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Medical Guardian

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Willard And Joyce Thibodeaux Houma, LA

My mom and dad needed something like this. I tried this one company that I couldn't get any help from, so when I saw a Medical Guardian commercial on TV I decided to give them a call. They were wonderful on the phone, so I signed up. They have great equipment, I have no problems with it. We got a door lock along with the neck and wrist pieces. They also gave us a bit that they can use on their belts when they travel or go out. My parents have accidentally set the alarm off before and Medical Guardian notified us when that happened. I never have to worry about anything with them. They always call me if anything goes wrong. At one point they couldn't charge my debit card since it had been flagged because of our internet purchases. I had to call them and let them know which card to charge, but they never interrupted the service while we got that resolved.

6 years ago


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Betty Wolfram Buffalo, NY

Well actually I'm 89 years old and I never had one so my daughter got it for me you know and then all my children paid for the first year. I have never had to use it, I wear it, I go out to work in the morning and I'm home at 3 in the afternoon. I put it on as soon as I come home or when I take a shower. I put that on and I leave it on until I go to bed. I haven't had any opportunity to use it but it's there if I need it. It's perfect because I haven't had to use it if I have an emergency it's there and that's why that's the reason I got it because I live alone and I'm over 80. I enjoy knowing that I have a company that is attending to my needs for the diabetes. It's very affordable I mean, it's a lot of money, but it's well worth it in the end you know...

6 years ago


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Beverly Bright Englewood, FL

I heard and ad on the radio and it said I could get this equipment for the right price, which was free, and all the things that could do for me. So I called the number and got it. I never have had to use it personally, however part of my equipment went bad and they called the people that I had on my list. The medical alert people went to my home even though it was a false alarm because the equipment had gone bad You know I guess it's alright, it's very small, it doesn't take much room. It's great to be able to take it with me to another state when I travel, however my only thing is that it seems to have a short range from the actual device.My personal experience has been excellent with it and therefore I have recommended them the other people

6 years ago


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Gregory Lee St Louis, MO

I got it because it was the right price. If I have a problem I can always go to customer service, I've never had a problem with the charger and I've never had a problem with the actual unit that I wear around my neck, I feel safe with it, by that I mean, if I'd be on an emergency I feel comfortable, I could get help and I may be visually impaired and I'm not asking for sympathy or anything of that nature and being on a wheelchair, it just gives me a bit peace of mind that I'm not just out here or when I'm away from home and I have help. I have priced other units but you don't get the service you get with this.

6 years ago


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J.E. Eureka Springs, AR

I shopped around and decided to pick this one. I think it was the least expensive one I looked at. I haven't had a fall or anything, I've only really used it to check and make sure that the service was working alright. They always respond immediately. We did have an incident were something in the house kept saying 'low battery.' We thought it was the Guardian equipment but it just turned out to be the fire alarm. Regardless, they worked carefully with us to make sure everything was in working order. In fact, they were the ones that suggested we check the fire alarm since the units seemed to be good. I'd prefer if it was a little less expensive than what it is though.

6 years ago


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Mary Fowler Nettleton, MS

I got it because the pricing, the convenience of getting it, and the guarantee that they had. The button is easy to use. The person that has it uses the one that goes around her neck and sometimes wears the wristband. She just picks whichever is more convenient for what she's doing. There have been a couple of times when she used the button and she has also hit by accident. Every time, they respond immediately and try to contact her. If she doesn't respond, they contact us instead so we can go check on her. They're always available whenever I call and are very helpful. She had trouble with her wristband thing and they took care of the problem.

6 years ago


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Anne Souza Sebastopol, CA

I was getting out of the hospital and was in a hurry to find something like this. They wanted me to have one working for when I got home, so my daughter looked at everything online and picked this one for me. The thing is very sensitive. I've turned around and bumped it against something, setting it off. It has worked well so far though, I've had to use it a few times for emergencies. The emergency people get here very quickly and things work out as they have to. They've been there for me when I needed them. When my bracelet broke once, they replaced it for me. The two complains I have are the price and the fact that it's only good for about 30 yards around the house. I think I've seen other ones that are good everywhere for about the same price.

6 years ago

Medical Guardian Logo

Reply from Medical Guardian

Anne, thank you for the review. We're happy to have been able to offer you assistance in the times you've needed it! Regarding your Home Guardian, you are correct that it is for use in and around your home. We do offer mobile options that may suit your needs. If you are interested in hearing more about our mobile devices, reply directly to this message and we will have a member of our Customer Care team reach out. Have a great weekend!

Apr. 6th, 2018


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Kathleen Hynes Colorado Springs, CO

I had Life Alert before. With them you have to sign a 3 year contract and, if you want to quit early, they charge you hundreds of dollars. That's why I went online and checked the reviews for Medical Guardian. Since they were good and the price wasn't bad, I went with it. The only objection that I have is that they charge me for 3 months at a time, so all of a sudden I see a $300 charge on my card. The minute I hit Medical Guardian I get someone there to help me within 30 seconds. Though, sometimes when I test it I have to push the button that I wear around my neck several times before it works. Still, I'm satisfied with it.

6 years ago


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J.R. Sacramento, CA

My 5 adult children take care of me. One of my daughters, the one that takes care of my bills and takes me out shopping once a week, took care of getting this for me since I have poor eyesight. I didn't really want to wear anything around my neck, so everything has been really handy. The main unit is sort of in the middle of the house. I pass it every morning when I get up and it actually gives me more information about the day. I set it off once by mistake when I had the bracelet on my arm. The cupboard door shut on it and set the alarm off. I heard all this commotion and went running around trying to figure out what was going on, I was terrified. They were really nice about it though and told me that it was always good to test the button once in a while anyway. They didn't have to come, but it showed that it worked. The power has gone off a few times I hear the thing talking and all of a sudden is back on again. I don't have to do anything about that. When I have talked to someone, they feel like a friend.

6 years ago


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Linda Quiroga

I'm 84 years old and my daughter was afraid for me since my husband just passed. Now I live on my own in an isolated rural area. She lives in California and I live in New Mexico, so she decided that getting this would be the easiest way for her to take care of me. Especially considering that I've had a couple of falls prior to getting it where I broke my hips. I put the bracelet on me if I have to go outside or if I'm by myself. I haven't had to use it and since getting it my granddaughter moved in with me recently, so I'm not as alone as I used to be before. I'll only really push the button if I have to go to the doctor or in case I have an emergency. There were a couple of times where I accidentally hit the alarm and they responded immediately. I told them I had accidentally touched it and that was that. I feel very safe with it, I know that if I ever need it, they will be quick to respond.

6 years ago


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Mary Bell Jupiter, FL

We just did some research and it was the best thing for my mom as far as to provide for her well being and safety and we thought the price was good. My mom has used it a couple of times, one was an accident she actually rolled over on it and it went off but it was good because it was late at night and they called me immediately which is good other than that, thank goodness we haven't really had to use it much. They've always answered any questions that I have and like I mentioned before they responded very quickly. I never dealt with any other medical device so I would not have anything to compare it other than that it seems to be pretty good. We are very happy you know my mom is getting older and it gives me just a good feeling to know that when I'm not around and she's wearing it and certainly gives me a good feeling knowing that she has just that extra protection.

6 years ago


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David Hastate

Well because I never had any problem with them, when I push the button by accident they're right there so far so good. I wear it all day, I wear it all day I'm usually up at the cemetery to see my wife for couple of hours and I just keep it with me all the time, it works for me I like it, it's better than most other devices on the market now, it isn't too bad, the price isn't too bad either and the people are always there. Like I should I carry it all the time it's handy it's on my belt cause it is not too bulky that's why it's really good for me. The people there, they're very polite, I've run it a couple times by accident and they're very nice they seem very polite and they're very nice. Well this year when it was running out I called around and talk to somebody at other companies and medical alerts and I get them right there with a price and like I say I like it, that's why I have it.

6 years ago


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Rose Williams Lebanon, IN

I had a heart attack and the brochure came in the mail, we read it and decided that it would work for us and had hooked up. Well I haven't actually had to use it yet, it's always on and they have checked in called and checked on. I've hit my arm on the wall and activated at the wrist bracelet and send a message that it was an accident so I haven't really had to use it I've been doing really good and feeling very safe with it there. it's so easy to use and to understand you can take it with you it works anywhere and it' nice to have the safe feeling having it around. I wish I had it when I had the heart attack I didn't have anything when I had the heart attack I was crawling around on the floor not knowing what was wrong with me, with my cat on my shoulder my dog at my side and my baby kitty patting my cheeks with her little paws we were trying to find a telephone and we didn't have guardian then. it was after that, that we got guardian and everything is a lot better.

6 years ago


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Marlene Fjeld Wilsonville, OR

I got it since I'm in Colorado and my mom lives in Washington and does lectures in Oregon. One of the big selling points for us was that they could have 3 people on a list that would be notified right away when my mom pushed the button. They have taken really good care of us. Medical Guardian was kind enough to offer us the service and ship it all out to her. So far she hasn't had to use it, but it brings her a lot of peace and comfort. It's very very easy to use and wear. It's not complicated and she is very comfortable using it. When she needs help, she pushes the button and the call goes through to them. We are always notified when something happens and that's that. She's always alone during the day and it's nice to know that when she's out and about somebody is there to assist her. Their customer service people are excellent. They are very helpful and not in the sales person kind of way. It's more like they're compassionate and genuinely care about our loved ones. They're very nice.

6 years ago


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Anna Senatore

My mom had a very bad fall and that left us very concerned about her. That was why we needed it. I researched about 3 different companies and called them all. I felt like Medical Guardian's customer service was clearer and they were able to answer my questions without throwing a lot of jargon around. Their price was also cost effective, so I went ahead and got it for my mother. She didn't like wearing the necklace, it made her feel like she was being watched under a microscope all the time. The bracelet made her feel a lot more comfortable, so she stuck with that. It's nice that they give you both the watch and necklace. A lot of companies don't allow that, they will make you choose between one or the other. She hasn't had to use it thank goodness. When we've tested the system it has been very effective and works properly. Anytime I call, either to update information or to make a payment, they're always very courteous and know what they're doing. They're very knowledgeable of their profession and do what they need to do for us. I cant really put a price tag on the peace of mind that this gives me.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Kittanning, PA

We checked on a couple of different services and were happy with the response and price that we got from their customer service. As soon as I get up in the morning, I put the necklace on me. I had to use it one time I had a mini stroke. I was home alone on my couch when it happened. I can't say a whole lot because all I remember is pushing the button. They sent out help and they knew exactly where the lock box was and were able to get in and help me. They also called my husband, who is a truck driver, and told him what was going on. The response was just wonderful. They are very courteous, informative, and very caring. It makes me feel very comfortable when I'm home.

6 years ago


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Carolyn Murphy Waterloo, IL

It was just an ad on the TV and everyone was complaining to me that I need this in case I fall, I am totally alone with a dog and my dog does not know how to talk. I've use this several times and most of the time was when I fell out of my bed and I could not get up and I just lay there until the police came and then the medical guys came they got me up off the floor. They have always come when I needed within minutes. Well the alert thing that I wear around my neck is the wrist band that I sleep in cause I can't stand it around my neck, it always works the only problem I've had is I took the extra 9/11 button or remote, or whatever you want to call it you know like if I'm out in a car accident or I see someone messing with my car or anything like that, I can just push the button and use 9/11 button, so far that has never happened to me that I needed to use that thing.

6 years ago


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Anthony Groenewegen

I think probably choose it because of the price and what it included as equipment and because I was able to cancel if it didn't work out with in some time and it seems like they have fair reasonable terms. Well I don't really use it, is for my dad and that the only time I use is to test it and it seems to always working fine. Once, the power went out but then we reconnected it was working ok. We haven't had to use it actually, what happened is that my father was wearing it on his belt when he was driving and I think it he pressed the button and the ambulance service showed up and called my house. We thought it might have been a medical emergency but it wasn't, so I know that it will work.

6 years ago


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Gloria Romig Oley, PA

My daughter helped me decide by going on the internet and checking as to which one of the companies had the best record. Actually I've been very fortunate I haven't had to use it yet but my children live far away from me and I live by myself so we felt that I needed it because I did have a TIA which is kind a but I haven't had any, it makes me feel safer and it gives my kids some peace of mind. It seemed easy to use it, it seemed very easy for me to be able to manage that by myself. I've been very lucky so far but it does give me a great deal of peace of mind. I'm happy with it, it seems to be doing what it's supposed to be doing, I think it's been good I've had a very positive experience with it so far.

6 years ago


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Juliet Brooks Richmond, CA

Well I was watching TV one day, the way the TV commercial presented the medical guardian and alert system, I mean it was very obvious from the fact that I'm in the senior stage and therefore it does not hurt to have some safety devices around to be of service if you really need it, but just a matter in which they get their presentation on the television that's how I learned about that specific product, but I need it I, needed something and that it didn't have to be as I didn't have to go behind the bed and find an outlet things along those lines, so it worked out fine because the other one I could not plug in properly. Well so far I have not had to use it, it came on accidentally and they came on back immediately even though I did not need the service and it was just an accident, the response was immediate, is very good and I like it because it is very clear and concise and the people responded by asking if I was okay and so I am very content with the manner in which it works and I hope I never have to use it but it does not hurt to be prepared.

6 years ago


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Nancy Jones Silver Spring, MD

Well actually I didn't make the decision I have 6 children and 4 daughters and they are...when I have had two falls in the house they decided that it was time I needed something and they're the ones that researched online and thought yours was the best one for me. Well I had to use it just about two weeks ago when I fell during night and then you know they're always very good, very prompt and I feel comfortable having them and they followed the directions I gave them which is to call my daughters and they live very close to me so they come and see what they think and you know. Well I'm very happy with your company. 5 but you know it means just because it goes instantly there communicating with me when I pushed the button and doing what I asked them to do.

6 years ago


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Joyce Crosson Artesia, NM

I researched of several companies and I liked what medical guardian had to offer for the price. It's actually my mother that has that I bought it for her and that thankfully she hasn't had any reason to use it yet but she had had a heart attack and she's elderly and she lives alone, we want to make sure that she had something on her at all times where she could get help if she needed it. Every time I called about any kind of little problem or my mother had any questions and we called up the guardians are very helpful, we've done our test and they have picked up immediately and have been there to offer my mother support. It gives me peace of mind knowing that my mother has something she can depend on.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Tucson, AZ

I didn't even try any other company but I've been pretty happy with them so far. I feel safe wearing it, especially when I take showers or do anything in the bathroom. When I drive, I take the base with me. I've only had one accidental call, that was really the only time I've ever used it. I accidentally pushed it against something and it went off. I was home and heard a voice come on through the base. It asked me if I was alright several times and I just replied that I was and that I didn't have any problems, that was it. The guy that responded made me feel very secure and as if I was really covered and secure. Having it has been a wonderful experience for me. I feel like if I need them, they can take care of me.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Redding, CA

Only quarrel I have is, and I suppose I just have to call and find out but we live in the city with a big house at a pretty good sized backyard and I don't know if my button works in the backyard or if I have to bring something from in the house, I don't know how much area it covers. As far as I know I see another company advertised that covers you all over the United States, I don't know cause they don't give you all the information you should know on TV and advertising, I'm satisfied with it, my husband and I are both retired and we're both around the house in the property most of the time, but when he is gone out of the property anywhere , I wear the call buttons.

6 years ago

Medical Guardian Logo

Reply from Medical Guardian

Thanks for the feedback. Regarding the range of your unit, we can look into this for you if you help us identify your account. Any information shared in your response will not be posted publicly. If you could provide us with your full name, address or phone number, we can look into your case more thoroughly. Thanks again for reaching out and we hope you have a lovely day!

Mar. 30th, 2018


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Eleanor Franceschi Winters, CA

I haven't had to use it. I'm by myself and my knees needed to be replaced and I'm about to do the surgery so I have a couple of falls and my son that lives next door is not always there, then I decided that I needed to use it Well so far I haven't had any problems and I haven't had any much contact with them just a one time I pushed it for testing, Its good I mean it is, I haven't worn the wrist one but I probably should when I go shopping but so far its been fine. I have stairs in my house I live in a modular home and I have been careful and I don't have to worry if I fall I know they will find me.

6 years ago


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Elizabeth Blum

Okay this is her daughter, I got it for my mom, she's 91 and I'm not always home and she is a fine mind but not her body so I'm afraid of her falling so the only thing is if she gets to put it on. We have never had to use it. Every time we have called weather to connect or disconnect, everybody's been very helpful they walk me through the program and everything, is always been great I have to say that one time my mom did hit the button by mistake cause something fell in the machine and the police were here in minutes and so we know what works very well. The representatives have been always very helpful, we called and the police came immediately.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Houston, TX

Basically because of the detail that you were able to have it in the home, I have a brother with cancer and a mother with dementia and they're in a gated area so they have several numbers they have to do before they can ever get in the house because no one will be able to let him in the house and they were able to accommodate all my needs from that standpoint. My brother who has cancer got the flu and was extremely weak and he also had a tracking problem, he cannot speak and he just hit the button and they just seem to know that if nobody responds they will immediately send out 911 and that's what they did. They have not let me down and its very easy to use.

6 years ago


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Judy Donnelly Port Richey, FL

I got it because I was having health issues and lived on my own. I've used it twice already to call paramedics when I had COPD. On both occasions I just called them and told them I needed to go to the ER. They were right there for me. Once I accidentally put the button through the washing machine. When I got it out I pushed it to see if it still worked and it did. I was very happy about that. The only problem that I've had is that I can't really use it if I'm outside my home. It's only good within a certain distance from the base unit. So, if I was out and about and needed help, I wouldn't be able to call them. I've seen other companies that have that feature available, so it would be helpful to have that. Other than that I have no complaints about it all.

6 years ago

Medical Guardian Logo

Reply from Medical Guardian

Judy, thank you for the review. We're happy to have been there to help you when you've needed the help! While your Classic Guardian offers great coverage in and around your home, we do have mobile options as well that may better suit your needs for when you are on the go. If you are interested in hearing more about any of these products, feel free to reply directly to this message and we will have a member of our Customer Care team reach out. Or feel free to call in directly at 1-800-313-1191. They are available Monday-Friday, 9AM-9PM EST and Saturday-Sunday, 9AM-5PM EST. Have a great day!

Apr. 4th, 2018


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Jennifer Wheeler Easton, MD

My experience has been really good. Once, when I was waiting at an airport, I heard a sound coming out from my pocket book. It turned out it was the medical guardian thing saying 'we're sending a car right out, car is on its way.' I managed to answer and told the lady that something must have pressed the button by mistake and that I didn't need an ambulance. It was nice to know that they would send somebody out if I needed help though. When I got back from Florida I actually realized that I had $23.23 left in my savings account. I really had to buckle up and be more careful on my spending so I decided to call them to cancel the service. The person that I talked to was really nice. She offered to lower the price and even gave me 2 months for free. She told me I could pay by check instead of having the payments taken out from my credit card, that way I could have more control over things. It was really nice and it was very helpful financially.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Calhan, CO

If I be perfectly honest I dint decide, my children did. Truth is that I never had to use it, there were times that I bumped the bracelet. The first time I really used it was Thanksgiving day and everybody had left already and I bumped into the button and they immediately called my children and also called sheriff's department so I think is really good if I had to use it. I think they are really good, I live alone and it is really good that they can check on me in the middle of the night If they ask me I would certainly recommend it, I bet a lot of people don't think they needed. I am sure they would we live in the country so it's not like anybody's goanna get here in five minutes.

6 years ago


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Robert And Nancy Olson Tomball, TX

My daughter in law did a lot of research and chose this one for me. It works very well, I have no problems with it. All I have to do if I need help is push the button that goes around my neck and they answer right away. It's a bit embarrassing, but one morning I fell while trying to transfer from my bed to my wheelchair. The wheelchair was just unlocked at the time, so I just fell straight to the floor and couldn't get up. My husband was unable to help me so we pushed the button and they were here quickly and helped me up from the floor. I was embarrassed but they just said it was not a problem and that it was alright. They were really kind and courteous. I was very pleased with the service.

6 years ago


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Cheryl Henry Sunbury, PA

I live in a village for senior and handicapped citizens. The counselor there was giving out cards that offered this service for free. Since they gave me the ability to call for help, even when I was away from home, I decided to give it a try and signed up. I had to use it one time when I fell. I pushed the button and they came on the line very quickly. I told them I had an emergency and they came and took me to the hospital. They were very prompt and did their job well. I knew that I would be safe with them and I enjoyed riding with someone I trusted. I'm very satisfied with the service. I don't think it's too expensive, but if I could pay $20 a month instead of $34, I would do it.

6 years ago


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Thomas Strozewski Buffalo, NY

I saw the TV commercial and decided to give it a try. The alert device is working excellently. It's very accurate. Recently I had to be taken to the hospital because I had an injury on my foot. One of my veins burst open and I was in my hallway for 5 or 6 hours trying to put a tourniquet on it to keep it from bleeding. Then I used Medical Guardian to summon the EMT people as soon as possible and they got me to the hospital in time. They were very efficient at alerting the EMT and getting them to my house. They even stayed on the line with me while they arrived. It was a life saver. They responded right away to my needs. I think it's a very necessary device in case you have any kind of emergency.

6 years ago


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Helon Green Sandy, UT

My mother was in assisted living but a little over a year ago she moved in with us. I needed to have some assurance that if she fell or anything happened, I would be notified. Fortunately she hasn't had to use it. If I'm leaving and she's going to be alone for a few hours, she wears the necklace. She knows she can touch the button to call for help or if she needs anything. The service is just easy to use and they are easily available whenever she presses the button. The only thing I'd say is that I'd like them to call and check up on us once in a while. My mother used to have a different service that would call me once a month just to make sure that it was working. I'd like them to do something like that, especially since I sometimes even forget we have it and don't do the monthly tests.

6 years ago


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Betty Petrovich Chesterton, IN

I looked at all of them online and decided to go with them since they sounded like the best option. I've had it for 4 months already and so far I've had no problem with it. I've never had to use it but I need to test it once a month. Their customer support is very nice. They have been quite considerate and explained things like the billing process to me. Just yesterday somebody called me to see if I had any problems. He was very nice and considerate. The button on the watch is a pretty neat little thing. It tells me the time and temperature. I can keep wearing it when I go to bed at night. During the day I wear the one that hangs around my neck and I can even take a shower with that one. Some of the other devices I've seen around are bigger and look more cumbersome than this one, so I'm pretty satisfied with it. I intend to keep it for as long as I need it.

6 years ago


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Elizabeth Celva Denver, CO

I looked into the advertisements of different companies and since Medical Guardian just worked better for me, I went with it. Usually I carry the base unit with me and wear the watch as I go about my day. I haven't had to use it yet but I've made mistakes every now and then where I accidentally hit the button and call them. I've had two in the last 4 months and they always respond with great concern and politeness. I appreciate that. The watch is difficult to handle in terms of the material that it's made out of. It also doesn't stay put, but it's a minor problem to be honest. It's very easy to get used to it and I'm very pleased with it. The service is a bit pricey but it gets the job done. I trust them.

6 years ago


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Anotonia Makris Fort Wayne, IN

I needed something really quickly so after I saw an ad for them I called them and got it for my mom. It has worked out really well. She has had it for a couple of years now but hasn't had to use it. Whenever we test it they come on the phone right away though. She also set it off once by accident and it worked the way it was supposed to. They tried to call me and when they couldn't reach me they called the second person on the emergency list who ended up calling me. It's a great service. If something were to happen, if she slipped, or fell, or something, she would be able to press the button and things would work. It gives us great peace of mind.

6 years ago


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Brenda Tyler And Wyllodine Peters Paxton, IL

The person that I talked to on the phone convinced me that it was a good system, so I got it and gave it to my mom. My mom is almost 90 now and had a stroke in 2012 in the communication part of the brain. Because of that she's not able to speak much. When she had another stroke she was not able to use it, so after that they provided me a button as well and that has been a huge help. When she was getting out of the bath tub when her legs gave out. I heard her fall upstairs so I pushed the button that I have on my wrist to call for help. They got here in 5 minutes and helped her. While we waited, they stayed in touch with me and let me know how far they were from us. That was good for my nerves. They were great and haven't failed me. It has worked both times we needed it and also every time we test it. It really can save someone's life.

6 years ago


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Mark Cowans Overland Park, KS

At the time I was working full time while my husband was at home with medical issues. We needed to utilize something like this in case he needed help at home. One of the big selling features for us was that Medical Guardian had the lock box that we could put on the front door. We called a couple of times to do a monthly check on the equipment and we also had some accidental alarms. Regardless, they did exactly what they were supposed to do. They called us back, were always very helpful and worked through any issues with us. When we no longer needed to use the equipment, we just sent it back. We were issued a payment for the time we did not utilize it and everything went well. They were very helpful.

6 years ago


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Ursula Gerlach Imperial, MO

My mother is the one that uses it. She wears the necklace 24/7 and it's not very obtrusive. It fits very nicely under her clothing. I think it's very comfortable, I mean, otherwise she wouldn't wear it. I like the fact that she can talk to someone at the push of a button if there is any issues. If the situation is not too bad, she can ask them to call a family member rather than an ambulance. One time she fell in the bath tub and just needed someone to help her back up. She pushed the button and asked the person that responded to call her sister who lives next door. She was able to come over and help her and things turned out just fine. They've always answered whenever we need them. Everybody has been very courteous and helpful, from the initial representative who set our account up to the people that answer during our testing. If I ever have any questions, they're very open to answering them. It's worth the sense of security that we get knowing that somebody will be there the minute my mother needs help.

6 years ago


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Richard Tauber Atlanta, GA

I signed up a while ago. I did some research on the different services available and Medical Guardian just seemed to be the best one. Generally they respond immediately. You don't get put on hold or anything, the calls just go straight through to them. Within a couple of rings there's always somebody that's concerned and ready to help you as soon as possible. A couple of nights ago they probably saved my life. It was 2am in the morning when I fell. I had very severe low blood sugar, but I was able to reach my neck and push the call button. They sent out the ambulances, they got to me, and then took me to the hospital. It does what it's supposed to do.

6 years ago


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Danielle Franey Elyria, OH

I got it as a gift from my husband. He bought it for me after I had a heart attack. I think it's a little expensive myself. I use it mostly at night. The wristband makes you sweat really badly. It's made out of a rubbery material so you sweat a lot under it. I haven't had to use it for an emergency and hopefully I never will. The only thing I've ever done with it was test it. Every time I do that, they answer. They don't answer real quick though. It always says 'processing call, processing call' before they respond. If I had a heart attack or fell on the floor, that wait time might be a problem. It still seems to be a good unit, we're happy with it.

6 years ago


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GladysBeatty Richmond, IN

I looked at several options that came up on television, but I wasn't sure about any of them. I decided to check first and was very satisfied with all the answers that I got from Medical Guardian, so I signed up. The only times I've had to use it in the 5 months since I got it have been to test it. I check it on the first of every month to make sure that it's working. I've been satisfied with their response every time. Whenever I've talked with them I've been satisfied with the answers that they give me. They've solved any problems that come up and assure me that everything will be taken care of.

6 years ago


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Angie Marquez Arvada, CO

We got it for my mother and have been pretty happy with the whole plan. This is the easiest system to use out there. She hasn't had to use it that often. There was one time when she fell and they tried to contact me but I never received a call. It wasn't Medical Guardian's fault, that had more to do with my phone carrier. Eventually they were able to get a hold of my husband and it turned out to be a minor incident. They have been very helpful and accommodating so far, not to mention that it has been fun to work with them. The service gives me peace of mind. I know that my mom has a way to contact emergency personnel if she ever needs them.

6 years ago


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Gladys Scales Dallas, TX

I saw it on TV and decided to give them a call. The person that I spoke to went over everything about the device. It all just sounded like a beneficial thing for my mom, so I signed up. The person that walked me through that was very helpful and gave me all the information that I needed, including billing information. I don't quite remember the range of the thing, but I think she might need something that works while she's away from the base unit in the living room. That way she would be safe in case she falls out in the park or something. The device is very easy to use. She keeps it on her and I'm glad about that. When she has accidentally pushed it things have worked well. It's a useful thing.

6 years ago


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Kathaleen A Whitaker New Castle, DE

I needed a service like this because I had a bad fall last year. I lived alone and I had to scream loud enough for my neighbor to hear me and come and help me. Both him and my son came running in and called 911. I had to be sent to the hospital because I had damage in my back. It was so bad that my children told me I needed to have something like this. When I saw them in a magazine, I decided to call them. The person that I talked to was able to answer all of my questions and made me feel comfortable. The price was more than fair, especially considering that it was all insured in case I broke or lost the thing. In the end, I signed up. I'm very pleased with it. I have it in my pocket whenever there's no one else in my house and also take it with me when I'm out and about. It's convenient. Whenever I call, they get back to me within seconds, even if I set it off by accident. One day when I was at my doctor's office I forgot that I had it in my pocket. When I went back home and started cooking dinner I set it off by accident and they called me. They knew exactly where I was and made sure that I was alright. They always answer my questions and make me feel comfortable. When I lost the item I called them and in a couple of days they sent out a new one for me. The price is worth it.

6 years ago


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Theresa Kukulka Dearborn Heights, MI

I got it for my mom because the service was affordable and convenient. We also liked that they provided us with a lock that we can put outside our front door. If emergency services need to come in, they can use the key to get into the house without breaking in. So far we've had a good experience with them. We test it every month and it works well. So far they have been very dependable and have been there for us when we needed them. The device had to be used when my mom accidentally slipped and fell in the kitchen. She cracked her skull open but she was able to use the Medical Guardian device to get help. She would've died without it. They're very trustworthy.

6 years ago


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Edward N Manning Edenton, NC

It's for my dad, we just research them and we felt that it was the best one because it can go straight to a hospital. Usually they will call me first and then I can decide whether to call the hospital or 911 and I like that. One time my dad fell when I had gone to the grocery store. He knew to press the button and they called me when I was just leaving the store. I went, got him, and then took him to the doctor to be checked out. Every time I've dealt with them they are all very professional and very helpful. The device is fine, it just got some age on it and the necklace part of it doesn't work. I mean the device, is just worn down.

6 years ago

Medical Guardian Logo

Reply from Medical Guardian

Edward, thank you for the kind review. Regarding your necklace, we will be in touch about your concerns. Have a great day!

Apr. 3rd, 2018


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Levena Joyce Smith Indianapolis, IN

I used to be a nurse before I retired. I took care of a lot of people that needed help because they were falling a lot but that never used the equipment they were supposed to be using. Now I'm 90 years old and can't walk too well. I've tried to make things easier but I finally decided to follow my own advice and get something like this. I live alone in a high rise building, but I know they'll be able to come and get me since emergency people come around this place a lot. I've had to use it already, but it happened while I was out. I went to the bank one day and left my walker out in the car. On my way in I tripped and hit my head. The people there tried to help me but I had the little box in my hand so I just pushed the button and Medical Guardian send help right away to pick me up and take me to the emergency room. Every once in a while I'll hit the button by accident. Sometimes it kind of scares me because a voice will come in and talk to me all of a sudden. I've been trying to pull it up higher so that it doesn't hit anything, but it's something that will happen if I'm not careful. I'm wondering if they have any bracelets I could use to avoid all of that. Other than that, every once in a while I'll forget to put it on.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Kirkland, WA

We researched and they were the first name that popped up, so we went with it. If my husband is not home during the day, I carry the little button with me. It requires very little pressure to go off, so we have accidentally set it off a couple of times. I've used it twice to call for help on purpose. They responded quickly both times and things were fine. I also do a test once a month, usually in the middle of the night, and it's a bit creepy. The voice just comes on and sometimes I don't even know what they're saying because the main part is in another room. They need to recalculate when they do that sort of thing because it's just frightening. Otherwise it's fine.

6 years ago