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Medical Guardian

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Anonymous Annandale, MN

My son helped me pick it. It's a wonderful thing to have in my home. The button is comfortable to wear. When I'm home I have it on all day and, at night, I keep it by my bed. One night I was dehydrated, fell on the floor, and couldn't get up. I was able to crawl over to the nightstand where I kept the button and pressed it. They came on and I asked them to call my son so he could help me. They called him, he came out and took me to the hospital. It was a real life saver. I think it's very important for people like me to have it, especially as we grow older and have a harder time getting around. It's comforting to have it in my home.

6 years ago


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Joseph S. Griego Las Vegas, NM

I'm 80 years old and live alone, so I needed some protection in case I ever had an accident. That's why I got Medical Guardian. I have the mobile device that I carry with me if I go out to the store, to get the mail, or to Walmart. That way, if I were to fall, it's handy for me. I have not had a medical alert where I needed to use it. One time though my sister-in-law, who lives next door, accidentally pressed the button. Next thing we know, the fire department, an ambulance, and the police were here to check in on us. They checked both in my house and her house since they were afraid something serious had happened. They were very prompt at getting emergency services out here. The only thing is that the service is kind of expensive, especially for someone that's on a fixed income like me.

6 years ago


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John & Pat Skelton Wurtsboro, NY

One of the things I really liked was that you could be a fair distance away from the base and it would still work. That meant that my dad, the person that uses it, could go outside with it and would still be covered. A lot of other systems that we looked at didn't have that feature and, since my dad is in the yard a lot, we thought they would be the best option. My parents have used the button quite a bit. My dad has had several gall bladder attacks and my mom used it when she thought she was having a heart attack. They've always been good and respond to them. I had one problem though, and that was that I was supposed to be contacted when my parents set off the alarm, but they didn't do that. I called them about it and they fixed the problem immediately. I feel a lot better knowing that they have it.

6 years ago


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Sally Hollenbaugh Benkelman, NE

I live 6 and a half miles away from town and really needed something like this. There was no particular reason why I picked them, they just called me first and I decided to give it a try. I wear it all the time, it's great. I had to use it the week before Christmas when I was going out to town for physical therapy. When I went out the door to start the vehicle I apparently blacked out and, next thing I know, I'm on the ground. I pushed the button to get help and somebody was out there in 15 minutes to help me back up. From that I learned that I have to change some of the people I put on the emergency contact list. Some of them own businesses and are not immediately available if I need them.

6 years ago


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Tasie Ann Anderson Bryan, TX

Picking it was a judgment call. I just got a good feeling about it and felt comfortable when I was talking to the salesperson, so I went for it. I wear it 24 hours a day and I'm very satisfied with it. I had to use it once when I was out in public and they responded and had an ambulance out there in less than 10 minutes. It was really fast. They are very proficient, accurate, and professional. I haven't had any issues at all. Their price is very competitive too. Other companies out there are charging pretty much the same, if not the same, for this kind of service. I'm happy with what I'm paying, I mean, you can't really put a price on a human life. If something were to happen to my ability to pay for it though, I would hope they would to charge me a little less'

6 years ago


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I've only really used the button once and it was by accident. I just woke up one night and went down to get a book since I couldn't sleep. I was just doing that when I heard a strange noise. It was 2 o'clock in the morning and I thought that was odd, so I put all my books away and decided to get back up when I saw a strange man standing at the top of the stairs. I didn't have a hearing aid or anything so I couldn't hear him. He just motioned to his neck and I realized he was asking about the necklace bit that I wear. I had the wristband on but I realized that I had pushed the button into my book case and set off the alarm without noticing. They were certainly pretty prompt to get out there and I thought that was really good. It's a very convenient thing. With it I don't worry as much if something happens, I know I can just hit the button and things will be alright.

6 years ago


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Barbara Quinn Houston, TX

I got it because it covered all of my mother's needs and the price was right for us. We've had it for 2 years now and it has been wonderful. They gave us 2 necklaces that my mom can wear plus the monitoring system that you plug in and use to talk. I like the product. It's nice that I can set up and decide who gets alerted first whenever the button goes off. Usually I get a text message and a phone call on my cell first. If I don't respond, they'll try my home phone next and if that doesn't work either they'll call my sister. If no one responds at all, they will call the EMS and send them out right away. Most of the time the calls are because my mom falls and needs help getting up. We've only only had to call the EMS once since usually I can respond right away and get to my mom within a minute. They respond rapidly and live up to their promises.

6 years ago


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Carol Blake Phoenix, AZ

I live by myself and, one time, I fell 10 steps and couldn't get back up or move. I laid on the floor until a friend came over some 2 hours later and called the paramedics for me. It turned out I had broken my back and, after that, I was really concerned about my safety. We hadn't planned for my friend to come over but, if he hadn't showed up, I would still be there on the floor. Because I didn't want to be in that position ever again, I got the medical alert system set up even before I got out of the hospital. What convinced me about them was mostly the price but I was really impressed with my first interaction with them too. The whole purchasing experience was great and they did a good job of setting things up too. It's a relatively new thing for me and fortunately I've never had to use it. Still I wear the button 24/7, it's very lightweight and I don't even notice I'm wearing it. Last week my house was broken into in the middle of the night and my car was stolen. I didn't even realize that had happened until the next morning. While trying to process it, it occurred to me that I could've used the device in that situation too if my life had been in danger.

6 years ago


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Robert Stein Kennesaw, GA

We looked things up online because my husband needed something. I looked at the reviews they had and thought they would be a good company to go with. He has the little pendant he can push whenever he falls. We've called them 2 or 3 times since we got it. Last time we used it was about a year ago. He had fallen and I couldn't help him get up, so I pushed the device and called them. They responded right away and sent out an ambulance and the paramedics out to help us. We also had one time when our dog got a hold of the pendant and pushed it. They called right away and asked us if we were ok. We just told them there was nothing wrong and that was that. I'm really satisfied. They always answer and come out as soon as they can and get us the help that we need when we need it.

6 years ago


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Molly Estes Cornelius, OR

The reason I got it for my mother and my mother-in-law was that they had the highest ratings. It has been 3 years since then. They haven't had a situation where they needed it for an emergency, but there have been some false alarms. Medical Guardian has always responded quickly to any kind of alert. Usually it takes them less than 30 seconds and they always check with them to see if they need any help. Luckily, we've been able to cancel the alerts before they send anybody out, but we know it works. The buttons are easy to use. They're not cumbersome and they can carry them easily. At one point one of the watches we have stopped functioning. We called them and they just shipped another one right away to replace it.

6 years ago


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Sandra & William C Baker Winter Park, FL

We used to have a device that came from an association in Florida that had offices in Orlando. At some point they stopped providing the service so I looked around trying to find the most convenient device. I found Medical Guardian and since I could have the wrist strap, the necklace, and the base unit, I got it. I haven't had to use it for an emergency, but on a typical day I get up in the morning and make sure that the thing is working alright. I then put on the wrist device and wear it around the house all day long. When I go out to the store or somewhere away from my house, I put the device on my belt and take it with me. When I press the button to test it they respond in half a minute or so and ask me if there's anything they can help me with. They're there for me. I'm very pleased with the product, it works exactly as they said it would.

6 years ago


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Mary Strube Berlin, MD

I read about the different services online and decided that Medical Guardian was the one for me. It's very handy to have. When I go out by myself I can take the little monitor with me and strap it to my purse in case I need it. I check it often to see if it's still working. Every time I have a problem, I can just call them and they will correct things right away. I used it once for a medical emergency and they were here in no time to take me to the hospital. There was another incident that my friend found very funny. At about eleven o'clock one evening, the fire alarms in my house went off. I didn't want to call my son or anyone since it was so late, so I thought I'd just wait until the next morning to take care of that. I just shut the door and let that go all night long but apparently that set off the medical alarm. Next thing I know, early in the morning, 3 paramedics went into my bedroom thinking that there was something wrong. I called the company later and they said that something had malfunctioned and that the buzzing could have been the reason why that went off. At least I know that it works because of that. I feel safe with it.

6 years ago


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Josie Newton Hixson, TN

I had five other devices and wasn't really satisfied with them so, when I heard their advertisement, I decided to give it a try. I called them, they explained how everything worked and what the service consisted of, and I just went ahead and joined them. I live alone so this comes in handy. It's like having another person in the house with me. So far they've given me good service and I've had no problems with it. I only had to use the button once when I fell. I was in a tight spot and couldn't get back up on my own, so I pushed the button and they came out to get me off the floor. Since I was ok I didn't have to be taken to the hospital or anything. I also accidentally pushed the button while doing something and they were very quick to react. They called and made sure that nothing was wrong. They are just quick to respond, nice, friendly, and also very serious about their job. The money is reasonable for the kind of service that they offer.

6 years ago


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Janice Helms Springboro, OH

I just went on Google search and since they had decent reviews I chose it for my mother who is 90 years old. The button is easy to wear, it hangs around her neck and she can access it anytime she needs it. We also have the little boxes downstairs so the signal from it can be picked up very easily. On one occasion I was out of state in Washington and my husband was out working when my mother had an incident. It was 9 am in the morning, a time when there was no one else around to help her, so she used the necklace to call for the paramedics. They were there in 5 minutes to help her. They also contacted my husband and let him know what had happened. I'm really glad she remembered to use it then. Initially I thought that the service was rather expensive, but considering that they were able to contact the paramedics and get a hold of my husband, I think it's all worth it.

6 years ago


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Bob And Arline Heleniak Eagle, ID

I needed to go with a good company and since they were rated highly, I picked them. I had to use it back in December when I fell backwards and hit my head. It wasn't that harsh, but the lady that came on was very comforting and responsive. They notified the people we have listed as emergency contact and they were here quickly. We were all very content about the fact that everything happened quickly. They're also very quick when we test the device every month. We just think that, overall, they're all wonderful. The one thing is that I wish the medallion that I wear was a little smaller. I'm not a very big person so it's rather large for me. I have been keeping it in my pocket rather than hanging it around my neck because of that. It just gets in the way. We had the bracelet for a while, but it wasn't any easier to use or wear.

6 years ago


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Ron Renker San Antonio, TX 

I'm pretty impressed with the company. Researched it on the internet, and they were very courteous in customer service, and they answered my questions right away. It gives you versatility, being able to use it anywhere, and not just in your home. So far I've just had to use it for testing. One time one of our grandchildren pushed the button on the WiFi device, and I didn't know whether it armed anything or not. I pushed the small button that comes on the thing you hang around your neck and got right through to somebody to talk to right away. So I was glad to hear that, glad to know that it worked.

6 years ago


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Bill Messner Waxahachie, TX

I bought it because of the price and how helpful the person was when I called for information. I think it's fine quality; it's what I would expect. As far as cost, the peace of mind is invaluable. I use it in a little different way than most people, probably. My dad lives in an assisted living community, and he has a nurse's station like fifty feet from his room. They only have emergency call buttons next to the toilet and next to the bed, though. I was finding that when he would get in trouble or fall or something, it was never in those places. I needed a way to help him, so basically now when he pushes his button, they call me, and then I call somebody at his residence to go help him. It's not necessarily an ambulance situation; it was more of a way just to get him help at the place that he's in, as twisted as that seems. I feel like everybody's always been very friendly and helpful, and able to go above and beyond to get issues sorted out. The customer service has been really good, even though it did take us a while to get that worked out to where we like. At first they would call my dad, and as soon as he would say "I need help," then they would dispatch emergency even though it's not because he's injured or having a life-threatening situation; it's just that he needed help getting up out of his wheel chair or getting to the bathroom or something. So it took us a while to get that sorted out so that they weren't sending out the emergency vehicle every time, which is probably what most people want the system for.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Rockville, MD

I went online and researched several, and I really liked what I was reading about Medical Guardian, so I called, and I was really impressed with the people I talked to. When I called for support I got a very positive response. I've already recommended it to a neighbor and she bought it, too. On a typical day, if I'm going out I put on the bracelet and make sure I've got the little black bag with my purse. If I'm home all day, I use one around my neck. Both of them are comfortable and very accessible. I feel very secure in either situation, especially given the fact that there's a lock box on the outside of my house where EMTs could get in. I think that's an nice feature. I feel like if I did fall, I could very quickly get help.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Belleville, PA

We live in a retirement community, and they stopped using a different medical alert system that they had, choosing to use Medical Guardian instead. They offered it to us, and we didn't have another option, but it was cheaper than what we were paying at the retirement village, and I was able to pay for it by the year with the assurance that if after 3 months I no longer needed it, I would get a refund, so I would say that it worked out very well. We have it because my husband has balance problems and he falls, and I can't help him up. There's not really a typical day with it. We're 88 and 92 years old, and we just do what we can get away with! The time we had to use it the service was excellent. We got very, very good attention. I made sure that they had a local response company, so we didn't have to wait very long for assistance. The system is very efficient, and they're definitely trustworthy. I would recommend it.

6 years ago


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M. Brooks Ashland, NE

When I signed up, I was suffering from dizziness, and so as I am 76 and live alone, I need to have something to provide safety such that if I did fall and couldn't get up, I would have a way of getting hold of someone. I am due to check it to see if everything is working well. I usually try and remember to do that once a month, but I haven't lately'I am a little forgetful, so that's another reason that I have it'but every time I have needed to use it, somebody calls me within seconds. Typically I wear it around my neck. At night when I'm asleep I place it under my pillow, so it's easily accessible. It is a small unit, such that people would not know what it is. Very small and non-obtrusive, and it's easy to wear or use the necklace option, so I'm happy with the service. I think it's a very reasonable value, and it's very easy for me to pay, because they have automatic transfer set up to have the money taken from my account.

6 years ago


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ronda Clay, KY

My friend got it for her mother, so when she was really pleased with it, we got it for my dad, too, since they live in the same area. My dad likes it because nobody can see it. It's not like a big heavy device that he has to wear. Every time we call it they're just Johnny-on-the-spot. We had to use it in one time right after he first got it. He was having chest pains or something, but the EMT came and it was nothing. We didn't have to call the ambulance or anything. Every time we call for testing, they're all really nice, and they don't give us any grief. We're really pleased with it. My brother says it's like a life saver, because we both live far away from him. I live in another state, so we don't worry about him as much.

6 years ago


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Pamela King Seattle, WA

I was having a very serious medical condition, caused by my doctor, and I was ending up on the floor quite a bit. I'm not one to stay on the floor'I got myself up'but if I could not get myself up, or if I had injured myself, I would be using the little button around my neck. It's something that you can wear around your neck and it's not a huge thing. I get up in the morning and I put the little neck thing on and go about doing my chores, taking a shower and so on and so forth. It gives me a sense of security that I'm not really alone. A couple of times my cat had stepped on the big box, and they're right there on the spot, and that is great. You feel that you actually have somebody in the house with you going through the experience when you have to use it and getting their medical advice'should I go to the hospital? Should I go to my regular doctor?'and so on. I think it's great for me.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Seminole, FL

I would definitely recommend it. We saw good user reviews when we did research on medical alert companies, and they are very responsive, caring, and prompt. We had a device that stopped working and the next day they had sent a new replacement device. We appreciate all the help that we have received so far, and we've felt very confident using it, and being able to go places, and have my husband still be as independent as possible, but be safer. He once had a fall and he wasn't able to get up because he was very weak from an infection and pneumonia. We had fall detection on our Medical Guardian, so the paramedics came right away and took him to the veterans administration hospital where he was treated. Now he's doing much better, so we consider it a really good investment in safety. I feel like it's really saved my husband's life already just in the short time we had it.

6 years ago


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Bette Hines Austin, TX

I had done research on several, and I liked what Medical Guardian did. It does give me a sense of security. I live alone, and enjoy being able to know that if I fall and can't get up, there's someone there that will get help. It's simple, just a matter of remembering to take it with you every day, and to charge it frequently. I haven't had to use it for emergencies, but I do test it once a month to make sure it's working. I have set it off twice accidentally, and they were very prompt in answering the call. I was just leaning up against something, and with the buttons facing outward it will cause it to go off. I don't know if there's a way to correct that so it won't accidentally go off.

6 years ago


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Barbara Etchells

My mother wears it daily. She's 86 years old and did not want to give up living on her own, but had that fear that if she had a fall no one would be there to help her. So she does wear it everyday, and it's given her that security. She was being over seen by visiting nurses and it was the nurse associated with that program that made the recommendation. She's very pleased with it. She really does like that the necklace portion goes over her head and she doesn't struggle to get it on, and she feels very comfortable. I think that it's good. My mother has had some accidents where she's set it off. They do contact her to make sure that she is okay, but there is a little bit of a time lapse. It's not immediate but they get right back to her.

6 years ago


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W.H. 43162

I would have no problem recommending them. The price I think is a manageable amount of money, and there was no contract. It's for my mom, and she is very valuable to me. She has a necklace device. It's good enough, and I like that she can take it in to the shower with her. The one thing is the cord stays wet so if that was a little bit more water resistant, maybe it would be better. There was one time she had to call the emergency squad when she was having heart pain. They've been very pleasant to work with, very helpful. It hasn't been a lot of interaction, but we've been very pleased with what we've had.

6 years ago


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Margaret Huwar Baden, PA

After researching, I thought it was the best company for my mom, who is 96 years old. By checking out all the other companies, to me Medical Guardian was the best that was on the market; they were the most sincere to me, and the machine that we purchased really fit her needs. One thing about it, it's very very sensitive. It might be a little bit too sensitive, but it is worth every penny. My mom feels safe with the necklace and the wrist band, so we're totally satisfied. We've had to use it 3 times. Once was a false alarm, and the police and the paramedics were at the house within minutes. Two times we needed it, and same thing: we had the police and the paramedics there instantly, and also Medical Guardian had called to make sure that there was no problem with a false alarm. I'm very satisfied with them. It's been fantastic, and I have no complaints whatsoever;

6 years ago


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Freddie Gibson Edmond, OK

My daughter gave it to me as a gift. My button is this on this rope that goes around my neck. When everything was given to me I was told I had to test it at least once a month, so I try and do that. At one point I realized that the thing was not charging so I had to find the number to give them a call. I told them it was not working and they went through the procedure to figure out what was wrong. It was probably my fault since I probably didn't plug the extension cord all the way in. Since then though I have had no problems at all. I've had some falls where I needed them to call my children for me. There have also been a lot of accidental alarms where I've set it off without meaning to. No matter what, every time I call, someone responds. This woman comes on immediately and asks me if I'm ok. If I need help, she will then send me right over to someone that can call my children or an ambulance. It's a comfort to have it and know that, if I fall and can't get up, I can punch the button to get help.

6 years ago


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Don Weinell Sr. Shreveport, LA

I got it for my father since it was simple to use, had good cellphone coverage, and the price looked good. The button is easy to use, convenient, very solid, and seems to be well made. He is kinda stubborn about using it, but he does keep it on him most of the time. We've used it once or twice and they've been quick to respond. In one instance he fell and his wife was the one that ended up pushing the button to get him some help. He forgets to test it once a month so occasionally I have to remind him to do it. Everything is there for when he needs it. It's like insurance: It's good to have, even if you don't use it.

6 years ago


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Christian Sioux Falls, SD

I had seen them on TV and got the feeling that it was a good idea, so I called and signed up. At one point my wristband fell apart but in 2 days I had a new one. I used it a week ago but it wasn't on purpose. I was sleeping with it on me, the wrist watch thing, and it went off. The ambulance got here and everything but I didn't even know what was going on. My girlfriend has also pushed the button once when I was over there. I was incoherent, but since we were drinking and everything was fine they didn't take me anywhere. I think it's good to have. I don't know when I'm going to fall in the bath tub or something, but I know that if I push the button they'll be there.

6 years ago


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Dolores Salva Sterling Heights, MI

I got it for my 91 years old mother after researching about them. They sent everything through the mail and all the information was correct. When we got it tested and set up, they were very prompt at responding and getting me what I needed. They gave us a couple of choices for the buttons and we're actually glad about that. We have both the pendant and the wristband but, since my mother found the pendant hard to sleep with, she's using the wristband. It looks pretty sturdy. We also like that they provided a lock box for the door keys so that no one has to break in to help her. On a typical day she wears the wristband all the time. The only problem we've had is that she doesn't want to actually use the button when she needs it. Months ago, when she fell, she refused to use the wristband button that she was wearing. She waited till I came home to get her up. Still, it's nice to have, and we'll continue to use it.

6 years ago


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Greg Sjodin Huntington Beach, CA

Because of my health condition, I could just collapse at any time, so I needed something like this. With it, as long as I can press the button, they can find me and help me out. The button is simple to use. I really haven't had to use it yet, but I accidentally hit it one day without noticing. I was out having a garage sale, moving stuff around, when I pushed it. I didn't have the transmitter with me so I didn't hear them when they came on and tried to talk to me. They ended up sending the paramedics my way. That day, I learned the hard way that it really works and it works well. I've also gotten fast responses when I test it once a month. They're also very professional and courteous. I'm more than satisfied with the product. Though I do wish it was a little cheaper since I'm on a tight budget, but their pricing is still competitive.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Sacramento, CA

I'm an old lady and my daughter lives very very far away. She has been very concerned about me living by myself and said that I had to get something that could protect me while I'm at home. So I went and looked at what was available. I saw some advertising and since they sounded reasonable, I went with it. I must admit, I didn't try anyone else because when I got Medical Guardian everything just worked. I have the necklace and I put it around my neck whenever I get home. It's always right there for me and it's easy to push. I don't have to jam my finger too far into it for the alarm to go off. That part of it is very good. I also have the key lock outside my door which is wonderful. If I fall down in my bathroom or some place away from the door, they'll be able to get into my house to help me. My only complaint is that the necklace is a bit tiring to wear. I have been very fortunate in that I haven't had to use it, but I assume that if something happened to me I'd get the help that I need. I feel comfortable having it

6 years ago


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Eloise Eberly North Manchester, IN

My daughter was the one that insisted that I get something like this. We started calling around different places and since we liked what they had to offer we went with it. I wear it every day but it doesn't really keep up. I have to recharge it every night if I don't want it to run out during the day. It's kind of a new system for me so sometimes I forget to do that. Still, I'm satisfied with it. I'm hoping I never need to use it but I'm sure they will be there for me when I need them. There were other places and services that were cheaper but with them I can just pay once a year and that's that.There's really nothing I can complain about.

6 years ago


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William Eickel Metairie, LA

We got it for someone who is 92 years old. He fell in his backyard and was out there for 10 hours without any help, bleeding to death, so his family decided that to keep him safe, because he's an independent person, he would have something so that if that should ever happen again, he would have some immediate help. It's very valuable, because no money in the world can make up for someone you love not being here. He puts it on when he wakes up in the morning, and does not take it off until he's in bed again. He keeps it beside his bed at night. The device is hooked up to the bed, so if he fell out of the bed he would still have access to help, right away. He can easily access it in case of emergency, and he feel very secure now, being able to be at home in his secure area that he is very familiar with and knowing that he is safe and protected. With the lock box on the outside of the door, they have the means to enter the home to make sure they can get quick access, and that is a very important part of having this system here. They're very trustworthy, because I have encountered other people that have the device and the lock box on the outside, and it's never been opened except by the people that need to come in to the home. I recommend it for every mature adult that's disabled, or unstable, or is in a home by themselves, to make sure that someone can have access to them. I encourage anyone that I come across to get the device, to make sure they're safe and secure, and able to stay in a home and surroundings that they are very familiar with.

6 years ago


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This one is quite adequate for me since it works when I'm away from home. I had to adjust the machine since it was a little short and a bit heavy, but considering what it does it's quite good. I haven't had to use it for an emergency, thank goodness for that, but I've set it off by accident and the service that I've received has been fine. When I lean on it and push the button by accident they are very quick to call and notify me about it. They check in on me, make sure that it's not an emergency, and that's that. I feel that they're there for me when I need them and also when I don't. My biggest problem is that sometimes I forget to put it on. I just need to be reminded to bring the thing with me when I leave. Everything else has been smooth though.

6 years ago


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Anonymous West Plains, MO

My son got it for me because I almost died. I'm using it right now because I'm alone. I have accidentally bumped mine, and they keep calling back until they get an answer, to make sure I'm okay. They're concerned, they're prompt, they're friendly, they're helpful, and I feel more comfortable when I have to be alone, because right now I can't walk. I broke my shinbone and I can't put weight on it. I'm in a lot of pain so I'm sitting here with that on my neck in case something were to happen, a fire or whatever. I could have somebody break in if I had to. I could ring that bell and I know there would be someone there to help me.

6 years ago


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Margaret Williams Waukegan, IL

I looked through a few other companies, and this one offered what seems like a better service. I can pick up and take my main device with me wherever I go. As long as it's charged, it will work anywhere. I have a bracelet that I wear around my wrist and I have a necklace. As long as I am within range of the actual base, I could use those two devices to make calls, so it's convenient technology. I've only had to use them once, and I hope I never have to use them again, but I feel like if I did, they they respond quickly. They are precise, they ask the right questions, and they are calm when they're on the phone. They pay attention to what I'm saying. They didn't make me wait a long time to answer me. They took the call very quickly which is critical for me. I pressed the button to call and it took them maybe three seconds to answer. Once I stated what was wrong and I told him where I was, the emergency people were there in a matter of minutes. Once I hung up the phone, I could already hear the sirens.

6 years ago


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Paul Martin Costa Mesa, CA

It covered everything. I was concerned about not just being around my house, and if I travel, but it goes by satellite. I keep the equipment with me when I travel in the car. I haven't had occasion to use it yet, and I hope I don't. I wear it every day in case I fall. They have done everything they said they would do, and if I wasn't satisfied they would refund my money. I'm satisfied with the prices I was quoted. It was a yearly quote, and it's guaranteed not to change, so everything so far is fine. I'm happy that I'm wearing it. They call me occasionally to find out how I'm doing, or why I haven't called, or if I'm okay, instead of me calling them and testing the equipment. So I think they're very excellent on their feedback.

6 years ago


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Marymargaret Parker Meridian, ID

I did look at several systems before choosing Medical Guardian. All you have to do is hit it, unless you're using the one you wear in case you fall. I put that on in the morning because that's when most of my MS attacks happen. You don't have to dial anything. When I'm having a relapse and attack I can't dial anything. I need something I can just hit with my hand. They give you a lock box for the outside could put your keys in so that the paramedics could get in without breaking your door. When I have a attack I cannot walk so I can't go to open the door, and I really needed that feature. I think it's money well spent, not only for me, the patient, but also for family members, because they know that pretty much if anything's happening not only will they get a phone call, but it gives them peace of mind. Everybody's easy to deal with, easy to understand, and just wants to be helpful. It is helpful. I was having an MS episode at five o'clock in the morning once. All I had to do was hit my my phone thing, and the woman came on and asked what's happening. I said I need help, and she said help is on the way, and the paramedics came.

6 years ago


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Milton Bienenfeld Pacific Palisades, CA

They're an excellent help. I use it only in case something happens, because I'm 90 years old. I researched it and I went to the the ratings which were very good for the company. I saw a lot of positives to the program. It's the only one that I chose, because with the program that it has, I feel very safe if anything should happen. I haven't had the chance to use it, but I have one device in my shower, one by my bed, and the others for my neck and wrist. I have a key to my unit in a lock box so if anything happens to me I can just press the button and somebody's goanna come. They all know where the the lock box is, and with my password for the key that's in there, they can just come in and open the door and take care of me. Whatever is happening, it's a good plan, and I wouldn't want to be without it.

6 years ago


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Loretta Vaughan Arlington, TX

I picked because they had more options than just a necklace. They had the bracelet too and a piece with GPS that could work away from home. My mother in law is the one that wears it. She is recovering from heart surgery and lives alone since her husband died. She hasn't had to use it yet, but it gives us peace of mind to know that if she should ever fall or need help, she can reach out to someone. The button was super easy to set up and we can cancel whenever we need to. I think they could improve the signal on the screen since its hard to get signal in some places. For instance, it won't work in my or my sister's house. It's a little pricey too.

6 years ago


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G.B. Ann Arbor, MI

I got it for my 99 year old mother. She doesn't have someone with her all the time, so I wanted to make sure that she had the device nearby in case something happens. I did some research on the web and they seemed to be fairly simple and reasonably priced. It has worked very well for us so far. We've used it a couple of times for real and they have been very gracious, even when we push the button by accident. They are very cordial and helpful. I'm glad she has the device when I'm not home. The only thing is that I know from experience that older adults are reluctant to push the button, I just don't know if there's anything anyone can do about that.

6 years ago


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Lorna Sysum Roseville, CA

My kids did it. They went in and they looked up all kinds of them on the internet. They checked them all out, the ratings and everything I guess, and they picked it out. I think it's fine, and I would recommend it. I've had no problems with them, but I just don't like using things like that, and I don't wear it all the time that I should. My kids get after me all the time, they tell me to put it on, and I keep it on for a week or 2 at a time, then I take it off and I don't wear it for a while. I should because even though I haven't fallen for almost a year, last year I fell about 8 or 10 times, and I have a bad back and legs.

6 years ago


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Nedda Brazwell Pensacola, FL

I just read the reviews and saw that it had the fastest response time. I guess that made me pick Medical Guardian. I'm very pleased with it, and I'm pleased with the response I've got. They seem to be trustworthy as far as I'm concerned. I've had to use it several times because I've fallen, and since I've got problems with my legs, I can't get up. I've had to use it at least 3 or 4 times, it's been wonderful. Every time I called, I've had someone answer right away, and when I told them I've fallen they said they'd get somebody out here, which they did. I wish it weren't quite so heavy, but I can understand why it is. When you fall down a lot, you're willing to pay for safety, so I think you get your money's worth for it.

6 years ago


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Joe Knoernschild Wentzville, MO

It had the best price and I think I signed up for it right before my bone marrow transplant. I really like that they had the main device that you could call out on, I really liked the features of the camera. It seemed comparable to others and it offered more of the best options and the most features that came with it. I was able to carry the device around. It was nice to know that it's attached to my belt, and really, it was a good peace of mind that the signal it offered wasn't based on cell towers. I was always at peace knowing that I could call out anytime I needed. It also really helped my wife feel comfortable that if I was to get in to any type of trouble, she could easily get ahold of me. I carried it with me everywhere I went but I never had to use it to call out. They were very helpful with the testing, the station worked really well, the set up was really simple, the device work perfectly the whole time I had it, and it was easy to cancel.

6 years ago


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Ethel Dolfi Tiltonsville, OH

I researched it for a while. The advertisement was pretty down to earth, so that's what I decided to go with for my eighty-seven year-old mother. I've been with it for a while and I'm happy with it. She wears it when she goes outside, or even when she's only in bed, so she's got it on almost all 24 hours, and that's about it. We've never had any incident where she had to use it. Every time we tested it or called, somebody was always right there. I've talked other people that had different units and they were always complaining about sound quality and have to hang on and wait and everything, but I have no problem with any of those issues. It's dependable, and I think it's reasonably priced also, compared to others.

6 years ago


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Mario Cantu Buda, TX

My parents both carry the individual speaker with them, and they both wear the wrist bracelet or the around-the-neck device every day. We haven't had any equipment issues. They're tough customers, but they've had nothing but great things to say. There's never any issue hearing, or with the buttons'they always work'and we've never had any problems with anything failing. Their customer service is extremely helpful. They're always very responsive and willing to go above and beyond to answer any questions or concerns that we may have. We chose them based on previous experiences, and we recommend them all the time. We recently suggested Medical Guardian to a neighbor, and she jumped right on it as well. The price is right; it's very reasonable, especially for people who are on fixed budgets. You can't put a price safety though, and for my dad, it's been a life saver. I feel like all around they're just a great company.

6 years ago


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Pennie And Raymond Regnier Dunedin, FL

It became available to us at the right time, and I like the features that were offered; that we could be away from home nationwide. We're off away from home, and we can take the speaker device in the case they provided us. I usually carry it on the strap of my purse so it's very easy to get to if we would ever need it. I don't take mine off. I take mine through showers and everything so I don't have to worry about whether I have it on or not. My husband takes his watch and his device off at night along with other jewelry. If we even touch our buttons, there's someone on the speaker that answers the calls very quickly.

6 years ago


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Dorothy Schulte Needville, TX

After doing research and doing comparisons of the product versus other products, that's how I determined which one is best. I'm satisfied with the cost since I did the initial comparison. I would highly recommend them. It is being used everyday with the wristband watch thing. It's comfortable and you really don't notice that it's there. From day one of getting the device, we had no issues with anything. If you called up for support, or to change the address, or anything, it was done immediately; a friendly service. Everything we have asked them and called them about, they have done, so we are satisfied with the product.

6 years ago