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Choice Home Warranty Reviews

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Mary Chattanooga, TN

This company is the worst. Our air conditioner broke in May (hottest Memorial Day weekend we have has) after purchasing our house 8 months before. They scheduled a technician (Rutherford Heating & Air in TN) on a Friday who did not show up and did not call to let us know, they scheduled him again the following Monday and he did not show up also with no call or anything. We then scheduled our own technician to come and assess the situation and after all of that Choice declined the claim. I also spoke with our technician who said they have worked with Choice in the past and found it difficult to receive payment. Terrible service and you have to wait way too many days for serious issues that should be covered.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. Our Consumer Advocate will message you directly to further address your concerns.

May. 31st, 2019

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Paul F. Sack Canton, OH

My air conditioner stopped working. A technician came out and found no freon in the line. He said there was no indication of rust or corrosion in or on the lines. This was told to Choice who said they would call back with a response. Within 15 minutes an E-Mail was received saying the repair was not covered due to rust and corrosion. It is beyond believe that someone 600 miles away could tell the lines had rust and corrosion while the technician examining them said there was none. I appealed the case. It took eight phone calls and two E-Mails before I received a reply eight days later . The answer was corrosion and rust are not covered. I could have the freon put back in, $1,500.00 not covered and have the line inspected which also is not covered. The representative said after spending at least $2,000.00 it probably will not be covered. I decided to replace the unit. So much for air conditioning coverage. Not one cent was paid. It is also interesting that in the coverage section for air conditioning rust and corrosion are not mentioned. They refer you to another section where it is listed under limitations of liability. The technician said they will find a way to not pay for this. Save your money and do not purchase a home warranty. This is good advise. Paul F. Sack

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Although we regret to hear that you are not satisfied with the outcome of your claim, we appreciate your feedback. In efforts to provide you with a satisfactory resolution, our Consumer Advocate will contact you directly to further address your concerns.

May. 31st, 2019

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Boris Pesetskiy Miami Beach, FL

I have purchased the Choice Home Warranty for two apartments for 6 years on 3/2/2019. The charge was $3,920.00 During the sales negotiation the salesperson denied my request to study the service contract before paying for the service, and made many promises, that directly contradict to the contract, which I was not able to see until after I paid with my credit card. 1. Scope of Coverage. The salesperson convinced me that this is a warranty contract, in his own words, better than the extended warranty that you can buy with the new appliance. He said: each time when something stops working, you pay $60, and that's it. We will fix your appliance, and if we can't fix it, we will replace it, free of charge. In reality, contract contains a section F. LIMITAIONS OF LIABILITY, almost two pages long, which contains 19 bullet points, describing very wide set of circumstances, where coverage is not provided. Actually this list of exceptions makes the whole service contract effectively non-existent. 2. Rust or Corrosion. Having experience with my previous service company, I directly asked the salesperson, if this will be a factor when it comes to the moment to fix or replace my not working appliance. The salesperson said - No, this will not be a problem. If your appliance does not work, we will fix it free of charge. If we can't fix it, we will replace it. The only thing that matters is for your appliance to be in the working state when our coverage starts. In reality, Section F contains this clause: 8. We are not liable for repair of conditions caused by chemical or sedimentary build up, rust or corrosion, mildew, mold, misuse or abuse, failure to clean or maintain as speci?ed by the equipment manufacturer, missing parts, structural changes, ?re, freezing, electrical failure or surge, water damage, lightening, mud, earthquake, soil movement, soil settlement, settling of home, storms, accidents, pest damage, acts of God, or failure due to excessive or inadequate water pressure. 3. Contract cancelling. Salesperson stated, that the contract may be cancelled by me, the customer, at any time, and they will prorate my costs based on the time the coverage was effective, and will return me all the money from for the period from the cancelling date to the end of the contract. In reality, contract Section L. Cancellation contains point 4: 4. Mutual agreement of Us and You. If canceled after 30 days, You shall be entitled to a pro rata refund of the paid contract fee for the unexpired term, less a 10% administrative fee and any service costs incurred by Us. Once again, when I was buying the warranty, they did not let me to see the contract, and all information I had was the sale pitch over the phone, which appears to be a gross disinformation on the every aspect of their service.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Although we regret to hear that you are not satisfied with the outcome of your claim, we appreciate your feedback. In efforts to provide you with a satisfactory resolution, our Consumer Advocate will contact you directly to further address your concerns.

May. 31st, 2019

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We are without our dishwasher now for 8 days I'm sure due to the appliance company not having the part to fix it. My complaint is that we are getting no updates from Choice Home Warranty it the appliance company making the repair.

5 years ago Edited January 10, 2024

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J. Smith Indianapolis, IN

If I could give zero stars I would. Ive filed three claims with this company. Save your money and do not obtain a warranty from this company. There are not available 24/7 as advertised. I have maintained all covered systems with proof as required. With each claim Choice denied the claim with the same excuse. The break was not due to normal wear and tear. The last denial was the last straw with my cooling system. A restriction in the flow valve was considered not do to normal wear and tear as it represents a foreign body has gotten into the system. The tech assured me that the system had no breaks in the line where a foreign bidy could gave gotten in and the regulator failed which caused the restriction, but choice claims this is not normal wear and tear. Choice had me wait two days in 80 degree weather to tell me not normal wear and tear. Save your money. If i had just gotten it fixed myself i would have my system back up and running. As it turns out i have to pay for the repair anyway so put what you would pay choice into an account for a rainy day. Three separate claims over the years and each time same reason. Failure due was not normal wear and tear. Choice has paid zero dollars for the three repairs I've had to fix or replace. The money i have paid Choice could have been better served in paying for the repairs that i had to end up paying for anyway. I have canceled my policy and plan to post my dissatisfaction about their company everywhere i am legally allowed too. NOTE: As of May 2019, they have had 4824 complaints filed agsinst them with the Better Business Bureau. Once mine is logged it will be 4825.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. Our Consumer Advocate will message you directly to further address your concerns.

May. 31st, 2019

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Mike West Palm Beach, FL

I signed up three months ago with CHW and submitted two different service calls and both were denied. The first issue was a ice maker and CHW said ice makers are not covered and the second service call was for black particles coming out of the water faucets. The tech came out and said the five year old water heater needed to be replaced due to settlement, then CHW said water heaters are not covered. I explained to CHW that the hoses connecting the water heater to the water source were the problem. The customer service lady was very rude and told me they hire the best techs. After all the running around I replaced the water hoses and the issue was fixed. I tried to cancel my contract with CHW but they would not refund me any of our money. Beware of signing up with Choice Home Warranty.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Thank you for your feedback.
We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. Our Consumer Advocate will message you directly to further address your concerns.

May. 31st, 2019

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Jodie Grants, NM

If I could score them líder I would! We had a water heater gomita, they did not cover it because they do not cover emergencies, the hallway was full of water and they said we could have waited. So much for their 24 hour service. AND! We made a claim as the electric breaker kept tripping, we paid the $75.00 fee for them to come out.. they denied this claim.. when I spoke with Ashley, a claims reviewer she asked me “who Btokevthe electrical wiring?” Really?! Like I am going to let someone in and “break” my electrical wiring!! And then she hung up on me!! I odies my premiums and choice hone warranty dues not pay for anything and they never follow up! Poor service, poor customer service, the electrician said they are terrible to work with that they deny everything! Pour communications!! And when I told her I was canceling the policy she didn’t even try to stop me just said she would gladly cancel it!!

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. Our Consumer Advocate will message you directly to further address your concerns.

May. 31st, 2019

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Bruce Eden Prairie, MN

I filed a claim for a washing machine and one was assigned to come 12 days later. In the meantime I contacted another company who came out immediately and diagnosed the problem and I authorized the fix. CHW has a reimbursement option but refused to honor it because prior authorization wasn't given. The ability to get a technician on a timely basis is an issue with CHW and they aren't flexible when homeowners are forced to find an alternative solution.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Thank you for your feedback.
We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. Our Consumer Advocate will message you directly to further address your concerns.

May. 31st, 2019

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kalie pena Agua Dulce, TX

If I could give negative stars I would! I highly DO NOT recommend this company. When calling in to make a claim, they told me it was active. I explained that is my 30 day wait period over? was told yes, would you like to make a claim? I stated yes, I proceeded to explain my septic issue. The representative stated it was preexisting. I stated how? I am barley calling. she stated well, you cant make a claim for two days you are not done with your 30 day wait period. She lied and manipulated me. Later on the same day I went to cancel the policy and the service recovery manager stated she was sorry for a horrible experience. gave me 2 months free service and stated she would call me in 2 more days and get a technician out to us just to give them a second chance. She spoke with her manager and verified I was manipulated and lied to. she never called. called again 1 week after my initial call was place on hold for 30 min. Then had to call and get a manager and he was completely careless. I Explained to him the situation and he tried to make a claim. I explained that I needed to know if a technician got sent out, was this going to be preexisting? I was told by the previous manager that it would not be due to the deception and only being 2 days out from my 30 days? Disregarding my question, He bluntly stated I will cancel your policy. I stated wait! why? I asked you a question? he then said It will be preexisting. I said yes cancel the policy. He cancelled it. I stated I would be writing a review. He said annoyingly that is not necessary we didn't to anything wrong and hung up. MAKE SURE AND LOOK AT THE COVERAGE!!! THEY COVER ABSOLUTLY NOTHING!!! IT STATES ON MOST OF EACH ITEM DESCRIPTION: COVERS ALL WORKING COMPONENTS EXCEPT... THEN THE LIST IS PRACTICALLY THE WHOLE ITEM. THEY COVER THEMSELVES BY STATED COVERS ALL EXCEPT... THEY ARE LIARS AND MINIPULATORS AND FRAUD. I WILL SHARE THIS EXPERIENCE WITH SOCIAL MEDIA AND SPREAD THE WORD. DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME!!!

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We regret to hear that you were not satisfied with our policy. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously.
Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on

Jun. 3rd, 2019

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John L. Brackin Denison, TX

The tech guy analized the problem in five minutes. Checked to make sure there was no other problem and said he needed order a part and would be back withus within two days.

5 years ago

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NOT HAPPY Washington, DC

I got the 3-year plan and of course did not really read the warranty. I have a older home built in 1955, my hot water heater need to be replaced after 20 years and I had purchased the warranty the year before. Well after the tech got here and called the office with the model and year of the hot water heater, I was told, get this, it was to OLD for the replace warranty because of course they would not be able to find the parts to repair it and they would not pay, even partially pay for a new one!!! I had to foot the whole bill myself so that was a total waste of my money. Several people have said these warranty companies are rip-offs because of the loop-poles and conditions they write into those warranty policies. I have not had one person I know not have problems when it comes to the company needing to replace the unit new!! Buyer beware! These warranty companies only seem to be good for when you sell your house and need to give the buyer at least a year's warranty. But wish them luck from whatever company you choose. I am sure they will have some type of problem if some appliance or unit goes out!!! Choice Home Warranty is the bottom of the PIT!!

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Thank you for your feedback.
We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. Our Consumer Advocate will message you directly to further address your concerns.

May. 31st, 2019

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Rachael Rogers Gilbert, AZ

Choice Home Warranty sent us a sub par pool pump repair company in June 2018. They covered a portion of the cost but we had to cover $700 out of pocket. 11 short months later the “new” pool pump goes out again! They sent out a new company to perform the repairs who informs us the former company they sent out installed a refurbished Chinese pump that can’t even be repaired that likely cost the other contractor $100! The new pool company sent a very reasonable quote to Choice and they rejected the repair stating it was too costly and wanted the old pump repaired. The contractor said they don’t even make this pump and there is no way to even repair it. Choice told us they approved the repairs and would cover the cost only to later reject it. Choice sent us 4 companies contact information after over four hours on the phone and four calls each of which is had awful reviews and are rated F with the Better Business Bureau. Not only that but they expected us to pay another $65 fee to have the pool looked at after they are the ones who rejected the original repair quoted. We still have to resolution to our claim. This company is about COST ONLY not QUALITY! They could care less about customers having a good experience or being provided quality work. I would NEVER EVER use this company. Absolute waste of our hard earned money. We trusted them to take care of our home warranty needs and they absolutely let us down.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We regret to hear your frustration Rachael. We regret to hear that you were not satisfied with our policy. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously.

Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on

Choice Home Warranty is rated B- with the Better Business Bureau. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

May. 31st, 2019

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James Hammock Macon, GA

CHW is a rip off. If you read the excluded parts list you will see there is nothing really covered. Last week I called about my water heater and was told a tech would come and I needed to be ready to pay him the 60.00 bucks. After 3 hours and not a peep for anyone I started working on it myself and found the tank was leaking. I then called CHW back and they informed me that the tank is not covered, along with everything else .We have had this company for 7-8 months and never used them. I bought and installed my own gas water heater for less than 400.00! Today my A/C was acting up. I called a company that worked on my A/C on another house years ago and explained the problem. Based on that they said that it is probably the heat exchanger/chiller..... imagine that it's not covered. These people are crooks!

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. Our Consumer Advocate will message you directly to further address your concerns.

May. 31st, 2019

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Yas dark Tulsa, OK

this is the worst company. they have fake techs, and bad coverage. they did not cover my microwave or cooktop overhead vent. they took the call fees and sent a fake techs. these fake techs pretended that they were examining my appliances and then they told me the device is broken and need replacement. the tech who came to check my cooktop vent did not look at the model number and did not even open it. I was able to fix both my microwave and cooktop vent by myself. I did not replace them. It was small things. Multiple other issues with this company. please read the review on them and don't go with them even if they give you a good deal.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We regret to hear that you were not satisfied with our policy. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously. Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on

Apr. 19th, 2019

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Lori Phillips Mobile, AL

I really appreciate you guys keeping up with me. But I'm very happy with my new policy. I did shop around and chw does have best coverage and the best price.

5 years ago

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Cornelius Reeder Severn, MD

A warranty service well worth the cost. Becomes difficult to work with when repair requires replacement of significant cost. Very responsive to correspondence and provides excellent feedback.

5 years ago

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Diane Mahler Huntersville, NC

So far I have had very good experiences with Choice. They are very helpful with processing the order and with follow up. My one problem is once in a while the companies they use are lacking.

5 years ago

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Heidi Knoxville, TN

I placed a call that my a/c was not working on May 6. No one showed up until May 10. The HVAC company diagnosed the problem as a bad compressor and came back on the 15th to install the new compressor and told us that there would be an extra $230 disposal charge as he sat in the driveway. This was the first time they discussed this bogus charge. Definitely will be firing this "home warranty" company. We do have a case manager that is rude and we are not happy with her service. We asked to be reassigned to a new case manager and she refused. I payed my part for an upgrade of a unit on the 17th and I still have not been contacted to let me know where it can be picked up so we are still with no air and it has been in the 90's. This is now the 20th and I left 4 messages with no call back so I called my case manager again a half an hour prior to her leaving and she finally answered and told me it's going to be another 1-3 days, are you kidding me. This is completely unacceptable service!

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

May. 23rd, 2019

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Laurie Charlotte, NC

The absolute worst customer service I have ever received and they send out unreliable technicians who do not know what they are doing. Our AC unit was not running and they sent out a technician to diagnose it (and collect his service fee) and then we could never get a hold of him afterwards to come out and do the actual repair. So they sent another technician and the exact same thing happened. We finally hired our own technician because our house was almost 90 degrees inside and they made the reimbursement process so much more difficult than it needed to be. We will absolutely not renew with this company.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Choice Home Warranty makes every effort to enhance the customer experience, therefore, we appreciate your feedback. In efforts to proceed with the enhancement of our quality service, your feedback has been submitted to our Quality Assurance Team for review.

One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

May. 23rd, 2019

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Tee Killeen, TX

My ceiling fan broke , the technician was sent out, he checked it and determined I needed it replaced. They only wanted to send me 85.00, The ceiling fans in my home start at 130.00 and they wanted the technician to go out and buy it. How is he going to find another on like I have for 85.00? I asked them to send me the money and I’ll put the rest to buy the fan I want, and I’m still waiting? Really and I’ve been with them for over 2yrs and they haven’t had to replace anything. It’s always something when they have to do their part but take my money every month.

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

May. 23rd, 2019

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Joanne DeMello Dayton, NV

This is my second review of dealing with Choice Warranty. We had a leak in the wall of our guest bedroom. We called Choice they said we will get someone on it right away and will wave the $45 fee. The plumber could not locate the leak, but saw mold. The problem ended up to be a copper pipe that came from the water heater. Copper pipes should last at least 50 years, our home was built in 2006. Choice said they don't cover mold or are not responsible for malfunction or improper operation due to rust or corrosion of all systems and appliances. Our homeowners insurance covered $200 and we had to pay $500 to fix the wall and $153.80 for the plumber. I am just wondering what they do cover. I was told over the phone when they were selling me the policy that they would repair or replace and even put our refrigerator in the garage on the policy. I should have kept the money I paid them.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We regret to hear that you were not satisfied with our policy. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously.
Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on

May. 22nd, 2019

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peter m grossman Atlanta, GA

If I could give them a zero I would. They send clowns out to do your repairs. The first clown broke the grill on my air unit. Then told me that the unit could not be fixed. He then proceeded to offer to sell me a unit for $5000. The second guy never showed up or called. The third shows up in a 20 year old Mercedes with gold rims and tells me he will get a replacement part and call me the next day. After four days of me calling him he tells me that this horrible company Choice Home Warranty won't pay for the grill and he can sell me one for $200. I called the company and they referred me to some idiot that could only say that they don't cover the grill even if there rep broke it and I would have to take it up with the person that they sent out. They said they would refer it to a divison of the company that reviews these issues and would get back to me in a few hours. Twenty minutes later I get an email that told me they would not cover it and no phone call. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY WITH THIS COMPANY. There is a class action lawsuit against these crooks and I am joining into it. BEWARE....THEY GET YOU WITH THE FREE MONTH. DON'T WASTER YOUR MONEY!

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Thank you for your feedback.
We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

May. 28th, 2019

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Sandip Desai Hoffman, NJ

Horrible Horrible service. I took their service for 5 years and now since they have paid me for whatever the amount I have bought the service for they will stop serving me and even buy out. Their technicians are horrible and are clueless. They will put in a report in such a way that their won't have to pay you out. I have lot of examples I can provide if you someone want to know. Please email me I can give a claim # and the problem with each claim. The last person who handle my claim was rude and was ready to kill my services without any refund because they have paid out fund to me since they couldn't repair AND BTW there is cost to close the service.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Although we regret to hear that you are not satisfied with the outcome of your claim, we appreciate your feedback. In efforts to provide you with a satisfactory resolution, our Consumer Advocate will contact you directly to further address your concerns.

May. 17th, 2019

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Sherry Hering Charleston, SC

Choice Home Warranty is a rip off. I've been trying to get my HVAC system repaired for over a month. I received a request asking if I wanted to do an auto renew. I chose the No box and the no box indicated that if I did NOT renew that I wouldn't be able to have any mechanical repairs with my plan and I have the everything covered plan. CHW is difficult to work with. Technicians take your money and leave and you never hear back. Do NOT recommend Choice Home Warranty. My plan doesn't expire until the end of this month but I'll be looking elsewhere for a Home Warranty company that are not crooks.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Although we regret to hear that you are not satisfied with the outcome of your claim, we appreciate your feedback. Our records show that your Case Manager has contacted you regarding your claim.

May. 17th, 2019

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T Robins Elkridge, MD

I’ve been with CHW (Choice Home Warranty) going on a year. I’ve submitted two, yes only two claims, both they didn’t pay a thing. First claim my garage door the repair person from CHW arrived, only to take my $60 and share that the “springs” were bad. CHW doesn’t pay for those guess what an additional $250, totaling $310. I checked another website the average price all less than $250, approx $155, but I paid because I’d already paid their required $60 fee. Second, my refrigerator went warm (5/2019) but the freezer stayed cold. I informed CHW who connected me with their rep. who stated based on symptoms it was the Evaporator or fan. He arrived and stated there was a leak in the coolant and he could repair for about $800 and would inform CHW. However, I don’t believe that because the blower still isn’t circulating the air in the main compartment; nor does it sound the same as it used to when the additional motor was working to circulate the air. I believe this rep stated a claim that CHW would not have to be responsible because again, received an email next day stating they aren’t responsible for “leaks”. My refrigerator is pumping cold air into freezer still (everything is frozen) but rep stated no coolant -don’t buy it. I don’t trust this company and have already begun to end my contract with them. I wouldn’t recommend this company, their fine print voids the need to have them because NOTHING is covered....very sad. And, I’m done with CHW.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

May. 14th, 2019

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John C Hugghins San Antonio, TX

I recently had a water heater failure and called for a repair claim. CHW took the request and assigned it to a service company. The plumbing service technician checked the water heater and told me that CHW would deny the claim because the water storage tank had ruptured. It was determined that the water heater would have to be replaced. I called CHW the next morning to see why the claim would be denied. CHW told me that they had not heard from A-Snap yet and that someone would call me back or send an email. I immediately called A-Snap and they told me that CHW had in fact denied the claim. I then printed out the Warranty agreement and discovered that everything that could fail in my home is listed as an exception in Total Plan. CHW did not call back or send an e-mail. Seems like they collect your contract fee with the intention of never paying for a claim. I will not be a return customer.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Thank you for your feedback John. Our Consumer Advocate will contact you directly to further discuss your concerns.

May. 14th, 2019

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Jamal Maryland Heights, MO

Very disappointed with the overall experience. The appointment window with the technecian was very very long (5hrs) then he was 45 minutes late(8 45 pm ).I took a day off from work just for that. It took a week before i had a final answer after the technician visit only to be offered $179.99 then changed to $259.99 to replace a dishwasher , i'll challenge anyone to find me a new dishwasher for that amount !!! Is it really worth it having insurance?

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

May. 9th, 2019

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Jim Scheel

Beware of Choice Home Warranty and make sure you read the Limits of Liability in the User Agreement. While they advertise “Repair or Replace”, they really have no intent to replace when needed. I have had a $1000 dryer for 2.5 years for which I have placed 7 claims against since June 2017 including a new claim 2 weeks ago. Choice is now claiming that parts are no longer available. Since the parts are not available, they can’t repair it. According to the limits of liability, there only liability is what the labor costs would be if they were able to repair (which they are not). They originally offered $350 cash in lieu of replacement and have since increased to $400. Again, they have no intent to replace. In my opinion, this is false advertising. I would not recommend Choice Home Warranty and will be cancelling my contract immediately.

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

May. 9th, 2019

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Aurelie Hernando, MS

I’ve never had such poor customer service when it came to a warranty/insurance. I’ve had to make multiple phone calls, people would tell me they didn’t know what I was talking about, it came to a point where I had to start recording phone calls. My plumber that was assigned to me eventually told them and me that he would not want to continue working with them and backed out of the job. I was then told I would be charged another service fee to send someone else out. I don’t see how this is my burden when the poor and rude customer service caused the original plumber to back out. I eventually settled for the $150 check to not have to deal with the stress and pay out of pocket which is more than $150 and not requiring additional work as warranty stated would be needed. I do have ground access and my plumbing issue is not an uncommon problem. It’s just plain ridiculous and frustrating and I will most definitely not renew or recommend this to anyone. Now, I did get my AC fixed under warranty but I never spoke to a single person, I did it online because I cannot fathom having to go through that again. I’m a flight nurse that transports critically ill children and if I ever acted the way they did, I would most definitely make parents feel uncomfortable with trusting me in the care of their loved one.

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.
Kind Regards,

May. 9th, 2019

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Mrs Hutchins Madison, MS

Please do not go with this company, they are a fraud!! I have had them 4 years with little needing to be fixed but lately my AC unit has been giving me a lot of trouble, and they are making up lies just to avoid paying for your repairs! So for the last 4 weeks my AC has broken down 3 times, every time it is the same issue, but how about since I mentioned about me paying the service call fee over and over for the same thing, they made up a lie and said “today mam you just said it didn’t work, last time you said the pipe was frozen” “mam you didn’t ask me about the outside, therefore I haven’t went outside to check the pipes” clearly this is their way to not pay for the service fee nor my claim!! I literally hate I ever got involved with such a gimmick!

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

May. 9th, 2019

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Trudy Steele Smyrna, GA

I have had the coverage for two years, in that time I have had four issues that I put in a claim. Of the four only one was covered by the home warranty and I paid $65 to have someone put WD40 on my bathroom fan! Paid $65 to be told they don't cover the roof leak, but the guy gave me a discount to do the work. The last claim was for a ceiling light and fan that stopped working due to a power surge. 2 hours before the repairman was expected he called me to let me know he only takes cash. When he looked at the light he told me I could choose to have the light working or the fan at one speed. I choose the light. He gave me his card and said if I ever wanted the fan replaced he would to it for a fee. No thank you and I won't be renewing the warranty. I feel like I am paying over $600 a year and$65 a visit to get a "discount" from the repairman that shows up. I am better off putting that money into a savings account to help pay for the next issue.

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience, therefore, we regret to hear that you had a less than satisfactory experience with us.

A onetime free service call fee has been placed onto your policy, in anticipation that your next experience with Choice Home Warranty meets your expectations.

Kind Regards,

May. 9th, 2019

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Christopher Barnett Maysville, NC

Don't let them fool you its worthless. Submitted a claim my A/C unit quit working the whole unit but because the coils had rust they wont cover a replacement. Coils on an A/C build up water which will cause rust so if you need any A/C work done they wont cover it. So I paid a service fee and it took Choice all of 30 seconds to deny the repairs, When I submitted to have it looked at again all I got was someone referencing a paragraph in there contract. So if you buy this warranty and have any repairs on anything say washer dryer or A/C unit which all get rust there is a probability of 99% they will deny your claim. So I am out the monthly warranty payment and the service call. They wouldn't even cover any of the repair not even a partial. Biggest scam I have ever seen in my life. thanks for nothing.......

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.
Kind Regards,

May. 9th, 2019

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Smriti Khetarpal Clarksburg, MD

I have had Choice Home Warranty come out to fix two issues and am now literally "Battling" with them over my A/C unit. First: Be aware - they do not ( I repeat) do not cover any real issue. Second: The technicians they assign do not schedule an appt. for over 5-7 days. Third: The technicians are only interested in taking the payment for the service call fee.If you pay by credit card - you have to pay 3% extra because the technician has to pay 3% to the credit card company. Fourth: As far as I can tell,nothing is covered. You are on your own after a week's wait and after paying the service fee. Fifth: TERRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE. When you call to try to resolve an issue, you'll be put on hold multiple times, your calls will be disconnected, and the person will stick to a written script and will not answer your question. DO NOT GO WITH CHOICE HOME WARRANTY. It's terrible

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

Thank you for your feedback.
We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

May. 9th, 2019

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peter grossman Atlanta, GA

I put in a claim for my air conditioning system. They send out this clown in a rented U=Haul truck. The first hour he was here he was on calls making other service appointments. He took the unit apart, said it was the fan blade, called two parts distributors nearby and they would not sell him these parts. That means he didn't pay them. He said he would have to go to another distributor about 15 miles away. This was 4:45pm. He calls me about 5:30pm and says ge has 2 other calls to make that night and would not be back until the next day. He shows up the next day and puts the part in and the unit did not work. He then said it was a compressor and Choice would not pay for it but he could quote me on a new unit that he could install. He came back 15 minutes later and said he could have a unit here on Sunday for $5000. I told him I would think about it and sent him on his way. I called Choice and they did approve the compressor. They reassigned this claim to another contractor. I received an automated message that he will be to my house between 3pm and 8pm. Well its 7:52pm and guess what? No contractor and no call. I called his phone number and got a voicemail box with no identification. Its 82 degrees and my family is going to have to suffer all weekend because this company only hires clowns to do there work. OF course the website says they are open 24x365 but when I called I got a pleasant greeting saying the were closed. I spent $1150 on this service contract and this is what I get for it. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience, therefore, we regret to hear that you were not satisfied with the service provided by our technician. We are making every effort to enhance the customer experience, therefore we have submitted your feedback to the Director of Vendor Relations, who will review this matter accordingly.

A onetime free service call fee has been placed onto your policy, in anticipation that your next experience with Choice Home Warranty meets your expectations.

May. 8th, 2019

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Nancy Cortez Sarasota, FL

I'm really impressed with Choice Home Warranty. They have a great turn around from the time I call them with a repair and they're really great about approving the repairs I've needed. I would definitely recommend them.

5 years ago

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Lisa Houston, TX

The clients they send out are not always trained . They have merchants that will not show or create higher charges for repair for item that need no help . Fees go up every year .. service fee outrageous and item called to fix breaks every 3 months and more fees. They rather patch for five years have over 12 service calls for item than replace .. truly unbelievable.. poor company definitely not recommend

5 years ago Edited October 28, 2021

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We regret to hear that you were not satisfied with our policy. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously.

Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase.

Our policy covers mechanical failure due to normal wear and tear. We encourage all of our customers to review their coverage.

Jun. 9th, 2020

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KD Nixa, MO

I called to see what the service call amount was with Choice. The person I spoke with gave me cheaper rate than was listed online and dropped the price on the service calls from $75 to $45.

5 years ago

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Matt Fox River Grove, IL

I have yet to be impressed by this company. I've had to call on two legitimate issues, so far and have been let down on both. Both CHW and the companies they hire to perform the work apply to my utter disappointment. Request #1, I state I have a plumbing emergency on a Friday night -- CHW: "okay, we'll have a tech there on Thursday." Request #2 on a Friday, "I am available all day, Wednesday" -- CHW: "okay, we'll have a tech there on Tuesday." It's like they don't even listen to you! And when I remind them of my availability, I'm told to go figure out rescheduling, myself. Then there's the people they hired! Request #1 were incredibly disrespectful and scammers. I reported them to CHW and the BBB -- CHW did not care one bit and the problem isn't solved! Request #2 was a very nice technician, but "turn up your water heater to maximum heat and don't use the hot setting" is NOT a fix for my failing dishwasher! I would NEVER recommend this company to anyone! I only have them, because the sellers of our home offered it to us! What a joke! My two items are NOT fixed and I'm out two full days of pay, so far! All CHW has done for me so far is cost me two day's pay, two $65 deductibles, and absolutely nothing has been fixed, so far. AVOID THIS COMPANY AT ALL COSTS!!! YOUR LEGITIMATE ISSUES ARE NOT FIXED AND CUSTOMER SERVICE DOES NOT CARE!!! I'll be impressed if this review is even made public!

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.
Kind Regards,

May. 3rd, 2019

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Corei Manson, NC

Choice Home Warranty denied our claim for our A/C unit because the failure was not considered "normal wear and tear". We had a certified A/C technician come to our home and check the A/C. The technician diagnosed a failed compressor due to seized bearings. Choice Home Warranty denied the claim and state that compressor are "expected" to last up to 20 yrs and ours was only 11yrs old so it wasn't normal wear and tear. The technician stated that it was normal wear and tear and Choice Warranty stated that was his "opinion" not theirs. I am not sure what the point of having a certified A/C technician diagnose the issue only to be discounted by someone over the phone. I would not recommend anyone to use Choice Home Warranty. I am cancelling my service.

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.
Kind Regards,

May. 9th, 2019

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Peaches Memphis, TN

Choice Home Warranty is the biggest scam out there!! If you care anything about your money, your time and your life...put the monthly payment you would pay Choice into a savings account and pay for your repairs directly. Choice aims to only approve the simplest least expensive issues and deny the most expensive issues that is the very reason why you have warranty insurance at all! I was told that my pipes were covered for normal wear and tear but later told that they weren't covered. After complaining, I was told that I would be reimbursed my 60 dollar service fee but after I didn't receive it, I was told that I would no longer get it since I cancelled. Crazy. I only wish I had listened to my father and never gotten started with them. I can't say it loud enough...SCAM...SCAM...SCAM!!! I cringe at the thought of the money I would have if I had not wasted it on them. Ugh! Never again!!

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously. Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on
One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.


Mar. 26th, 2019

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Cassandra Wright Charlotte, NC

I am very disappointed in Choice Home Warranty for my ac unit that has been leaking all of 2018. Choice sent out 3 technicians to fix ac unit, all three technicians said I needed freon. Every time they came out the tech would call Choice and they only would pay for 2lbs of freon. Out of three technicians that came out 2018 none of them said I had a leak or there was rust or corrosion. The ac unit is over 25 years old; I purchased the house in 2008 kept up with yearly cleaning, etc. for ac unit. In 2019, my furnace would not turn on, called Choice needed part, they would not cover it, but I pay Choice every month but I get no service at all. I had to purchase part for over 300 that Choice wouldn’t cover. I wasted 3 years of monthly payments to Choose for them to only fix my running toilet, water heater that only needed the knob turned to make hot water to work. That was a waste of $45 to each technician. Choice needs to hired qualified technicians to fix your appliance’s, not technicians whose company you never heard of or you are afraid to let them in your home.

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.
Kind Regards,
Choice Home Warranty

Apr. 29th, 2019

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Sherry Kempf Las Vegas, NV

We agreed to and wanted a 1 yr contract but suddenly it was a 5 yr contract and the Agent wanted about 2500.00!! He as told over and over we wanted a one year and he kept pushing!! Recorded the call and told him to cancel the contract and to not process any payment and he kept trying to talk over me til I finally had to yell at him to SHUT UP!! I ended up hanging up when he constantly kept saying he was trying to help. NO he wasnt, he was already told we would not own the house in 5 yrs and didnt want 5 yrs and yet he continued so I hung up the phone. I recorded this conversation on my cell phone and will file charges if any charges by this company are made !! He even said he didnt have the CC number....YES HE DID!! It was given to him!!!! UPDATE UPDATE THEY CHARGED OUR BANK CARD EVEN AFTER THEY WERE TOLD ON A RECORDED LINE AND IN WRITING!!!! AND FOR A HIGHER PRICE THAN QUOTED!!!!!!

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best sales experience, therefore, we regret to hear that you were not satisfied with the service provided . We are making every effort to enhance the customer experience, therefore we have submitted your feedback to the Director of Sales, who will review this matter accordingly.

Apr. 26th, 2019

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Roland Cole Owens Cross Roads, AL

I checked several home warranty companies and Choice Home Warranty company just gives more for less. I was also with them and my other house. Great company

5 years ago

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Not happy in NY Rochester, NY

I placed 2 claims on December 28, 2020. After 40 days they denied one. Horrible they made me wait like that. They said they don't clover rust. It rusted because they made me wait so long. I called them everyday and told them the leak was getting worse and worse. It goes in one ear and out the other with this company. The 2nd claim was for my ice maker. Today is day 44 and it is still not fixed. Every time I call I am told it is on back order that it came in damaged. The technicians don't let you know what's going on, and when you call them they act like you're bothering them. After calling yet again today they tell me my ice maker is on back order and after me telling them what a horrible company they are they tell me they can send me a check for $408.00 but it will take another 30 days to receive it. I can't wait to get away from this lousy company, all they do is give you the run around. If you're thinking about this company don't do it, I am sure you can find a better company or save the money yourself and budget for your repairs. I am absolutely done with this company the past 2.5 years have been a nightmare with them. Every time you submit a claim you have to beg and argue. They don't appreciate their customers. I have an appointment with my attorney. They have several class action law suits against them already, because they scam you. DON'T DO IT!!!

5 years ago Edited September 14, 2021

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

Apr. 19th, 2019

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Mel Daphne, AL

In August of 2018 purl A/C stopped working.. I called Choice Warranty immediately. They gave us a case number and we waited for a repair man to c,all us. We waited and waited. As you can imagine it was very hot here in Alabama. I'm 77 years old and have Lyme Disease.. When no one came they told me I could get my own service company.. They came and then called Choice to talk to their technition. When they got Choice on the phone the tech from Choice kept putting them on hold.. After waiting for over 1/2 hour my service man gave up.. After me calling Choice they told me someone had been assigned to me.. They told me I would get a call from them(she) never called for 4 days and when she did call in the late evening she told me they would not pay to replace my AC. They would pay $200 of the total $2200. In the mean time we could not wait because it was too hot.and I was sick. We had the unit replaced ourselves. Woman who called me was not very nice and seemed not to care that I was sick. Needless to say, I was not impressed with Choice

5 years ago

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Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

Apr. 19th, 2019

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Sam Conyers, GA

Please read reviews before choosing this company. I am so disappointed with this company. I would never recommend their service to anyone. The purpose of this warranty is to take care of our home appliance and not to just give money to this company and its technicians. We paid $60 for the technician to look at one of our appliances and a the very next day we receive an email on why they don't cover our appliance. They told us it will cost $600 in total to fix it. With that kind of money we can purchase a new one. They did not have the decency to call and let us no. So impersonal with a long email that could not be understood. I cancelled service with them immediately and I'm very upset.

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

Apr. 19th, 2019

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Colorado Frisco, TX

BUYER BEWARE- Choice Home Warranty does not replace appliances that cannot be repaired. They pay you a ridiculously low amount to do whatever you want with it. The amount they pay you does not even cover the basic appliance, leave aside installation and haul away costs that you have to figure out yourself. Their so called total warranty has so many exclusions, so you MUST read ALL the fine print. (Example: built in microwave). If I wanted all that hassle, why would I even pay for a home warranty plan? To top it off their claims department reps are arrogant and down right rude. Only if you threaten to leave them will they send you to a retention department which will throw you a bone, for perhaps $100 more on your claim. ( which will still not cover even a very basic replacement model). If you are like me and are determined to not give any more of your business to them because of their bad service, then you obviously get nothing. Read all the fine print, and brace yourself for the amount of things that are NOT covered.

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We strive to provide the best customer experience and regret to hear your dissatisfaction. One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

Apr. 19th, 2019

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Nick. P Langhorne, PA

I would like to give zero starts, but unfortunately the system wont allow me to. I have a pending claim for my heat pump, I was told I will need fix that would cost $1400, that's when choice home warranty asked me to produce records of maintenance, which I gave them a letter from y HVAC company. Once they got a letter I was told I need a checklist, then I was told the technically can call the authorizing manager, which was done by my HVAC company that was maintaining my unit for last 3 years, now I am asked to produce the checklist. Now I just got off the phone and am being told completely different requirement. This guys are nothing but frauds, do not waste your money. luckily my policy expires in 2 weeks. So no more renewal for me. Also, I was told authorizing manger does not work the weekends, but my cases was decided within 2 min of me getting a email on a Saturday by an authorizing manger. How do I know this? well I got a call whihin two minutes of the email. Go with any other company but these guys. FRAUD, FRAUD FRAUD.

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We regret to hear that you were not satisfied with our policy. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously.
Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on

Apr. 19th, 2019

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G. White Gurnee, IL

DON NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES GIVE THIS COMPANY ANY MONEY. YOU WILL REGRET IT. I wish I could give negative stars. This company is a complete scam and all statement they make in their sales pitch are fraud - complete and total lies. They have taken our money and denied every claim. We fought and got barely enough to cover the time to complain to them. There is a number for customer service, but no one staffs it... Called at the opening of the day and the lines were busy, till they hung up when the call center closed did this for a week - no one ever answered the phone. They send out contractors who are complete scam artists. They do something they say is covered, end then say oh, but Choice wont cover the rest and you will have to pay for us to diagnose the problem. So what did Choice pay for - oh that is right they don't pay for anything. The contractors also made a bigger mess - Job started with needing to route our pipes - we are not out $15K because the contract got their equipment stuck in the pipe and broke it - had to dig up the street. They say they will fix or replace. Ha - Stove replacement $350 (find me a stove and contractor to replace for $350), AC replacement - $650 (you can't even get a unit at Home Depot for less than $1500). If the repair is more than $100 it is not covered. Save yourself our headaches and don't waste your money. Put it the money in a high yield savings account as you will have much more control. again DO NOT GIVE THEM YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY. IF YOU WANT TO FLUSH MONEY DOWN THE DRAIN IT WOULD BE LESS OF A HEADACHE.

5 years ago

Choice Home Warranty Logo

Reply from Choice Home Warranty

We regret to hear that you were not satisfied with our policy. We are committed to providing a positive customer experience and we take all feedback very seriously.
Choice Home Warranty provides home warranty service coverage on the systems and appliances listed as ‘INCLUDED’ under the terms of the User Agreement sent to you at purchase. It may also be found on

One of our Consumer Advocates will be contacting you shortly to address your concerns.

Apr. 19th, 2019

star star star star star

Brenda Williams Simpsonville, SC

Made the claim and was given an appointment within 30 minutes. Jonathan with Reed Electric showed up the next day on time and resolved the issue very quickly. Thanks

5 years ago