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Solar America

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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: October 14th, 2024

Solar America is a solar resource for property owners looking to utilize solar energy to power their specific property. The company provides information on the top producing solar installers all across the United States. The resource is designed to connect solar clients with the companies that can help them install an energy-efficient solar system.

The Solar America platform has developed relationships with several key players in the industry. These relationships expand to solar distributors, manufacturers, and even local installers in hopes of eliminating the endless options clients are bombarded with when they begin their solar purchasing journey. 

It is important to note that Solar America is not a solar installation company. It also does not manufacture any solar systems, equipment, or products. Solar America is strictly an additional resource prospective clients can use in determining what company would be a good fit for solar installation services and what manufacturer would best suit the needs of each individual property. 

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The Good

  • Solar Installation Grades
  • Cost and Savings Calculator
  • Manufacturer Ratings
  • Service Area

Solar Installation Grades

Finding the ideal fit when it comes to a solar installation company can be a strenuous process for prospective solar customers. While user reviews are critical, it is important to have expert analysis as part of the equation. This is the need Solar America looks to fill. Each installer rated on Solar America will receive a score based on a number of data points that can help clients determine what solar installer is the best fit. 

Cost and Savings Calculator

It is no secret that having a solar system installed can allow for thousands of dollars in savings over the lifespan of the solar system. But there is also a hefty initial investment property owners have to make in order to access solar power. These savings and cost breakdowns are a determining factor with many prospective solar clients who want to know if the system will save enough money in the long run to be worth it.

To assist in this area, Solar America has created a cost and savings calculator. While other solar companies offer a similar tool, the details that Solar America takes into consideration provide a relatively accurate breakdown of total savings over time. This tool also provides consumers with the equipment information they need to know including:

  • Number of solar panels needed
  • Average local prices for a particular system
  • Estimated savings over system lifetime
  • Payback period information

Manufacturer Ratings

There are a number of solar manufacturers operating within the solar industry, and it can be difficult to determine what system or equipment type is best for each project. To eliminate this frustration, Solar America provides manufacturer ratings on tier-1 panels, inverters, batters, and solar accessories. These manufacturer ratings provide consumers with information on product quality, performance, and even equipment durability in inclement weather conditions. There is also key information on warranties for each piece of equipment. 

Service Area

A vast majority of solar installation companies solely provide installation services in one state or a select few populated cities with a state. Very few solar installation companies service multiple states or provide services across the country. Because solar is geographically restricted, it can be difficult to find adequate information on local providers. That is where Solar America steps in. The company offers information on installers and manufacturers in 35 states, eliminating some of the headache for the consumer. 


The Bad

  • Does Not Provide Installation Services
  • No Financing Solutions Offered

Does Not Provide Installation Services

Solar America is not a solar installation company nor does it manufacture solar products or systems. The company serves a unique purpose in helping homeowners find and decide which installation provider to work with and what equipment would best suit the property’s needs.

In short, Solar America is a solar resource, not a provider in any way. While clients may want to look into what information and resources Solar America has to offer, it is important to keep in mind that the service will not help clients get free quotes, design estimates, or other solutions that typical solar installation companies provide. 

No Financing Solutions Offered

Solar America provides a lot of information on how to finance a solar system. It can help clients look into federal and state tax incentives that may be available in qualifying circumstances. Beyond that, the Solar America service does not assist in the actual financing of the rest of the system and the installation costs.

Most solar companies offer a number of financing options, whether it is to subsidize the installation cost or the price for the actual equipment. Solar is an investment, and many solar clients need access to financing option to make solar energy a possibility for their property. Many solar installation companies will partner with a credit union or organization to help clients obtain access to solar specific funds.

Solar America does not offer this solution nor does it provide potential solar clients with information on where to go for solar financing. 


The Bottom Line

Solar America is a solar resource for clients interested in having a solar system installed on their property. The service offers solar installation grades on local solar installation operations to help clients get a feel of what kind of services are available in their area.

Additionally, prospective solar customers can take advantage of the cost and savings calculator tool available through Solar America to find out just how much solar can save each client in the long run. In conjunction with solar installation information, Solar America provides in-depth ratings on the actual solar equipment. Only tier-1 manufacturers are rated.

Lastly, Solar America covers 35 states all across the country, providing a rather robust service area for potential solar clients. 

While Solar America may offer some useful information that prospective customers can use in their decision-making process, that is as far as Solar America can take them. The company does not offer solar installation services nor does it provide financing options for clients looking to start using renewable energy. 

Considering what Solar America offers to prospective solar clients, it may be worth looking into just for informational purposes. Additional information may assist property owners on their solar journey. However, beyond these purposes, Solar America is not much help. 

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