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American Home Shield Reviews

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M Perez Derby, KS

Was with American Home Shield (AHS) for more than three years, and only had to call in two repairs during that time period. During membership we actually SAVED them money by replacing a dishwasher on our own due to my wife wanting a certain model when the old one quit. / So, five days ago we needed emergency repair on our AC unit that was discovered during a normal service call by an outside company (the ones hired by AHS never called, never showed up). I called AHS to let them know while the service company was here of the situation. They told me the part was covered. So, I asked the technicians to go ahead and replace the part, hence SAVING AHS MORE MONEY because if the situation would have gone unchecked, it would have made matters worse. Upon completion of the work performed, I sent the receipt to AHS via email for approval, and was told I would have an answer within 48 hours. / Fast forward to today, 72 hours later, 14 JUN 2019 - Called AHS and they told me that - 1. They did not receive the email with the attachment, which was NOT true, and ... 2. They would not honor the receipt because I used and "Outside Company". In short, AHS has proven to be a dishonorable company. / We now have Select Home Warranty, which after a lot of research found out they are the best in America. When I called them they set me up with a GREAT, MONEY SAVING PLAN that is FAR SUPERIOR TO ANYTHING AHS HAS. Give them a call. Therefore, my Family and I do highly recommend Select Home Warranty. Give them a shot.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi M Perez,
Your patronage to American Home Shield over the past three years is more than appreciated. Your concerns are understood regarding the delay in service for the air conditioner repairs. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 15th, 2019

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Stephen Taylor Palmdale, CA

If I could give this a minus 5 star i wouldnt think twice. This is UNDOUBTEDLY the Worst Nightmare of a home warranty ins program Beyond your Imagination!!! They Lie to You. YOU Cant Talk to a mngr, they tell YOU one will call you Within 24hrs,(THEY DONT)!!! Their Vendors are Bottom of the Barrel!! They will Double Bill You. (DONT GET ON THEIR AUTO PAY) THEY WILL RIP YOU OFFFFF)!!!!! & NOT EVEN APOLOGIZE!! DID I SAY THEY LIE TO YOU??? YES I DID! THERE ISN'T ENOUGH SPACE TO TYPE IN THE BS I'VE GONE THROUGH WITH THESE SHYSTERS... YOUR A FOOL IF YOU LET THESE JERKS FENAGLE YOU AND LIE TO YOU WHILE TAKEN YOUR MONEY AND RAISING YOUR BLOOD PRESSURE. DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT, READ THE REVIEWS!! NOT THEIRS BUT THE REAL ONES. MOVE ON OR YOU WILL BE SORRY.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Stephen,
I hate to hear about your most recent experience with American Home Shield. I would be glad to speak with you and address your customer service experience as well.

Jun. 15th, 2019

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Steve walker Fairfield, CA

Made a service request to AHS 6/11/19 online because my A/C was not working properly. Waited 24 hour and did not hear anything from AHS. On 6/12/19 I called AHS and spoke to a lady who couldn’t explain to me why no one had contacted me. She finally told me that the work had been assigned to a contractor but the contractor had cancelled the work because he was busy. Now no one contacted me and informed me about the contractor canceling. Had I not called AHS I would have been just waiting for nothing. I was then told my work order would be put in a que to find another contractor and that I had to wait another 24 hours. On 6/13/19 I looked at the AHS website and saw I had no work order requested. I then called AHS and again got the same scripted run around from someone struggling with English. Got tired of the run around and asked to speak to a supervisor. The person tried to talk me out of this request but a person claiming to be a supervisor did get on the phone. This person was another script reader and offered no help. She told me that the time of my service request is within the contracted guidelines of service between 24 and 48 hours. I told them it had already been 48 hours. This so called supervisor then stated that the 48 hours were 48 business hours. What AHS is saying is that they will take 6 days before any contractor contacts you to even set up an appointment. I looked at my contract and it says 48 hours not 48 business hours. AHS does not respect its customers and attempt to read you the same scripted garbage. Guess what AHS you are playing with the wrong person. If you don’t honor the contract I will see this in litigation for breach of contract. Get ready to send your legal team to California to defend this case AHS. Customer service is horrible with AHS, this company thinks their customers are stupid and therefore they can just tell them anything.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Steve,
I understand your frustration in regard to the delay in service to have the air conditioner serviced. I would be glad to speak with you to discuss your experience.

Jun. 15th, 2019

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Karen New Orleans, LA

I placed a service request for my A/C system on 5/31/2019. The first technician reported on 6/3/2019, and I was informed there are missing parts on the unit causing the Freon to leak. AHS tried to deny my claim based on the missing part. A second opinion was requested. The second technician reported on 6/6/19. As of today, AHS was unable to contact their contractor to get a complete diagnosis of the problem. My A/C has ONLY been serviced by AHS contractors, so if there are any missing parts it is the result of previous work orders. I have called the customer service department everyday since this time only to be informed my claim is being reviewed by the authorization department. I have requested to speak with a supervisor on several occasions, and no one is ever available. At this point I seriously doubt there is an authorization department. I live in the south so you can only imagine how miserable this situation is.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Karen,
Your concerns are understood in regard to the delay in service to have the air conditioner repaired. I would be glad to assist you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 14th, 2019

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Awful experience with this company on several issues with a house I just purchased. Issue #1 which I will include in this review. I had to get my own plumber in after they said my hot water heater was not lite and turned in up. They were WRONG. It turned out I had multiple issues including: shower valve replacement, hot/cold water mixing/ no water coming out 1 side of the shower, faulty water heater gate valve, and I needed a new water heater from overuse due to the hot/cold water mixing. I found this out because I hired and payed for my own plumber who had the problem diagnosed and fixed properly that same day. They just called to see if I wanted to renew my coverage which I was shocked as I've been an extremely unhappy customer. The rep said that the shower valve actually had nothing to do with not getting hot water..... I laughed out loud. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He tried to mansplain the situation which was unacceptable. The way the male rep spoke to me was insulting at best. I know what hot water feels like and I certainly know that turning up the hot water heater and still not getting proper hot water didn't fix my plumping issues. I noticed that AHS is commenting that they want to speak with the reviewers on this site with bad reviews. I'm assuming they want unhappy customers to call in to their customer service line, remain on hold, and then talk to a rep who just repeats what their tech said. You could not pay me enough to deal with calling into their customer service number. My issue was not fixed by their plumper which is non debatable. I want someone from their company to call me to get my money reimbursed. I have a detailed bill of $1850 explaining what the problem was and it had NOTHING to do with simple turning up the hot water heater.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Kelly,
Your concerns are understood regarding the denial of the hot water heater service claim. I understand that ere were a number of malfunction related to the source of the problem. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 14th, 2019

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A Rose

If I could give less than one star I would!!! I have had this warranty for over 3 years and only used it twice, both times for A/C a year apart. This last time, the technician THEY sent can't fix the problems and suggests a new system. Of course, AHS denies that--says the issue is not normal wear and tear. The system is 20 years old! Customer Services is the WORST !! I have literally spent over an hour on more than one occasion trying to understand the script readers. Offered a "cash in lieu" and told to fix it myself. I do. But then the CIL is denied. They want me to continue to pay each month for an A/C they will not fix. And will not offer me one red cent. Stay as far away for these folks as you can.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning A Rose,
Your patronage to American Home Shield over the past three years is more than appreciated. Your concerns are understood regarding the denial to have the air conditioner repaired. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 14th, 2019

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Holly Whitman Sierra Vista, AZ

I have had American Home Shield for 20 years. Most of that time it has provided very good service. However, it has now begun using non-US citizens to answer its phones. Not only is it difficult for them to understand me, but I can’t really understand them very well. I had to have a washer repaired, which should have happened quickly. It didn’t. They sent the order for the technician, and a repair was attempted, but it was not the right solution. A second attempt revealed the washer could no longer be repaired. At this point it is supposed to be replaced. It has not been replaced. I make many calls and receive promises of follow ups and a solution to my problem. Nothing happens. In over 2.5 months nothing has been done. I am currently on yet another call with them. Soon I will just give up and get a washer myself and NEVER use this service again. The service has been declining for several years anyway. No loss there. It’s sad to me because it used to be a great service. I do not recommend using it at all. You will only be frustrated if you actually have a large appliance problem.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Holly,
Your patronage to American Home Shield over the past 20 years is more than appreciated. Your concerns are understood regarding the delay in service for the washer machine repairs. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 12th, 2019

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Chris Driftwood, TX

AC unit air handler had died in mid May. I called AHS to file a case with them to get someone out to look at it. An entire week later, and I was told that the contract company was contacted, and I should "hear" something back in 24-48 hours. Fast forward to the beginning of June, I finally have a tech come out that figures out that the air handler has died (i told them this on the phone, weeks earlier). The tech showed up, troubleshot the system for about 5 minutes, made a determination and told me that he would have to submit his findings back to AHS for "REVIEW." 6 Business days later (I do not include the weekends) and now it's June 12th, I finally received a call back from AHS, telling me that the work order has finally been approved (you are telling me that you pause work for things like AC in the HOT HOT HOT Texas Weather, for a review/approval board? What is this? NAZI Germany?). I am told that now the parts can actually be "ordered" and that may take up to 1-2 weeks for the parts to come in. It is now approaching 94 degrees in my home, every day that goes by, the temperature has been raising, and why shouldn't it, it's the summer now. Now I have to sit around, sweating to death in my home, because of some "approval/review" board for purchases. I have been a customer for almost 6 years straight with AHS, and this just takes the cake. This is the most ridiculous, ludicrous company imaginable. I have also been recording every conversation that I have with an AHS representative, who gives me red tape and talks about all the processes and procedures that my claim has to go through in order to be reviewed. Excuse me, but no, I do not care about your processes and procedures, don't lip service me to death on the phone, talking about the hoops that YOU have to go through, that's exactly why I pay you for the contract, so that I don't have to be bothered by any ridiculous processes and procedures. That's YOUR job, not mine, which is why you receive money from me. Total thus far, I have 7 recorded conversations from low IQ individuals reading from a script in the Phillipines. I also have 3 recorded conversations from supposed "supervisors" who could barely speak english. Finally, someone from America called me, and told me that there is no such thing as a review board, he wasn't aware of it. He told me in plain english, that they service the claims as they come in, and right now they have a 2 week back log of claims, that they haven't gotten to yet, but since I kept calling and bugging everyone, they decided to move mine ahead of the line. So, for everyone else that's still waiting for something to get serviced from these incompetents, I truly apologize, it wasn't my objective to push everyone behind me in line. However, that being said, they shouldn't have a 2 week back log of claims, they should be if anything, 24 hours out, for EVERYONE. If someone was dying of cancer, would you make them wait 4 weeks for a doctor to finally tell them that their chemo has been ordered, and it might take an additional week or two for it to show up? Who does things like that? I'll tell you who: Criminals.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Chris,

Your patronage to American Home Shield over the past six years is more than appreciated. Your concerns are understood regarding the delay in service for the air conditioner repairs. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 12th, 2019

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Jessie Los Angeles, CA

I just reported my complaint of a claim very unfairly denied--with little prospect of fair review of the decision--to the CA Depart of insurance at Claims Services Bureau. The first repair person said I was at fault for overloading my washing machine; I explained to the second repair person that companies no longer make full size washers that fit under kitchen counter so I intentionally ONLY put in HALF loads for years. He said technicians cannot distinguish between overload and metal fatigue due to age, wear and tear. But his supervisor, trying to please the hand that feeds them, also said I overloaded machine, thus claim was denied. There was no really no place to write out my complaint so it could be fairly reviewed. When the salesperson was trying to get me to renew my last year's policy, I said I had some old appliances, and he said "that is a very good reason to get insurance to cover them"--when it came time to really get help with replacement, I got zero assist. I wasted $425 on the policy plus another $100 on the repair call--money that would have been better spent towards replacement. Buyer Beware!

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Jessie,
Your concerns are understood regarding the denial of the washer machine service claim. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 12th, 2019

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Rafael Gomez Allen, TX

Customer service is completely clueless. I keep speaking to people that have no idea what is going on and is not able to solve anything, I called the I don't know, I don't care attitude. They always put me on hold, I am spending at least 4 hours a day trying to get my problem solved, but nobody is really able to help. Evertyhing started 2 month ago when I put my first claim, plumber found nothing, but he charged me for an uncoverd item, wich I payed out of my pocket. i kept loosig water... I found a leak while I was replacing a shower faucet, I opened the tile from shower and found that the main valve system was leaking. I called AMS again on 6/3/2019 and they sent a plumbing company as second opinion (not without demanding it, because remember this is clueles people that do not care and do not know what is going on). They said that the shower valve is leaking and they have to replace it (right...). They told me insurance will pay for that but, since the previosus sealing was some type of plastic, they have to put a welding sealing. so they said that I will have to pay about $285 out of my pocket for something they called a modification wich was replacing that sort of plastic seal for welding seal. I thought was too much money so i called AHS to see my options. after speaking with customer service for about 5 hours on Thursday the 6th 2019, they said they can send me a check for the covered item (remember that I am speding hours with them an demanding because again this is clueles people that do not care and do not know what is going on) and I would cover any additional not covered item. I said fine. Today they called me saying that they are sorry but the payment was not approved because the repair was done already... I said, what? What repair nobody has made any repair yet, after a long waiting then they said. I am sorry it was denied because the plumber could not make an opening to the wall and could not make a diagnostic. I said what? I already removed the tiles before plumber came and he gave me and estimate already, they actually just told me to remove a couple more of tiles and to call them so they can start the work... this was on and on and on for hours and you know... they do not care do not know... it was like speaking to a wall,, so that day i gave up... I called on Friday 6/14/2019 again (I just spent about 3 hours that day) finally spoke to a representative that called the plumbing company to ask for the estimate of the work so they can send me a check... and I am returning back to the same place again, and I will have to spend another 4 aday hours to speak to people thay will transfer me to other people that do not know... do not care.. This company is a joke. UPDATE 6/11/2019: So today this company called me, and they made me an offer they said they can offer me $16.15 for all this work... so I said what?? sixteen dollars? and fifteen cents?? the valve itself on home depot is about $120 and the plumber job? So they said: you can call to your own plumber and pay to them but we can just cover upto $16.15. and the explanation this woman gave was We Negotiate to a great scale so that is why we can get those prices, I hang up and I called again and they just said, this is just the information that we have. so they repeated the same.. (This is crazy... ) She also said that she sees on the system that a supervisor will be in touch with me I guess is the person that read here my complain And she said you can talk to her if you want and explain the issue to her and MAY BE she can do anything about it... Well I am still waiting that call and just FYI I already know this company is not worth it, is a joke and they do not know (clueles people) and to know care. But I want to know how far this goes. I just cannot believe business like this exist I have been paying $50 a month and they were nice until I made this claim... that is called strategic stealing. I already spent on a plumbing company $450 today 6/11/2019 (and they want to give me 16.15! geeezz). I already made the repair and I am just posting this so you can know... Will keep this up to date.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Rafael,
I hate to hear about your most recent experience with American Home Shield. I would be glad to speak with you and address your customer service experience as well as the denial on the plumbing leak.

Jun. 8th, 2019

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Lisa DeLand, FL

We recently bought our home and our Real Estate Agent wrote a home warranty into our contract. American Home Shield. They were paid by the title company... a month later they say they never got paid even though I have the canceled check to prove it. Their customer service rep “Jake” put me on hold more than 8 times to “check” on that. After 40 minutes on the phone with Jake, during which I demanded to speak with his supervisor no less than 10 times, I finally hung up. His supervisor either refused to talk to me or Jake never told him/her. I am livid. I have already had to pay out for repairs that they were supposed to cover. I suppose this is how they manage to make money... sell policies but don’t actually provide the services!

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Lisa,
I hate to hear about your most recent experience to join American Home Shield. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 12th, 2019

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Joe Kissimmee, FL

When I bought my home the sellers bought a one year of coverage from AHS. I can see why the a/c system goes out at least once a year. When you call AHS it takes them about a week to send someone to fix the issue. One week? There is a 75 y.o. Person in the home. We live in Florida where the temp is in the high 90’s. We had to buy to room a/c units just to be able to stay in the house until AHS sends someone out. After 2 years and multiple a/c failures this last time it was the air handler fan motor that went out. Service tech said AHS will shop for the cheapest fan replacement that can takes weeks. I called a different a/c company and had a new unit put in. As this debacle was going on our refrigerator stopped working. Called AHS and the earliest they would send a repair technician would be one week. One week? I lost all of my food and refrigerated medications. I called Angie’s list and got a repair tech the next day. I called AHS to cancel the contract. It takes 30 days to cancel and will be a cancellation fee. I asked the female on the phone with bad broken English what the fee would be but doesn’t know, put me on hold to come back and still not give me an answer to the question of how much. This company is a total joke. Avoid them at all costs!!!!!! You’ve been warned

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Joe,

I hate to hear about your most recent experience with American Home Shield. I would be glad to speak with you and address your customer service experience as well as the delay in service to repair the AC system.

Jun. 12th, 2019

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John North Augusta, SC

Customer for almost 9 years. Having issues with ac unit. Was told earliest someone could get here was Tuesday. Well, the unit started leaking water and we called to see if anything could be done to speed up process so water damage to house could be limited. We were informed that a technician already agreed to a day and timeframe so this wasn’t possible and needed to be patient. When asked if we could go with another technician that could help us as soon as possible, the only understandable response was it would be another $75 fee. We questioned getting rid of the service because of slow and inconsistent response time in the past. We will definitely be dropping them now.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon John,
Your patronage to American Home Shield over the past nine years is more than appreciated. Your concerns are understood regarding the delay in service that has been experienced to have the air conditioner repaired. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 12th, 2019

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Melissa Judge

I have had a contract with AHS since I purchased my home in January of 2004 and have never had a problem with them until my current repair issue. It seems their customer service has been outsourced to a company in the Philippines now and there is no ability to speak with anyone in their corporate office (wherever that may be) to file a complaint. I don't want to go into all the tedious details of this service request, but suffice it to say, it's the worst experience I've ever had with a contractor of any sort. The most outrageous part is they have already charged me a $75 service call fee and my repair hasn't even been scheduled, much less completed. That is clearly unethical and I would think, illegal. I want to find out what the next level of filing a complaint against this company is.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Melissa,
Your patronage to American Home Shield over the past 15 years is more than appreciated. Your concerns are understood regarding the lack of customer service that has been experienced. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 12th, 2019

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Sharon Lilburn Lilburn, GA

I have a AHS home warranty and my A/C went out. I had a service technician to come out and I paid the $125 fee. They diagnosed the issue but spent more time trying to sell us a new unit, so we requested another service technican. The new technican came and diagnosed a different problem. It's now been 3 weeks since the first diagnosis and 2 weeks since the second diagnosis. I have called more than 10 time and spent more than 8 hours on the phone. I cannot get AHS authorization department to provide feedback. They will not call me back. I called againg today after waiting for more than 30 minutes on the phone, finally got a real person who put me on hold for 15 minutes then finally just hung up on me. This is unbelievable. I have 4 contracts with AHS and I have been a customer for more than 20 years and also recommended them to friends and family. I just don't understand what is happening. Each month they are deducting over $200 for contracts on 4 properties. Each time we make a request which is probabaly once a year, we pay a service fee but now we cannot get any service. I am beyond frustrated and would like to speak to someone is Customer Care/Loyalty. Any advise on what I can do next?

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Sharon,
I understand your frustration in regard to the delay in service to have the air conditioner serviced. I would be glad to speak with you to discuss your experience.

Jun. 8th, 2019

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LeoF. Houston, TX

This happened the week of Memorial Day 2019. This company would allow the customer to speak to a supervisor at any time; customer service reps always pretended to put us on hold and after 15 min waiting call automatically disconnected; this happened on 4 occasions. Also, although denied, it is obvious that customer service reps are outsourced. They automatically debited my account with service charge when submitting request for service. Technician contacted us after 72 hrs. to tell us it might be 3-4 business days before they could send someone, and there was no telling exactly when and what time. It took us three days to have policy cancelled and we are still fighting the service charge with the bank. Last year, we put a service request, were charged the trade fee but we never got to see the technician even though were suppose to meet but opted to show up on a different date, only to deny the claim. We just terminated our contract, but was force to put a stop auto-draft from bank account for future monthly payment, just in case. CONSIDERING ITS YEARLY COST AND TRADE FEES, TERRIBLE COMPANY TO DEAL WITH AND ITS CUSTOMER SERVICE AND CANCELLATION POLICY SUCK.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Leo,
I hate to hear about your American Home Shield experience and the level of service that you received. I would be glad to speak with you and address your concerns.

Jun. 6th, 2019

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abe theodopolus Charlotte, NC

My central A/C stopped working. AHS had their contractor contact me. They could not come for 5 days. On appointment day, their window of time for arrival at my home was from 9AM to midnight. They came. They diagnosed a leak in the coil in the attic. They told me I should replace both the inside and outside units. The outside unit would cost me around $8000. They told me AHS would cover a portion of the inside coil only. AHS told me that to replace the coil would cost me $2,200, close to $11,000 out of my pocket. I asked AHS how much they were paying, they said $500. I hired another A/C company and their cost to replace the entire system was $3,500. I regret paying the $500 for the annual AHS contract and the $82.00 to have their contractor come to my home.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Abe,
I understand your frustration in regard to the non covered cost to have the air conditioner system repaired. I would be glad to speak with you to discuss your experience.

Jun. 6th, 2019

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Kathy from Scottsdale Scottsdale, AZ

The absolute worst service ever! I called AHS because one of our air conditioner units was not working. We have 3 units, the bedroom was not cooling. Keith came and told me to turn off other units. He then went into our attic and determined that roof rats had eaten through the lines going across the attic to the outside unit, even though he said there was lots of rat poison in attic. He said we needed to open up the drywall in the house to feed the line outside and it was a big job taking 3 hours and 2 men. He left and then we realized the main living room was not cooling (it was working when he came). I called Air Command and got answering service. I called Keith and he said he had disconnected the wrong unit....and was too busy doing an "attic" job and could not come back to re-connect good unit. I called a friend who had worked on our air conditioner before (he is in charge of Air Conditioners for a local school district). He came out and checked the lines in attic and said they were fine. He found the bedroom unit outside needed some wires replaced at the unit and he reconnected the disconnected unit. It only took him 45 minutes. Keith the technician for Command Air lied about the supposedly chewed up wires in the attic! I called Air Command, and they had nothing to say and did not follow up. I would never recommend this company! I called AHS and was routed to the Philippines. I had a difficult time understanding what was being said. They refused to let me speak to a supervisor, it was like they were reading from a script. They were no help at all, only made the situations more frustrating. On Monday when I reached a US customer service person, not much better. They were not concerned that the vendor lied and had left and turned off wrong air conditioner. They also would not let me speak to a supervisor and after 30 minutes finally refunded me the $100.00 service fee. I would never recommend this company!

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Kathy,
I hate to hear about your experience with American Home Shield and the issues that you experienced to have the air conditioner system repaired. I would be glad to discuss contract coverage and the contractors that serviced you.

Jun. 6th, 2019

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Richard Hutchinson Crossville, TN

I had this coverage for over 2 years, never used it. April 2019 month was paid. Canceled coverage last week of April. Customer Service said no problem with cancel the service. I was making changes with my property and told them I would get the service back when changes were made. Received e-mail on June 2 that I owed 52 dollars and some pennies for (May) service. I canceled in April. Was told by young lady that I could not understand very well ( Her accent) that by law they could charge me a fee to cancel. Did not try to work with me at all. Beware of these people they don't operate a business very well. Sounds like all they care about is money and not service. ( Beware )

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Richard,
I understand your frustration in regard to the delay in service to have the contract canceled. I would be glad to speak with you to discuss your experience.

Jun. 5th, 2019

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Dianne Marie Fisher Tucson, AZ

FYI: Stop!! Do not use them. This is the company American Home Shield is in contract with! The scheduling was a fiasco and they showed up on the day I was moving and charged me.weeks later. The office lied about the scheduling problems. I had two properties and the second property the technician spayed water in unit and said he probably made it worse. Then he tried to sell me a $600.warranty!!! I am reporting to state on misconduct!!!!!! I assume it is not a coincidence of the low ratings. This is my first review in a negative tone. Terra, the office manager, hung up on me. I asked for owners name and she refused this information.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Dianne,
I hate to hear about your experience with American Home Shield and the issues that you experienced to have the leak repaired. I would be glad to discuss contract coverage and the contractors that serviced you.

Jun. 5th, 2019

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Michele P Kelly Pe Ell, WA

If I could give a zero I would. Their customer service reps cant provide correct information on your home warranty if you call to ask simple questions Such as : When is my new payment due? How much was my renewal? The rep Frances said I did not have a renewal. And my last policy was $315 when it was $441. That's alot of difference in cost. I asked to speak to a supervisor because I knew I renewed it 3 weeks ago with Agent Randy. I was on hold for over an hour. Bad customer service. When I did speak to the Supervisor, she did clarify I was right, my policy was renewed & the cost. But I had to wait an hour on hold for this simple information. The rep that answered the phn should have been able to answer that question. Over all very disappointed in the customer service skills. I would NOT recommend them. The insurance agent Randy did an excellent job in providing me with current and new info regarding my policy renewal.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Michele,
I would like to thank you for sharing your most recent experience to renew your American Home Shield policy. I understand your frustration with the cost increase and would be glad to speak with you and reach a resolution.

Jun. 5th, 2019

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Saundra G. Sherman Oaks, CA

I have been with AHS for 12 yrs. I have watched my premiums increase about 15% on average per year. i just keep paying worried that the big repair is right around the corner. But If I add up the avg. $800 per year and $75 service fees (for only 1 appliance at a time - if 2 sinks are clogged its 2 $75 service fees. I would of been able to cover it myself instead of putting myself through so much frustration, hours on the phone and $thousands of dollars wasted. , I had a washing machine that the bearing broke and according to 2 tech's,All Valley Appliance and Magic Appliance Repair they it wasn't broken even though it sounded like a rocket was taking off and shook so hard that it cracked my flooring but it was "fine". I had City First Electric come out for ceiling fan wobbling, the Jr. tech said he'll have to have someone comet and try to fix...never heard back from them. I signed up for the AC tune up. E&A Mechanical comes and goes right to my attic and says I need an overflow valve or it will leak and ruin your ceiling and cause mold.....$280 later I'm wondering why did I buy that? I have 2 Acs so I had to call 2x for E&A Mechanical to come 2nd time, take a valve from my unit and says they have to call AHS to see if covered. I never hear back from them, call AHS never hear from them, call back2x and they say they sent E&A Mechanical emails and they were not responding. I ask if they called them response was "no". I ask was anyone going to tell me? silence. The technicians they use are below average and some are quite creepy. I don't think most are properly licensed either. The call centers are overseas and you get a lot of "i'm sorry I understand your frustration...blah blah blah. Now with Home Advisor and Angie's list and many others, Home Warranty policies are for when your garbage disposal needs fixed. My experience has been awful and I finally terminated my contract and warn consumers that you will have spend time ranting and raving, have to call and call and call and have claims denied or fixed by unlicensed, sub par contractors. Go with reviews from the Home apps and save your hard earned $$$$$

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Saundra,
Your patronage to American Home Shield over the past 10 years is more than appreciated. Your concerns are understood regarding several experiences and noncovered cost. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 5th, 2019

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Dorothy M Varney Goose Creek, SC

I just cancelled my American Home Shield contract after 15 or maybe 20 years. I had just made a payment but was having trouble continuing to make payments so I called them to reluctantly cancel my contract. First they gave me to an agent who tried to get me to keep my contract going and she even offed to move my payment date. I had asked for this in the past and was told I would have to make two payments to do this. All of a sudden she can do it in an instant. Then she goes ahead and cancels my contract without telling me about a one month fee for canceling. Even that was fine I should know my contract but I had just made a payment to them and haven't used any or VERY few days on it and they're keeping the money as well. 115.64 is what they kept. Their agents either don't know the English language or are rude and pretend that their phone is having trouble. I was even hung up on. Where's my refund of the days I didn't use????!!!!! I am the widow of a deceased disabled American Serviceman and I am disabled myself. This is how they treat vets and their families. Watch out guys!

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Dorothy,
I hate to hear that you have canceled your American Home Shield contract after almost 20 years of service. I would be glad to speak with you and address your experience to possibly reach a resolution.

Jun. 5th, 2019

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Lisa Hallmon Calera, AL

I purchased my home in September 2018 and had NOTHING but problems with my refrigerator. I have spoke to AHS several times and even went as far to talking to supervisor. The appliance company has been out to my home 9 times and every time it is a different issue. AHS is saying that the appliance company has to tell them the the refrigerator is not fixable before they will replace it. I told AHS as a company they should be able to tell by the 9 notations of trying to fix it AHS should no its not fixable! Also, not to say the time and money that is cost me to be off work and on the phone to try and get this resolved! Also, to mention the loss of food and NO ice that I have purchased. I DON'T RECOMMEND THIS COMPANY AT ALL! I feel that AHS is just trying to buy time and half way fix the refrigerator until my warranty is up and then I will be stuck buying a new one. Very poor customer service! They should take better care of their customers than this!

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Lisa,
I understand your frustration in regard to the delay in service to have the refrigerator repaired. I would be glad to speak with you and assist with a resolution.

Jun. 5th, 2019

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Joel Wood Birmingham, AL

Summary version: We got near the end of our warranty, so AHS strung us out and left us high and dry to avoid having to pay to fix the HVAC. Do not trust or us this company. My wife and I purchased our house in May of 2018, and we got a year's worth of warranty when we bought it. Our HVAC needed servicing in early May of this year, so American Home Shield sent out a tech from some company to fix the problem. He failed. We called around a week before our warranty expired to set up a service to fix it, and we received confirmation that even though the service would be after the warranty expired, it would be covered by the warranty. The technician arrived, made a recommendation, and said that someone would be calling to schedule repairs. A week went by. We brought home our twin sons from the hospital to a house without functioning AC in May in Alabama. When we would call AHS to check the status, they would say they were waiting on the repair company. When we called the repair company, they said they were waiting on AHS. After a week of calling, we finally got someone to say they would come out 5 days from now, even though the AC still wasn't working and our roof was dripping. I called AHS to complain and was put on hold THREE times. Each time, after waiting for 15 minutes, I was disconnected. This is a shameless and dishonest company that you should not trust with your home.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Joe,
I would like to apologize for your most recent experience to have the air conditioner system repaired through your American Home Shield warranty. I would be glad to assist you and get the issue resolved.

Jun. 5th, 2019

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El Paso Crone El Paso, TX

I'm not going to write a dissertation of my 6 months of nightmare with this company. BUT, I AM going to list for you the violations and abuses to which I have been exposed (in addition to the omnipresent 30 to 45 minute hold to speak to a human being at the company). To wit: They say in the first line of the contract under "Coverage Overview" that "Coverage under this contract includes ... malfunctions .. which occur ... insufficient maintenance, rust, corrosion or sediment." BUT, when you file a claim for lack of water pressure due corrosion and sediment in the pipes, they say "We don't cover problems caused by low water pressure" and "It's not covered if there isn't a leak." In response to a call regarding the lack of water flow in the bathrooms and kitchen, they sent out a rude, incompetent contractor who broke my expensive vintage chrome gooseneck faucets with porcelain handles and separate sprayers. AHS tried to replace them with $5 cheap garbage flat faucets with plastic knobs and no sprayer. It took nearly TWO months to get THAT mess corrected and get proper replacements for my faucets - which, by the way didn't fix the problem (see the first item above). The same incompetent contractors, in order to replace the faucets, turned off my water at the main. Even AFTER I explained in GREAT detail about NOT turning it back on without disabling the sprinkler system because the sudden pressure would damage the system, they ignored me and blew my entire sprinkler system to the tune of $3,500 in repair costs and another $325 in lost water because I was at work and didn't see the problem until I came home to knee deep water in my yard. OH - neither the contractor nor AHS will take responsibility for the damage. They sent the same incompetent contractors (after multiple complaints about them) to fix a broken sewer pipe. They did such a slip shod job that now, 6 weeks later, I'm having to pay again to have the pipes fixed. I have refused to allow the previous contractors in my home. I have a new company working on them. The SAME incompetent contractors also manhandled my LG All In One Washer/Dryer unit which ceased working as soon as they roughly shoved it across the floor and I now have to have repairs done on that. AHS sent someone out who didn't even recognize the machine when he had just put his phone on it!! So far its cost me $135, but it's not fixed and it's been a month. Again, they both refuse to take responsibility.. Finally, after months of haggling with the company, I had my attorney write them a letter about the plumbing and about my LG Washer damage. AHS responded with a not-very-polite "we don't want your business". My LG washer is still broken because I can't afford to get it repaired and my new warranty company won't cover prior damage. So much for 'Home Warranty'. I will be filing a complaint with the state insurance board. There are simply too many options now to put up with this total lack of service and refusal to perform on the terms of a signed contract.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning El Paso Crone,
I hate to hear about your experience with American Home Shield and the issues that you experienced. I would be glad to discuss contract coverage and the contractors that serviced you.

Jun. 3rd, 2019

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Scott zannini Travelers Rest, SC

AWFUL AWFUL AWFUL! My AC went out April 11th, 2019 and it’s now May 30th and it’s STILL not fixed. Contractor no showed the first appointment and didn’t call/text/email. When he finally showed up, it was in a beat up, unmarked truck - no signage, no business cards, etc. He had to order parts to fix the problem and once the problem was “fixed,” our AC stopped working again two days later. After putting in another request, and getting no-showed two more times, he finally showed back up May 3rd to tell me my compressor was shot. When I asked him why he didn’t call me after I waited around for 4 hours, his response was “I knew you’d call AHS.” Are you serious?!?! Great customer service! Then he proceeded to wait until May 14th to tell AHS that I needed a new compressor! In those two weeks we received no communication from the contractor or AHS, and each party blamed each other. In between all of this I called AHS and asked to speak to a supervisor and all I got was transferred to the Phillipines (after the US sales rep told me she was transferring me to GA customer service). Contractor finally showed up to install new compressor on May 26th. On May 28th our air stopped working AGAIN. We called the owner of the heating an air company and they said they would have the tech call us to schedule an appt. Two days later, nothing. So I reached out to the contractor and he told me he would be arriving on May 30th (today) between 4-8pm. Well, of course he didn’t show, didn’t call, didn’t text, etc. I’ve tried customer service again only to get put on hold on the “supervisor line.” I can’t speak to anyone in the US, AHS has refused to refund my $75, and is telling me I can’t switch contractors because the current company already worked on the problem. We are literally desperate. We have two children trying to sleep in temps of 85-90 degrees and can’t get help from anyone. I’ve tried being nice, I’ve tried yelling, and nothing gets done. This is by far the WORST company I’ve ever worked with. I hate wasting my time with bad reviews but we had to post something somewhere in hopes someone at AHS will see it and call us. Scott Zannini

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Scott,
I understand your concerns regarding your most recent air conditioner service claim and the delay. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

May. 31st, 2019

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Corey Hall Crestview, FL

I’ve been a member for almost 3 years and have been dealing with an issue with American Home Shield for over a year. I called American Home Shield (6) times within a year for the same issue with my A/C unit and was told I would have to wait to get the diagnosis from the contractor when they came out every time. When i called to find out what diagnosis AHS had received they said they haven’t gotten anything from the company and have been calling them and calling them to no avail (LIES). Contacted both companies after getting off the phone this afternoon and was able to get the notes/recommendations/service information from the contractors who came to service my A/C unit. When I called AHS back to find out why this unit has been replaced, because I have called multiple times about it I was told it is my fault as the owner and I should follow up with my tenants to find out what the recommendation was. Isn’t it AHS policy to receive the diagnosis/issue and to send someone to repair it? If it is, and you claim the company who you sent out hasn’t provided you any information (which should be policy for AHS) with anything, why would you send them out again to “put a bandaid” on the A/C unit and not repair it? Because if they repaired it, I wouldn’t have had to call 5 different times throughout the year for the same issue. I have wanted my A/C unit to be repaired since August of 2018 and keep getting the run around about getting a diagnosis. This is not how you treat customers and is completely unsatisfactory

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Corey, Your patronage to American Home Shield is more than appreciated. Your concerns about the AC repairs are understood. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

Jun. 3rd, 2019

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Dee Sacramento, CA

I am saddened by this companies treatment as I have been a customer with them for over 15 years. I had a refrigerator that was broken. They first kept sending out a repair guy to piece it back together, but it kept breaking. After several calls and complaints, and writing a review, they finally agreed to replace the refrigerator. Here is the email From AHS:I will allow up to $1565.00 for reimbursement. I will follow up with you 3/15/19 to see if you have found anything. Thanks. The frig was purchased March 16, 2019, and as of today I still have not been reimbursed for the refrigerator. It took them months to send a check, so when I called several times inquiring about the payment, I kept getting the "it is coming". I also emailed the person who reached out to me after my written complaint and she ignored my emails. After several more calls and months later, and speaking to a supervisor, they indicated they would stop payment on the check and reissue another one. That afternoon a check arrived. I called back informed the representative that the check did come, and should I cash it or wait since they were going to stop payment on the check. I was informed the process had not begun so I was free to cash the check. Great! so I go to the bank and make the deposit, only to get notice a week later that my deposit from AHS was stopped. So now I have incurred bank charges. Not only have I incurred bank charges I am also being charged interest on my card for the unpaid amount on my card due to the purchase of the new refrigerator. I am retired and on a fixed income. I can not afford these extra charges American Home Shield has placed upon me. I am saddened by the treatment they have provided for a long time customer. I have been dealing with my issue with American Home Shield since August 2018 and as of today (May 2019) my issue still has not been resolved. I warn you not to deal with this company because of their poor customer service and service overall.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Dee,
I understand your frustration in regard to the delay in service to receive the reimbursement. I would be glad to speak with you and assist with a resolution to get the charges corrected.

May. 30th, 2019

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Thomas and Floy Perez Queen Creek, AZ

This has got to be the worst customer service there is. On April 22nd we called that our AC was out, on the 23rd a tech came out, he advised us that the motor in the attic has burned out and it would take 3-5 days for the part to come in, on the 3rd day my wife called for a follow up, they had no diagnostic report from the AC tech the rep promised to follow up and it would take 48-72 hrs to get a reply, I called back three days later, I had to go through the entire issue from day one, seem there was no updated notes from our previous call, I asked to speak to a supervisor none was available, called back the next day for an update again I was asked to go over the entire issue asked for a supervisor again non available, I called a random number within the company and advised to call back customer service and and ask they send a request to their authorization department to request another AC company be sent out, called back the next day again had to tell the entire issue, but I got no positive response, ask for a supervisor finally got one, talk about a fumbling bumbling conversation, so I asked can you expedite my request because it’s now over two full week, I could not believe the supp response. No I Can’t Do That, but I’ll call you back, that never happened, made more random calls gat the number to the Authorization Department, spoke to a rep who sounded so concerned and sympathetic promised to push my request through and will call me back by end of day, glad I didn’t hold my breath, on May 10 one of my Church members who is a certified AC tech came and replaced the part, he only charged for the cost, on May 14 I sent an email requesting reimbursement, got an auto reply mail, we received your email, it will be read in the order it was received. Don’t ask me why but I call yesterday the 29th to see if I can get some assistance same result the rep couldn’t help transferred me to where I got disconnected. Bottom line this started on April 22nd here it is May 29th and I have not heard from anyone at American Home Shield

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Thomas and Flow,
I understand your concerns regarding the reimbursement request. I would be glad to speak with you and address your experience regarding the delay.

May. 30th, 2019

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Paige Bruegger Moline, IL

Well today is 2 days past Memorial Day 2019. Our basement pipe started leaking in February 2019 and we are still waiting to have it fixed. We're going to be entering month 5. We have to go down in the basement and shut off the water every time we leave the house because we don't know if our Band-Aid to hold the pipe will hold till we get home each and every day.. We have to shut off the main water when we go to bed.incase it blows our temporary fix during the night. It's a leak in the mail pipe coming into house. We have conservatively spent 6 hours on the phone trying to get help. Being tossed from one to another , some you can't even understand their accents. . we have had 4 plumbers in here looking at it. 😭. We are screwed so far with this company.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Paige,
I hate to hear about your most recent experience to have the pipe leak repaired. I would be glad to speak with you and reach a resolution.

May. 31st, 2019

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Frank Vertuca Tubac, AZ

I requested service for my oven and a sear’s service specialist was sent to my home. He informed me the oven was beyond repair and needed to be replaced. I have waited for well over a month and called at least a dozen times only to be given the run around each time. Every time I was told in 24 hours a decision would be made and of course it was not. No effort was made to reach me even though I was promised a call back from a supervisor each time I asked. There appears to be disconnect between the obviously foreign outsourced customer service and the company. I am frustrated and feel somewhat powerless in the face of this company’s clear violation of their contract. I feel my only option may be litigation.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Frank,
I would like to thank you for sharing your most recent experience to have the oven repaired. I understand your frustration with the delay in service. I would be glad to speak with you and reach a resolution.

May. 31st, 2019

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Aravind K Cary, NC

My AC stated leaking water on 5/1/2019 and reported on next day. Appointments were scheduled and cancelled by 2-3 vendors after repeated phone calls. Finally a vendor came a week after and checked it and said evaporator coil is leaking and need to replace along filling 2-3 lbs of Freon 410. AHS sent another contractor almost a week later for 2nd opinion, confirmed the same thing. POOR COORDINATION between AHS and Contractors, **** I had to contact AHS and Contractors at least 20-25 times by this time. **** Customer support doesn't understand anything and when asked to forward to supervisor or someone in USA (not to disrespect them), nothing works, just hitting the wall. Finally they have me the quote of $765 for Freon refill of 7 LBS after $10 covered by AHS. I explained AHS it requires only 2-3 lbs per what Vendor (Carolina Air INC) but story changed to 7 lbs and @ 119/lb, this is double than what I could get it done by individual contractors. I told AHS, I will get the Evap coil done by vendor (Carolina Air Inc) and get the freon filled by someone else on my own expenses. AHS refused and they also gave me the cash offer with tonnes of restrictions. I finally went with AHS's vendor by paying $765 and $110 for service fees. This tells, they jack-up the price for freon and no choice for customer for freon and win-win between AHS and Venodor, per my understanding. Another big problem is it's totally different brand, my system is Carrier, they did put dirt cheap Goodman's Evap Coil, in Amazon it's $365. With this combination, I could get the work done for less than $1000, why should I use the home warranty company? Major issues: 1) customer service is horrible, total 20-30 calls I had to make, poor answers 2) Almost a month to complete the work (except 1 extra day I took to decide whether to go with AHS or cash out option). If I haven't called, it could have taken another week or more. 3) Jack-up of freon cost compare to other vendors $49-69/lb vs $119/lb and not letting the option to split (even I want to pay from my own pocket) 4) Cash out option is on the fence, time it takes to process and also if they really refund the money based on "determination" of the work done by external contractor. 5) Vendor wants to fill 7 lbs of Freon, though only 2-3 lbs needed and AHS supported the Vendor and didn't want to comment on that. That's colluded in my opinion. 6) With AHS, my out of pocket is $875, if I get it done by myself, less than $1000 with better parts. and... deserves ZERO stars.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Aravind,
I understand your concerns and frustration in regard to your most recent service request to have the AC unit repaired. I would be glad to speak with you and address the noncovered cost to reach a resolution.

May. 31st, 2019

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Linda Oakes/Michele proffitt Virginia Beach, VA

My air conditoner has been broke for over 3 weeks now. The contractor that AHS sent to my house was very unprofessional and unprepared. He kept complaining saying his boss is tired of not getting paid. On the invoice he wrote something so far fetched that I refused to sign it. He stated that he has to write what his boss tells him to. I called AHS and they called the contractor to have a "supervisor" sent out. The "supervisor" wanted to take the part that needed to be replaced with him for comparison. I called AHS because I felt uncomfortable doing that. AHS advised me not to allow him to take the parts with him. It took the contractor weeks to call back only to say they cant find the part and I would have to pay out of pocket for a new air handler. My child has been sick, it's been hot, so I thought I would just deal with the leak in my sons room temporarily. I tried to turn my air conditioner on and now it doesnt even blow air at all. So over 3 weeks mulitiple phone calls, repeating my story sometimes 3 or 4 times a day still without air conditioning.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Linda,
I hate to hear about your most recent experience and the delay in service to repair your air conditioner system. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

May. 31st, 2019

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Virgil Rosser San Antonio, TX

They are very helpful when they are enrolling you for the service- Of course! But where it breaks down is when you need help- go figure! They are blissfully happy when you're sending in your payments in good faith, but when a claim is made the whole thing starts breaking down. I would never outright hire the maggots and malcontents that have signed up as "licensed contractors" one the company's list of approved repair shops. These knuckle dragging, low IQ dropouts can barely fog a mirror much less diagnose and repair today's HVAC systems. The bottom line is save your money, quit giving it to companies that will bleed you dry while professing to "have your back"

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Virgil,
I hate to hear about your most recent experience to have the air conditioner system serviced through American Home Shield. I would be glad to speak with you and reach a resolution.

May. 31st, 2019

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Amanda B

American Home Shield Review We came into our contract with American Home Shield with the purchase of our home in 2016. It was added as a stipulation due to the age of the AC on the property and the age of the property itself. For the first year we didn’t end up having to use the service. So we allowed it to renew. Which ended up being a major mistake on our part. Our first service call was a couple months into the new contract. I turned the water off in my shower, and the knob came off in my hand. Because as mentioned, the property is old. They were cheerful and helpful while they scheduled us with a contractor. The contractor was cheerful and helpful while they scheduled our visit. I was charged $75. The contractor they sent was a nice and friendly gentleman, who was physically unable to do his job. He and I worked around it and I did a lot of running up and down my stairs that day turning the water off and on. He assured me he’d be back as soon as the warranty company approved the part he needed. I waited. AHS called and informed me that my shower had broken not due to age, but do to the excessive force I put on it. What? I legitimately just tried to turn off the water. I asked the lady on the phone what it was that they were going to cover if they wanted to ignore the fact that these things were old. She actually chuckled and told me if I wanted things fixed I should have turned them in during the first year of my contract. I frustratedly talked with her about the fact that the faucet on the front porch had started leaking. She finally agreed to send the contractor back out to fix that without charging me another $75. The contractor proceeded to call me and let me know he was looking for the parts to fix the shower out of his own pocket and he would bring them with him and do the work for free when he returned to fix the outside faucet. The outside faucet was repaired. The shower never was because that part wasn’t available and it needed more work to bring it up to a modern standard. But I decided they had fixed something. They had worked with me on the service fee. I’d continue the contract. Then this winter during a brisk freeze the heater died. I turned it in and called to see what timeframe we were looking at. The lady who answered the phone was rude from the second she answered the phone. She basically told us it didn’t matter that we were freezing, our kids were freezing, and potentially our pipes would be freezing. She did however make sure I understood that if my pipes froze they would not be covering that. She finally acquiesced to put a rush on the order. We spent a couple days huddled around space heaters. AHS charged us $75. The contractor contacted us and came to our rescue. He was amazing. He got our heater up and running. He spent awhile talking to my husband, who had just returned from Afghanistan. He ended up giving the AC a look over and telling my husband that if we called in the AC come spring and had him sent out he would have it condemned because it was outdated, antiquated, and not worth trying to work on. I was extremely happy. Fast forward to late spring. The AC starts leaking. Here we go. I turned it in. The same contractor company called. I requested the same tech. They agreed. AHS charged me $75. During the wait the AC quits cooling at all. The day of our appointment came. Our appointment time came and went. 3 hours late a subcontractor showed up. He looked at the unit. Decided the inside unit needed a coil and a drip pan. And that the outside unit was missing some freon and was 17 years old. He told my husband that the age was the problem and he would get it all turned in. 24 hours later AHS called to let me know that due to the issues being caused by an undersized unit it would not be covered. Excuse me? Your technician just told us it was broken because it was old. Not too small. She assured me that if he had said it was due to age they would have been happy to replace it. And that if I wanted to dispute it I had the right to, but if the next contractor agreed with the first I would be out another $75. I filled the dispute. Another contractor contacted me and was scheduled. He came out on my birthday. He checked the freon and told me it was fine. He didn’t know why the first company had said it was low. He did tell me at that point that he often comes out behind the first contractor and that they don’t ever turn things in to be replaced. He looked at the outdoor unit. Agreed it was old. Said it really wasn’t small for the house. Did not check the inside unit at all. Said he would turn in the need for replacement due to “inefficient functioning due to age” and that it should be approved by the following day. The next day we heard nothing. The day after I logged in to check the status and it said my appointment was canceled to call the contractor to reschedule. I called the contractor, they agreed they had been out. They had sent their paperwork and were waiting for AHS approval. She suggested I call them. I called AHS and got a young woman who was having trouble communicating with me due to language barrier. She didn’t see anything about a second visit. When was it? Who was it? After I gave her this she was “ooooh yes yes I see it now.” So I waited. 2 more days of nothing. I call AHS again. Get another young woman that is having difficulty communicating through a language barrier. She reads me the information about the second visit I gave the previous employee, and VERBATIM reads me the exact same report from the first contractor. I ask for a phone number to the decisions department. I speak to a gentleman there who seems genuinely confused when I tell him about the second visit and what I was told by the contractor. He puts me on hold to call the contractor. They don’t answer and he tells me they will call me back when they talk to them or if something changes. My online portal continues to reflect that I need to reschedule the appointment that did in fact happen. Almost a week later my husband and I call both the contractor and AHS again. The lady who answers the phone is professional. Reads off a report that says the second technician has reported my AC is under capacity, and that a 5 ton unit was recommended. Will come back to that in a moment. My husband asks again about being told that the unit was past it’s self life and she tells him since mechanically it functions it’s not broken due to age. We tell her it’s not mechanically functioning and hasn’t been since before the first tech arrived. Nope. It’s not covered due to lack of capacity. I canceled my policy at this point. My portal is still active. Showing an active work order that needs to be rescheduled. So I guess we see how this cancellation plays out. In the mean time I have had a company that I trust come out and look at everything. The outside unit is an appropriate capacity. It is a 3.5 ton unit on a 2,100 square foot home. In our zone that is appropriate. Especially when taking into account the fact that our home is under 3 very large shade trees and the unit functioned without major issue for 17 years. The outside unit needs to be replaced, and the inside unit needs a coil and a drip pan due to normal wear and tear. A 5 ton unit would in fact be oversized on our home causing it to short cycle which could lead to humidity issues and faster wear and tear on the unit. My honest recommendation is to not get tangled up with this company. They will argue with you on repairs. Their customer service is very hit and miss on professionalism. The repairs they did authorize would have been considerably cheaper that the $1500+ I have spent on them so far. It is not worth your time or money.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Amanda,
Your patronage to American Home Shield for the past few years has not gone unnoticed. I hate to hear about your most recent experience to have the air conditioner repaired. I would be glad to speak with you and reach a resolution.

May. 30th, 2019

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Rodney Elkmont, AL

Paid for the AC tune up. Technician found an issue so I was required to submit another ticket and co-pay. Did so and am still waiting for service. AC is OUT! Called and was told they will grant me outside authorization so I can find my own service company and they will reimburse me! Fat chance but they sure bill me for the copay right away. I don't trust them to pay back much less in a timely manner. Now I'm still waiting for them to find someone. Not happy that you can't call and speak to someone actually in this country and not reading from a script. UPDATE: Responded to the person below and received zero response. Finally got a tech to check out the AC. Bad Compressor. That was 8 days ago and repair is STILL “Authorization Under Review”. Not sure where to turn next. Maybe a lawyer?

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Rodney,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us feedback on your A/C Tune up experience, while I do hate to hear that your AC is still out I will be happy to partner with you to get this resolved. 

May. 8th, 2019

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Chris Armendinger Houston, TX

Have had multiple warranty policies with this company over past 10 years and note once the repair will cost them more than the annual contract cost to the consumer, they claim "Manufacturer defect" , particularly when related to big ticket items, like A/C or heating. The "defect" is determined by one of their contracted companies, who then proceed to charge an exorbitant price for the repair. NEVER RENEW AFTER YOUR YEAR WHEN PURCHASED BY A SELLER FOR THE BUYER-not worth it

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Chris,
Your patronage to American Home Shield is more than appreciated. Your concerns about the noncovered cost are understood. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

May. 24th, 2019

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Raleigh Harris Westminster, MD

I received an email 2 days ago stating my AHS payment hasn't gone through. Problem is, the last service I used from AHS was early 2017, which is around the same time I cancelled my service (current date is May 16, 2019). My wife handles finances, and not sure how she hasn't noticed, but that's besides the point. I know I cancelled my plan but can't provide proof because AHS doesn't send email verification of cancellation. Nor can you cancel online or via email - you have to do it over the phone. I just got off the phone with "Marge" from AHS and she confirmed this (only way to cancel is over phone & they don't send email confirmation). "Marge" also stated that another department was responsible for cancellations, but that I couldn't speak to them - they have no phone/customer service. "Marge" tole me she was elevating my complaint - her supervisor was too busy to speak to me. She also said I would get a phone call within 24-48 business hours, but when I asked to confirm that I'd get a call back, she then started to "dance" around the question and said sh would call me back. What type of company doesn't allow their customers to cancel online OR AT LEAST get an email confirmation? I'll tell you what type - the type that doesn't want an official record of your attempt to cancel so they can continue charging you (for 2 years!). The right thing to do here is to refund me the 24 months (my 1 year contract ended in May 2017) they've been charging me.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Raleigh,
I hate to hear about your most recent experience and the cancellation of your American Home Shield account. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issue resolved.

May. 24th, 2019

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Marsha Stuart, FL

I recently canceled my warranty with AHS as had no AC since November of 2018. I called them and they sent out a company from Melbourne which is about 2 hours away form my home town of Stuart. They returned 3 times and diagnosed my problem being evaporator coil. After 3 times they said the problem wasn't accessible. Another company sent a technician and I still was without AC in March. Finally I took things into my own hands and hired a local company to remedy the problem. AHS would only give me $800.00 toward a $2,000.00 repair. I don't consider this good service and would not recommend the company to anyone.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Marsha,
I hate to hear about your recent experience with American Home Shield and the AC issues that you experienced. I would be glad to speak with you and address the reimbursement amount offered.

May. 16th, 2019

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Robert Herndon, VA

My experience always have been bad with AHS when it comes to repair. They take months to repair. Customer service is very bad. I think they are sitting somewhere in Asia and they don't understand your concern. My Air condition furnace was making sound, i called and have them some one come do the repair. He said we have to order part. I went on wait for 7 days. Finally got hold of AHS reps. She said you have to pay $75 for to create work order WTF!! She said first you paid was for just system check up. WtH!! It clearly tells you they have non competent customer service rep who couldn't understand my request and sent me someone just for Chek up. I sure will be looking for alternatives. AHS 9 years just was worst experience

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Robert,
Your patronage to American Home Shield for the past nine years has not gone unnoticed. I hate to hear about your most recent experience to have the air conditioning system repaired. I would be glad to speak with you and reach a resolution.

May. 16th, 2019

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Nick M Concord, NC

IF I COULD GIVE A SCORE OF "0" STARS, I WOULD!! I can't say enough how dissatisfied we have been with American Home Shield. We had our water heater fail and requested service. After I lost a day's pay from work, the plumber showed up and stayed for all of 10 minutes. He took a few pictures of the leaking water and said "yup you need a new water heater". "AHS will be in contact with what your out of pocket cost will be because they definitely will not cover everything." This "service call" was a 100.00 fee for him to tell me the obvious. When I heard back from AHS, the rep tells me that my cost would be 850.00 because they do not cover all of the plumbers fees. (So who is telling the truth?) I asked the rep what they were actually covering and he said that he couldn't provide me with that information. After I became angry and demanded to speak to a supervisor, he magically was able to obtain the info. They pay 220.00 for the tank (CAN YOU IMAGINE WHAT KIND OF WATER HEATER THAT IS?) and 170.00 labor. At that time he gave me the option of a cash out. The cash out offer was good for 7 days only and I had to provide proof of the repairs being done. The cash offer was for only 305.00. When I asked why not the 390.00? He said that they were deducting 85.00 service fee that they were charged by the plumber. So AHS actually made 15.00 on the service call!! In addition to the 15.00 profit they also deducted the service fee once again from my settlement amount offered! I decided to buy all of the necessary parts myself and have the work done by a highly recommended Handyman. (IT WAS ACTUALLY EXTREMELY LESS EXPENSIVE TO FIND SOMEONE TO DO THE WORK MYSELF THEN TO GO THROUGH THESE PEOPLE!) Yes you read that right. They did nothing for me but COST ME MONEY. After the work was complete, I contacted AHS to find out where to send my invoice and receipts for the discounted cash out. The rep told me that they had to investigate to be sure that the work was done by a licensed contractor. I became very angry and told the rep that this was not a condition of the cash out. I also asked, "where in the contract does it read that on a cash out the work must be done by a licensed contractor?" She said that "it may not say it in the contract sir but it is our requirement". The rep was extremely rude during the entire conversation. I advised that she get my information and request to a supervisor because otherwise my next phone call was going to be to the insurance commissioner of NC. Two days later, magically it was approved. A few days later, I called in to remove my credit card from the auto pay system and asked to be billed. The rep, Chris, assured me that this was complete and nothing would be charged to my credit card. Low and behold, my card was charged!! Again, I called in, this time to cancel my policy. I was told that I would hear from the retention dept. I got a generic email stating that the cancellation was done and that I am now being charged a 52.00 cancellation fee! ( SO THEY DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING BUT RIP YOU OFF AND THEN CHARGE YOU FOR THE EXPERIENCE!!) This company is a rip off!! They will get their money from you one way or another. I will advise everyone that I know to steer clear of them! They are like a thief in the night!

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Nick, I understand your frustration with American Home Shield and the delay in service that has been experienced to have your water heater repaired. I would be glad to assist and intervene to reach a resolution as well as address the non-covered cost.

May. 14th, 2019

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Emma Greijn Apex, NC

I had a home warranty with this company for 2 years. We had the major systems warranty which is supposed to cover water heater, HVAC, etc. I called about our water heater leaking and needing to be replaced. They wanted to charge an additional $1,200 to replace it, when that's the typical cost if I were to hire someone to do it w/o a home warranty. I decided to take the pay out and they only wanted to give me $280 and take an additional $75 "service fee" even AFTER I paid the $107 (plus my monthly fees) to have technicians come out!!! When I spoke with the supervisor, Joey I, he refused to help me and they took the $75. When I requested to cancel they charged me ANOTHER $40!! I work in real estate and this is one of the WORST home warranty experiences I've had. I will not recommend this company to any clients, nor will I be using this company and I encourage everyone to do the same.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Emma, thank you for taking the time share your experience with us. I was able to locate your account and will be happy to speak with you to further discuss your concerns and see what additional assistance I can offer.

May. 13th, 2019

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Evan Dubuque, IA

It is a shame that I am required to even provide one star. This company is a joke. This company sent a technician who looked at Google for 3 hours only to tell me he couldn't fix the refrigerator that day. I requested a more knowledgeable technician, and low and behold 3 months later my refrigerator is broken again. I have been trying to get someone out here to take a look for over 2 weeks. I have called customer service 4 times now to be told a technician will contact me within 24 hours. Valerie in the Escalation Department stated she had more authority and to call back asking for her, but apparently they don't have the capability to transfer a call (I'm not buying it). I would be better off saving my money and just replacing the refrigerator in the first place.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good morning Evan,
I would like to thank you for sharing your most recent experience to have the refrigerator repaired. I understand your frustration with the two-week delay in service. I would be glad to speak with you and reach a resolution. I will be sending you my email mail address in a private message.

May. 10th, 2019

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Rita Bermudez Sacramento, CA

I had a pipe leaking water underneath my tub. AHS sent out a tech who stated it was due to excessive force from someone trying to remove a drain in the tub and this cause the pipe to break open. Even though AHS contract says they will cover improper repairs or installation - they refused to fix the pipe and the tech made a bigger hole in my ceiling where the water leaked through. They claim it was not improper installation or repair. What else could it be - an act of God? why does someone try to remove a drain pipe if not to repair it or install a new one. Bottom line, they did not honor their contract.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Rita,
I most certainly understand your frustration with the leaking pipe repairs. I would be glad to assist and do what I can to resolve the issues that have occurred. Please let me know what is convenient for you by emailing me.

May. 9th, 2019

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Cassie Brownsville, TX

5/7 Have not ordered a part for my AC unit and it has been OVER 2 weeks! They are not helpful and just keep saying “we have 30 days to complete repair”. Terrible customer service. THe local repairman they send out is so helpful but they won’t order the part he needs to repair! Buyer beware! UPDATE: 5/8/19 Called again today, was told a supervisor would call back because they wouldn’t let me wait on the line for one. Still no call 12 hours later. I received an email from them for me to send my account number. I have refused until I get a number to talk to someone that can solve the problem and not just a customer service rep who is taught to give the run around.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Cassie,
Thank you for taking the time to provide us feedback on your most recent experience, while I do hate to hear that your AC is still out I will be happy to speak with you to get this resolved.

May. 8th, 2019

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Lise San Clemente, CA

Horrible. I've been dealing with a broken dishwasher since January - it's now mid-May. They declined the repair twice, stating it was due to a missing air gap that was actually there. They sent another repair company out and they tried to replace the board, which was a $600 part - still didn't work. So today they're supposed to be delivering and installing my new dishwasher and the people they sent out won't install because the valve is corroded with water deposit. The installation company they sent out will not install if there is corrosion. How would I know that there is corrosion and it needs to be fixed before the unit can be replaced? If you decide to sign up with American Home Shield, be aware that they do not have an escalation process, they will drag it out as long as they can and point fingers to get out of repairing what needs to be repaired. My husband and I have made over 30 calls in the last 4 and half months to get this resolved. Unbelievable.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Lise,
I most certainly understand your frustration with the broken dishwasher repairs. I would be glad to assist and do what I can to resolve the issues that have occurred. I will be sending you my email address privately.

May. 9th, 2019

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Calvin McCoy Atlanta, GA

We have been without AC since April 18th. We have 2 Units. They both are out. They sent a company out that claimed they fixed one unit and had to order the part for the other. We are still without AC. The AC they stated they fixed is not fixed. It went right back out after 1 day. So we had to reach back out to AC company to get an update. They scheduled an appointment to cone back out today. Gave us a 4 hour window. We called 4 times requesting they call 30 minutes before they arrive. No one called. They dropped the parts off then left. Called Customer service was put on hold for 18 minutes. When asked for Supervisor was put on hold for 30 minutes then hung up on. We are up for renewal. I am still pondering on renewing or not. This experience will let me know.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Good afternoon Calvin,
I most certainly hate to hear about your most recent experience. I would be glad to speak with you and resolve the issues that have occurred with both AC units and the delay in service.

May. 8th, 2019

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jackdrew2 Kendall Park, NJ

I am very frustrated, enough to write here. AHS has gone down hill over the past couple years that I've been with them. They used to have good customer service - now its a generic call center in another country that doesn't appear to have any thoughtfulness. I submitted a refund claim on 4/4 for an invalid 4/2 service call - I spoke to them several times, and it didn't get finalized until 4/23. It's 5/7 now and I haven't rec'd anything - I've called several times for confirmation and they say "our guidelines are 14-21 days" for refunds, sorry. They can't even tell me if that's business days or not - either case: it's a ridiculous amount of time - when I asked them to escalate this: "sorry, it is what it is sir"... So, I can electronically pay you within 24 hours, but your guidelines are 1-2 months: Ridiculous. I'm considering not renewing if this is the new AHS.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Jack,
I hate to hear about the delay in service that you have experienced to receive the reimbursement for repairs that were completed. I would be glad to speak with you and get the issues resolved.

May. 8th, 2019

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Lynn Temecula, CA

Working with this company is insanity! I have a microwave needing repair for 2 weeks now and they say they called the contractor and the contractor said they didn't. There is an issue about taking the built in microwave out and it supposedly needs special authorization and nobody is getting it. They just informed me that an email needs to be sent from the contractor and it would take 24 hours. An email takes seconds, do they think they are dealing with a moron? In the contract Section 2d, it says they are are responsible to remove the defective equipment. What seems to be the problem here, its in the contract? I have also been told to stay near the phone and the contractor would call. It is over an hour later, I am still here and no call. I do have other things to do! Also, every time I call in I get someone with a heavy accent that I can't understand. Last time I requested someone who spoke English. So it seems AHS has my monthly payment, the appliance contractor has my $125 and I still have a broken microwave. Just for the record AHS, I will not go away so you might as well get this working.

5 years ago

American Home Shield Logo

Reply from American Home Shield

Hi Lynn,
I understand your frustration with AHS and the delay in service that has been experienced to have your microwave repaired. I would be glad to assist and intervene to reach a resolution.

May. 8th, 2019