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Laura Gentry Panola, OK

The main thing was I could take it away from the house. It offered me everything I was looking for, as to when I live the house, where I am exactly. They could call in for me and know where I am and that would perhaps save my life if I had car problems. So I appreciate the service very much. Well i've been 100% satisfied with it and I know I'm going to have a long and happy business deal with them, I think the price is right and it holds the electricity for 36 hours I believe it is, it gives you plenty of time. I think its exactly what I'm looking for, I'm very pleased with it.

6 years ago


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Ht Thompson Waco, TX

I went with them since I don't need to have a telephone connection, they do everything through satellite. That also means that they'll know exactly where I am if there's an emergency. I am well protected with this organization. About 2 or 3 months ago I had to call them, all I had to do is press the button and the police came to help me. I was very happy about that. I feel more secure having them than the other company that I was with before.

6 years ago


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Maria Haupt Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

I'm 85 years old and sometimes I feel weak. My son insisted that I needed to get one of these so we got it. I wear it all the time around my neck. I feel very secure with it. It's a good service for people who live alone. It's almost as if you didn't live on your own since you can get help right away when you need it. The price is kind of high for me since I'm on a low income though.

6 years ago


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Cheryl Hartwig Ballwin, MO

I already have recommended it to others. We got it for the advantages that they have with home security. We also wanted the mobile device in case something happens when my wife has to be in the car. Since we've had it, she had fallen in the kitchen and the person on the speaker phone asked her if everything was okay. She said yes and she was able to get up on her own that time. That was the only experience we've had. They responded right away. It works fabulous.

6 years ago


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Robert Arcuri Daytona Beach, FL

I did some research and decided to go with them. There were some issues with the system in the beginning but customer service was extremely helpful and they got me through the rough spots. Everything works, I know because I had to use it 2 weeks ago when I fell in my bathtub. I went down and couldn't get back up, but I had the button around my neck. In less than 10 minutes 911 was there and helped me out.

6 years ago


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Barbara Lovercheck Lincoln, NE

My children were the ones that got it for me in case I needed help but I don't really feel like I need it. I'm retired but fairly healthy, I do all of my own housework. I wear it, yeah, but I haven't had to push the button for help. I've talked to customer service a couple of times for small things, but nothing too bad. Right now I've had some trouble with the device that goes on my neck because it goes off on its own. When that happens they call me and ask me if I need any help. All I gotta say is 'no, I'm perfectly fine' and that's that. Because of that I don't sleep with it anymore. I don't know how fast they will be in an actual emergency. Maybe as I get older I might have more need for it so I'll let them continue with it.

6 years ago


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Ruth Rondberg Annapolis, MD

I live in a senior community and since a few of my neighbors use it and were very happy with it, I decided to get it too. I haven't had to use it yet but I do the testing once a month and it works just fine. Whenever I've called them with questions they have been very pleasant and knowledgeable. It makes me feel secure to have it around. If I need it, I'm sure it will work, I have total confidence in that.

6 years ago


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Jean Pelz Tucson, AZ

I needed to have something that was not only in my home, but that could also come with me when I'm away from home, so I picked MobileHelp. Customer support helped me test the unit, I didn't have to figure that out on my own, they were helpful. Usually I have the wristband on and take the mobile device with me when I go out, though I haven't had to use it yet. They're always there for you if you push the button though. It's a very convenient service. It's fairly similar to other products in terms of the monetary value they have.

6 years ago


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Susan Sutherland Arkansas City, KS

I have taken a fall since I got it. It happened while I was out and since there was someone there to help me I didn't need to call them. Though this morning while I was at home I dropped the button on the floor. I got a call back from them saying that they had detected a fall. They were very prompt even though I hadn't fallen or anything. They were very courteous and were genuinely concerned about me. I felt really good about the call. I'm very happy with it so far.

6 years ago


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John Moore Burns, TN

The old service that we had wasn't working right so we had to get a different one. I don't quite remember how we picked them, but I think it was mostly that the price was right. We've used it quite often actually. He normally wears the necklace and uses the phone to talk to them. If he's alone, he can just press the button himself and everything lights up. The lady comes up on the phone and they call the ambulance for him. They're always available. The service is very reliable and so far we've been satisfied.

6 years ago


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Edie Shopper Rosemead, CA

My grandson was the one that did the checking and gave me information on the different companies out there. I read through it all and MobileHelp seemed to be one of the best ones as far as I was concerned, so I went with them. I haven't had to use it but I wear the bracelet and I take the portable thing in my purse with me, that's about it. I'm glad to have it. The only time I've had to talk to customer support was when we were first setting everything up. They did a good job then.

6 years ago


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Susan Gins Farmingdale, NY

They were the cheapest one out there, that's why I got it. The button works just fine, I just set it off quite a lot by accident. But that happens sometimes, I'm just happy with it. I've used it twice so far. The first one was when I was having heart failure and the second one was when I fell and couldn't get up. Both times they were just very good. Customer support is always there to answer any questions that I have or help me with anything I might need. They're there instantaneously. I have no problems at all.

6 years ago


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Frenzena Stone Mountain, GA

They have everything I need for medical alert. I live alone and need to have some security in case I fall. I can wear it around my neck or on my arm and they'll always be available. My only concern right now is with the extra unit that you have to carry with when you go out. I'd like them to make it so you don't have to do that since I don't have any pockets or anything where I can put the box when I leave. Either that or make it more compact.

6 years ago


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Margarett Stafford Greensboro, NC

I needed Mobile Help because I live alone, and if something were to happen to me, no one would know. They were very knowledgeable whenever I called in, pushing the button to check and see if it's activated. It's comfortable. I can take the little gadget with me when I go out and I don't have to worry about putting on the armband on my arm which is very uncomfortable. I just put the pendant around my neck and carry the mobile device in my purse. That makes it more convenient to get it if I needed it while I was out in public.

6 years ago


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Rosetta Mckee Bloomington, IN

I used to have a service like this before but realized I didn't really need it at the time. When I started falling a lot again I decided to search for something. I read about them in a magazine and decided to give them a call and ended up settling for them. Since I pay for it a year at a time I get a good price. I've fallen three times since I got it. Every time they have been quick to get to me. They were very efficient and got me help really quick.

6 years ago


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Peggy Elliott Cleveland, OK

My daughter decided to get this for me. I wear it around my neck. I haven't had anything happen where I needed to use it, but I did call one time because I thought something was wrong with the machine. It was making some noise. They came on right away and talked to me. In the end it turned out everything was alright. I do feel more secure having it now. I know they will be there for when I need them.

6 years ago


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Diane Raleigh, NC

I was using another company, and their fall button did not work. Mobile Help assured me that the fall button would work, and they were a little bit cheaper. I use it everyday'in the shower, outside, when I go places'I use it all the time. I haven't fallen yet since I had the device. They've been very helpful to me in setting it up, and in stopping emergency help calls. It's gone off by accident a couple of times. So far it has not given me any problems beyond that; it seems to be working fine. Their customer service does seem to be very, very considerate, very on top of things.

6 years ago


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Polly Edwards Sherrills Ford, NC

The price was one thing that convinced me, but what we really liked is that you can take the blue box out with you when you go out shopping and things like that. If you need help while you're out, you can just push the button. The other ones we looked at only worked while you were at home or had a shorter range. They offer so much more than the other service we had in the past. The button is very comfortable and if I have any questions I can just pick up the phone and give them a call, I really appreciate that.

6 years ago


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Ilene Venig Pittsburgh, PA

I knew people who had it and they were very satisfied with the promptness of the service. I've been a customer for four months or so and, fortunately, I haven't had to use it. I've had a couple of calls with customer support to ask questions and I've been very satisfied with their service. I hang the medical alert button in my shower. I don't wear the pendant around my neck, I find the watch to be more interesting for me.

6 years ago


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Patricia Young Mechanicsville, VA

I got it for my mom, I think I saw them advertised on a magazine or something like that. She wears it every day and about a month and a half ago she had to use it for an emergency. She fell in the morning and broke her hip but was able to call them. They came to get her right away, it was a life saver. They also did everything according the special requirements that we gave them. It's a great service.

6 years ago


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Richard Grove Frankfort, IN

It seems the simplest for my 92 year old grandfather to use, and I also like that it has the GPS tracking device. That way he can have it when he's on the go. It can be used anywhere. My grandfather is still driving around, so he can just take it with him in his pocket, and he has that security wherever he is. They are always pleasant to talk to on the phone. They're helpful, knowledgeable, and they wait until they have everything resolved before they hang up.

6 years ago


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Gloria May Malakoff, TX

I saw what they had to offer. A lot of them work, but I thought this was the best one. I can take it anywhere I go. I could wear the necklace or the bracelet and go to the store, out to eat, anywhere with it, so I really like that. Customer Support talked to me for a long time when we set it up, and made me understand everything I had to do. They went over it all with me, and they were good at what they were doing. I was just impressed with how they do business. It's not expensive so that's good.

6 years ago


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Henry Jackson Kingston, NY

I'm a senior citizen and currently I live in New York by myself. Since I noticed MobileHelp had a medical alert system I went and got it. They're the largest system out here. It works whether you're inside or outside. About a month or two ago I had too use it since I fell. I was down on the ground and couldn't get up so I used it to call the police. They came out, helped me get up, and took me to the hospital. I definitely appreciate the service. Having it can keep you from dying if you fall or get in trouble. All you have to do is press the button.

6 years ago


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James Darnell Onalaska, WI

I thought they seem to be the the best value as a whole for me. On a typical morning when I get up, first of all I never take my watch off except for when I go in the shower, when I use my pendant instead. That way I still have a button. Occasionally they check on me to see if my equipment is working. I live alone and that provides security for me. What I really like is the GPS. I am out and about quite a little bit; I do a lot of different volunteer things and I'm not always home. I'm not very far away, but I like that part. I would recommend them.

6 years ago


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Lonie Babin Cedar Park, TX

I had some from other companies that I did not like at all. I went and just independently bought this one on my own through AARP. I think it all runs about the same price with what I've got and what I've had. I just wear this one around my neck all the time. They told me to check this thing and make sure it's working every so often. It came on accidentally one time. I thought that it was my fire alarm, but they said that it was my necklace, but I hadn't touched it. They eventually got the alarm cut off, and nothing else was done about it, so I was pretty confused on that.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Portage, MI

I got it because I needed it. I have a busy life since I teach art, do my own artwork, go shopping, and go out with my daughter. I don't quite like that I have to carry the bigger thing with me when I leave the apartment. I'd like to just be able to hang it around my neck, but that doesn't seem to work. So far it has been really good though. The only time I actually heard from them was because I pushed the button by accident. The person that answered was very polite and wanted to make sure that I was ok. That was great.

6 years ago


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Vera Duverger Flanagan, IL

I did some investigation on the different services out there and this one seemed like the best one. I have some objections with the system, one of them is that the button is too sensitive. Anytime I even slightly touch it, it goes off. Still, they have been very responsive every time that happens, even when it's not an actual emergency. I really appreciate that. The system is easy to understand and set up. Though another thing I don't quite like is that I have to be in the same room where the GPS unit is if I want to talk to them. I have to take that with me everywhere to talk to the person, even if I'm just in my bathroom. If they made it so you can talk to them through the necklace unit that would be a great plus.

6 years ago


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Regenia Good Springdale, AR

I needed the equipment because I fall a lot and I knew that with it I would get help immediately. They are always there when I need them and they try their best to get you all the help you might need. A couple of weeks ago I had to use it and they were very helpful. With the price that you pay for it you get a necklace, the wristband, and the button you can put on your waist. That way you have different options to get in touch with someone in case you fall. They're all very convenient and light weight. I don't even notice that they are there. I really like that.

6 years ago


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Sharon Ranson Sandy, UT

I was looking at my AARP magazine, and it showed that I could have it wherever I went, as long as I carried my mobile unit. I was interested in having something that serviced me away from home, as well as at home. I take the mobile thing with me when I leave my home, and I wear it when I'm in my home, but I just haven't had an emergency yet, thank goodness. I've been fortunate. One time I was unaware that I pressed the button, and I got immediate feedback from them. I have already recommended them.

6 years ago


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Ellen Haynes Ashley, MI

I picked it since I liked the features that they have, especially the fall detection feature. That one in particular was a deal breaker when I looked around. I have it now and luckily I haven't had to use it yet. I just wear it on my neck in case I need it and it's mostly good. I've only had problems with the part that holds the button. It's constantly turning backwards, no matter what way I put it on. Other than that though, it's wonderful. There was an occasion where the alert went off accidentally and they called my emergency contacts immediately. My daughter and granddaughter came out running to check in on me. When I called them back to tell them things were just fine they took care of everything. There was another false alarm like that one and I still don't quite understand why that happened. Especially since I wasn't even wearing the necklace at the time. I feel safe with it though.

6 years ago


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Dorothy Gee Petersburg, VA

I got it for my mother because it was what we needed: the price was good, it was easy to use, and customer support can always be there. She is 87 years old and likes it so far. She likes the watch and the necklace, both have been very comfortable. We've only had it for about 3 months and, thank god, we haven't had to use it. When I call customer support I can always get an answer and everyone has been very helpful so far. It's all worth everything that I pay for it. I feel safe knowing that my mom has MobileHelp.

6 years ago


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Donna Martin Sykesville, MD

We got it because we know that if I fall and end up unconscious, the emergency people will be called. I use it most of the time, especially when I'm outside taking a walk. The device just works. The one representative that we've spoken to has been great, he was just very good. We're glad to have it and hopefully it'll be handy if the need ever arises. Economically, everything seems good.

6 years ago


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Ruth Hughes Portland, OR

We compared several companies that were listed as the best ones online. We called and asked several questions and, after getting all the information, we went with MobileHelp. On a typical day, my mom just wears it. She hasn't fallen, but once she sat down too quickly and they called. They were right there to check and make sure she was alright. The only thing is that the pendant is uncomfortable when she's sleeping.

6 years ago


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Victoria Williams Aliquippa, PA

I had seen some commercials for them and I got really interested. They offered exactly what I needed and for a reasonable price. I used to have a different one that was way higher in price, so I just switched. I haven't had to use it as of yet, but I've called customer service for some issues that I was having and they were very professional and helpful about it. I'm kind of happy with this service, I like Mobile Help.

6 years ago


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Charley Walton Dallas, TX

My uncle was the one that did the research. I think someone from MobileHelp actually called him and he thought that one would be the best option. We haven't had to use it, but we test it every now and then by hitting the button. It is very easy to use it. We've also had some false alarms. Every time we call they've been very helpful. I like that I can take it with me when I leave the house.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Mount Gilead, OH

Since it said they had no contract and it was mobile we decided to give it a try. We liked that we can take it with us if we have car trouble. That is because on one occasion there was an ice storm where our wipers just went out at night on a two lane road. There were no gas stations close by and, because the weather was so bad, we had a hard time getting signal. We couldn't really call for help. It would've been nice to have MobileHelp to get help immediately. Another reason we like it is because they give you the option of using a watch instead of a necklace. Since I don't like the idea of having anything electronic close to the heart, that sounded great. Also, if I bend over, the watch won't get tangled up or caught with everything. Theirs was also the cheapest option in the area. So far I've never had to use it, and hopefully I never will, but I've tried. The only problem I have right now is that there is a contract and I don't really agree with one of the clauses in there. I need to call them about that and I'd recommend everyone to read it before signing up.

6 years ago


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Mary Amick Goshen, IN

I got it since I live on a 3rd floor apartment by myself. Since the door has automatic locks, if anything happened to me, I wouldn't be able to unlock it for anybody to come in. That's when I decided I needed something like MobileHelp. I haven't had to use it yet, but it's a good deal. The device is good, it's lightweight and compact. Anytime I've had a question, they've been right there to help me and lead me through things step by step. I think it's something that anyone living by themselves should have.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Simpsonville, SC

I got it because of the GPS and the fall alert. That way, if the person that uses it falls, the family will get an alert about it. It doesn't matter if he can't press the button, we will be notified of the fall. I don't think there was any other company that provided that to us. I've tested the thing a couple of times to see how it worked and it worked well. Most of those times he was at home though, so we haven't had to test it outside or had an actual emergency. I do have a problem with customer support. One time I needed help, so I called. I was left waiting on the line and nobody picked up.

6 years ago


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Joy Schenk Tualatin, OR

I'm a very new customer to MobileHelp, I've only had it for a month or two. When I spoke to a representative, I liked their plan and was very impressed with it. They have the mobile unit that you can use away from home, you don't need a landline to use it, and the price was good. Because of all of that I decided to get it. I have both the wristband and the bracelet and they're both very comfortable. I carry them with me, but I haven't had to use it. Whenever I've needed to reach customer support they have been very helpful. I'm very satisfied with them. It's a very valuable service.

6 years ago


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Charleen Sciotti Naples, FL

I have it on me everyday and take it wherever I go, including if I go shopping. They're better than any other service out there. I don't think anyone else can beat them. Customer support is always right there. They know when something is wrong and where you are if you need help. They're just there when you need them to be. I don't have any problems trying to reach them.

6 years ago


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Anna Leboutillier Anderson, SC

I did a search online and the came up. Since they were well rated and the price was right, I decided to get it. It was simple and painless to set it all up. Normally I wear it during the day. The band on the wristband could be a bit better designed. It's a bit on the uncomfortable side of things, but other than that it's all good. Earlier in January we actually had to use it. My wife fell down and had a period of confusion and dementia. We used it then to get an ambulance for her and get her to the hospital. It all worked out very well. The response time was good and they did exactly what they were supposed to do. I got the help that I needed it.

6 years ago


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H Patterson Denver, CO

I saw it on TV and it just seemed like a smart idea to get it. The price was reasonable too. I've never really had to use it for an emergency. When I was setting it up though, the alarm went off and the operator called in immediately. They asked if it was an emergency and I just told them that it had been a mistake. I explained that we were just setting the system up. It was all very clear and precise though; she called, identified herself, and we could hear her loud and clear. The people are very nice and knowledgeable.

6 years ago


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K.R. Sylmar, CA

We searched and searched for a service like this. We had had a life alert system before since I wasn't too steady on my feet and I had a tendency to fall. We ended up searching a lot before my kids and I settled on MobileHelp since they were the best ones around. I've never used it, but I've had some false alarms when I turn over in bed. It just goes off very easily.

6 years ago


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Ginette Brunette Port Orange, FL

I actually tried it some 2 years ago and I appreciated the service a lot. Back then I was less worried about having accidents, but I decided to get it once again. In the end, I haven't really needed to use it, but things have gone well. It has given me some security. I found the people that I spoke with to be very helpful. It's a very efficient service.

6 years ago


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Jean Hanley Davenport, IA

I wanted to keep on living on my home since I like where I live and my neighbors, so I got it since I know it'll help me do that. I use the necklace one around the house, including when I take a shower and whenever I go to the basement. I take the mobile one with me when I take my dog out for a walk. The price is a little higher than what I wanted to go, but I think it's ok. I feel better having it, I'm very happy with it.

6 years ago


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Alice Duncan Rufus, OR

I saw an advertisement for it on TV so I requested it. I haven't had to use it yet, but I know that I'm going to have to at some point since I have fallen before. I actually had a different device when that happened. I have also checked it and tested it and there's always somebody right there to answer me and ask me if I need anything. I did have some trouble at some point, but as soon as they were notified about it, they fixed it. I trust them, I mean, if I didn't I would've gotten rid of it already.

6 years ago


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Lana Monk Spring, TX

I got it since it could go anywhere with me. That way, if I got in trouble with my health, I can get help anywhere in the United States. It doesn't matter if I'm home or visiting family somewhere else, they would know where I was and where to send help. Thankfully, I haven't had to use it yet. Customer support is very nice, I haven't had any problems, though I'm relatively new.

6 years ago


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Helen Mccall-Lacy Mesa, AZ

Mobile Help was better than the other one I had tried, so I decided to switch. They were very helpful when setting everything up and answered all my questions. So far, they've given me the attention that I need when any problem or issue comes up. I mostly use the wristband when I'm around the house, though sometimes I wear the necklace. I like having that as an option. As for the traveling one, I use that one mostly when I go out in my car.

6 years ago


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Margaret Bierbower New Oxford, PA

I liked the idea of their fall button and, since the other service didn't have that, I went with MobileHelp. Their support is great, they really help and try to get to the bottom of any problem that comes up. The buttons are a little bit sensitive in that they go off on their own. Though, I do know that they'll be right at my door as soon as possible if anything ever happens. I think their whole system is really good.

6 years ago


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Renee Pate Collierville, TN

I chose it for my mother. They just had the best combination of price and coverage, especially considering they're using the AT&T network. It gives her enough coverage whether she's at home or if she's out and about. It also had a lot of good reviews. We haven't had to use it at this point, she just wears it 24/7. We like the versatility of having both the wristwatch and the pendant. She can wear whichever way she wants and, since it's small, it's not very intrusive. The set up was easy to do and they helped us out with that. We haven't run into any issues.

6 years ago