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Dorothy Smith Chicago, IL

There were several reasons why I picked them, but amongst them was the price and the information that they gave me when I call to ask about it. Customer service was very helpful with that. The directions to use it are explicitly, simple, and easy to understand. I was able to put it together and test it within half an hour of getting it. I just read the directions. I haven't had to use it yet, I've only had it for 3 weeks or so. Besides, the weather has been cold lately, so I haven't made that many trips outside and, when I do leave, it is to run errands or buy groceries. I do take it with me when I do that and check to make sure that it's charged properly and everything. I wear the medallion around my neck since my skin is sensitive to metal and the wrist one causes me to break out. Other than that, I really appreciate the lock box that comes with everything else in the box. I was able to put it in place easily and it's convenient. If anyone is coming to my aid they can use it, and it's safe enough that curious people can't get to it. I think they're the best among the best.

7 years ago


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Kristie Phipps Nevada, MO

I got it because of the fall detection pendant. Actually, about 10 minutes ago, I fell down the stairs 3 times. When I finally got myself up, I was trying to make it to my chair and fell again. They called me very promptly and contacted the EMS for me and what not. In the end, I was able to get to my chair and I cancelled the EMS. Every time I've contacted customer support they have been able to instantly answer my questions and explain everything to me. The device works well, though for its appearance it's not that great. Since I have to wear it all the time, it'd be nice if it looked more like a piece of jewelry instead of the way it looks now.

7 years ago


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Lois East Lansing, MI

I had seen others like this one advertised on TV and on a AARP magazine. My relatives were just telling me that I needed to get a button, they didn't really care much for which one, but they wanted me to have one. When I saw it on AARP I tore out the page and made the phone call. I've never really had to use it, there just hasn't been a time when I needed to push the button, I just wear it. Still, I think they respond quickly which is very important in case of a fall. There are multiple little units that have barked at me when I accidentally push the button. That keeps emergency services from getting tied up. The system works well. They call, you respond, and they come if you need them, that's just the plan. I like the necklace button, it's super and it can go right in the shower with you. I haven't worn the watch yet, but as I mentioned, the other two things, units, have barked at me a couple of times. Once it happened when I was setting it all up to let me know that it was working. They now have a unit that's about 2x4 in size and that you can carry with you in a container wherever you go. It all does what it's supposed to do. I don't know what it costs exactly, but compared to not having anything in case you fall, it's worthy it.

7 years ago


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Rosa Feinberg Miami, FL

Mobile Help was right for me because it has a fall feature, and you can use it in the shower. They were helpful with setting the equipment up, and they answered questions. It's comfortable. I carry it with me all the time, and fortunately I haven't had to use it. The only problem I found is that the fall detection mechanism is so sensitive that if you bend down quickly they think you're falling, and then you have to run around and find the master control in order to tell them you're alright, but if you have to have an error that's a good error to have. I also wish there were a gauge to know how much battery usage is taking place.

7 years ago


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Ted Petroulis Wilmington, DE

I actually saw it in a brochure in a doctor's office and just decided to call the number. Things just went from there and I got it. I haven't had to use it yet, but I take it with me wherever I go. Customer service is well informed about their product and how it works. They are very knowledgeable, helpful, and patient. They always answer the questions that you have and, if they don't know the answers, they always check with someone who knows. Sometimes you gotta wait on hold for fifteen to get an answer, but I still think they are very knowledgeable and passionate about the company. When I've called them they were there immediately to help me set it all up. The device comes in a nice case. You can also wear it around your waist and there's also an option to use the other one as a necklace or a watch. You can even wear the watch to bed.

7 years ago


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Kathleen Pappas North Fort Myers, FL

I saw their ad and gave them a call. The man that talked to me was open and rather convincing. He also told me that if I didn't like it or if I wasn't satisfied, I just send it back. There was no contract and I liked the idea of that. The price was also fair for what I was getting. A bit over a month after I got it I went and tested it and the thing just didn't work. I called customer support to see if they could help me and they told me to drop it, to push the button, and do all these things to see if it responded. All the while, I was wondering if it was an actually brand new button or if they just recycled everything. I mean, I was hoping it was all new since I had just gotten it. Though the device has now gone off on its own a couple of times. Once it happened while I was driving. I wasn't breaking really hard or anything, it just went off. I was kind of upset about that. When it happened again at a friend's house when I bent over, it made me nervous. I don't know what'll happen if it goes off in public. Still, customer support is good, they answer calls pretty quickly and they're very courteous too. They don't rush you like they have somewhere else to go and are very patient.

7 years ago


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Gloria Cumberland, MD

I got it since at the time it was the one that you could use while away from home. I've never had to use it, but the device is not really comfortable, the design could be improved. I wear the wristband and it bothers me since its hot and it bangs on things. The one I wear around my neck at night is a bit too big. I've gotten great customer support from MobileHelp though. I haven't had an emergency but I've tested it while in a different state. They were able to find me right there and it all went wonderfully. I'd also like to point out that my daughter has one too and she has used it several times. They make me feel secure. The service is a little pricey though, there's cheaper options out there.

7 years ago


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Lucille Cervasio Boynton Beach, FL

I had signed up with a different company, LifeAlert I think, and when I got the paperwork and everything I realized the device only covered me around the house, some 400 ft from the unit. If I went out of the house to the public school or somewhere else, I wasn't covered. So, I just dropped that one. After seeing advertisements for MobileHelp I decided to give them a call and get some information. I was happy with what they told me and I signed up with them. My husband helped me set it all up and put it by the bed in case something happens during the night. I haven't used the watch yet, but it's a comfort to know that it's there. The button is easy to use and it's not really bad looking, I got the white one. I would rather use jewelry but it's good to have it with me when I'm out of the house.

7 years ago


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Charles/ Scolley Merrill, WI

I was looking for something like this. Every other service that I looked at just works inside the house and that was not what I wanted. I've traveled from home; 5 miles away, 25 miles away, and I wanted to have something that could go with me everywhere. Besides, we like visiting my sister, her daughter, and her grandson, who live in Indiana. I wanted something that could work in between here and there. After calling and talking to them, I decided to order it. I wear it from 8 o'clock till 6 o'clock. It's not really all the time, but those are the times when I want to be away from home doing stuff outside. I have a shed behind my home where I do wood trinkets for my wife and I have it with me in case something happens back there. That way I can get help if I need it. I strongly believe in their alarm system. On one occasion I was out clearing out packed down snow that had accumulated outside the house. I was just letting the shovel fall and hit the snow so that it would loosen up. In that time, we got a call from them asking me if I needed help. Apparently the button thought that I had fallen and it notified them of that. The device was pretty touchy and in fact they advised me to wear a slightly longer cord with the necklace so that it wouldn't be as sensitive. It's still pretty easy to set it off, and I'm glad for that. Customer support is right there as quickly as they can and I know they try their best to do that. I think everybody should have something like this, especially because you never know when you might be in a situation where you need to get help ASAP.

7 years ago


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Patricia Wright Scio, OH

I saw it on TV and it all looked pretty good. I talked to one of their sales people and they told me everything I wanted to know. The service has a GPS system which means that I can go anywhere I want to and if I need help all I have to do is push the button. On a regular day I wake up at 7:30 to walk my five small dogs and take them outside. I take the GPS thing with me and the watch when I do that. After that I go, water and feed the chickens, and then come back home to do some chores. After that I just spend the rest of the time at home. Sometimes I'm alone since my husband is a truck driver. Me having the system makes both of us feel better. I have someone there that can take care of me if something bad happens or if I pass out. It's a handy and helpful system. I've enjoyed having it very much. It's also very affordable.

7 years ago


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M.S. Amarillo, TX

I used to have another company, but it only covered me around my home. I needed it because I had just had a hip replacement surgery and it kept popping out. In the end I had to have a reset surgery to get stabilized. After all that I still wanted to have some assurance and help, but I wanted something that would cover a larger area, so I switched to MobileHelp. They've been really good about answering our questions and getting the unit up here and running well. They helped us set it all up and I'm very happy with it. The devices are very similar to the one I had with the other company. So far though it's just very easy to use and I like the wristbands and the necklace pieces.

7 years ago


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Mildred Schellenbarg Piqua, OH

I was always falling and my children were concerned about me. They told me I needed to have something that I could carry around with me to call for help. At first I thought I could just carry my phone with me and that that would be enough, but then I fell and didn't have that anywhere near me. After that incident, I just went and got it. I'm going to be 93 soon, so I keep it close in case I need it. I always lay it on a stool or somewhere nearby when I take a shower or when I need to get out of my chair. Customer support is always right there whenever I need them. Even if I press the button by accident, they're always right there for me. I really like it, though I've had to sacrifice a few other things to pay for it. That's ok though, when you need it, you need it.

7 years ago


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Mary Decker Pottstown, PA

I checked around and looked at a lot of them and they were the ones that gave me the best features. I also liked that it was good to use all over the United States. I haven't had to use it yet, thank goodness, but I wear it all the time. I accidentally bumped it on the kitchen table while we were eating supper. I got an immediate response from them in my monitor and I assured them that I was ok. From that I knew that it worked and I was pleased with it. Even when I test it, they want to make sure it's a test and that I didn't actually fall. It makes me feel secure. Right now I just wish I had had it when I fell and was on the floor for almost two hours.

7 years ago


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Max Cornwell Shelby, NC

I did an internet search for different kinds of alert systems and MobileHelp was the highest rated one that I found. After looking at the resources, equipment, cost, and response that they have, it felt like they had the best system to meet my family's needs. My father is the one that uses it. He has the call button and the one that detects falls automatically. There have been several occasions where he didn't press the button, but an alarm was triggered. Even though it was an accident, MobileHelp still responded and cleared things up pretty quickly. He has also used the button when he falls and the response has been very quick and efficient. Their equipment works 100% effectively. They have always called us within minutes of the alarm going off and there's little delay time between my father needing help and us being contacted. It has done what it's supposed to do so far. I'm 100% satisfied with it. It's also very competitive and affordable.

7 years ago


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Betty Waycaster Quitman, GA

The brand that I used to have was constantly going out and I was left with no button to push, it just didn't work. I also wanted to have something that I could take with me when I went out, so I got MobileHelp. I haven't had to use it yet and I hope all my falls are behind me at this point. We called them yesterday to test it and they answered quickly and everything. They are on top of it. When you push the button they are right there in a hurry, it was really great. I know it works because of that and because of word of mouth. I know someone from Alabama that comes here, she wears it around her neck, and she has told me it works.

7 years ago


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Robbie Elliott Tylertown, MS

They can cover me 24/7 in any place that I am, that's why I got them. I've set it off by accident 3 times...and I actually just started wearing it a week ago. Customer service is very courteous though. They are very clear and I can understand them easily. They've responded immediately to any accidental alarm. I feel confident having it, especially when I compare it to the one that I had before. That one only covered up to 200 ft from my house. The one thing that bothers me is the base unit that goes next to my bed. At night the white light is very bright and I'd like to know if there's a way to turn it down. It's worth the cost though. It gives me peace of mind and it's also worth it for my family and friends.

7 years ago


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James Maloney

The biggest thing when I was making my choice was the fact that it has GPS. I wear it all the time. I'm 85 years old and I live alone in my house. I mean, my granddaughter lives with me, but she works all day and I'm here by myself most of the time. Instead of taking a chance and falling, which I've done a few times, I'd rather have something that could call emergency services without me having to reach a phone. If I go outside I have the GPS so they could come and find me that way. I've only had it for a short time so I haven't had to use it for a medical emergency. I've been setting it off by accident. Those poor people have had four different calls from me in one night, but I guess that means the service works. They get back to me right away and everything is fine.

7 years ago


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William Miller

There were a lot of different things that led me to get this one. One of them was that this one had me covered wherever I went. The other ones I looked at only covered me up to 600 ft away from the base, which wasn't sufficient since I travel a little bit. I needed something that I could count on wherever I was. On top of that the button is even waterproof. I use the necklace when I'm in the house. When I go out, since I use an electric wheelchair, I just put on the wristband since I don't need the fall detection there. Naturally, I always carry out the base unit with me. I've had no difficulty speaking with the people on the phone and everybody has been pleasant and helpful so far. I haven't needed to use it yet, but I feel good having it, especially considering my age and my illnesses.

7 years ago


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Eythel Stevenson Santa Ana, CA

I don't even remember how we decided to pick it. We had been looking around at different companies and I found this one advertised on the AARP or the AOPA and I decided to give it a try. I haven't had to use it at all yet, I've only had it for two weeks or so, but I wear it. Customer support was very good and helped us with everything when we were getting started. They walked us through opening the box, putting everything together, plugging it into the wall and having it ready to go. They were very pleasant and knowledgeable. It showed that they knew about their product. We've had no problems trusting them and that's a very important thing. They're in the business of helping and saving people who fell or had accidents, that's why they have equipment and people that you can depend on. The equipment alone is no good, no matter what you pay, if the people behind it are no good. Plus anything that can help me get up after I've fallen is worth the money. I don't think I could equate any amount of money to saving my life if I need help.

7 years ago


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Anne Hunter Point of Rocks, MD

I went on the internet looking for something like it and MobileHelp just had all the features that I wanted. When it got to me, it made me feel really secure having it. On a typical day I usually just take it with me when I go grocery shopping, run errands, or when I'm taking a shower. If there's an emergency I can use it to talk to them or Tom. That way, I don't have to carry my phone everywhere. I haven't had to use it so far, but there have been a few occasions when it went into emergency mode and they called me. All I have to do when that happens is tell them it was a false alarm. Whenever I call them everybody is very knowledgeable and considerate. Even when I push the button and sound the alarm by accident everyone is kind to me and they explain everything well. It just works very well. Even when the wind here knocks out the power, it all works. I feel secure with it and price-wise it's about the same as other places and they offer about the same things.

7 years ago


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Julia Tedesco Augusta, GA

I was very pleased when I found MobileHelp. The main reason was that I didn't want anyone kicking down my door to try and get to me if I was really hurt. For that they have a lock that you can put outside your door. That way, emergency services can just get the key and come in. That was really what convinced me in the end. Actually, we just got it some 4 days ago. I've been in the hospital for the past few days because of low blood pressure, so I really haven't had a chance to use it. I have a watch, a little monitor by my bed, and a bigger monitor out in the living room. When I wear the watch, I usually just do that during the day since my husband is at home at night. It's a very fashionable watch. The salesperson that talked to us about that was really helpful. The button also came with clear and concise instructions. They're just a ten out of ten sort of company.

7 years ago


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Mario Perez San Antonio, TX

This is the only equipment that I tried and I haven't had any problems with it. It has worked from the day that I took it out of the box. I use it every day. There's not a day that goes by that I don't put it on. I just use the thing that goes around my neck. When I first got it I did a couple of things that activated it. They came on the thing and called me to make sure that I was okay and kept asking me if I was sure. I just told them that it had been an accident. I kind of hate it that they have to keep asking me if I'm ok, they should just take my first 'okay' as the sign that I'm alright. Still, I thought it was really good since they were really concerned about me and making sure that I was actually ok. It all works immediately, all I have to do is push the buttons and in a couple of seconds someone is right there. It's better than what I expected. It does exactly what it's supposed to do. I've been fortunate in that I haven't needed it, but I know that it's there.

7 years ago


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Gayle Cullar Van Alstyne, TX

At the time we had been using a different service so we didn't really feel like we needed a home security system with a medical alert on it. When the contract for that service expired we just looked around and MobileHelp appeared to be simple to install and use, plus it felt like it would cover our needs. The device was delivered promptly and it was all easy to set up. We've only really had it for about 10 days so we haven't really had a reason to use it. I did drop the pendant by accident once and since it has fall alert the alarm went off immediately. It was simple to delete the alarm and tell them that it had been a mistake and that there was no emergency. Because of that I know it works. We feel like it will meet our needs. Everybody that we've talked to has been helpful.

7 years ago


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Charles Cosgro Dearborn Heights, MI

They were the first company that caught my eye and got me thinking about a service like this. They got good advertising. I haven't had to use it yet, but I've tested it the other day with my son. They called and asked me if I was alright and I just told them it was a test. It worked just fine. If there's ever an actual problem I can just push the button. According to what they said, I should be able to get the service everywhere. No matter where I go or travel to, they can get in touch with me and I can get in touch with them. They can notify the authorities and my three contacts of my location so they'll know what's going on. What I hadn't realized is that the two different pieces that they have can be a bit of an issue. They have different pieces, like the jogger one and the necklace piece that hangs around my neck. I'm happy just with the wrist one, though sometimes I take the necklace one with me on my belt or in a pouch. I haven't gotten a bill from them yet, so I don't know how much it actually costs. I know that my sister uses a different company but I'm happy with mine and she's happy with hers. It's almost like buying a car you know, some people like Chevrolet's some other people got more money and they might want a Cadillac, it just depends.

7 years ago


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V.W. Corona, CA

I used to be with a different company and they just wouldn't stand behind their service and the product they advertised. Their unit was just not working or charging right, so I decided to switch to MobileHelp and give them a try. I've already fallen once and I don't want to just be left lying on the floor. The man that I talked to was very supportive and he reassured me that if anything went wrong they would replace it. The only exception was if I broke it myself of course. I've only tested it so far but it's nice to have the mobile unit. It's exciting to know that I can get help anywhere, especially since I'm still getting over two hip replacements. I love the base unit. The buttons are large and easy to read. It's also nice since it's like it talks to you and it's easy to increase the volume. That's important to me since I'm going to need hearing aids soon. I know that if I need it I have the help available, and that's important to me.

7 years ago


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Morris Cochran Valparaiso, IN

I just looked at many of the companies that offered this service and decided that their deal was the best one so I went with them. I haven't had to use it much, but I feel secure having it around my neck and in the house. The device is good, and it all seems to be a good system. It's logical and it works. My wife passed away a couple of months ago and my family, my children and step children, have all given me a lot of their time. They have been concerned about me and I wanted them to be able to live their own life as much as they could. This gives me the assurance that I'll have the help that I need without bothering them. I think it's wonderful.

7 years ago


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Bill And Phyliss Coldwell Niantic, CT

I got the system for my parents. The representative that worked with me was very knowledgeable and also had his own parent on the service, that was a big selling point for us. He wasn't pushy or hard on selling but rather more concerned about my parents. I decided to get them the mobile and home units so that they could speak and hear someone no matter where they were in the house. We only really had it for a short time, but during that time they had a power outage, and MobileHelp alerted us so we could go and check on them. They have been very diligent in reporting information to us whenever we had questions. So far it has been excellent and I've already referred them to 3 different people.

7 years ago


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Margareth Bothwell Tucson, AZ

I researched it and purchased it for my 84 year old mother. She wears either the wrist watch or the necklace on a daily basis. One time the wrist watch fell off and sent the alert on its own. We received a call from them to make sure that everything was okay. Whenever we've needed to talk to someone they have been there. Most of the time they are the ones that contact us to make sure that there are no problems and, if there are, they will straighten that up. Everything has been working according to the description and it's reasonably priced for what we get. We've been happy with how it all works.

7 years ago


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Jeraldine And Bob Altrichter Sturgeon Lake, MN

The representative that I talked to was very thorough and knowledgeable. He gave me all the information I needed about the system. That along with the fact that I could have it with me when I traveled away from home convinced me of getting it. I have the extra device that detects falls but fortunately I haven't had to use it yet. I stopped using it a while ago because it would set the alarm off when I hadn't fallen. I still wear the one that goes around my neck and I feel secure having it. My husband also has the wristwatch and it gives us a safety and comfort factor. We can go anywhere and everywhere with it. Price-wise it is a little costly for a senior citizen living on a small income though.

7 years ago


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Jean Bass Lyndon Station, WI

They were the only company that would respond to us and cover this area, especially because we're with U.S. Cellular, and so far it has been the least expensive one. When we were getting it the representative looked up my address and helped me figure out if I had any coverage. After that they didn't even have to send anyone our way to get it installed, I was able to set it up myself. They did helped me check the power and if it worked of course. Even though we haven't had to use it yet, when I pressed the button to test it they responded to me. I'm hoping that when we have a real emergency I will get a good callback, especially since it's the 3rd service of this type that we've tried to use.

7 years ago


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Emily Musselwhite Bastrop, TX

I've been with a couple of other companies that I wasn't satisfied with. I mainly wanted one that had a wristwatch, so I called MobileHelp and got 2 wrist bands so that I could wear them with different outfits. So far I haven't had a fall or anything like that, but I do wear it every day. Customer service answers my questions when I call in and they are very good at what they do. They also give you the option of paying quarterly, yearly, or monthly, unlike other companies that only do monthly. I'm personally going with quarterly since I like it better. I'm satisfied and pleased with everything, it has been a good service.

7 years ago


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Cynthia Strong Spring, TX

The agent that talked with me was very kind and gave me some great details that made me want to give it a try. When I got the device they walked me through the whole process of setting it up and using it. Since I got it just last month I haven't had to use it yet, but I feel secure just having it and knowing that if something happens I can contact someone immediately. I know I can always get in touch with my relatives and that emergency services can use the key lock to get in and help me. Customer service has just been absolutely wonderful and caring, I was really impressed with the 3 different people I talked to. On top of that, this device is economically good. Every aspect of my experience has been superb.

7 years ago


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Mavis Lile Ammon, ID

When I looked online, MobileHelp seemed to meet my needs better than the other companies. Thankfully I've never had to use it, but on a typical day I keep my mobile device on my night stand when I sleep. That way, if I need to get up it's there. I have the wristband, the lanyard, and the pretty little beep that I can wear. If I go anywhere I just pop one of them into my purse pocket and take it with me everywhere. I'm in the habit of doing that now so I just do it automatically. One time when I called customer service to check on my device it took me a while to talk to someone. I'd like them to pick up on that speed, but other than that I'm happy with customer service. The price is also very fair compared to other devices and I pay it once a year. It's very comforting knowing that if I have a problem MobileHelp is there for me.

7 years ago


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Anonymous Houston, TX

I saw it advertised on T.V. and had two friends who had recently had a stroke. One of them was out of town at the time and the other one had done of those necklace things, but they were both very active women. I thought that, since I'm a senior citizen and I'm not always with my family, it would be a good idea to have one of those things around. I haven't had to use it yet, but I'm very active and it's better to have it in case I do need it. I know that if I ever had a serious thing happen they will call me immediately. That's because when I was putting the thing in my house I accidentally dropped the thing on my counter top. It registered the fall and set off the alarm. They called me immediately and asked me if I needed help but I just explained that it had been an accident. I was pretty impressed with how quickly they called me. Their prices are also very competitive. I think that every senior citizen should have one of these if they live alone.

7 years ago


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Charlie Linser Loveland, OH

I made a comparison between MobileHelp and other manufacturers in the AARP magazine and what convinced me to go with them was that they communicated on the landline. On a typical day, my wife and I go together almost everywhere and we feel protected, but when either of us has to leave the other one can stay at home with the device. We put the neck or wrist piece on and just go about our normal day with it. I haven't needed to use it yet, but it seems to work just the way it was advertised. The functionality is better than anything else I've seen. I do think that the base unit is a bit wild with the red and blue lights on all the time, but other than that it's great.

7 years ago


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Beverly Sherman Scottsdale, AZ

I liked all the features that they had and since their reputation was good I just went with them. I usually wear the wrist piece every day when I'm home alone and take it off at night. If I need to get up to the bathroom or something I slip it back on in case I fall. I also wear it in the shower. If my family is around, I don't wear it of course. So far I haven't had any problems with them, but I've noticed that I have to be careful with the pendant. If I lean over too fast it thinks that I'm falling and it'll set off an alarm. Otherwise, it's fine, I would rather have it that way than the other way around where it won't detect the fall if I actually need it to.

7 years ago


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Harvey Villa Pompano Beach, FL

I liked the variety of services and features that they had, including the fall detection pendant, the mobile pendant, and the GPS one as well. Everything about it, including the setup and the weeks I've had it have been amazing. I haven't had to use it yet, but I was strict on making sure that things worked. I've tested it a number of times and everybody has always been very polite, courteous, and very patient with me. They have always answered my questions and are always available. Sometimes the phone rings a little longer than what I would expect it to, but it's not really something bad. The devices work as advertised. One of them is waterproof and the buttons are very responsive, though sometimes they're too sensitive and I've pushed them by mistake. I also like that it has a 600 foot reach in the home device.

7 years ago


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Howard Kan Daytona Beach, FL

A friend told me about the service so I went with them. I haven't had an emergency since I got them but I have tested it. I got a response right away when I did and I was pleased with the whole operation. They do the things that they say they will do and whenever I had a problem I could just reach out to them and they'd give me the information I was looking for. I have been satisfied with every conversation I've had with them. As for the devices I use the wrist one and I also have the GPS receiver. The technology seems to be excellent and it does the job that it is supposed to do. I'm very satisfied.

7 years ago


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Sally Falling Waters, WV

My mother fell not so long ago while my husband and I were grocery shopping. We were just on our way home, and she pressed the button, and they answered immediately. The representatives were excellent! They were ready to send someone over until my husband and I cancelled it. They asked all the questions necessary to make sure that she was okay, and also made sure we checked her out properly before cancelling the call. I would not change anything. I love the feature where she could go out and go to other places without staying at home, that is one of the best things that the other medical alerts do not have.

7 years ago


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Shirley Hayward, CA

When I first signed up with mobile Help, I liked the conversation I had with their representative. She explained the whole situation about the device, what it did and didn't do. She also followed up with us, and was informative and nice. Then, when we finally used the service, it was just like dialing 911, except they already knew what was our situation. The first word I can think of when it comes to Mobile Help is relief! Knowing that I'll get help if I ever fall gives me a sense of relief. The only improvement they should make is offer another transistor, this way, I can keep one in my purse and another charging.

7 years ago


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Anne Smethport, PA

After suffering a stroke, I started to look into different medical alert companies. After my research, I decided that Mobile Help had what I wanted, and I spoke to some very knowledgeable and patient people. I spoke to a girl and she had a nice clear voice. Not for being prejudice, but some foreign people are very hard to understand, but I could understand her perfectly. She was able to answer all my questions, I didn't have to ask her to repeat herself, and she even gave me the feeling that Mobile Help was a very good company. There was one time when the devices battery was low, and they came online to notify me, and I just thought that was good! I've been very happy with it.

7 years ago


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Wendy Demoss Edmond, OK

I needed something for my mom, because she was going to be by herself for a while, as she has Parkinson's and my dad was in longer-term care in the hospital. I was fearful of her falling and not having an opportunity to get help because she was just alone. A friend of my mother recommended it. She has the device and so she recommend that I call that company. I looked across many reviews before making the choice to call that particular company, and everything that I read was accurate- in terms of their customer service, the equipment, the cost. They were very thorough and they also were truthful about the device. When I got the device it was the same as what I've heard, so and everything has worked out very well; excellent in every way. It's the system that is for home and away. Even the customer service was excellent. They just have a high ranking for customer service, in the way that they engage with people, and when it's the elderly you have to be careful of how you engage. At one point my Mom accidentally hit the button that was under her clothing, and they made her feel comfortable about it, despite the fact that it was activated without an emergency. They didn't make her feel bad, so she is confident that somebody is there. You don't always know if somebody is really going to be there unless you have an emergency, so it just happened that it went off and they said "Are you okay?" and she said "Yes, I just push the button," and they told her "Oh that's okay", and that's what you want for your parents. She has felt more comfortable having a device, and she wears it 24/7. She never takes it off which is amazing.

7 years ago


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Laura Mitchell Mesa, AZ

Mobile Help is great! They sent me a little device, about the size of a pager, in case of an emergency. If you ask me about that, I'd say I'm very satisfied with it. I haven't fallen, but they said they're going to check this thing out, because they keep getting a signal that I have fallen. I actually had the police come over once already, and since Mobile Help couldn't get a hold of me or my daughter, they decided to call my son. He called me at 2:30 a.m. to let me know the police was outside worried about my health. That's how I know it works. Besides that, their sales representatives were great! They told me what I wanted to hear

7 years ago


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Mae Werneke Oklahoma City, OK

My son-in-law purchased it recently after I saw it in AARP magazine. I had fallen and did not call for help or anything, so my son and my daughter demanded that I have this service. I made myself wear it because they purchased it for me so that's why I wear it now, each day. I appreciate having the one that I can wear on my wrist, and the other one if I fall and can't do anything — it still alerts somebody. I think they were very gracious on the receiver, I'm very pleased so far, I've only had it about 3 weeks, and I'm not a long term customer, but I'm very pleased so far. My son-in-law followed the instructions to set it up, and everything works fine. It was easily described and he was very pleased. I am very satisfied so far.

7 years ago


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Linda Brown Cumming, GA

I fell a couple of times and we thought that it would be perfect for when nobody was home with me or out somewhere, so we purchased both the house monitor and a mobile monitor. I'm very satisfied with the service, they respond almost instantaneously. There's a person over the home monitor or the mobile one if you're carrying it. When we did need it, there were policemen and paramedics in my doorway within 5 to 6 minutes. Their Sales Team did a very complete job in providing us material and what capabilities of the unit was and so forth. It held up to the information that they supplied to us. It doesn't take a college education to operate it either. I give it a 10 out of 10 stars.

7 years ago


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My uncle and I have had all positive interactions with MobileHelp staff. There have been a few false alarms and I was thankful to receive email notifications and to hear that his interactions were positive with nice/kind staff.

10 months ago


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Lowenda Hallberg

Customer service went over and above. I got home from rehab not able to find my pendant. So a new one was sent . Then my friend found it in the bathroom. I called back and the replacement one was deactivated with no judgment just compassion. Thank you.

10 months ago


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Jean Forbus

So far so good! The first night my Dad had the device, he did fall and they called immediately. Also several follow-up calls before the night was over. They are very helpful and easy to talk with. They are a much better deal than other companies and perform the same duties. I would recommend them to others in need of this service.

10 months ago


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It's fabulous. The best. I purchased this for my aunt. She fell and didn't even have to press the button. Someone came on the speaker and asked if she was okay. You have given her and the entire family great piece of mind knowing she will get help when needed. Thank you

10 months ago


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so far, I haven't had any emergencies, but I don't feel anxious about having one! It takes a load off my mind. I put it on in the morning, and take it off at night, and hardly feel that it's on. I went for a walk the other day, and didn't need to carry my phone!

10 months ago