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Frontier Internet

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Kathy Schmitt Hemet, CA

Worst company I ever had to deal with. Customer service is nonexistent and their service technicians lie. The fist time my internet went out because of fallen telephone pole by my house, it took over a week to get someone out after not showing up for first appointment a week out, postponing my second appointment for day after, and attempt to postpone yet another day. Only my screaming fit brought someone out and, even though I told the person making appointments exactly what was wrong, technician showed up not believing me and wasting a half hour before realizing I was right, but he wasn’t prepared to fix it as it was a 2 person job requiring special equipment. They had to run a new line up telephone pole and reattach it. Apparently, they didn’t reattach it properly as within months the line started to give way causing internet problems and then fell down altogether leaving me with no land phone line or internet. I couldn’t get repair appointment until a week out. I waited at home all day waiting and nobody showed up to fix it. After researching where my repairman was, I found he had closed out my repair ticket declaring he had fixed it although he never came to my door, never came up my street, never contacted me. The repair required a truck with bucket and 2 people and a lot of time, therefore, I knew the technician lied. I had to make another appointment which took another week. At my second appointment, the very same thing happened: nobody showed up, nobody called or texted, no truck drove up. I found that the technician again lied about fixing it and further lied that he tried contacting me. They made another appointment for another week out despite my rage at this point. I have been without landline phone and internet for THREE weeks. I finally had to find another provider for phone and internet and they will be installing new service in a couple of days, with much better speed at less money. NEVER EVER consider gong with Frontier. I have NEVER encountered service this bad ANYWHERE from ANY other company!!!

1 year ago

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Penny Smith Manteca, CA

For the last two years they have been trying to force us to change to fiber. 1st time I said not interested. Workers at front door the next am. Sent them packing after I told them we didn't order. Five days later they cut off service. "we thought you changed over. Took four days to turn it back on - weekend Second time we called to check on the details of changing. Told them we would think about it. six days later or service was disconnected. took two days to get it turned back on. Last time after ignoring dozens of emails service was disconnected so called tech. Guy gave me a BS story and asked if I wanted to upgrade. Heck they can't even keep from messing with me every six months. This guy told me what a great trouble shooter he was so he wanted me to disconnect the power cable from the outlet to the modem. Told me that there was likely "static electricity TRAPPED in the cord" and that swinging it around over my head would discharge that. Played along like I followed his instructions though I never disconnected anything and magically the service was back up within minutes. Other issue is that my month bill every month on the day its due shows no payment balance but if I reload the page it will not show the amount needed to bring my account up to date fully so they then post a late/credit charge of $35. WOULD NEVER consider giving these a*** access to autopay Don't consider them - run away!!!

1 year ago

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Robby Brown

The only thing frontier is really good at is reliability. It is a stable service. That being said, you can expect to get slightly less than half of what the advertised speed is that you pay for. If you pay for one gig of service. You will slightly less than 500 Mb per second. I paid for a gig of service and never gotten more than 478 Gb per second at any time. I decided to downgrade since I was not getting what I was paying for. After downgrading to 500 Mb service, I get about 200 Mb per second. Also, the customer service is absolutely horrendous. The worst customer service of any company I have ever experienced in my entire life. Do not do business with this company unless you have to. Unfortunately, in my area, the other option is spectrum. I refuse to do business with them. As soon as a faster option is available in my area, I will drop frontier like a bad habit.

1 year ago

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Jeff Shiflet MI

This company is the only choice in my part of the country unless you want satellite and goes out every time it rains. It took a month once to get a relay replaced in the building they meet and take their breaks in. I care for my elderly parents which ment I could go to my home a half mile away because they couldn't contact me. Oh yes and the insisted I pay for that month. Now today's problem called to get my home phone turned off since I can use my cell over my internet. They disabled my internet also and insist someone will have to come to the house and reset it. So once again I am at my parents house or should I say parent now for 9 days until it is fixed. I also can't FaceTime with my family overseas because of the lack of cell coverage. Wow so nice of them going down Monday morning to talk to a technician and see if they will help me out. Doubt it but worth a try.

1 year ago

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Claudia Zuluaga Orlando, FL

I am giving this company one star because zero is not an option. My internet stopped working completely in the middle of my work day. I spent 5 hours on the phone over a period of two days- most of that time on hold. When I asked to speak to a manager, I was told there was no way to transfer me, but that the manager would call me back within an hour. The manager never returned my call. I was given conflicting messages about when a technician would be coming to correct the problem. The time range changed from a Monday afternoon to Tuesday at 8am then to Tuesday from 1 to 5pm, so I was forced to be home waiting for the technician for two days without internet while I was supposed to be working. All of this while being told that my request was being prioritized. The technician finally showed up the second day - Tuesday, just before 5pm. I can’t imagine what happens to clients who are not prioritized.

1 year ago

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Shirley Jones Medina, OH

I had internet which was decent for a couple years then had to switch to phone service for a work from home job and it's been a nightmare. First off, the technician who installed the phone and new modem for it took my old modem and didn't flag it as "returned", so they think they are charging me on my bill for "unreturned equipment" and refuse to take the charge off, some two months later. I tried to log into my work system today to work and discovered for some reason I am unable to receive calls even though I can dial out, so can't log into my system to clock in so thus far have lost three hours of pay and they can't fix it right now. Now I'm screwed. Thanks, Frontier. I won't be able to pay my bills now!! So done.

2 years ago

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David Andrus Stafford, TX

I don't even want to give them 1 star. Terrible connection quality and reliability (yes, on FIBER), terrible customer service, opaque billing policies. I had their fiber service for one month and lost connection for extended periods probably 8 different times. Every call into customer service was the same: "There's a problem in the field and we don't know when it will be resolved". How do you make Comcast look amazing? Even returning their garbage equipment was a pain. Do yourself a favor and just burn your money instead, you won't have to deal with their customer service when doing that at least.

2 years ago

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Bill Cash Fort Wayne, IN

I live in fort wayne indiana and i have frontier gig fiber and its ajok gaming sucks download sucks ..speedtests says it all..i have ran speed test all different times day and night...with the same results complete trash gaming is no fast like it should be on fiber...i downloaded a 15 gig game took 20 pathetic is that! Had several techs here with no drop put in not running properly. This has been going on for 4 months with no problem is from pedastal to hub or from hub to office..i have contacted their so called office of the president with no resolution...all the managers here have told her lies saying there is no problems here when clearly 6of 6 techs that been to my house say there has been a problem of 6 months or more..i have all the proof to fight hem tooth and nail..I will going to be filing acomplaints with the Attorney Generals office of Indiana..also with the federal trades commision and also filing a formal complaint with the fcc...i promise this will get investigated ..i have already soke with a few already of what i can do. I have gave them the benefit of thedoubt and ample time to rectify the problem and held off filing these im done playing games

2 years ago

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Deena Smith Westland, MI

would give zero stars if I could. Order service, doesn't work. Bill you the whole time. Charge all these charges out of the blue. "Surprise charges". Change your phone number multiple times without informing you. Sends the tech out, he says, "Oh I can't do this today, I have to pick my kid up" or " Oh man this is a big job. Do I really have to do this, are you sure you want this"? Doesn't do the job. Suppose to come today, does not show. Call customer service, they say he marked down that he came and completed the job. They are literally robbing people. How do you pay for a service you haven't had working since you got it? Also, they claim you owe 3 months when you've paid EVERY month. I think it's time to take this to Ohio attorney general. I've had to before and they did do their job. This is ridiculous, a scam of a company. Unprofessional, rude, and customer service is a joke. This is just what they are doing to my Mother. They did the same to me years ago. Sad to see no improvement in the company.

2 years ago Edited February 10, 2022

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v3ng3nZ 2010 Danbury, CT

Not even installed yet and I can tell they are ful of it. Had to reschedule appointment 3 times and lost 3 days of work. They sold me on their "fiber GB internet", got many fliers in mail. I signed up and now they are waiting for "contractors" to actually connect the fiber to the internet via splicers. Its cold and connection is underground, and they probably wont touch it until spring. What a joke. If this is how they treat new customers I do not want to stick around and wait to become an actual paying customer. Its obvious the company does not care. The people involved in rolling this out should all be fired because they have no idea how much money they just cost the company. By Frontier, nice not knowing you.

2 years ago

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Jenna Caston Monroe, NY

Was on the phone with a rep setting up service for over an hour, we got disconnected and he never called back. I called back and only half of the service was set up, the second rep did not offer me any of the specials that the first rep did so I had to stay on the phone for over another hour working things out. I was told that I would hear from the service department in regards to scheduling an appointment to get everything set up in my house. I received a call at 7 PM that night, I did not answer it so I called them back the next day. When I called them back they could not find my account with the account numbers I was provided with, nor my name, address etc. After being on the phone with him for over another hour I wound up asking him to make sure everything was canceled because I was not wasting any more time. People were nice, but did not seem like they knew what they were doing at all. It was incredibly frustrating and a waste of time.

2 years ago

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Michele Switzer Webster, NY

This has been a nightmare. If I could give zero stars I would. I have tried to set up new phone service for my 80 yo mother who is dying of cancer on Hospice for over a week now. I have spent over four hours on the phone with Frontier. Know that ALL their calls (sales and customer service) are outsourced to Brazil, and that NO ONE there has any idea what is going on or how to help me. At this point, I'm just trying to cancel the service, but I've been unable to do so despite spending over an hour already AGAIN on the phone today. DO NOT use this company! They do not follow American business rules and are not regulated. Once you start down the path with them, you will spend literally hours on the phone with you and will be billed, despite your phone service not being set up and not working. I was on the phone today for over two hours just trying to get the service cancelled. Truly, I am a physician, this is the most despicable and, in my opinion, illegal operation I've ever encountered. Don't believe the positive reviews...I've read that Frontier offers incentives to its existing customers to do so.

2 years ago

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melrose1989 Gardena, CA

I have been with frontier for almost 10 years now. The customer service is lacking and their prices are outrageous for the service they provide. They want to continue to raise their prices each year but fail to upgrade your modem or even call, email, etc to check on your service. Not to mention our internet goes out ALL the time and we live IN TOWN!

3 years ago

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Irine Torrance, CA

Frontier is a scam who gives out false information each time you call them. I signed up for service at 39.99 a month with no router as I had my own. First bill came in at 49.99 along with the activation and installation charges. When I inquired about it, they said that even if you use the router or not, there will be a $10 charge. I argued with them saying that was not told initially when the order was placed. After 2 hours of argument, they said they will ship the router within 2 - 2.5 weeks. I have still not received it and when I called back to check on the status of the router, they said an extra $10 will be charged. Also they promised 500 Mbps but only 50 Mbps is actually provided. They neither have any record of earlier calls which I believe is a total bluff. Do not use this service, its been total disappointment since day one. I will be writing this all over internet.

3 years ago

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Misty Wisdom Floresville, TX

I have Frontier for over a year and the customer service is horrible very rude every person I've spoken to I've waited 10 hours on the phone that is not a lie also it drops all the time the only thing available in my area so I can continue to use it but it's horrible I'm so looking forward to someone else being in my area so I won't never have to use them again I have never in my life came across such a rude customer service or waiting hours and hours if you have an issue with your service you have to wait a week for them to come fix it and then they give you $9 is $4 off your bill so do you want internet I highly suggest you find another one other than Frontier because it's not only horrible but the service is horrible customer service cheap boxes

3 years ago

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Stacey Recchia Watertown, CT

I had a confirmation email for services to start on 10/5 between 8-12 , at 11:45 I decided to call as no one reached out, they had no recollection of what I was talking to and told me they could get someone out in 2 days. I own a mental health business with clients who need help today, not in 2 days. I intentionally chose this day as out location opens the next day. Bec was the most unprofessional, mocking rep I've spoken to - she refused to escalate, told me to google the email addresses for the higher ups as she can't give out their information to protect them. Absurd, business emails are for this exact reason- they are thieves and a reason their company is going bankrupt - stay away they will make you feel like it's your fault. THE WORST.

3 years ago

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TommyT Flower Mound, TX

Very deceptive and bad service. First they claim your rate is locked for 2 years. After the 1st year they increase the rate for the router fee. So the router fee is excluded from the rate increase agreement. Then after 2 years when you the contract expires and you cancel -- they will stick you with another $9.99 broadband cancellation fee???? very desperate and deceptive? Not only is Frontier Communications a rip off and deceptive, the service sucks. Every time it rains or snow, the service either disconnects or is so slow you cannot use it. When you call for service, they come out when the weather is good again so service is back to normal?? so they will never fix the 'bad weather' disconnect issues.

4 years ago

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Pamela B Fairmount, GA

Frontier has my area locked in and no other providers can e used or will service the area. It is beyond troublesome. On both sides of our area they have fiber network lines available. Frontier provides speeds up to 2.9, Yes I am not kidding you !!! Covid shut down our office and I am unable to work from home because either the bandwith or simply too many people sharing the lines ow whatever wont allow enough speed to run my VOIP telephone preventing me from working from home. Now on 2 sides of my subdivision ETC offers fiber lines, but they wont supply to our neighborhood because Frontier supplies service to this area. But Frontier can not sufficiently service or supply the area, but they aren't doing anything to resolve, The have no ports for business lines, and they don't care. How is this business regulated and I pay a monthly fee to the FCC. I am thinking that every customer pays an FCC fee and other fees at $1.19 that ads up to a nice healthy paycheck for not doing anything helpful I have been a customer for 20 years and for 20 years the service charges my $69.00 for high speed internet in Fairmount GA but my service hardly lets me stream you tube or netflix.

4 years ago

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Bebeanne Harvey Monterey, TN

Frontier was the only Internet provider available in the area where we recently moved. Unfortunately, their speed requires a bit more gusto and they're known to drop lines here and there, leaving the customer without any Internet.

4 years ago

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Connie Rasmussen Sherburne, NY

I am staying with my parents during quarantine and the DSL of frontier is more like dial up. Every single solitary time their phone rings, the internet cuts out for 2 to 5 minutes. And another 5-12 times a day it just stops for no apparent reason like someone stopped sending the internet. 1-3 times a week the modem has to be rest which takes 5-10 minutes. I am teaching online classes and this is impossible! Soo frustrated. If I could rate it a negative 10 I would. My dad has called many times and is told he has the best that they offer in his area 5 miles outside of Cazenovia, ny. It took 30 hours to upload one client photo gallery. I could only do 4 pictures at a time or it would crash every time or freeze and have to start over. Horrible is not a bad enough term for cost of 35$ a month. They should be paying them to keep it! Just a little in the country and no options. It’s 2020 can’t we get this figured out! You take all the money! Upgrade the cables. DSL is NOT supposed to be disconnected by every single phone call in or out!

4 years ago

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shellie bocknor Lakeland, FL

FRONTIER IS THE WORST!! I have been a customer with Frontier for 3 years. I recently had fraudulent activity on my banking account. Through the hassle of getting things back in order, my Frontier account was suspended. Totally my fault. However I called to have my service reinstated. I paid my bill... they told me I had to pay for a reinstall too (even though I still had the equipment. Um Ok?) I didn’t argue. They told me they would save me money and give me the “new customer rates”... well this is a joke! My bill is going up from $36.84 a month to $59.99 plus tax and fees for the same service.. I told them this isn’t saving me money... as my bill was lower before? The sales rep said this was the best she could do; however since I had been a victim of fraudulent activity, she would cut the install service fee in half, from $75 to $37.50! I thought ok, great thank you! Even though I would be paying more, I thought ok. I will go with it anyway. She scheduled my install for Saturday March 14th from 8am-12pm. I thought all was good. BUT NOT SO FAST.... the morning of March 14th arrives; I ensured to set my alarm, didn’t want to miss the wifi guy at 8am!! Lol. My husband is a boat captain, didn’t want me to be home alone with this guy in the house so he rearranged his charter schedules for the morning (yes that’s on us - but safety is important these days. I think most people would agree). By 12pm no one had arrived from Frontier. So I called... after a 10min hold, a very rude customer service rep and 3 transfers later... I was finally told, that my order had been cancelled!! Cancelled!??!! Cancelled by who I asked?? I was told it was not done by a person, but offered the excuse that Frontier has a system glitch and sometimes it cancels orders...! Wait, what??? You mean to tell me that you know your system just automatically cancels orders and you have done nothing to fix it?? So you’re in the business to just waist your customers time!!?? I see that the system that took me money wasn’t cancelled!!! Frontier had no problem taking my money, over $250!!! That system is running just fine!!! I then asked for the install fee (as a reminder it’s supposed to be $37.50) to be waved. I was told no! In fact, I asked to speak to a manager, and was told no. I was told that if the managers spoke to everyone who asked, they would be on the phones more than the customer service reps...!? (Well, if your company is having that many complaints a day - maybe it’s time to look within- fix your company, retrain your staff on customer service and support)!!? I then advised I wanted to cancel my service.. and speak to the retention team (you know - the team with power!??! ) After a long hold, I was told no again!! Are you kidding me???!! I was then told the promise of the “half waved install fee $37.50” didn’t even exist, another broken promise by Frontier!! That I would be paying the full install fee!! Obviously this company cannot keep their word!! I advised your calls must be recorded!! You must be able to pull that call - to hear what I was promised as a customer, so your company would get the sale!!??? Nope!! The best this customer service rep could could for me, is give me a $25 discount and reschedule the install for a week from now!!!??!! Are you kidding me??!! What’s to keep their system from cancelling my install order again, “with this system glitch”?? Waisting more of my time and costing my family more money!!?? And what assurance do I have of this $25 discount?? That’s right, Absolutely Nothing!! FRONTIER ARE THIEVES !! They take our money and our time!! And so far I have no product or service for any of it!! Anyone thinking of joining Frontier... my advice DON’T!! Go somewhere else... anywhere else!!!

4 years ago

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Daria L Porter Fairmont, WV

The worst service ever!!! I have had Frontier for nearly 3 years and had nothing but trouble. I would have switched but comcast is not available for my address. In the years I have had Frontier my internet is down a few times a week and at one point daily . The speed is not fast enough to us Hulu or Netfex. I tried to Up grade to a faster inter net speed but I was told it was not available for my address. I also asked if I could cancel my home phone but was told that if I did that they would cancel my internet and that there were no ports to for them to put me in. I don't understand what that means but i was told I would have to keep my home phone and internet speed or be canceled completely and would not be able to get Frontier service in the future. I asked why. They said my port would go to someone else and there were no more ports for my to be transferred too.

4 years ago

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michael Dillonvale, OH

After 20 years of being with them (when frontier bought out verizon) i am very fed up with their dsl speed, Just of the posting of this review, i have cancelled my service, they jacked the price up $20 from 89 clear to $109 and more after few months.. I live in the rural area, they refuse to upgrade my area.. But now i can i found a better solution, i live in a area whre i can get tmobile wireless internet, capped at 22gigs a month but i can live with the cap... They just love to charge people and refuse to upgrade rural areas.. I am just happy i could find another provider that is wireless and it works in the area where i live...... SO LONG FRONTIER AND THE CRAPPY DSL SERVICE TO GO WITH IT....

4 years ago

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Judy King Deford, MI

A long history of them being the only game in town... raised our rates to 75.00 per month for dsl, the quality is so bad that if you do get a chance to watch something through Netflix and that is a BIG IF the quality is so bad and the picture is so pixelated you can’t tell who the the actors are. The sound does not match up with the moving of the mouth. It buffers constantly through a movie, so a normal tv program that is 30 minutes will take over an hour. When the internet goes out, one of my experiences went like this......Me: Yes I’m calling to report my Internet is not working. Technician: ok, I will email you instructions on how to get it back up. Me: Really? You’re going to email me instructions when I just told you I didn’t have internet? Wow! Technician: yes Me: I just hung up, you can’t argue with an idiot... The only thing this internet is good for is if you have an hour of free time, you might get to check your email, on a good day if the wind is blowing in your direction...... I did find out out that if you report them to the attorney general things will change for the better for awhile, and the more repair tickets that are called in lowers their stock if you cannot get anywhere with customer service try that.

4 years ago

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Keith Johnson Mound, MN

I would rate Frontier zero stars but need to give at least one to rate their internet service. We live in an area that only offers Frontier. They are DSL or dial up at best with down load speeds of 1 Mbps or less and upload speeds of less then 5 Mbps. We have had routers changed several times over the past 15 years and the speed is the same it was 15 years ago...then it was fine for sending an email, but for todays standards an absolute failure as a company to provide a service that is expensive for what is delivered. Today we spoke with a manager in their customer service department. He informed us that the population density of our area reduces their performance. He also reminded us that the fine print in our contract outlines the less then acceptable performance but that is all what is offered. We live in MN and our community is 1 mile away from service that offers fiberoptic cable network with over 500 Mbps service and simply a shame that we cannot get to that service...maybe soon! The Frontier manager even went on to tell me that Frontier is looking to sell their business off in several states so they have more working capitol to build other markets infrastructure. Joking aside the only way to get high speed internet from Frontier is to move to Texas, as he stated Frontier has fiberoptic in parts of TX. I know several other individuals around the state of MN that also only have Frontier and they have the same issue. Come on Frontier this is almost 2020 and current speeds buffer radio programs from Orcin Wells! Two thumbs down on Frontier from MN.

4 years ago

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Jake Monroe, NC

I cannot even begin to describe how much I despise this company. $45 a month for 5mbps up and 1mbps down just because they are one of the only providers in the rural area. Latency / ping is regularly between 100-500 mbps so you might as well forget reliable streaming, gaming, or quickly loading internet pages. Most of the time our speeds are also half of the advertised price. Customer service for this company is the biggest joke though. I have tried calling and their new automated robo system has hung up on me five times, it is literally impossible to get a live person. This should be illegal. Further, their online chat people are clueless and most of the time very rude. Im not sure where they are spending the money that they get from overcharging, but it obviously isnt on competent customer support. Overall, this is the worst company I could imagine. if you have any choice besides frontier, go with anyone else. As soon as Spectrum comes into the area we will be switching immediately

4 years ago

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Rocky Moreno Valley, CA

My decision to switch from Spectrum to Frontier was based on the salesman telling me my internet would be sooooo much better than my current. This was soooo wrong. I was no longer able to get a good signal upstairs and would loose the signal a couple rooms away. Also frontier doesn’t work with ABC channel on ROKU. I was also promised a $100 gift card after 90 days. I received the mailed instructions to go on line to the Frontier reward center to claim my reward. After entering the claim number an agreement popped up. In order to get the $100 gift card I had to agree to an additional 1 year internet contract with a $9.99 processing fee, a penalty if cancelled before the 1 year ended (ETF, an early termination fee). Bottom line Frontiers service sucks and they lie to you to get your service.

4 years ago

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Gary Alan Paschal Middletown, IN

I am sitting here for the second day waiting to get my new router. Frontier canceled my ticket as fixed when it was not. My ping is over 1800! I can get online but the high ping causes my devices to not connect most of the time. I am rural and DSL is all I have available. I have had them since Verizon . This is the most horrible company ! Netgear is the router and it is well known junk. That seems to be my down time multiple times per year. I have to keep a land line to have internet so I pay over $100 per month. 5 MBPS is all i get and it is slow off and on. The tech guys are good and sometimes they help. Frontier is a poor management model for sure. My last issue was late Sept. this year. I will dump them at the first opportunity. You are warned!

4 years ago

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DEB Camarillo, CA

1. Be ware of door to door salesman, Sal. He flat out lied. Not a case of lack of verbal communication. What I have written on the form, is not and has never been what Frontier offers. 2. First day had problems with internet dvr connecting to my mobile device. Couldn’t help me over the phone. They file a report . Have to wait 24-48 3. Problems with internet. Had to call in (after being redirected to a different phone number and then having to wait for over 15 minutes to speak to someone....their “we will call you back, you will not lose your place in line” feature isn’t working. Finally talked to someone. Had to walk me through rebooting.

4 years ago

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Zack Lonergan Arlington, WA

Ive taken their DSL option because it is literally the only one which is NOT satellite. We have no other options offered to us other than the Frontier 6mbps DSL. We never even see close to that. Our house averages about 1.5-2Mbps down, and maybe 0.5-1Mbps up. They should charge us for what we can actually get, comparative to what the package says it offers. We consistently lose connection to the DNS servers, this is a bi-weekly event which requires us to reset the router, then systematically reconnect every tv, laptop and computer back to it in series. Otherwise it appears like one device or other resolves with an IP conflict. So it really seems like this is a some third-rate routing configuration on a second rate modem. Just to cut the service over from the previous tenant was an all pervasive -show which took over 2 months to complete because I had to essentially be on the phone with the PREVIOUS renter at THE SAME TIME to disconnect the service. They didnt have the process control for handling this independently without us both there to hold the agents hand. I had to reasonably mark the value at a higher rating because this has been the only landline type option available in our area for 20+ years. But if YOU, dear reader, have literally any other option for any type of cable, dsl, or local wireless plan - it would be wise to just go with that.

4 years ago

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K.T. New Haven, CT

It took them over 30 days to get it right and set up my WiFi. The price changed several times with each customer service person I had. What should have been pages of explanations of the problems I was having. Instead, I got Customer service individuals that either didn't listen, lied or didn't feel like reading all that had been put in prior. I am so disgusted with the lack of quality service, dishonesty and rudeness I experienced. I am planning on visiting the CEO McCarthy in Norwalk Ct . In essence, if the Customer Service individuals could have set me up in 1 call. If they had been trained to pay attention to the person on the phone and listened rather than trying to assume things, they would have sent the tech to the right address (rather then trying to turn on service 3 different times in the place I was moving out of), and send the correct modem the first time ( rather then sending 2 modems that where the same as the one I already have, that doesn't with the wiring in my new residence .

4 years ago

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Connor Gervin Glendale, OR

I would rate them lower If I could. Where to start... TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE: The customer service is almost non-existent. When you can get a person, they have NO idea what they are talking about. “Turn it off and back on again” is about as much tech help as you will get. I actually had someone tell me there was nothing more he could do to help me after that step. HORRID SERVICE: The actual service provided is laughable. Constant cut outs and slowdowns for no apparent reason. I used to blame our location, but after talking to other people in our town, it turns out that everyone was experiencing these issues. When I asked if I could pro-rate my bill, I was told no since there was no proof of service loss. CRIMINAL BUSINESS PRACTICES: This company can only be described as a predator. They target rural areas that have no other options for ISPs and create a monopoly over them. Complaints go unheard since they know we can’t leave for another company. My household pays for 10Mb/s (at ridiculous prices) but we are only given 3-6 Mb/s. CONCLUSION: DO NOT SIGN UP WITH THIS HORRIBLE COMPANY!!!! They don’t listen to complaints, refuse to fix their services, and mistreat their paying customers.

4 years ago

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Levi Crawford Ravenel, SC

I have had appointments scheduled with this company on 6 different occasions. They give you a 4 hour arrival window. Every single time they never show and never call. They then mark your service ticket as completed. When you try to call back in you have to wait until their next available time, and on it goes. I normally don't write reviews, especially bad ones. This company has inspired me to share my story as to how terrible there service is, in my opinion. I am considering selling my newly built house because Frontier is my only option for phone and internet. I would lose money, but I still think it would be worth it. That is how bad, how angry this company makes me.

4 years ago

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Walt Riverview, FL

Horrible experience, changed from Spectrum as I thought that I was getting slow speeds. Wow Frontier promises that I would get 200/200 and that's what I was paying for. I actually received between 30-40 mb, and when I called in June, July, August, September, October and now November 15 2019 ,they still refuse to take responsibility for the poor service, they tell you that they will send service to check problem then credit you after they check but then they either no show or just ignore you and your problem in hopes that you forget. Absolutely the worst Internet Service in the world. Buyer Beware!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If they come to your door ask them how much are they going to pay you to use their crappy service then tell them to take a hike. As a builder I could never in good conscience refer any of my homeowners to Frontier and I will make sure anyone who will listen understands how bad they are. I have been on hold for a manager now for over an hour!!!!! That my friends is the point, they do not respect their customers!

4 years ago

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Jed Frostproof, FL

I was a customer of Frontier for 15-20 years in Illinois. Their broadband quality was lousy, but where I lived it was my only real choice. In June 2019 I moved from Illinois to Florida in June 2019. I called and cancelled the service on June 6th. Later in June I received my regular monthly bill of around $46. I called and told them my account was cancelled. In July I received a bill for June and July. I called again. I kept getting a bill for $96.49. I didn't pay it because I had cancelled my account. Frontier turned it over to a collection agency. The collection agency told me it was an "Early Termination Fee". After 15 years they were charging an early termination fee. I never signed a contract especially one that lasted 10 or 15 years. I guess they know that anyone who leaves is not coming back so they want to get every nickel out of you that they can.

4 years ago

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Sherrie A Davis

Internet constantly dropping out. They gave directly told me, they can see it's dropped out 100 times a day No one does anything to fix it! Call daily and they say they will escalate the issue and never do. They only thing they do is bill me full price every month. Everyone I speaks to "Understands" but does nothing to fix it. Bet those same employees wouldn't put up with the crappy service if it were them. My electricity goes out, guess what, I don't pay for it because I can't use it. Water main breaks and I have no water, guess what, I don't pay for it because I can't use it. Gas goes off, guess what, I don't pay for it because I can't use it. I go to the grocery store, I don't give them $200 and only get $100 worth of groceries. I get what I PAY for. That's what I expect from Frontier, my internet provider. I pay full price every month whether it's working or not, which most of the time it's not..... again no resolution on ANYONE'S behalf to fix the problem and give me the service I pay for!!!! It's crap!

4 years ago

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William Ferguson Wilmington, OH

After service being down for 17 days- no fault of our own- Frontier gave us the run around for days about getting a credit. Finally someone submitted a credit for "approval" to the back room- We were told it would be applied in 7 days when approved. Still didn't receive it- so we were told it would be on the next billing cycle- that came and went. Now we are being told it would be credited after approval 30-90 days. This is unacceptable and ridiculous. We have checked every other day since Oct 1. I would never recommend this company to anyone. Can't wait for the new company installing FO! We are counting down the days to dump Frontier.

4 years ago

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Anon Los Angeles, CA

Real rating should be a zero. Terrible company with archaic business practices. Even if you have your own modem they will still charge you $10 monthly fee for diagnostic purposes, and even if it's a modem that they would provide to you. Greediness is killing this company, all you have do to is read the news. Also if you sign up for new service, they say installation fee is mandatory even if you had the service recently before and all wires and connections are pre-existing. Also, don't bother with their ghetto customer service who only follow a script. Save your time and frustation and settle for another company (although all of them pretty much suck, but frontier takes the cake).

4 years ago

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Lisa P Williamsville, IL

Called on 10/13/2019 to setup appt to have my internet upgraded and my landline phone service changed. Frontier scheduled the appointment at my home on 10/25 between 10am - 2pm. I receive an email AND text message with my order # and day and time schedule for confirmation. Well 2pm comes and no tech shows up. I call and after being transferred 3 times and 23 min later, they tell me the appointment has been changed to 11/15. I took off work on 10/25. I received no call, no text or no email of a change in dates for the service visit. Finally get transferred to someone who tells me they are working on my internet change but the service appt to my home was changed to 11/15. Not cool Frontier. If I had any other choice for service I would switch but unfortunately I do not. They moved up my appt to 10/30. Don't have high hopes of this happening but will see. I now see why there are so many bad reviews for Frontier Communications. HORRIBLE SERVICE.

4 years ago

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Kelly Clifford, MI

So many. Received no info on how to retrieve VM on landline. Took 3reps to finally obtain my messages. Also asked to have VM removed as I did not ask for or want it and received an additional internet DSL box with a charge. How this occurred is unknown. Have been without landline and internet service since 10/8. Box outside of house is dead. Tech failed to show. Now awaiting 2 additional days for a tech. Spent over an hour on phone. First CSR put me on hold, then disconnected call. Such a waste of time, money. Not many internet choices available in rural USA. My patience with this company is less than zero.

4 years ago

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Susan Johnson McMinnville, OR

I had Frontier at my old home in Oregon. Received the bill and they charged me $9.99 to disconnect my service. They wouldn't let me transfer my account with them to my new place in a different state so I had to set up a new one. They told me $75 set up charge and $39/month. I received my bill and there was an extra setup charge of $9.99 they didn't tell me about and the monthly bill was actually $43.98 not $39.00 . When I called to complain and speak to a supervisor I was told there is nothing they can do about it and there was not one higher up the line I could talk to. Don't use these guys. They are criminal. We need to take a stand with companies like these.

4 years ago

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Briauna Williams Dallas, TX

Well long story short I had nothing but awful experiences with them since my initial contact they have failed to appear at any of my 3 installation dates , I called to set up service 3 times not once did they contact me stating additional information was needed or that a tech to set up service wouldn’t be coming. Each time I called I was on hold upto 1 hour in total and one call was more. They wasted my time each time saying I should be home between 1pm and 5pm. Just awful dont even give yourself the headache with this inconsiderate company they just want your money and lack in customer service!!!!!

4 years ago

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Brian Snohomish, WA

I have a Frontier utility pole on my property that I first requested to be removed in July 2019. The first service ticket produced a crew that removed one of their two lines, and left. Four service tickets, countless phone calls, and three months later, they refuse to do anything. The customer and technical support departments are adamant that the other department is the one to help, resulting in a black hole of transfers. Requesting to speak to a supervisor resulted in speaking with two agents at the same time, with the same result. I can't cut the pole down myself because it is connected to the pole at the street, but Frontier refuses to disconnect it. Frontier service is an oxymoron, and I hope you can have WAVE service at your location instead.

4 years ago

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Pamela Collins Weaverville, NC

If I could I would give them no stars. It is a waste of money. When they bought out Verizon many years ago we were told that they were going to upgrade the service. We kept them for many years because of our land line. I had elderly parents and needed to keep the same number. We had several service calls where we were told we could get better than 1-2G service. Once the service tech came they said we couldn’t get better service. I cancelled service a month ago. I called again when I got a bill. It is still showing I owe over $200. Apparently the 80 percent of customers agree which apparently it makes no difference to them.

4 years ago

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Christian Scott East Earl, PA

My Fiance and I waited three weeks for someone to install internet service for our home. The day of I called at twelve in the afternoon to make sure that they were still coming, my fiance took off work so she could be home when he came to install it.....5:30pm rolled around and my fiance called to make sure they were still coming, they said he was on his way, I get a text asking to confirm the appointment so I did....7:00pm comes and he hasn't shown up yet. I call them again and this time they said that he never came because I called and canceled (COMPLETE CRAP) they then gave away my slot to someone else and I would have had to wait another three weeks for service. 10/10 Do NOT recommend

4 years ago

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Bonded DSL service is the fastest (I almost said best LOL) I can get in Durham, NC. FIOS is only an option in a very small area. I suspect there is a high correlation between high-tech/high-tech start ups and FIOS availability. Customer support is not hit and miss, it's just miss. The people are nice enough but every time I call with an issue, they want to install a new modem/router. I don't think they understand that a user would want to change the password on the Frontier supplied modem/router to a password that Frontier doesn't know. DHCP is all that's available for residential customers (no static IP addresses). The IP address range they use covers an area from the center of NC (Durham) to the mountains of NC (Asheville-ish). As a result geo-location is often incorrect with my location pegged as the mountains - 200-300 miles from my actual location. This isn't a too much of a problem when the big box home improvement store website thinks I'm 250 miles away from my actual location. It is a problem when local tv stations on my roku switch from Raleigh-Durham to Asheville-Spartanburg-Greenville, SC. Frontier's solution to the geo-location issue is for me to turn the modem/router off and on so it is assigned a new IP address that may or may not be closer to my actual location. As of September 2019, the issue has become more frequent with multiple resets to get close to reality geo-location. The maximum (so far) is eleven resets.

4 years ago

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Ryan Canandaigua, NY

My experience like 67% of all other 1 star reviews, on all the websites pretty much says it all. Terrible service, constantly dropping, constantly having to call in and trouble shoot, have tech's out to our residence, ect. THEN TO TOP IT ALL OFF, when i finally moved and was able to have a different internet provided to our new residence, i finally canceled the service, only to get billed for an entire month i never used WHEN I MADE SURE when i spoke with the rep when i canceled it, that there were going to be no other charges following that day. I call in and speak with 3 reps, 1 of them being a supervisor to literally stick the $55 charge to me, when in reality it wasn't about the money, it was ABOUT THE PRINCIPLE OF IT ALL.

4 years ago

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Peggy Fort Wayne, IN

CONSUMER ALERT - DO NOT TRUST FRONTIER. THEY WILL KEEP YOUR MONEY, AND NOT ISSUE A REFUND. Here's the deal, I'll keep it short and simple...I ordered service to be installed on Saturday. The tech never called or showed. I called to get a refund. I was told 3-5 business days. 8 days later, still no refund. Here's the interesting part, I went to BBB website. Frontier's customer service and services in general are so bad, an alert pops up, forewarning you of Frontier's lack of response. Wow, just wow. When the BBB has to alert consumers to basically not expect a response, much less a resolution, don't count on it basically. I spent almost an hour on hold when I used the option for an existing customer, but my call was answered within 5 minutes as a new customer. Frontier's business practices are interesting. They have absolutely no regard for customer satisfaction, keep customers money they're not entitled to, the list of unhappy customers is endless. Thankfully many people have been able to get a different service provider. At least Comcast has ethics, and proper business practices. I put in a dispute on my card to get my money back. GUARANTEED, they will rip you off eventually, if they haven't already.

4 years ago

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They installed their 200Mbps fiber service and it's either been not connecting to the Internet downstream - blocked by their own provisioning - which they don't even understand by their own admission - or it connects, but good luck trying to stream a movie. I get errors and packet resets periodically on all devices. Netflix doesn't happen in other words. Frontier has bad routing/firewalling through their own equipment, support personnel that aren't trained well enough (one didn't know what a WAN IP was), and silly amounts of time between fixes (wait 2 weeks for fixing while paying). Nothing will save this company from themselves. They are the true definition of a S-Show ... save yourself the pain and get dialup even before paying for this crap.

4 years ago

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Matthew Lykins Lewisburg, OH

Frontier Communication offers terrible service but worse customer service. My internet quit working, earliest date for tech was a month away. Was advised to call back, and they should be able to escalate my problem to get a quicker response. After making no less than 10 calls to frontier, I was informed each time that I would receive a call back within 24-48 hrs from a supervisor or account manager. In the month without internet, I never received a call from Frontier. Was actually placed into CODE BLUE status which is suppose to mean I was assigned an account manager. CODE BLUE , apparently means nothing as no one never called me. Called Office of the President which is the complaint line. Still just an apology, and nothing more . Also I only get about .85 Mbps download speed, apparently that is within limits.

4 years ago