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LGCY Power

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LAST UPDATED: July 24th, 2024

LGCY Power is a top-rated and fast-growing solar company offering comprehensive and customizable solar solutions to homeowners across the nation. Founded in 2014 and headquartered in Lehi, UT, LGCY Power offers high-efficiency, black-on-black solar panels from LG, SunPower, and Trina. The company is committed to providing a personalized solar installation process and all clients are assigned a dedicated LGCY Power solar consultant to walk them through the solar process and available financing options.

Continue reading to learn more about this solar company or jump down to read LGCY Power reviews from verified customers.


The Good

  • Streamlined Solar Panel Installation Process
  • LGCY Power Solar Financing Options
  • LGCY Power Solar Warranties 
  • LGCY Power Solar Monitoring and Maintenance

Streamlined Solar Panel Installation Process

As a solar installer, LGCY Power doesn’t manufacture its own solar equipment. Instead, the company offers equipment from some of the following well-known solar brands: LG, SunPower, and Trina. While LGCY Power offers high-quality equipment, it also focuses on providing a high-quality and seamless installation process. The LGCY Power solar installation process includes the following steps:

  1. Consultation — A LGCY Power solar consultant will visit you at home to answer your questions and walk you through the solar installation process.
  2. Design — A LGCY Power site surveyor will visit your home and examine your roof. The surveyor will determine if your existing electrical is compatible with a solar system and provide recommendations of solar panel brands that will best meet your needs.
  3. Permit acquisition — Before your solar system can be installed, LGCY Power must get specific permits; the company will take care of all permit details and acquisition, and a solar consultant will also walk you through warranty details.
  4. Installation — The LGCY Power team will come and install your solar system on your roof, featuring solar panels from one of its top-rated solar panel manufacturer partners. The installation itself should only take a few days.

To make sure that you understand the installation process and to answer any questions that may arise, you will have a LGCY Power solar consultant with you every step of the way.

LGCY Power Solar Financing Options

LGCY Power aims to make solar power a reality for all homeowners and offers a variety of financing options. You can choose to purchase your solar panels outright, freeing you from monthly payments and allowing you to own your panels. However, this may not be an option for all homeowners.

In addition to outright purchase, customers can choose from the following financing options:

  • Solar Lease — An option to lease your solar equipment directly from the solar panel manufacturer for no money down.
  • Solar PPA — An arrangement between you and the solar panel manufacturer that allows you to pay only for the power you produce; there are no upfront costs and you aren’t paying for equipment.
  • Solar Loan — An option to finance your solar panel purchase with monthly payments; at the end of your loan term, you will own your solar panels.

A LGCY Power solar consultant will work with you to determine which financing option will best fit for your needs.

LGCY Power Solar Warranties

LGCY Power offers a comprehensive manufacturer’s (product) warranty on all new panels and inverters, as well as a workmanship warranty.

LGCY Power Solar Monitoring and Maintenance

Beyond its streamlined solar installation process, LGCY Power provides monitoring and maintenance services to ensure that your solar system will continually function properly and efficiently. 

You can monitor your LGCY Power solar system through the Enphase Enlighten app, available to download from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. When your solar system is activated after installation, you will receive an email from Enphase with instructions on how to download the app, create an account, and link it with your LGCY Power system.


The Bad

  • Communication Complaints

Communication Complaints

On BestCompany.com, some customers have left negative reviews regarding LGCY Power's failure to communicate effectively during the process. Communication-related complaints include installation delays, repair delays, and power bill estimates.


The Bottom Line

LGCY Power is a fast-growing solar installation company that offers a customized and streamlined solar installation process. The company offers solar panels from three well-known manufacturers: LG, SunPower, and Trina, and all panels are backed by a comprehensive product warranty.

Installing solar panels is a large investment and LGCY Power seeks to make it an affordable option for all homeowners and offers a variety of solar purchasing options, including cash purchase, solar lease, PPA, and solar loan. A LGCY Power solar consultant will work with you to determine which purchase option is best for you.

Based in Lehi, UT, LGCY Power currently offers its solar installation services in 30 states.

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LGCY Power Frequently Asked Questions

How does solar power work with LGCY Power?

Solar panels are fueled by natural light from the sun. Each panel is made up of more than a dozen silicon wafers called solar cells. These are specially manufactured and chemically treated to convert light into energy. Collectively, panels are connected together into what’s called a solar system or solar array. This array takes the energy it produces and passes it through an inverter before it reaches your home. An inverter takes the direct current (DC) generated from your panels and converts it to AC or alternating current. Finally, AC power is then passed to your home through a circuit breaker (also known as a main panel) and made available to everything plugged into your home, like lights, TV, computers, and other appliances. 

Why choose LGCY Power?

LGCY Power offers manufacturer warranties on panels and inverters, robust installation warranties, and monitoring and maintenance packages, so you’re well taken care of long after your energy savings start. The company wants you to receive the best savings, experience, and service; there’s a reason why LGCY Power has an A+ rating and is accredited with the Better Business Bureau. LGCY Power has also been ranked as the Best Company to Work for in Utah Business Magazine, one of the fastest-growing companies in Utah, and a rising star in the solar field across the United States. The LGCY difference is simply that the company cares about its customers, and that is the firm’s guiding principle. LGCY hires the best people in the field, offers the best training, and partners with the best solar installers in the nation, so the people working on your home are second-to-none.

What makes LGCY Power different?

To start, the company understands that each homeowner is different, with different goals, needs, and even circumstances — like the structure and aesthetic of their home. Since no two homes or homeowners are alike, LGCY Power customizes our solar solutions to fit your needs. We also take a consultative approach, becoming your trusted advocate throughout the whole process. Our solar consultants take their time explaining every aspect of the solar process to you, answering all of your important questions and even covering questions you didn’t know to ask.

What are the disadvantages of solar energy?

While there are several significant advantages of solar energy — including the potential for both environmental and economic benefits — that doesn’t mean that there aren’t any possible disadvantages. One of these potential downsides is the fact that some parts of the country simply don’t receive much direct daily sunlight. This is due to the fact that sunlight itself isn’t enough to generate power. Rather, you’ll need to consider peak sun hours, which is the metric used to assess how many hours per day your solar panels will be able to function at optimal capacity. Some parts of the country, like portions of California, Nevada, and Arizona, receive six or more peak sun hours per day, but the coastal regions of Washington and Oregon only receive three to four hours per day. If you live in a location without much sunlight availability, you may want to assess whether solar is the right answer for your energy needs. Another disadvantage is the reliability of solar. Obviously, your panels won’t generate any energy at night, and the presence of clouds can also disrupt the efficiency of your solar system. In addition, solar energy can have steep setup costs, especially if you need to purchase a battery storage system. If you don’t have access to robust solar incentives and tax credits, your initial setup costs could total tens of thousands of dollars. Finally, solar energy isn’t a terribly efficient form of power generation, as most solar panels are only 15 percent to 20 percent efficient — traditional forms of fossil fuel-generated energy can have much higher efficiency ratings.

Is residential solar cost-effective?

For many homeowners, installing a solar power system is a great way to save some money, while also protecting our environment. However, there are many variables involved that can skew the financial numbers either positively or negatively for you. Let’s discuss the different questions you need to answer in order to determine the cost-effectiveness of residential solar for your home. The first major variable is how much you pay for electricity from your utility company. Depending on which part of the country you live in, you might pay as much as 20+ cents per kilowatt-hour for residential power, but other regions can be as cheap as 10 cents per kWh, or even lower. Obviously, the more you’re currently spending on your energy, the more money you can save with solar. Next, you’ll need to consider how much you’ll have to spend setting up your solar system. There are many variables for this question, including the size and energy efficiency of your home, the amount of direct sunlight your home receives on an average day, whether you plan on buying or leasing your solar panels, and more. Another vital question along these same lines is which incentives and tax rebates you might be eligible for in your location. Different locations around the country have different government incentives available that can make a major impact on your costs. In short, residential solar power can definitely save money for many homeowners, but you will need to properly analyze your specific situation to determine how cost-effective a solar installation will be for you.

How are solar panels rated?

The wattage of a solar panel is based on the amount of direct current power it’s capable of producing in normal conditions — for example, in direct sunlight on days without rain. The first step is to examine the listed wattage capacity of the panel. As you might expect, more watts means more power, but there can be some other benefits to high-watt solar panels as well, like improved efficiency ratings. In addition, you won’t need as many panels to fulfill your power needs. However, power output rating isn’t the be-all-end-all of choosing the right panels for your solar system. Sometimes, a higher power rating doesn’t reflect the efficiency of the panel but is instead a result of the panel’s physical size. For the most part, solar panels come in two varieties: 60-cell and 72-cell. 60-cell panels are roughly 3.25 feet by 5.5 feet, and they usually max out around 300 watts. As for 72-cell solar panels, they measure around 3.25 feet by 6.5 feet, and they can produce 350-400 watts. This is where understanding efficiency ratings for solar panels is especially important. Most solar panels offer efficiency ratings somewhere between 15 percent at the low end and 20 percent at the top end. In general, the newer model your panel is, the higher efficiency ratings it’s likely to have, and better efficiency ratings mean more power potential. The brand of solar panel you purchase can also have a significant impact on your total power production capacity. Brands like LG and Panasonic produce solar panels with efficiency ratings right around 20 percent, and these panels usually have electricity outputs in the 350-watt range. On the other hand, many other solar panels have average efficiency ratings in the 15 percent to17 percent range, with total outputs around 250–300 watts. This doesn’t mean LG and Panasonic’s offerings are objectively “better” — it’s all about finding the right solar panels for your specific needs. Another important aspect of determining which solar panels to buy is how many hours of sun you typically receive. For this step, we recommend taking a look at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s “Solar Resource Data, Tools, and Maps” page. Here, you can find maps showing annual sunlight averages, monthly averages, direct normal irradiance, and more. All you need to do to figure out the energy potential of your location is to multiply the wattage of your chosen solar panels by the number of hours you receive sunlight. If you buy a 300-watt panel, you could receive up to six hours of daily direct sunlight in some parts of California, Nevada, and Arizona, meaning that panel could produce 1,800 watts or 1.8 kilowatt-hours. However, if you install that same panel in parts of the Pacific Northwest, where there are only 3.5 sun hours per day, your total output would only come to 1,050 watts or 1.05 kwh. So, which solar panels are the most powerful options? The highest efficiency ratings in the industry belong to the X Series by Sunpower (with an incredible 22.8 percent efficiency rating), along with REC Solar’s Alpha Series and LG’s High NeON, which both boast a 21.7 percent efficiency rating. As for pure power output, it’s tough to top Trina Solar’s 500-watt Duomax V and Tallmax V. Do you need some more information before making your decision? LGCY Power can help you determine whether solar panel installation is the right choice for your home, and also figure out which panels to use, and how many. Highly-trained Energy Consultants can even visit your home in person to walk you step-by-step through the solar installation process.

What is a megawatt and what is a megawatt hour?

To begin, let’s outline how wattage is measured. A watt is a unit of power that’s used to determine the rate of an energy transfer. The more watts you have, the faster the electrons are flowing through your electrical system. One watt is equal to one joule per second of energy flow. Take a 100-watt lightbulb as an example. The 100-watt rating means that this bulb consumes power at a rate of 100 joules of energy per second. If you turn on the light and leave it on for an hour, the lightbulb will consume 100 watt-hours. These rates are typically described in terms of kilowatt-hours — a kilowatt-hour is equivalent to 1,000 watt-hours, so our lightbulb example would come out to 0.1 kilowatt-hours. If a kilowatt is a thousand watts, what is a megawatt? Much like a kilowatt is comprised of 1,000 watts, a megawatt is 1,000 kilowatts, or in other words, one million watts. The reason kilowatts and kilowatt-hours are the standard measurements for consumer electric bills is because megawatts are often simply too large a unit of measurement to apply logically to a home electrical system. However, energy utilities and solar providers will occasionally use the term megawatt-hour instead. A megawatt-hour is typically abbreviated as “MWh,” and this term indicates the usage of 1,000 kilowatts in one hour. To put this into perspective, a couple of common small appliances you’ll find in most kitchens have a 1,000-watt rating — the microwave oven and the coffee pot. Because 1,000 watts equals one kilowatt, you would need to run your coffee pot continuously for 1,000 hours, without ever turning it off. This would end up using one megawatt-hour of energy. How much energy does the typical American home use? In general, a modern home uses somewhere in the range of 11 megawatt-hours on an annual basis, which is why you’ll typically see kilowatt-hours on your monthly utility bill instead of megawatt-hours. After all, when you’re using less than one megawatt-hour per month, there are probably more suitable units of measurement to describe this level of energy output. Solar providers will sometimes use megawatts and megawatt-hours when discussing their capabilities, simply because the sheer number of kilowatt-hours would get a bit overwhelming. There is actually another common unit of measurement beyond the megawatt as well, which is the gigawatt. As you might expect, a gigawatt is equivalent to 1,000 megawatts, one million kilowatts, or one billion watts. Overall, the main thing you need to keep in mind about every level of watt and watt-hour is that — just like many other units of measurement in the metric system — these measurements escalate in terms of one thousand. There are 1,000 watts to a kilowatt, 1,000 kilowatts to a megawatt, and so forth. When analyzing your personal energy needs — whether that’s for your home or your business — you’ll likely be dealing in terms of kilowatts and kilowatt-hours. Still, it’s always nice to have a level of familiarity when it comes to your total annual energy usage, which is a measurement where megawatts and megawatt-hours will be convenient terms to know. Do you have any questions about megawatts or megawatt-hours? Or perhaps you’re wondering how much solar energy you would need to power your home or business? Give LGCY Power a call today. Its highly experienced and knowledgeable Energy Consultants can help you answer all of your tough questions about solar power.

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Featured Review

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Neil Union City, NJ

LGCY is the best in the solar industry. They are the primary consultant team for Sunrun. I don't think this site understands that LGCY are the consults who provide such excellent service. Sunrun is #1 in solar and LGCY is the catapult to make that a reality. LGCY has a higher promoter score than Apple and Nordstrom. Either way solar is the way to go.

8 years ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Neil, we are so glad to hear about your experience with LGCY Power. We always strive to make sure that everybody has a positive experience with us. Please follow us on Instagram at @lgcypower for information about our Monthly Customer Appreciation Giveaways!

Jun. 1st, 2021


Featured Review


Verified Customer


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Margaret Wahlrab Hawthorne, CA

They installed my panels in December and I still do not have a permit for solar 3-17. UPDATE. It turns out it was the City inspectors fault that the inspection for the permit was delayed for 3 months, not LGCY. I am changing my rating to 5 stars. I was not charged for the solar panels as they get reimbursed from the power Co. Looking forward to saving $50 per month!!!

2 years ago Edited January 10, 2024

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Reply from LGCY Power

Margaret, Thank you so much for the positive review. We want all of our customers to have a great experience going solar! Follow us on Instagram @lgcypower for information about our Monthly Customer Appreciation Giveaways!

Mar. 22nd, 2022


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Staci Rittmeier

I have had my solar panels for over a year now and I am well pleased with the savings I am receiving. I do get less savings in the winter but that is understandable because of how short the days are and less direct sunlight. During peak months I get no actual electricity bill because of how much power my panels are generating and I love it. I would definitely recommend Legacy Power to anyone who is looking to get solar panels installed. The process took a little while, due to weather (winter) and city inspection but well worth it I believe.

2 weeks ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Staci, we are happy to hear that our solar experts were able to help you from start to finish. Thank you for taking the time to leave this kind review! Follow us on Instagram @lgcypower for more solar hacks!

Jul. 16th, 2024


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I had my solar system installed by LGCY over a year ago and by far they are the best company to deal with concerning solar here in eastern North Carolina. I have heard horror stories about other companies but LGCY has great communication and the install was complete within a couple days excluding the normal inspections and the time it might take leading up to the final phase of working but that is mainly because of scheduling many entities together. That’s where the great communication comes in and LGCY did a wonderful job on pulling it all together. I absolutely love solar and I have no regrets. The backup battery is amazing!

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Avene2024, thank you so much for the review. We are so happy to hear that you enjoyed your experience with us. We strive to provide the best for our customers. Thank you for choosing us!

Jun. 17th, 2024


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Johnnie Weathersby III

I've been provided with solar through Sunrun since December 2022, and that was established by LGCY Power. I've enjoyed working with their group since day one! I feel like they're very communicative (I still touch base with the original reps who set up my solar every now and then -- shout out to Jac M and Kenny C) and help resolve any issues or questions I have quickly. I appreciated that they were kind and transparent throughout our interactions, but - even more importantly - I don't feel like they try to twist or hide anything. I can openly talk numbers with them, and in the end that really is one of the things that matters most when you invest in solar for your home. I have loved knowing what my electric bill will be each month rather than being anxious about the volatility in rate changes from SDG&E, and LGCY Power helped give me that peace of mind. Priceless, and I'd recommend them to anyone shopping around for solar.

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Johnnie, we are happy to hear that our solar experts, Jac M and Kenny C, were able to help you from start to finish. Thank you for taking the time to leave this kind review! Follow us on Instagram @lgcypower for more solar hacks!

Jun. 17th, 2024


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matt lindstrom

I disliked that the power was shut off first thing. I understand that the solar has to be tied into the main power but I have 2 dogs in the house and my daughter was trying to get ready for work when the power was shut off.

2 days ago


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Julien Bueno

Customer Review Video

4 days ago


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Will Spencer (MotoSloth)

I couldn't be happier with my decision to choose Legacy Solar. After extensive research into many solar companies, Legacy Solar stood out with their high ratings and excellent reputation. From start to finish, they were a pleasure to work with, providing exceptional support both during and after the installation. Now, two years later, I am still thrilled with my solar system and the ongoing support Legacy Solar provides. Highly recommend!

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Will, we are content to hear that we were able to help you out while going solar. Thank you for taking the time to share your experience! Thank you for choosing to go solar with us!

Jun. 27th, 2024

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Martin Torres

Installation was fast and efficient. What I disliked and unprofessional was debris and trash was left everywhere. I guarantee you they would not have left that kind of mess in a upper class neighborhood but since they serviced a lower income are I felt like they did not value my services

1 week ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Martin, we are sorry to hear that this has been your experience. We try our hardest to make sure that everyone has a positive relationship with our company and we truly do value each and every one of our customers. Please contact us at customerservice@lgcypower.com or call 855-353-4899 opt 3 and we will have a member of our Customer Care Team look into your account and see how we can further help you!

Jul. 17th, 2024


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Team Leader Michael was outstanding and informative walking me through every step and answering all my quetions. The team was very ptofessional and hardworking. You should comment each of them.

4 weeks ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

LAURA, we're grateful to hear of the professionalism of Michael. Thank you for taking the time to leave us review. We truly appreciate and value your business. Thank you for choosing LGCY Power! Enjoy your system!

Jul. 1st, 2024


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Brian Campbell

The sales team was great, the actual workers who installed the system were also really good to work with. However, overall, the communication was not very good and the installation process had many holdups and delays, and there was miscommunication all around. Hoping that is the system is up and running. It will pay off, but the installation process was a headache.

4 weeks ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Brian, thank you for your feedback. We really do appreciate it. Glad to hear the installers were professional and met your expectations. We do regret to hear of the lack of communication. We appreciate your patience and understanding. If you have any questions or concerns in the future, please feel free to contact us at customerservice@lgcypower.com or call 855-353-4899 opt 3.

Jul. 1st, 2024


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Amy Jensen

We’ve had solar for a year and a half now. No complaints! We put off getting solar for a while but I’m glad we made the leap when we did. We saved a lot of money in the long run. LGCY was great in helping us get set up. They were very informative and listened to any concerns or questions we had without being pushy.

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Amy, we're grateful to hear of the professionalism from our whole team. Thank you for taking the time to leave us review. We truly appreciate and value your business. Thank you for choosing LGCY Power! Enjoy your system!

Jun. 27th, 2024


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Brenda Williams

The crew needs a trencher or rent a trencher. The poor crew hand dug the long trench from the barn to my house. It took all day and none of the solar part got done that day. If it wouldn’t have rain right before they came it probably would’ve taken them two days. I felt so sorry for them. Surely a small trencher or rent would have been cheaper than paying 4 guys to hand dig a trench. The crew was friendly but spoke very little English but we managed to communicate.

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Brenda, we appreciate your positive thoughts and taking the time to leave us a review! We are happy to hear of your great experience on your decision going solar. Follow us on Instagram for solar hacks @lgcypower!

Jun. 19th, 2024


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Zene “Zen” Orr

The install crew arrived an hour early to begin their work, but not necessarily a bad thing for us as someone was already home. The person who worked on our breaker box was thorough and let us know that not everything was properly labeled.

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Zene, we are glad to see that this has been your experience while going solar! Don't forget to refer your friends and family to have a quick and easy solar experience! Thanks!

Jun. 17th, 2024


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Legacy solar

They completed the installation even though there was a delay in the solar panels being delivered. Also, explanation of how system functioned and that there was an inspection process of the system from city and Ameren. All work completed on the installation on the same day.

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Thank you for taking the time to let us know what a great job we're doing, we really appreciate it!

May. 30th, 2024


Review Source

star star star star star


Leasing with legacy has been very rewarding. During the sale I was promised a $1,000 Costco gift card but it never happened. When I called to inquire about the gift card I was told he had left tge company. The installation went very well and there has not been any system issues Very happy overall

2 weeks ago


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Alicia Brookshire

So happy we got solar from Legacy. From beginning to end, they were so easy to deal with and had amazing customer service. Our area has terrible WiFi and the tech support helped us to get the best possible outcome. Having solar is saving us a ton on our power bills!

2 weeks ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Alicia, we are glad to see that this has been your experience while going solar! Don't forget to refer your friends and family to have a quick and easy solar experience! Thanks!

Jul. 12th, 2024

star star star star star

Barbara Steffens

They were great. The weather was iffy all day. Threatening rain in the morning with actual brief rain showers durning the afternoon. They were forced to stop during the showers but as soon as they could after the shower they completed the installation. Jesse was a great crew chief. He kept me informed and explained how to turn the system on once the final inspections were complete. I was very pleased with them and happy that I chose LGCY power.

2 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Barbara, thank you for taking the time to let us know how attentive Jesse was. We appreciate your feedback. Please follow us on Instagram @LGCYPower for solar information and hacks.

Apr. 30th, 2024

star star star star star

Alison Read

I live in VALLEJO, CA. And I was just visited by two of the nicest people I could ever hope to meet in California or ANYWHERE. Their names were Ting and Cody and yes, they were trying to sell me SOLAR POWERED EQUIPMENT. But after I told them I rented this home and was moving away from California because it's too expensive to live here, they chatted with me anyway and NOT about solar only but just nice, friendly chit chat about lots of things. If TING and CODY represent this company, and this company is EVEN "HALF AS GOOD" as these two young adults who represent you, then your product must be worth buying! And P.S. THEY DESERVE A RAISE!!!

3 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Alison, thank you for taking the time to let us know how thorough and enjoyable your experience was. We are happy to hear of the professionalism of Ting and Cody. Have a great day!

Apr. 19th, 2024


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Narayan Sidarth

Really great installation service. The legacy solar walked us through the tax credits before we signed the papers. The representatives also helped answer our questions about consumption and usage for our home after installation. After an year of installation, when we expressed concerns with the solar being installed too close to the AC unit, the company came out to reinstall a couple of panels farther away from the AC unit on the roof for no charge. I value and appreciate their service & recommend this company for your home solar project. So far , the panels have been functioning great, working as promised, giving us a reduction in the energy bills every month - most importantly going green on the energy consumption & save our planet in our smallest possible way

2 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Narayan, thank you for the review! We appreciate and are grateful we are able to serve you!

May. 6th, 2024


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Hope Weber

The team was very courteous and answered all questions so we understood the process of installation and the steps that would be coming.

1 week ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Hope, we are happy to hear that we were able to help you efficiently. Thank you for taking the time to share your solar experience! Follow us on Instagram @lgcypower!

Jul. 17th, 2024

star star star star star

Randy Dahlenburg

They arrived, very courteous, installed solar panels, checked everything out to make sure it was installed properly, cleaned up their mess and all extra equipment & garbage/debris and took it with them! Very nice!

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Randy, we are glad to see that this has been your experience while going solar! Don't forget to refer your friends and family to have a quick and easy solar experience! Thanks!

Jun. 17th, 2024


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jerrie manning

They were on time and very polite. Worked hard all day. They had to return to Reno for something they needed. This is a lengthy drive. They returned and finished the job even though it was much later that day. I appreciate the integrity in their promise to return and finish. Very professional.

2 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

jerrie, thank you for taking the time to let us know how attentive and dedicated the team was to getting your job done. We appreciate your feedback. Please follow us on Instagram @LGCYPower for solar information and hacks.

May. 23rd, 2024


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Jenny Rentschler

The installers were amazing. They were very polite and friendly and did a great job. Very meticulous very particular and overall did a wonderful job. We couldn’t say enough about them. They should be commended for their work. We were very impressed.

2 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Jenny, thank you for taking the time to let us know what a great job our team has done. We'll be sure to pass that along. Thank you for your business and choosing LGCY for your solar power needs!

May. 23rd, 2024


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S. Marcusen

From beginning to end (highlighted by my main contact, Justin) the entire team was responsive, dedicated, and excellent to work with in getting my solar system installed! They provided timely, confident and professional answers to any and all questions I had about the system and the processes to install it and get it online.

2 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

S. Marcusen, we appreciate your positive thoughts and taking the time to leave us a review! We are happy to hear of your great experience on your decision going solar. Follow us on Instagram for solar hacks @lgcypower!

May. 9th, 2024


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Patty Burns

The crew with the install , was fabulous, they came out did a great job installing, and cleaning up after their self after. They also explained what they were doing? And why they had too. I would recommend this crew alot. Crew 2. They first crew was not good at all

2 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Patty, it's been a pleasure to do business with you. We are so happy to hear that everyone was so professional and respectful! We'll be sure to pass that along. Thank you so much for taking the time to leave us a great review!

May. 6th, 2024


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Mike Hostetler Burleson, TX

This company has the worst customer service from a Utah perspective. The Dallas area managers that work here for LGCY are amazing and but my initial experience and purchase was with Utah LGCY. You would think that they would be the same company and work together but they aren't. Worst experience and the solar program they promised me is not what I am getting I'm literally making double electricity payments than my previous electric provider. Worst decision I ever made. Still waiting to this day for someone to contact me back and every time I call they say they will call me back and they don't. I was coerced into getting this and was told you signed the document you can't go back even though solar wasn't even installed on my house yet. Ashton B or something like that from Utah made me feel like things were good and that he would fix any problem I have but he's living it up in his 2 story home getting rich off the little people and we have to suffer. I guarantee even though I'll keep a copy of this survey I won't ever be contacted to fix the problem. I also had the installers come and destroy my attic and leave it a mess. Broke holiday decorations and never came back to clean up the attic. Was told they have to walk on the beams so they need to see where they are but that's fine but you can put everything back where you got it and out all the insulation back where you got it.

2 years ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Mike, we are sorry to hear that this has been your experience. If there is anything we can do we would love to make it right. If you can provide us with more information and contact us at customerservice@lgcypower.com, we will have a member of our Customer Care Team look into your account and see how we can further help you!

Mar. 10th, 2022


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Tyler Rand

I have had solar for almost three years now and it is the best decision we have made! Ashton Buswell was our salesman and while I know him personally, he delivered everything that he promised. I have had zero issues with the system and have just saved money on my electricity. We are all in a contract with SDGE already, so signing a co tract for a power purchase agreement isn’t really a change. I’m just paying less for electricity. I feel like this is a very smart investment, and something that anybody should strongly consider if you don’t have solar. Legacy Power is a great company and I highly recommend them everybody that asks.

3 years ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Tyler, we are so glad to hear about your experience with LGCY Power. We always strive to make sure that everybody has a positive experience with us. Please follow us on Instagram at @lgcypower for information about our Monthly Customer Appreciation Giveaways!

May. 26th, 2021


Review Source

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Brandi Hunt

Love everything about them the only issue I have that almost made me give 4 stars is I have requested for battery back ups and I don’t get any word on it.

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Brandi, thank you for your kind words and taking the time to leave us such a great review. We are truly appreciative of and grateful for you! Thank you for choosing LGCY! Please reach out to us at customerservice@lgcypower.com or call 855-353-4899 opt 3. One of our customer care representatives will be happy to look into this for you.

Jun. 28th, 2024


Review Source

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Tim Campbell

Everyone was very friendly and respectful. They did the job quickly and neatly. They were courteous, knowledgeable and kept me apprised of their progress.

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Tim, we truly appreciate you taking the time to leave us a review. Thank you for letting us know what a stellar job our representatives did for you. We value your opinion and business! Thank you for choosing LGCY!

Jun. 17th, 2024


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Megan Hannel

I wasn't thrilled about receiving packages and deliveries without prior knowledge, but from what I saw, the installation crew worked on the project with steady progress. They did not update my main fuse box as they had told me, and when questioned, the crew had no knowledge of that discussion. I have no complaints about the delivery man or the installation crew themselves, just lack of communication and not following through with offers made.

2 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Megan, thank you so much for taking the time to leave your feedback. Our apologies for the lack of communication. We do appreciate your patience and understanding. We are grateful for your business. Thank you for choosing us.

May. 23rd, 2024


Review Source

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Robert Boker

Sales reps did a awesome, had some mishaps with the final design which cause installation to be delay. Reasoning was due to no capy of final layout sent to customer to review before installation crew came out. Once changes were made and approved through us and the company. Crew had come out several times due to weather. They overcame the odds and got it installed in 1 day. They did a awesome job.

2 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Robert, thank you so much for your patience and understanding. We're happy to hear the team stayed vigilant in completing your system installation. We're happy to have you as a customer and are truly grateful and appreciative of your business. Thank you for choosing LGCY.

May. 23rd, 2024


Review Source

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Tabbi Grosch

Th process started out great, took a little time to get everything cleared to installed and communication was hit or miss at times. The installation crew was FANTASTIC! Provided updates as they worked and worked quickly to complete the project in 1 day. Hopefully the last steps of the process continue to move as quickly as the installation!

2 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Tabbi, thank you for taking the time to let us know of your experience was with LGCY Power. Thank you for choosing us! Enjoy your system.

May. 1st, 2024


Review Source

star star star star star

Nikki Leonard

Easy to work with. They explained every step of the process along the way and have provided consistent support all along the way! When we had to remove the panels in order to install a new roof, they collaborated each step. I highly recommend them if you are interested. We are already saving money each month!

3 months ago

LGCY Power Logo

Reply from LGCY Power

Nikki, we are glad to see that this has been your experience while going solar! Don't forget to refer your friends and family to have a quick and easy solar experience! Thanks!

Apr. 9th, 2024


Review Source

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Blank Blank

The panel crew left tools and fittings in the yard. Not a lot, but enough I wouldn’t want to run them over with my mower. To be fair it was dark and raining when they finished up about 730/8pm. The gentleman who did the electrical and final connect/inspection I would give 5 stars too! Super easy to talk to, down to earth, was about to dive into the specifics and learn me a thing or two but it was cold and really windy so I cut him off and let him get back to work. But I felt like he would’ve stood there freezing to teach me if I wanted. A nice added touch would be to have a vehicle and/or personal description or pictures of the crew who are showing up at your house. A pic/bio of the crew would really set you apart from others.

3 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Blank Blank, thank you for your review and feedback! We truly value your opinion and business! Thank you for choosing LGCY.

Apr. 9th, 2024


Verified Customer


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It does everything that I was told that it would do so no surprises there. The installation process was was very smooth, Arcadia Solar put the system in and everything went without a hitch. IThe follow up was was pretty good and then my accounts sort of got handed off to Arcadia Solar and that who actually did the installation and got everything hooked up.

2 years ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Tracy, We are so glad to hear about your experience with LGCY Power. We always strive to make sure that everybody has a positive experience with us. Please follow us on Instagram @lgcypower for information about our Monthly Customer Appreciation Giveaways!

May. 17th, 2022


Verified Customer


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star star star star star


Everybody was extremely helpful throughout the entire process. They were able to put the panels where I wanted them.They were the only company that could have panels that work for my power needs. The salesman and the lead I guess the lead technician work is very good at explaining the entire process and kept me informed. Through the whole thing I had no worries or concerns during that installation.

2 years ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Michael, We are so glad to hear about your experience with LGCY Power. We always strive to make sure that everybody has a positive experience with us. Please follow us on Instagram @lgcypower for information about our Monthly Customer Appreciation Giveaways!

May. 17th, 2022


Verified Customer


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My husband was very confident with the value for the product. So far it's been great we haven't had any problems. I don't see any issues, it's been producing power well. It was really easy, they set up a time to come out and install and it was pretty much installed within a day. They have been great about answering all our questions, it's really easy to get a hold of them. There's really not that long of a wait time when I do call in, I've only had to do that like twice now and everything's usually straightened out within 24 hours.

2 years ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Briana, Thank you so much for the positive review. We want all of our customers to have a great experience going solar! Follow us on Instagram @lgcypower for information about our Monthly Customer Appreciation Giveaways!

May. 17th, 2022


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Philip Patton Laughlin, NV

The sales staff that game to my home were very professional. They were Mark S. the sales rep, Brandon C. and Trish. They very knowledgeable and actually fun to be with. I highly recommend them and the company. Everything seems to be moving along the holdups on getting the system working is due to NVEnergy and the inspectors from Clark County and not from LGCY Power or the reps.

3 years ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Philip, Thank you so much for the positive review. We want all of our customers to have a great experience going solar! Follow us on Instagram at @lgcypower for information about our Monthly Customer Appreciation Giveaways!

Jul. 12th, 2021


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Review Source

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Mary Los Olivos, CA

Lgcy has come through on everything but we are waiting for PG&E’s approval. They have done what they have promised and done it in a timely manner. I am very pleased with them. The salesman that came to my door honored all the covid stuff. He had a mask on and stayed his distant and he explained things very well. I could contact him if I had any additional questions.

3 years ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Mary, we are so glad to hear about your experience with LGCY Power. We always strive to make sure that everybody has a positive experience with us. Please follow us on Instagram at @lgcypower for information about our Monthly Customer Appreciation Giveaways!

Jul. 6th, 2021


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Katie Davis Thornton, CO

Customer Review Video

3 years ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Katie, Thank you so much for the positive review. We want all of our customers to have a great experience going solar! Follow us on Instagram at @lgcypower for information about our Monthly Customer Appreciation Giveaways!

May. 5th, 2021


Review Source

star star star star star

Dawn Perkins

Everything was fine. They knocked on the door so I knew they were there which I appreciated. They were all nice.

2 weeks ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Dawn, thank you for your review and great feedback! We are so pleased to see you received excellent service. We truly value your opinion and business!

Jul. 12th, 2024


Review Source

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LeAnna Baca

We were please with the outcome of our installation of our panels. Your crew was very polite and professional.

3 weeks ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

LeAnna, we are so glad to hear that this has been your experience while going solar! We're happy to hear the crew has taken such great care of you! Don't forget to refer your friends and family to have a quick and easy solar experience! Thanks!

Jul. 9th, 2024


Review Source

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Drema Smith

The instal crew was awesome. I had a few requests and they took care of them with no problem. So far, so good. Waiting for our inspection.

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Drema, we are so glad that this has been your experience while going solar! Don't forget to refer your friends and family to have a quick and easy solar experience! Thanks!

Jul. 1st, 2024


Review Source

star star star star star

Andrew Bachmann

We have nothing but great things to say about this company and the whole process. We are so happy we made the choice to go solar!

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Andrew, thank you so much for the review! We truly appreciate you taking the time to let us know what a wonderful job we're doing.

Jul. 1st, 2024


Review Source

star star star star star

Ramona Seward

They were extremely friendly and upfront and answered any and all my questions, they even continue to check in to see how things are going!

1 month ago

LGCY Power Logo

Reply from LGCY Power

Ramona, we are happy to hear that we were able to help you efficiently. Thank you for taking the time to share your solar experience! Follow us on Instagram @lgcypower!

Jun. 27th, 2024


Review Source

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Nick DiJulio

The installers were obviously experienced and careful in their work. The end result looks to be an expert installation.

1 month ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Nick, thanks for taking the time to leave us a good review. We are happy to know you have had such a great experience with our company. We will be happy to pass this on to the team!

Jun. 17th, 2024


Review Source

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Joe Stith

The crew was extremely professional and had excellent communication. They explained what they were going to be doing and did a great job.

1 month ago

LGCY Power Logo

Reply from LGCY Power

Joe, thank you for your review and great feedback! We are so pleased to see you received excellent service. We truly value your opinion and business!

Jun. 17th, 2024

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Brian Sprague

On September 8 of 2023 we signed an agreement with legacy for solar panels and a back-up battery.. After going through the entire process, site survey, financing, permits, etc. we finally had a date for installation . The install date was rescheduled over and over again. However, legacy never called to reschedule, they would just not show up. we would have to contact them and ask them where they were. Finally, in May 2024, after months of delays, our permit with Emory energy expired and legacy cancelled our contract. Legacy essentially wasted our time for nine months; the litany of excuses, misinformation, and broken promises are too lengthy to list in this review. Still, after all this, we gave them another opportunity, and we were ignored. the litany of excuses, misinformation, and broken promises are too lengthy to list in this review. Still, after all this, we gave them another opportunity to make it right,, and we were ignored. Don’t waste your time with this company.

2 months ago

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Reply from LGCY Power

Brian, we are sorry to hear this has been your experience while going solar. We would love to help you get any issues resolved and will do so if you will reach out to us at customerservice@lgcypower.com or call 855-353-4899 opt 3 with more information. One of our customer care representatives will be happy to look into this for you.

May. 30th, 2024

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Stephen Brown

LGCY is a Scam In 2022 a salesman of LGCY Solar Panels came and presented to my wife and I the idea of purchasing solar panels through his company. He told us several things that he said would benefit us by getting the panels. He told us that within a year we would have no electric bill and that the only money that we would be paying would be for the loan we took out for the panel. He also told us that when we sold our house that the new owner would take over the loan for whatever we had left over to pay. Neither of those things have been true. Two years after we have purchased the panels we still have an eclectic bill as well as the loan payment. In fact we were told by another LGCY representative that we didn’t have enough panels for us to get our electric bill fully covered (he also tried to get us to buy more panels). The first salesman also forgot to tell us that with the ONCOR “Electric Delivery Charges” the credit we would receive would be basically wiped out and therefore any benefit the panels would give us is gone. In regards to our loan being taken over if we were to sell our house it seems that was a lie as well. From what my wife and I have seen, if we sell our house we would either have to 1. Keep paying the loan or 2. Include the loan in the price of the house in order to pay it off. My wife and I feel that LGCY Solar Panels were not completely up front and essentially lied in order to get us to buy the panels. If we would have known what we know now we would have not brought the panels. DONT BUY THEM. ITS A SCAM.

2 months ago

LGCY Power Logo

Reply from LGCY Power

Stephen, we regret to hear of the frustrations or miscommunications you've been experiencing. We would love to straighten things out for you. Please contact our customer care team at customerservice@lgcypower.com or call 855-353-4899 opt 3, where one of our representatives will be happy to assist you.

May. 23rd, 2024