Author: Kaitlyn Short
Northstone Solar is a solar and geothermal energy company, based in Montana. The company’s goal is to help homeowners, small businesses, nonprofits, and local governments find energy-efficient solutions. The company’s services include energy audits, solar and geothermal consultations, project design, and system installations.
Northstone Solar’s website provides clear answers to customers’ frequently asked questions. These questions represent a range from, “What happens when it snows and rains?” to “Why solar and not wind?” Solar and geothermal energy are often misunderstood or not understood at all. Providing clear, simple answers helps clients make informed decisions and trust the company.
One of the frequently asked questions asks about financing options and purchasing. The company’s website referenced PPA and loan options. It’s assumed the company provides both of these financing options.
Overall, not much information is available about Northstone Solar. The company has a website with a purpose statement, FAQs, and service details.
However, the website lacks important information including brands, warranties, past projects, time in business, locations, etc. Clients need to know more information about the company’s processes and products before requesting work.
Because of the lack of information found on the company’s website and external sites, Northstone Solar’s reputation is unclear. No reviews, testimonials, credentials, certifications, or past projects are available to view. Future clients have no evidence of the company’s credibility or reputation.
Northstone Solar provides solar and geothermal energy services to the Montana area. The company hopes to provide homeowners, small businesses, governments, and nonprofit organizations with affordable and efficient energy solutions.
Northstone Solar’s geothermal and solar services include energy audits, existing system evaluations, energy design planning, and installations. However, the company’s reputation is unclear. Essential buyer information is absent from the company’s website.
Overall, Northstone Solar could be a great solar candidate for Montana residents; however, the current company information isn’t convincing.
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