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Energy Service Partners

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LAST UPDATED: October 31st, 2023

Headquartered in Torrance, California, Energy Service Partners (ESP) has been working with both solar installers and residential solar customers in California since 2015. Not only does the solar provider help homeowners access clean energy, but ESP also partners with local solar installers to streamline the solar system installation process, and maintain high customer satisfaction levels.

ESP has been recognized by Solar Power World as one of the publication's "Top 500 Solar Contractors" for the years 2020, 2021, and 2023. ESP's inclusion on the Top Solar Contractors list is significant for consumers because it indicates that the company is recognized and respected in the solar industry. It demonstrates that the company has a proven track record in successfully implementing solar projects.

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The Good

  • Full-Service Solar Contractor
  • Multiple Financing Partners
  • High-Quality Solar Equipment

Full-Service Solar Contractor

Energy Service Partners markets itself as a full-service solar partner, meaning the company plays an active role at every step of the solar installation process:

  • Free Initial Consultation — ESP inspects the home’s solar energy potential against its current energy consumption, calculates potential savings using the utility bill, and projects future energy needs.
  • Solar Panel System Design — ESP’s solar tech experts will take specific measurements of the home and design a custom solar array that will maximize energy output while also saving on the energy bill.
  • State and City Permitting — The company will also pull all the necessary permits prior to installation, handing all the paperwork and interconnection rules the utility company has put in place.
  • Solar Installation — Using quality solar and mounting equipment, ESP’s solar technicians will install the system on your roof in a matter of hours.
  • Solar Energy System Activation — Once the system has been installed, and permission from the utility company secured, the system will be officially “plugged in” to the energy grid, and homeowners can start saving on their electricity bill right away.

Multiple Financing Partners

In addition to cash purchase, customers can also secure a solar loan through Energy Service Partners. Solar loans significantly reduce the sometimes tens of thousands of dollars in upfront costs to nothing, while still granting homeowners access to the federal solar tax credit and other solar incentives. ESP works with a number of third-party financiers to help make solar energy savings much more accessible to the homeowner:

  • Loanpal — offers zero money down solar loans, high approval rates, and same-day financing
  • Mosaic — includes financing options for solar panels systems, backup battery solutions, roofing project funding, HVAC, and more
  • Green Sky — has financed more than 1 million home improvement projects by connecting borrowers and lenders that specialize in renewable energy

High-Quality Solar Equipment

In addition to the Enphase and SolarEdge solar inverter, Energy Service Partners implements a selection of Tier 1 solar panels into each array its technicians install:

  • Base Panel Option — Energy Service Partners uses the QCell 320 Black on Black solar cell on its base panel systems, which offers a minimum 19 percent energy efficiency.
  • Midrange Panel Option — The company’s mid-tiered option features panels from LG, namely the LG 345, which operates at no less than 20.1 percent energy efficiency.
  • Premium Panel Option — For ESP’s premium offering, the company uses the Solaria 365, which, among other factors, edges out the LG 345 option with an energy efficiency of 20.2 percent.

Energy Service Partners’ solar installations all come with a 25-year equipment warranty, along with a 25-year workmanship warranty, meaning if any part of the system proves defective (either due to product malfunction or installation error), the company will service or replace that part for free during the first 25 years of system operation.


The Bad

  • Only Available in California
  • No Solar Lease or PPA
  • Not NABCEP Certified
  • Limited ESP Solar Reviews

Only Available in California

Energy Service Partners is only available to solar customers in California. Although demand for solar in these states is high, so follows the supply of available solar providers. Such a difficult solar market can make standing out difficult for companies without a sense of national recognition.

Leveraging verified Energy Service Partners reviews can help distinguish companies from the rest of the crowd.

No Solar Lease or PPA 

Energy Service Partners does not appear to offer solar lease or power purchase agreement (PPA) financing options to its customers. Both of these options provide low-cost alternatives to cash purchase and solar loans by allowing customers to either rent their systems or purchase the energy their systems produce at a lower rate than their traditional utility bill.

Not NABCEP Certified

ESP does not appear to have a certification from the North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP), an industry-recognized nonprofit that promotes best practices within the solar power industry.

Although not necessarily an indictment of ESP’s quality of service, this certification, among others, can help customers identify companies that champion the latest developments in solar energy.

Limited Verified ESP Solar Reviews

As of September 2023, limited ESP reviews have been posted to Best Company, and these reviews are mixed at best. According to customer feedback, ESP users have identified the following criticisms about the solar provider: slow communication, coordination issues, and lengthy project durations.

Granted, these reviews represent a small percentage of ESP's total online review portfolio; the company has amassed hundreds of positive reviews through Google, and has consistently made a point of addressing customer complaints in a speedy and empathetic manner.


The Bottom Line

Energy Service Partners has much to offer to solar customers in California. The company is transparent about its financing options and partners, as well as the solar power equipment it installs.

Customers can also trust that an ESP representative will be assisting them at every step of the solar installation process. If customers are not interested in owning their systems, and would rather finance through a lease or PPA, Energy Service Partners is not the right company for them.

Otherwise, the solar company is worth looking into and obtaining a solar quote.

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Chon Winger San Diego, CA

My solar project started in March 2022. I was told my project would be completed by Sep 2022. It is now almost November 2023, 19 months later, and I am still waiting for ESP to finish the project and fix basic mistakes. Here are the numerous issues I faced: - I was told I would need to upgrade my electrical panel, which pushed installation to August 2022. No big deal. However, I was told they would install the solar panels and upgrade the electrical panel on the same day, followed by a final inspection only 2 weeks later. Instead, they "connected" the solar panels to an empty electical panel box connected t...nothing. That did not stop ESP from telling me my project was complete and taking full payment before becoming unresponsive. - I finally learn weeks later that the panel needs to be installed by outside electricians. Why this wasn't understood or communicated before is never made clear to me. It takes 6 weeks to finally schedule this upgrade for December, which is 4 months after my already delayed installation. - On the day of the scheduled panel upgrade NO ONE SHOWS UP. I come to find out this was the fault of ESP canceling the job due to some permit issue, but this was never communicated to me. My project coordinator, Kasey, is again unresponsive. Any information I discover is communicated through the outside electricians hired by ESP instead. - After little communication, Kasey finally updates me and blames SDGE (which I discover is a recurring pattern for ESP). But I get no updates as to when the panel will be upgraded. Any updates she promises me are instead met with silence. Within a couple weeks, Kasey's phone is disconnected. No one from ESP reaches out to me about my project. I have to keep calling, and eventually discover I have a new project coordinator Esther. It is now late December. - Esther finally gets the project moving. Apparently we are still waiting on permits, which don't come through until Jan 2023. However, now I have to wait for the electric work to be rescheduled, which is now set for late February 2023. - The electricity panel is finally upgraded. But again, the panel is not connected to the solar panels. I am now told that a line transfer needs to happen before an inspection, which was at no point explained to me. As before, the electricians are providing me significantly more communication and explanation than ESP. - My inspection is scheduled for mid March. The inspection passes. I am told I am on the home stretch and that I just need to wait for the Permission To Operate, which takes a couple weeks. - Turns out "a couple weeks" means months. I keep waiting and being told by ESP that SDGE is to blame. However, ESP does little to investigate why there is a delay. By June, I have finally connected the right people from SDGE, ESP and the city inspectors, work that ESP should have been doing. It turns out that SDGE says they haven't recieved the inspection report, which the inspectors say they have sent multiple times. SDGE and the city are extremely responsive in contrast to ESP. At this point, I have lost faith in Esther and am now working with her manager Sam, who promises me some financial restitution and to resolve the issue. (I was originally offered a $20 gift card for the significant delays, which I found insulting). - Sam is no better. A few weeks go by and he also keeps telling me SDGE is still to blame. He also never delivers the promised reimbursement. Eventually, he becomes unresponsive and his number disconnects, again with no word or follow up from ESP. I again have to track down who at ESP is managing my project. I am eventually connected to Elena. - Turns out that ESP PUT THE WRONG ADDRESS ON THE APPLICATION! I discover this on my own through SDGE and the inspectors, with no help from ESP. It is now August. No wonder they could not find the inspection reports. SDGE says the entire application needs to be resubmitted. Elena is no more responsive than anyone else has been, but at least makes good on the promised reimbursement. - Eventually, I am connected to Adriana, who is the utilities coordinator. She resubmits the application and gives me instructions for fast tracking the application with SDGE. It is now mid September. - The photos are rejected by SDGE, because of a safety placard placement. Adriana tells me SDGE is has never rejected an application over the placard, but I have heard EDP blame SDGE for their mistakes too many times before. I instead suspect that ESP simply did not place the placard properly. ESP now has to send a tech to replace, which takes nearly 2 weeks. - Adriana tells me she would resend the photos once the panel has been moved, then PTO will come in 1-3 business days. Over a week goes by and I hear nothing. After reaching out yet again, she now tells me the photos the tech took are not good enough because the placard text cannot be read, so I have to take another photo. After close inspection, I determine that SDGE has a point, as the text is printed so poorly that it is barely readable up close let alone in a photo. Again, this seems like sloppy work from ESP. However, I am able to get a close enough photo with some slight photo editing to make the text more readable. - SDGE finally grants the permission to operate on Oct 26. My solar panels, unused on my roof for 14 months, are finally turned on! So I can finally be rid of ESP now? Were that I so fortunate. The solar panels are supposed to power two separate homes. But looking at the usage, the solar only applies to one. I call SDGE, and I am told that ESP should have filed a net metering aggregation application. They never did. So now the solar energy is not being aggregated correctly, complicating the billing and usage across the two homes. - Over the next 2 days, I call ESP and am told that it will be dealt with urgently. Instead, I receive no updates at all and am ignored. I am told I will receive a call back by EOD, I don't. I call back and am now told I'll receive a call tomorrow. So I have no idea if and when ESP will fix the issue. So 19 months later and I am at least receiving some of the benefit of solar, but my project is still incomplete. But at every single step of the process ESP managed to screw up. They were sloppy, unresponsive, consistently blamed SDGE and outside contractors for their own failures. I had to be my own staunch advocate to get ANYONE at this company to take any action at all. Do not make the same mistake I did, look elsewhere for your solar project

8 months ago

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Reply from Energy Service Partners

Chon, we truly apologize for any miscommunications that led to this experience. Your project is more complex than a standard solar panel installation - setting proper expectations should have been paramount from the start, and when we encountered issues that led to the delays we should have been quick to address them with you. That being said, the request for the meter aggregation is not something that we were made aware of until this most recent conversation with you, and it is something that the utility needs to process, not us. We always strive for prompt professional service, and recognize that there are certainly areas we can improve on, but your statements that we are entirely to blame for the delays and misinformation you received are not accurate. Your project has been completed and all the necessary paperwork submitted to the utility, and we will be swift to respond to any other requests. We are more than willing to review the project for anything else we can do to make up for lost time while the ball was in our court.

Nov. 2nd, 2023


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Billie Sommars Ventura, CA

Everything was well coordinated between the ESP office, delivery people, installers, inspectors and ourselves. There was a slight bit of misinformation on the delivery date however we were not surprises because we were told the delivery would be on a Sunday which we thought was unusual and they came on Monday. It didn't interrupt anything because we didn't need to be at home for that anyway. Things are up and running. So far so good.

3 years ago

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Reply from Energy Service Partners

Thanks for the review Billie. We're glad everything is up and running smoothly. Apologies for the slight scheduling mixup, happy to be of service if you need anything else!

Jul. 21st, 2021

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KZiebarth Inglewood, CA

WARNING- I still have PTSD from working with Energy Service Partners. I signed up for solar panels and corresponded directly with Jordan G, the nephew of the owner Gary G for 7 years (2016-2022). Jordan eventually became the President of Energy Service Partners. I am so disappointed in Jordan G and his ethics. I experienced one problem after another with ESP and all the while was patient. 1. Starting with ESP failing inspection not once but twice. 2. Their workers placed the solar panels on my roof using the wrong fasteners for my roof and screws too long. The faulty installation resulted in the screws going straight through and piercing my ceiling into my living room and bedroom. I reported this very obvious problem immediately and took pictures of the exposed screws and paint dust on the interior floor. I was assured that it was a cosmetic issue and that they would just send a painter to paint and caulk the holes. Was I naive to trust their word and workmanship? Clearly. 3. I also had numerous production problems where the panels were not producing energy. this happened several times although I was assured that this was a rare occurrence. 4. Finally, fast forward a few years and after scores of emails, pictures, texts, and reports sent back and forth between Jordan, numerous ESP employees and myself to the point where it was literally raining in my living room and bedroom-I FINALLY REACHED MY BREAKING POINT. I asked them to remove the panels so I could access the damage. I accompanied their workers up on the roof and documented everything as ESP removed the panels. The damage, mold and wetness under the panels were extensive. As a result, I had to remove and replace my roof and fix my interior floor and ceiling. I presented all of the glaring evidence to Jordan G and explained that I don't trust ESP to put the panels back up and that I would just like my money back for the panels. They refused. So, I will end with this. I have 30K worth of panels on the side of my house that are useless to me because I do not trust in the quality, expertise, and morality of Energy Service Partners to put the panels back up on my brand new roof. Please learn from my catastrophe and DO NOT even think about using ESP's services for solar panel installation. If the President, Jordan G can't do the right thing by me there is no hope for their company

1 year ago

Energy Service Partners Logo

Reply from Energy Service Partners

We have had multiple conversations with you regarding this situation over the last few years. We have already fixed all of the errors in workmanship that led to the leaks and damage, and have offered to make it right by reinstalling and reactivating the system. We understand your hesitation based on the previous experience, but at this point, ESP as a business has completed over 15,000 successful solar installations. It is specifically what we are designed to accomplish as a solar installation company. You received the benefits of a functional solar system for several years (Feb 2016 to June 2020), and at this point a refund or equipment return is out of the question. You have the contact information for our manager Brad who is fully briefed on the situation and more than capable of assisting with a reinstallation scheduling. We greatly hope we can restore your system to full function and let you continue to enjoy the benefits of solar outside of this unfortunate interruption.

May. 11th, 2023

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Max Parker San Diego, CA

If I could give 0 stars I would. Our experience with Energy Service Partners has been the worst experience of our home ownership. We signed our contract in March 2022. After several delays, the installation was completed in June, but it wasn't functional. The subcontractors didn't use the proper inverter, which wasn't discovered until months after the installation. They tried to install an underpowered (cheaper) inverter. The contract also called for a new Main Service Panel. This work wasn't completed at installation, and still hasn't been installed. It's been a year since installation, and the solar is still not activated. We've been making payments since October 2022. After countless calls and emails, I can't even get a timetable for when this will be completed. The next step is legal action since they are unable to give any updates. It's the most unprofessional experience I've dealt with, and I've had to deal with many contractors for my house in the past 2+ years.

1 year ago

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Reply from Energy Service Partners

Max, we're sorry you feel this way about your project experience. Your original contract did not include a Main Panel Upgrade but we are adding it on after the fact per your request. We acknowledge the lengthy amount of time and are sorry for any delays that were within our control. We are in the process of getting everything scheduled with your utility, swapping out the inverter, and completing the MPU in one visit. We're not in the business of cutting corners and always want to provide our customers with equipment that meets or exceeds your requirements as a homeowner, but when the scope of work changes, it does necessitate that timelines, costs, and expectations must be adjusted accordingly. Your project coordinator and the scheduling team will be in touch as soon as possible to confirm the completion of the work. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

May. 5th, 2023

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Frustrated Modesto, CA

I started my solar project back in November of 2019, as of today September 20,2020 my Solar system is still not up and running. I was charged more for my system because it seemed to be the best a the time. I was told I need a panel upgrade. It was told to me it cost around 4-5 thousand. All money is suppose to be financed@2.99% there was suppose to be a 60 day completion date. The panels are installed on my roof, electrical components have been installed. NO! SUN OPERATING MY SOLAR PANELS. I AM STILL still paying my energy co. Failed inspection, Loan company has called 2-3 times asking for payment. This business completely Sucks. Answer to the next question, I don't think I will be paying until they complete their part. this is not Amazing

3 years ago

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Reply from Energy Service Partners

We apologize that this was your experience. Please email with your project details. We need to know what name the project is under, because you're writing this review using an alias. We definitely want to help but need to locate your record. We look forward to being of service ASAP!

Oct. 30th, 2020

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Dymond James Woodland Hills, CA

It’s taken just shy of 12 months to complete my project. Project manager, project coordinator and the customer service line are all very slow to communicate, and are all on different pages. Quite frustrating as a customer. Just trying to find answers. In addition, I have asked my permit to be changed in the correct name for several months now, and even that cannot be completed. Greatly disappointed in this entire process. Do not use this company.

1 year ago

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victor garcia Los Angeles, CA

Was very pleasantly, Veronica was very helpful and the Technician were fast when they did the installation!!! Recommend it!!!

2 years ago

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Reply from Energy Service Partners

Thanks so much Victor!

May. 5th, 2023

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Oliver Reyes Moreno Valley, CA

They are courteous, hardworking and trustworthy people!

2 years ago

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Reply from Energy Service Partners

Thanks Oliver, we appreciate the kind words!

Aug. 2nd, 2021