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Margie Caracciolo Goose Creek, SC

My neighbor had panels installed through Sunrun (well, 3rd party vendor because they do not do their own installs). I called because I want to save money too. Had to leave a message and still have never received a response. A month later he called for me and I haven't received a response from then either. All told it's been over 5 months. Also, once my neighbor had the panels installed it took over 2 months for the inspection to take place for him to even start using the panels. Sunrun didn't care. They had their money. I have talked to him about his deal. Apparently his lease amount will increase after a set amount of time and after that it can increase at Sunrun's discretion. I don't like the sound of that. I started doing my own research. I am now in negotiations with Arres. They are local! They do the design, install, service, etc themselves. Based in Cottageville. If Sunrun wouldn't contact me for a sale, why would anyone think they would call if you needed service. They've shown themselves to be a take your money and run (Sunrun) kind of company.

6 years ago

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Constance Royval Rosamond, CA

My fault for not noticing my payment will go up every year. I kept telling my sales rep and the staff at SunRun the #s did match up to me. I only paid $167 on level pay as it was due to a medical base line credit. So I save $20 per month,$10 of that is because of direct payment from my checking account. By year 10 I will be in the hole. I did learn a lot about Nigeria,my sales reps home country tho. I tell everyone at my medical office to stay away from Solar,which should be fantastic in the High Desert. But the savings is non-existent . I HATE being lied to,even if it's just by things being not shown to me as the rep talks about other matters. He KNEW how cheap my bill was and that I disabled.Other companies has said my bill was so low there was no reason to go Solar. I keep the AC at 72 during the summer due to MS flares,so it's not as if we don't use the power. So jut be very careful as I normally am.

6 years ago

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Candie Chula Vista, CA

We had to take over a contract from the previous home buyer 23Aug2017. They tried double billing us billing us for the previous owners but nobody would call back. They reported almost 715.00 due on 01Oct with no explanations and no response. I then tried calling, I sent emails and no response no matter the avenue to contact them. I used the customer service email and a return response will be returned within 2 to 3 days? Well weeks ago. Then got an email finally with a corrected amount now 4 weeks later, and it states from their collection department for past due amount??? If you are contemplating service with SunRun , BE VERY AWARE of the lack in service, you wont receive any response.. If I were you I would stay clear of this company. Little contact except a bill I have to say the worst customer service!! I happily provide my information to this review. I couldn't even give a rating except 0.

6 years ago

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Daniel Figueroa Cassville, NJ

So I made an appointment with sunrun based on their rating. It was for 10:30. They sent an email confirming the appointment. They changed the time to 2:00 in email. I called back and they said they'd correct time. Received another email for 1:00. I called again and they its just a glitch in the system and appointment is for 10:30. Day before appointment , representative call to confirm 5:00 appointment. I told him that the appointment is for 10:30, he says he cant make 10:30 and we agree to meet at 12:00. The day comes and representative call an hour before appointment to say have can't make it and asked if he can come at 3:00. I then informed him to lose my number. I do not recommend deal with this unreliable company.

7 years ago

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Sharon Wilson Woodland, CA

This whole saga began almost 4 weeks ago. The day we had our system installed, August 16, 2017, we were told before the crew left that one of the meters was not working and they didn't have another with them. They told us they would come back before inspection and replace it, which they did. We were able to turn on our system on Friday, August 25. We were told that we would have to wait a few days to see our solar production, which was fine. Come Wednesday, we still had no information; neither SunRun nor ourselves were able to see the production. When it still wasn't showing two days later, we called our project manager and he spoke with the monitoring department who told him they saw a "red flag" and where going to try and fix it on their end. We would have to wait another 2 days to find out that it still didn't work. We got a call from Whitney, the scheduler, and she let us know that she had an appointment for a week later midday (which wasn't acceptable because my husband and I both have full time jobs), or that they could book us two weeks out for a morning appointment. As soon as I mentioned making a complaint to Costco, where we found this company, an appointment magically showed up for the following Tuesday. When speaking with Whitney, I asked her some direct questions. I also asked the same questions of the tech who came out to put in meter #3 (that's right, 3 meters in less than 2 weeks). 1. What is the history of the different meters that your company has used: Whitney stated that they used to use 2G meters, but they are no longer compatible with the cell signal, so they have been using 3G meters and recently 4G meters. When the tech came out, he said that a 2G meter had been installed. 2. What are the next steps?: Whitney said there is a meter called a Locus meter that runs off of a wifi signal, which is why someone would have to be home; the meter wasn't working because there wasn't a cell signal. When the tech came out, he used a cell only signal with that meter, and that he was receiving an AT&T cell signal that they were using. 3. Can the current meter be fixed? Whitney told us that she had talked to the tech who was certain that he knew exactly what was wrong and that he would be able to repair the meter. The tech let us know that he never said that, and would have no way of surmising that until he was on site. 4. How do we know our panels are producing? Whitney told us that since the green light was on, we are producing. The tech said that even though meters number 1 and 2 were not communicating, they were still storing the amount of KWhs generated. According to our utility billing company, our system has not been producing during the peak hours of the day, and when it is producing, it is only generating half of what the system should be. I will be providing this information to Costco and the CSLB since I haven't had reasonable communication with SunRun. I finally get a hold of a supervisor who tells me that the reason the original model of meter was installed was because "they were out of the meters that they normally use," and that they were "hoping that it would work." My take is, if a company doesn't have parts that they know will work, they shouldn't be messing with people's lives and their livelihoods by just hoping for the best. I have left several messages for that supervisor regarding some sort of compensation for our time, but haven't heard back. I also asked for their records for our power production, as they have assured us that the system has been "producing as it should." I have not received that information either. Since the company has not provided me with this information, all I can do is go by what the utility company is saying, as they generate the bill. During our last communication, I was told that it would be 3-5 business days before we see our solar production on their website or the app. We can see what was produced yesterday, but still not everything they told us we could do in the app, including seeing our real time production as well as production for the times since the system was installed. Going with SunRun was a huge mistake. From the parts that were left on our porch after the install that still has us questioning if they were installed properly to this ongoing saga, we should have gone with another company. Anyone would have been better than what we have been through. Maybe this will get the company's attention. I don't know what else to try.

7 years ago

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Keith Phoenix, AZ

Over the first year, It cost us $27 more to have Sunrun. We live in sunny Arizona but due to the monthly amount Sunrun locked us into, we ended up paying slightly more for the year than without them. Here is a quote from their email response, "Please remember that your Solar Service Agreement was specially designed to provide modest savings that increase throughout the length of the initial term." Our service provider, APS, has not increased rates in the 8 years we've been here but the taxes have gone up. Their other suggestion was to get more panels... One of my biggest challenges with this whole thing is reconciling Sunrun with APS. Both show differing Kwh so who do you believe? With that lack of savings and the risk of a 20 year contract, I'd say stay away. .

7 years ago

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Bob San Jacinto, CA

Be careful this company tried to pull a fast one with us. We agreed to a price that the salesman quoted us. Had then come out inspect are house on Saturday everything was good to go, come Monday morning we got a email telling us there was a document we had to sign when we opened it the bank wanted us to sign it was for $1000.00 more from the document we first signed. Called and talked to the salesman and he said that the price he quoted was wrong . He never called but told us he did, more or less called us liar's and said he was right. I told him we had emails from him with the total cost. I told him to check his quotes and call me back, he called and said he made a mistake and that the cost of the panels changed . He wanted us to pay the differences and go forward. Told him to cancel it and we would like something in writing never got it . Stay away from them ,they only care about the money not you!!!!!!

7 years ago

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Billy armenta

We just got our panels installed. Sunrun was great. Always keeping us in the loop regarding the next steps. I would refer sunrun to family and friends.

7 years ago

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Jason Neptune City, NJ

By far the worst company I ever dealt with my life. Their sale associate was late by an hour and offer no apology for his tardiness. The sales associate gave me no answers to the breakdown of the labor and costs of the project. He seemed way too focused on how happy I am going to be with all the money I was about to save. When I kept pressing him for this info, he refused to answer that question. When I went to the company about that question, their customer service would also refuse to answer that question and said they will have someone call me back. Which they never did, but kept calling me to tell me I am delaying things by not signing the contract. So, anybody looking at this company should look else where. They care more about selling you solar and the money that would be saved instead of answering some very easy questions.

7 years ago

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Apparently, Sunrun Solar no longer monitors the Solar Power Inverter, nor the solar panels performances. This is very concerning. I guess it is up to the homeowner to occasionally walk by the Inverter and observe its functions. I have had a Red 'Fault' indication on my Solar Edge Inverter for more than a week, and no action has been taken by Sunrun. I informed Sunrun last week about the fault, and even had to take a picture and email it to them (really?). I asked them if I could monitor the Inverter on my PC, and they said they do not install that capability anymore. So all they seem to care about is the power output on the meter, and not whether the system is failing or has failed. As far as I know, there could be one or two solar panels not working and robbing me of the solar power I should be getting. Where I used to get solar production in the 70's and high 60's kWh, I am not getting production in the LOW 60's and 50's. This is the time of year I should be getting highest production, and here I am getting a decrease in production. But Sunrun doesn't appear to really care. Do you?

7 years ago

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EchoDai Plainview, NY

I love Sunrun and most of all the product it sells. The sales guy Robert T and all the others who helped me get this system on my roof. Sunrun is the best!!!! Great Company!!!!

7 years ago

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Donald Carruth East Brunswick, NJ

I have to agree with the one star reviews... My inverter was removed for service the last week in May... They said it was going to take a month to repair... Well after one month it was still not finished and I called for a status update... They couldn't give me any information and said they would call me back... Never got a call back and have sent three emails to customer service regarding this issue since then with absolutely no response. They even say in their automatic reply email that response is 2 to 3 business days which they haven't even come close to. It is the height of summer when I need the solar panels to work the most... And they could care less...If you haven't gotten solar yet definitely avoid sun run. Their customer service is obviously nonexistent. Update to review. It is now 8/4/17 and I am into the third month not having my invertor back and I have gotten nothing but excuses from Sun Run. It should also be noted that the only response I had to my complaints was through Yelp, not even through the emails that I sent to customer service. Oh, and I never received a phone call back from the original call back in the end of June. The only excuse they had was that this affected a percentage of customers. Sorry but that doesn't pay my inflated electric bill that I now have because I'm going the entire summer without solar that I was told would be done in a month.

7 years ago

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Jana Young

NEVER BUY FROM SUN RUN> I believe at least 70 % of the 10 rating they are claiming to get are from their company. Look at the dates several on concurrent dates several on the same day short evaluation of the company. Terrible is a good word to describe Sun Run. We purchased a new home through Toll Brothers in Moorpark Ca. They charged us 12,500.00 for the system and its under the signed contract that we purchased it. Only over 3 years later when we are selling our home we find out SunRun sent a claim of a lease to the recorders office where the Title Company found it and only then does it show a "LEASE". The Title company showed me a 2 page letter from Toll Brothers saying we were taking possession of the system and claiming we received the Sun Run agreement. The 2 page agreement was brought to me over a week after escrow closed. The realtor came to our house walked into our kitchen through the garage doors as we had been moving in. The realtor said she missed one document that I needed to sign acknowledging we were now responsible for the solar panels. She said she had to get back to the sales office and asked me just to sign it and she would later return and give me a copy of the 2 page document. Never received anything from her. When I talked with the solar company they said we had a lease and the $12,500 we paid Toll Brothers was a 20 year pre payment of the lease. Toll Brothers paid them approximately $7,500.00 for the solar unit. It never said anything about a lease to them. Toll Brother scams me for an extra $5000.00 pure profit. When I contracted the realtor of Toll Brothers she refused to do anything about it. Sun Run just sends me emails saying they want us to sign the agreement before we can transfer the solar unit to the new buyer. Filed a formal complaint with the real estate board for the realtor's unethical practice. What a scam Toll Brothers the builder and Sun Run work together to rip people off.

7 years ago

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My experience with Sunrun is that of complete dis-organization. My mother signed a twenty year lease with these crooks for a crazy amount of money. From that beginning we had electrical problems caused by a faulty installation of the new 100 amp system. We have leaky roof problems where they put long screws through the roof they come all the way through and can be seen and are leaking water. The funny thing is that most of this is an easy fix, after making multiple phone calls to Sun run and horizon solar I finally got fed up with their inability to keep an appointment and handle the problem. So now they're threatening to turn my system off and I have to severely disabled women living in the house that I take care of. So I would give Sun run an F for their ability to handle a simple problem and take care of it. I do not feel comfortable signing responsibility for this system because if I signed the contract I'm agreeing to their lousy customer-service, their poor ability to even organize a simple service call for a man to come out and fix it and they're horrible ability to not document multiple phone calls to both horizon and Sun run. Nightmare nightmare nightmare!!!

7 years ago

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Darlene Reynolds

Can't seem to get a straight answer from anyone when I call. Called because my unit was operational but I wasn't being billed. Told me they couldn't bill me until they got an ok from APS. I asked what I needed to do, was told, wrote it down, called APS and they acted like I was crazy. Called Sun Run back and was told not to worry about it. I explained that I did not want to get hit with a large multiple month bill when the problem wasn't mine. I was assured I wouldn't. Then low and behold I get 4 emails--each one doubling the amount due stating the amount would be charge to my account in August. I immediately called back to ask what was going on and was told not to worry about it that billing was investigating and trying to figure out what to do with my account. I asked to talk to some one in billing and never got a straight answer as to why I couldn't speak to anyone and I asked that someone contact me and here it it almost a week later and no phone call. So people, if Sun Run shows up at your door, I suggest you say no thank you. I can see that I'm going to have nothing but trouble over the course of this agreement.

7 years ago

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Rich Graham

Our nightmare with Sunrun began over a year ago. From the early lies to the inane excuses for the endless delays, a year later we finally have a system that kind of works, but it is not optimized and their only concern is strong arming us into paying for a system that does not perform as promised. The installation began December 27 and wasn't completed until May, after failing state inspection twice. Sunrun had neither the materials nor the knowledge to install this system properly. Once turned on in April, our electric usage doubled. When we realized what was happening, Sunrun sent an electrician who spent 4 1/2 hours rewiring the system then tried to tell us it was a problem Tesla programming of the batteries caused. As of this writing, we have not been given any appeasement for the 6 months of unnecessary electric bills that we were promised, nor do we have any answers about why the system is importing power from HELCO 24/7, even in full sun. We have got nothing but lies and excuses for a year, and are now stuck with a sub-par solar system that will not power out house after a hurricane as we were told it would before deciding to purchase.

7 years ago

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D Smith Pomona, CA

We leased solar panels from Sunrun in 2015. We recently sold that house and closed escrow at the end of May, 2017. Service transferred to new owners. I received my last bill in June since we were told that we paid a month behind. I received another bill for a different amount in July, 2017. I called and the customer service rep couldn't help me figure it out for the longest time. He then went talk to his supervisor. He said that his supervisor said we were misinformed and that we were paying two months behind. I said ok then give me our contract info and when payments started on our account. They apparently don't have that information anymore because the contract is no longer in our name. Now I would think that for tax purposes they would keep this information but we no longer exist in their system and he can't prove that we paid two months behind according to his supervisor. So it's just a guess? That's a load of crap and I filed a claim through my bank for the unauthorized debit and to no longer accept debits from that company. If you are going solar just buy the panels and save yourself the hassle if you plan on selling in the future. By the way, we didn't save that much money and we had a $30,000 system.

7 years ago

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Darlene Floriano Madera, CA

I met SunRun at our local Costco. I asked a few questions and the agent seemed knowledgeable. Then someone was supposed to come out for an appointment that next week. When they called they tried to cancel. I told them that I cannot change it because I would be on a business trip for two weeks and my husband and I wanted to both be there at the same time. So they agreed and scheduled me. Then a half hour before the rep tried to cancel through the office. We rescheduled. Again two weeks later the same thing. I said forget it. Left a bad taste in my mouth for them. A few months ago I started looking again and was called by a solar representative. When she finally disclosed who the Solar company was I told her forget it! I would not recommend them due to poor customer service. I cannot speak for the system or their billing process.

7 years ago

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STEPHEN W NELSON Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Excellent product, service, customer relations. Absolutely best solution to constant rising rates from SoCal Edison. Two plus years and loving the $60-$70/month savings.

7 years ago

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Fredric Manjarres Rancho Cucamonga, CA

Being an Electrical Contractor for 6 yrs I understand how important it is to sale yourself but I also understand how important it is to abide by your word. I would meet with my clients and go over the pros and cons of the work to be done, I would always abide by my word. I never had a bad review from my clients or through the Corporate Commissions Office. I have no complaint about the installation, my complaint is the time it took ( 7months) , the work the subcontractors did. Someone broke my water line and the water ran for 3 days before they came to repair it ( which I paid for the water) , they excavated in front of my meter panel ( I don't understand why) and they broke a water line and the sprinkler lines , in repairing the sprinklers they cut the control wiring , left all hanging, they cut off one of the sprinkler lines and shoved the stubs into the ground making it look like they were still functioning. I am probably am going to have to pay for someone to repair, I have continued to contact Sun Run but have not received a response. Why should they they've been paid.

7 years ago

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Eddie Philadelphia, PA

Saw this review and contacted them. They called me back twice once to confirm my information and the next to evaluate me further and there was going to be a third call to review my options which is a ridiculous amount of unnecessary communication. Long story short I was rejected immediately because I have a flat roof! Apparantly they only have one type of solar and it must be on a pitched roof. I couldn't believe this since so many panels on the ground are pitched toward the sun. I have thousands of square feet of roof space and I'm being turned down lol. It's not hard at all to obtain the tracks that are pitched and even come with articulating arms. This place is pathetic. They didn't even know who to do refer me to and just left me regretting ever calling. Please narrow results by type of roof customer has!

7 years ago

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greg Phoenix, AZ

Although the solar panel installation, from the initial review of paperwork etc, through completion and turn-on of the electricity provided by the panels,was excellent, can't in good faith recommend SUNRUN because of their billing/customer care/service. Billing and follow-on customer care is broke and can't get any to fix these issues. My contract stipulates that I pay my monthly rental feeof $94.00 via an ACH (auto debit from my checking account). System has been in operations since July 2016, to date (March 2017) not a single auto payment was debited from my account. Further, I received 7 emailed bills, in varying ammmounts totalin more than $3000; at $94.00 a month my total bill would be approx $900.00. I've been charged late fees, a fee for non-ACH payemnt. These fees nor the emailed bill were not paid not debited from my checkingf account. Anyway I've been in contact with customer care more than 20 times to date to no avail, a supervisor and the actual installers, again without fixing this issue. In my opinion SUNRUN is in breach of contract, and the payment issues has been fix to date. So,would not recommend SUNRUN.

7 years ago

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SF Hawk Prescott Valley, AZ

Franklin was great with follow up and good communication and overall contact, We would recommend him to anyone for help and contact and SunRun products.

7 years ago

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Nick K Brea, CA

If you read 1 review please read this one. It will be unbiased as possible. And it's sad I, as well as other customers, have to write bad reviews to get things done. The last year and a half they have dramatically gone down hill, on how they treat their customers. They are losing their competitiveness and seem oblivious of that. Their saving grace is the Costco Purchase Program but even then many local/national reputable companies can beat that price and offer better panels, often American Made. There Prepaid PPA is also a decent option but you can't finance it and have to have the money upfront. The best semi national company would be Peterson Dean hands down. They have a better price than Costco and they have American Made equipment and panels, with a equal or better manufacture and service warranties than Sunrun. In Southern California (where I live) you have 3 great companies I would use including Peterson Dean, are Sullivan Solar, Semper Solaris, and Solar 360. If your looking at doing a Prepaid PPA, I would go with Sunrun over Solarcity for sure. But with a purchase I wouldn't. Overall Sunrun is a decent company, but there are better options as I listed.

7 years ago

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Ron Rechtman Washington, DC

The addition of solar to my home is/was one of the easiest thing that happened. The Sunrun Team was very professional, answered all my questions and guided me thru the hole process.

7 years ago

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j. l. virok Media, PA

I have solar panels installed by Sungevity. I have had 2 issues with them so far as invert-er problems. The panel on the invert-er showed an L1Open. This has happened twice. Both times I had to call about this problem. The latest fault happened on Jan 14th of 2017. No one from SunRun called to say there was a problem. They say they have 24-7 monitoring of systems, so why did I have to call about a problem? I called them and got the run around about production grantee. Well that helps a lot. There is a problem with the invert-er from Sunny Boy. No one in the US has one to replace the bad unit on the side of my home. This is unacceptable. As far as I'm concerned, Sun Run doesn't care about customer satisfaction. All they want is your monthly lease payment. Customer service is their last priority. Great way to run a company. Call them and you'll see what I mean. I spent many hours on the phone trying to get this issue resolved. All they can say is " I wil get back to you with an answer. Nice way to run a company. I will be looking into suing Sun Run for false advertising of monitoring and lack of having parts on hand to rectify issues. As you can see I AM NOT A SATISFIED CUSTOMER OF SUN RUN'S CUSTOMER SERVICE, nor will I recommend anyone to use them. Plain and simply, they suck!!!!!!!! Not one person from Sun Run or Sungevity has called me back. I had to call them. Great service!!!!!!!!!!!!

7 years ago

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when I signed up i was in a new house. my usage was based on 5 months of service even thou I had previous PGE bills with much higher usage than they were basing my usage on. The true up bill was never expland to me much to my surprise when I got my true up bill it was $7500 the sales team told me that was all the panels they could put on my house. when the installers were here i asked if more panels could be added they told me only 1/4 of the available space was being used. between my PGE bill and solar bill it costs me money to have solar. I discussed this with Sunrun and because of my current credit score they can't do anything for me. Beware this company screws people

7 years ago

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Todd Sutliff Pomona, CA

After being with Sunrun for 3 years I am very disappointed and completely dissatisfied in both the product and the customer service. They seem less then willing to help with questions or problems and disinterested in the already locked in customer. We were told at the get go we would save money and never have problems with service. Both were lies. We've saved no money on our bill even after cutting our usage from 12 noon till 6pm each day as was suggested by SCE, since Sunrun was not helpful when we asked them what we could do (after hreceiving a $1600 EXTRA bill the 1st year for electricity from SCE), after being told by the salesperson from Verengo we could use the heck out of our AC. We rarely use the AC now, we live in the High Desert, it gets hot in the summer. We send SCE extra money to help each month and still, its not enough. The rate electricity has gone up each of the years we've had it has been less then the total amount that our rate goes up for the service. We're locked in for 20 years and no way would I do it again with Sunrun. Its a bad idea. Most of the positive reviews for the product, I noticed on the website, are from new customers. I'm a 3 year user. I've saved nothing and having this albatross contract around my neck will affect any chances I might have should I want to sell or rent my home it in the future. This was just very bad decision on my part. I feel like I've been had by another corporate giant. I would never give them a referral other then NOT TO USE THEM!

7 years ago

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Ger Harrison Lexington, SC

We had a great experience with Sunrun. The whole team was very professional and we are thrilled with the results. Our electric bill has been cut more than half our usual usage. We would recommend Sunrun to everyone.

7 years ago

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Brett Stacy Victorville, CA

Outstanding experience from the initial sales visit to turning on the system. No sales pressure, outstanding service. What a wonderful company to do business with.

7 years ago

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Shanno San Jose, CA

I have SunRun solar and when the Sales person first came to my door, I told them I did not want solar at this time because my roof needs to be replaced. The sales person told me it was no big deal, they just come out, remove them and after the roof is installed, they re-install them. They portrayed this as no big deal. I am now replacing my roof and it turns out it IS a big deal. The roof costs $9,800 to replace it for labor and materials. I have 22 panels on only 1 side of my roof. It costs $4,918 to remove/re-install the panels. That is MORE than HALF the costs of a new roof. I would have waited to have the solar installed AFTER I had the new roof installed had I not been mislead by SunRun. When I called Sun Run customer service, all they did was quote Section 9 of their Contract. No accountability for misleading me so that I got the sale and I installed then vs waiting til after the roof. They only have ONE PARTNER that does the removal and install and they aren't even local. The partner even put charges for TRAVEL time in their estimate. I am very concerned that Sun Run mislead me on the cost of removal/re-install to make a sale. I am very concerned that Sun Run doesn't have local partners and they charge extra since they are not local. I am VERY un-satisfied. Their entire sales pitch was about SAVING me money. With the added cost of removal/install .. I am in the hole. I have NO cost savings. They also recently came around and tried to get me to install solar on the other side of my roof. Again pitching the savings of the solar. If I had solar on both side of my roof, I would be paying around $10K for the removal/install and another $10K for the roof .. making a new roof cost $20K vs. $10K due to the solar.

7 years ago

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Jennifer Reinhardt Ventura, CA

Sunrun was great until our inverter went out 3 years later. It has been a nightmare. This started 9/20/16 with a phone call from Sunrun telling me there was a problem with the solar system. Four phone calls later a tech finally comes out and looks at the code and says the inverter is bad. I gave the Sunrun rep. the code my 1st phone call to them. Tech said inverter would arrive within 3 days and it should be installed in two weeks. Today is 2 weeks. Called Sunrun again and gal told me to call ABB who makes the inverter. Gave me phone number and reference number (this should be Sunruns job, not mine). Called ABB and parts are back ordered for inverter until end of Nov. I will be without my solar system working for 2 months. NEVER, NEVER would I refer Sunrun to ANYONE.

7 years ago

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David Kokka Fresno, CA

I am the owner of a 7 year Sunrun PPA solar agreement. When I signed up, they made many promises and were good about them until this year. Now, they are saying that the panel washing I was getting annually to this point was not in writing and only done as a courtesy- Bull****! Company's word means nothing. MAKE SURE TO GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING IF YOU DECIDE TO USE THEM!!!!!!!

7 years ago

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Andrew Victorville, CA

VERY expensive. John P tried to sell me a system for almost 32k or a PPA at 15 cents a kw and goes up 2.9% every year. I think SCE is at 14 cents kw currently. Great savings there! Told me that all companies offering solar were charging top dollar now because of demand. Lots of other info to scare me into buying this overpriced product. I ended up buying from Sungevity which I believed the salesman to be upfront and honest as well as saving me 10k compared to Sunrun's crazy pricing. A PPA with Sungevity if I went that route was at 9 cents kw. I ended up buying with a 10 year loan and paying less than Sunrun a month for a 20 year loan. Why is Sunrun #1 since they obviously try to rip off their perspective customers.

7 years ago

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Frank Lamarque Highland, CA

From the initial presentation to the installation to the start up everything has been excellent ! I also liked the $15.00 monthly discount for going on auto pay.

7 years ago

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Mike in Rancho Palos Verdes, CA Minneapolis, MN

Solar panels worked fine. Installation was good and we were saving on our total energy bill...until we had to move with my job and then the experience turned ugly, very ugly. The transfer of service is not as easy as Sunrun claims, especially with a corporate, 3rd party buy-out involved. The 3rd party would not entertain a transfer of service and required for the system to be wholly paid for. So, the few hundred $$ a month in savings turned into thousands of $$$ in loss when the system had to be immediately paid "off". If that wasn't bad enough, Sunrun's contract says the value of the system will be determined by an independent appraiser - not true. The appraiser is done by them or someone they hire and they refused to show that appraisal. They claim, via email only, that the value of the system was greater than what was contained in the contract. Pure BS and shady business practice. Unless you can pay for your system up front, I would stay away.

8 years ago

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Joan Ball Alameda, CA

I have had Sunrun for 6 years. The question initially are you Electricity costs more than$150. I am in a very sunny area and my last bill was over $216 and I have added no more users. Then I get a settlement bill for the previous year for generally an additional $1000+. I was contacted by Sunrun about at the end of May and they were considering adding additional panels for an extra $50 per month. The layout I did not like but was prepared to possibly accept it, I have asked several times what the added panels would save me in electricity cost each month. I was told by Falynn McFarland last week that she would call me back 5-7-16. She said she is the project integrator! I have made calls every day and left Falynn McFarland my home # and times when I will be at home. I have not a phone call or email. Several people have asked me recently who proved my solar system and what is Sunrun like to deal with. I just told them the truth.

8 years ago

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Wyn Sears Arroyo Grande, CA

Getting Solar from Sun Run was by far the dumbest thing I have ever done in my 73 years. They saw a sucker gave me a contract even attorneys have a hard time understanding and took me for a ride. When I got solar for my house they quoted me some $30,000 which I couldn't afford. So they talked me into a sorta lease which at the time seemed reasonable about 108.00 per month. But after the first year I got a bill from PG&E for about $1,400 thats when I found out the bad news this was going to be for the rest of my life!!!!! The thing they no call true-up this year it was $1,800. Then I got a bill from Sun Run also a true up bill. I called the salesman and he said that they weren't supposed to charge me a true up bill so I didn't get the Sun Run True up bill for several years. I called customer service to complain about all these true up bills and they answered me in a couple of weeks after my call with another true up bill. Mind you The subject of true up bills were never brought up by the salesman in the beginning. I thought I had to pay a fixed rent on the equipment . Anyway my advice to anyone getting solar go to a more honest company where they tell you all the facts. If you have to pay a true up bill you might as well not even buy solar.

8 years ago

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Darwinn B. (Dutch) Rutz Greeley, CO

The company and their representatives have been straight and very professional all the way down the line. I have had it for about three months now, no glitches, I recommend it.

8 years ago

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Heidi and Rita Thompson Cathedral City, CA

the worst customer service ,liars, runaround, for over a year! We were promised by our salesmen ....our bill would be $219.00 a month and from SCE no more than $5.00 a month in non summer months,and in the Summer months never EVER have they seen a bill from SEC charge anyone over $60.00 a my bill from SEC for the last year is $1,300.OO!!!!!!!! I have called,emailed called,emailed,Facebook,social media with promises of getting to the bottom of this sendin everything they wanted of my bills from SEC wait wait wait wait ,call again oh sorry can you send them in again!!! OMG so SCE came to my home to shut me off.......There are so many unhappy customers with promises of you sunrun to fix things...... i was told that SCE is now charging more for something and sunrun did not tell me or in my contract charging for something new sorry thats on your end to pay not me ...shame on your sunrun for not going to bat and helping your customers and giving us all the runaround shame shame on you . I'm going to call action news to do a story on your salesmen and what they say just to sell people a contract Again, you are requesting me to send the copies of my statements from SCE, i haveHAD to pay for a 3rd time because some assclown is misplacing them prob in the trash. mad as h***,get it together CEO !!!! Now saying ,well maybe we need more panels ,really?? who do you have working for you

8 years ago

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Lorena Montes Los Angeles, CA

This is only my first month with Sunrun and I already regret giving my business to this company. The system did not work properly since first day and it took 10 days for a tech to come and revise it. In the bill there is a $15 charge for not signing for auto payment (is that legal?) and the customer service is horrible. They were not able to at least let me chose the date I want the 'mandatory' auto payment. Not happy with this company.

8 years ago

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Jim Mount Pleasant, SC

Thank you Sunrun/LGCY Power- $81 savings in my first month. Great company, Streamlined process and Amazing local service for the low country. Jim SC

8 years ago


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Mike North Fort Myers, FL

Very good company to work with. They efficiently did 90% of our installation by phone and email. Great response time. Sunrun needs to get down to Florida.

8 years ago

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Dale Broad Homeland, CA

Well I signed on July 8th 2015, I was told the system would be installed and up and running in 90 days, the plans were submitted and approved on the same day so NO DELAY, the entire trench for the electrical was dug before they ever showed up, so NO DELAY, well its now Jan 9th 2016, six months later and still not done. I have called and called, I have sent e-mails, time and time again I am told they will hand it off to someone who will take care of it, but nothing has been done since early Oct. as far as I am concerned its abandonment, and I have a part solar system for free. I told them back in late Oct, again in Nov. and in Dec to come and remove all their equipment off my property. If I cannot get them to complete the job, I can only imagine what it would be like if I needed service. As I read many reviews I see that many other customers CANNOT get them to fix systems that are not working. Oh they did call for inspection, back on Nov. 2nd,2015, the inspector asked why did someone call for inspection when the system was NOT completed?? Since that day NO ONE has done any work to complete it.

8 years ago

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Rick Lancaster, CA

Been a customer since May 2012. Been happy until now. My system has been down for about 4 months now. It took almost 2 months to get someone out to look at it. The repair man ordered the new inverter. That was 2 months ago. Still waiting. Customer service will not keep me updated on the progress. They just tell me how they will get right on it. Would have rated them a 10 before this happened.

8 years ago

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Karen Hoeft Valdez, AK

I purchased Sunrun thru Home Depot of course the sales job promised lots of savings. Beware they do not deliver what they promise. The system they put on our house was based on a new house with only 6 months of billing at which we weren't there for 3 months. Instead of them telling us we should wait to get solar they put in a system that turns out only saves us 30%, definitely not good in my book. They were so eager for the sale, they give you quite a line of BS, I would not recommend them to anyone and when I am in Home Depot seeing people talking to Sunrun, I will tell them beware they DO NOT deliver what they promise. Look elsewhere!

9 years ago

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Marc San Jose, CA

SunRun is not returning my calls or keeping me informed when it comes to repairing my in-warranty Fronius inverter. This is the second go-around. The first the inverter partially failed. I called SunRun, and after calling weekly for 3 weeks, I finally asked for a supervisor. She promised to call me back with a status that day or the next, no call back. However, two days later, a tech called to look at the inverter. The unit was replaced by a refurbished unit from Fronius on 8/12. On 8/16, the the display on the unit failed, the illumination started blinking, and it stopped communicating with the data logger. I called SunRun again on 8/18, and now a week later, still no contact from SunRun.

9 years ago

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Theresa Valencia, CA

Sunrun are the worst company I have ever dealt with. You never do what you say. We are now heading into fall soon, the temps at my home are in the triple digits, all summer it has been hot,. I am scared to use my air conditioner. My system has been underperforming for a year now, you ARE aware of this!!!. They have said they will sent someone out, that never happened. My bill to edison at the end of last year were $2500 as opposed to your estimate of between $600-$900. Between your company and Edison I am now paying an average of $400 per month, that is more than I paid before solar. I would have this system removed from my home and at some point I know I will.

9 years ago

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Ron Lambert Webster, MA

Had solar since Jan I have seen a big difference in my electric bill. Saving significant money vs ly bills. The service getting the panels installed was seemed and without issues.

9 years ago

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Paul Altenburg Middletown, NY

On line about 6 months now. Installation was long, but OK. Accounting is good. Customer service seems receptive. I gave 4 to 6 potential references-not one was contacted by Sun Run. Their & my loss. But other than that, it seems to be legit so far.

9 years ago