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Sears Home Warranty Reviews

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Atlanta Atlanta, GA

I've had sears warranty for 8 years now. Everytime someone comes out it takes an average of 3 visits to repair my appliances. This last time I requested service and they sent someone from an outside company in a literal mini van with the whole left bumper damaged and removed from their vehicle. Either high or drunk I couldn't tell which one with slurred speech pulling up to my neighbors house and then mine saying they were from tektronivs here to fix my appliances. They were so unkept and in a damaged vehicle I refused to let them in my house. This is the final straw and I am now cancelling my service. They are sending anyone out. There is no way I would've ever thought that person was a repair technician.

2 years ago

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Ginger Ahl Sparta, WI

These People should be put out of business. I have had the same experience that everyone star person has had on your reviews. It’s been five months now I had to hire someone to fix my refrigerator as they could not Find a service person for it. I submitted the bill stating the icemaker was broken in Warren and they said they needed more information and refused to pay the bill after doing this twice with the same results I called and canceled my sears Home Warranty. As others I have spent countless hours unnecessarily trying to get results. I canceled as there is no use throwing good money after bad to try to chase down my claim. The Better Business Bureau should be clamping down on these people. The collection of your monthly fees as a different department than getting reimbursed on a claim. They bounce you back to cinch and say that they have no control of whether you get paid or not. It would be nice to start a class action suit against them looking at all the reviews that are just like mine

2 years ago

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Cam M Fort Worth, TX

Poor service, bad customer service. I was sold a home appliance $49 warranty plan by Sears in March. I was told to upgrade with a $20 additional charge to include plumbing, air-conditioning etc, about April-May. Before I agreed, I told the sales people at Cinch who works with Sears, that it was difficult to find plumbers, etc, in my area. The Cinch employees insisted that it was not difficult and they have people right around my area that they could send. Once the work was needed that was not true. They couldn’t find anyone to come. They then told me I should find my own plumber, get the work done, and they would reimburse me. I found a plumber and he completed the work which was fully covered under my Sears warranty home plan. I even pay the $100 dollars service charge to Cinch. It’s been over a month since the work was completed. I requested reimbursement and I’ve never heard back after talking to two separate supervisors @ Cinch. I get the same run around each time I call. I’ve attempted to cancel my Sears full home, $69 per month part of my warranty but they will not fulfill my request. So far. I am now out money on two jobs which I paid for separately, that should’ve been covered under my current Sears/Cinch home warranty plan. Also I’ve pay the $100 dollar service call before my plumber came and they Cinch has seemingly kept that too. I don’t have it and my plumber doesn’t have it. I paid him for his service call. Therefore, Cinch should be reimbursing me for that $100 dollars as well. Lastly, after all this (time consuming on the phone) frustration, several calls, I’m still being charged an additional $20 extra per month for my so called upgrade on my plan that has paid for no plumbing work and hasn’t reimbursed me for plumbing or AC work. What kind of plan is this? I’ve had home warranty plans in the past and they’ve worked well. I can’t tell if this is a scam or what. I would think Sears being a respectable company would care about their reputation or me, being a long time Sears customer who has purchased Sears appliances in his home. Throughout my years, I can’t remember experiencing anything like this. I’ve been given no choice but to put this review out there. It seems that they, Sears/Cinch just want their money every month with no Customer satisfaction on my end. I am considering no longer doing business with Sears and will consider canceling my Sears card as well. The appliance only plan $49 has worked well because of local competent technicians. I should’ve just did that. If they Sears or Cinch want to resolve this matter, in regards to my reimbursement or something that would satisfy me, I would be happy to write a follow up review. Otherwise don’t make the mistake I made and not read reviews.

2 years ago

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Veronica Odom Fort Irwin, CA

We have had Sears home warranty for years, and I must say that before all of the stores closed the repair service was much better. Now when I call to get service, it takes weeks to get a technician out to my house, The problem began with my refrigerator not getting cold, then after the technician came out, he ordered a part then we had to wait another couple of weeks for the part to arrive. So He fixed that problem and after he left the refrigerator started freezing everything, Then weeks later the water and Ice dispenser stopped working so we called the i back out, had to wait another couple of weeks. That technician was rude and had my husband so angry. Also the customer service laughed at my husband when he called back to let them know what was going on. So we’ve had to wait another couple of weeks for the parts to arrive and we scheduled an appointment for the tech to come back an install the new parts. He texted my husband at 4am and of course he was sleeping and showed up at our house @ 8am and rang the doorbell 1 time and was gone by the time my husband got downstairs to answer the door. My husband called Customer service and told them what happened and he was told that the tech would be sent back out to our home, but he never showed up. That was the last straw, Sears warranty service will be canceled ASAP. If I could rate it with 0 stars I would. It’s a shame that there customer service is so poor.

2 years ago

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Heather Jones Sandusky, OH

The worst company we have ever dealt with! We have had them out to our house for over 7 months to fix our washer. They replaced every part and didn’t get us a new one they said they would get us because all the parts have been replaced. We took days upon days of work to be home 8-5 and the last 5 times no one showed and the just keep rescheduling the day of the appointment. We have went this long without a washer and they wouldn’t even give us our money back or cancel our contract. DO NOT SIGN UP WITH THIS COMPANY! I reported them to BBB as well and have a long list of proof with everything that has happened!

2 years ago

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Christine Mullins Indianapolis, IN

Technician showed up on correct Time and Date to repair our Washer. Washer was repaired as expected. The Technician talked me into the Home Warranty, which in retrospect most of what I was advised by him was not true. Let the Technician talk me into getting our Dryer serviced\general Maintenance and cleaning. I made the mistake of not checking the Dryer before he left. Went to use it the next day and it would not start a cycle. All of the Dash lights came on, but none of the buttons\controls worked. After 4 HOURS of transfers, sorry please call another number only to be stuck in this repetitive cycle, I finally got ahold of someone that "tried" to help me because after nearly a half of a day of trying to get someone that would help me, I was in absolute tears out of sheer frustration- only to be told that we would have to pay another Service Call fee. Luckily, my Husband is very handy, he opened up the Dryer only to discover that two of the primary ribbon Cables had not been plugged back in by the Technician. Once he plugged them in, the Dryer worked like it did before the Sears Technician performed "maintenance\cleaning" on it. So I cancelled the Service call that we would have had to pay another Service call Fee for due to their error and have since cancelled my Sears Home Warranty. THEY WILL NOT HONOR THEIR WORD. DO NOT TRUST THE SEARS HOME WARRANTY COMPANY OR THEIR REPAIR TECHNICIANS.

2 years ago

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Jonathan Cross Bellevue, WA

Customer service is *terrible*. Stay away! I've had 3 appliances break, each time it took weeks to get someone out to inspect the problem, more time for parts to arrive, and I still end up paying out of pocket a fair amount. I've spent hours on the phone navigating automated menus, getting transferred back and forth and waiting on hold. My last case was my fridge, and after 10 days and $75, I'm informed that the broken compressor isn't covered by Sears Home Warranty because it's covered by the manufacturer warranty (which is also handled by Sears, but a different department!) Meanwhile I've lost most of my food and been severely inconvenienced.

3 years ago

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Tricia Middleton The Bronx, NY

We have been with sears home services for well over 15 years and since they've filed bankruptcy the quality has gone downhill. Our washer has been broken for well over 3 months and we have the warranty. The first repair technician said he would have to order 5 parts to repair the machine. We waited nearly 3 weeks for parts, once they arrive we contacted customer service who informed us more parts will need to be shipped out. Again, another 2 weeks. The parts arrived and we have an appointment scheduled, the technician never showed, so we contacted customer service only for them to say we never called them THEM to confirm if we would be home....WAIT! COME AGAIN? If we made the initial appointment with you and set a date and time, why do we have to call and confirm an appointment? Isn't that supposed to be the other way around???? Fast forward nearly a month later, the washer is still broken with a mountain of parts sitting on top of it! Today, 9/15/21, the tech comes out (lovely individual by the way) and lets us know that the amount of work needed for this repair requires two men and the job cannot be completed with him alone. He even went as far as reaching out to individuals on his end to rectify the situation. HOWEVER!!!! THE WASHER IS STILL BROKEN AND AT THIS POINT A NEW MACHINE NEEDS TO BE PROVIDED IN ITS PLACE!!!! This household has well over 7 individuals in a multi family home, nearly $150/week to wash clothes!!! THIS IS OBSURD, WHY ARE WE PAYING FOR THIS SERVICE IF REPAIRS AREN'T FULFILLED????....SEARS, TAKE ACCOUNTABILITY AND FIX THIS WASHER OR REPLACE IT! PS...THE NEXT APPOINTMENT WE CAN RECEIVE FOR A TWO MAN REPAIR IS OCTOBER 4TH....YES I DID SAY IT WAS 9/15...ANOTHER MONTH REALLYY!!!!???

3 years ago

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Kay S. Tucson, AZ

We have a Sears warranty for our dishwasher. It broke 3 months ago and we went through the process of receiving approval to have it replaced. We have been calling once or twice a week for over two months and every time they tell us that we have approval for replacement and that we will receive instructions for next steps within 2 business days. It never happens. Sometimes when we call they don't seem to know anything about our case and they transfer us several times to people who say we have been transferred to the wrong department. We are now giving up and we are going to buy a new dishwasher. We will never buy anything from Sears again.

3 years ago

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Gaye Orr Raleigh, NC

If I could give no stars, that would be my score. I only bought the warranty to cover a free standing ice maker August of 2020 when the Sears repair company came to fix it. I was told the warranty would cover all the appliances including the ice maker. It broke down again in March of 2021. I went online to schedule an appointment and they came to evaluate. Ended up ordering 6 parts that were not installed for 4.5 months. It still didn't work. They were supposed to order 2 more parts. They never arrived. I continued to call getting the complete runaround. I was given multiple numbers to call and spoke to a lot of different people. Never got a straight answer. I was told someone would call me back or email me. Never happened. I got angry, frustrated and worn out on the whole matter. After 6 months, I finally got to speak to a "supervisor" and then a "manager" who told me the appliance was never covered. They do not know what their company is responsible for. Do not waste your money.

3 years ago

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Steve Hamilton Nashville, TN

My first call repair I was rudely told that I could fix my own ice maker by resetting it, replacing the filter, blah blah. When I told him I had done those things he rebutted with “Sur I’ve been doing this for nine years you need to listen…” I hung up. Several calls later they finally sent somebody out to take a look. The serviceman told me I needed a whole new refrigerator door and said he would order one. That was four months ago. Half the time when I call customer service they can’t find my account. When I ask for a supervisor I get transferred to another random line. At the end of each call they ask me if I want to get a quote on to update my kitchen. With all the trouble I’ve had to fix something as simple as an ice maker, trusting them with a whole room in my house is a frightening thought. Stay away from this company. Their service is scary bad.

3 years ago

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Anisha Blumenberg Silver Spring, MD

DO NOT GET THIS WARRANTY! They've sent 6 technicians to my house and NOT 1 could fix the problem with my refrigerator. I've spent nearly $300 so far on this plan, and not 1 item has been fixed. They're supposed to replace it if no one can fix it, and they're instead trying to continue sending technicians to try to fix it. I've now been trying to cancel for 2 months and I can't! I've been on hold for 16 minutes as we speak to attempt to cancel the plan again. It's a complete scam. They're now trying to charge an over $100 cancellation fee! Unbelieveable. They deserve to go bankrupt at this point as this is the worst plan and customer service I've seen in my life.

3 years ago

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Patricia Younger Alexandria, VA

Had a warranty on my slide-in gas range. Approximately 60 days before the Thanksgiving holiday my oven stopped working. Contacted Sears and the process from Hell began. I had to schedule a repair appointment to pronounce my oven legally non-working due to a board in the range had gone bad and that board was irreplaceable. That took 3 weeks. Next I had to contact the claims department and wait on the paperwork to make it there before I could submit a claim - another week. When the paperwork was finally submitted, mind you I am calling through this process for updates -- no one is notifying me - not even a courtesy call, I was given 2 choices either receive a claim credit in the amount of $1163.00 towards a new range or request a replacement similar to what I had a GE Gas range slide-in #JGS760SELSS Stainless Steel and given 30 days to respond with my decision. I notified them within 48 hours of my decision. I choose the replacement because of its convenience. I was given a tentative delivery date within 30 days. 30 days came and went, so I called again and guess what, the paperwork hadn't left the claims office. Was told it should be passed along for delivery within 48 hours -- that I should contact the delivery company, J.B. Hunt, to schedule a delivery date. I gave them 1 week to forward the paperwork, call J.B. Hunt and they had no record of a delivery request. I'm calling everybody -- no paperwork. In the meantime Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years came and went. No one called, sent email or postcard -- nothing. Then COVID! So buy the time I called back the first thing they wanted was for me to renew my warranty. So I asked what about my claim, somebody had the nerve to laugh! They said since I "cancelled" the warranty, my claim was voided!!! Unbelievable!!! People don't fall for this foolishness. My family have been a Sears customer since I can remember as a child in the 1960s and I felt because my Mother swore by them that I could depend on their customer service or the people representing them as well. All I can say is -- I am done!!!! If I could give the point of a star as a rating that would be too generous.

3 years ago

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Melissa Allison Gilmer, TX

Because zero stars is not an option. I gave done business with Sears my entire life. What was once a stellar company is now pathetic. It took over 4 months to get my riding mower repaired. After waiting over 2 months for a technician, the appointment that was scheduled between 8 and five resulted in a call at 545 pm stating he would be there in 45 minutes. Multiple attempts to contact him and the company went unanswered. When he did show up a month later, he had to order parts...the follow up appointment was another 4 weeks. When I asked him what happened at the initial appointment, the one at which he called at 545 pm and was then a no show, he said his supervisor told him to go on home to San Antonio (I live in Rockport, Tx). HE WAS FURTHER INSTRUCTED TO IGNORE AND NOT RESPOND TO MY TEXTS.He explained that most of the techs who had worked for Sears had quit. There is no one to cover the Rockport/Corpus Christi area and hasn't been for months, so they are hiring out of San Antonio...over 2 hours away, and they don't have time to take care of all the customers. I called for another repair today 8/23/ appointment available is 10/13/21. Here we go again!

3 years ago

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Premeileen Valverde San Jose, CA

Should have a zero point system. Waited for a 1-5 window, technician never showed up called several times. I had to call five times to customer service told me tech is 5 minutes away waited until 7:00pm. Not one call from anyone to say he just didn’t show up. Called 24/7 line said technician cancelled appt could not reach customer. Not only was no one going to compensate me for 7 hours of waiting there’s no integrity of this technician no customer service of such a large company. I called this tech texted him not once did he answer nor have courtesy to justify his actions. My first time calling for service washer. I had to reschedule again take 4 hours out of my day so in total loose a whole day a half salary… 2021 nothing has changed even with the best technology no ones accountable.

3 years ago

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Janet Zamarripa Dallas, TX

If i could give them a negative zero I would! I am so mad at the moment. We have been out of our dryer since May 2021. Service couldn’t be done due to Covid exposure on our part, so we waited after 14 dys to schedule a service with Sears. The service provider came in June 2021 and went, parts ordered and parts received. We were told that after 14 dys they will return to finish job. The service follow up date arrived and they were a no show. This is when all this mess starts! Called to inform the Sears Protection Plan department of the no-show and got notified that the 2nd part was backed ordered and they didn’t have a set time. I thanked them for the non-updated call from them (I called them!) and they said to just wait. Since that call it’s now August 19, 2021. Have been calling every week since Mentioned last call above. I am not assigned a case number and my service is only assigned a “Task” without a number to be tracked. So instead of Sears keeping me updated with changes, I have to call them every Thursday morning for an update. This is the 3rd week that I get told that my account is going to be forwarded to the “Offline Department”. Which I was told 3 weeks ago they were suppose to call me with a final decision if I was going to get a refund (don’t know refund of what type & amount) or a replacement. I never received a call and that is why I called back 2 weeks ago and the associate I called said that my account was never forwarded to the department (?!). Obviously someone dropped the ball on their part! Well ok she assured me my account was now assigned a “Task” (no number) and will be forwarded to them. In the meantime, as soon as I got done with my weekly call to Sears Protection Department, I received an email from the Parts Department wanting the part sent to me returned to them. I agreed and was given instructions to do so. I set the package out as instructed and fast forward to present day, and such package is still under my care. I am babysitting this package all day and worried, while I’m at work, that it’s going to be snatched by a package thief. Today I made my weekly call to Sears Protection Plan Department and was notified that my account hasn’t been forwarded to “Offline Department”. Like WT!!! She took her notes and said she sent it to the “Offline Department” (apparently they are the ones deciding if I get a refund or a replacement and the amount of such). I am not assigned a case number and still am under a “Task”. I complained that this is costing me inconvenience, time & money to go to the laundromat. She did her “research” and got me $50 for “Laundry Reimbursement”. Mind you it’s almost been 3 months without my dryer! It’s sad how paying customers for the Service Protection (I paid for the 3-year Plan back in February 2021, and have been a paying customer for a Master Protection Agreement plan for 10+years) and Sears doesn’t uphold to their “Worry-free use” Guarantees: worry-free coverage, replacement guarantee, & service promise. Do not buy from Sears any sort of protection plan!!

3 years ago Edited September 14, 2021

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Rosalind Harper Suffolk, VA

If I could give this rating a zero I would. Air condition went out, not only did it not get fixed, but I had to call 3xs to 2 different numbers at least 5xs each. No one, and I mean no one really help and constantly put it on the previous technicians. TO that end I had to get an outside company come fix it and had to pay out of pocket of something that should have been taken, care of by Sears. The property was sold and about 30 days later I get a bill from Sears for cancelation of the policy. I get a bill for $200.00. -AC not fixed. -No disclosure of cancelation fee - I hadto pay out of pocket for a repair that Sears should have covered out of my own pocket. - Had to call Sears over and over again because the problem was not fixed.

3 years ago

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Thomasena McCallum Baltimore, MD

I had someone come out to check the appliance (refrigerator ) the was under Sears Home Warranty plan. A technician come out about 6 months ago to service the refrigerator for making a constant noise. Nothing was don. Now the noise is louder and the temperature in both side dropped. Ice cream is melting and the other side of the refrigerator is not keeping the food cold. It took forever to place a service call and you always take to someone that does not speak clear English and live in another country. I spoke to Stefany that was in Columbia. I should have investigate the company and read the reviews before giving money away. Awful, to have a company in business with so poor service.

3 years ago

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Marchal JULY-BENNETT Chicago, IL

The service is not par. I was told I would have service 11August between 12 and 4pm I phoned at 2:03 and was told to wait for call. Call again (use to get contractor name and number no longer) was told the contractor would come 5:30 call service was told they would have service personnel assigned phone me direct. No phone call i called service they were closed at 7. NO ONE CONTACTED ME NO SERVICE. I CALLEDthe following morning was told service would be 3 September. Then was given different date 20 of August after speaking to the warranty department they said the service department lied the date will stand the 3September. The freezer was going out now the refrigerator is going out Have lost food and $75.00 which you use pay before scheduling an appointment. Before Sears will authorized for a new refrigerator it is at least 21 days after service has been made so they know withe at least 2 months without a refrigerator. I will need to buy a refrigerator and lose my 75 dollars and out of all the money I have payed into this scram. I am more than disappointed I am pissed.

3 years ago

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Tabitha Irvin Dallas, TX

If there was a rating of zero (0) that is what I would give Sears Home Waranty. My 80 year old mom has a Home Warranty with sears. She requested a repair person to come for her refrigerator (Repair man came out June 14, 2021). She was told parts are needed. The parts were ordered. The service provider told us their policy is after 21 business days if the parts has not come in, they would advise Sears Home Warranty and she would be able to get a new refrigerator. We've contacted the service provider several times to make sure Sears Home Warranty knows it is over their time limit of the parts coming in. Every time we call Sears Home Warranty, they redirect us to the service provider. We have been going in a circle trying to contact Sears Home Warranty while my 80 year old mother still does not have a refrigerator. As of today 8/11/2021, it has been 42 business days since the part has been ordered. No one from Sears Home Warranty has contacted my mother and we have not been able to get a human on the phone from Sears Home Warranty. Can anyone advise how to make contact so that Sears Home Warranty can make good on a refrigerator for my mother. However, for anyone considering purchasing Sears Home Warranty, DO NOT PURCHASE!!

3 years ago

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Xavier grad Bedford, TX

I wish I could give negative stars. I have had the service protection plan for my washer and dryer with Sears for a long time. Never had an issue. I recently called to make an appointment to fix my washer due to the bleach dispenser filling with water every time I wash clothes. Repair man came, ordered some parts, and set date of August 2nd to come back to install the parts. August 2nd came, but I never received a text or call saying the technician was on the way. Called "customer service" and was given the runaround. I discovered on my own that some of the parts are on backorder. I just called back today (August 9th) because I wanted to know when the parts will ship. Rep said October! This is unacceptable because I need my washer fixed. I asked for a manager, but I reached someone in the Philippines, so of course no manager available. I was transferred to a case worker, but was hung up on. I called back and got someone else in the Philippines who was equally as unhelpful as the first rep. I will call back tomorrow to hopefully reach someone in the US. I will not be renewing my service contract after expiration!

3 years ago

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Julie Hand St Louis, MO

If there was a way to give 0 stars, I would. Our refrigerator has been broken for almost two months and I have made calls in an attempt to get repairs or replacement under our. protection agreement. I've been told several times that my case was placed in emergency status, that I'd receive a call within 72 hours, and even took a day off work to accommodate a repair service appointment - no one ever showed up and when I called back, there was no case number, no reference or record we'd ever called at all! The person we talked to actually told us that we'd have to call every couple days for at least a couple weeks to get a repair or replacement. When we reached someone who finally agreed to let us get a local repair person (because there is NO ONE from Sears available to do a repair in our area) we've been told that $500 is the cap to replace the compressor...which they KNOW is faulty and costs more than that to replace. We repeatedly asked to speak to a manager or supervisor, but were never connected. One of the reasons we purchased our appliances through sears is bc we thought it was a reputable company. We were wrong and I am astounded at the horrendous customer service, lack of accountability and general cowardice of this company. What a disappointment.

3 years ago

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Angie Rennie Waldorf, MD

I have been with Sears for 2 years and initially there was no issue. However and more recently, Sears customer service is horrific. When you call their service number, you cannot understand a word the representatives are saying. The language barrier prevents you from conducting business. I have experienced reps providing incorrect information. They pass you from department to department. If your expectation is to get the run around, then sears is the company for you. They used to be a reputable company, BUT NOT ANYMORE. If you choose this company, you will be disappointed. If I had it my way, they would be put out of business!

3 years ago

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KSG Chicago, IL

My refrigerator had been broken since November 2020. Instead of replacing the refrigerator they sent technician after technician during Covid. The techs pretend they were fixing it. They ordered one part over and over again. Sears did not honor its warranty. After the 3rd repair I was suppose to get a replacement they sent 3 techs every month for over a year. Sears trains and encourages it's reps to lie to customers. Sears reps read the same script over and over. Sears paid more techs to come then the price of the refrigerator. Sears corp know they are on their way out, and have no intentions on honoring any warranties or contracts. Sears shipped some of my purchases to California. I was a Sears for over 20 yrs. Sears corporate don't care about customer service or customer satisfaction. I will never in my life order a single thing from Sears. BEWARE if Sears altogether. Sears doesn't care about endangering lives with the techs they send to save money on honoring warranties.

3 years ago

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Leslie Roberts Tyler, TX

My experience has been horrific. I have been trying to get my refrigerator fixed for three months. You can not find anyone in the United States to help you when you have a problem. The company Sears uses has sent the same person each time despite my plea to send another person and another company. He has stood me up twice and came at the wrong time another. When he did come he ruined my wood floors and they have not called back to fix them. Each time I had to call to get another appointment it was another two weeks. I called to cancel my warranty and get our money back to hire someone to fix our refrigerator and they said they would not give me my money back and may charge me a cancellation fee even though they did not fulfill their agreement. STAY AWAY FROM SEARS HOME WARRANTY. This has cost me weeks of time and money and untold frustration.

3 years ago

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MRO Software Broomall, PA

The old "bait and switch". After trying to get my ice maker repaired for two months and two Sears Contracted Techs I was told by a Customer Service employee that "Sears Techs" do not come up as eligible for the repair. If I am not mistaken the contact states that if a Sears Tech is not available Sears will contract an outside repair service. When I purchase the warranty a Sears Tech explained to me that Sears doesn't contract any longer and all techs are Sears Tech and show up in a Sears van. Sears also calls the $75.00 fee a deductible. It's not, you must pay the $75.00 fee up front before they even schedule you. I canceled after I Googled the first contractor and the Googled showed "Permanently Closed" and an "F" rating by the BBB! When I rescheduled a second contractor I had to pay a second $75.00 (the refund takes so long I had to go to American Express and dispute the charge. If you ask some of these contractors where their main office is they will say they are "Mobile" meaning that they either operate out of a phone booth or their car. If you are smart don't even think about these clowns! Another first by the failing company!

3 years ago

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Anne Kjemtrup Davis, CA

If I could give zero stars I would. We were talked into this by a technician who came out and claimed we needed a huge repair on our stove because it wasn’t lighting right. It took ONE month for the warranty ($50 ca-Ching!) to kick in and the technician who finally came out noted we just needed to wire brush our burners. He kindly looked at our fridge, said the fan was out and when we called a technician out for that they wanted an additional $75 (ca-ching) for the “deductible (watch out for hidden fees!!!!) if we made appointment online. So we called and tried to speak to a person since we already had the fridge looked at- they sent us to - no kidding- 6 different people and then they hung up on us! And when I called to cancel the worthless home warranty service they charged me an additional $120 (ca-ching ca- ching!) This whole experience - to basically have someone come with a wire brush to clean our burners, cost $220, not counting the monthly service fees. Run from this home warranty as fast as you would run from their ugly home siding products (never got sucked into that but I’ve seen them- yech).

3 years ago

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Mrod65 Round Rock, TX

I’ve had nothing but bad experiences. I had to go find my own garage repair company because they could not find one. Then they would only pay for half the cost because they said some of the parts were not covered. As if we know what parts are covered!!! This should have been their responsibility to find someone and determine what parts are covered to determine what my expenses were going to be. Seers Home warranty has the worst customer service and no integrity. They do not deserve to be in business. It was a nightmare of an experience. I am in process of looking for another home warranty company so I can get the hell out of this one.

3 years ago

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Ray Chung Northridge, CA

Buyer Beware! Make sure you get everything documented on what they are including in the warranty before you accept. My initial discussion was to confirm that the appliance would be fully covered and was initially informed that this would be the case. After submitting a claim, a technician came out and assessed the issue and determined that two parts needed to be replaced. They only approved one part of the piece, claiming that the other part was not covered due to it being electrical and not mechanical. They then referred to their policy document, which they don't actually send to you until about 3-4 weeks after you've already accepted their agreement so you won't be fully aware of their policy on what is and isn't fully covered from a documentation purpose, as the sales/membership rep may reflect otherwise during the call to close the deal. Also, based on the discussion I had as a follow-up when trying to check why I was indicated one thing and then the policy has something else, they don't have an answer other than it's in the policy and please read the policy. When asking for a supervisor, you will be denied since their claim is this issue is addressed within the policy about electrical not being covered. Although, they may cover some electrical parts if it's mechanically associated with the product's operation so basically it's up to their discretion on whether the part will or won't be covered, even though they won't tell you this fully.

3 years ago

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Merci Mee Detroit, MI

I purchased this contract in 2018 when Sears was in business. The response was much better until Sears went completely under. However, I held onto the contract because our home is old. Silly me, I thought these warranty contracts were designed to help homeowners mitigate the cost of repairs and replacements. When my hot water heater (about 7 y.o.) failed early this year,, I thought I paid too high a price with the warranty. Now that my furnace stopped working, they refuse to pay any part for replacement, although I have a whole-house warranty. Next stop is my attorney. Makes me mad to have to go through this.

3 years ago

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patsomp sompayrac Gilbert, AZ

In May my water heater started leaking. It was covered by the above mention master protection agreement. On May 26th I received an email stating that the agreement is going to pay me $1997.99 for the replacement of the water heater. I signed a cash agreement for the said amount. The protection agreement was in my husband's name. I signed mine. I told the customer service people that my husband had died in 2017 and I sent them a copy of the death certificate. Sears wants the agreement in my name to send me the money. I get this. I was told that I needed to send customer service the death certificate, marriage license and will. (They want some other legal document, but no one knows what it is called.) I was told that I would hear from someone in 3 to 4 days, it has been 7 days. I still do not have the check for said amount. No one will tell me what they want. I was told they contacted me on June 11th about this, I did not receive an email, phone call or letter. Your company is stealing my money. How do I get my money? I wish I had been dishonest and forged my husband's name, none of this would have happened and I would have had my money (which I need) long ago. Now your company is being dishonest. By the way, the protection agreement is in my name now, where is my check? When I renewed this agreement the gentleman that I spoke with asked what name did I want the agreement in I said mine. was changed!!!! Where is my money? Over 2 months is ridiculous! Your webpage at the bottom says "No Hassle Claims". Lie, that is all I've dealt with is one hassle after the other. Please tell me what do I have to do to resolve this?

3 years ago

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Cindy Al-Qawasmi Carlisle, PA

The people at the call center are friendly but inept. They don't know which companies they have or don't have. Plus if something is damaged in your has by a company THEY engaged they take no responsibility for it . Supervisors are suppose to call you back with 24-48 hours and they never do. In addition if you want to cancel your program there is a MAJOR cancellation fee because you are under a contract for a year plus you have to pay for the service that was originally performed plus any and all the follow ups you might have had. So the $49.99 you are paying a month for the program means nothing and you get no credit for it if you try to cancel. I've already filed a complaint with the BBB

3 years ago

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Disappointed Customer Redding, CT

Their customer service is horrible. It's difficult to get to a live representative and when you do they treansfer you to another number that puts you back to teh same ausomated service that starts the process all over again. If you have multi zones on your home AC, they will only cover one system I recently requested service in a central air system that was covered. The technician looked at the wrong system and then they declared that it was not covered. When I tried to explain that the technician looked at the wrong system they gave me the run around and the poroblem is still not resolve. To send the technician back, requires an new $100 deductible payment.

3 years ago

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Bill H. Albuquerque, NM

I have a Sears service agreement for my washer and dryer. In the past they have made repairs with little difficulty. But now my washer needs serious repair (loud noise when spinning and leaking). I have been waiting for a repair since February. It is now June. The tech ordered four parts. I have received three of them but can’t get a status for the fourth. Calling sears is maddening. You get someone who barely speaks English and is very difficult to understand. Often their servers are down so they tell you to call back another day. When I do get through they know nothing and say some other dept will call me back, which doesn’t happen. Or they connect me with another dept which is closed and you can’t leave a message. The repair is handled by a local contractor who never answers their phone. Sears and the contractor blame each other for the problems so I cannot get a straight answer. It’s terrible service. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER get a Sears service agreement. Their promises mean nothing.

3 years ago

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Sherry Sanderson Riverton, UT

I have been shuffled around by 21 people and no one has had the knowledge or know what to do with my situation. It is unbelievable! I am with a home warranty company. They contacted Sears and sent them to fix my washing machine. Michael came out, piddled a little with our washer and ordered parts. He left after hanging around my house, on his phone for one hour. He could have left after 15 min. The parts came, Michael came back, wrong parts. Had to order other parts. Was supposed to come back and never showed. I called my home warranty company and asked them to offer the job to another company. They told me they typically do not do this but after hearing my story they sent another company. They came in, laughed at the parts Michael ordered and I quote, " If he bothered to look inside, he would have seen these parts are incorrect." This company ordered the correct parts, came back and fixed my washer (within 4 days). Michael stretched my washer fixing for 3 weeks. I was billed by Sears. Talked to a woman who called me and asked why I hadn't paid my bill. I told her my story and she was going to deal with it. SHE DID NOT. Next I get a letter saying this is my last before being sent to collections. I called the good old Sears 1-800 number and they shuffled me around as mentioned before with NO results. I finally contacted headquarters and spoke to a gentleman, gave him the EXACT same information I gave to the 21 other people who conveniently could not find my name or my contract claim. This gentleman took my information, put me on hold for 3 minutes and came back saying it was taken care of and would not be sent to claims. He also gave me my Michael ID number in case I want to file a complaint, WELL, I have a claims letter in front of me as I type. It was NOT taken care of, I had to pay so as to not ruin my credit. SOOOOO, I now want my refund ASAP. This company DID NOT provide a service nor fixed my machine. I am beyond upset and will take legal actions if not responded to and send me guarantee information that this has been This company has such inept service representatives that only have in a small box knowledge of problems that need further help and Sears truly needs an overhaul. Sears used to have a good name, now I cringe when I hear someone say Sears. Tip for consumers: RUN, RUN,RUN they are not worth it, even if they come in lower, they are horrible

3 years ago

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Dustin Starkey Columbia, TN

I was had!!! I have a samsung fridge that I needed to be worked on and I contacted these people. I online chatted to sign up. I was given 2 choices. I can pay the $150 fee for them to come out for one time or sign up for membership for $49 a month, they would wave the fee to come out and $75 deductible that would cover total cost to fix as long as you were a memeber. This membership includes all appliances and If they can't fix they will replace. This is complete malarkey, don't fall for it like I did. The technician came out and was here for 15 min. I explained to him what's going on and that I charged the fridge 3 months ago and it won't cool anymore. So, a few minutes went buy and he says well I can't work on because you worked on it and then continues to tell me what I need to do to charge it properly and I should vacuum the lines out before I charge it . This is what I called you out for !!!! Then proceeds to charge me $81 for coming out doing absolutely nothing. When I signed up they never asked me if I worked on the fridge or anything like that. Please don't sign up with these guys. It's all a scam. I filed a claim to get my money back!!!!

3 years ago

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Robin Portland, OR

If I could give a zero I would. Avoid this company at all costs! 7 months of delays, cancellations, no shows, hours on hold on the phone, nothing but run arounds, and they never did fix our icemaker because the parts are on "back order indefinitely." They are supposed to replace the appliance if they can’t repair it. This must be their way of avoiding replacement. Even though we live in a major metro area, they seem to have no technicians. We have to find our own and then spend hours trying to get reimbursements, which got "lost" in the process. I’ve never dealt with a worse company!

3 years ago

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Ann Henry Houston, TX

I first called in March of 2021 to have my oven repaired and was offered the home warranty for $49.99/ month and was told i didn’t have to pay the first diagnostic fee of $109 if I agreed to purchase the plan. So I purchased it and had a technician come to my home on 4/7/21. He informed me that a part had to be ordered and I had to pay for it that day and my next appt would be scheduled on 5/3/21 so he could finish the job. So I paid $181.76 for a part and the future labor cost. As of today 6/1/2021 the part is still on back order! So I spent the entirety of my morning today on the phone with warranty customer care (different depts) and have been told I can only get about $70 refund back! This is after I’ve paid 3 payments of $49.99 and the $181.76 plus I had to buy a table top oven while I waited for the part. I have spent all this money and have nothing but frustration to show for it. Don’t purchase this warranty, they are thieves and customer service is out of country!!

3 years ago

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Anne Lalanne Middletown, NY

Be aware. This is a SCAM I choose Sears because I thing they were a reputable company, but my experience with them is anything but. They came to fix my dishwasher in November, the guy pull out the dishwasher and did not secure it back. When I call Sears they told they technician said that the way it find it. And they did not want to send someone to secure it back. Today my mini split level is not working, it displays a FO code, which is low refrigerant according to the manual. They send a technician that told that the AC has a leak and it’s not cover, however he want to charge my $470, when I call Sears and tell them too send me someone else they refuse to send me someone else. Each time i make a claim i need to pay $100! Deductible. I cancel the service because I feel this work just like a scam!

3 years ago

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R J Warner Robins, GA

Horrible experience with Sears home warranty. My covered (Sears brand) garage door opener broke and they replaced it with a bottom of the line opener. I was told that at the time that was all they had to offer and to check back in a few months and I would be able to get the equivalent to what I had initially. Well 2 years later and 2 checks that I was sent from Sears that BOUNCED (yes 2 bounced checks) I’m still stuck with a bottom of the line garage door opener. Then I had a covered TV that burned out on me and Sears sent yet another check that I took directly to a PNC bank to cash (that’s the bank Sears issued the check from) they refused to honor it . Sears home warranty costumer service keeps promising to send more check but nothing ever shows up. The worst part of it all is that I paid for this warranty in full up front so I’m just stuck! Stay away from Sears

3 years ago

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Clarence E Terry Chester, VA

Sears has horrific service! My 85 year old mother has been trusting Sears over 50 years. Her refrigerator broke down two months ago and I am still fighting though red tape to get it repaired or replaced. I have called back 8 to 10 times and have gotten nothing but empty promises. It is absolutely the worst customer service that I have ever received. It's sad that my 85 year old mother has to go without adequate refrigeration especially knowing that she paid for the Master Protection Plan in full and has been covered for years. I see why Sears is no longer respected in the retail industry. I will never patronize Sears again and hope they cease operations.

3 years ago

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Herb King Weatherly, PA

I used to have appliance warranties with SEARS when the company was Sears and not some group using the name. I signed up for this appliance warranty when my washer needed repair and that went well, along with a small repair to my second fridge. I have been since 8-27-20 without the main refrigerator/freezer working properly. After a few service calls replacing parts the last tech stated the parts were no longer made or available and they would be checking into replacing the unit. Received an e-mail over a month later from Cinch showing a similar unit that would be available on 4-2-21 or they would give a check for about half what would be needed to replace the unit. 4-2 came with no contact. Multiple times tried to contact Cinch with no response. Contacted sears repair again and they stated replacement unit could be available 8-6-21, almost a year without a serviceable fridge-freezer. Agent agreed this was too long and has promised to look into alternatives and they will get back to me. Still waiting. Looking into what agency in my state handles claims against an organization like this.

3 years ago

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Sheri M Bellville, OH

DO NOT PURCHASE - Called Sears to have treadmill serviced paid for service call and while serviceman was here he sold us a home warranty. Within one week - treadmill didn't work called again serviceman came out said he couldn't fix it and charged for service call. Fine. First call to use warranty came four months later to have outside faucet fixed. Paid $100 for repairman to come out. He informed me that because it was outside it was not covered. I was not told it would not be covered when I called - but Sears got my money. I paid to have the faucet fixed. Called to cancel warranty because I felt I was paying too much for nothing. Next month charge was on credit account. Called again was told couldn't cancel until outstanding bill of $135 was paid. Back and forth finally I said fine I will pay it if that it is what it takes to cancel. So Sears was paid 2 times to service treadmill and it still doesn't work, first time trying to use warranty did not pay anything, finally cancelling warranty cost me additional money.

3 years ago

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Roberto R Paramus, NJ

Avoid this Company! I have been paying my premiums since 2017 for a whole house warranty and they renewed yearly. Their salesmen are very slick and convincing when I signed up. When my steam heating boiler finally needed repairs this year, their technicians declared it to be unrepairable and will need to be replaced. All these times, I thought that the warranty will cover (up to 50K) as per their 2017 contract, which I kept. I was surprised when they stated will not replace the unit and instead cut me a palty check which I think, cannot even pay for 20% of the replacement cost. Avoid them and take your business elsewhere. They will not honor their contract and when I called their warranty company to appeal, they were rude and very nasty. I am so disappointed with them. In this age of social media, it would be hard to find customer reviews about them as most would be very negative reviews.

3 years ago

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Tracy Czurak Tyler, TX

Biggest mistake I've ever made! They want my service fee up front and service tech argued he wanted my service fee and wouldnt leave my house without it. Cinch service that Sears uses was a nightmare from hell. One call was over an hour waiting and being transfered over and over for a total one day of close to 2 hours long. They have no idea what they are doing and couldnt understand anything I was explaining. They turned down 3 of my appliances saying they were preexisting while the service tech told me he had ordered the part and one was a buy out. Sears says no this isnt true they werent giving me a buyout or repairing. I asked then why did he put freon in my frig until he ordered the part. Sears refused to explain. A lady called me back to ask why I called in more than one item as if 2 things couldn't possibly go out at once. They would not pay for any repairs. I asked the service tech about Sears and he said he has NEVER EVER seen them replace any appliance before. He agreed they were the worst warrenty company out there. I def. agree!

3 years ago

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Dalia Cotton Sacramento, CA

If I could give it zero stars I would because one star is too generous! I agree with all the other people who have given bad reviews of Sears Home Service. They are ripping us off left and right and something needs to be done about it. They are not SEARS! They are using the name, but they don't embody the values of the SEARS I used to know. Stay away from their home repair service. They will send a person to look at your appliance (washer in my case), he will say there is nothing wrong with it, ask you to pay $129 and then leave. Then, you find the same problem exist and the next appointment is 3 weeks away only to be told the day before that the technician quit and they will call you back to reschedule. Then, they don't call you so you call them and it's another 4 weeks before you can get someone out. So now, you are looking at 10 weeks (2 1/2 months) without the use of your washer. That is ridiculous!

3 years ago

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Robin ,

Sears Whole House Warranty is a ripoff. An 8 year old inexpensive Kenmore washer which had a 5 year Sears extended warranty followed by 2.5 years of the Sears Whole House Warranty cannot be repaired, because, as the technician said, it is old and inexpensive and now the cost of the repairs are greater than the value. And they only last about 7 or 8 years. Sears refused to authorize even one dime toward replacement cost. I've paid automatically every month $73 for 2.5 years. I have not had any appliance repairs, only the maintenance on the ac and furnace. What's the point if when Sears cannot repair they do not replace as they pretend they will do? Or even pay for part of a replacement. I'm done with Sears, there are other home warranty plans out there and they cost HALF what Sears charges. Furthermore, this process took 3 weeks, from making the appointment to waiting for the technician to submit the paperwork, to waiting another week for the authorization which was denied. And I had to babysit this problem every step of the way. There was no email, text or phone call from Sears. Goodbye Sears!

3 years ago

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LJM Caldwell, NJ

We have had Sears warranties on our appliances for years. I called with a claim on our washer in February, 2021. They scheduled a repairman for February 25th. I waited all day. He never showed. I have called the company and "Live Chatted" on their website almost everyday since. You can't get through on their phone line. I have been put on hold over an hour each time. No one picks up. Their "Live Chat" sends you the same script every time - they are sorry and they will "escalate" your complaint. They say someone will call you back within 24 to 72 hours. No one has called. EVER. They give you the same phone number repeatedly. It's a recording. There is no human on the other end. IT'S A SCAM. They take your money and NO ONE SHOWS UP. NO ONE CALLS BACK. We paid for this warranty in September, 2020. It's not even a year old. It's pretty clear someone has bought the name "Sears" and they have no intention of fulfilling their obligations under their contracts. THIS IS A FRAUDULENT BUSINESS.

3 years ago

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Debbie Ciolli Melbourne, FL

This Should be a Negative 5 Stars because the Scam & the Fraud they Commit Should be Illegal & There Should be a Class Action Lawsuit Against them. They Use Tactics as If this was a Shell Game. Find the "Company" We're Operating Under & Using to Charge & Scam Customers & All the While Even With Customers Cancelling, by Writing, Calling, Emailing & Posting about their All Too Familiar Conduct is Nothing Short of Appalling & Is Criminal. I have Filed a Complaint with the AG in Florida & I'm Hoping others will find the Time to Do the Same, because these "Set" of Co's mainly Sears, Counts on You being Too Busy to Do Anything about this Sham. They first of All Since People Trust the Sears name, if they have an issue & Ask for a Technician or a Call to Repair an Appliance they Send a Very Savy although Slimy "Repair" Technician Who Knows Nothing about what You really Need & Only have Selling On their Mind. Selling You a Warranty, so they All have Monthly Income & Of course Commissions. It Is what this is All About. I say Slimy because that's what "kind" of technician came to Our home. It was during the Height of Covid, he came in with No mask then bragged about Needing to be done with Our Call so He & His Wife could Get to the Casino's. We Live in Florida but He was going to L/Vegas. He said, He went All the Time. I Felt like although he Could Not, of course Repair our Refrigerator, He Attempted to make it "look" like We Needed parts & Btw, He Says, If You BUY this Warranty it'll Save You 50% on This Call & everything else. I Told Him, I Never Trust Warranties because, they're Only as Good as the "Company" who Sells them & he said, Oh I know, Sears has had a Lot of Problems but We restructured & now it's "better". I said, well Not BUYING a Warranty until I See if You're Coming back to Fix this one Repair, He said, Oh I'll Be Back. Of course, when the "time" Came for the Call back, & Appt, We get an email during the early am hours Telling us, Your Appt. Must be Rescheduled. They gave another 2 weeks out, & tada, that One also was Cancelled, By Sears Not By Us. This happened 3 Times, & We had No refrigerator in the meantime except for 1 we purchased for the garage so we Could Save some of our Food. Now, once I received an email with them confirming The Warranty We..Purchased I Immediately Used the # & the email I had, to Cancel. I Called, since could Not get to speak to a human & Once I did get 1 on the phone I Told her what I was trying to do, She Literally Said, GOOD LUCK. Now, it's since August of 2020, We've been Charged $69.99, they've Never attempted to repair anything & I've Cancelled or Attempted to several times, through Mail, Email & Phone. They Still Charge Our C/Card. I have Disputed it Every month, every month my C/C agrees with me to Dispute & Every Single Month, Sears Fights the Dispute & Sends Same Documentation which Amounts to Absolutely Nothing more than a Document that They claim is Proof We Bought their Warranty. I Cannot Figure out Any Other way to CANCEL. They know Full well, We've Cancelled them & Yet they Continue to Try & Scam that $69.99 per month, I'm Still Fighting & Will Continue but they COUNT on others Not having the Time to Do this. They're getting away with this because there are multiple "Company Names" Involved & Probably no ones has figured out How to File a Complaint that Actually Gets to the "Correct" Company that's responsible. There's a Cinch & Sears Whole Home & Sears CCS & Actually I found another name on some docs "they've" Sent to Our C/Cd Company, but cannot locate it as I'm writing this. But, this Is Exactly how Sears & Other Co's End Up Defrauding "their" unsuspecting Customers, by It Being an Actual Shell Game trying to "Find" The Correct Co. to File a Suit or Complaint Against. They Failed as a Retailer & they've Trying to make $$$ On Monthly Charges for Absolutely NO WORK, NO Repairs, & The Reasons they continued to Give Us for Needing Reschedule? They had NO Technicians in Our Area. We Are Not a Rural Area, We Are a Very Busy County on the Space Coast of Florida. THEY Cannot Supply a Service, But, They Sure Can SELL A Worthless Warranty to Make Them Enough $$$$ To Stay in the Business of...Selling Not Servicing, or Repairing Anything.

3 years ago

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Jane McKlveen Chesapeake, VA

What a joke. save your money. I have the whole home warranty. Whenever they come out to look at the AC unit they say it is fine. It isn't. I had another company come out to look at it and i need $5000 worth of repairs. I checked and they are correct. When I tried to call sears about it I stayed on hold for over an hour. I get through to the department and they say I have come through to the wrong place. over and over again. I am paying $80 a month for nothing. I had a repair technician out to look at the dryer. He was a third party contractor and he told me straight up that the warranty wasn't worth it. According to Sears - the machine can be falling to pieces - have holes in the casing - doesn't do half the things it is supposed to, but if it blows hot air and the drum turns then they say it is fine and they will not cover repairs. The same technician told me that if the AC broke then clients tell him that they end up paying thousands in uncovered repair fees because Sears doesnt cover anything.

3 years ago