Author: Kaitlyn Short
Women in Solar was founded in 2018 with the goal of empowering women within the solar industry. Women in Solar has helped women start businesses, obtain high level leadership employment positions within the renewable energy space, and provide training and networking opportunities to women interested in the solar industry.
Women in Solar is available to any woman regardless of location. As solar panels and solar energy have increased in popularity due to state and federal incentives, the opportunity for women to break into the industry has also become more accessible.
There are various ways in which a woman can get involved with the organization throughout memberships or training courses. Regardless of experience, Women in Solar is equipped to help women interested in green energy.
The leadership at Women in Solar have worked within the industry and are connected to the think tanks within the solar space. The organization has partnered with some of the largest solar manufacturers and has relationships with solar installation companies to provide mentorship opportunities. These partnerships become available to members that join Women in Solar.
Women interested in joining Women in Solar have the opportunity to purchase one of two membership plans. Memberships are valid for one year and provide women interested in working in solar with the information and network needed to get started.
Memberships include:
There are not many organizations available to women interested in working in solar, but Women in Solar has found a way to bring women and the renewable energy space together with these membership programs.
The goal of Women in Solar is to educate, encourage, and train individuals in order for them to turn around and create their own professional success. Education provides opportunity and Women in Solar is dedicated to providing just that.
There are a number of ways to get involved and eventually work in the solar industry. Women in Solar specifically focuses on a number of things it believes will help women accomplish their goals. Women in Solar offers support in the following specialties:
By offering support in these specialties, Women in Solar has found that it can successfully empower women to achieve while making a difference.
Women in Solar is an educational and networking organization. It is not a solar installation company. It does not manufacture or distribute solar equipment. The company in and of itself simply connects women with the right information, training, and relationships to hopefully carve out an opportunity within the solar industry.
The organization does not actually provide a product or service to the general consumer. Instead, the group works to help women become successful in the green energy industry.
Despite having high ranking relationships with some of the biggest players in the solar industry, women that join the organization are in no way guaranteed employment. Connections and opportunities may come as a result of being a member of Women in Solar, but it is not a foolproof way into the solar industry.
Women looking for fulltime work within the renewable energy space may find the information Women in Solar has to offer to be beneficial, but a job offer is by no means guaranteed.
Women in Solar is an educational and networking organization designed to help women break into the solar industry. With varying memberships to choose from, educational opportunities, and a number of solar specializations, many women are likely to benefit from the knowledge and expertise the leadership at Women in Solar possess and can share.
Women in Solar is not actually a solar installation company or solar manufacturer. Instead, the company services more as a third-party service, connecting women with opportunities within the solar industry. Despite the organization’s connections within the solar space, women are not guaranteed employment.
While Women in Solar cannot be recommended for solar installation services, it can be recommended for women interested in working in solar. Whether a woman is interested in becoming an installation expert, a sales professional, or owning their own company, Women in Solar can help make that happen.
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