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LAST UPDATED: March 16th, 2022

TrustedID is an identity restoration company that is owned and operated by Equifax, one of the three major credit bureaus. TrustedID's places its focus on protecting individuals, families, and businesses from credit and identity fraud.

Top Ranked Companies


The Good

  • Triple-Bureau Credit Monitoring
  • Lost Wallet Assistance
  • Identity Theft Insurance

Triple-Bureau Credit Monitoring

TrustedID provides its customers with comprehensive credit monitoring from all three major bureaus-Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.

Lost Wallet Assistance

In the event of a lost or stolen wallet, TrustedID will help customers to cancel cards and replace documents.

Identity Theft Insurance

TrustedID offers up to $1 million in identity theft insurance. Customers can rest assured that they will be covered and reimbursed for expenses in the event of identity theft.


The Bad

  • Limited Services
  • No Antivirus Software

Limited Services

TrustedID's services are somewhat limited. The company does not offer financial account monitoring or financial, criminal, or tax identity recovery. Additionally, it is unclear whether or not TrustedID provides social security number monitoring, preexisting condition assistance, or limited power of attorney.

No Antivirus Software

TrustedID does not provide its customers with antivirus software to protect information on their personal computers. 


The Bottom Line

TrustedID offers triple-bureau credit monitoring, lost wallet assistance, and identity theft insurance. However, the company does not offer a number of other services, including bank account monitoring and financial identity recovery. Additionally, TrustedID does not provide its customers with antivirus software. 

View Best Identity Theft Companies

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Pete S College Station, TX

I've been with TrustedID for over ten years and have had no problems. When I applied for credit a few times, they caught it immediately and texted to confirm. Nice to get monthly credit score updates too. Not sure about all those other 1-star ratings - trolls???

5 years ago


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Sirdriz77 Fairfield, CT

I received a subscription to Trusted ID after the Equifax 2017 cybersecurity incident and I found that it was very thorough and had everything I needed to make sure that there was no fraud on any of my accounts. I especially liked the regular emails that I received notifying me of any small changes on my credit report so that I could login and review them. I think it is a great service, but there are some free sites that can provide much of the same information.

2 years ago

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Dr W Santa Barbara, CA

I have just spent nearly 2 hours on the phone with TrustedID trying to get a copy of the $1M theft protection policy. I have now been sent to no less than 7 different departments and companies. During the third call, the agent showed me where the link to the policy was online. I downloaded the policy to find it is just a summary of the insurance policy from my account online. It states it is NOT the full policy and I have to request a full policy. I called Trusted ID main number to request it. They sent me to the Trusted ID paid policy department. That agent couldn't figure it out. Sent me back to original phone number. They sent me back to paid policy department (1866-547-2748). They sent me out to another number, and that department knew nothing about it. At the bottom of the policy summary there is a phone number call to obtain the policy - called them, they knew NOTHING ABOUT it and sent me back to paid policy department! I talked with the senior manager at the paid policy department, he didn't know and sent me to another claims number. They do not the policy and sent me back to the paid policy department. NO ONE KNOWS HOW OR WHERE TO PROVIDE THE FULL $1M theft protection policy we are paying for! This is really beyond unacceptable. I'm ending my coverage.

5 years ago

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K. Morgan Miami, FL

Received a "credit alert" via both email and text message. I downloaded the report as indicated, and was unable to understand the reason for the alert. I called the number provided and spoke with someone with limited English language ability, who proceeded to request all of my personal information to "confirm my identity". I finally requested to be transferred to a supervisor who spoke English, who told me that the "credit alert" was issued because my account balance had changed to zero. I told her that I did not carry a balance and it was ultimately always zero, and asked why that generated a "credit alert". She was unable to answer my question, and only was able to assure me that my account did not have a problem. This sounds like a scam to me, and not a legitimate monitoring service. A great deal of aggravation for no reason, other than requesting my personal data. Maybe this is how Equifax looses their customer data, and I now regret providing it.

5 years ago

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Pam Frankfort, IL

I signed up after the Equifax breach. I got an alert today so I checked it. The alert was based on a fraudulent credit application. This has happened several times and I have alerted all the parties involved and have filed fraud reports and have locked down all my credit reports so I call trustedID to find out how this got through and after 45 minutes of not understanding a word the person on the phone was saying, I was finally transferred to a supervisor who proceeded to tell me all the things I needed to do (all things I had already done) yet she could never answer the question as to how this fraudulent inquiry got through. She hung up on me. I called back and simply said I would like to speak to a supervisor at least 100 times before the non English speaking person got a non English speaking supervisor. Again I was informed about all the things I need to do but never got an answer as to how this happened in the first place. I was given another number that informs you to send your social security number and a copy of the card and your DL and a bill confirming your address along with your birthdate to an address in Atlanta......yeah, no chance for identity theft happening there. Equifax offered this horrible service after their breach and are doing NOTHING to help those affected by the breach. The customer service department knows absolutely NOTHING about customer service or the service this company supposedly provides. Nothing more than a band aid offered by Equifax to silence the masses who were breached. TrustedID does not care about your credit and is doing everything they can to make sure your information is stolen or breached.

6 years ago

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mike hansen Gilbert, AZ

I have never had customer service like this. I received a text saying there was an alert on my account and that I had to call the number 1-888-548-7878 (“TrustedID detected activity needing your attention”). I called the number and was on hold for 8 minutes. I explained what happened and she said they had a team that specialized in these issues and forwarded me to that group. I waited 18 minutes and was told I needed to call TrustedID. When I explained several times that I had called TrustedID and after she insisted that I needed to call them, I asked for a manager. At each point in the conversation, I was asked for various things that would identify me like my SSN, address, etc. When I got to the manager, she was very impatient and clearly not a people person. She became frustrated and kept asking for my address, insisting that the address I haven’t lived in for over 5 years is my correct address. After all that, she tells me that the reason I received a credit alert was because I have a balance on my credit card. Why would that trigger an alert? She said, “because you have TrustedID” (and stopped there, as if that’s all she needed to say. WHY WOULD I GET AN ALERT FOR ONE OF MY CREDIT CARDS JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A BALANCE. She kept saying “Because you have TrustedID.” She also then said it was because I have a phone number on my account as if the reason I have an alert was because I was foolish enough to provide a phone number to my account. The phone number is the contact method NOT the reason the system sent out an alert. I still have no idea why I received an alert for one credit card that has a balance but none of the other ones, all of which are changing balances in the exact same way as the card she referenced. I don’t think this is what the alert was really about. I think she just found something that she thought would get me off the phone.

7 years ago

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Robert E Steaves

I'm a retired computer programmer and have retired in Thailand. I signed up for TrustedID after being mentioned on Equifax's web site for my file being compromised. However, since I now live in Thailand (I used my USA Address) , Equifax's server is now restricting most all incoming IP number from a foreign country, I get an excluded country error. I have a lifetime of credit in the USA which now can't even be protected by Equifax's TrustedID. To make matters worse, I found out the front end software used by Equifax is called CloudFront sold by Amazon. You can read about it on the web. It can easily be worked around. It screens out all unwanted countries from entering your server. Further investigation on the web reveals that this software has many many workarounds, and programs for sale which will fool Equifax's server into thinking you are in the USA. Who are they fooling? Not me! Most countries in the world do not allow use of this software as it does not protect their citizens from reading unwanted news articles about religion or politics. Living in the Far East and traveling here, I know South Korea, Thailand, China, Malaysia, Sinapore have built firewalls around their countries to protect their citizens. China has gone to extreme measures in this direction to allow only good news to be read by it's citizens, deporting foreigners those who hack around their firewall. Unfortunately, many Americans with credit files live overseas, including our military and civilian support. I called Equifax and ask that Thailand be unrestricted so I could legally access and He (Supervisor Dave #DXI14) of course, refused, stating no time frame has been set for world access. Only Canada and parts of the UK have access now. He later called me unprofessional and hung up on me after I asked for someone else in his company who could help me. It is possible that Equifax could allow just one person from the world in, easily done in CloudFront. He also said Equifax is just too busy to allow USA service members and civilians into their server right now and could give no time frame for when it would allow them in. I wish I could tell all Americans how to protect their credit file from hacks, and use Equifax's free products. With the new software CloudFront installed, Equifax thinks they are safe from foreign intrusions. How sad! It is my speculation that Equifax thinks they have been hacked by a foreign entity or government, maybe Russia, China or North Korea and they think CloudFront will protect them, they are completely wrong! They only make vulnerable all Americans overseas to be exposed to ID theft.

7 years ago

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Deric Lincoln, NE

What good is this service if you cannot access it? This was provided by Equifax due to their security breach. I received a link to activate which only partially accepted my credentials. When I attempted to redo my input, I was advised that the account was already activated and provided a link to their website. I clicked that link and NOTHING! Tried 3 different search engines (Google, Explorer and Bing) and none could connect. No connection problems from my end. I searched the company out and again clicked on the link to their website and again got nothing! This is total BS, As I stated at the beginning, what good is this service if you cannot access it?????

7 years ago

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Brenda City of Saint Peters, MO

After days of being on the phone, I finally talked with SEVERAl dIFFERENT PEOPLE FROM dIFFERENT dRPARTMENTS NONE of them have been able to help me. Each one tells me to call somewhere else but wait for a couple of hours to call. Been told that I am registered but how does that help when I have never had a password. Told that first Wait TWO hours and call again a certain number...answer a few Security Questions, then call another number to get a (new) password even thought I've never been given a first password. WHEW. Maybe if some tries to steal my account info, they will have the same problems. haha

7 years ago

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After their breech - they offered me "free" credit and fraud monitoring since they had indicated my information was probably stolen. What they did was sign me up for their service "free" for one year - but it is a auto renew program. And what they also did not disclose is that if you do sign up you waive your rights for reconciliation if the data stolen did result in identity fraud against me. Fortunately this won't hold up legally. The fact they are trying to make money and take advantage of the people who were already hurt by the hack on their company - is lower than dishonest. Now they keep sending me notices to log onto their site since they detected activity that needs my attention - the site is always down

7 years ago

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C Harris

They are the worst. I cannot believe how inefficient their customer service, marketing, explanation of renewal fees. They will cancel your entire account when or if your credit card declines an automatic renewal w/o any explanation or even with your knowledge. It takes HOURS, and I mean hours, to load your info and this I have no access to it, ever. Do Not Waste Your Time. I cannot believe AARP (the king of driving you nuts with emails of explanation) partners with these losers. Don't fall for the 'cheaper" fees. It is not worth it. Shopping for a new one myself but I think they all are as bad as one another.

8 years ago

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Barbara J Knoxville, TN

I tried to cancel service after my husband passed away. They said I need to sent a death certificate, which I did. After several weeks they not only had not cancelled service, but charged me for another year. I called again, and told them the above, and I was told they had NO MAILING ADDRESS and had to fax in the info. I did that, and still no cancellation. I finally threatened to report them to BBB, and other State agencies, and they finally sent a check for the renewal. I never did get the additional 2 months from when I began the process, but I was glad to get rid of them. Do not ever sign up with them - they are not to be trusted.

8 years ago

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Emory Griffis Anthony, FL

Signed up for the "free" 14-day trial individual membership. I had to authorize a $1.00 charge to supposedly verify my banking information. The sign-up page assured me that I had until a certain date to cancel at no further charge. Less than 24 hours later, I check my bank account and see that Trusted Id had already attempted to charge me the first full month. Unbeknownst to them, my bank places a 5 day hold on new or unknown requests for payment, which allows me time to make sure the payment doesn't go through. I was able to cancel in less than one minute, they didn't bother asking the reason for the cancellation. For the brief time I had the service, I liked what was offered; however, they chose to create a trust issue right away. The last thing I need is to have to worry about unauthorized charges from a company that is supposedly protecting my accounts.

8 years ago

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Tom Cary, NC

Deceptive Billing and Customer Service- Your credit card is auto-billed annually with no email warning that it will be charging you, and giving you the opportunity to cancel. I contacted them and was informed that their system sometimes does and sometimes doesn't inform you of the pending charge. When I saw the charge, I contacted them for cancellation, which they said they would do, but would not credit me for the partial month in my "current" plan. I raised the level to the supervisor, who again said she would not credit me. Seems like a scam, which is deplorable for a company that claims to be "protecting you." Any reputable customer service-oriented company will notify you in advance of a recurring charge.

8 years ago

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Chris Raber Wadsworth, OH

They canceled my account without notifying me. I called them to see why the account was canceled and the agent said that the credit card on file expired, I asked why they did not send me an alert and he said I not sure why, our account does not show any notices or attempts to contact me. He said I would have to set everything up again. I can't believe a company that is suppose to send you alerts when something is wrong with your identity, can not send you a notice when they don't have an updated credit card on file. Poor service. I would receive false alarms alerts all the time. I went with Life Lock after this issue.

8 years ago

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Timothy Edward Dunlap Renton, WA

Here is my horror story. I was getting a few erroneous charges on my credit card which trusted ID did not pick up so I contacted my bank cancelled and reordered the card on a Friday on Sunday falling to Friday I cancelled the card ID tried to pull their feet out of my credit card which they couldn't. I then received an email and text from trusted ID stating that they are honoring my request to cancel my account. They did this without notifying me prior to cancelling the account or finding out why the card was cancelled. When I contact them that Monday they refuse to reactivate the account stating that I would have to go back through and reset everything back up that's real customer service for you there folks they lost a customer of 10 years who went to LifeLock anybody reading this I would strongly suggest you go to LifeLock you should've trusted ID they don't give a damn about their customers

9 years ago

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Joe S Ruskin, FL

This company is not available 24/7, then why should we trust it, tried to get into my site today, they refused me and then when I tried to get in via my birth and ssan they still refused me and I pay them to keep me safe!!! Really I pay these people to keep me safe and they refuse to let me into the site I pay them to protect me? I call them and they try to let me in and still I can't get in and then they tell me to call or try back 30 Min. later and still can't get in and then I find out they are not a 24/7 company? Really? You want to trust this company with your private information to protect you 24/7? And you can't call them during certain hours? Are they the company you want to protect you? I think not!

9 years ago

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John Reno, NV

Your methodology, leading to a rating of 4.8, didn't evaluate the quality of support from TrustedID. I have had their services for a little over a year. Two days ago, I received a text message about "detected activity needing your attention" and a phone number to call. Info on their web site was too cryptic to interpret. I called right away to find out what that was about, and was put on hold for 15 minutes, after which I had to leave the call to attend a meeting. After the meeting, I called back, and sat on hold for 45 minutes until it was time to go home at the end of the day. Couldn't call back in the evening, since their phone hours end at 8:00 PM Central time, and I'm on the west coast. I never got through to them.The bottom line ... I was looking at this web site for clues to anyone that might do better. If the company doesn't pay for enough staff to answer its phone when they recommend that the customer call them, then what use are they?

9 years ago

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Missy Cincinnati, OH

The customer service is terrible! We have been with TrustedID for YEARS and I noticed my credit score dropped significantly. So I called them to help and they would not help me because I am not the "main" contact on the service - my father and I pay for the service together. And without him on the phone I couldn't talk to anyone about MY credit score. AND they hung up on me! Twice! The woman who was in charge of the office literally yelled at me and hung up on me. Seriously the worst customer service I think I have ever experienced. The one time I needed their assistance, I was treated with so little respect that I am leaving their program and going with a new service.

9 years ago

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Michael Greene, NY

Was a Member of trusted I D for years. It took hrs. to type in information for their service. On the day my service fees were do my credit card did not process so they cancelled my account without giving me the opportunity to pay. They now say, that I have to re-create all my information. The service person I talked to did not give a Sh_t and was very rude on the phone. Very poor customer service and contact. Really they have no personal contact just email, and they did not even do that. You may want to consider another company before you really need them. I am moving on. I'll pay another who actually services their customers. Mike

9 years ago

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Thomas Iannucci Elmhurst, IL

Had the service for over 3 years, no complaints. My renewal came due and they tried to charge my credit card, but the card was cancelled due to fraudulent charges less than a week earlier. Bank informed me, not Trusted ID... Trusted ID cancelled my account with no effort to contact me for another card even though they know I have several others. No attempt was made to contact me to ask if I wanted to continue or other options. When I called to ask what I could do to charge another card--no options, no account existed anymore. No Options. Spoke to another manager--no options except to send an email to the appropriate people. I sent the email, haven't heard from them in over a week. They clearly don't give a... about paying customers. Very, very poor customer service.

9 years ago

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marcella Joliet, IL

The company auto-renewed me for an annual charge. They claimed their right to charge and to not refund fully is in their boilerplate terms and conditions. (I am sure it is camouflaged there. Great way to get a customer's money once, but not so good for retaining a customer long term. I expect notice before large charges.) And when I cancelled because of the lack of notice, they would only refunded half (for 6 months), even though the charge was still in "pending" stage at my bank and non of those services had been accessed. (My bank alerts me automatically of charges so I received an instant charge alert..) Beware of this company. It is easy to sign up. Much harder to stop.

10 years ago

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Jerry Altavista, VA

I'm a Federal atty who is paid to fight bad guys so I want to protect myself and family from them. I looked to Trusted ID after reading a so called impartial review site and in the end it was a big disappointment and I got out. Their customer service is horrible in the sense they lack sufficient knowledge of the issue vice being friendly and saying hello and have a nice day. 1) rep enrolled my wrong address (pretty important for ID), 2) rep asked for me to fax over info which I faxed confirmed receipt and now they claim they don't have it. 3) Called 3 times over 7 days their robo answering service which said experiencing high call volume and waited 20 min each call before hanging up (if my ID was taken I need to talk now to a human), 4) sent e-mail via their customer contact site guaranteed 24-48 reply and that was 2 weeks reply!. 5) they can't look you up by your account number (really?). None of this invokes a feeling that these folks could protect my identity. Zero confidence so I got out fast.

10 years ago

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Joan Plymouth, MA

We enrolled in Trusted ID last April. Since Trusted ID has been purchased by Equifax, dealing with them is awful. Each time we call, the wait for someone to answer is anywhere between 30 minutes to much ,much longer. When someone does finally answer, they are uninformed,abrupt or inept. We tried to unlock our credit for 30 days, so that we could open a new credit card. After hours and hours on the phone, and promises to unlock our credit report for 30 days, they unlocked it for only 7 days. ( The credit card company needed more.). After trying to reach these people for almost two hours this morning, I was connected to India. They were difficult to understand and could not help me with this simple request. Stay clear of this operation!! They were great when we first enrolled, however, since the purchase by Eqifax, that is most certainly not the case!

10 years ago

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Joe Kansas City, MO

They offer what looks like a pretty nice program through AARP - good services and great price for the family plan. When I tried to sign up online, the site repeatedly rejected my credit card number - said it is invalid. It's not. Spent 20 minutes on the phone with them signing up the old fashioned way, and at the end the person told me the card was invalid. I assured her it wasn't. I logged into the credit card web site and saw a pending charge by them, and told her that. She investigated further on her end, and told us the card was going to expire in 2 months. They require a card that won't expire for at least 12 months. I only have one credit card for personal use, and one for business use - and I don't use the business card for personal uses so refuse to use it here. So they just lost my business. How many other people do they reject because their credit card expires in the next 12 months? If they can't get their stuff together for this, why should I have any confidence in their ability to monitor any of my other financial information? FAIL

10 years ago

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Sam Park Ridge, IL

The credit monitoring services are sub par. They deactivated my credit monitoring without informing me. I found out after logging in when I received one of their monthly emails (which always tells me I have 1-2 credit alerts when really there are none). I called and was transferred around to three different people who were not knowledgeable. I asked if they would tell me if someone opens a checking account in my name and they ultimately said no after some debate and didn't to seem to understand the question. So what are they good for? Doesn't that create a credit inquiry? They didn't understand the issue.

11 years ago

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James Dirden Roanoke, TX

Today I received another one of Equifax's stupid "Credit Monitoring Alert" emails. I logged in to my account to review the alert. As always, it was another content-free bunch of jibberish about a bank I've never heard of doing something to an unidentified account. Against my better judgement, I called the "Customer Care Team" phone number provided in the email. An hour and a half later, after speaking to two call center reps and two "supervisors," I still don't have a clue as to what this alert is all about. It's no wonder these idiots were hacked!

5 years ago

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Alva Thomas Sugar Land, TX

I wish there were something lower than 1 *. I was given this service as a result of Equifax identity breach. Some of the alerts they are sending to me are sent a week or later after the transaction. Last night I got an alert as 12:49 am and when I checked the website there was nothing there. One of the representative told me that she couldn't discuss something that was reported to a credit bureau other than Equifax! Horrible experience. Would not recommend them to ANYONE!

6 years ago

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K Q Tole Benton, AR

I don't trust TrustedId anymore than I do their parent company, Equifax. The customer service is awful. I called to cancel my subscription and was told it was handled by a different department. Instead of transferring me the young woman put me on hold. I called back and was finally able to cancel. Extremely poor customer service and the product is useless.

6 years ago

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Janice Roseville, CA

WOW...Have to give TrustedID only 1 star after reading the reviews. They were pretty scary!! Don't worry all the ones that signed up for the 'free year' because of the recent Equifax scare. I did too. I did call them and was told that we'd be contacted at end of our free year with option to continue or discontinue. So we'll see. At least that's a positive thought on this issue. Meanwhile I recommend getting a Credit Karma app and sign up with them. You will have access to your credit score from Equifax and TransUnion (every single day if u want). It also lists activity on every credit card, or loan you have. Credit Karma even alerts u by email on any unusual activity. This is all for Free. Credit Karma is something else.

6 years ago Edited September 14, 2021

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Laura Oxford, FL

Received two texts stating action was needed. When I logged in to my account, could find nothing. I called and waited one hour. Hung up and called the next day. Been waiting on hold almost 2 hours and they still have not answered. Sent them a text reply, and 2 additional emails. Still nothing. If it was so urgent that 2 texts were sent, why is nothing showing on my account?

7 years ago

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Bill Bristol, RI

you can't get anyone to help you. I have waited over 2 hours for someone to pick up the phone. at first when I got the link email, they send me a series of sign in questions, then it said my answers didn't match theirs. Then I tried again it said it was activated, but I have no way to sign in as no password was provided. What a mess and what a waste of time...

7 years ago

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Dan Drotar Farmington, MI

Trusted ID texted my phone to say they detected activity needing my attention and asked that I login to their website or call their number. I logged into their website and couldn't see what needed my attention so for the past 56 minutes I have been on hold with their phone center. Their call center doesn't even estimate the wait time. These folks are way behind the times. Unfortunately, I cannot wait all day for trusted ID to pick up the phone!

7 years ago

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Gloria Zephyrhills, FL

Minutes after I attempted to sign up onlineI for this program I was charged 209.99 for a family plan, which is double the fee for the individual plan. This charge showed up on my account for the higher amount before I had entered the information for the second person. They said they would immediately cancel the bad account . Well, that didn't happen. I talked to several people, The only reason I gave them a 1 instead of zero is because they are nice, incompetent but nice.

8 years ago

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Sage Bishop Bellingham, WA

I signed up with Trusted ID for my family and the account expired after a year. They never contacted me to renew and I only found out it expired when I received a text from them citing "activity needing your attention" but when I went to login it said I needed to renew my subscription. Seems to me that is their way of letting me know I need to renew. It put a dent in my trust in them

8 years ago

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Craig May Oxnard, CA

Could NOT be more displeased. When trying to cancel I was told the only way they would allow it was to furnish my death certificate. After three calls to the company I was still not able to convince them I was alive and couldn't furnish the document. At that point I contacted my credit card company and had the account put in dispute. Is this the type of company you want to do business with

8 years ago

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Kevin Aiken, SC

Company charged my credit card for another year without informing me. I saw it immediately and called to cancel. I was informed that even though I called the same day the billing went through, they won't refund my money until the next billing cycle. So I only get eleven months back. To me that's fraud, and that is one of the protections you hire such a company for! We'll see if I even get the refund back! Scam artists.

9 years ago

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TH Luth Miamisburg, OH

WOW. Worst company ever. Their "warnings" are always well after the change in credit and when I had to cancel a credit card they didn't even bother to check to see what the issue was ; they just cancelled my account. When I asked them why they did that their answer was that yes they were being paid to monitor my credit, but a cancelled card was not enough of a red flag for them to reach out and since they did not get paid; I got cancelled.

9 years ago

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SC Lawndale, NC

Cancelled my account promised a refund and never received. Now I try emailing and they refuse to answer since the account is closed. And to top it off they don't list their business hours and when you call it just says keep holding were very busy. This is of course a lie since they aren't even open. Not sure how a place can protect your identity when they have very limited hours. I guess they think crooks work normal business hours. Awful service. save yourself a headache and look elsewhere.

9 years ago

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Gary Seaside, CA

Any company that #1 does a bait and switch when it comes to services rendered as opposed to services promised will also #2 do a bait and switch when it comes to how they bill you, making a presentation in a way that hides the contractual obligation as much or more than is allowed by law. Stay away from these pretenders. You end up with a forced obligation and nothing to show for it.

9 years ago

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Pedro Moya Harrison Township, MI

The 14-day trial that expires and automatically enrolls you in a 90-day contracted period, rather than a monthly contract like most other companies, is a major issue. Instead they are forced to pay at least three months. We received no response to our emails and customer service was not helpful in resolving the issue, indicating that NO ONE in the company had the authority to refund the 3 months of payment for a service I never used.

9 years ago

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John Glen Mills, PA

This is absolutely the worst customer service there is available. Called three weeks ago to advise that I was not receiving emails and that they had charged my credit card without notifying me. They assured us that we would have emails within 7 days. We received no emails and in the last two weeks have had two forms of identify theft. Can not explain why I am not receiving emails. I also entered three fraud alerts at that time, none of which are showing up on my account. I have no trust in this company and will be reporting to Better Business and FTC.

9 years ago

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Wayne Mckinney, TX

Very poor service. I signed up to receive text alerts on my cell phone. After I applied for a credit card using my SSN, I waited for a text message but never received one. I verified that my correct # was in my account then called customer service. The girl I spoke with could not explain why a text was not sent and could not assure me that I would get one in the future. I immediately cancelled the service. They simply cannot be trusted to protect your identity. I will look elsewhere.

9 years ago

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bruce Boynton Beach, FL

Very Very poor HAVE them 2 yrs they do nothing i just called them about personal information they advised me to remove from internet . i also wrote to them and did what they advised me to do my rating went from low to med IUM RISK ? I WROTE AND CALLED WITH NEVER A REPLYI HAD EXPERIAN BEFORE THIS IS A COMPANY THAT ALSO SCAMS THE BUYER ,NOW I FOUND OUT THEY BOUGHT THIS COMPANY AS WELL/

9 years ago

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Nate Denver, CO

I was signed up for this service when I got a "free credit report" from I didn't realize they were signing me up for a service that would charge me every month. I finally realized what was going on months later and had to call them to cancel since they don't let you cancel online. The rep who I talked to was terse and condescending when I asked nicely for a refund. If you are looking for ID theft protection, there are better companies that don't con you into a membership.

9 years ago

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sabrina overbay Morristown, TN

Please DO NOT ever use Trustedid for credit monitoring and identity theft protection. They offer a 14 day free trial, but will put a hold on your checking account for 240.00! Try speaking with a supervisor and you will get no help. I bet if I hadn't caught it so soon they would have actually taken the money out of my account. As of now there is just a hold. Please repost this so that others wont get scammed by an IDENTITY THEFT PROTECTION company.

10 years ago

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phil caso Washington, DC

TrustedID is a defectively designed product. The whole idea of identity protection is to get an alert if a new account is opened, key word NEW, that you possibly don't know about. Instead, I am getting emails everyday that my balance changes on one of my credit cards, which will change every month, STUPID!

6 years ago

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Dan Johnson Piscataway, NJ

Signed up weeks ago as a result of equifax breach. All i get is an error after setting up an account, states call customer service. I have called during their posted hours for 2 weeks now with nothing but a busy signal. I have had it with equifax as well, they will not lock my credit report directly over the phone.

7 years ago

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James R Naughton Tucson, AZ

I've tried multiple times on the internet and on the phone to speak with customer service and I just can't get in. The breach of our personal information has put 143 million people imminent risk of identify theft and mortgage fraud and this process of obtaining "TrustedID" is Byzantine and unreliable. What the hell is going on here?!

7 years ago

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Sandra G Moore LPC

Can't get trough to anyone and can't complete my Equifax Support identity help. This has been going on for days. Horrible response to their ridiculous phrase, "the incident." Hey's a breach affecting over one third of the citizens in this country!! Wake up and fix this nonsense.

7 years ago