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Loretta Vaughan Arlington, TX

I picked because they had more options than just a necklace. They had the bracelet too and a piece with GPS that could work away from home. My mother in law is the one that wears it. She is recovering from heart surgery and lives alone since her husband died. She hasn't had to use it yet, but it gives us peace of mind to know that if she should ever fall or need help, she can reach out to someone. The button was super easy to set up and we can cancel whenever we need to. I think they could improve the signal on the screen since its hard to get signal in some places. For instance, it won't work in my or my sister's house. It's a little pricey too.

6 years ago


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G.B. Ann Arbor, MI

I got it for my 99 year old mother. She doesn't have someone with her all the time, so I wanted to make sure that she had the device nearby in case something happens. I did some research on the web and they seemed to be fairly simple and reasonably priced. It has worked very well for us so far. We've used it a couple of times for real and they have been very gracious, even when we push the button by accident. They are very cordial and helpful. I'm glad she has the device when I'm not home. The only thing is that I know from experience that older adults are reluctant to push the button, I just don't know if there's anything anyone can do about that.

6 years ago


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Lorna Sysum Roseville, CA

My kids did it. They went in and they looked up all kinds of them on the internet. They checked them all out, the ratings and everything I guess, and they picked it out. I think it's fine, and I would recommend it. I've had no problems with them, but I just don't like using things like that, and I don't wear it all the time that I should. My kids get after me all the time, they tell me to put it on, and I keep it on for a week or 2 at a time, then I take it off and I don't wear it for a while. I should because even though I haven't fallen for almost a year, last year I fell about 8 or 10 times, and I have a bad back and legs.

6 years ago


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Nedda Brazwell Pensacola, FL

I just read the reviews and saw that it had the fastest response time. I guess that made me pick Medical Guardian. I'm very pleased with it, and I'm pleased with the response I've got. They seem to be trustworthy as far as I'm concerned. I've had to use it several times because I've fallen, and since I've got problems with my legs, I can't get up. I've had to use it at least 3 or 4 times, it's been wonderful. Every time I called, I've had someone answer right away, and when I told them I've fallen they said they'd get somebody out here, which they did. I wish it weren't quite so heavy, but I can understand why it is. When you fall down a lot, you're willing to pay for safety, so I think you get your money's worth for it.

6 years ago


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Joe Knoernschild Wentzville, MO

It had the best price and I think I signed up for it right before my bone marrow transplant. I really like that they had the main device that you could call out on, I really liked the features of the camera. It seemed comparable to others and it offered more of the best options and the most features that came with it. I was able to carry the device around. It was nice to know that it's attached to my belt, and really, it was a good peace of mind that the signal it offered wasn't based on cell towers. I was always at peace knowing that I could call out anytime I needed. It also really helped my wife feel comfortable that if I was to get in to any type of trouble, she could easily get ahold of me. I carried it with me everywhere I went but I never had to use it to call out. They were very helpful with the testing, the station worked really well, the set up was really simple, the device work perfectly the whole time I had it, and it was easy to cancel.

6 years ago


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Ethel Dolfi Tiltonsville, OH

I researched it for a while. The advertisement was pretty down to earth, so that's what I decided to go with for my eighty-seven year-old mother. I've been with it for a while and I'm happy with it. She wears it when she goes outside, or even when she's only in bed, so she's got it on almost all 24 hours, and that's about it. We've never had any incident where she had to use it. Every time we tested it or called, somebody was always right there. I've talked other people that had different units and they were always complaining about sound quality and have to hang on and wait and everything, but I have no problem with any of those issues. It's dependable, and I think it's reasonably priced also, compared to others.

6 years ago


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Mario Cantu Buda, TX

My parents both carry the individual speaker with them, and they both wear the wrist bracelet or the around-the-neck device every day. We haven't had any equipment issues. They're tough customers, but they've had nothing but great things to say. There's never any issue hearing, or with the buttons'they always work'and we've never had any problems with anything failing. Their customer service is extremely helpful. They're always very responsive and willing to go above and beyond to answer any questions or concerns that we may have. We chose them based on previous experiences, and we recommend them all the time. We recently suggested Medical Guardian to a neighbor, and she jumped right on it as well. The price is right; it's very reasonable, especially for people who are on fixed budgets. You can't put a price safety though, and for my dad, it's been a life saver. I feel like all around they're just a great company.

6 years ago


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Pennie And Raymond Regnier Dunedin, FL

It became available to us at the right time, and I like the features that were offered; that we could be away from home nationwide. We're off away from home, and we can take the speaker device in the case they provided us. I usually carry it on the strap of my purse so it's very easy to get to if we would ever need it. I don't take mine off. I take mine through showers and everything so I don't have to worry about whether I have it on or not. My husband takes his watch and his device off at night along with other jewelry. If we even touch our buttons, there's someone on the speaker that answers the calls very quickly.

6 years ago


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Dorothy Schulte Needville, TX

After doing research and doing comparisons of the product versus other products, that's how I determined which one is best. I'm satisfied with the cost since I did the initial comparison. I would highly recommend them. It is being used everyday with the wristband watch thing. It's comfortable and you really don't notice that it's there. From day one of getting the device, we had no issues with anything. If you called up for support, or to change the address, or anything, it was done immediately; a friendly service. Everything we have asked them and called them about, they have done, so we are satisfied with the product.

6 years ago


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P. B. San Antonio, TX

I liked the range of service that it provides and the ease of use. There's no messing around, it's full range, and I've got a problem with falling, so the falling alert feature is very much needed. I put it on and wear it all day. If I forget to put it on, my wife reminds me very quickly. The device itself is very compact, it's easy to use once you get it set up, which isn't difficult. The response, in my experience from testing it, has been instantaneous. There's just no lag, never an outage or anything like that, so I'm very much assured by it. Fortunately, I haven't had to use it as yet except for testing, but the fact that it's there makes me feel a lot better.

6 years ago


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Pascal S Hermitage, TN

At night I wear the necklace around my neck, and when I'm at work I wear the unit on my belt. So far I've been lucky. I have never had to use it, but it gives me a peace of mind. I do a test call every month. I push the button and it always goes right through. Somebody is always there, and very helpful. Every time I call, they've always answered my questions to my satisfaction, and it's very quick service. I thought I lost it one time and they were goanna send me a new unit, but it was down inside a chair. I first saw an ad for it in AARP magazine, and I already have suggested it to people I know, because I've always had good quality service. When I first started I was paying it yearly, but now that I'm on a much more serious budget, they set it up for me to pay it monthly.

6 years ago


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Walter And Toni Graham Tucson, AZ

I read their reviews, and they got excellent reviews. When I bought it for my parents, I thought I got a good deal, but they sent it back, because my dad is a faller and I needed something for outside the house, like if he was in a store or something, not just inside the house. It was wonderful in the house, but he fell outside, and it didn't go off, because it wasn't for the outside. That was my mistake; I didn't get the one that was more mobile. Once they move into their new house, I'm goanna get the new one, where if they are out and something happens, I get notified right away. I do like the service I got, though, and they like the unit, too. They haven't had to use it except to test the unit, and I got an immediate response from them that there was activity. I like that it was immediate. I think it was a good value. I liked the gentleman I spoke with, and I liked how they helped my parents.

6 years ago


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Marie Kriser Silver Springs, FL

I was living alone, and everybody would tell me that I need something in case of a problem; somebody I can contact, and I decided that they were right. I needed something to make me feel safer. I do feel safer having that, and knowing I can get in touch with somebody if something happens to me. I have had no problem with what I got. I test it every month, and they come back on and tell me everything is alright. I haven't had any problems contacting them. I feel safer with it, and so I have recommended them already. People ask me about it; they see that I wear it on my arm and they ask me what it is.

6 years ago


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I. L. Shepherdsville, KY

I had heard about Medical Guardian in the past, and I have never really heard anything negative about them, so I thought that it might be a good way to go. I've had positive results with them. So far it seems reliable. I test it once a month, and every time I've done so, it doesn't take very long to get a response. I tell them it's a test, and they always ask me for my name and if I'm sure there's nothing wrong. They're very prompt when they answer, so I figure if I have to use it in a real emergency, hopefully they'll be just as prompt as when I'm testing. The device is okay, but I'm not that wild about that rubbery-type bracelet thing that I wear. I just don't like what it's made of, but it's supposed to be able to be worn in the shower, so I guess it has to be made that way.

6 years ago


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K. R. China Springs, TX

We got Medical Guardian based on having the quickest response, and having the outside button to put up, plus an extra key. It doesn't seem like we've had any kind of issues with the equipment. 2 months back, my mother was trying to get our mower started, and she pushed the button by accident. We had an ambulance there before we knew what was going on, so that was a pretty fast response time. They tried to call me and I was busy, so they got my husband's number, and then we start to get hold of each other. I've just been really pleased with the service that we've gotten. Every time I've ever called for anything, or do the testing, everything's worked out real well.

6 years ago


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Helen Marquardt Fort Wayne, IN

I didn't know anything about it, and I Googled it. They said that Medical Guardian was the best one, so that's why I got it for my mother. She has dementia. She said she would use it, but it was never used. We had to put her in an assisted living home, and they have their own buttons, so I'm goanna return it. I was really happy with it and its value, but we couldn't get her to use it. It would have been great if she had... Maybe if she would've used it, we wouldn't have had to put her in a home so fast. The people who've I talked to on the phone have been really, really good, and so was the device itself. We've shown it to a lot of other people that my mother knows. We would recommend it.

6 years ago


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Joseph Ft. Pierce, FL

It had everything I was looking for. From the beginning, I was able to get a hold of somebody, and they answered all my questions. It's kind of expensive, but I would continue signing up with them for next year. It's for my parents, and they needed to use it one time when my mother fell. My dad had to press the emergency button for the paramedics. He has this speech impediment, so the service allows the responders to know their names. The paramedics arrived and my dad didn't have to do a lot of explaining or speaking. It's convenient. There was a big emergency button near the phone for my parents, so it works. It's just good security for my parents and for me.

6 years ago


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Dolores Selbyville, DE

After my husband passed away, my daughter in law went and looked for a medical alert for me. She is a nurse so she checked with her clients who are mostly senior citizens and they suggested Medical Guardian. I have it on me all the time but I do forget to take the other bit with me when I go out. I need a reminder for that. I have two care givers, one of them comes on Tuesdays and the other on Thursdays, and one of them helped me set up the device. We still need to test it like they told us to do once a month, but I feel safe with it. Not only is it helpful in case of a medical emergency but also if there's an intruder or that kind of thing.

6 years ago


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Bela Bartha Milwaukee, WI

It's working for me, and I have absolutely no problem. It's very convenient to use and wear. We tried it out several times to make sure that it's working, and I got a response. A few days ago, I accidentally pushed the button, and I didn't realize it. Apparently the sound of the unit was set very low, so I called and they increased the volume, and it's made a huge difference, but I got the help right away. I had originally looked at several options on the internet, and I thought this would be the best fit for me. I am completely satisfied. They did everything that I originally looked for, and I only have good things to say.

6 years ago


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John P

I liked it and got it because I could go places with it, and I wouldn't have to just stay in the area that's provided for me. I could actually take off and go someplace and still feel comfortable about being safe. I think it's one of the greatest things I've had. I have not used it, but I have it with me at all times, and I would not go any place without it. I feel comfortable with it, and comfortable it will work. I would suggest it to somebody that I knew would need it in case of falling. You have to be safe. Anything could happen at anytime, and you can't judge that nothing's goanna happen when you're going out today. Your life is too important!

6 years ago


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Perry Carbonara Beverly Hills, FL

The salesman was very very helpful and convincing. Just the way the unit works helped me decide on it. When I'm out and I've got to carry it on me, it's not a heavy unit; it's real light, it's very small. You can put it on your belt clip or in your pocket. You don't even have to wear the neck piece when you have them; you just hit the unit you have in your pocket. The price was very, very good; very affordable even with the warranties. Their response when I tested always seems to be perfect. Every time I've had to call them and talk to them about anything they were very professional and very polite and concerned about my concerns. One time I had a breathing problem in my home, and I hit that button, and they kind of talked me through it, and they worked very well. I don't have any reason not to trust them.

6 years ago


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Helen Simpson San Antonio, TX

I selected this for my mom. It was convenient, looked like it's easy to set up, and also had good reviews. It's easy, it's on your wrist, and she didn't take it off her wrist; she wore it like a watch. My mom had that wrist bracelet and 3 other devices around her home. She fell, and it worked very well. The fire department came and got her key out of her lock box, and then they were able to call the EMS, and they took her to the hospital. I think it was excellent service. When I contacted them about how to return it, they were very helpful, but they were very responsive when that incident happened. I would recommend it. I think everybody who has a parent living in their home alone, or an elderly person who's subject to fall, or anything, they should have that. Even if they're not really subject to fall, you never know when accidents could happen.

6 years ago


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Alvina Steinberg Bovey, MN

I got it based on the price, but I would still like it to be a little lower-priced. I think it's a very good company. The people in customer support were very quick and polite. The device works, and I like how it works, but I've only used it accidentally. One time it went off I was lifting it off the dresser, and it hit something, which automatically set it off. Another time I was trying to get a dog leash out between the seats in my car, and I forgot I had it on. That is the biggest thing: I forget I'm wearing it! It got pinched and it turned the device on, and all of a sudden the EMT's were coming down my driveway. I didn't know it had turned on because I was outside and didn't hear the phone ring when they called me.

6 years ago


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Dolores Sprague

My children got it for me. I wear it every day and night. It's very efficient; I just pushed a button when I felt very ill, and before I know it, they were here. They were exceptionally kind and very thoughtful. They were very patient, I must say. I am 90, and they treated me like I was 80. My children didn't get here yet, and they asked me questions without hesitating, and I thought that was exceptional. I've met them a couple of times now and both times they have been mannerly and very thoughtful. They gave me a chance to make up my mind if I wanted to go to the hospital or they would come back, which I thought was exceptional. I was feeling better once they got here, but I thought I would have to go to the hospital anyway, but they said no, I didn't have to. I think its very good. there's nothing negative about it.

6 years ago


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Horace English Port Arthur, TX

I picked this one because it had good reviews, it sounded really good, the price was reasonable, and you weren't tied into a contract that you couldn't get out of for months and months. With the one I had before, you were kind of locked in. If you decide you don't need this one, or it's not working out, you can turn it off and cancel it. It's my dad's and I set it up for him, and we've been totally happy with it. It works exactly like they say it will. It works quickly, they ask if you need any help, they send someone out, they call the people on the contact list, so it works perfectly. He's had to use his device several times, and it's always worked out really well. It's pretty easy to use; my dad's 91, and he gets confused easily, but they keep talking to you. If he doesn't answer the questions quite right, they'll keep asking questions until he understands, and I think that's really good. The last time he had to use it, he had passed out. He wasn't by himself, his caretaker was with him, and she pressed the button for him. It takes about a minute. It seems like a long time when you're waiting but it's not really long when they respond and can talk to you. When you tell them that you need something, they're there so quickly. Any time I had to call customer support, they were very good and efficient, but sometimes the wait time to get to them is a bit long.

6 years ago


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Norman Vance Coldwater, MI

I had checked with other alert services, and I decided that this service was the most complete and responsible for what I needed. I'm 82 years old and I just need some protection. I've had great contact with the company. They've answered all the questions that I've ever had, and I just respect the people I talked with and I have grown to respect the company. I'm totally satisfied with it. I think the cost of the units are very, very reasonable for the protection that they gave a person. It's very easy to use, all I do is call them once in a while to make sure it's activated and I call in the test alert. The operator is always very clear and it proves that to me that the service is working properly and well. Fortunately, I have not had to use it yet, but I carry the necklace and the wristband all the time. I know that I feel safer now, because I have the capability hanging around my neck to call an emergency response team if it were necessary.

6 years ago


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Mary Faulkner Towson, MD

I got it due to a combination of cost and the ability to not sign a full-year contract. It consistently works and it seems like good quality. The device is for my mom. She had fallen in the bathroom and broken her femur. She used it because she could not get to the phone. They got the authorities over there, and were able to get her to the hospital. They then alerted me, so it was nice to have that kind of reliability and consistency where I know what's going to happen if she presses the button. They've always been able to answer my questions, and they've always been available when I needed to discuss something with somebody.

6 years ago


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Lucile Mitchell Parkersburg, WV

It was the best value for the money. If any of my friends needed to have some one of these services, I definitely would give them heads up for this particular company. They are very good. I purchased it for my mother, and she has been using it for now for three months. So far they have lived up to their advertising of what they do, and we expect our service to continue as such. We have not had any emergency situations such as a fall, but they've been very proactive at handling any situation. She's had no problems with it. In fact, they were very cordial whenever she had a problem getting the thing to connect up with their system. The customer service that they had was outstanding. They stayed working with my mother, who is not technically minded, to get her necklace working properly until everything worked just the way it's supposed to. It's compact enough that it's easily transportable, and it's also good that it's attractive enough not to look ugly against whatever she's wearing.

6 years ago


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Kathy Talbott Arkansas City, KS

I did research and I found that it was the best value for what I wanted. It's easy to use, it's light weight, it's water resistant, and I wear in the shower every day and haven't had a problem with it. It's handy. The customer support is courteous. It didn't take very long for the phone call to go through. It was clear, and it was easy to understand. I've used the device twice. I have Parkinson's disease. I was standing and I couldn't get seated because I couldn't move anywhere, so I pushed the button and they came and helped me find the seat. Another time I was having some severe all over pain, and I pushed the button to get help from an ambulance. I think the wristband one was too heavy; I'm a very small woman. It's heavy and it's plastic and it's hot, so I had my girls cut it off and put on a ribbon. I wish that they would buy something other than the plastic wristband. I mean, I made it work, but it sometimes fails because it's just velcro.

6 years ago


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John Cahill Binghamton, NY

My kids decided that I would have one. So I said fine, found it online, and called and ordered it. They've been excellent, and I'm very happy with it. One time I was in the hospital up in Syracuse, and I just came out of the operating room and I had given the device to my daughter because I forgot to leave it at home. She left it in her purse, which she put on a chair or something, and somehow it hit it just right, and the thing was ringing there. I guess we didn't hear it immediately at the time. My son in Italy got called, my daughter in Atlanta got called, and they were calling here. My daughter was out back and the police were at the front door, and the ambulance was on the way, but she told them, no, I was in Syracuse, New York being operated on! They responded very, very well. It was an accident, but they covered everything. It's very efficient, and you know, you can't ask for anything better.

6 years ago


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Robert Mace Lansing, IL

I checked a lot of different companies' ratings, and what people had written about them. AARP and everything else had them as number one, so I went with them. It's a little bit expensive, but it's convenient to use, and it seems to be very well made, so I'm happy. When I first got it, I was supposed to have gotten a watch setup instead of the the necklace part, and I gave them a call. They straightened it out in a heartbeat and sent it out; I had it in two days! I've never had to use it, fortunately, but when I do call for my checks to make sure the system is working, they are very prompt as far as answering. Other than that, it's a nice feature to have when you get a little older and your health's not that good. I already have recommended it to others.

6 years ago


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A.K. Eugene, OR

I was looking through online reviews and then contacting the company and talking with them. They were very quick getting the device to us; it was seamless. They were very patient; they were able to work with my dad, who's got a pretty strong accent, and they were very helpful over the phone. We actually got the device talking him through the steps and how to set it up, so I think the online support along with the direct support was super helpful. My only hesitation was the one time we did a test run. It seems like it took a while longer than it should have for somebody to respond to us. I think the cost was right in line with everything else. It seemed comparable to others and it stayed the same. You can cancel anytime, so you aren't stuck with it forever. He has it just in case he falls, so it's just a nice back up. We have not had to use it. The equipment is simple. The one they can wear around the wrist is very helpful. Same with the cellular device that they can carry with it, so it's portable, and it's not stuck at your house and that's it.

6 years ago


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Mary E Elizabethtown, KY

I was living by myself and had a lot of instability issues that were progressively getting worst. I had a couple of falls where I ended up going to the hospital, but it wasn't until a few years after that that I decided to actually get an emergency button. I had just recovered from a back problem but needed to have both hips replaced. Between my back, knee, and leg problems I was just unstable and kept falling off. I'm totally also disabled now and I'm usually on my wheelchair, but from time to time I get up from it. There is a nurse that takes care of me too, but she's only around in 14 hour shifts. Because of that we got it. The button is not hard to use at all. I just have to press it and they come out and help me. I had been using it for a while when I fell going from my bedroom to the kitchen. The nurse was there but I didn't know that, so I pushed the button and sure enough the people came here with an ambulance to help me. They stayed on the line with me to make sure that I was alright and everything. I didn't need to be taken to the hospital, so they just helped me get up. I feel more secure knowing that I can get help if I fall again. The price is not bad at all, but I do wish it was lower. I'm on social security and have to depend on my daughter's help to pay for it. Still, I'm keeping the system in case of emergency.

6 years ago


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Yvonne Hahn Kingsville, MD

It's primarily a preventative thing. I live alone, and my kids were not comfortable with me being here by myself thinking that I might not be able to get up to get my phone. I have not had to use it at this point in time yet, so I don't have much to say about it except that the comfort of knowing that I have it is nice. My daughter researched it, and based on that, she thought this one was the best fit. I think that there was a special going on anyway. She said something like that when they selected this one. It is convenient. I just wear around my neck, and I prefer that to the wrist version or whatever else is available. When I test the apparatus there is an answer right away, so I know that everything is okay.

6 years ago


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Joyce K Florence, KY

My sister's son bought her one that works a couple of yards around the house and her yard. I thought I'd get the same one and without realizing it I got Medical Guardian. I'm glad though because in the end I got just what I wanted. It's a great asset to have since I can travel to see my children with it and it's a great security blanket for that. I always have it around my neck or in my purse so I can be safe wherever I go. At first I was confused about how I wanted to pay for it, but we got that straightened out. I thought the price was really high since I'm on a limited income, but I'm fortunate in that I can afford it. I feel very happy with everything and I'm really glad that I'm using it.

6 years ago


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Maryellen Williams Mira Loma, CA

I got it for my mother since I live in northern California and she lives in southern California. She lives by herself, is 82 years old, and has a lot of broken bones, so I really wanted her to have it even though we have relatives down there. After my husband heard about them, we decided to go with Medical Guardian. It was pretty affordable and so far everything has been great. The product and the service couldn't be better. The button works great. If they can't get a hold of her they'll just send someone out right away. She falls a lot and it has probably saved her life a lot of times since we got it a few months ago. They have gone by and picked her up when she falls so she doesn't just lay on the floor for hours. Both my sister and I get alerts whenever something happens. One time they alerted us and by the time we checked in on my mother the fire department was already down there. Whenever I call with questions someone always gets right back to me with the answers. They're very polite, helpful, and accommodating. They're so empathetic. It has been a great experience.

6 years ago


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Anonymous Barney, GA

I did a lot of research on the companies. When I called them, they answered my questions a little better than the other companies that I talked to so I ended up purchasing it for my mother. It just felt like they were actually concerned about the person rather than just trying to make a sale. They were very helpful in setting everything up and in answering any questions we had. They made sure that my mother knew how to use everything and were just very professional and helpful. We're relatively new to the system, she has only had it for a couple of months, but it's clear that if she needs help she will be able to get it. She hasn't had to use it yet but she seems comfortable with it. The price is reasonable and I'm very pleased with the way they handle everything. They're just very helpful and honest. It has been a good experience.

6 years ago


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James Osteen, FL

I'm my husband's care giver so I researched all of the services on the internet to get something for him. Judging from the information that we got and the amenities that they had, Medical Guardian seemed to be the best match for us. I also felt they give you the best bang for your buck. He puts it on the minute he gets up and takes it off when he goes to bed at night. So far he hasn't really had a bad fall or reason to use it, but we have tested it several times. We were concerned that it wouldn't work well where we live in Florida, but we were able to hear them alright. Sometimes when we call it seems to take them maybe a minute or two to come on the line though. It's not instant, but we've been very pleased with it. The other day I dropped it in the toilet by accident. I managed to take it out and spray it well with disinfectant before trying it to see if it worked. They had reassured us that it was weather proof, and after all that the button still worked. Now we have a broken clip, so we have to replace it since that's the button he prefers using.

6 years ago


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John Stefanik Freeland, PA

I picked it because it gave my father the freedom to go where he wanted to go and do whatever he wanted to do. He drives two miles to church every morning and sometimes in the evening too. It's also not a big deal for him to walk a mile or two from the house, so he takes it with him. It's easy for him to carry it around. He doesn't have to worry about losing it since it comes in the little pouch that you can put on a belt. He also has the bracelet or the necklace. If he needs it, all he has to do is push the button. I've never had trouble with them whenever we call or push the button to test it. Everybody is always very helpful.

6 years ago


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Madelyn Green Zephyrhills, FL

I checked about it, asked some questions. I have a 95-year-old mother, and just wanted to use it as an extra support. It's just a little bit of insurance for when we're not home and she's home alone for an hour or two, in case something would happen. We really haven't had to use it for anything like an emergency, but we do get calls to see if it's working properly. We haven't had to use any of the real support yet or anything, but it's always there. We haven't had any problem with it or anything of that nature. It's pretty easy to use, it's well-lit, everything is helping. It's pretty simple to use, to start and stop, and to keep an eye on.

6 years ago


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Frances Kinzer College Place, WA

I work for a home care company that has non-medical home care. I had one client that had just received a Medical Guardian system and we were able to just call them and figure things out. They were very polite and helpful, so we had no trouble following the instructions to set it up with the telephone line. When I called to place an order for my mother, the gentleman that I spoke with made everything very clear and easy to do. Setting it all up was pretty straight forward as well and, judging from everything so far we got the best and quickest service out there. It's more than adequate as a service. The button is easy to use and my mother knows exactly how to use it. Apparently, she pushed the button once by accident because we got a notification about that. It was an accident so she told them that it wasn't an actual emergency and they didn't send anyone out. That was really good since it's one of the most important things for us. I'm sure they were very respectful and responsive then since she called me right back after it happened to tell me about it. She doesn't always remember things, but that must've been significant enough that she remembered it and told me about it.

6 years ago


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Emelyne Kloko Plant City, FL

I was looking things up on the computer and send an inquiry about it. I had barely gotten off the computer when they called me and gave me all the information that I needed. Since it sounded like a good company and I had seen it listed as one of the best ones, I chose to go with them. The device is good. I haven't had to use it yet, but I've tested it twice and it has worked ok so far. They're quick to respond and want to make sure that I'm alright and if I need help. Usually I just tell them I'm alright, give them my name, and they thank me for testing it. My family and I feel better having it around.

6 years ago


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Marie Leenknecht Moline, IL

My children were the ones that pretty much decided to get it. I had a crisis where I almost died while trying to call 911. After that my kids told me I needed one of these buttons because I lived alone. They researched it and thought Medical Guardian was the best one for me, so they got it. My only complaint is that they're not always available. I tried calling them once over the weekend and they didn't respond. They should have a person that you can talk to at all times if you have a problem or question about the thing. I mean, for the money that I'm paying, there should be someone there 24/7. Other than that I haven't had any problems with the device and when I lost it last week they sent me a new one. They're a good company, but if someone asked me about it I'd probably tell them to look for something more reasonable.

6 years ago


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Janet Kennedy Smithtown, NY

I received information from two different companies and went online to learn more about them. In the end, Medical Guardian was the one I felt more comfortable with, so I got it. I haven't had to use it, but I wear the necklace thing and carry the voice box with me all the time. It's very comfortable. Now I'm used to taking it with me even when I go down the driveway to get the newspaper. When it's rainy or really cold out, I make sure I take it with me too. That way I ensure I can always get back to my apartment safely. It gives me a great deal of comfort to know that I have it and that I can get help with it. I called them when I misplaced the little booklet that they give you. I asked if they had a manual or something else that would give me more information about the system and within a couple of days, they mailed it out to me. I really appreciated how quickly they responded to that. Now I keep the booklet handy all the time. The button is not obtrusive and when I wear it nobody notices that I have it on. That's very important to me since I don't want people to know I have it on. It's just something that's very private.

6 years ago


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Jena Mcgrath Jensen Beach, FL

The ability to use the service while away from home and the GPS location bit were what convinced me of getting it. The people are very knowledgeable, it just takes a little bit to get through to them. I've had to use it once while I was at home. I needed to go to the emergency room and they sent an ambulance out to pick me up. I've also tested it when I was out and about in the community and they were able to locate exactly where I was. One of my watches has broken before and they sent me a new one to replace it. The thing is that that one broke again when I was out doing physical therapy. My home unit is messed up right now too, I can't really press the button on it anymore.

6 years ago


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Ernest Henley Pompano Beach, FL

I've had a couple of mini strokes before and my children were concerned about that since I live by myself. Because of that my daughter went and got it for me. I'm a senior but I still I go to the field to play softball. Since I wear the necklace all the time, I just tell the guys that if I fall down I can just press the button and someone will come get me. Thank goodness I haven't had to use it, I've only really pressed the button by accident and I usually don't even notice that I've done it. They always call me right away when that happens. So I know that if I really need they they'll be there for me. I even got a door lock so if I don't answer the fire fighters can come in without breaking the door. It gives me a lot of security, I feel safe having it.

6 years ago


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Irma Friedman New York, NY

They had a good list of services and features so we looked into it. They had a lot of positive reviews and when we called the person that we talked was very helpful. Because of that we decided to just get it for my mother. They helped us set everything up and since then my mother wears the pendant everyday. On one occasion she had to use it when she slipped and fell down. She had trouble getting up, so she pressed the button and they came to help her get up. Everything seems to work very well, the only problem she has mentioned so far is that, since the button is very large, she sometimes sets it off by accident. Still, it works very well when she needs it.

6 years ago


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John Alcorn Hattiesburg, MS

I pulled out a website that showed the different features of each device. Medical Guardian had all of the features I was looking for and I knew some people that were using it. There were other services out there that were less expensive, but they just had exactly what I was looking for so I went ahead and got it. I don't keep it in my house, but I have a place out of town where I go by myself. When I do that I always carry it with me in case I need to reach out for help. Thankfully I have not had to use it, but it seems to be working the way it should. I inadvertently pressed the button once while I was out doing stuff and they came out immediately. It gives me comfort and peace of mind to know that I have something that I can use to get assistance if I fall.

6 years ago


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Sherman Taylor Malin, OR

My wife was the one that found it for me. I work out a lot by myself while my wife is out at work. She wanted me to have some way to get help if something happened during those times. I don't have a cellphone and I'm out by myself a lot. If something were to happen it's really useful to have it since I can get a hold of somebody who can call an ambulance for me. I usually just have it on me, either on my belt or around my neck. I've called a couple of times to make sure that it works and contacted them, but I haven't really had to use it. The only downside is that, if I accidentally hit the button that I wear around my neck, they will call everyone even if it's a mistake. I've done that a couple of times actually. Though, when I can to just ask questions I usually get vague answers. I know it's a little high price-wise, but I'm sure it's worthy everything it costs.

6 years ago


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Anne Collingwood Payette, ID

I looked things up online and checked the different options available. Since they seemed to be the best ones out there, I signed up. Since then I've checked what other people pay for things like this and they're usually paying twice what I am. I've had it for a really short time, just a few months, so I've never had to use it. While getting everything set up and going through everything that I needed, they made things very easy and simple. I wear it all day or have it somewhere that I can reach easily. I'd prefer it if it could look a little fancier, it just looks too medical right now. Because of that I have to make sure it's not showing when I go out with it.

6 years ago