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LAST UPDATED: October 5th, 2022

Founded in 2001, IDShield provides identity theft protection to millions of people. IDShield offers identity theft services to individuals and organizations across the country and is one of the nation's leading providers of legal safeguards.

IDShield identity theft protection services include security monitoring, privacy monitoring, social media monitoring, identity restoration, IDShield Vault Password Manager, consultation services, and more.

According to the IDShield website, the company covers over one million lives and provides coverage against identity thieves in 50 states and four provinces. The Oklahoma-based identity theft company also offers 24/7 emergency identity theft support to all customers.

Additionally, IDShield provides members easy access to their credit scores, fraud alerts, monitored information, and their licensed private investigators. The identity protection company acknowledges data breach threats on its website and offers advice and information regarding the importance of identity theft and identity protection.

IDShield offers a 30-day free trial along with four different identity theft protection service plans - two individual plans and two family-specific plans. Each plan comes with credit monitoring services, unlimited consultation services, credit score tracking and reporting, and more.

Read on to learn more about the pros and cons of IDShield's identity theft protection services.


The Good

  • Individual and Family Plans
  • Monitoring Service
  • Recovery Services
  • Service Guarantee

Individual and Family Plans

IDShield offers identity protection plans for both individuals and families at fairly affordable prices. Each family plan covers one person, a spouse, and up to eight children.

The individual plans include monitoring services like credit bureau monitoring, social security number monitoring, dark web monitoring, and more. The individual plans also include unlimited consultations with licensed private investigators, a $5 million service guarantee, comprehensive restoration, and the Vault Password Manager.

The family plans include every service that is found in the individual plan but also includes child monitoring services. In regard to credit bureaus, ID Shield works with Experian for its credit monitoring services.

Monitoring Service

In order to best protect customers' identities, IDShield provides credit monitoring, dark web surveillance, social security number monitoring, email address monitoring, social media monitoring, bank account number monitoring, and more.

If any suspicious activity is detected, IDShield will issue an immediate fraud alert to the customer.

The company also has the ability to perform credit freezes. Overall, IDShield monitors everything from customers' personal bank accounts (checking account and savings account) to their credit score and much more.

Recovery Services

In addition to monitoring services, IDShield also offers a number of identity restoration services to help customers in the event of theft. The company provides financial, medical, and criminal identity recovery, as well as lost wallet assistance.

The company also gives customers access to a licensed private investigator who will work under a power of attorney (pre-paid legal services) to restore customers' identities to pre-theft status. 

Service Guarantee

IDShield offers a $5 million service guarantee that acts like identity theft insurance by covering and reimbursing customers for expenses in the event of identity theft.

The company states on its website that it doesn't "give up until your identity is restored". IDShield gives full access to its customer service agents around-the-clock as well as access to private investigators.

The company also provides "industry-leading identity restoration experts" to help customers who have fallen victim to identity theft restore their identity.

Additionally, IDShield has a list on its website of frequently asked questions to help customers educate themselves on identity theft processes and what can put them at risk of identity theft (credit card usage, bank ATMs, documents, breaches, social networks, phishing schemes, websites, etc.).

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The Bad

  • Lack of Antivirus Software

Lack of Antivirus Software

Unfortunately, IDShield does not seem to provide customers with antivirus software to protect the sensitive data on their personal computers from hackers and viruses.

The lack of antivirus software means that customers will have to pay out-of-pocket costs to obtain their own protective software. Without antivirus software, customers are exposed to a variety of identity theft threats via their personal computers and devices.


The Bottom Line

IDShield offers both individual and family identity theft plans, several identity protection and recovery services, and a $5 million service guarantee. IDShield also provides several identity monitoring services including social media monitoring, credit card and debit card monitoring, and more.

Additionally, the company services customers nationwide, provides helpful and educational information on its website, and offers 24/7 emergency identity theft customer service as well as access to licensed private investigators.

Unfortunately, the company does not appear to provide customers with antivirus software which may leave customers exposed to additional identity theft threats unless they obtain their own antivirus software.

According to the IDShield website, "identity theft hits a new victim every few seconds." This threat is what motivates IDShield to provide identity theft education and protection to its customers.

Although IDShield does not seem to offer antivirus software, it continues to be a reliable and well-known company that will effectively protect your identity.

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Michael Earp Rockford, IL

Recently I received an alert regarding my email. I contacted IDShield to find out what was going on. The Rep that I spoke with explained that my email had been compromised as part of a data breach. He instructed me to change the password and that I should check my "Sent" folder to see if there was anything suspicious in there. I did what he said the very next chance that I could. When I looked at my "Sent" folder I was shocked to see more than 30 emails had been sent out to various people in my email contacts. I notified everybody on the list to let them know not to open any of those emails. Apparently the thieves will use your email to trick your friends into clicking on a link because your friends think it came from you. When that happens the thieves now have access to your friends data.

3 years ago

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Ronnie Grand Junction, CO

I have had the membership for about 15 years. I've seen them go through many changes. Every change gave us more coverage. They have notified me when my email was being sold on the dark web. An unusual charge on a credit card. I have called many times with questions about my identity and repairing my scores-they helped me and our scores are higher. We had someone buying and selling homes in our name. The IRS came after me for over $100K. I was told it would have cost me over $25K to fix it and hundreds of hours on my own. I signed a limited power of attorney and did police reports and they had it all cleaned up and thousands of dollars back to me from the IRS. It cost me nothing, we had less than 15 minutes tied up with it. They are a life and stress saver.

4 years ago

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Vaughn West Palm Beach, FL

I'm my opinion there's NO Better Coverge. Of shield is the ONLY Company that Ofers FULL Hassle Free Identity Restoration, (Which is the MAIN Reason to have Identity Theft Service's in the 1st Place...) Personally I want, More Bang for My Buck, with the Best Most Hassle Free Restoration Possible, which ONLY IDShield Provides... And who cares if they don't offer Virus Protection.., That's why there's Norton & McAfee, Duh... Bottom line they Cover Everything and have amazing social media monitoring, a More Secure Password Protection Vault Software then any other Service on the Market... And They Offer More Coverage for Less Money Then All Other's, Including LifeLock..., (Which LifeLock is still under Investigation by the FTC along with Equifax...) Last But Not Least, Their Customer Service Has Always Been Amazing to me... When I was a victim of Identity Theft a few years back, I simply called them and they took care of everything, as well as guided me towards what I could do to prevent, similar, future Identity Theft Issues.... Let's Not Forget, They Give a $5-Million Guarantee which is greater then any other company.

6 years ago Edited September 14, 2021

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Chet McFadden

ID Shield Along with Legal Shield are awesome. My wife and i have both been victims of ID Theft . Hers was medical, Mine was drivers listens. I was notified that i got traffic ticket in New York , and i live in Michigan and was never in New York . ID Shield contacted me and Legal Shield hired a law firm . In about 10 days i was notified that the Law Firm had all issues related to the ticket were dropped - and i never had to leave home . My wife medical issues were the same. ID Shield hired a fraud investigation team and they fixed all medical discrepancies . All this for my monthly fee of under $20 dollars . I love the company

8 years ago

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Trent Hall Memphis, TN

IDShield and its earlier service (which I still own) is quite comprehensive and effective. Whenever I've called in, friendly & professional people take my questions and spend as much time as I want as they thoroughly answer my questions. Several months ago, I discovered that something terrible turned up on a background check -- that wasn't on my credit report but was affecting my ability to sign a contract. IDShield and LegalShield quickly worked together to clear up the issue for me. I only had to call, and they took care of the issue I had inadvertently discovered without any further involvement on my part... so I could get on with my life, sign the contract, and again I didn't have to spend any more time resolving the situation than simply calling. Other times, they have helped resolve issues that I didn't know about. Again, with no hassles and included with a low cost of membership. They are friendly, extremely competent, and effective. I'm sticking with IDShield and LegalShield.

8 years ago

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Karen Winter Springs, FL

Luckily, we haven't been a victim yet, although we have been part of several data base hacks. So why do I want to review? Because using our membership dozens of times for preventitive consultation has diffinately prevented us from falling prey to some very ingenious thives. We ALWAYS check with our IDShield investigators & licensed consultants before clicking on sommething or responding to a phone call or e-mail, even if they seem harmless. I'm surprised that we have averted several potential opportunities to become victims just by getting the right information. I know my fb friends mean well and a few may have some experience, but I feel if Kroll (IDShield) has been taking care of the financial identity of countries, governments and fortune 500 companies for decades - they can surely handle anything that comes my way. Anytime I call, I'm assisted by a real investigator with real experience. Instead of hurring on to the next caller, I am given plenty of time to understand all the information I need to make a decision. They are available 24/7/365 if I have a theft issue and they do the work for me.

8 years ago

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George L Waianae, HI

No one else offers 24/7 emergency access or licensed private investigators assigned to your case until all resolvable issues are resolved - whatever it takes, for as long as it takes! $5 million dollar service guarantee? Unheard of in the industry vs some smoke-and-mirrors, cockamamie, "$1 million insurance" broken down into tiny, bite-size, if-you-can-prove-your-expense-we-might-approve-the-reimbursement scheme. Who has the time, money or experience to track down all of the businesses and agencies during business hours when you are supposed to be working to investigate and right your identity compromise - whether it's financial (only 17%), medical, driver's license, social security, criminal, tax return, children, elderly, military, or government? One call, limited power of attorney and a licensed private investigator does the heavy lifting for you! No competition; no comparison. I had my car broken into and within minutes, the thieves were charging purchases on the debit card! 24/7 access helps to limit the losses immediately. Since then, several large breaches occured: University of Hawaii, K-mart, Veteran's Administration, Target, Office of Personnel Management... all places I've worked, attend school, or shopped. While they are busy spinning a great PR tale, I'm sleeping easy at night knowing my entire family is covered shoud any of our exposed personal information be sold, resold, and eventually used. Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. If you have a choice to go with the number one company in the industry, why not? And it''s cheaper? And you get more? No brainer. Get the facts, then get protected.

9 years ago

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saly Wardle Phoenix, AZ

I love this service! The slogan "you have to be in it to (win) it is so true.. The service can only monitor one's account if they have all your appropriate account numbers ..They cannot monitor and report what they don't know...The IDT account requires activation too. which was so easy..when I had completed my application online,immediately the "Activation" button appeared ..I clicked and was taken to a screen registered...added my accounts ..I was then taken to the "Dashboard" where I found my first notification .. that all was alright. It also showed my credit score. I then printed off my credit report . My Legalshield representative was a phone call away.. and I called her..she was friendly ,knowledgeable and answered the questions I had.

9 years ago

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Luke Tieskoetter Des Moines, IA

I love LegalShield as they are the most comprehensive service on the market. They do not need the one million insurance police because they do all the work for you with their complete restoration service thus saving hours of precious time for the victim of identity theft. It also covers all forms of identity theft where as most companies do not. Being licensed in insurance, I have read the one dollar policy offer by companies to the conclusion it is very limited in how much money will be paid out for certain claims. One million sounds great but I would doubt if one million would ever be paid out--it is a sells bullet point.

9 years ago

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ryan bernard Denver, CO

I did extensive research and purchased their Identity Theft program which is handled by Kroll Advisory. Kroll, is the industry monster in protecting and rebuilding your credit in the event your Id is stolen. They are the go to company for many of the U.S. agencies when dealing with identify and other matters... I Have yet to have any ID theft since I have them, however, I'm assured that in the event of a major or even monitor your ID, they bring you back to pre theft status, unlike the other ID services, they rebuild my credit and sign an investigator and if needed they use Legal Shield as the legal backstop to protect all aspect of identity!! I'm assured, with Legal Shield and Kroll, I'm not told how to rebuild my credit and don't have to spend the 400-500 hours and deal with all the headaches!! I have found that Kroll is the best, every company that I researched for ID theft had disclaimers as to rebuilding your credit and Lifelock I found was sued by 23 State Attorney Generals Office for fraud and it appears you have to prove to them or sue them to have them rebuild your credit, they tell you how and you have to spend the 100's hours to do it yourself!!! If only I could find a company that fills my health care, vision, dental for $20-30 per month. Also, what is truly amazing you are covered with Legal Shield in so many areas of my life that I never thought of!!! This company is not a scam or fraud they are the real deal and I still can't believe that they exist!!! They have truly provided a product that allows the one to live and more and worry less as the company slogan states, One of the few companies that truly walks the talk!!

9 years ago

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Ilene Flushing, NY

I have had the LegalShield legal and ID theft plan for over 10 years and from my experience this is the absolute best service available on the market today, hands down!!! I have used it on so many occasions over the years and have never been disappointed – not to mention the thousands of dollars I have saved for both legal and ID theft issues! LegalShield has been around for over 40 years and the same goes for Kroll who provides the complete restoration services for ID theft victims. Kroll is literally the world leader in fraud solutions and their experienced, licensed investigators do all the work on your behalf should you or an immediate member of your family becomes a victim. Other companies don't even come close to this type of “no hassle” protection/restoration plan since they are not equipped to provide complete restoration without time limits for all kinds of identity theft (financial, medical, social security, criminal, etc.). Unfortunately, you won't find that out until something happens and a limited scope of protection is revealed as I have seen happen with friends who had other plans when identity theft and/or legal issues struck. Be sure to read in between the lines…as of right now there are 103 ID theft protection plans being compared on this website with a total of 551 reviews for all of the plans combined. And 122 of those 551 reviews are for LegalShield alone, the most reviews posted for any id theft service listed on this website. Somehow, LegalShield ranks #3 and was given a score of 7.6, when the average scoring of 122 ACTUAL USERS is a high score of 9.6 !!! And then you have LifeLock, ranking #1 and given a score of 9.5 when there is a significantly lower average scoring of 6.1 from only 44 ACTUAL USERS. I do realize this website has specific criteria that are used to arrive at their scores; however, the best resource for ratings is always going to be most accurate from the people who are using the product! Overall, I can happily say the plans pay for themselves (and then some) and I would NEVER be without them. I hope this helps you. Read the reviews, do your homework and see for yourself…the proof is in the pudding!

9 years ago

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Sasha Baltimore, MD

In the world that we live in today, we'd better be protected when and if identity theft, predatory lenders, unscrupulous collection agencies come to find us. I've had LegalShield with the Identity Theft plan and have had to use the top of the line lawyers (#4 in our state) to handle my name being using in another state and bogus medical bills sent (that were already paid) demanding payment from a collection agency. You see, they bought the list of accounts/bills from the medical company and the company failed to tell them that I had settled and paid the lesser amount already agreed on. The collection agency was trying to collect on the amount that had been forgiven by the medical company. I can only wonder how many people are being scammed by that one. LegalShield also went to my defense against a nationwide company for shoddy work. The lawyers told me that it didn't look like things were going in my favor (because of previous documents that were signed) but they still made a few more calls. The decision was reversed and I was saved over $1000. Here's the thing...they can't promise anything because they work with the laws on the books. But I'd rather have LegalShield at the price of $17 and Identity Theft for $9.95 per month (they'll even split the payments to bill two separate times of the month from two different accounts) than not to have it, especially in this litigious society.

9 years ago

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Elvira Newtown, PA

Monitoring is great. Restoration is better! 20 years ago my info was given in a traffic stop. The person was speeding thru a red light. The ticket was not paid. The State issued a DL in my name and then suspended it. In Dec of 2012 I found all this out when applying for a Pennsylvania DL. The DMV in TN told me I had to appear in court in TN to testify that in May of 1991 that was not me who received the ticket. The investigator at Kroll informed me that my name was one of the alias of the person who committed the crime and their criminal record was extensive. Kroll cleaned all of this criminals info out of my file. Then he advised me of documents I need to carry with me when I travel outside of the company. He then informed me that if this thief showed up in my records again they would be there to restore for me again. I did not have to travel to TN. In one week my good record was restored and I was able to get a new drivers license with a clean history.

9 years ago

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Gina Summerfield, FL

Legal Shield has saved me thousands. Here is the thing. The folks on the other end of the phone are attorneys. AV rated attorney, however, they can't change the law. If they can't do anything for you they are being truthful to you and they don't take thousands from you first then tell you they can't help you they let you know up front. If they can help you they will and 90% of issues are covered under the monthly premium. There are some things that require retention but it will save you money. Also if you choose to cancel your policy you have to send in a written request. It's a legal service every request must be in writing. You are not under a contract and are free to cancel in any time. You must put it in writing!!!!!! I love the legal and identity theft service and I would take away another expense before I let go of this.

10 years ago

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Susanna Port Orchard, WA

I think more needs to be said about the power of the GOOD and what the major differences are between LegalShield identity theft protection and the other guys. Look more into Kroll, they are investigators who do the full Restoration of many different types of identity breaches... what can other companies really do about medical, criminal or drivers license identity theft? And the reason behind LegalShield marketing Kroll services is... When you have an identity breach, you have a legal problem. The power of this service is unmatched. When my mother 1st enrolled, you should have seen her fear when this service found 4 identity breaches and her relief in less then 2 weeks that they were all completely removed from her identity. I have friends who were helped with there drivers license being used in states they have never been in. Warrens were issued for her arrest for a DUI she didn't commit. That's were the 24/7 Emergency Line to your attorney is vital along with the Kroll restoration. As far as the BAD, this service is sold by everyday people through network marketing and human error in that process is why some people mess up the price. The service itself should be dammed as less superior because of its marketing method.

10 years ago

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RJ MN Minneapolis, MN

LegalShield is absolutely amazing! I had a very scary case of Medical Identity Theft and their Fraud Investigators helped mitigate and respond to my issue immediately and effectively. As a member I also have access to my attorney any time I want. They prepared my Will, helped me with a traffic issue, review all of my contracts and so much more. I would never be without my LegalShield card. By the way I used to be a member of Lifelock and their service is terrible. They couldn't even answer basic questions for me when I asked about my contract. More frustrating then anything to be perfectly honest.

10 years ago

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Karen Portland, OR

I have used them so many times annually saving thousands. Over billing on cable bill, parking ticket $34 trivial yet wrongfully given, document review on my car, gym membership, home and investor purchases,refund on airline ticket, credit on bad cell service and much more. Also at times I've called and gotten the good the bad and the ugly. Once in a great while I call and LegalShield writes a letter and the other party does nothing, yet I am not out 100 ' s to get the bad news. I once got an attorney not as invested in helping me, so I called the Lawfirm and they changed my Council. Also I have their ID theft premium with no issues yet. Two of my friends also have the same and Val ' s issue was resolved in 2 days, Bobbie had a stolen character nightmare with felonies warrants in 3 states, in about 4 months all was resolved! Another friend Suzanne has a highly advertised provider, thinks they walk on water, yet 2 1/2 years later still dealing with it. Crazy yet some just don't get it (:

10 years ago

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Taylor Vancouver, WA

I've been a member for almost 6 yrs. love the access to attorneys. They really do help simplify life's complications and its so great to even call on small things and be proactive. I've never broken the law but has used them at least 80 times in 6 yrs. why research the Internet when I can call an attorney to get the right answer the 1st time. As for their identity theft program, nothing beats it! Total peace of mind knowing they do full restoration not resolution like the other companies and it's backed by license investigators that help with all the other areas like medical, criminal irs etc. I would be totally overwhelmed and lost if I had to do it myself, even with instructions. Really who has the extra time.

10 years ago

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Suzette Kooyman Phoenix, AZ

I have had the services for 16 years and would go without any other service before I would ever go without my legal shield plan. It offers a true peace of mind. My sister in law has life lock and she is always confused about what is expected of her since she discovered an identity theft issue. I have had several personal friends that have had identity theft issues birth after getting the service and even before the service. In the five situations that I know about first hand Krill did all the work and gave them peace of mind and allowed them to get on with their life while they fixed the damage. In one car the guy had been fighting with it for over 10 years! Krill had everything fixed within 45 days! As for the added services that is mentioned above those pretty much for a home based business or other small of businesses. They allow you customize your needs so that you are not paying for anything that you don't currently need. They do that to allow you to grow with your business. The identity theft plans are very comprehensive the only add on that could be tied to the identity theft section that you are evaluating would be the extended trail defense that would be very helpful when a person is getting sued for nit paying on a debt a thrift had created. The other thing in doing my own 3rd pay research is that Legal Shield covers all five areas of identity theft. Medical is the number one problem in Utah. Most of the other plans do not cover that area.

10 years ago

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Sundae North Las Vegas, NV

My boyfriend add me to his policy at no in mid 2007. A few months latter he heard me in a discussion on the phone with a well known cell phone company. That company demanded payment for services I never requested, in a different state, and 6years previous. At the time I had been living in Las Vegas for over a decade. For 3 months I had been trying to fix the problem with no resolution. One call to my Legal Shield attorney was all it took. A month later I got an apology letter, charges removed and my credit report restored. The cell phone company came to the conclusion that I have been a victim of identity theft. Thank you Legal Shield identity theft protection plan.

10 years ago

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Geoff Unruh San Jose, CA

I've been a member since 2010 and would never be without legalshield it covers anything legal from small to major issues such as unlimited consultation, updating a will, fighting a speeding ticket,sending a letter, reviewing contracts and documents, etc. They have plans for individuals, famlies, business owners nationwide to provide peace of mind. They have saved me $1000's of dollars just on unlimited consultation. Kroll is the best Identity Theft Solutions program i've seen out there. The Provider Law Firms treat members like they are million dollar clients. I love the the fact that the lawfirms get back to you in eight hours or less same day for a consumer and four hours same day for business owner. Its true peace of mind knowing i have identity theft protection and law firms in my back pocket.

10 years ago

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Mark Wick San Antonio, TX

I have the LegalShield Premium Identity Theft Plan and can see the advantage of having all three credit bureaus monitored. The extra detection provided by Kroll through the premium plan is priceless. Before this was available both my Yahoo and Google accounts were compromised and emails sent, purportedly by me, which caused me some problems. At least my LegalShield attorneys were able to inform me about any liabilities I may have had as a result. Several months ago I received a notification from Kroll that my Yahoo account had been hacked again. This time I was able to change my password, on the advice of a Kroll investigator, before anyone was able to create trouble for me again. I have peace of mind that I know who I am and will continue to know when/if someone else tries to pretend to be me. Should that occur, I have Kroll and the network of about 6.900 experienced attorneys ready to help me put all as it should be. This is the best value on the planet.

10 years ago

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Voncile CA

Truly a full service company who made a great connection of having the best of the best for both the Legal plans and Identity theft plans together gives the customer and their family true peace of mind!! They have saved me thousands of dollars by helping me with several issues from the IRS, getting a Will in place, my son being bullied, and helping my mom with an identity theft issue where she received a letter from Knoll saying someone may have been using her information in Florida! Keep in mind, we live in Hawaii, she made one call to Kroll, a licensed investigator, helped her by calling Chase bank and stayed on the line to help my mom and he did the talking, come to find out someone used her information to open an account in her name and bought plane tickets totalling over 5,000.00 dollars. To make a long story short, the issue was resolved in 20 minutes and my mom's good name and credit remained in tact!! Incredible peace of mind and such professional services!! Love our LegalShield, and Knoll IDT, plans!!

10 years ago

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Karen Miller Alexandria, VA

I have Legalshield's Identity Theft Premium Plan. I will say that what has been reviewed by this company is out of date and not correct. Legalshield offers so much more protection than what I have coverage for.The identity theft protection plans are the same in every state. Their legal plan varies by state. I have time and time again been assisted and impressed by the service and the protection that Legalshield has offered me. I certainly would give this product and this company a 10! I previously had LifeLock and another plan offered by my bank. Neither even got close to what Legalshield offers or what they have done for me. Please feel free to contact my sales rep. He is a great guy and very helpful.

10 years ago

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Wendy Terrado La Puente, CA

LegalShield does offer monitoring from all 3 bureaus, but they have an exclusive partnership with Kroll Advisory Solutions -- a 42 year old company that deals exclusively with ID Theft. Kroll is a GLOBAL risk management company. Kroll was hired by the Philippine government & found where Marcos' millions were. Kroll is the one Target paid to clean up their recent ID theft. LegalShield puts it in writing that the ID theft restoration is not complete until the customer says it's complete. I dare you to find any other ID Theft product with that kind of written guarantee! I am a very pleased client who has used their investigative services.

10 years ago

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Kamil f Oviedo, FL

This deserves to be at the top of the list at 5 stars and here is why: Not only are they affordable but they are the only company that assigns you a licensed private investigator that helps you every step of the way. They don't only monitor but they restore. I have had no problems and It is pretty affordable for an individual at only $9.95 a month so that won me over too. Plus I just found out that they offer line discounts for shopping at different retailers!

6 years ago

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Ginger Vallejo, CA

They are exceptional,, smart, know their products and go the extra mile to service you. Can get your credit score daily, only company that has licensed investigators, 5 million dollars guarantee, and what they monitor is so much more extensive , in depth, than you mentioned that their competitors do do the industry justice. In fact only about 25% of your information is correct, the rest is so outdated, you should really check your facts!

8 years ago

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CC Tustin, CA

I have had LegalShield for 20 years and have used it a number of time over the years. It helped my friend daughter restore her identity so she could get a scholarship which she was told she didn't qualify because someone else received state funds in her name when she was in high-school. She had no idea this had happened. Now she is a sophomore at USC with a full academic scholarship and grants and loans from the government after her name was cleared.

8 years ago

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Lanne Lewiston, ID

Great bang for youyr dollar. Family ID protection for Husband-Wife and up to 8 children.....$19.95 mo. No one else I talked to comes close. No.1 user rated ID Protection provider in the country for a reason. AND also they offer access to Legal representation 24/7/365 annualy ($19.95 mo.) for less than the cost of an attorney for a hour of their time. # 1 in my book.

8 years ago

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George CO

This is the only real company that provides complete restoration and guarantees it with no fine print on the $5 million service guarantee. I have been a member for 13 years and they upgraded my services at no additional cost as they upgraded their services. They are also the only company that can help in every form of identity theft credit is so small now

8 years ago

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Paris Atlanta, GA

When my husband and I faced multiple bank garnishments and a $25,000 bill from the IRS because of an identity thief using his social, IDShield's private licensed investigators were there to spend their time and resources to restore things back to the way they were. We're happy to say that we got the refund we were entitled to from the IRS because of IDShield's unmatched service and expertise.

9 years ago

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Ann Byrne WI Palatine, IL

LegalShield and their ID theft plan saved me a lot of grief, time and money when I became a victim of 5 or more multiple online ordering scams between Thanksgiving and Christmas In 2013. Online orders from cheese in WI, to ToysRus in NYC, to Home Depot in California, and several more were made up in my name & address, and I didn't know until I got all the bills. By the time they helped restore my credit, my crdit score improved by 37 points! So grateful for their help!

9 years ago

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Phil Cranberry Twp, PA

I have had the legal plan since 2001 and I and my family have used it over 90 times which has saved us time and money. It's been my best investment. I have had the identity theft plan since it was first introduced and have received several alerts. I have researched the various plans on the market and am convinced that the LegalShield plans provide the greatest value and protection.

9 years ago

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David & Chris Keefer Girard, PA

We have enjoyed the benefits of the LegalShield IDT plan for over 5 years now. I get "Text" alerts and that is a real plus. Although we have had no incidents to this point, the peace of mind that Kroll is watching my internet, multiple bank accounts and ME and my family 24/7, has given me comfort in the area of protecting my identity along with my family. Combined with the basic legal plan from LegalShield, we wouldn't be without it!

9 years ago

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Bill Garner Waco, TX

They answered my call in two rings and put me through to a licensed fraud investigator.I told him about my $30,000 credit card fraud problem and he said, "can you do a conference call now with Citi Bank?" I said yes, and he call Citi Bank with me on the line and he called a person at Citi Bank and said this, "this is (name) a fraud investigator with Kroll and I have mister Garner on the phone with us and I need you to do this". They did ... problem was solved with no further action on my part, just one call!

9 years ago

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jay Bedford, VA

Wow, exceptional service. This is the only coverage that the investigators are actually licensed investigators! The informed me someone in Ohio was trying to use my data for a loan, then I was assigned a Team of Licensed investigators who said they'd take care of it, and it totally went away. I wasn't sent a kit or had to make any calls, they did it!! The BEST in my books!!

9 years ago

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Kandra San Pedro, CA

Not only does legalShield and Kroll Background America check our credit 3 times a day, they have sent us numerous alerts to make sure the suspicious activity was done by us and not a criminal. When an attempt by a thief was made to purchase a home in our name, they were able to intervene and stop the crime from happening. This is true peace of mind.

9 years ago

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Frank Madison, WI

I've personally done comparison. The services offered by LegalShield are by far the best value. The other plans' price are per person. Legalshield covers member, spouse and up to 8 minors for one cost. When you consider the other services offered beyond the Identity Theft services, the value increases ten-fold. Nobody does what LegalShield and Kroll do. I won't be without it!

9 years ago

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Mike Connolly Chicago, IL

Membership is much more comprehensive than other products I researched. Also the least expensive, and we don't even need coverage for children. I have only had one need for the services thus far, but it was great being able to have an ongoing one-on-one relationship with a bonded, licensed, experienced professional rather than with a 'customer service rep' like the other ID Theft services provide. Peace of mind is priceless, but when it comes at even a LOWER COST than with other similar services, it's more than priceless.

9 years ago

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Bill Charlotte, NC

I am a Certified Identity Theft Risk Management Specialist (CITRMS®) and I can tell you that the LegalShield Identity Theft plan combined with the legal plan for $29.90 a month (and Yes, there is a $10 enrollment fee the 1st month) for the entire immediate family (up to 8 children under the age of 18), is HANDS DOWN, the best id theft protection you will find in America. This is true for two reasons. 1. It provides Restoration and access to attorneys, nationwide, which will be needed in most cases of id theft.

10 years ago

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Don Thompson Cape Coral, FL

I've been a member for over 10 years. My sister-in-law has used LegalShield's Identity Theft Plan to help with ID Restoration and just last week, I had to call on a credit card fraud issue and got great help! I also own the Legal Plan they offer and have used it numerous time for preparing my will, a traffic ticket, and a letter to an airline who stranded us. They helped me get a $1,500 credit with the airline.

10 years ago

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Sandra Southfield, MI

Some of this info is misleading. They only mentioned the premium plan, leading people to think they have to pay $29.95 a month. LegalShield/KROLL also has a "Basic" plan for only $9.95. I have the Basic plan and they called me on Easter Sunday. After a few security questions, they told me my identity was being compromised. They shut down my accounts and handled everything for me. And that was the Basic plan. All u had to do was go to the bank and pick up a new card. I will never be without LegalShield or KROLL ever again in life.

10 years ago

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Gene Monroe, NC

We've had fantastic service from LegalShield. My wife was notified by text in seconds that an activity took place on her credit report. We called LegalShield to understand what took place, it turned out that the activity was a note was updated on one of items in her credit report. So, they will even update you when small things take place. That's a big comfort for us.

10 years ago

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SaraMichael Denver, CO

I have been a member since 2009 and have received alerts on occasion through the years one of which could have been a huge disaster. Having the attorneys on hand to council my actions has led to me having over $1200.00 returned to me. As your bottom line stated the largesse plan is higher in cost but personally I feel safer working with a company that is very well established and has both attorneys and Kroll to work with.

10 years ago

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dave Silverton, OR

My social security number was hacked two years ago and LS was on it and did all the work for me fixing it. Saved me a lot of stress and time and money. I've had this service for five years now. Several id theft threats and situations handled smoothly and thoroughly. When you call, a LIVE PERSON answers the phone. No “pressing One for this dept., etc. Lifelock has been sued multiple times by states attorney generals, so I chose Legalshield and we've been very satisfied with them. Great price for our whole family, too.

10 years ago

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Donny Short Upper Marlboro, MD

I had it before I began to sell it. The company instructs to be very transparent when it comes to fees and what is and is not covered. I suspect that any problems stem from the exuberance of a new Associate. I've had to "clean up" some of those and when properly explained, they keep the membership. In a nutshell, it is the best value as it delivers FAR more than it costs.

10 years ago

star star star star star Los Angeles, CA

LegalShield is perfect for the "Normal (middle to low class) People! They provide EVERYTHING that rich people pay thousands for, but for little to nothing! I got a free Will- almost most Americans don't have one due to the fact they are so expensive- and I have spoken to at least 4 attorneys for different matters, and not charged an extra penny! Their customer service is out of this world! And NOBODY offers restoration if your identity is truly stolen! EVERYBODY should have this service!

10 years ago

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Lakeysha Brown Longwood, FL

Had the services over 12 years now. Has saved my family way over $30,000. Was a victim of what is called account takeover. Some made duplicate of my debit card. They were making purchases while my original card was still in my wallet. My card was shut down once I reported it. The bank said that it will take time to investigate then issue a credit after investigation. One call from attorney and a provisional credit was issue immediately. Peace of mind can't put a price on the value.

10 years ago

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Jolene Dallas, TX

I have had this service for over 10 years. The investigators spent hours helping me with recovery of my identity and there was no claim form, no out of pocket expenses, and the only time I had to spend on it was the phone call to start the process. I did not get a "do it yourself" kit where I had to figure anything out. And the attorneys are an invaluable resource! I will never be without it.

10 years ago

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Jack Mount Juliet, TN

I have had this product for 12 years and would not be without it. What makes it superior to everything else I have been exposed to is the restoration side of it. Monitoring is great for early detection but once you are aware you are a victim then the problems really start. That where LegalShield's partnership with Kroll really pays off because these guys are simply the best!

10 years ago