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Valley Unique Electric

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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: April 18th, 2023

Valley Unique Electric was founded in 1979 offering new construction and design-build solutions for a number of project types including commercial, industrial, and residential jobs. The company focused on providing electrical system solutions as well as telecommunications work before ultimately expanding into solar installation. 

With over 40 years in the business, Valley Unique Electric has built a professional reputation of offering catered solar and electric solutions to property owners. While Valley Unique Electric is perfectly capable of installing residential solar systems, the company particularly specializes in commercial and industrial solar and generator projects.

Each project is custom-designed to fit property needs at a cost effective rate. Each professional is trained to meet the high standards of design and workmanship set forth by Valley Unique Electric.

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The Good

  • Solar Cleaning Services
  • Active Solar Monitoring Feature
  • Experience

Solar Cleaning Services

One of the most unique solar services that Valley Unique Electric offers is its solar cleaning service. Solar systems are relatively low maintenance, but there are functions that need to be performed in order to maximize lifespan and ensure optimal production. Taking basic care of a solar system can go a long way.

Valley Unique Electric understands this and offers solar cleaning services. Not many solar installation companies offer this type of service and that work is left up to the property owner to manage. 

Active Solar Monitoring Feature

Another beneficial service offered by Valley Unique Electric is the active monitoring feature available to all clients. Clients can simply log online and instantly view energy data including production and usage. This monitoring feature also allows solar clients to be alerted of any potential major production issues and enlist the help of Valley Unique Electric in order to get those resolved. Most solar customers are left in the dark when it comes to how their system is performing as this is not a standard feature offered by solar installation companies. 


While solar has been around for a long time, it has only recently become more mainstream due to more financial resources available within space. Hundreds of solar companies have started to pop up around the country in the last ten years or so, all offering comparable solar installation services. Valley Unique Electric stands out in this way as the company has been around since the 70s and was one of the first to start offering residential and commercial solar solutions to clients. The experience within the electrical and solar industry is essentially unmatched.


The Bad

  • Undisclosed Equipment Information
  • No Warranty Information 
  • Lack of Financing Options

Undisclosed Equipment Information

Solar installation companies do not actually produce the product that is sold. Instead, a solar manufacturer will work directly with solar installation companies to provide equipment that the installation company in turn sells to the common consumer and then installs on the property.

These partnerships between manufacturers and solar installation companies are invaluable and usually disclosed as brands and equipment types are important to prospective clients making a purchasing decision. Unfortunately, Valley Unique Electric has not disclosed any equipment information so potential clients do not know what, if any, tier-1 equipment partnerships the company has to offer. 

No Warranty Information

Since solar is a financial investment, most solar installation companies are compelled to offer protection over that investment in the form of warranties. The standard within the industry is for companies to offer both an equipment and workmanship warranty. The equipment warranty is generally 25 years and is actually covered by the system manufacturer. The manufacturer will protect repair and replacements if necessary. The solar installation company itself will then offer a workmanship warranty. This warranty typically lasts 10 years and covers any mistakes made and problems caused through the installation process. Valley Unique Electric makes no mention of offering either warranty. 

Lack of Financing Options

Financing has been a standard solution within the solar industry. Since the cost to install a residential solar system costs thousands of dollars to buy outright, most solar clients are in need of some other financing option. To combat this issue, most solar installation companies offer a range of financing options including lease, loan, PPA, or even a subscription service.

However, Valley Unique Electric offers no such option, at least not publicly. Typically, solar installation companies will allow clients to qualify online or see what financing options are available to them. Valley Unique Electric does not offer this solution. 


The Bottom Line

Valley Unique Electric provides comprehensive electric and solar solutions to residential, commercial, and industrial clients all across the state of California. The company will provide solar cleaning services to ensure that systems are properly maintained and cared for. Additionally, clients can utilize the active solar monitoring feature to make sure that the system continues to operate at an efficient rate of production. Lastly, the experience of the Valley Unique Electric team is nearly unmatched in the industry. 

Despite providing solar solutions to big name clients, there is very little public information explaining exactly what Valley Unique Electric offers. The company has failed to disclose what equipment partners, if any, Valley Unique Electric maintains. Additionally, Valley Unique Electric does not appear to offer any of the industry standard warranties typically provided by solar installation companies. Lastly, there is no information regarding what financing options are available to varying types of clients.

Considering all that is known and unknown regarding the Valley Unique Electric platform, traditional residential solar clients should look elsewhere for installation services as the company seems to focus on commercial and industrial projects. 

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