Author: Kaitlyn Short
SourceNRG started in 2018 in Colorado and sells energy solutions to homeowners. The company's stated mission is to make customers lives better by switching from traditional power sources to clean energy to save money and help the environment.
SourceNRG is a door-to-door solar sales company and partners with third-party installers.
Using a satellite-generated report, SourceNRG offers customers an estimate of their savings. This efficient approach means customers do not need to have an in-person meeting to know how much solar could save them per month.
SourceNRG partners with the nonprofit GivePower by donating proceeds from every solar solution it sells to this charitable effort. GivePower provides energy and clean water to underdeveloped areas of the world.
The company's website offers very little beyond a general company message and a solicitation for your name and phone number. Customers who are interested in investing in solar power are willing to do their research. Many solar companies understand this and provide pertinent information on their websites, including product specifications, warranty coverage, and payment options. SourceNRG has opted to not disclose this information to the public which could turn away potential customers.
SourceNRG is a new company. As a rule of thumb, we recommend using solar providers that have five years of experience.
Experience and time in the industry are crucial considerations when sorting through solar contractors. Established, well-trained companies are less likely to cut corners and will provide an all-around better experience for clients. SourceNRG is too young to meet our standards for a recommendation.
Potential solar customers want to look for a company that has a solid reputation and at least five years in business to instill confidence in its warranties and that it will be around if something were to go wrong and need repair.
It appears that SourceNRG only sells solar contracts; it does not do any labor and is not experienced in solar installation. While there technically is nothing wrong with using third-party installers, some customers have expressed that involving multiple parties creates more opportunites for miscommunications and delays.
SourceNRG is a young company that sales solar contracts door to door. It used third parties to complete the install. If you prefer to work with one company from purchase through install, SourceNRG is not for you.
Additionally, the company's website does not disclose the vital information consumers want to know, including product specifications, warranty coverage, and payment options. At this time, we can not recommend working with SourceNRG.
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