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Richard Casalino Forest Hills, NY

Spectrum's, internet access, TV reception, service, pricing, and what they consider corporate best practices are as disingenuous as their relentless melancholy commercials where they are trying to brainwash us by attempting to elicit an emotional response like they are saving the world as if Spectrum found the cure cancer. This is not marketing - it is PROPAGANDA. In fact, they are defrauding the public with internet service that lacks adequate responsiveness (big latency) as advertised or as Time Warner provided. Speed tested on speedtest.net is not the only measure of performance. They are defrauding the public with TV reception that is pixilated on many channels with sound drops out continuously on a regular basis on most channels. (No it is not a problem with my system the whole neighborhood is complaining) Calling customer service will create a repair ticket where they will drive the customer nuts with useless time wasting service calls to come to your home to try all kinds of things to show you they are doing something by changing the F-connectors and testing signal strength and noise to then tell you that is the way it works, it has to do with storms and the satellite. Ok perhaps when there is a storm. There are no storms 24/7. They are defrauding the public with pricing. I got my first bill from Spectrum, price for my services skyrocketed. I agreed to their promises to lower the bill with near no change to my service and promised me I would have the same channels. I told them not to change the package if I would lose certain channels like Science and American History Channel. Yeah they lowered the bill a bit with me giving up certain things but slowly but surly the channels they promised slowly started to disappear. Now I would have to buy a new package to get them back and make my bill much higher than the Time Warner bill with much few services. With the new package they provided me they took away access to all of the internet public WiFi hotspots from Time Warner. Their customer service people were not even aware you lose all the TWC hotspots when you accept the new Spectrum package. It took great effort to figure out the hotspot spectrum provides but they are not as ubiquitous as the TWC hotspot and they do not provide encrypted hotspots for security. If there was an easy way to switch from Spectrum I would but I cannot. It would be worth it to simply stop their repugnant commercials they force on us on all the channels. The slogan they promote says it all: “Spectrum redefining what a cable company can be” You would think that implies that would be in the benefit for the customer while the fact is totally contrary to what they imply. It's all a fraud, from the pricing, to the promises to the quality of the service, to their commercials. The commercial they bombarded us with from day one personify their philosophy of propaganda.

7 years ago

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Ben El Paso, TX

It is sad to say, but the rumors are true. Customer service is no longer what it used to be prior to this takeover by Spectrum. Spectrum was formally known as Time Warner Cable. I have been a Time Warner Customer for approximately 21 years, maybe a little more. During that time, I had cable outages every once in a while, which was rare and can't even remember a time when our internet connection failed and had to call and complain. The customers service was average, but they were not terrible to the point where I wanted to disconnect the service. I'd say Time Warner took care of my needs for over 21 years. In mid January 2017, I noticed my bill increased to about $30 more per month. I just thought, "ok, what the heck, I'll give them a call and see what other promotions they have to offer". I called Spectrum on 2-8-17 and the first young lady I spoke with had this attitude as if she was having a bad day or she hated her job, one of the two. I told her my bill had increased and asked her what other promotions were available. Basically, she ignored the issue and started talking about how special rates were for available for new customers ONLY, however, as I insisted for her to look deeper to help me out, she immediately became upset and said she did not want to deal with me any longer and said that this was the new Spectrum and to deal with it. To make a long story short, between 2-08-17 and 2-21-17, I called several times hoping I would get someone that was not rude and disrespectful, but I started to see a pattern. I felt these employees are not the same folks I talked to in the past when the company was still under the Time Warner name. I sort of had this gut feeling that Spectrum retrained their employees to be rude to customers. This is why is say this; the minute you get a little upset, they are very quick to tell you, "I don't have to be putting up with your attitude or I am going to hang up on you". In fact, one employee I spoke with on Monday, February 20, actually used a curse word toward me right before transferring me to someone else and left me talking by myself while trying to explain my situation. I'm sorry, this was the last straw. I called back several times, this time I had put my foot down and raised my voice to these incompetent people. Each time I called and told them I was cursed at, they either hung up on me or they transferred me to someone else to avoid me altogether. Every single employee I spoke with challenged me, almost to the point where they were tried to belittle and bully me. I am sorry but I will NOT tolerate this kind of behavior. It is obvious that this company has a new motto; "Lets bully all our loyal customers, so we can lose as many cliental as possible". I finally spoke with a supervisor by the name of Anita on February 21, 2017. It was no surprise that she was just as rude as several of the employees I dealt with so far. She raised her voice, so I raised mine. She wanted to see how nasty she can get because this is the new way of handling customer complaints. It our way or the highway according to this lady. It is the Spectrum way. Seriously, this company need to shut down and go out of business immediately. I have lost all respect for Spectrum and their employees who are, in my opinion, the worst form of human trash to exist. After 21 years, I will finally be closing my account and going to AT&T U-verse. By the way, I contacted U-verse on 2-21-17, the lady I spoke with said they have already had several hundred former Spectrum cable tv customers that have made the switch to AT&T. She even apologized for their behavior, but was not surprised as she is pretty aware of the complaints with Spectrum. Sad to say that the damage has already been done. Please avoid this company at all costs.

7 years ago

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Michelle Wilby Friesenhahn

SPECTRUM. WORST. CABLE. EVER. I have been on the phone for the last 2 hours with TimeWarner...now Spectrum (including one disconnection). Three weeks ago I was convinced to add premium channels, like HBO...the price was right, so I added premium channels. As part of their pitch, I was told I would be able to catch up with this season's lineup by watching previous season's episodes. I started with Game of Thrones.... After binging on the first few episodes, subsequent episodes became unavailable to view. I called Spectrum, and spoke to a "supervisor." He said that he would call back when the issue was resolved. He never did. I started watching back episodes of HBO's "Girls".... After viewing all the episodes in Season 1, I watched 8 of 10 episodes in season 2. When I tried to watch Season 2 episode 9, it was not available to view. As a matter of fact, only half of the episodes from all seasons are available to on ON DEMAND today as opposed to yesterday. I was told this was an HBO licensing arrangement....nothing can be done. So what these folks are doing is BAIT & SWTICH: "Sign up for premium channels. You can catch up on your favorite show by watching previous episodes on ON DEMAND." ---But be warned....episode availability is fickle and arbitrary...and you won't know one day to the the next which episodes are available. Spectrum is now claiming they are a mere "carrier" and has no control over what is offered by HBO on a day to day basis. BTW... Does anyone know how to reach the USA when calling their customer service? And their website is chaotic. I was told that the next step is to file a complaint with BBB...that there is no other person/department in the USA who will accept a filed complaint within the Spectrum Organization.

7 years ago

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Tammy Lowery

I picked up my equipment and was not able to install the internet because the wires were cut coming into the house. Then I get a bill in the mail and I don't even have internet yet. Then I left work early today to meet the technician here and have appointment time on mytext messaging. They are scheduled to be here between 6 and 7. No one calls or shows up at 7:30 so I called them and they said my work order is complete. That's kind of hard when no one has showed up and my internet is still not working. They have a hard time getting here to install my internet but no problem at all charging me when I don't even have service. I will be dropping their equipment off tomorrow

7 years ago

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Dennis Wick San Antonio, TX

I never thought a cable TV / Internet service provider could be more overpriced and underserviced than Time Warner, but I was wrong !! Spectrum's entire product line (I have their internet access, cable TV package, and useless home phone service) make Time Warner look like a paragon of efficiency. All of Spectrum's services perform very poorly; outages are frequent; and their standard internet speeds are even slower than Time Warners. Customer service is DEPLORABLE !! All of the preceding statements reflect my opinions based on my service (or lack thereof from Spectrum). I will be so happy to move to another location where there is actually market-place competition, so I can be done with Spectrum, which, in my opinion, is nothing more than a collection of incompetent pirates !!

7 years ago

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Debra Lada

I was with Charter for about 34 years. I finally said it was time for a change. Every since the new guide came in I had nothing but problems with my internet,phone, and TV. The last time I had problems with my house phone it hadn't worked for about 10 days. One guy told me that the wires were old or bad, but I don't think anyone came to fix them ,because nobody contacted me, and I was still having phone issues. The next man told me that there was nothing wrong with my phone line and it was my phone.I also had the same problems with my box,guide,internet and whatever else there is. My new company didn't have any problem getting my phone to work. Charter had enough money to build a new training center, but not enough money to replace old wires and equipment. The joke was would I called to cancel services and the guy ask me why I was canceling.Ha! Ha! Then when you go to return the equipment ,you cannot hardly find a place to return it to.

7 years ago

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Mary T Butler

There is no reward for being a valuable TWC customer. The prices that are advertised are for NEW customers. Well, I would be a NEW Spectrum customer, but NO I am not eligible for the discounts. I have yet to find ANYTHING on the flyer I received that tells me I am not eligible - that isn't poor advertising, it is fraudulent advertising. In fact, if you go online to order, you will be given a confirmation number, but apparently that means nothing. According to their customer service, the only way you find out is when they process the order and see that you currently have TWC. I will keep looking - anything to get out of the TWC/Spectrum service. You should be ashamed of yourselves - you are very tricky and very dishonest.

7 years ago

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Rudolfo Lugo FL

This new company spectrum, is for the company, not for the customers. I been with bright house for 8 years not one problem, spectrum refuses to work with you and your bill, they gave a bundle I never asked for, I never new my bill was $161.00 a month, I was paying $100 a month. This company spectrum are a bunch of crooks and don't care what you have to say about your bill. I told them to change my bundle and they said well we can give you a $2:00 discounted on another bundle, lmao these people are a joke and scam artists. I advise everybody's if you can find a better deal with different cable company, GO you will be better off. SPECTRUM is a JOKE.

7 years ago

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I've been with Time Warner for 13 years, and had my problems with them. Then one day I turned on my TV and everything changed. For the worse. Much, much worse. On demand never works. I constantly get the error message notifying me that the movie or the show can't be accessed at this time. If i do get lucky and the damn thing plays, I better not pause it, or I won't be able to resume watching it for about half an hour or longer. I can't even rely on the shows recorded on DVR bc often they won't play. I didn't think that anything could be worse than TWC, but boy was I wrong. Spectrum's service is garbage

7 years ago

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1. Product/Service: Unreliable -- keeps going out. Boxes do not have controls for volume, channel, etc. -- so one is totally in the dark (except for the overly-bright time indicator -- when the box actually works) 2. Customer Service: Customer service sends technicians that do absolutely nothing and then the tech problem with the boxes re-emerges again -- same problem, no fix = bad technicians. Also, customer service does not explain the details on the bills -- instead, when a supervisor was asked to do so the supervisor simply responded "that's what you ordered" without any explanation. Customer servicers on the lower level (not the supervisor level) are not capable of resolving problems and the same customer service people are used to address billing, services, AND technical problems -- there is no dedicated technical support provided.

7 years ago

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They claim to give the best customer service to customers, but how can their employees do that when tech support calls are limited to 10 mins or less. Employees that were doing excellent work as TWC employees are now being fired for not meeting this unrealistic time. My husband worked for TWC for over 5 1/2 yrs. 2015 getting awards for high proformence. Under TWC/Spectrum's unrealistic standards not only my husband has lost a job he intented to retire from but also a long term employee in his dept that has worked for TWC for over 20 yrs is even struggling to meet these standards and soon to lose her job as well. Spectrum, you claim to be the new, better TWC.. for who? Not for your employees who try to do good customer service, nor for your customers who expect the time it takes to handle their problems. I knew from the beginning of this buyout that no good would come of it for it's employees and I was right.

7 years ago

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stephanie Brooksville, FL

SPECTRUM is a complete mess!!! I have had the worst experience.. First of all, they got the wrong address, the technician was 30 minutes late and we did not receive a call. When he arrived he told us that they got the apartment next door so he needed to cancel our account since the company made a mistake and he could not install it. We called them with the technician outside our place and they took an hour to update only the address. After 5 hours of waiting (keep in mind it was our moving day, so the truck we paid for was parked for hours without being used). Then the technician let us know that they made another mistake, instead of transfering they were setting it up as a new service and the monthly cost would go up 30 dollars more. I called and asked them to hear their recordings so they decided to grant me what I was offered.. but they disabled my wireless and canceled the only sport channel we been paying for over a year (these services were active before my call) then I call again for the wireless, another hour wasted there for them to enable my wireless connection and then another hour to give us back our sport channel. I thought spectrum would be better than bright house but its actually WORST!

7 years ago

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Eldon Cooper GA

I signed up for charter in July 2016. I had them install new cable throughout the entire two story house. My first problem was the fact that the five receivers they installed were over 7 year old refurbished units that had limited functionality. By mid August i had to have 6 service calls that resulted in the replacement of all the receivers with slightly newer repaired units. In September and October i had to pull the plug on all of my receivers because of lockups at least 20 times, and lost service for a total 37 hours because of 'software issues'. Their description. Finally, when i called to discuss my firing them, the arrogant and condescension in their voice was the final straw. Goodbye, good riddance.

7 years ago

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Phillip Wood Port Orange, FL

A far worse experience than when Brighthouse had control of cable services in Florida. Does not honor refund agreements and charges for services which were not ordered or supplied. Technical expertise very poor to connect modem to network - what should have taken 10 minutes took one hour. Originally charged a full install fee for what was only a re-connection. Agreed with sales to waive this fee to retain my business. Company did not honor this agreement. Had to spend a huge amount of time to resolve this matter only to be told that whilst they would now honor the previous agreement they would not offer any compensation for the time spent in resolving the matter - not even a month's free internet! Customer service is appalling and they are not bothered about goodwill - obviously there needs to be open competition in the cable market to shake up what is now a giant monopoly business.

7 years ago


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Lorie Valrico, FL

The good of Spectrum is they answer their calls pretty quickly and get you to the right department for what you are calling for. The not so good are their prices. They are extremely high in my opinion, however I still pay it for right now because I'm hooked, lol.

2 years ago


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tracys2cents Burbank, CA

Installation was easy. Price was good but only for a year, then you have to haggle with them not to get an increase every 12 months. I started out at $65 per month and within two years they wanted $99 per month. The price does include all the taxes though and "no contract" is a great perk.

3 years ago


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Wendy W Collinsville, IL

Forced to have Charter Spectrum or nothing for our area. They give you a low introductory rate and then as soon as it is over jack the price up. They tell you bundling is cheaper but it's actually the same price and they double and triple the price as soon as the introductory offer is over. They charge $10 extra for each tv you want connected to cable but don't disclose this until you have the first bill. So if the intro price is $29.99 for very basic cable you end up paying $29.99 for local channels, $10 for the box that allows you to have cable, and almost $19 in taxes. For just local channels it's $58.99 so you call in to complain and they convince you there's a better package for $49.99 "everything included" that has a few cable channels. When the bill comes there's the $10 fee for the privledge of viewing (the box, as cable won't work without it) and $27 in taxes & fees for a total of $86.99. They are a monopoly so you have to choke on their overly priced service or go without.

3 years ago


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Jeffrey A Stapp Ellensburg, WA

They were very patient with us during our 3 month discrepancy, worked with us and gave us credits and arranged it so our bill met our needs, appreciate the good customer service, thank you spectrum

3 years ago


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Fred Liu ,

I am extremely unhappy with Spectrum. I ordered Internet only. The salesperson charged me Apple TV device which I received. When I saw the bill, I called them and they asked me to send it back. Apparently, I did not know what it was and opened it up. When I send it back, they refused to take it back and still charged me and said that it was opened. There is no way I can escalate to their management and they should educate their sales staff to confirm with customer that it is what they want. I did not give it a 1 star or 0, because their Internet service is still lowest, but to charge customer for what they do not want is very very unethical.

3 years ago


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Victoria Tschirhart ,

Great download on internet but upload is slow. Sometimes customer service doesn't give accurate info on what's offered. I had a guy come install internet but did not install tv services because of miscommunication. Found out prices were not the same as quoted.

3 years ago


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Pamela Moore ,

We just recently got Spectrum as our internet and TV provider. The young man who waited on me was knowledgeable and helpful. I had to call customer service to help me self install. The representative was helpful and patient.

3 years ago


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TPat Cottage Grove, OR

I was recommended to them from some other customers about their reliable service and good customer service. Upon calling them when I first moved in, an appointment was made for a technician to come out and let me know when service could be installed. when he came out he knocked on my door and said "I can't install service at this time. it may take 30-60 days. I called Spectrum many times asking them when can I get service. they all told me that they could not and had to go by what the technician told them. I had to wait another 45 days with no internet service! finally I called them and set up another appointment for a Technician to come out. He told me I will be able to set you up today for service! I was lied to by the first tech, who probably did not want to take the time to set it up. after speaking to spectrum all they could say was they were sorry that happened. and would take away one month of charges. and the charges still show in an email that I received from them.

3 years ago Edited September 14, 2021


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Erin Abel San Marcos, TX

I have been a customer of Spectrum for years - through many moves and houses. They have never let me down! Their service provided, as well as their customer service reps, are amazing. I highly recommend!

3 years ago


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Michele Heist Jacksonville, NC

I have my internet and tv through Spectrum. I especially like the various plans that they offer. I have Spectrum Choice, which is cable box free! It's all done through their app and the internet.

3 years ago


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Carol Lewis Myrtle Beach, SC

Although I haven't really had any outages or major problems, the service is not the best I've ever had. The system remotes are horrible. They go through batteries like crazy. They drop the TV off. The stations sometimes hang up and the value for the money isn't perfect. With that being said, at least they cost what they say and don't raise it every few months!

3 years ago


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Lucy Salinas Weslaco, TX

They do have specials sometimes it depends who you talk to when you call. Sometimes customer service is helpful sometimes they are not! Rates go up without notice! Pro is that rain or shine services are working! Rates are going up super fast!! I took off 2 stars for bad customer service being unhelpful and rates going up no relieve for this pandemic! God forbid they give you a discount!

3 years ago


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Kate M Lake Ann, MI

We are a large family who educates at home and we also run small business from our home. We use Charter Spectrum internet continually in our home and are very happy with the wifi option.

4 years ago

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Grant Lofgreen Provo, UT

TV and internet at home have been very well supported. Video quality and internet speed have been very nice. I love the integration in video streaming apps while away from home. Great service.

5 years ago

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peggy cherry Fayetteville, NC

The only reason they get a 3 is because of their prices. They offer lower price packages, but you only get between 10-25 stations.

7 months ago

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Aaron Anderson

Consistently fast speeds, reliable connections, exceptional customer service. Highly recommended!

8 months ago Edited November 20, 2023

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Takeshia Johnson Fayetteville, NC

I enjoy Spectrum internet, I love the cable as well. The cable is expensive and vacillates in the price. The internet is very reliable and the performance is reliable.

1 year ago

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Christine Toughill NC

After being a customer for over 10 years, we cancelled our service because we were moving out of state. Canceled 1 day into the next months service. Imagine my surprise when I received a bill for the entire month, with only a day of service. Not prorated. Called to try to get a prorated price only to be told it was policy to charge for the entire month no matter how much service was used. When I complained was told that if the bill was not paid in full my account would be forwarded to a collection agency. This company is HORRIBLE!

2 years ago

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Simon D. Wood Pomona, CA

Zip Code 91711. Spectrum is without doubt the worst ISP in the universe. Not content with interrupting my TV viewing every few seconds with a flash of static across the screen and the sound disappearing, my internet connection now disappears three or four times a day. I try to work from home, but Spectrum is doing its worst to make that almost impossible. And if another Spectrum agent tells me to unplug my cable box or modem, wait thirty seconds, plug it in again and everything will be okay, I shall scream at the top of my lungs. Spectrum is crap.

2 years ago

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Edward Chaides Anaheim, CA

Pompous company. Unfriendly customer service representative who transferred me to the the retention dept. You have to speak to the retention department to downgrade your plan. You can't do this online, but you can upgrade your plan online??? They make you wait 45 minutes..still waiting before the retention dept. contacts you. The powers that be put themselves ahead of the customers. What a lousy company Spectrum is!!

2 years ago

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Adam Snider San Diego, CA

Horrible experience, in Del Mar. I needed a new box. The store gave me a new model. I asked if it records. The reply was yes. I set it up. Had to review new methods and terminology. Thank you Spectrum. Have having several failed attempts at trying to record, I called tech support. The first person I talked to only wanted to send me video instructions. He finally walked me through it and it didn't work. End of phone call. I called back and this person was nicer. They told me that my box wasn't designed for recording. Why didn't the first tech not see it?

2 years ago

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Bill St Overland Park, KS

We returned EVERYTHING. All equipment. Cancelled but did not say it correctly. They are billing us because the wording, even though they had all of our equipment back, was not to their understanding that we quit them. We owe $96.00 because, of our words. This is pathetic and they could care less about keeping customers. Run,?don’t walk, to another provider.

2 years ago

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J White Tampa, FL

Spectrum employees will lie to you just to get numbers. Call 5 different times and you will get 5 different answers. No prorating of bill, even after cancelling one day into billing cycle. So you pay for service that you don't receive. Can't believe anything that spectrum employees say. Dealing with customer service is the worst experience ever. They seem to take pride in taking advantage of customers. Guess that's the only way for them profit anymore. They Don't take care of existing customers.

2 years ago

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Mitali Ganeriwal Orlando, FL

I was using another service provider before spectrum and I can really tell that their connection and service is so much faster

2 years ago

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cecile Louisville, KY

They sell you on a 2 year price guarantee, then they raise your price. after 1 year by 30 dollars and give you a line about it goes up yearly the first 3 years. I should have payed attention when hearing and reading multiple times that they were a shady and dishonest company. Thats my bad, but will change my service within 72 hours if possible. I should have known , it took almost 40 days to port my phone number.

3 years ago

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Bob Sieracki North Royalton, OH

I recently received a letter from Spectrum that my services will be increasing by more than 35%. I can’t believe this company would push through price increases when so many Americans are suffering including us. I sent emails to Spectrum management, but they showed zero empathy. I would recommend that you drop Spectrum the first chance you get. There is no company as uncaring as Spectrum. Why couldn’t Spectrum suspend price increases for at least until the Pandemic has ended? I guess they think $$$ is more important than people.

4 years ago

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Quincy Fond du Lac, WI

I lost my job due to covid 19. my dad is in the icu on a respirator Charter Spectrum decided to raise my bill that ive paid on time for a year. and after jumping through hoops, and an hour and a half hold, they were ridiculously rude and disconnected while i was talking. So there you have how charter spectrum is helping during this time of need, by greedily going after minor (to them) price increases and offering nothing helpful. Will be canceling soon after my dads out of icu

4 years ago

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Al Roy Melbourne, FL

Watching TV just now and the program keeps buffering, it’s a Saturday afternoon watching CNBC and it cuts out every 2 minutes so I’ve missed most of the show..I don’t want to hear about lots of people watching because of the COVID 19..turn your signal up, lord knows you charge enough,can’t wait until t this company has so many cable cutters that they don’t exist anymore, I’ll bet this doesn’t happen to the the Boss of Charter Communications..

4 years ago

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Joe Russo Coppell, TX

I had Spectrum Internet and Cable TV since 1/2020 and the service is horrible! The Internet drops connection multiple times a day up to 3 minutes before it re-connects. The TV picture breaks up on multiple channels making watching TV impossible. Every time I try to call for technical support I get a recording that "Due to high call volumes we cannot accept your call" and the call disconnects. For the price they are charging the company is a complete rip off!

4 years ago

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Martina Columbia, SC

the only problem I have is the bill from spectrum I live in Columbia sc my plan is $135 plus they charge me $10.50 for some fees I paid that. that was last month bill then for this month my bill went up to $250.00 and I tried to get in touch with someone nobody got on the phone this bill is really high this is really ridiculous.

4 years ago

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Max San Antonio, TX

I cannot understand Spectrum. Their email service is the worst. I have been a customer for 10+ years. I use their internet and email service . I to solve the issues most of the time myself. When I call for technical assistance, they are ridiculously slow and even drop the calls.

4 years ago

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dave straley Findlay, OH

Got digital......March 5th 2018. Terrible service. Turn TV on it says please wait......when it comes on....you pick a channel.......you see it but it says unavailable. Channels change slow and have to reset the box twice a week. The internet TV service for out of town is a scam. 1/2 of the channels don't show. Had service here often. All say it fixed now.........not ever.....always the same poor service. We should all get a 30% rate cut until the problems are fixed.....if they are even fixable. Seems like they are not. Save yourself some grief....DON'T GET IT. YOU WILL BE SORRY!!!!

4 years ago

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Cody Jeremiah Cincinnati, OH

Was told my phone, internet and streaming was bundled for 177 a month but today after not having to pay my phone bill for 3 months I was told that now I suddenly owe 70 dollars a month for the phone separately. All the customer service reps beat around the bush and do not help me> they only want me to get a different plan for less money which I am not doing since I was told I would get everything I want for a different price.

4 years ago

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Sean Tampa, FL

This company should be sued and fined for fraud. I just got off the phone with a rep who confirmed I cancelled my cable/boxes two weeks ago, but she says spectrum does not give refunds for any days not used. They charge the whole month upfront and you can cancel after the 1st day into that month and your cable/TV can be cutoff but I still have to pay my entire month - even though my cable was cutoff! How is this legal?????

4 years ago

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Spectrum Lawsuit from Rival Windstream: Spectrum accused of employing "scare tactics" on customers. Spectrum is totally unreasonable. Poor customer service, Bill increased from 100.00 to 196.00 as this is unreasonable, they are rude, after having service with this company for over a year, denied me every time for payment arrangements. I requested to dispute my bill as it was also denied. Every month threats to disconnect. Refuse to acknowledge issues and violated my right by increasing bill by cramming and slamming. Filed complaint with the FCC

4 years ago

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Marie Spring Hill, FL

How can you stay with a company that doesn't care about their senior citizens. How can you afford 195.20 a month for almost basic services. On a fixed income. I do not understand why it costs so much. Their customer services have no compassion at all for the cost either. They don't care if you cancel or not. Well hopefully once their higher costs come into pay people will start canceling and their prices will come back down to a reasonable amount. GOOD BYE SPECTRUM!

4 years ago