Author: Kaitlyn Short
If you live in the Bay Area in Northern California, we recommend looking at Clean Solar for your solar options. As it says in the name, this company wants to bring clean, solar energy to your residence or even your commercial buildings. They offer a 15-year production warranty, which is an industry standard, and 15-years on labor. They do offer monitoring services for consumers, but they have been vague on their contract lengths. One thing can't lie, though, they have some of the best reps we've spoken to and if anyone is looking for answers to their solar questions, look no further than Clean Solar.
As with any solid solar company, Clean Solar brings their consumers a 25-year warranty on their panels. That means that the panels themselves will be covered if anything goes wrong. While 25 years is the industry standard, there are a few solar companies that are working to catch up to this, so it's nice to see a smaller company offer this to its customers. One thing to consider is the 15-year labor warranty. When speaking to a representative, they informed us the warranty is exactly what it sounded like: you will not have to pay for the labor to fix any parts should anything go wrong. Many companies do not offer this.
Clean Solar also offers monitoring so that customers can check how their solar system is performing and ensure that everything is up to par.
Solar power has been around for over 50 years, but there aren't many people who own a system. This is due mainly to it being too expensive. Well, Clean Solar offers its patrons several options to make it easier to put the panels on the rooftops. First you can buy them outright. This gives you ownership over the panels, which makes you eligible for those fantastic federal tax benefits. If you lease the panels there is no cost up front but there is a fixed payment for hardware and you have a reoccurring payment over the life of your contract. Power Purchasing Agreements (PPA) also require no upfront cost, give you fixed payments and payment is determined by kWh consumed. This last one does not entitle you to any tax benefits. Instead, that goes to Clean Solar's third-party financiers.
Clean Solar is only services customers who live in California. While being a local provider has its advantages, it greatly restricts the number of customers who have the ability to go solar with Clean Solar.
The bottom line is you will be hard pressed to find a more capable solar company in the Bay Area than Clean Solar. They offer monitoring, their warranty is on par with the rest of the industry, and they give customers plenty of options to finance the panels. So go ahead, give them a call and see what they can do for you.
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