus about 5 hours over the month on the phone with customer service trying to resolve the issue. Then when they were supposed to come, they cancelled and said they couldn't come for another week. My wife was crying on the phone to them begging them to do something for her. To come. Solve the problem. Help her. The lady that my wife was talking to raised her voice, was rude and then hung up on her. That was enough. I called Charter Spectrum and they came the next day, upgraded me from 50/50 to 400/50 internet and charged me $10 less per month. Far better speeds, service (so far) and cheaper. Amazing. Why I waited a month for better everything I don't know. Complacency I guess. So I canceled my service with Frontier and they gave me a credit for the month I didn't have service and wiped my account clean. All good. All done - thankfully. So far so good. But they said I cancelled just after a billing cycle, so I will have to wait a month, get the new bill and call in and clear it up. So sure enough, a month later they sent me a bill for $129. Not sure what for. So I spent about 45 minutes trying to resolve it all with their customer service department. And 45 minutes later, I was told it should be all good. I just had to wait another month for the billing cycle to refresh. And just a few days ago, I get a collections notice from Frontier saying I still owe the money. And if I don't pay in the next few days, I will be sent to collections. Not good. So I call again, spend another 38 minutes re-explaining, trying to get a supervisor on the phone (which didn't happen), trying to work out why I am being charged this money when I had the worst customer service in the world; then finally, when the lady couldn't work out how to help me, because clearly, a supervisor didn't want to help me (as she inferred) she hung up on me. Amazing. What kind of a company is this? So rather than spend another 40 minutes trying to resolve this, then 20 minutes cooling down from my rage, and probably another hour after they (possibly) hang up on me again, I just paid the bill. I hated doing it. Hated letting them win. But I'm 3 days away from having my good credit wrecked. Even if they told me it was all taken care of, I just don't trust them any more. I am not trusting my credit on their word, for $129. They blew it. Not just once. Or twice, but 5 times. So this tells me bad customer service is no chance event at Frontier. It's their policy. It's their M.O. It's in their DNA. As much as they pretend, they actually don't care. It's clear that the individuals that I spoke to, and we spoke to many, see what they do as a mere job. They have no buy in or pride in their company and what it does. Clearly they have a good product as Verizon set it all up. But they are now just slowly bleeding out all Verizon's brand excellence and good will and pumping the Frontier veins full of sub-par and septic elements, that will only hurt their brand over time and ultimately their bottom line. As people wake up and leave them for a better service, they will just bleed out. And I won't shed a tear. So what's the lesson here? Don't accept bad service. There are alternatives. You just have to look. Ask for more. Expect more. And you shall receive. I have certainly learned my lesson. Thinking about it, thank you Frontier. This won't happen to me again. And hopefully it won't happen to you now.

5 years ago

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Robby Denton, TX

I would give them 0 stars if it allowed. Customer service was always horrible. They mischarged me over $500 after the install in the first month, then refused to refund the additional balance, instead crediting my bill for several months after. Returned our dvr when we cancelled tv service and only retained the internet. 6 months later when we cancelled the internet service and sent back the modem, they now tried to add the dvr back to equipment we owed them and charge us $230 for it, threatening to turn us to collections with the first invoice (4 months later). I have tracking numbers for both returns, but they can't seem to figure it out. Also, they changed our bill a couple of times after failing to tell us that some of the initial discounts only lasted a couple of months (a lie, because i asked the salesperson that question specifically to try and avoid that).

5 years ago

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Anthony Singleton Pinellas Park, FL

This is the worst company ever to do business with. They messed up the install at one of my properties so I scheduled a time for them to fix it and they gave me a confirmation number for the appointment. On the day or the repair they don't show up so I call them and they tell me there was no appointment scheduled for that day. I give them the confirmation number and they try to tell me it was cancelled because the problem was corrected. It wasn't corrected because I still had no internet service and the modem was in the wrong room. They didn't even bother to notify me they cancelled the appointment. I decided to cancel my service there and at my home. My service terminated two days into the billing cycle and they sent me a bill for the entire month. So, I called them to find out how much I really owe. They tell me I have to pay for the whole month because they don't prorate. So I'm supposed to pay $95 dollars for 2 days of service? That's not going to happen. If you're looking for cable, internet or phone, stay as far away from this company as you can. Their service is horrible and the customer service is even worse.

5 years ago

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Sine Pari Tustin, CA

There is no way this site is legit. Look anywhere else online and you will see that Frontier is a dumpster fire. I've been with Frontier since they took over our Verizon Fios in 2016. Prior to the takeover by Frontier, we loved our Verizon Fios internet and TV packages. However, once Frontier took over it has been nothing but grief and aggravation. In addition to the world's rudest, least responsive, and most inept customer service (nearly every customer service call we made had to be handed up to a supervisor who invariably turned out to be surly, self-important, and inflexible); Frontier repeatedly messed up our channel packages, charged us for channels we never received, gave us internet at much slower speeds than we were paying for, outrageously and repeatedly jacked the rates for our internet and TV packages (now over $200 /month for basic channel package and 100/100 internet), charged us full boat monthly rent for outdated and malfunctioning cable boxes and wifi modem, and refused to update our outdated equipment without charging us - all while offering new customers deals at less than half what we were paying as long-term customers. Today we'd finally had it and cancelled all services from Frontier. Despite the fact that we were less than a week into the new billing month, Frontier refused to prorate our service and return the unused portion of our payment. "John" at Frontier informed us that Frontier changed our contract, which allowed for such refunds, by placing some small print on our bill back in 2017. Without a doubt, Frontier is the worst all-around service provider I have ever dealt with in any category. If I had stock in this company, I would dump it as fast as I could. There is no way a company run like this can survive its competition in a world where over 60% of adults 18-35 stream their content and have no use for cable TV.

5 years ago

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Ken W O'Brien, OR

Our internet stopped working on the on the 14th of February and Frontier informed us that the earliest an appointment could be made for a technician visit will be on Friday the 8th of March between 2:00 and 5:00pm. After waiting for 22 days we called Frontier to follow-up and was told by a customer service representative that that they don't have enough people to send out a technician and that we would have to reschedule for another time, I requested to speak with a manager and was told that I would be called back between 5:00 & 6:00pm today it is now 6:00pm and not surprised that we were not called. We live in Southern Oregon and would appreciate any good internet providers to establish business in our region.

5 years ago

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Kylie Hesperia, CA

I ordered FiOS from Frontier a month ago. No one showed up to our first instal appointment and it took weeks for them to come out again. They were an hour and a half late and by the next day I still did not have internet. The soonest someone can come is another 2 weeks, when I am unavailable. I have have contacted them via phone at least 5 times, all taking up over an hour, messaged them via there contact page at least 4 times. I have been told twice my service was "escalated" which no one showed up for. Last time I spoke with someone they said my ticket was escalated, they knew what the problem was and I didn't need to be present to fix it and they'd call me tomorrow to confirm the fix. That was 3 days ago. I reached to them today and was told nothing had been escalated and no one would come if someone wasn't home. Every day I try to get an update on the status of my WiFi as I work from home and am having to travel work, and nothing has been done to help. It has been over a month and I still have no internet, and my next appointment is another two weeks out. This will make 6 weeks since my purchase with no internet. This company sucks.

5 years ago

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Jason M Wish Medina, OH

I tried to have internet installed as a gift to my father way before Christmas (October 2018) - after prepaying, on 3 separate occasions the technicians were no call no shows on 4 hour window scheduled appointments over a month timeframe... at that point, of course I cancelled services, and spent no less than 2 hours each on the phone on 2 separate occasions to get refunded (the first time I waited the 2 weeks after calling without the promised refund being refunded, then had to start over, and was finally refunded) I have since been receiving bills and past due notices of services never rendered, and again spent numerous hours on phone to have bills ceased, constantly getting routed in a loop and/or being told I'd get transferred to the proper department only to be routed back to the first menu... the actual people I talked to in customer service have been nice, and I stay calm and polite, but as far as this company as an whole, is the most unprofessional, back alley dealing swindlers I wish I had never come across... this experience has been enormously stressful, and is still not resolved as I just received yet another bill with threats to go to collections... It's January 16, 2019... I urge everyone to get their cable/internet services through another company, and avoid this nightmare and farce of a company called Frontier... I am copying and pasting this, along with a copy of my bill today, and will continue to do so on all media platforms I can until my billing for services I've not received, for an account that has been cancelled due to no installation, and therefore zero service, has stopped... at this point, an apology from Frontier would be welcome, actually, expected... my name is Jason Wish, and the service area is northeast Ohio

5 years ago

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Tino Valantine Huntington Beach, CA

First and foremost, if you were thinking about joining Frontier, let me help you before you make the same mistake and many other people have made !!! AVOID this company like the plague !!!! They will suck you in with their "New Customer" deals, after their promotional time expires, they will try everything possible to rip you off and when you try to call and talk to a human being, hahaha, good luck with that!!! WORST customer service possible!! You will wait on hold for an hour, and then not give you any "deals" to keep you as a valued customer. When I cancelled my account, they told me I would be charged for an "early termination fee" , after I have been with them for 3 years !!!! I NEVER extended any contract with them what so ever !! With all due respect, the services worked well, it was all bad when it come to billing department and customer support! One of the most corrupt utility services out there. Not "buyer beware", more like DO NOT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT " !!!

5 years ago

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HonestMom Durham, NC

Not having been a customer for thirty days yet I must say that I am very dissatisfied and disappointed with Frontier. As a work at home agent it is imperative that my ISP is spot on with my services. I’m currently out of work day number 5 and am having to provide an immeasurable amount of documentation to explain that my absences are no fault of my own. After being scheduled for a tech visit from 8-12 noon on yesterday (yes there was snow) and after several confirmation calls initiated by yours truly, I was told that the technician was on his way. Several hours surpassed and my ticket window closed. I then called back again to confirm repair and I was told again the technician was on his way. There after I received a call from a representative from the office of the president who saw that the technician was due to arrive. The representative contacted the technician and I learned after 4 pm ( 4 hours after the close time of my original ticket) that the technician stated that he was home due to inclement weather which would not have been an issue had He showed up during my original scheduled time. I shared my frustration and nothing has been done. Moments ago, after waiting all day for a technician, I was told that my ticket was once again removed from dispatch today. I was advised to just be home and that a technician will show up some time this week. Do not waste your time calling the office of president (lower case for a reason) because absolutely nothing can be done in regards of having the technicians honor your tickets. They show up when they want to. Had I not been proactive and contacted Frontier on my on several times again today, I would not have known that no one was going to show up. It’s sad because they do it so gracefully. So I guess an emergency on my part does not constitute an emergency on Frontier’s even with an open ticket. Might I add we don’t have cable and have not had use of our streaming services for 5 days now with multiple children in the home who have been out of school due to inclement weather. ( My ticket was opened prior to the inclement weather) My opinion of this service could go one another page or two however I will leave you with this. I saw the rating of one star and figured I’d give them a try because I like to form my own opinion about goods and services. However as for this particular company please pay attention to the rating because the service is the poorest I’ve ever experienced. I’d be ashamed to work for this company and owner and operators should be more compassionate to customers who are working to support this sorry service.

5 years ago

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JAY SKARE Pardeeville, WI

Terrible service. NOTHING but problems in the last 14 months. WEEKS to get a tech out here to fix problem. FINALLY we have a new carrier in town. SPECTRUM is getting my business next month. Frontier is cheaper BUT with out service 20% of the time. In the last 14 months we have been without service at least 3 months. On phone for HOURS each time. On hold for AT LEAST 20 - 30 min EVERYTIME I have to call about NO SERVICE. Same recording EVERYTIME, "we're sorry, due to the high call demand we are very busy". I can call that # at ANY time day or nite and get that recording, and be on hold for 30 min. TERRIBLE SERVICE. 30% OF OUR TOWN HAS SWITCHED TO THE OTHER CARRIER. TERRIBLE SERVICE, TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE. BYE BYE FRONTIER.

5 years ago

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vered Barazani Plano, TX

We are customers for 8 years now. It always was hard time dealing with Frontier but the last incident is just a FRAUD. We were agreeing on a price/plan over the phone but were surprised to receive a bill double the amount agreed. After spending hours on the phone with them we got them to admit our agreement but they are refusing to follow through and the reasons are with them. It's not the first time that they are promising something over the phone and later not honoring it, but at least in the past after we insisted and proving them they would comply. This time even that did not help. I believe a class action against their fraud business practice is needed.

5 years ago

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Danny Flower Mound, TX

How come this company get more than 1.0 out of 10? I wish I could give them -10 our of 10. also, I don't understand how they are still running their business and how people are still using their service? I totally don't understand. be aware of this company!! will close down their business real soon. their customer service is horrible, not even worth to talk about it, they always ignore and argue with their customer about the over amount bills, they said their internet service is not going to be over $60 including tax and everything, but they charged $97 and $83 constantly, they never pick up their phone, always transfer more than 5 times so I had to explain same situation to the every representatives that I talked, spent more than 1~2 hrs per call, they are not even listen to me, I don't know why I am paying for the service that I DID NOT use after I discontinue their service( they said they sent the bill before I call, I had to call them more than 3 times to discontinue service, but I called twice before the bill), I have never seen like this business in my life. please stay away for your mental health and financial health, for your life.

5 years ago

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Victor Medvil Pendleton, IN

Well, about Frontier Internet, first to say that frontier internet is slow is a understatement, it is by far the worst internet to exist, I would dare to say that dial up services are better than frontier because at-least they actually work about 50% of the time frontier does not connect, then you call the hotline and they do nothing, there are outages about every month for days and the internet modems that they use disconnect randomly from a modern wifi cards in laptops about every 30 minutes. To say that frontier is unstable would be a understatement, which they charge about 30$ to 50$ or more a month for every-time you open you bill you will think to yourself is frontier a legal con job that you have signed up for, which have 2 year contracts which you cannot break or be charged a huge fee. I would rather be in dealings with a literal con artist then frontier because at-least then I can call the police or FBI about it being actually scammed but I would dare to say that frontier is a scam. NEVER GET FRONTIER INTERNET it is better to not have internet than frontier, This could be you.

6 years ago

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JEnnifer Ortonville, MI

I would give this "so called company" a zero if possible. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY! I received internet and it wouldn't work for 5 days and they finally canceled it for me. I was on the phone for several hours several days. When I spoke to the supervisor who canceled it she assured me that I would not be paying for anything since I never received Internet. This is the 2nd month now that they are trying to charge me, over what they already told me they would charge in the 1st place, for a service I never received. When the supervisor read back the notes that showed that I called because I wasn't receiving Internet and that I ended up canceling because my house was not picking up their Internet she said that it was all my say and that she doesn't know for sure if that was really the reason why I canceled so therefore I still have to pay over a $100 or it's goes on my credit. Which makes ZERO sense because it also said in the notes that the company could not offer me the service fee it promised, due to the area that I reside in. I had to do multiple troubleshoots for the first and only five days that I "had" the service. It took hours and nothing worked. It's a scam do not do it!!! UPDATE: Going on 3.5 months now. I fought this bill, being on the phone for literally hours at a time. We were told several times that the bill was being adjusted and we didn't have to pay, yet they continued to come after me. NO one is on the same page at this place and I just had to drop over $100 (even though my contract says $50-something) for internet service that I NEVER received, or it was going on my credit. I am beyond livid and I will write this review on EVERY SINGLE SITE I CAN so I hope the company is reading this! It's a joke and I'm waiting for my refund!

6 years ago

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BJ Coppell, TX

In December 2017 we got a promotional 150 MBPS at price $43.00 a month and for this 150mbps plan, in January 2018 frontier technician install a wireless device which never work and we were out of internet for 10 days then my plan was reverse back to original 75 MBPS and surprisingly on high price $59.00, and they deleted my 150 mbps plan from computer record too. Then again in February internet plug was taken out by some frontier technician in somewhere street box and our internet was cut of for 15 days in February 2018. I was continuously requesting these two incidents and asked for 100 mbps for $40 to compensate me for my January plan 150mbps for $43, which is now available to new customers too. plz look into the matter and at least provide me this. but nobody listened and try to sell new plan for $65 dollar. I am fed up with Frontier customer service and break down of service which is very bad and looks I m force to subscribe Spectrum which have better price and plans.

6 years ago

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Karen Portland, OR

Stay away from Frontier! Do not let the cheap prices tempt you! The customer service is horrible, even at corporate level. I canceled the cable part of my service a month ago and am still waiting for an empty box with an actual return label to ship the cable box back. They sent an empty box with no return label. When I called to get a label they sent me another box with a cable box inside and no return label. I now have two cable boxes to return. I also canceled the cable part of my service days after my billing cycle and was told I would receive a credit but then was told by a manager that is not how they do it. Out of the 10 people I talked to at Frontier none gave me consistent information. I was so shocked by the horrible customer service that I received from the corporate office that I was almost speechless. Please save yourself a headache and do not get service from Frontier!

6 years ago

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Mike Fultz Claremont, CA

I would advise the city of Claremont, CA to help us residents garner more Internet provider options. Frontier is the WORST. They raise the cost and when you call and spend an hour renegotiating your bill, the next month the bill is even higher. Today I got a Sherrity, who was rude and would not allow me to speak to a supervisor when I inquired about why my bill jumped from$169.00 to $278.00. When I asked how I should arrange for Frontier to pick up their boxes and remotes, she made it clear that there would be no proration of the bill. I suggest that ALL stay away from these crooks and that ALL appeal to our city for help and to work with us to end the monopoly this company has tried to establish since Verizon sold them the business. They will RIP you off and be nasty about it.

6 years ago

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Alexandr Streltsov Tampa, FL

When it is just a daily internet connection I have no claims to Frontier Fios internet for the price I have. But when it comes to any kind of set up or troubleshoot work it is a headache for a week or more. I spending so many nerves money and time to achieve some basic services like ROUTER TROUBLESHOOTING, OUTDOORS CONNECTION RECOVERY, MOVING SERVICES TO ANOTHER ADDRESS or even UPDATING ACCOUNT INFORMATION is pain!!! On April 4, 2018 I was transferred to Jard for 20 minutes after speaking with another horrible customer support representative and Jard wasn't interested in solving my problem. He immediately switched me back WITHOUT any reasons or confirmation. So I was 20 minutes more for waiting customer support help! Frontier Customer support AND Technical support is the WORST unprofessional rude people I ever met in my live they makes me suffer and beg for help to make my services that I paid for to work. 1) Frontier's call system is totally awful. It spend a lot of your time asking account credentials and verify information and after minimum 20 minutes of awaiting representative start asking all the information ones again! No call back feature is advising by the system as Frontier promising. 2) Customer support doesn't know what they doing. They looking for the moment to switch you to another department and all representatives trained to bounce you to each other with additional 20 minutes awaiting and info verification every time. Also only one thing is customer support interested in: SELLING you USELESS software and features. 3) Technical support can't answer simplest questions about troubleshooting process and trying to bounce you back to customer support. They never have an actual account information, their operating systems loading for 10 minutes every time to pull my account up. Always waiting and apologizes for not working software. By the way, these people speaking on ghetto slang with terrible accent and they chewing! OMG, Frontier let your employees have a normal lunch break! 4) Technicians not coming to your home at scheduled time, they just marking your ticket as completed and go away! For me it usually takes two or three times spread for 2 weeks of scheduling service to make things work. Bunch of unprofessional incompetent people! I strongly believe that there is NO professional trainings and quality selection actually held among customer supportю It seems they hiring anyone for cheap and all listed facts makes Frontier services dramatically poor. I don't believe this review will make any changes to Frontier's attitude to customers. There is nothing can be handled here, the company is disaster.

6 years ago

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Kurt Everett, WA

I WISH I COULD GIVE NEGITIVE STARS.... Frontier is the ABSOLUTE WORST internet company: Customer Service calls are 10-15 minute hold times always. (I tried repeatedly over several days) I get bounced around from different departments too. (so annoying) I wanted their 150/150 internet service...and after 3 service techs coming to the house! They could only get me to 110-ish on a good day? (This is FIOS?..REALLY...for fiber!!!) PLUS, their pricing is NOT completive at all...its gouging! Here is the final straw...I went to cancel their service as they could not provide what they promise in speed. So I cancelled 2 DAYS into the month and they said "they will bill me for the WHOLE coming month?" as they will not pro-rate the billing...this is their NEW standard? WTF! Are you kidding me, they can't stand behind their product speed & service, but they will gouge your billing? I see why this company is loosing money according to their own P/L statements and their stock (FTR) had to do a REVERSE split. STAY AWAY... poor business practices to the customer!

6 years ago Edited September 14, 2021

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Karen Fortier Mount Vernon, WA

when it is operating it is satisfactory for my needs. It is slow but is okay. unfortunately, there are times during the day when it quits, and you can do nothing for the five to 40 minutes until the service resumes.

6 years ago

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Jason Kropidlowski Maple Park, IL

BOYCOTT THIS COMPANY!!! The Frontier technician inappropriately touched my wife, while I was at work. I called to complain to the company on Saturday. They stated they took this "VERY SERIOUSLY" and would give me a call back on the next Tuesday, with a status update. The NEVER called me back. I then called back the next day, for a status update....and waited 30-40 minutes to talk to a manager...then to a director...then got hung up on. They obviously don't care about sexual harassment and/or inappropriateness. Im done with this horrible company. If you have them....choose ANY OTHER COMPANY...even if it's dial-up. DONT SUPPORT A COMPANY THAT SUPPORTS SEXUAL HARASSMENT AND PROTECTS THEIR PREDATORS!!!!! Corporate Webpage:

6 years ago

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David Brymer Irving, TX

Had issue with billing. Talked to rep. Addressed the issue also changed the service slightly. They were to send out 3 new HD boxes, 1 with DVR by end of week. Didn't receive so called. Talked to someone else they said, "oh it's shipped". Went another week still not received so called again. Talked to someone else and then her supervisor. They said, no it hadn't shipped and it was only for one box. she supposedly put the correction in and said we'd have it in a week or so. Well a week later got a new router. Didn't order or need so I called. Again talked to someone else and he said order had closed but said he'd have a tech come out today with the 3 boxes. It's now been a month and hopefully they will be out today, if not out to the curb they go. Can't believe how absolutely clueless these people are. DON'T USE THEM unless you want to be frustrated.

7 years ago

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I was a Frontier costumer until 2 days ago. Here is my story : I accepted to receive Frontier internet and cable services only because Frontier CLEARLY offered me a $300 amazon gift card. Since I haven't received the gift card following 2 months, I have made 2 calls to Frontier. In the first one, I was told to wait 3 billing cycle. After waiting 2 more months, I was told I am not eligible for the gift card. I used the live chat system but they offered $50 gift card. I canceled everything with Frontier. My suggestion is "don't work with them." You're a costumer until you sign a contract with them. After that, you don't have any value. FRONTIER IS A VERY CHEAP COMPANY.

7 years ago

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Carlos Plaza Tampa, FL

Had FIOS (with Frontier) installed for phone, internet & TV. Promotional pricing was promised for 2 years starting from starting the service. Promotional price was not in any of the bills. Technical support was good, but billing support is terrible. After calling and experiencing inordinate wait times, being disconnected, then having to wait again trying to get the billing corrected, I was told that the TV service I wanted had been applied, and billing has been corrected and that my bill would be reduced. Bill went up instead. Every time I called billing support, the bill went UP with the blame put on me for ordering the wrong service. In another state, I had FIOS from Verizon in New York - the pricing was reasonable and the support flawless. Verizon should dump Frontier and provide the service themselves in the state of Florida.

7 years ago

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Average Joe

So we get our internet installed after 3 days of delay, and guess what. It doesn't work. So I sat on hold for 45 minutes and I tell them that the wifi cuts out every 5 minutes. They squedual a tech to come in a week later and the wifi goes from cutting out every 5 minutes to shutting off every time we try to use it. So we call again and after being on hold for eternity, we tell them that the problem got worse and they schedule another tech a week later. I stead of finding a tech at my front door, we find a box. In that box is another router. So we plug it all in and shockingly, it does the same thing it did before. We call them once more and they tell us to do super simple stuff that we have tried 1,000 times already like restarting the router and trying to change the setting. So the router goes fifteen minutes without cutting out so I thought it was fixed and hung up, but right as I did, it cut out. I highly recommend choosing any other company besides frontier unless you don't want wifi.

7 years ago

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Ken Bearden

We signed up for Frontier Fios to be installed on 9/21/2016 between 8:00 to 9:00 am, not only did the Frontier not show up, but we never got a call as to they would be late or needed to reschedule. When we called the Frontier numbers, and were greeted with long wait times, 3 different call, the folk at the service center would then say they are talking to the dispatch folks and come back and assure us that the Tech would call ( HE DID NOT) and that he would be there in next 30 minute or so. So I spent the whole day off from work,,,( I wanted make sure the equipment was installed where I needed it) waiting and now since we do not know if Frontier will be out at all. I will start checking with Charter and Time Warner to see what my other options are!

7 years ago

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Andrew Brach Gresham, OR

This is one of the worst companies I have ever dealt with in so many ways. Upon signing up they "lost" my information 3 times. It took them a month to set up our internet. They cancelled their set-up without notifying us or setting up a second appointment. They promised us a credit that they never delivered on. My internet is too slow to watch anything on Netflix. I can't play any games online. They raised their prices without telling me or adding anything extra. I pay them in order to use my phone for the internet at home (which is through a different company). Do not use them. You are better off communicating through the USPS. It will be faster and more reliable.

8 years ago

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Cassady Dallas, TX

Our wifi has been down for almost a week. We called on June 21, 2016 and were told that someone could not be here until Friday (we would be out of town) we told them never mind come next week. While we are finishing packing and about to hit the road a frontier guy pulls up. It ended up not being the router so he had to go look for the hub. We left as we were an hour behind our group and let him know to call us as he did not need in our home. We never received a phone call and assume he never looked for the hub. When we got back on June 26, 2016 we had to call once more and again no one could fix it until June 28, 2016. Now we are waiting for the technician to show up but have no idea when he will be here as they gave no time window. Freaking hate Frontier! Verizon please come back!!!

8 years ago

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ROC Anaheim, CA

They have the worst customer service! Since Verizon changed to Frontier I had nothing but trouble. I wanted to cancel my TV and phone services and upgrade my internet. I called multiple times and each time they told me my request never existed. Finally one day I get through and they sent me a box to return my cable box. 2 weeks later I have no internet and my house. I called multiple times again and finally go to a supervisor and she told me I requested to get everything turned off! I was so furious. Finally I ended up cancelling the whole service. Their internet is great but not worth the customer service.

8 years ago

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Ryan Carter Tampa, FL

DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!! I had Verizon for years and had perfectly fine FIOS internet with little to no issue other than a few minor service/billing issues early on. Once those were worked out my experience was great. Once Frontier bought out Verizon I attempted to move my service from one address to another and it has been an absolute nightmare. The technician came out and installed service but didn't bury the wire. Then the day after he left the service was disconnected. Somehow and for some reason the service at my new address was turned off and they left the old address active. I have now tried to call 5 different times and after being on hold for 45-90 minutes each time I still have not had internet and it's been a week since my initial call. I cannot deliver this message loudly enough - DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, USE THIS COMPANY IF YOU HAVE ANY OTHER OPTION.

8 years ago

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Kelly Flintridge Santa Monica, CA

This goes down as one of the worst customer service companies I've dealt with... ever. Verizon switched my internet service to Frontier. I didn't even know until my internet stopped working out of the blue one day. Then the nightmare began.... On hold and dealing with incompetent agents for over 4 and a half hours. 3 out of 5 "customer service" agents barely spoke English. I was disconnected TWICE. Transferred to the wrong place TWICE. Service advisor never showed at his scheduled time, on TWO occasions even though I took a half day off WORK!!!!!!!! Who does that????? Clearly someone who has NO respect for their customers. They're telling me he's on his way and he NEVER SHOWS. But the worst is probably being disconnected after waiting for a "manager" for over 45 minutes after this. THEY SUCK. SUCK. SUCK. SUCK. After 3 days of this HORRIBLE PATHETIC service, I finally switched to Time Warner last night. They showed up today to install. Internet working instantly. Good bye Frontier. FOREVER. Shame on Verizon for doing this to their customers. Makes me want to leave them too.

8 years ago

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Barbara GRANT Newbury Park, CA

Having horrible experiences with Frontier. Used to be FIOS - they were very responsive. After change to Frontier we called to order new multi-room DVRs. Couldn't find our account for the first 4 weeks while the conversion was happening. When they finally found it in week 4, the rep was very obtuse and confused about my account info (they had the wrong phone number on it). At the end of the call, the rep told me he needed my FULL SS# and DOB to process the order. WHAT IS THIS NONSENSE?? NO ONE should be asking for this info. He refused to process the order without my giving him the info. I gave it reluctantly and under protest, and he gave me his name and told me there was no supervisor to speak to. A week ago, I called because I had a question about my new bill, and they again couldn't find my account (still had the wrong phone number). I had to give them my name and address and they finally found it. The bill amount was incorrect as it turned out. He apologized that they had needed my FULL SS# to process the order, and I told them that if that was their standard procedure, I wanted OUT of the relationship now. He said that was only required on the first service upgrade call. We'll see. When I asked about what Frontier would do for all my inconvenience, the rep said he was sorry. I asked for at least a $25 credit to the account for all the time i was having to waste, and he said it would be applied on my next bill. I should have asked for a whole month free! My order date for install is today, and the "window" they gave me was from 8 AM - 5 PM. It's now 3 PM and there is no sign of an installer and no one is calling me to tell me when they are coming. I've been home all day. I called to find out what the status was and the lines were so garbled, I had to call 2x and got disconnected both times. No one has called me back. This is outrageous. I had renewed my 2 year contract with FIOS in Feb. 2016 but would have NEVER done it if I had known that Frontier was taking over. At this point, we are frustrated and have spent over 2 hours on the phone with several people trying to get answers, service and help. My advice is to sever your relationship with Frontier ASAP. and to advise others to do the same.

8 years ago