Home Security Door Sensors: How Do They Work?


Last Updated: July 29th, 2020

Your home's weakest points are the exits and entrances, which is why you want to consider installing a door sensor in order to keep your family safe.

How a door sensor works

Most door sensors use a "reed switch," which is a type of switch that has been around since the 1930s. They are made up of electrical connectors that close when a magnetic field is placed parallel to them. Door sensors all have one magnet and one reed switch, which creates a closed circuit. When the door is opened, the magnet pulls away, it breaks the circuit and then triggers an event. These events may be a sound, a full-blown alarm or a discreet text alert.

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Ways to use a door sensor in the home

There are a number of ways to use a door sensor in your home. Here are a couple of options:

  • Child protection — If you have curious kids who like to get into the pool supplies, garages or other areas that may be dangerous, install an entry sensor and get an instant alert whenever the gate or door is opened.
  • Open door notification — A door sensor often doubles as a doorbell, and if the system is off, it sounds like a chime when someone triggers the sensor.
  • Keep out an alert — You can also use your entry sensor as an alert in areas that are off-limits, such as the game room or liquor cabinet. This is a good reason to use a silent alert, which will allow you to crack down on any rule-breaking.
  • Protecting stuff outside — An entry sensor can also be used outside to protect your outdoor equipment. Do you have a shed with all kinds of tools inside?
  • Gun cabinet — An extra layer of protection to your locked cabinet is a sensor on the inside alerting you to an unlocked cabinet. This can be a true lifesaver in the event you forget to lock it and the kids, or anyone else gets unauthorized access.
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