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Sears Home Warranty Reviews

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Cee Nel Ithaca, NY

DO NOT PAY FOR A SEARS HOME WARRANTY! I'll spare you the long sage. In a nut shell, refrigerator died so they offered $1900 or a replacement that was the wrong color and too big to fit. No discussion or willingness to offer a REAL option of a replacement refrigerator. We were assured a "supervisor" would call us back to discuss...three times, but they never did. Finally, one reps say, "no one, not even the supervisor can change the offered item!" Almost a week has been wasted calling them repeatedly. Overall, we will have been without a refrigerator for over 3 weeks when we're finally able to get one installed.

4 years ago

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Rae Winchester, VA

This Sears Home Warranty plan for $69 monthly and a $99 repair visit appears to be a SCAM. I was told if they could not repair, I would get a "voucher" for replacement up to $500. They could not repair and I have been unable to get the voucher # or use the credit. They have bounced me from phone # to phone #. That's all they have done for a solid week. The product I need is for heat and its getting cold. I went to Sears and the clerk can see that I have a credit but they don't have the product in their store. And even though Sears sells it online, they cannot order it online for me. They cannot complete the transaction. Clerk told me only if it was at their store would they be able to do it. I was told a completely different thing when they sold me plan on phone. Since that time, repairman could not repair and I have wasted HOURS on the phone being bounced around the world and back. Some #s they have transferred me to must be in India because you can barely hear them or understand them. It has been the most horrible experience I have ever had. No wonder Sears is in bankruptcy! I would NOT recommend anyone get these service plans.

4 years ago

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Kizzy Buffalo, NY

This is the worst experience I’ve ever experienced I’ve been paying on this home warranty for 2 years I call in on September 2nd for a technicians to come out and fix my refrigerator they give me an appointment with a company that doesn’t fix refrigerators dated September 21st then I call back and they say the closest appointment they have is October 9th or I can call somebody else and pay out of pocket... EXCUSE ME ....and get reimbursed so I wait for appointment I call them the day before to Confirm my appointment and ask for a call ahead appointment have them check my number they had my old number still on file that I told them to remove September 2nd well after waiting 3 1/2 hours I call they tell me the rep was here I’ve been home all day why haven’t you call they then replied we did I ask what # they say the # that was Suppose to be removed...sorry ma’am he will be there in an hour.... back they tell me oh I don’t know why they told you that but maybe he will be there by 5 you have to wait and see 😡the worst service ever DO NOT BUY

4 years ago

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Jennifer Rochester, NH

This warranty is horrible! Last July, I signed up when my Admiral washer needed repair. The repair lasted a week and when the next tech came, he was running late, outside my requested time (10-2), and did not stay. He moved on to the next job on his list. I let this go until the washer began leaking. Called again, requested a tech from 10-2 for Monday, Sept. 30. Received email confirmation of appointment. On Monday, tech calls and says he will not arriving until 3:00 or 4:00. I need to go to work! Washer not fixed again. Called to set a new appointment. Again requested 10-2 and was given an appointment for Thursday, Oct. 3, received an email confirmation for this. I called them on Thursday morning just to check, was told that they had no record of my appointment for that day. No washer again! The next time given to me was Friday, October 4 in the 10-2 time frame. Tech calls at 1:30 saying that he can't get here until after 3:00. Need to go to work again. 3 strikes...OUT! Worthless repair service....why ask customers to choose a time frame if their scheduling methods are not going to accommodate? I called to cancel the warranty and was given the runaround as expected. I was accused of only wanting to cancel because I could not accommodate the tech's schedule. Wrong! I changed my schedule too many times and still have no washing machine. I was told that I needed to pay a cancellation fee of $163.00. That is not going to happen any day soon. Also, phone connections are very poor with their customer service, I was transferred and held on hold too many times and the representatives were extremely hard to understand due to so much background noise on their end.

4 years ago

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Jeremy Pratt Vashon, WA

What else is there to say about a company that is averaging 1.1 stars over 357 reviews? They earned it. The lie as a matter of routine and then deny when confronted. They send out service representatives who claim that no part is available, and who return multiple times (more than a half dozen on a single unit in our case) to say the same thing. They refuse to honor their contractual obligation to replace a unit that they cannot repair. At this stage they shift to offering an in-lieu payment for the irreparable unit, and they lie about that as well. Their representatives will lie bald-faced on call after call that the payment has been sent, that they will place a stop payment and resend it, that they will overnight it, whatever it takes to keep you signed up to pay $49.99 per month. DO NOT sign up, and if you are signed up cut your losses and cancel. Make sure your bank blocks their charges, because this company will do nothing honorable. They are in business for one reason and one reason only - to collect your monthly premium. They have no intention of providing you any services for it.

4 years ago

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osman McLean, VA

Unfortunately if there was less that one start i would have recommended it for this company very poor customer communication ability,they hang up on their customer,i had a cook top with a small problem to be fixed ,they gave me the round about for 4 months then they said we will fix it but if anything happens during the fixing problem we are not responsible,i wanted to cancel my contract with them because such a service warrant is basically not covering anything with out panty they refused. What type of home warrant is this Is consumer protection be raw still functioning in Virginia ,how do they let this company do this to the customers ????

4 years ago

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AMY MAZE Antioch, TN

Terrible customer service---have paid 4 months of service and have not made a single claim. Have tried for 6 weeks to schedule a heating maintenance check and they assigned me to one company- could never get them to answer, called sears back to get another company-after a solid month of calling that company and leaving messages called sears back today to cancel my contract. was informed I would get a bill for 'cancellation for $55.85' and I encouraged the agent to send it on!!! ha! What a terrible company. Totally unqualified employees and contractors. I will be writing a ton of letters and blasting them every chance I get.

4 years ago

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Frank V. Sudbury, MA

I had a SHW plan for two years, at a cost of $840 per year. During this period I contacted them once for warranty repairs (clothes washer). Their web-based claims portal worked well and was intuitive to use and service was scheduled reasonably quickly. The service technician dispatched was polite, but the work was not done properly, which required a second call. First call cost was only the deductible for the plan, and they provided the second call at no cost. Up to this point I would rate them at 3 stars. However, their customer service is atrocious. Improperly trained, it took multiple calls and being bounced FIVE TIMES between reps to place a service call that I was repeatedly told I could place - only to be told each time that there was a problem. Their reps don't know their own departments, their own business rules, even their own business hours. Got fed up and decided to cancel my (brand new, after I moved) contract. With the notable exception of two genuinely nice people with whom I spoke, their incompetence is insufferable.

4 years ago

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John Lacinski Sedona, AZ

Do your homework before signing up with Sears Home Warranty, they talk a good talk but when it comes time to make a claim they make it as hard for you as possible. I had a contract with them for two years and never made a claim. Days before my last contract was up I contacted them to make a claim (it was a Saturday evening) I called the Sear Home Warranty telephone number (855) 256-2467 on my home warranty card and get a message, "please call back during business hours M-F, 0900 AM - 9:00 PM EST." I then try to make a claim online via searshomewarranty,com and the site was frozen and would not allow me to place the claim, a total fiasco. I finally get through on Monday (during business hrs) since appliances never go out at other times! I get shuffled around to various departments a half dozen times, one rep inferred that I was lying and stated, "I don't know who you called but we're available 24 hours a day". Problem for him is I even recorded the Sears Home Warranty recording proving him wrong. Just be forewarned, Sears was once a reputable company but that was in the past. There's a reason they're on the brink of bankruptcy. I can only suggest that you do your homework prior to signing any type of agreement with them.

4 years ago

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jOANN South Gate, CA

I would never recommend SEARS or their warranty to anyone. I have a Kenmore side by side. On Sept. 13th I called because both the freezer and the refrigerator had stopped cooling. the lights work there is cool air but not cold enough to keep anything in it and the groceries I had in there had spoiled. The soonest they could give me was Sept 25th. I called almost daily for an improved date and not luck. Came out on the 25th replaced an "Electronic Panel" and said I am 48hrs and absolutely no change. Now they are telling me I have to wait until October 11th!! a two thousand dollar refrigerator invested over $300 for a warranty that is CRAP. They don't care and I have no faith they are going to help me. I have 1 year left on this warranty. I have two other new appliances. I wish I had known I would have gone elsewhere. I have no other option than to buy a smaller refrigerator to keep me going... I can't afford living like this. What a heartless company

4 years ago

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Lori Ventura, CA

Have never used my warranty plan over the past four years. Noticed my water heater was draining badly. After two days, finally the plumber came to my house (he drove 3 hours just to take a picture of my water heater and then informed me he would have to submit order but had no idea how long it would take to get approved. Had to pay him $100 at the time but never informed of other monies. Claim finally came through stating there would be additional costs not included in my plan amounting to $1000 and they needed to get these up to code. The point of a protection plan is to keep your costs down. I got this comprehensive plan so I could always feel assured that I was protected and my out of pocket for each service would only cost me $100. I do NOT like to be taken advantage of.....honesty is vital. Obviously I will be cancelling this warranty contract with Sears. By the way, I ended up calling the plumber I had always used and he came over to my house in four hours to replace the water hearer....he had also stated to me nothing needed to get up to code.

4 years ago

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Dottie Remington, VA

Terrible, Terrible, Terrible - Brought an Kenmore Elite refrigerator, after 2 ½ years, it stopped working, had to wait a week for a repairman to come, wasn’t here 5 minutes, he opened the refrigerator and put a little computer system inside that looked like an iphone and said bad news, it was the compressor. I had to wait a week for the part, then when he returned he spent 4 hours working on the refrigerator and discovered at the end the wrong part was sent, and told me I had to wait 3 weeks for the correct part to come in – which I thought was absolutely crazy. They are scheduled now to come on 9/30/2019 to fix it – after reading these reviews I’m mighty afraid of what I might here. On another note, I filed for food lost, it was approved within 2 days, and they said I would receive the check within 21 business days, sadly to say, it’s now been 3 weeks, I called to find out the status, they said they have been backlogged and the check was not processed and they will send a note to have it processed again and it could take up to another 21 one days to get the check. Again, after reading the reviews I wonder if I will get reimbursed. And on another note, they told me I could rent a refrigerator and they will reimbursement me for the rental. So now I’m in a dilemma because they told me it would take 21 days to get reimbursed for the rental. CAN’T SOMETHING BE DONE ABOUT THIS!! All this is draining –honestly, for what I have been through – I believe it’s a SCAM as well.

4 years ago

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ROSE MURPHY Burlington, NJ

They get ZERO STARS. I could have bought a new appliance by now. I've only been a customer since the beginning of 2019. My microwave stopped working and ....( I kid you not) four times in 8 months, the same exact panel kept being replaced! No new microwave ordered, Because the warranted company, Cross Country, refused to budge. Its just one big merry-go -round. Meanwhile my family suffers the consequences! Also another time, there was no A/C provider company to repair my A/C, on the hottest day of the year and I had to Pay for a Private company to fix my problem. Their Service providers DO NOT EVEN WORK ON WEEKENDS!!! Yet it's supposed to be a 24/7 warrantee co. This is a clear case of thieving, lying and conniving. Scamming and taking advantage of trusting, sincere, working- hard- for- their- money, customers. That's WHY the Locked in Warrantee is only ONE year. They get all of the unknowing NEW customers straight out of the gate( No one that has been stung by them or has any sense, will come back). But there should be some legal ramifications for this. Its too bad there is not a Class action Suite against this company for these practices, because This right here should NOT be LEGAL!!!!!!

4 years ago

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Derek Sanford, FL

Sears Home Warranty has earned the worst business that I have done business with during my life. After three (3) months, summer months, Sears Home Warranty could not get a technician to come fix my garage door opener. I sent numerous emails for help and made several phone calls seeking help from Sears Home Warranty and they could not resolve or fix the problem. I finally took matters into my own hands and in one day had a repair man out with a complete installation done. What Sears Home Warranty, the so called experts, could not do in three months, except take my monthly payments, I successfully accomplished in one day. The headaches, stress, and non use of an appliance for three hot months does not justify the small savings. I highly recommend to anyone reading reviews to skip Sears Home warranty business completely.

4 years ago

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Sara Ericksen Bolivar, MO

I'd give Sears Home Warranty a negative 5 stars if that was available. HORRIBLE company - no wonder they're going out of business! I wish I would have read these reviews before I ever signed up. What an absolute joke. I got talked into the warranty plan after our Sears elite microwave went out. It would have cost almost $300 to repair it buy "only $99" if I signed up for the plan. The salesman was smooth and convincing. I was especially interested in the twice a year "HVAC" maintenance check. What he didn't tell me but was in the fine print in the brochure sent was that if you miss the window of time to have it checked, it isn't covered. So.....I started calling the 1st of August to have it checked for upcoming winter. I was sent to a sub contractor where I had to make my own appt. I called that company 3 times and, finally, he called back. He said he was "too busy" and had to keep himself open in case (no joke - he said this) "some little old lady's AC went out and he had to fix it". In August he told me to call back in September - I did. He gave me the same "little old lady and her AC" line again and told me to call back in October. I stood firm and said "no - I want to make the appt. now" which I did. I'm expecting he'll either cancel on me or be a total joke when he comes to check our unit. Anybody reading this - stay away from this company. Have your repairs done with a reputable dealer and don't get lured in by promises this company makes. OH.....and to get out of the contract, you have to pay the remaining balance on the months owed. Watch out as they put you on an automatic renewal also.

4 years ago

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Ken O'Dell Fallbrook, CA

Company subs repairs out to second and then third tier party, I've been waiting for three weeks after the initial service call to be told that the company doing the work has not received authorization yet to even order parts! I looked online and I could order parts for same day delivery on Amazon. I highly recommend that you do not participate in this plan. Deal only with local service providers that pick up the phone! When calling each tier of parties involved, all I get is automated recordings and the put on hold for indefinite periods only for no one to ever pick up. The third tier party doing the work said it would take about 10 days to get parts, I called after 10 days and they said they still haven't received them only two days later to be told they haven't received authorization yet to order parts or complete repairs! Three weeks going on four and I've called a local company to do the work, at least they pick up the phone. The last repair took four weeks and now I know why.

5 years ago

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Louis Portman North Palm Beach, FL

Without a doubt the biggest run around for repair you will ever get. My second experience. I purchased a Kenmore Elite Refrigerator and it lasted 4 years. Called warranty service and the games began. It would be 1 week before a Tech. could come out and troubleshoot the problem. Then another week to get the part which didn't fix the problem. 8 weeks later Sears replaced the refrigerator. Found out before Sears will replace an appliance is that it has 5 service calls that don't fix the problem. Now for the good part. The replacement refrigerator has lasted 3 years. Called Sears home warranty and exactly the same scenario as the first refrigerator problem. One week for a tech. and on and on. No one cares that a family is without a refrigerator for weeks. They want to wear you down to buy a new refrigerator. Worthless company that is is bankruptcy.

5 years ago

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Kay Talwar Westlake Village, CA

On Aug. 10 my 4 1/2 year old refrigerator stopped cooling and freezing. Sears home Services said they could come on Aug. 22. That seemed unreasonable to me but because I had a warranty no other repair shop would touch my refrigerator. On Aug.22 the technician showed up but did not have the part needed to fix it. He said it would take a week. It is now Sept. 3 and I cannot reach anyone who will give me an answer as to when my refrigerator will be repaired. I have been living out of an ice chest for 3 1/2 weeks with no end in sight. In the 21st century this is ridiculous and it is certainly not service! It is 9/9/19 Sears wins!! Score at the end of this battle is Sears 100, Customer 0. I give up. I have been without a refrigerator for 31 days. The repairman who was supposed to show up today never came. I cannot reach anyone. I am finally going to buy another refrigerator from anyone but Sears. I couldn't even file a claim for the spoiled food . All this from Sears Home Dis-service.

5 years ago

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Manuel M. Sacramento, CA

First of all I have had Sears Home Warranty service for several years and have paid hundreds if not thousands of dollars in monthly fees. I called about my AC unit that was not cooling. Instead of them arranging for service I was given a number to set up my own appointment. I called and was given Viking Heating and Air in the Sacramento area. They came out to my home and the service technician appeared not to really want to be there. He did some very basic test and informed me that my unit was leaking at the valve and that I had liquid in part of the unit. he said that my unit was under warranty and I would have to call someone that was authorized to deal with it. he then left after collecting his $100.00. When I called his company the next day to follow up I was told I needed to deal with an authorized agent. I called Sears Home Warranty and was told since it was covered by a warrant that I would have to handle it myself. I was not happy at this point with Sears. I proceeded to look up authorized dealers and was given a company over an hour way. The next day a very nice technician from Service Experts out of Dubin, Ca came and did a very through evaluation of our unit both outside and in the arctic and found out that the first company totally missed diagnosed the unit. It was not leaking from the value. Secondly it was not under warranty. They found other thing wrong with it and presented me with a bill for over $900.00 to fix. They also charged me $100.00 for the visit and have ordered the parts which will take about a week to arrive. I had no choice but to pay. When I called Sears to find out what my options were they said that the first $100.00 to Viking was non-refundable even after I told them that they sent out an incompetent company. Furthermore they said that I was on my own to pay the other company since I hired them. I feel that they loved collecting my money, but did not provide correct customer service. My recommendation is that you look somewhere else for a home warrant program. I am cancelling them and going to American Home Shield. They are cheaper and I know will do a better job.

5 years ago

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Janie Wilson Sandy, UT

I purchased the Sears Home Warranty coverage on 8-15-19 when I called Sears appliance service to have my dishwasher repaired. The rep told me that there was a $99 charge for a home visit, and we would be charged for parts/service in addition to this. She suggested we purchase the home warranty for $59.99/mo as it would be effective immediately and cover the parts/service portion of the visit. She assured me several times that I could cancel at any time. Service tech came 8-17 and was paid the $99 fee to diagnose the problem and order the part. A few days later, the Sears Home Warranty coverage plan came in the mail. On 8-19-19 the tech came and installed the part; the dishwasher was working well. On 9-4-19 I called to cancel the coverage, talked to 4 different reps over a 2 hr period and was told that my contract was for 12 months; cancelling earlier will lead to a charge of $177.05 for dishwasher parts. I relayed the information I was given via phone and told that "we are not Sears and are not responsible for them giving incorrect information. If I could them the name of the person I spoke to on *-15, they would re-educate her." The rep then offered a different plan for $39.99/mo. I refused that and agreed to pay the $177.05 for the parts. I would never have taken out the policy had I not been given bad/misleading information over the phone. I would never recommend Sears Home Warranty (policy lists HomeSure of America and 1 other company). I have filed a complaint with HomeSure of America and the Better Business Bureau. I am fine with paying the $99 service call and $177.05 for parts/installation but feel they should refund the $59.99 monthly fee I paid for a warranty that was sold under false pretenses. I would have saved 2 hours of phone time and a lot of frustration had I never agreed to this misrepresented home warranty coverage.

5 years ago

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Rebecca Nininger Vinton, VA

I bought the Sears home warranty and had to use it on a new Kenmore elite Refrigerator that was less than 2 years old, it took the technicians 3 visits and 3 weeks to get my refrigerator fixed. i was extremely disappointed. several months later I called to cancel my warranty and they asked why, I told them it was just to expensive so they said if I would keep the warranty they would lower the price by $10/month and that I could cancel at anytime. So several months later I called back to cancel and they told me that there was a cancellation fee of 419.00 and that when they lowered the monthly payment by $10 that they locked me into a 12 month contract. which was never discussed before that time. agent told me I could cancel whenever I wanted. They were extremely dishonest and said what they had to say to make a sale of the warranty but the story changes when you decide you want to cancel. I advise everyone to stay away from this warranty. the people are dishonest.

5 years ago

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Hoang Sioux City, IA

This is obviously a scam . It clearly stated on the contract that if the appliances can’t be repaired, they will replace it bs.. my fridge broke 6 weeks after the contract started , the technician told me it’s unrepairable and wait for your insurance.. I waited over a week to call them.. after talking to 3 different agents with terrible sound quality and spent 30-45 minutes waiting , they told me that they never received a service report from the tech.. then set up another appointment 2 weeks later, and of course 4 hrs window.. after three time like that in two months without a fridge , they finally declined the claim,.. because it’s structure damage.. not mechanical .. What the F.... is structure damage??? and yet .. charge 99 dollars deductible every time a tech showed up now I am stucked with a year contract 69 dollars a month for nothing .. Total SCAM... SCAM and

5 years ago

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Geoff Shearer Centreville, VA

I would give it a zero but that option is not available. We've had trouble with our refrigerator for several years and while under new appliance warranty, they applied band aid fixes until it ran out of warranty and the real problem with LG refrigerators is the compressor. It was properly diagnosed on August 15, they ordered the parts, and scheduled us for August 30 because it took that long to get the parts. The copper tubes arrived two days later with the compressor showing up two days after that. The repairman showed up on the 30th within the timeframe promised, took one look at the compressor box and said we'd have to reschedule because the box was on its side and the oil needs to drain for 12 hours before the repair could be made. They rescheduled us for September 9th, 3 1/2 weeks with no refrigerator. Someone needed to explain, in advance, that the "this side up" on the box meant follow the arrow and have the other side up. It was delivered by UPS in the position we kept it in and the repairman blamed UPS. We tried calling several numbers to get the repair moved up on the schedule but Sears Repair and Sears Warranty weren't any help. DO NOT PURCHASE THIS SERVICE.

5 years ago

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Mike Fenton Ukiah, CA

My dryer broke over two months ago and it still hasn't been fixed-after 3 visits. Thought this last visit was going to do it...had the new circuit board sent to the house, the tech (great guy) came to put in it and discovered...drum roll please....they sent the wrong it will be next month before we will...might...hope...pray that it will be fixed. On the positive side, the dryer has had the motor replaced, a switch replaced, and if they get the right part, the circuit board replaced. It takes a long time, at least two weeks to get an appointment, and they bring no parts with them. They diagnose the difficulty, order a part, have you call them when it arrives and then come again (2 weeks later) to fix it. Very slow, very inefficient, wish I could just pay the tech and avoid their nightmarish organizational web. Choose some other plan!

5 years ago

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Karl Saint Pauls, NC

I have followed all the procedures that they have given me. I filed a food loss claim and followed up 6 days later and was told that my claim had never been filled out. I went to my emails and saw where they had received my claim but still says it was not filled out.. The lady helped me to fill out one over the phone which too took some time. I then received an email that showed my claim and gave me my claim number and the web site to visit to check the status. The website does not work nor does the check sears claims site work this is a piss poor way to do business. Their phone system is a joke when you follow their prompts, takes forever to talk to a live person.

5 years ago

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Brenda Porter Maplewood, NJ

I would give a zero but I can’t type a comment unless I put at least one star. I’m on my third appointment with Sears to repair my washing machine so far no one has shown up, not once! They keep putting on me on hold they keep telling me a supervisor will call me back, they tell me the repairman is going to call me back, they keep trying to sell me things, calls keep dropping, but still my washing machine is not repaired. I’ve stayed home for the third day now. So frustrating! Each time you call you talk to a machine and the operator that finally picks up sounds so far away, they are hard to understand and don’t care that this is your 10th or 11th attempt to get some service through your paid repair service. DO NOT GET THIS SERVICE! I wish I could cancel but can’t get anybody on the phone that can do it . Even their website is down. Awful!

5 years ago

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Meko McDonough, GA

I would rate Sears with a million negative stars. Over the last 4 years my AC unit has been going out. They keep putting band aids on it. Last year they sent a AC tech he said I needed a new coil May 4th. June 26 he said Sears didn't send him parts needed to repair so I had to get a cash out and pay him directly. I did. April 2019 ac is out again. Technician said QC coil leak again. Sears said we not covering it again and that I had to find the service provider they sent me to fix it. Who knows where he is? I paid another 1,200 for AC coil per Sears technicians recommendation. Aug 1st AC out again. Sears send call to a company that dont answer calls or take calls. I called again, Sears send out another tech Aug 9th. He said I dont have freon. Sears denied the claim, another tech came today Aug 12. What do you know it was the same technician from Friday. I saw him sitting outside he never came to the door instead he rejected the service call and left. Sears sent someone else. This guy said the compressor is bad. Sears denied the claim. All to say they are the freaking worst. I had 2 ac coils put in within a year 1 I had to pay for and still I have to air and they wont pay for a new compressor. Now they are blaming the AC coil technician for making the compressor have a shortage. How can companies like this be sued?

5 years ago

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Glenn Mesa, AZ

If I could give a lower rating I would. They are a TOTAL RIP OFF. DO NOT BUY THIS WARRANTY!!! I have had 2 issues. A mower was one. The technician had to come back 3 more times and it still isn't running properly. I also own a Kitchenaide Dishwasher that was not cleaning our dishes and silverware properly. I have a friend who owns a repair company look at it first and he said I needed a new motor and suggested I use the warranty. I had a technician come out and in 10 minutes he said it was just clogged and no real issues. I said that is impossible and he said I know my business and it is working fine but my soaps could be the issue. I asked what he suggested and it was exactly what we used. I had to pay him $100 for 10 minutes of little work. My dishwasher is still not working and have turned the temperature of the water heater so high it burns you. Still the same. Dishes, glasses and silverware do not get clean. Sears Refuses to have them come out again because the technicians wrote notes that there were no issues. They are a TOTAL RIP OFF. DO NOT BUY THIS WARRANTY!!!

5 years ago

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Rhonda Antioch, CA

I've had Sears Home Warranty close to 2 years. Every time I've tried to put in a claim, they assign it to a service provider that is not in my area and also has bad ratings on Yelp. Each time I've talked to a provider to schedule an appointment, they cannot come out for days to a couple of weeks. My latest issue was with my AC going out during 100 degree spell. Background info - I called to have them come out for maintenance in May. Because I called after May 15 they refused to do maintenance. There is no documentation that there is a date limit on when these calls can be made. That info seem to only be available to Sears. Back to my AC. I have an elderly mother using an oxygen machine and her room gets very hot. I cannot wait days for someone. I made the appointment with the provider Sears assigned, but then called around and found someone to come out the same day. They fixed the problem and commented that I should do regular maintenance because the problem may have been detected. The next day I call Sears to see if I can get reimbursed for part of the repair cost. I get the run around and wait on the phone for an hour and finally get a nice person in Customer Solutions who couldn't help me, but wrote up a case for me. A week later, no response. I call again (and their phone system is torture) and insist on speaking to a supervisor. That person was nice enough but stood firm on no reimbursement because I went out of contract. He sent me on to his supervisor, but told me she wouldn't be able to help either, and he was right. She just quoted the contract. I complained about the maintenance I wasn't allowed to schedule and she said they have firm dates in their system. I said that needs to be communicated to the customer. I plan to cancel and look for a different warranty plan. I have tried to use them for other claims and always end up going out of my own pocket to get the work done. What's the use of having a warranty plan if you can't use it. I really wanted to support Sears, but they've made it impossible. Time to let go.

5 years ago

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Melissa Kinross, MI

Refrigerator broke down the end of April. Due to vacation, we rig things up so we have a fridge until it can be repaired. We call the beginning of May to schedule a repair. The repair man comes a week later. It's the compressor, he says. He orders parts and schedules a return the beginning of June. He comes back in June and shows me the ordered part is broken. He orders a replacement and schedules to come back in July. He comes back in July and the part sent was a decommissioned part, it even says as much on the bag. He orders a replacement and schedules to come back in August. I'm losing hope of ever getting my refrigerator back. He's scheduled to come back tomorrow. If there is still a problem with the sent part, I'm calling a lawyer and/or a news show. I will have no problem exposing this company for the fraudulent one it is!

5 years ago

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Rosey Edinburg, VA

Scheduled online to have a range and refrigerator repaired. The service man came a few days later and ordered the part for the range, when asked to look at the refrigerator, he said that would be a different repair person. We are still waiting 3 weeks later for the refrigerator guy to show up for a repair. The range part came, the repairman set up directly with us for Monday. Monday came and went, set up another time for the following Monday. The person that called did so at 930 PM. The next morning we got another call to set up an appointment. I confirmed with the date and was told all is on schedule. All weekend long we got robots calls to call Sears to schedule a service. Everytime we called, we were on hold 45 mins so gave up. Well Monday has come and gone and no repairman. I called the number on the text and spoke with someone who obviously didn't know their butt from a hole in the ground. Over and over she apologized but said they will have to set up an appointment. I informed her we did have an appointment and they did not show up. Asked to speak with a supervisor, but they were the same, reading canned responses. So we have stayed home 2 Mondays on a row with no repairman. Now they say Wednesday, but that is not an acceptable day, so basically we need to find another time, that again is a week out. Asked to talk with her supervisor and she said she is the head person of service. Well, she is the head of service, but did not know how to handle any of the questions we had. Yes, I am furious. This not acceptable when we are paying a monthly fee for this warranty. So we have a range that is not working and a spare refrigerator that has been waiting a month to be looked at with no answers for that. I bet if we didn't pay the monthly fee, they would take you to collections, but who is going to pay for lost days waiting for service guys not showing up.

5 years ago

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Samantha Mayer Lisbon, OH

Worst service ever! Today would have made my 3rd appt for my fridge/freezer repair. First they ordered the wrong parts, then after 3& half weeks I take the day off work AGAIN for the 3rd time the appt time is 8a-5p the tech never shows. At 5:45p they say the put 8n a successful request for the tech to "return" to the house & the tech would be here by 9pm, still a no show. So I call back for them to tell me oh sorry u waited from 8a-9p we'll reschedule u for 2 more weeks away. So by the time they get the right parts & a tech actually shows up for a scheduled appt it will b 5.5 weeks. Will never do business again!

5 years ago

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judy harouff Maidsville, WV

On July 15, 2019 my older 3-door model refrigerator stopped working. I called Sears Home Warranty and since we had bought a backup smaller fridge we weren't in a hurry. The repairman came the next day and immediately diagnosed the problem-a board was bad. He ordered the board and came back July 23rd to put the new board in. The box that held the board was slightly warped but he thought it would be OK. The fridge came on and he left. Six hours later and nothing was cooling or running, so I called SHW again. The repairman came out on the 25th and discovered the board was burned up and had warped the plastic box it was mounted into. The repairman called to get a new board and box holder but parts said it would be next to impossible to find them since the fridge was an older model. On July 27th a rep of SHW called to tell me the part wasn't covered in the warranty. The board was covered but not the box that attaches the board to the electric to make fridge cool. IMAGINE THAT! I argued that the board won't work without the holder but to no avail. The box is considered structural and no structural component is covered. If you actually read the warranty covers very little. I have had Sears Service for probably 15 years and always got Sears products because of that. I never had a problem with getting service on appliances til now. WHAT A SCAM! I am getting the cheapest fridge possible and NO warranty to replace mine. Nothing from Sears anymore either.

5 years ago

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James E Wyatt

Yesterday, I had an appointment from 10-2pm. I chatted Sears at 12:50pm to make sure that there was a 2nd repairman coming, since when Sears delivered my Washer and Dryer they installed the dryer on top of the washer. I was told there would be 2 people. I then asked the ETA of the repairmen. I was chatted from you that the repairman was delayed and would not be there until 2-3pm. I went out to work in my backyard. I checked my phone at 1:12 and saw that the repairman had called me at 1:06 (by the way One Minute Notice!) and had rung my Nest doorbell at 1:07. I immediately called the repairmans number 4 or 5 times in quick succession and left messages for him to come back. He had turned his PHONE OFF! I started chatting Sears and calling to try to get him to come back. I talked to Sears on the phone and they told me he would be coming back between 2:30 and 3:30. I continued to wait. At 3:50, I started Chatting again when was the ETA. I was told then The repairman was not responding and that I would have to reschedule. I grudging said yes, but was told it was getting kicked up the ladder and the “Caring” would be reaching out to me. Didn’t happen.Shocked? Sorry, I got lied to twice and screwed once.

5 years ago

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Sewfina Lamar, MO

I have been trying to get a Samsung Refrigerator ice maker fixed. Sears has been here 3 times. No ice. The 4th and 5th appt. had to be cancelled due to not finding a part. They already replaced 2 parts and I have a 3rd one here waiting, but they tell me I need another part and they are having trouble finding it. They did not even tell me they were not coming on the 4th appt. I had my refrigerator empty, the rugs moved so it could be moved out into the room and I waited all day. I tried to call them and was put on hold for an hour at a time. The recording keep saying for instant help go to the Chat line on the website. It did not connect either. I finally got through after the appt. time had passed and got a person with a strong accent who talked so fast (reading from a script) that I could not make out what she was saying. I am so disgusted that they talked me into this "Plan". I am stuck. I do not think they have a clue what is wrong. Just keep changing parts, hoping one will do the trick. I have no number to talk to any supervisor. Just keep getting these impossible to understand trained readers.

5 years ago

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Judy Cookeville, TN

You are correct in saying this is the worst home warranty. I called Sears about the repair of my range and they offered me the warranty stating it took affect immediately if I wanted to get it. NO waiting period. I decided why not. They came to my house on June 10, 2019 to work on my range. The technician looked on line for the part and ordered it with him saying not sure if it is available will take 8-10 days to research. Never took anything apart only looked up the serial number and then the part. The part came 3 weeks later. I called them ( they never called me) to let them know the part was here. I arranged another half day off from work. The guy gets here puts on the new part which is a different color and I was told this is the only color I can get. It was white instead of black like the control panel on my range. it didn't look so good, but I thought ok. he puts part in and the start button doesn't work on it. I already have the stop button on mine not working. He tries to call in to Sears they are down and their system has been down for 1 day. He goes ahead and orders the new part # which he found once he took off the part. (which the other guy did not). I was told to call the next day to get an appointment and see if the part got ordered because he didn't know if he would be able to follow up on it. He set up and appointment to come back on July 10th. ( I am waiting and waiting for the new part to arrive.. it does not come, but July 10th does- NO phone call from Sears, no email only a reminder text message he is coming on July 10th. I never got a phone call all day so I decided to call them. They didn't have me down and I told them the part didn't come. After being transferred to 4 different departments and asking for a good phone connection and someone I could understand, I get this guy. He researched my claim, oh he doesn't know what happened, but he will need to get back with me in 3 business days after more research. Okay today is 7/22/19 which is 12 business days from when the guy said he would call me NO part, No phone call. I call them today.. After getting transferred 3 times and finally getting the correct department the phone connection is so bad I was told to hang up and call back. I said I am not hanging up lets see what you find out I will try to understand you and hopefully hear you. She is unable to find out anything either. I asked her was she in the USA and she would not answer. I said can I have someone else to speak to she said no. I am still having issues with my claim and hearing her. She hangs up. I then call back to the department ( they gave me the direct number) same issue there was so much static on the line when they spoke I could barely here them, plus they had a heavy accent. I asked her are you in the USA and she said no PHILLIPINES, I said the connection is awful. I finally was able to get across to her what I wanted she said they couldn't get the part and I could go to my sears store with a $500.00 voucher ( my sears store shut down last year; nearest one is 100 miles.) I said wait a minute I was told by the person who sold this to me I would have full coverage, she said you do after 30 days. The issue happened before your contract started on July 10th. ( I called on June 10th and was told if I took it out that day I had full coverage) WRONG. She said she could give me an authorization number to order my new range on line for $500.00. I told her my range was no $500.00 range I paid 1500.00 for it and I expected it to be replace per the representative. She couldn't help me. So I hang up and call the warranty department finally got a good connection and someone without a heavy accent. They told me my warranty didn't go into effect until 7/10/19. I argued with them about it with no result. I then asked for supervisor. She proceed to tell me that my warranty did not go into effect until 7/10/19 and all I would get was a $500.00 voucher for a new stove, not even cash. But I needed to take it up with the company who handles the 30 day waiting period they were the ones I needed to contact. I explained the girl told me I was covered from day one, she said that was incorrect. All they offered me was a lesser service charge and fixing it up to $500.00 for the first 30 days and then the warranty started and would have replaced my stove. IF you decided to take out the warranty with SEARS ( which I say think twice) call get the warranty and then wait 30 days to call them in on the issue if you can. Otherwise, you are screwed. I cancelled my contract- plan on reporting them to someone not sure who yet.

5 years ago

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Kevin George Guthrie, OK

Can you go less than one star? So I bought the sears home warranty (SHW) in 2016 when the warranty on my new home expired and based on the Sears name. On 10/31/2018 I placed my first claim because my icemaker quit. I was given the name of the appliance repair company who would handle and they had 24 hours to contact or I could call them at x number, which I did. Company tells me that one, they do not service Guthrie Oklahoma and two, they do not work with Sears home warranty. So I called SHW and I was told they cannot reassign the work order, can I cancel and they will locate a new service provider and contact me. I agreed and crickets, to this day, 7/18/19 - no response. This brings me to 7/17/19 and my Central Air (covered in the declarations) stopped working. I created a new claim, and they returned message that it would be (name removed) Heating and Air and they had 24 hours or I could call their number. I called, it is over 100 here at my house. Owner answers the phone and says, I have never signed up with our ever done anything with Sears Home warranty. So I called them back and the lady, while polite, asked me to call in tomorrow and they would reassign. I asked if she could reassign and she said no, it had to be on day shift. basically paid a little over 800 a year since October 2016, made two claims and each time the service provider never heard of or worked with them. I want my money back from this scam. Oh, try to cancel, no mailing address, no email you can find, no phone and the support people will not help escalate. Horrible horrible horrible. It is time for Sears to be a memory. going to have to direct the bank to stop payments. So this is now Friday the 19th and Sears/Cross Country Home Services responded they had no service providers in my area. Here, let me show you what they asked me to do for service: "We would like to take this opportunity to apologize for any delay in service and for any inconvenience you have experienced. At this time, a pre-qualified network service provider is not available in your area. We can allow you the option to contact a local service company of your choice in order to expedite your service request. Please have the service technician come to your home and diagnose the failure. If the out of network service provider is unwilling to accept third party billing, we ask that you pay the service call fee in full, and we will reimburse you for the amount in excess of your deductible. As a reminder the non-refundable deductible associated with your claim is $ . This amount is due regardless of whether the claim is subsequently approved or denied. It is very important that the technician call us from your home at xxxxxxxxx with their diagnosis prior to completing any repair or replacement. Please understand that in accordance with your warranty agreement, the work will not be covered if it is performed without prior approval. When your service technician contacts us with the diagnosis and the failure is deemed eligible for coverage, the authorizer will provide you with the amount that is payable under your warranty for either repair or replacement of the covered item. A reimbursement check for the authorized approved amount will be issued to the contract holder. Repair or replacement without our prior express approval WILL NOT be reimbursed. A copy of the paid, detailed invoice is required for any and all reimbursements made on behalf of your warranty. Your documentation may be submitted by clicking here, or via email to (address removed) Your invoice must include the following: •Contract or Service Job ID •Description of the item repaired or replaced •Diagnosis detailing the parts that failed and the cause of failure •Your name, complete address, telephone number and email address •Valid, legible invoice or receipt identifying the vendor or store name, telephone number, and complete address including email •Itemized material and labor costs •Total billed amount, total amount paid, and proof of payment Please allow 2-4 weeks for processing upon receipt of your completed documentation." So for the privilege of paying Sears nearly a thousand dollars a year, they want me to locate a repairman, screen them, and when they come out, have them call Sears and provide their diagnosis for approval before work, then if approved, I have to pay the repair bill in FULL and submit proof I paid in FULL along with documentation and other evidence and then, they may refund me something less the 100 dollars if they agreed with the documentation and fees charged. I told them this was unacceptable and submitted a complaint with the State of Oklahoma Consumer Protection Division but it takes them at least a month to respond to me if ever.

5 years ago

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Angel E, Smyrna, TN

I have had 3 repairs for the same issue in 6 months. There is a newborn at the house and all of the breastmilk was lost. Yesterday, I spent 2+ hours on the phone and they finally placed this as a "medical emergency." This morning, the tech came on time at 9:00 to repair the fridge. He had an accent that was so heavy that none of us could understand what he was saying. What we did understand was that it was the same problem as in the past and the repair was complete and it would take a few hours to cool. 10 hours later, it never cooled and all of the food in the fridge and freezer were lost due to spoilage. The process started more than 24 hours ago and several hundreds of dollars worth of food and breastmilk were lost. The customer service is HORRIBLE. After having difficulty navigating through their lousy automated system, I finally talked to a representative. Guess what? they turfed the repair to another person at 6pm. Why wasn't I contacted. Now, they have another 24 hours to find someone to complete the "medical emergency" repair. Their motto says they repair or replace. Since this is the 3rd repair for the same problem in six months, when does the replace cause go into effect...I guess NEVER!! Don't EVER purchase this service. You will regret it!!

5 years ago

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Rick myers Flat Rock, MI

I bought a craftsman riding lawn mower, I even bought the extended three year warranty. I needed to have work done on it. The service guy came to my house and could not find the model # or serial # on the tractor there fore said he would not fix the mower. I tried for two days talked to 23 people everyone telling me the same thing. I had the invoice, model #, and a copy of the warranty agreement still sorry no serial # so then I was told from one of the 23 people that if I took the mower home and it would not start I was screwed because no serial #. Then he kind of laughed and thought that was pretty funny. I asked to speak to a manager he put me on hold for 45 minutes then I had a dropped call . I can understand why sears is closing stores a company that large lost a customer over a $1500 lawn mower. I will never set foot in another sears or Kmart as long as I live.

5 years ago

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Rose Ryan Stroudsburg, PA

If I could give this plan zero stars, I would. We purchased this plan in April after we had our refrigerator fixed by a sears repairman. I called today to get routine maintenance on my central AC. I was told that I had missed the window for routine maintenance. Funny how no one mentioned this prior to purchase. I finally found it written in small print on the 4th set of documents that I was given. I was transferred 5 times before I was given the proper department to cancel my service. The woman who was taking the information to cancel service said maintenance only is valuable if it is done regularly. When I called her out on her rudeness, she could not explain what her remarks meant. Our maintenance was done last June. This call is 2 weeks past last years date. She was just being argumentative. I did also ask to have my call escalated when I was told I could not get the service I was requesting. Surprisingly no manager was available but they would call me back in 24-48 hours. We paid $210 for absolutely nothing. My advice is do not purchase this bogus protection plan. I have called a local company and contracted with them for even more services at half the cost.

5 years ago

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Wanda Beacon, NY

Sears home warranty is a joke! Had a repair scheduled for today. They confirmed by email 2 days ago and then by phone yesterday. I had a window of 8am to 12pm. I waited in my living room 8 feet away from my front door for those 4 hours. The guy never shows and never calls. I called the service Center where they tell me he came to my door and nobody answered. A blatant bold faced lie. Then they tell me they sent me an email rescheduling my service. No they didn't. I checked right there while I had the rep on the phone. Lie number 2. Then this so called customer service rep tells me they will get somebody out to my house this afternoon. They didn't. Lie number 3. We are cancelling this fraudulent service and reporting them to consumer advocacy groups. Sears was at one time a reputable company. Now they are a shadow of their former selves run by liars frauds and cons. This is why their stores are closing all over the country and they will be gone in a year.

5 years ago

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James West Palm Beach, FL

Bad experience. First, the website will not let me register since I upgraded my plan to Whole House. Weeks after calling customer support and their escalating to IT it still did not work. Second, I made a claim (over the phone since the website was not working) and they sent a HVAC guy who could not fix my air conditioner. It was not cooling to 74 degrees -could get down to only about 78 degrees after running for hours. He said the temperature coming out of the handler seemed OK, but could not explain why it was not cooling the room. I have two new Trane systems that have been working for about 3 years w/o issue. Now one does not, and he did not know why ... and just left. So, I called to cancel the warranty. They charged an early cancellation fee even though I was cancelling due to their inability to provide web site access so I could manage my policy/contract, and the HVAC contractor they sent was incompetent. Never again will I use this home warranty company.

5 years ago

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PB&J Holland, MI

We agree with ALL of the worst of the reviews!! First, NEVER purchase an LG or Samsung refrigerator because the ONLY service company that will even consider working on them is Sears. Apparently there are at least 3 entities to go through: Sears Home Services, Sears Home Warranty, and the actual service people who do the work! None of the 3 systems are connected and there is no communication between them! Our LG Refrigerator is only 3 years old, the compressor gave out, under the warranty a new compressor was ordered, we waited for the parts, then waited for the repairman, the new part was installed, it was the wrong part & it burned out within a week along with the control panel. Again, wait to have a repairman to come, wait for parts, be delayed by a holiday, wait for the repairman, the repair man doesn't show up, so reschedule and wait some more!!! One last chance and we will cancel the warranty contract and refuse to pay any further charges! Buyers be ware!!!!

5 years ago

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Sean Hoyle McKinney, TX

This is the worst service ever. Sears send a guy out and took him $400 and sold me a home warranty. It never really worked right and then I called the home warranty department who says they can't schedule anyone and to get my own repair person. I can't find anyone in my area that will work with home warranties. So now I am screwed. Such as horrible experience and horrible company and total scam. I have been passed around to 6 different departments and have spent 2 hrs on the phone trying to get this taken care of. I would urge anyone who can read this to never do business with this company and DO NOT buy a home warranty from them .

5 years ago

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Sherene Jones Mount Pleasant, MI

If I could give this plan less than a one, I would. Trying to get service for my broken fridge in 90 degree weather took me three hours today, and enough frustration to cause an ulcer. The time I finally was able to get is over a week away. The process to try to move it up was more frustrating than getting the first time slot, and despite the outright lie told to me by the Sears warranty rep that they could come out tomorrow, only saved me a day. I can’t wait to get this service done and I’m canceling. The plan is horribly frustrating, and at one point a service dispatcher just told me to get a cooler with ice. Is that what I pay 50.00 a month for?

5 years ago

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Roger Elgin, TX

To start all our appliances were purchased from Sears over the years. I mainly brought them there because they had there own repair service technicians. We have had to call them several time over the years. We have had some sort of work done on all. The process was pretty much painless. We would call and speak to a customer service rep who was also a Sears employee. A day or two later a technician would arrive in a Sears van and wearing a Sears uniform and diagnosis the problem. Most of the time they would need to order a part. They would do it on the spot from some sort of data pad. A few days later the parts arrived at are house. We would call back and a appointment was made for the repair. The tech or a different one would come and complete the repair. If there was going to be a delay we would get a call notifying us. All very professional. That's why if I need a new appliance Sears was where I was going to buy it. Ahh, the good old days. Now the not so good new days. Our clothes dry was having issues. We called Sears as usual. Well now Sears has changed the process.apparently they now contract the home warranty out. No more Sears employed technician's. Now your going to get independent appliance repair people. I got a email from the home warranty company (Cross Country Home services) with the name of the independent repair business (Appliance Science). We were given no date for their arrival. We tried call the number provided but no one answered. A day or two later we got a call from the tech telling us he was on his way. Good thing we were home and didn't need to go anywhere. Well when the guy arrived he seemed competent. He told us we needed parted and he would put in the order later in the day. One week passed and we heard nothing. Then my wife called customer service. They told her they had no updated information and they would look into the situation and call us back. After a couple of days with no call back my wife called again, and again we were told they were still looking into the claim and to give them 48 hrs. My wife called again, making it two weeks from the first time when the independent tech came to the house. The customer service person put her hold three time, then finally said they never received any report from the tech and they were not able to make contact with him. They then said they would reschedule with another repair company to come out. They said they could have someone comet the next day. They again sent me a email with the companies name (PROTECHS WASHER & DRYER SERVICE) and phone number. I then called the number to set up a time for the next day. The guy who answered sounded like he was driving. The call the cut off. he text me and asked if I could text him. I then texted him with a screen shot of the email. He called me back and asked if he could come today instead of tomorrow because he was already in the area on another job. I said fine. Later got a text saying he was running behind and could make it and if we could keep the original date. I said ok. We agreed on 4pm. The next day, no show and no call. I have read recent similar reviews. Clearly because of Sears problems they felt this was a cost effective change. I had the whole home $70 a month plan. I figured if I save 70 month for 12 month I would have $840. We cancelled this plan today. Our dryer is almost ten years old. We decided to run this old dryer into the ground and then get another one. We will roll the dice and hope a new one will last a few years without any problems. And when one pops up we will just pay to fix it. Well will have control of who we call. Oh and we won't need to be loyal Sears customers anymore. All the other places use this type of services plans. Cross Country provides this service for numerous other places that sell appliances. I've seen similar complaints about Best buy and Lowes. I will not buy service plans again.

5 years ago

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Steven Hillsborough, NC

We just got stood up after being home from 1-5 with no call or contact about this, the most recent of 6 different appointments for these two repairs and still non-functioning equipment. Avoid this scam group at all cost. I think a couple of the techs I met are probably okay but they are set up for abject failure by their company. Here's how it's gone. After using them successfully a few times over the years, when my wife and I decided that we couldn't find a new fridge to replace ours, we decided to replace the ice maker (for the third time) and while they were at it. fix the broken water dispenser paddle. While I was calling, figured I could get them to fix the Jenn Air cooktop burner who's dual function switch had gone bad. Turns out you need two different appts for that so I set them up (at least for the same day... but two different techs). While on the phone, they also finally talked me into their Appliance Home Warranty. Mistake. That's when the fun begins. Neither 1st appts fixed anything but they each supposedly diagnosed the problems and ordered parts. The parts will arrive and you call back in to reschedule the repair. Parts came fairly fast and called back. Had to schedule two different days but thankfully work for company's that allows us some flexibility. Cooktop tech came and after an hour or so, decided the wrong parts were ordered. Of course you get a different tech than the one who first came and did the diagnosis. So he leaves and we think some different parts will show up (???). But let's go to the fridge. Tech is scheduled to arrive between 1-5. I check online about 4 and it indicates, "sorry we missed you". But alas, tech shows up about 6, literally has trouble opening the cardboard box the parts came in, and then can't put humpty dumpty back together again as he struggles with a ribbon cable that he can't connect. Get's the icemaker and H2O dispense paddle in though but the panel on front is now dead so no dispensing. Okay, figure bad luck, the guy will order the new board and I'll call again to reschedule. I could seriously go on and on with more issues the least of which is their customer service (Philippine call center with a bad quality comm system - can barely understand and not only because of variable English skills). As I finish writing this (7:01 pm), I have been on hold for 41 minutes to ask why the latest (fridge) appt tech never showed for our 1-5 appt, why their online system said my tech had arrived and why their online system now says my appt has been rescheduled to Jul 9. ***?????

5 years ago

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Rose seraphin Miami, FL

I am very disappointed and dissatisfied with the quality of service that is being provided. For the pat 2 months I’ve been calling sears because my refrigerator stopped working. (I have a warranty with them) unfortunately their technicians fail to show to every appointment that they have scheduled. I’m beginning to think it’s a game that they play with their customers. It’s really disgusting that they would treat people this way. I am extremely angry and aggravated because I have wasted hours every week contacting them only to be assured that someone will show. (I am still waiting) I truly wish they get what they deserve. This is terrible! Don’t waste your money, you’re better saving it for when your appliances stop working. I have never felt this strongly about a company before. I hope the pain and frustration that they have caused comes back and bring them a lifetime misery. You can’t treat people this way.

5 years ago

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Alex M Kirkland, WA

sears home services is the worst in the services industry. They are unable to do ANYTHING right. I have been trying to get a washer fixed FOR A MONTH and they keep making the stupidest mistakes: first the parts were not ordered properly, then they re-scheduled it WRONG and wanted to charge me for the whole service (~$800). Now they need to reschedule AGAIN. Zero competence, Zero attention to customers. They check all the items in the "what not to do" business list. Every time i need to contact them is a cardiac test, because not only the service itself is bad, the customer support representatives as just as bad, if not worse.

5 years ago

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Hiraeth Sebring, FL

My elderly mother-in-law bought a new fridge from Sears about a year ago, and purchased warranty coverage on it. The fridge and freezer both stopped cooling about a week and a half ago. A tech came out once and tinkered with it, said it was fine, and left. It is not fine. Both fridge and freezer are warm inside and all food has been thrown out. No luck getting anyone to repair it though. They keep telling her it’ll be at least another ten days as they “can’t schedule any appointments due to their system being down.” Meanwhile this almost 90 year old lady who doesn’t drive and can’t get to the store daily for perishable food has a cooler full of ice in her kitchen to try and keep a few things cool and they expect her to live like this another ten days or so after she paid for this warranty? Unacceptable.

5 years ago