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2-10 Home Buyers Warranty Reviews

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C BROUGHTON Bowling Green, KY

We purchased a new home and the seller bought the Supreme Coverage Policy at a cost of $599.00. On March 20, 2020, I contacted 2-10 Home Warranty Company concerning our heat pump and asked them to send a contactor. They were not able to get a contractor (2-10 contacted 3 different CONTRACTORS that would not come)so 2-10 asked me & sent email to me stating they wanted me to locate a contractor who would come out. I found a contactor through BBB in our local area and they came out within 2 hours. This company then turned in the required information on our equipment along with price in which to replace the HVAC. We found that the compressor had locked up and there had been other electrical parts that had caught on fire too. Due to these problems and the age of the unit and the difficulty of getting R-22 refrigerant, we were told the unit need to be completely replaced. Those parts that caught fire and locked have been set off by other equipment that was giving problems thus patching equipment would be completely irrational given the cost of the problem to begin with. We were advised by this contactor that a new system would need to be installed and they highly advised this to us and 2-10. All info requested was given to 2-10 to get the heat pump replaced. This information was passed from dept to dept,(they were having ME CALL CONTRACTOR TO ASK questions about cost and could 2-10 supply equipment, etc) still NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE TO REPLACE.I have not even been given the courtesy as to as much as a phone call since I lasted spoke to supervisor(KENDALL R-WHO PROMISED ME/purchasing)who was looking into the problem and said he would do what it took to pass this along to get things done. He told me he would call the next day and he gave me his direct number as well. He has never called me or returned any of the numerous calls that I made to him. This company is unorganized and unwilling to work with me due to the high cost of this replacement. We did without heat for several weeks. 80 DAYS SINCE FIRST CALL TO 2-10

4 years ago

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M Critchell Cincinnati, OH

If I could give 0 stars already, I would. And it’s been 2 months. My first call, the service men told me themselves they were putting in for a replacement, but of course 2-10 calls a few days later stating that my furnace has a cracked heat exchanger that was “deemed” as having happened before the warranty went in effect so it was on me to fix. I have my inspection to prove otherwise, however upon trying to dispute this, I’ve not only been told that there’s “no guarantees of it being overturned” (with a grim, ‘don’t hold your breath’ tone), but I’ve also been given the run around of 2 incorrect email addresses on where to send my inspection report, causing me to have to call back now a 3rd time to ask again. Either Jeffrey M needs to clean out their emails so they don’t bounce back or their staff needs to stop botching it, as it starts looking suspicious. Waste of time and money.

4 years ago

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Ethan Jones Monroe, NC

If it were possible to give 0 stars I would do that. I dread interacting with this company. It is the worst customer service I have experienced from any service. Absolutely terrible. Ive been spoken to rudely numerous occasions, have been hung up on, etc. As I write this I have been on hold for an hour and was just disconnected. No I'm calling back and have been on hold for another 30 minutes. This is the worst company I have ever had the misfortune of dealing with. Take your business elsewhere. When my fridge broke it took 3 months to get a replacement. After calling them numerous times I learned that it had taken so long because they were trying to buy a used part from an eBay account that had been suspended! Eventually I had to settle for a cash payout and they offered me 1000 dollars for a 4000 dollar fridge. Every time I interact with them I wind up livid. The Worst.

4 years ago

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Heather Stroupe Murfreesboro, TN

2-10 Home Buyers does not honor their 'Even If' Service Fee Guarantee, and the loophole they used is that because I did not CALL to initiate service, and used their highly touted online system ("if you need service in your home, please go to our website....no need to wait on hold - it's easy to do it online" their phone systems boasts), that I agreed to forfeit the service fee I paid to a service technician because their online website gets sent directly to the service contractor, and they have "nothing to do with it." If I had called, the Claims Management representative noted, then they would have asked enough questions to assess that my HVAC issue was related to a zoned system issue, which is not covered in the warranty and then they wouldn't have sent anyone. The Claims Representatives quoted multiple times the part of their contract that I agreed to forfeit the service fee if the item is deemed not to be covered by the warranty. I asked the Rep why we were acknowledging only part of their contract agreement and read the guarantee to her: 'Even If' Service Fee Guarantee: If an item isn’t eligible for coverage, and we dispatched a service contractor, reimbursement of the paid service fee may be requested. Also, if the same part that was serviced fails again within the duration of the Service Agreement, you will not be charged a new service fee. Supreme is included I purchased an over $500 plan for supreme coverage with this home warranty. When I initiated the service via their online system that they "have nothing to do with," I didn't know that my HVAC system was messing up as a result of the zone system; I did not even acknowledge that to be the problem because I know nothing about HVAC systems. I asked the claims rep if anywhere in their contract it notes that that I lose the part of the warranty that honors the "Even If" Service Fee agreement if I don't call instead of using the online system. She noted that it did not. I explained to her that this was a sham - the home warranty company encourages people to use the website to submit claims, but will shirk responsibility for the part of the contract that notes that benefits the customer. Moreover, the Claim Rep. told me she had not received information from the service technician and would need to call them. I let her know that they had closed out the ticket and the service technician had already informed me that the warranty company noted the service was not covered. I was put on hold for her to call the company. Ultimately, none of that mattered. Additionally, I spent 1 hour and 1 minute trying to complete this call -- and this was the 4th time I had called, having to hang up after 30 minutes of being on hold the first few times. Their contact information does not include an email address, only phone numbers. I also asked to speak to someone else to get a second opinion. The representative put me on hold explaining she was trying to get a supervisor. She came back twice to let me know she apologized for the wait. Ultimately, she came back to me to state the supervisor concurred with her assessment. I asked if the supervisor in fact was not going to speak to me after I asked - and she ignored the question, and restated again, her response. On the one and only other call I made, the technician that showed up noted that he did not receive additional contact information, even though I entered it on the 2-10 website, which resulted in the service guy being unable to reach me when he arrived. This caused our service to be delayed. It would seem there is a huge disconnect between the service contractors and 2-10.

4 years ago

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DR Charlotte, NC

2-10 home warranty company practices deceptive, fraudulent and thievery against their customers. I relied on their brochures and explanations of benefits when I purchased a home warranty to make sure my concerns were covered. I followed all of their instructions when submitting a claim for a non-working oven thermostat. Before their repairman came out, I confirmed with him that oven thermostats were covered under the warranty. When he came out (and he never turned my oven on to diagnose the problem), I paid him $100 and confirmed that the payment also covered the return trip to install the thermostat. One month later, after I ask what the status is on the claim, the company informs me that I have an oven that is classified as a commercial oven in my residence and commercial ovens are not covered under the policy. My house is not a commercial place, and five star/viking/etc appliances that are made for residential use are very popular. This company is simply using unfair trade practices to avoid their claims responsibility, and now that they have my money the are trying to weasel out of their obligation. Please do not do business with 2-10 home warranty.

4 years ago

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cynthia chapman Charleston, SC

HORRIBLE! STAY AWAY! I WOULDN'T EVEN GIVE 1 STAR! IF they can't fix it, which they usually can't, then they will find a way to void the warranty with lies and then refuse to have a second opinion from other companies. They send companies out that are run by people who live 45-50 miles away, and others who have to read the computers. We also had an HVAC man tell us that we needed a $1000 zone board which was NOT covered by 2-10 (just pay me the money). I called my own company which found that there was only a switch issue. Even, on that day did my dog want to bite that man. I have spent I know, at least 8 hours on the phone during this yearly contract because 2-10 has no continuity of care, just pass the buck to another person. My current 2 issues...My ice maker did not work and out came a guy. He ordered a part and returned and installed it. It did not work so he wrote without us knowing it that we had put the ice tray in backwards,thus trying to void the warranty. 210 then said that I had someone else work on the refrigerator. I explained that it was the same guy. I was advised to get my own person out to the house. MY garage doors on a $600k house they say were installed wrong (4 years ago with no previous issues). I called a week ago and just had a phone call of over an hour. And on and on it goes......

4 years ago

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Nate Bowling Green, OH

Since purchasing our home two years ago we've had a few claims. First, our furnace went out. The process was relatively smooth and within a few days he repair man showed up and it was fixed. The second claim was the following summer when the A/C unit went out. 2-10 didn't have a service pro in the area so we had to call our own. While they did end up replacing the process took several weeks. The price quoted by the contractor we called was higher than 2-10 wanted to pay. I can understand that, but it's not our fault they don't have a contractor in the area. The big issue was the numerous calls that it took and conflicting information we received the entire time. I called almost every day to get updates and one person would tell me they were waiting on the Purchasing department, the next day they had to reach out to the contractor and would be calling them. I talk with the contractor, no calls. Then finally once 2-10 has everything they need they promise me a call back. Never happens. They absolutely NEVER call back or call when they say they will. If they give you a deadline or a 3-5 days, or anything of the sort YOU HAVE to keep calling them. They finally issued me a check for the quote given by the contractor and told me that I was on the hook if it was more. Thankfully, the contractor quote was exactly the final amount with no overages. Finally, the third issue, and most frustrating, we've had is with our refrigerator/freezer. The issue was first reported in June of 2019. The ice maker quit working and there was excessive ice buildup in the freezer. I write this review as of February 17, 2020. The issues are still not fixed. A contractor came out in June and replaced the ice maker several times, sealed the line and added Freon. Nothing worked. Apparently it was reported as fixed. It never was. I reported it again November of 2019 (and had to pay another $100 deductible even though it was not actually fixed the first time). I call once or twice a week going back months. All I get is the run around. They are waiting on the contractor. They are waiting on the purchasing department. They sent an email to the contractor. Contractor never gets it. They are waiting on a part. The part arrives to the contractor but it's no good to have an ice maker if the freezer doesn't work. I can't even remember all the issues/excuses, but the one thing that is clear, again, through this process is that 2-10 absolutely NEVER calls back with updates when they say they will. It's always the contractors fault or the company they are purchasing parts from or someone else. I cannot recommend 2-10 for a home warranty. The people in customer service are friendly, no complaints on that end, but there is a flaw in their system somewhere. Follow-up, dated 2-28-2020; Contractor was scheduled to come back out to provide further information for 2-10 to take pictures and provide a more detailed report on the problem so they could determine whether to repair or replace. SHOCKINGLY, the contractor didn't show up. This is at least the 3rd time. I'm at a complete loss other than to tell people to RUN FAR AND FAST AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY. I am not an unreasonable person. I just ask that people keep their word and do what they say they are going to do. This concept is lost on 2-10 Home Warranty. As a further aside if you happen to be a poor soul who has this company for your home warranty, and you have an issue, when they tell you they will send it to the "Escalation Department" that doesn't mean a darn thing. They still won't call you. They won't do anything (other than take your annual fee and make promises, of course).

4 years ago

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Kb4926 Reynoldsburg, OH

I have been with this company since we purchased our house at first it was great. BUT the last 3 years they never seem to have a contractor in my area. I live in a large metropolitan area and can find 50 to 100 plumbers to service our area but they don’t want to work with this company. SO I am always having to take time out of my work day to call around and fine the best price. This was one of the perks I liked. 1. I pay them monthly so I can avoid the big out of pocket expenses. But when you have to find your own contractor you have to pay than be reimbursed 2. I pay so I don’t have to waste my time finding a good reliable contractor This company just doesn’t do what they are selling anymore

4 years ago

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James Charleston Colonial Heights, VA

My wife and I were sold a 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty with the sale of our house 6 months ago. 6 Months is key here. Two weeks ago the ceiling of our dinning room, under one of the upstairs bathrooms fell in. After cleaning the mess up and looking at it, there was a crack in the t joint in the drain pipe coming from the tub. 2-10 took 5 days to get someone to our house, the plumber took the $189, took photos and left. 2-10 tried to tell us our work was completed on Friday when it wasn't even approved yet. They then tried to give us a new contractor, and then they switched me back to original contractor. The plumber speculated that the crack came from the installation of the tub and new plumbing, so 2-10 denied it was bad installation and not only would they not fix the plumbing which the plumber wants $220, they will not fix the ceiling. Since when would a drywall ceiling last 6 months with water leaking from a bathtub drain pipe used every day!!!!! So I fault 2-10 for looking for a way out, even if it is crazy speculation from the plumber. I also blame the young plumber on now knowing how to do a write-up and how ignorant and incomplete speculation can affect things. They were happy to keep the $189 fee for doing nothing but taking pictures.

4 years ago

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Vicky Taylors, SC

I had a HVAC to go out after my warranty went into effect. They sent someone out to inspect the unit.I received a message stating that they wasn't going to fix it because it wasn't working before the warranty. My home inspector inspected the unit and it was working fine. When I went to view my home before purchasing it it was working fine. I left a review on the 2-10 Facebook page and someone reached out to me stating that they wanted to help me because they don't do business in this manner. I was assigned a Rep to follow up. I sent the neccessary information needed and I never heard back from the Rep. I reached out again with someone from the company and was told that they would escalate the situation. A week has passed and I still haven't heard back from them. I just tried going back to leave another message and I am blocked from sending messages. I guess I need to file a complaint.

4 years ago

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marlan crawford Dacula, GA

I have filed multiple claims with this company from my oven smoking claims denied, every excuse they can think they will use. Days and weeks of no shows, unprofessional staff and techs. The bigger claim I have now is a HUGE 10 foot long half inch crack going completely across my living floor! Where one side of the foundation is sliding downward and is completely separating from the other side. Claim denied!! One year later now water is coming up from this crack and now the window is uneven. This is my last attempt to file this claim with them which the process has been started. First sign of excuses I am jumping in with the rest of the neighborhood and getting this class action suit started. I truly believe this company is a scam, maybe this is some kind of pyramid scheme. Someone truly needs to step in to close them down. You buy a new house and your decision is definitely made knowing that you have a warranty on this huge purchase. Then the first few years is spent being stressed out by these guys. American dream is flushed right down the faulty toilet that wont be covered.

4 years ago

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Robert Woodland Hills, CA

I purchased a condo in New Jersey in August and the seller purchased the homeowner's warranty provided by 2-10. My elderly sister lives in the condo. She had a heating contractor out to do routine checkup on the heater when the weather got cold. He told her the heat exchanger cells were leaking carbon monoxide and she could not use the heater. She called 2-10 and they sent a contractor out, who confirmed the diagnosis and that the heater needed to be replace. However, he told her due to the approval process, it would likely be 2 weeks before the heater would be replaced. She called me crying that she would be without heat for two weeks. I called customer service and spoke to Sarah (no last name). She confirmed it could take two weeks to replace the heater. I told her it would be very difficult for my 71 year old sister to be without heat in the winter in New Jersey. She flippantly responded, "We don't provide speedy service, we just save you money". Needless to say, I was flabbergasted at this uncaring, cavalier attitude. I will be calling 2-10 several times a day, every day to see if this can be expedited but if everyone at 2-10 has the same attitude as "Sarah", I'm not optimistic. In the meantime, my sister will be sitting in her cold condo huddled around a space heater trying to stay warm. I contacted 2-10 the following day to see if there was an update. After speaking with two customer service reps who gave me conflicting information, I then spoke to Diane who seemed more knowledgeable about my claim. She had received the recommendation from the service contractor who had inspected the heater. The recommendation was that the heater needed to be replaced, which I initially found encouraging. However, Diane put me on hold as she wanted to contact the contractor directly. When she came back, she advised that the claim was going to be denied as the heat exchanger cells had cracked before the service warranty was purchased on July 24. I asked how they could prove the cells were cracked before the coverage began since they didn't inspect the heater prior to July 24. Her response was that the heater needed to be in good working order before coverage began and if I wanted to contest the denial, I would have to get a "second opinion" from another contractor (at my expense) and if it differed from their contractor, they would have a third contractor inspect it to be the "tie breaker". Considering that it was November 26, two days before Thanksgiving, and there was no way of knowing how long this process was going to take, I had no choice but to replace the heater. I asked Diane if they would provide a written explanation for denial of the claim but she said they don't normally do that. After I entered into a contract to have the heater replaced so my sister would have a warm home as the weather turned colder, I received a call the next day from Yvette C from the Corporate Headquarters at 2-10. She told me that she had decided that they would honor the claim after all and that she would try to have a service contractor out as soon as possible. I explained that since I was told there was no coverage, I had no choice but to hire my own contractor to expedite getting heat in the condo. She said she understood and if I would send her a copy of the invoice, she would see how much she could reimburse me. I sent her the invoice, which was in the amount of $5,300. She has now offered to reimburse me $1,513, which is what the cost their service contractor would charge. Needless to say, I am extremely frustrated. They left me with no choice after Diane told me there was no coverage and I could not wait to replace the heater as extremely cold weather was heading for New Jersey. But since their motto seems to be "We don't provide speedy service, we just save you money", I'm not surprised with this result. Ultimately, Yvette offered an additional $300 as a "goodwill gesture". When I asked her to give me the name and email address of the president of the company, she said the president doesn't speak with homeowners. I have filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau in Colorado. I don't know if it will make any difference as it seems by all the other negative reviews on this (and other) sites, this company just doesn't care.

4 years ago

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Mrs. Waters Memphis, TN

I have been a customer with 2-10 for over 13 years and this is the second bad experience with them. I placed service request on October 6, 2019 due to my double oven stopped working. The contractor came out 3days later & he stated all parts for my oven are discontinued and I would need to get a new oven. 2-10 searched and sent a part to the contractor & the contractor came out to my home again and it was not the right part. He stated again the parts are discontinued & he would let 2-10 know & they need to order me a new oven. I’ve received multiple phone calls with various stories from 2-10 & today they gave me a choice to have the contractor come back to my home remove the oven to get the computer board to send off for repair & this will take 2-4 weeks or they will give me $650 towards a new oven, grant it I have the “supreme coverage” but they’re not honoring it because they found the parts for repair. Customer Experience rep Janelle had the audacity to have an attitude with me when I told her this was unreal and unfair to me I have been without an oven for 7 weeks and this is the kind of treatment I get. I asked for a supervisor she stated she was as high as I can get I told her everybody reports to someone then she said her supervisor was out on vacation, I asked for the stand in supervisor she said she didn’t know who that would be. At this point she was blocking me from talking with her supervisor I just hung up on her. I called back I talked with the customer service department and was told no supervisor was available, I hung up again called back talked with the purchasing department they couldn’t help. I’m pissed to the hilt!!! When my contract ends in March 2020 I’m canceling my contract!!! I pay $100 a month for 13 1/2 years & this is how I’m treated. I have paid for a new 20 times over. Seriously!

4 years ago

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Anthony M Tucson, AZ

My air conditioner crashed after moving into my newly purchased home in August. I live in Tucson, AZ so our summers are pretty hot. It was around 105 degrees when the AC unit blew, I was TDY to Fort Huachuca, and I had a pregnant wife in the house. 2-10 sent their contractor who determined that it was a pre existing issue and quoted us a price for repair twice what is common in our area. They quoted around $9,000 and we wound up paying $4,300 for a brand new unit. I say this because we had to pay. 2-10 HBW dragged out the process with a pregnant woman as long as they could to avoid covering the cost of the air conditioner. I disputed the claim as we had a previous inspection report stating the air conditioner was in fine working order. It took 2-10 HBW two months to review a one paragraph statement from out inspection report. They never contacted us back despite the emails I sent. In fact, they only contacted my wife after I posted several negative reviews. Then they claimed we were not costumers in publicly visible review sites while pretending to examine our claim. It is my impression that they pretended to evaluate our claim because the day after Veterans Day they sent my wife an email stating they read the report, but could not contact the inspector, or the contractor we previously utilized to inspect the AC unit. Essentially, they denied our claim without even investigating its validity. The insult to injury was sending a veteran of four combat tours, pending a disability claim, this information the day after Veterans Day. I would say it was coincidence, but 2-10 HBW contacted me through Facebook so it is likely they knew. I doubt they would admit to doing this on purpose. They tried to scam us into paying twice the market value for a midrange AC unit. They called their contractor to confirm the information they already had and disregarded what we submitted entirely.

4 years ago

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sean Wilson Thompson's Station, TN

We have been paying for the 210 home warranty for 5 yrs. Last Tuesday our heat was blowing cold air so I contacted 210 for a service request. Here is what happened. I was told someone would contact me within 24 hours. (never happened) I called back on Wednesday to check on status. (service rep was extremely rude and still could not offer us a appt time with a contractor) Finally got a appt set on Thursday for Friday with contractor (appt time was Friday between 8-12) Contractor never called or showed up on Friday After no one showed up I called the contractor and they said 210 had cancelled the appt. (by this time our house temp had been around 52 degrees for the last 3 days) I called 210, they said they never cancelled the appt and that the contractor was lying to us. At this point I explained that all I wanted was someone to come out and fix our heat, I was told that I would have to wait until Monday before it would be possible for another appt to be set. I explained that I have a family with children and we could not wait till Monday to have the heater issue resolved, 210 could have cared less and said since it wasn't an emergency I would have to wait. Completely unacceptable! I asked to speak with a supervisor and was sent over to another claims representative, long story short, got no where with them as well. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS TYPE OF COMPANY! DON"T WASTE YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY AND TIME! BEWARE : Please read other reviews, we are not the only ones who have been disappointed with this pathetic company and there lousy excuses.

4 years ago

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Anthony Tucson, AZ

I was TDY with a pregnant wife stewing in a house without AC in Tucson, AZ during the summer. When we purchased the house we had the air conditioner inspected. The report noted it was in good working order. It broke within a few weeks of us moving in. The warranty company sent a contractor to inspect who gave us a report contradicting the previous report and stating the condition was a preexisting issue. The contractor then offered to fix our unit for twice the price we wound up paying out of pocket for to get it fixed. They have not responded to any of my emails requesting a re-evaluation for refund. They called my wife once, a month after I sent my last email. Basically, they tried to pressure cook my wife into paying one of their contractors an exorbitant amount of money to fix the air conditioner while I was half a state away for work.

4 years ago Edited September 14, 2021

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Adam Columbia, SC

A 2-10 representative told me that my repair was not covered because the contractor, Leak Seekers, told them that there was "grease" build up in the pipes and that is not covered under warranty. Leak Seekers claims that they never said that at all, that there was normal food particles that would be normally found in water pipes. I was told by Mr. S (I believe) that phone conversations were recorded. I would like this to be investigated. I have spent $441.52, plus a $100.00 service fee for something that has not been resolved. I was quoted by Leak Seekers that I may have to pay $1,100 to have my issue fixed. It is insulting and deceitful that I have paid so much to have someone misrepresent the truth between 2-10 and the contractor. If the contractor lied, you need to have better contractors represent 2-10.

5 years ago

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Aparecido Gomes Jacksonville, FL

First of all, I fell scammed from them over the phone after I spoke with person Justin G and he was very nice, however the beautiful word that he was a referral to it, it wasn't real, and I will tell you why. Schedule service to check my Air conditioner, a guy came, I paid my $100 initially, he didn't do anything because he said that he couldn't because he will need to order a part to replace, ok, I get. I will a few hours and call 2-10 and lady name Vitoria told me that the part that was cracked the order has been in place, but I need to wait around 5 days for the Company (Comfort Zone) contact me to make the schedule arrangements, I said, ok. Earlier today, someone from 2-10 did call me and said that they won't be covering the issue, I told him that I spoke and how I spoke with Justin, spoke with Vitoria, but he didn't care. As a customer, I did Follow all the instructions and that's what I have, lets' see now what they are going to come with about the Cancellation. If you read, please don't try with this Company, checking reviews first before you go with them, this one here isn't a Fake Review, but If I could I won't be given any stars. Hope that helps you to look for some other one. Good Luck

5 years ago

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Anderson Lamar Bailey Tucker, GA

Well I will try to keep it simple, by far this is the worst warranty company I've ever had. I have a $3,000 LG fridge that's only three years old, the compressor went out and that lead me to call the warranty company since the house was purchased with it. They sent out a tech the next day and the first thing to come out of his mouth was do you have the $100 dollar deductible . Once I gave him the check he proceeded to look at my fridge , I mean literally he just looked at the thing and said I need a new fridge. So the company decided to send another tech a week later who at least took a look at the compressor and stated yea the compressor is bad. He then stated it would take another two weeks before the part would arrive once it was ordered. Please keep in mind that were going into week three without a fridge and still were having to call the warranty company 2-10 and the contractors they contracted the job out to and we were constantly getting two separate stories about this part, so it went from one part to now three that needed to be ordered. After going into week four my wife and I were totally over it and decided to just go buy a new one and be done. We ended up reaching out to LG and they said the fridge was still covered under warranty and they would send out a tech. to repair it. Not only were they on time but the guy actually fix the fridge . 2- 10 gave me an appointment between 1 and 5 so my whole day was shot as the tech arrived almost two hours late . If I could give this company a rating it would be ZERO !! And I warn all potential customers to read this it will save you time and money . This company honestly should not be allowed to practice in the U.S at all. Horrible , Horrible Horrible. and so was the Sub contractors from Fix my appliances. Honestly one star is being Nice, I was trying to give them zero stars.

5 years ago

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Jessica Warrick Dayton, OH

Absolutely absurd process to get anything accomplished. We originally put the claim in for our AC unit on June 3rd. It wasn't fixed until SEPTEMBER 3rd! They set us up with Dawson AC initially who didn't return our phone calls and basically took our $100 deductible and walked away. After MANY phone calls, 5-6 different staff persons, hoops to jump through and waiting periods we were finally assigned a new service technician, Americool. This technician was at least reliable - however after inspecting the unit and putting in the order, 2-10 ordered the wrong replacement part and set us back another 3 weeks waiting for the correct part to be delivered. When I called 2 weeks after the order for the new part being put in, someone in purchasing apologized to me, stating that they never even ordered the new part and that the order had just been sitting there with no attention for 2 weeks. Throughout the whole process nothing was mentioned to me about temporary cooling options or refunds until LATE AUGUST when, during probably my 10th phone call to check on the progress of the claim, I asked to speak to a manager who explained to me that the only kind of service recovery they are able to do is refund you if you buy your own temporary cooling system (like a fan or a window unit) - which we had already purchased but didn't keep the receipt because we were unaware of this policy. So we purchased another window unit since they estimated it was going to take another 3 weeks to get the part in and emailed the receipt for that unit to the manager I spoke to, Jonathan Rael, who confirmed that he had sent the receipt to accounting for the refund to be processed. The part came in, the service tech installed it and we are up and running. However, 2 weeks after speaking to the manager, I had not received the refund check he promised me for the temporary cooling unit. I called again and spoke to another staff at 2-10 in purchasing who said Jonathan hadn't submitted the receipt until September 6th which means we potentially won't get the refund for that window until potentially Friday, September 20. Our AC was not usable for LITERALLY 3 months, THE ENTIRE SUMMER IN OHIO, and if it hadn't been for my incessant phone calls and pestering, I fully believe it would have been longer. I got many different answers from many different staff persons when I asked about processes and waiting time windows and it was never the same response twice. DO NOT TRUST THIS COMPANY TO WORK ON YOUR BEHALF - IF YOU WANT THEM TO GET ANYTHING ACCOMPLISHED, ASK FOR TIME WINDOWS AND FOLLOW UP ON THEM YOURSELF. COMPLETELY UNORGANIZED AND UNRELIABLE SERVICE FROM 2-10. WOULD ABSOLUTELY NOT RECOMMEND THIS TO FRIENDS/FAMILY.

5 years ago

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Patricia Skousen Dacula, GA

Absolutely the worst company ever. CANCEL YOUR CONTRACT. MINUS ZERO STARS. This company has no customer service (if you can outwait the hold times of an hour it more to even get to speak to a person). You WILL be transferred at least twice—with additional wait times. You will be disappointed to learn that you have faithfully paid for this peace of mind and will instead find out you have been ripped off. I paid extra for septic service coverage, had a problem that involved a service call, and was upset to learn that they will pay $250 of my $2,000 repair AND will deduct the $75 fee from that!!! I won’t bore you with the details, but like air conditioning, I could not wait for septic repair and the message on their phone said they were closed for the day due to unforeseen circumstances, advised me to go ahead and contract for service and then submit the bill to Claims Management, so I called a well-known, reputable company who came out, expertly fixed the problem, and presented me with a $2,000 bill, properly itemized. After speaking to Claims Management, I learned that the most they would have paid was $500!!! Really?!? But I am getting $250 minus $75. Why has no one initiated a class action suit against these charlatans?

5 years ago

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Joanna Magee

Our HVAC is out in early August with a toddler in the house. This has been admittedly a stressful time. 2-10 home warranty has only added to the stress. Starting from the first phone call-repeatedly cutting out, asking for a call back and not receiving one. I finally got through to someone clear and was advised would hear back within four hours with a contractor. 21 hours go by with no contact. I call in and someone tells me this was misinformation there is no four hour window and they are unable to give me a timeframe on establishing a contractor at this point. No time frame at all from a few hours to weeks. I asked to speak with someone in dispatch or a supervisor and told this wasn’t possible and there was no way to know how long my claim would take to process. This is a useless home warranty system that makes it so difficult to access to services that you end up just going out on your own to pay for the repairs rather than await their incredibly slow and opaque service process. Seems more of a scheme to take your money and then make it so difficult to access the help you never actually use your home warranty. Win win for the company huh. Stay away!!

5 years ago

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Denise Louisville, KY

Terrible! Biggest waste of money. HVAC system needed to be replaced. Because I went out of network (no ever had ever heard of the in network company) they offered me $1869.28 for the entire system including installation. Took over a month to get reimbursed and then only after I was put on hold twice, the first time for 1 hour. And the second time for 1 hour 14 minutes. Their agent basically lied that she had spoken to the company that did the work and that’s what they based their offer on. DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY! They are a ripoff. BTW does anyone know where you can buy a HVAC system and have it installed for $1869.28? If

5 years ago

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Raymond Miller Sykesville, MD

I’ve had a home warranty through 2-10 for years. My A/C went out on a 97 degree day and was expecting the next 2 weeks to be near or over 100 degrees. I called In that we have no a/c and have a 4 month old in the house. They gave us a company that would call within 24 hours. We didn’t get a call so I called them. Was told nobody could come out for 3 weeks. I called back to 2-10 and they told me to “go out of network”. In other words find someone that can come out. I did and we needed a new unit. I sent in everything they asked for and I was told it was sent to Ryan in the escalation department. I left several messages for Ryan because days had gone by and nobody called. I receive a call 5 days later from Ronald who originally took my call and he said “go ahead out of network”. I have this on voicemail. I again left another 7 messages with Ryan to confirm but still never heard back. Because if the heat I had to have the work done. After the work was done and a total on 12 days had gone by I get a call from Ryan saying the will only cover less then 30% of my total bill because i went out of network. If I would have had someone in network do it my cost would have been $75. Now I’m stuck paying an additional $3800 because they don’t have the contractors to help people. This will be going to court. Don’t use 2-10. Horrible experience.

5 years ago

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Gerry Ward Austin, TX

Customer Service is very bad. You will never be called back on kept informed (even on the website) with the status of your claim. In speaking with Sheila I was told that my claim would be covered. Charlie in Claims Management approved. After they dispatched and plumbing company couldn't fix the issue, Jessica contacted me after weeks of hearing nothing and told me to go outside their network as they couldn't find anyone to fix my problem (plumbing/sewer issue, but electrical in nature). I did this and eventually it was fixed but although they told me they would cover the problem, in the end Alex contacted me and told me they wouldn't cover it because it was a faulty grinder pump (which is excluded). But the grinder pump never was the issue. It works fine. I was lied to from the beginning of my claim and in the end, I paid over $700 out of pocket even though I was told originally that 2-10 would cover this. Amazing they are still in business. As soon as my contract is up this year I'll dump them and never again. Suggest you look elsewhere for a good Home Warranty plan.

5 years ago

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Angry Homeowner Columbus, GA

My A/C went out on 6/30. The contractor was sent on 7/2 and ordered a new evaporator coil. I received an email from 2-10 saying it would be in on 7/13. On 7/18 they said it was delivered on 7/16. Then 2-10 said there was a shipping error and the manufacturer sent it to them by mistake instead of to the contractor, but they would call the contractor to see if they could get it for the same cost. They never called the contractor. It's been 22 days since it was ordered. I've finally given up and decided to pay an independent contractor $1000 to install a new one tomorrow since the part is located about 3 miles from my house. One company wanted $2200 to install a $378 part. Every time I've called 2-10 I speak to a different person and they are all clueless. It's 86F in my house during the day and 84F at night. I've had to spend $100 on the deductible to have freon put in on 7/2 that lasted 10 days then another $100 on fans just to get some relief. Don't count on 2-10 to contact you. They supposedly had my part for 2 days before I called to check on it and they didn't update me or the contractor. Nonsense. I really can't understand how they are still in business.

5 years ago

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Not Helpful with Hot Home Odenville, AL

Horrible Customer Service. AC issues for over a month. ALWAYS given the run around on reasons why. I made four different phone calls during them month after problem was diagnosed to check status. Excuses such as more info needed, parts have been ordered but not arrived, still waiting on part. Then, excuse was that parts were never ordered and that I was lied to during previous phone calls. I asked for names of each person I spoke with and was told that they were only allowed to give me first names. I was told that parts would be requested to be purchased again and it could be another 3-5 days before parts were available. I asked to speak to a manager and was told they were to busy. I then asked to speak to someone in purchasing to verify that parts were actually being ordered this time (since I was told I was lied to previously) and was also told they were to busy. I requested a phone call from a manager first thing by tomorrow or I would be contacting the better business bureau. We will see what tomorrow brings!

5 years ago

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Scott Akron, OH

The warranty company sent Weiss plumbing to our house when our main line backed up in the basement and the plumber sent a large diameter auger into the pipe and told us they went 150 feet out. Shortly after we had the city come and run a camera and they found a full block at 47 feet. We had another back up and they sent another plumbing company out who ran a smaller diameter auger through our main line because according the them, as well as the city workers who ran the camera, a large diameter auger has a high risk if busting clay pipe. The city workers and second plumbing company also stated that there's no way the first company went 150 feet without attaching another auger cable, which they did not. The second plumbing company was sent out for a third time when we experienced a severe backup to assess what the problem was and whether Weiss plumbing had damaged our main line and it turned into a fiasco of contradictions which they're now saying were never recorded into the logs regarding our account. The warranty company s clearly trying to avoid the onus of responsibility regarding the fact that they sent Weiss plumbing initially and then they did not follow through with a proper assessment on the third occasion of having a plumber come out, which they said they would do. They had even told us to order any plumber of our choice for the third occasion, which we did, RotoRooter, and then they changed their story when we had Roto Rooter in our driveway and ended up sending the second plumbing company back again and refused the camera assessment they said they would then cover with Roto Rooter. We've been waiting for over a month to hear back regarding the "assessment" and when i just spoke to them regarding it i was spun in circles and completely ignored regarding the points i was making. It definitely seems as though the warranty company is more focused on covering their own butts as opposed to fullfilling their obligations and the obligations which they specifically told us they were going to fullfill with regard to the assessment on the third occasion. Very pathetic business ethic!!

5 years ago

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Corrine Knoxville, TN

Late on a Saturday morning, we started to smell a strong electrical burning odor coming from the air ducts. Was our first phone call to the fire department? NO! The first phone call made was to 2-10 Home Buyer Warranty to make sure our claim would be covered. We opted to use our own local reputable HVAC company (researched and highly recommended). We paid the after-hours service fee because I was afraid the house was going to burn down. The bill came to $700 (diagnostic service + part and repair). 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty would only reimburse us $115. 2-10's reimbursement didn't even cover the replacement part. I escalated the issue without success. 2-10 gives new homeowners a false sense of security that everything will be taken care of when you buy your new home. It isn't until you file a claim that you learn the truth. I am very skeptical about the quality of their "in-network" service providers. Many reviewers have reported incompetent service contractors and lengthy wait time for repairs. That's what happens when you hire the lowest bidder. I would not recommend 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty to anyone. If you are a home seller, don’t waste your money on a 2-10 Home Buyers Warranty. If you are a buyer, be forewarned. We’ve had other claims denied as “pre-existing conditions.” I DO NOT RECOMMEND 2-10 HOME BUYERS WARRANTY.

5 years ago

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Wendy Mooresville, NC

If I could give this company a negative stars I would. This company will gladly take your money Each year but when you need them good luck getting in touch with them. They sent a license and insured company to come fix our oven this company proceeded to break our oven and since they only have liability insurance will not replace it. The home warranty company says they wipe their hands of it there’s nothing that they can do. Completely unacceptable!!!? We cannot get anybody to call us back to work this out they’re blaming the contractor the contractor is blaming Warranty company and now we are out the money we paid for the warranty plus a $4000 oven!! Terrible company do not use them!!!!!!

5 years ago

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Radio Silent West Palm Beach, FL

Horrible customer service! 2-10 Home Buyers will gladly take your money when things are good, but go radio silent when you actually need them. We've had a premium policy for more than 15 years. When the A/C broke, they sent out an incompetent technician to replace the compressor. He failed to change the line filter, so the compressor died, and the coils are leaking freon. 2-10 then sent out two (2) more technicians, who both advised that we needed the A/C unit replaced. Since we have a replacement policy, we weren't worried, but we should have been. Now that 2-10 is responsible to replace the A/C, they stopped returning calls. They have disappeared leaving us suffering in the heat. The temperatures here are soaring. According to all the local weather stations 90 degrees feels like 107. Save your money. You are paying for peace of mind, but what you are actually paying for is company profits.

5 years ago

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Tom St Louis, MO

We recently purchased a home and the contract required the seller to purchase a 1 year home warranty. Unfortunately, they chose to use 2-10 as the warranty company. Shortly after move in, we turned on the window air conditioner (the home is older and has central air upstairs and window ac downstairs). The unit seemed fine at first but, within a couple of days it became clear that the unit was not cooling sufficiently. After a few more days, I contacted 2-10 and submitted a claim. During this conversation they asked how long the issue had been going on and I replied that it had been about a week. Later after the technician reported the actual issue and recommended replacement of the unit, 2-10 denied the claim saying that my comment of "about a week" translated to the day the contract went into effect and, therefore, the issue existed before the contract went into place. I called and tried to clarify but, nothing I said about the actual timeline would change their decision. They passed judgement based on what I thought was a casual question and response during the initial conversation. The truth was unimportant. Avoid this company and get your coverage elsewhere.

5 years ago

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J Stevens Southport, NC

We've had problems with the air conditioner/heat pump since we bought the house last year, May 2018. Each time we got the run around about what was wrong with it. Both my husband and I have health issues - Air conditioner stopped working completely 5/30 had to wait a week for a service technician! They didn't contact the contractor to notify when parts would be in or if they were ordered. 6/17/19 We just spent an hour on the phone to find out we have to wait another week to find anything out. Our house was built in 2007, so getting a new coil shouldn't take weeks to get. After this is taken care of we will be cancelling the warranty on both houses. Buyers beware!

5 years ago

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Desiree Ahrens Hampton, VA

my A.C. unit was out for almost 2 months, during this time we went through 2 compressors and were waiting for the third when i could not take the ridiculousness any longer and i purchased my own A.C. unit. i live in virginia and during those 2 months no one cared to expedite or bother themselves at 210 to consider that an emergency in virginia's summer temperatures my house was a constant 84 degrees for the 2 months straight with humidity of well over 76% every day well now i have mold growing in my bathroom from this experience (there was no mold before we just bought this house 6 months ago) and guess what 210 WILL NOT cover mold because of this issue apparently its in the service agreement which is convenient for them to take their sweet sweet time fixing major issues like an A.C. unit so now it seems as though i have to pay for this mold out of my own pocket! do not get a warranty from 210 they do not care about any of the people they "take care of" you are just a dollar sign. I will never ever ever renew my agreement once it is over, they have lost this homeowners money.

5 years ago

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Ted Mello Jacksonville, FL

If you have an expensive item to be replaced then don't expect it to be replaced quickly. 2-10 will have to source the part and then send it to the vendor for installation. Minimum time is 5 days just to get through their process. Then the part eventually comes in and is installed. If you have an A/C system or water heater that can be critical to the operation of the house you will have to learn to live without these items until they are installed. They will offer a cash buyout for much less than the value of he job. Be careful if you ask about this option, they may stop your order and "wait for you to contact them" about a decision. Further delay on any repair. Yes they are pretty poor with service. The service rep was "amazed" that my order for a part was processed in 3 days, that is really fast for them but then getting the parts takes another 10 days. They simply have a terrible system in place but like all insurance companies, deny and delay so you can avoid paying out claims.

5 years ago

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Ryan Sanders Lexington, SC

This is the worst company I have ever dealt with. My Air-conditioning went out on the hottest week of the year as of yet. I called these people to get it fixed at first it was super easy the contractor guy came out the next day took a look at it and told me what was wrong and they would write it all up and 210 homebuyers warranty would take care of it and that they were ready to go at anytime. Except 210 calls me and tries to now say they don't trust the contractor and want to send out another contractor. fast forward 1 week and my house is 100 degrees and no one from anywhere has called me. I have called the multiple contractors that are supposed to come and fix it per their emails. The AC places that I have called have told me that they do not have the work order to come out to my house or it seems they do not exist in actuality. DO NOT EVER PURCHACE A WARRANTY FROM THESE PEOPLE THEY DO NOT KNOW HOW TO TREAT PEOPLE OR RUN A BUSINESS. How is it my fault that 210 doesn't trust what seemed to me to be very honest contractors and now they are trying to yank me around on my ac and it is over 100 degrees daily where I live. I am very dissatisfied customer

5 years ago

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Beth Dollar Jacksonville, FL

We have owned four homes and have used several different home warranty companies. This has been our only terrible experience with one. I believe that 2-10's method of operation is to string their customers along until they give up on having a work order completed, and then just providing a piddly buyout. We are on week 3 of our AC being broken. We live in FL and it's 100 degrees outside. We jumped through all the necessary hoops in order to have the repair done. 2-10 ordered the coil that we needed and we were put on the schedule for a local HVAC company to come out yesterday and do the repair. On yesterday morning, I received a call saying that the work order had been canceled because our coil had been restocked. I was told that this was a "paperwork glitch" and that we would need to start our entire process over. This was after living for 2 weeks in blazing heat with no AC. To say I was upset would be an understatement. On top of this, I was told that someone would be calling me back that day to keep me updated on the situation. No one called me back, and when I called, I was put on hold for an hour before I finally hung up. The coil that we need to repair our AC is a $1200 part. If we do the buyout for that part, 2-10 is only going to give us $200. Also, I was told by the HVAC company that they had contracted to do our work, that 2-10 had done this EXACT same thing to another family just the day before they did it to us. These people are crooks. There is no good reason to buy a warranty from them when there are so many other reputable ones. Don't give them your business. You won't get anything from them.

5 years ago

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Horace Stafford, VA

On 30 April 2019, I submitted a claim to 210 Home Buyers Warranty Company because the blower motor disintegrated in my Trane HVAC System. The service provider was contacted by 210 HBW and he was dispatched to my home. On 1 May 2019, the service provider came to my residence and stated that a new blower motor needs to be ordered by 210. 210 called and left a message on 2 May 2019 indicating that the blower motor had been ordered. I contacted 210 on Monday, 13 May to see if the part had arrived since it was well past 3-5 business days. The customer service representative indicated that they had attempted to contact the service provider via e-mail because 210 needed more information on the Trane HVAC (e.g. model and serial number). I told her that this was unacceptable and it has been over 2 weeks. Then, I was transferred to the purchasing department and was put on hold while the purchasing department contacted the service provider. It is now Friday, 17 May 2019, and on yesterday, we had to go to Home Depot to purchase a portable AC unit because the temps are going to increase into the 90's over the next several days. Earlier this morning we I contacted 210 HBW, they indicated that they required more information from the service provider. This is a poor business practice and the customer is totally inconvenience because of miscommunications, etc. Each month, we ensure that 210 HBW Bill is paid on time. So, it is totally ridiculous for this to occur.

5 years ago

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Frank Wimmer Wilmington, NC

Absolute worst company ever. Our air conditioner completely ceased to function. We contacted 2-10 to report the problem. We were told it would be 2 weeks before their contractor could make it out to see us. After a few days, our upstairs temperature reached over 90 degrees, we simply couldn’t wait any longer. We contacted a reputable HVAC company in the area and they were out 2 days later. After finding a hole in the condenser coil of the 12-year-old unit, we agreed to replace it. After a prolonged call to 2-10 and the HVAC contractor, we were told they would call back in an hour to let us know how much of the cost they’d cover. Of course, that call never came. Three days later, after still never hearing from the, we called back. At that point, we were told they’d pay $800 of the roughly $8K replacement of the AC and associated 30-year-old furnace. They said this was because they could repair it instead of replace it. Fascinating, considering they’d never even had anyone out to look at the system. Do yourself a favor and get your home insurance from anyone but these crooks at 2-10.

5 years ago

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Wendy Maliakel Landenberg, PA

We have had the worst experience with this company. We closed on our new home and this insurance was provided by the sellers in the closing costs. As soon as we moved in, we noticed that the hot water in just the kitchen wasn't consistent. I called and arranged a diagnosis. The technician came, provided a diagnosis, and then they denied our claim saying that we noticed it one day before our policy started...a day we didn't even yet have keys to the house. They provided us with no recourse whatsoever to dispute it, and of course we still had to pay the technician the fee without getting ANY information about the exact diagnosis! Moreover, they didn't even contact me to tell me about it. I had to chase them, and I was on the phone for ages. I will never buy this policy again!

5 years ago

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el Jarrell, TX

bad, bad bad, horrible experience. RUN AWAY AS FAR AS U CAN FROM THIS COMPANY...READ ALL the reviews in every site, they are taking all your money but when u need them , no one will call u and if ever u get them on the phone they are rude and don't care if youre in a hot home bc your ac is broken or your water is coing out from the washer or any other issues. I wish I read the review before I took the services. they are horrible. what it makes worst is the manager in OHIO named Britney is horrible,rude and worst customer service. she need a good training or go back to school to get a course in management!

5 years ago

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Adriene Maylene, AL

I submitted a request on April 25th for the upstairs AC going out. Today is May 7th and we have yet to have it fixed. I have been given the run around so many times by both customer service agents and a supervisor who clearly did not want to take the call as the only way I was able to speak with him is because I refused to hang up. I live in Alabama..it is May...it is EXTREMELY insanely hot and sleeping without air has been a nightmare for me and my kids. I am highly upset with the service or lack there of that I have received. They ordered the wrong part and it took 3-5 days to figure that out only for them to tell me yet again I have to wait 3-5 for the new part that I found out is LOCAL it does not even have to be shipped from anywhere. I even offered to drive an pick the part up myself but according to them they have a "process" they have to follow in order to save the company money. CRAPY CRAPY Service!!!

5 years ago

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George Tronsrue Gallatin, TN

This company is terrible and we certainly won’t renew our subscription. Reported a non function AC 10 days ago and we have the platinum policy w the AC option. It’s a simple compressor issue and covered under my policy. Something that can be ordered locally and resolved within 24 hours. Both the contractor they dispatched to and I have called on this multiple times. We live Nashville and it’s hot. Our house is on the market (with a non functioning AC system and my office is upstairs, cooled by this unit so not usable to me. Today I spent 30 minutes mostly on hold and then advised I could not escalate and they would not expedite because when I called 2 days ago, I was advised their “policy” is 5-10 business days. Hmmm ... well that wasn’t in their sale lit as I recall. The Supervisor wouldn’t even get on the phone and I was being calm and polite ... so Don’t use these guys! Keep shopping around.

5 years ago

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yonathan Dayton, OH

I am a homeowner located in Dayton, OH. I have had an incident with my heating external unit around beginning of March. I filled out a service request and they send a service provider in a day. This person suggested that he is going to request a replacement of the unit. Then, without my knowledge, they send out another maintenance person in few days who then did a second round diagnosis. That same day he requested for list of items to be bought to fix the unit. Ever since I have been calling them by the week and lately every day for a status check. what they say is they need more info from the second company. When I cross check with the servicing company, they inform me all information is submitted to 2-10 with the list of items and price breakdown. 2-10 is saying the price breakdown is not complete and can not give go-ahead for the service. Yesterday, they said they will be sending out a new company to re-diagnose the unit. I did a follow up today and they said, the request may not be filled before Monday (as today is Thursday) hence I shall wait. This is such a ridiculous service and getting me frustrated. It is not my first year with 2-10 and for the annual coverage renewal, they have been bugging me too much to continue my customership. Didn't know that 2-10 is a company making money of off a lip service. It is such a terrible company and I do not recommend anyone to pick them for any coverage.

5 years ago

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Adam Guidry Marrero, LA

Don’t buy this warranty. My ac went out in my newly purchased home in 3.5 years. Filled out warranty claim and technician came out and found both sets of coils leaking stating he had to give them numbers to repair. Well two days later after I submitted a request to see what what the holdup I received a call from 2 10 warranty saying they won’t cover the ac cause it still should be under manufacture warranty. So all the stuff they claim to cover they won’t, you will just get the run around. Its a nightmare. I’m warning all the new home owners in our neighborhood on our neighborhood Facebook page. I canceled my service

5 years ago

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Aaron Navarre, FL

7 weeks and 1 day. That’s how long we’ve been without a working dishwasher. Two different appliance repair companies, four different repairmen, a total of six visits and three different parts replaced, and we have yet to have a working dishwasher. 7 weeks and counting…for a dishwasher. Not a rocket booster on a space shuttle...a dishwasher. 7 weeks. On 5 Feb 19, after running the dishwasher and having it not drain twice, we filed a claim with 2-10. Very easy process, and the very next day, we had a repair technician at our house troubleshooting. Wow, how great is this?! The “celebration” was short lived though. The tech, after not doing much, diagnosed it as a faulty pump. The part was ordered and we wait. Several days later I got a call from the repair company admin girl saying they “received the part, but it fell apart when we opened the box”. Huh? Ok. So they had to order a new part, and again we wait. 17 days after the first visit on 23 Feb 19, the same tech shows up with the new part, puts it in and says all is good. When we went to use the dishwasher that night, it would come on for about 20 seconds, then just stop. Another issue; now it basically just doesn’t work at all. I flipped the breaker, selected different wash cycles; everything I could do and it continued to just come on and then stop. I advised the tech immediately of the problem. Several days later a different tech from the same company shows up to re-troubleshoot the issue and says a different part is bad. So they have to order the part…and we wait. Several days later yet a different tech shows up to put in said different “new” part, and come find out the part is clearly used, banged up, dirty and with tool marks on it. Clearly it was taken out of another dishwasher and re-used, so we turned him and his used part away. You don’t utilize used parts in a repair in this case. Among other things, this repair company, contracted by 2-10 orders parts from some backdoor parts place that gives them parts that crumble when you open the box, or else they’re used. I called 2-10 and explained I was done with that company, and they provided me a new appliance repair company. A few days later on 9 Mar a guy from the new business shows up and decides some other part is bad, so he has to order that part. And we wait again. Several days later right around 13 Mar after a good month and change has elapsed from when I first entered the claim, I get a call from 2-10 saying the parts were going to take a long time (“drain pump and interface board”) so we would have to wait even longer. Since it was all I could do at that point, I laughed and noted to the 2-10 rep then and there we wouldn’t have a working dishwasher before two months had gone by, at least. He assured me that wouldn’t be the case (turns out I was exactly right). On 21 Mar, the same appliance tech shows up and after helping himself to almost an entire roll of our good paper towels to sop up water, pops in said new drain pump and new interface board…tests the dishwasher and after fiddling with it quite a bit and the dishwasher still pretty much acting funny and doing what it did before, assures me it works. Once again, after he leaves, the dishwasher doesn’t work and continues to come on for a few seconds and stop. I texted the tech, and told him it doesn’t work, and he responded at that point the dishwasher is beyond repair and he would let 2-10 know immediately, and they would more than likely provide a replacement and I should hear something by the next day (Friday). Today is Wednesday, 27 Mar, six calendar days and four business days after the tech put in the “can’t fix” resolution and after calling for the 3rd time this week completely fed up and threatening to lodge a complaint on the BBB by the end of the day if I didn't get something, I finally got an email with the replacement offer. This was after being told it would take 24 hrs to get a response, which then turned into 3-5 business days because their process changed. So it was going to take another two weeks after the tech made the final diagnosis to finally get the replacement/buy out offer...let alone receive any money or a replacement dishwasher??? Unreal. 2-10 says in their terms and conditions they replace with a comparable as good or better model. Our dishwasher was an $800 Bosch, 53dba, hidden push button self latching model (shx4ap05uc/05). Our replacement? A $450 GE 62dba, rotary dial, with non-hidden buttons model and old school swing latch straight out of the 1970s with horrible reviews.(GSD336KSS). The guy from the replacement dept calls immediately upon sending the email, and figuring I didn't spec the replacement already, which I did, uses some line on me, proclaiming "it's a bit of an upgrade" LOL! Right...and they know it's far from it; he just hadn't expected I already spec'd it. I asked him to try to explain how this GE is an upgrade to our Bosch, and he couldn't, obviously. He tries to tell me they don't use the dba level as a standard, although if you price dishwashers anywhere, the price jumps the lower decibels you go. Dba level is a primary standard. Based on that, I was forced to take the buy out, and all said and done with the $100 service fee, am supposed to get $306 for our $800 dishwasher. What a great deal huh? Let's do some quick math: $440 for the warranty, $100 for the service fee, and I get back $406. I'm still in the hole almost $134 and still have to go buy a new dishwasher for $550, that still isn't comparable to our old one. Had we not had this home warranty, I could have skipped the 7 weeks with no dishwasher and hassling with repair men and 2-10, replaced the dishwasher with one from Lowe's within a day, and come out exactly even. My advice is this: Do not use 2-10 Home Warranty, or you will be sorry. They are a business, and there to make money, not take care of you; it's as simple as that. They contract bottom of the barrel unskilled repair companies, but claim no responsibility for them, they DO NOT come even close to replacing with like or better items, and it takes them forever to get your claim done, which they also claim no responsibility for the time factor. If it takes a year it takes a year; makes no difference. Thank God it was only a dishwasher, and not something critical like a stove, fridge or HVAC unit. Think about that one. If you want to have a warranty, use Squaretrade to warrant specific items for dimes on the dollar. I had a 49" 4K TV go out once, and within a couple days I had an email that offered me a choice of three TVs...they were clearly as good or better than the one I had. I made my choice, the TV was delivered very quickly, and the TV is great and working to this day. We made iPhone claims with Squaretrade; again fast, great service and the phones were flawless, despite the fact they give you refurbished ones as part of their terms and conditions. We were blown away and really thought they were brand new. I can't say enough how great Sqauretrade is or how my experiences have been. Bottom line if you think you're getting some piece of mind and some easy great process with 2-10, think again. That's all your getting, is the illusion of peace of mind, security and saving money. 2-10 gets a lot of business from real estate sales. Many probably don't renew, but there's a revolving door of new customers as houses are turned over, so they don't need to make sure you're happy. But for those thinking about becoming new customers, or renewing that haven't had the pleasure of making a claim, you are far better off going to buy a replacement item yourself, or fixing it yourself...and I would venture to speculate that's what they hope for as well when you get fed up enough, and you will. Save your money and put it away for repairs or new items; you'll be glad you did. I won't be renewing with 2-10, nor would I even use them again for free...that's how painful it is dealing with them. A $440 warranty policy and paid $100 service fee bought us 7 weeks and 1 day without a dishwasher, only to get offered some bottom of the barrel $450 GE replacement or $406 cash for our $800 Bosch dishwasher. How great is this company? Don't take my word for it though...have a go with 2-10; just get ready for a lot of pain and next to nothing in compensation if you hate yourself enough to make a claim with them.

5 years ago

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Felicia Wilmerton Wesley Chapel, FL

I wish I could give them less than a full star. I am a realtor who purchased a (personal) home that came with a 2-10 warranty and I have NEVER dealt with a worse company. First, they wanted to take up to 2 weeks to fix my hot water heater. (We have 4 children, the youngest being 1). Then, our downstairs AC went out and they sent a contractor who told me there was NO way they would cover it and gave me a $9k estimate, after he didn't show up, twice. They ended up approving a coil replacement and which the contractor was not thrilled about, so he just disappeared. We live in Florida, again, with 4 kids. I called to find out what the status, since they could not get ahold of him either and I was told, "ma'am we aren't responsible for timely service, that's between you and the contractor." Oh, you mean the contractor that YOU make me use? DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE, PURCHASE FROM 2-10.

5 years ago

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Jada West

I want to share my experience of this company. The service person was Awesome, great customer service and knloedge. my 2-10 Warranty reps was a hit and a miss. One said I was covered by the call (I am a new Home Owner) and the second rep decline the my request which was fine because I worked out witht he rep that wa sent to my home. I wa so scared dealing with someone I did not know and I trusted the 2-10 Warrany company. The Co, was the one letting me down and the rep took good care of me. Why is it an issue if the warranty is new when you go to use. Its no hold on it after 30days. I paid my money in full why cant I use it when its needed, I didn't put a hold on my money, you took that. someone needs to explain. I am so disappointed with this company.

5 years ago

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Deron A Wells Vancouver, WA

Owning an older home, I have utilized the service several times, easily saving thousands of dollars in repair costs. Warranty service is usually quick and straight forward with limited paperwork involved.

5 years ago

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Brad Norman Ridgefield, WA

I feel like 2-10 needs to provide more info and more clearly communicate the details and context of the plans they provide and help customers understand the package/plan they have purchased. Loopholes and surprises are not something the customer likes to deal with later.

5 years ago