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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: October 9th, 2023

Dynamic SLR is a relatively new player within the solar industry, revolutionizing the process of bringing solar panels to homeowners in Dallas, Texas.

Ultimately, the Dynamic SLR product allows for reduced emissions and stabilized energy costs by strictly utilizing mono-crystalline panels for maximum efficiency. There is battery and inverter equipment available through Dynamic SLR but whether or not a residential property will utilize that equipment will be up to the homeowner and will vary in cost.

In addition to solar installation, the company offers free energy audits to all customers to assist them in creating a more energy-efficient home holistically. 

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The Good

  • Straightforward Solar Project Process
  • No Hidden Fees or Costs
  • Commitment to Quality 
  • Tax Benefits
  • Option to Move Equipment

Straightforward Solar Project Process

The Dynamic SLR team gets right to the point with consumers. The process of getting solar panels installed and operating can take some time, but with the Dynamic SLR streamlined process, homeowners can reduce the time navigating the red tape. The Dynamic SLR operates as follows:

  1. Homeowners design their solar system with an experienced Dynamic SLR Solar Consultant
  2. Payment and/or lending is secured
  3. Site survey scheduled
  4. CAD and engineering finalized
  5. HOA and all related permits obtained and approved
  6. Installation scheduled
  7. Inspection by the utility company to grant “Permission to Operate”

The process from sale to installation to “up and running” can drag on for homeowners. Many consumers have experienced just that with other solar providers in the industry. Dynamic SLR teams assist clients from start to finish, ensuring that solar panels are installed and operable in a timely manner. 

No Hidden Fees or Costs

The financial investment of a solar system is generally the biggest holdup for homeowners considering solar. Most people have to secure outside lending/funding in order to have solar panels installed.

Dynamic SLR promises clients that after the costs are laid out and lending is secured, there will be no other hidden fees or costs associated with the project. Other solar providers will sneak in unexpected fees that can set a homeowner back even more, but that is not the case with Dynamic SLR.

Note that solar energy storage systems, or solar batteries, always come at an extra cost in addition to solar panels. 

Commitment to Quality

Dynamic SLR is unique in its commitment to high-quality, locally manufactured equipment and always utilizing certified installers. 

Tax Benefits

The tax benefits of installing a solar system are enticing. While the tax benefits for solar panel installation within the state of Texas are not unique to just Dynamic SLR, all Dynamic SLR consumers can take advantage as all of them will be Texas residents. The state of Texas has a renewable energy property tax exemption, meaning homeowners who have solar panels installed will not pay extra taxes based on the increased value of the home.

Additionally, consumers can reap the benefits of a 30 percent federal tax credit for systems installed between now and the end of 2032.

Option to Move Equipment

Most solar project installations are permanent. Once installed on a property, the solar panels will stay there. This means that if a homeowner does not have their system paid off before they move, they need to have it transferred to the new homeowner.

With Dynamic SLR, consumers have a choice. They can choose to leave the solar system and transfer it to the new homeowner, or enlist the Dynamic SLR team’s help in moving it to their new residence. This is not offered in all cases (i.e., if moving to a different state or if the system design will not work on the new home), but it is an option.


The Bad

  • Needs Customer Reviews 
  • Unknown Financing Eligibility 

Needs Customer Reviews 

While the company displays several installation case studies on its website, verified customer reviews are needed to corroborate the company's claims of affordability, installation quality, and overall customer care. If you've worked with Dynamic SLR, please consider leaving a review below so prospective customers can know what to expect when working with this company. 

Unknown Financing Eligibility 

Generally, solar companies partner with financial institutions or provide in-house solar financing to provide zero-down solar financing options for customers who cannot or choose not to pay for the cost of their system upfront. Dynamic SLR offers zero-down financing, but the eligibility details are not readily available on the company website. Contact Dynamic SLR to see if you qualify. 


The Bottom Line

Dynamic SLR is a good fit for Texas homeowners looking to quickly and efficiently have a solar system installed on their homes to reduce energy costs. The company especially shines in terms of cost transparency, system transferability, and customer education regarding Texas-specific solar incentives. 

With a repository of verified customer reviews, prospective customers can be further assured of this company's solid reputation. 

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