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Author: Kalicia Bateman

LAST UPDATED: July 19th, 2024

Invented by Jamie Siminoff and now owned by Amazon, Ring is a home security provider with the mission of reducing neighborhood. Ring invents products that give homeowners the ability to control their home security in the comfort of their home as well as outside of it when they are away. Ring includes various product options, including a home security system package, video doorbells, and security cameras.

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The Good

  • Low Monthly Fees
  • No Professional Installation Necessary
  • Customizable Add-ons
  • Mobile Apps

Low Monthly Fees

Ring has two Protect Plans to choose from and they both have low monthly fees. Having cheaper monthly fees makes Ring more affordable for homeowners. Plan coverage and pricing is as follows:

Protect Basic (Per Camera)

  • Video recording
  • Video review
  • Video sharing
  • $30 per year or $3 per month

Protect Plus (Per Home)

  • Everything in Protect Basic Plan
  • Unlimited cameras
  • Extended warranty
  • Exclusive discounts
  • $100 per year or $10 per month

No Professional Installation Necessary

You can install Ring’s security system on your own without professional help and without any tools. You simply choose where you would like the alarm to be and wall mount it with a quick-release bracket or you can choose to use it as a handheld and set it anywhere you’d like. This is the same for the other devices in the security system, such as the motion detector and the range extender.

Customizable Add-ons

Ring allows you to expand your security system with additional protection options to fit your specific security needs. Add-on options are as follows:

  • Alarm Contact Sensor ($20)
  • Alarm Motion Detector ($30)
  • Alarm Keypad ($50)
  • Alarm Range Extender ($25)
  • First Alert Z-Wave Smoke/CO Alarm ($40)
  • Alarm Flood & Freeze Senso ($35)
  • Alarm Smoke & CO Listener ($35)
  • Dome Siren ($30)

Mobile Apps

Ring’s app allows you to remotely access your home security system from anywhere at any time. Monitoring abilities through a smartphone, tablet, or PC allow you to see, hear, and speak to anyone on your property. If there is any motion detected at your house, you will be notified immediately by an alert through the app. You can also review your security footage through the app and share it with nearby Ring users, making it easy to alert your neighbors if there is suspicious activity nearby. The app works with each Ring device, including doorbells, cameras, and your main alarm system.

Ring also has a Neighbors by Ring app designed for neighborhood watch. Its purpose is to help communities stay connected by working together to report any suspicious or crime-related activity. The app enables crime updates from law enforcement as well as from the Ring team and other neighbors using the app.


The Bad

  • Limited Sensors
  • Short Warranty

Limited Sensors

Ring’s security system package only comes with one contact sensor, a smaller number than most home security companies. However, you can add as many additional sensors as you would like for $20 each.

Short Warranty

The Ring security system only has a one-year warranty on its devices, whereas other home security companies offer longer warranties — sometimes even lifetime warranties. Make sure you trust Ring’s security system before purchasing because if it malfunctions after a year, you may have to pay full price for a replacement.

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The Bottom Line

Ring seems to be a sensible choice for your home security needs. Its simplicity makes it easy for homeowners to install and manage their home security system from anywhere. Ring’s security app and Neighbors by Ring gives you additional resources to look over your house and your neighborhood through video sharing, 24/7 monitoring, and crime alerts. However, Ring’s security system bundle only has one sensor, so if you want additional ones, you have to purchase them separately. While this makes Ring’s coverage more customizable, it could be a concern for potential customers. Ring also has a brief one-year warranty for its security system. We suggest making sure Ring’s security devices are reliable before purchasing.

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