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Kara VanDyke Columbus, OH

I contacted Spectrum to add phone lines to our existing internet services. I was put in contact with Shelia S. The process started on June 29th. My email and phone documentations show that she has not followed up or put us as a priority. We will not be proceeding with the phone lines. We are completely disappointed in our experience and follow up from you regarding adding lines. We will be sure to relay our dissatisfaction to every business that we know. July 10th is when the process started. We are almost to September. I sent you all requested documents (for the 2nd time) on 8/13 and have heard nothing back. This has been nothing but a waste of time.

6 years ago

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Donnie Cambre Dallas, TX

I had TWC and then Spectrum took over. Everything was OK. Then I moved (less than 1 mile away) and thought I would get hooked back up with TWC/Spectrum. Well, the service is different, but they promised me the same I had with TWC. In particular, the 6 tuner DVR so I could record/watch 6 channels at a time like I had with TWC. Got lied to several times about this but the truth is Spectrum doesn't support that or the Whole House DVR like TWC unless you are grandfathered in as a former TWC customer and already have the TWC hardware. On the phone, multiple times, they tell me I can get the 6 tuner DVR (or even the latest, greatest Spectrum DVR that has 4 tuners), but that is a lie. Those are taken out of service when they are returned. If a miracle happens, you might get one but don't count on it. Spectrum only uses 2 tuner DVRs so you can only record/watch 2 at one time, so I hope your shows don't overlap. If they would have told me that up front, I could have made an informed decision. Instead they lied to me multiple times and say I can go to the store and get a 6 or 4 tuner DVR, but you just can't; I tried a couple times. So Spectrum buys TWC and downgrades the service but is telling people like me that I can get service that they just don't offer. The initial sales guys say one thing, the technicians say another, the TV support guys say something else. And don't get me started on the "Disconnect Service" people. They were just flat out rude and gave me the same lies as the sales guys. The only department that was friendly and helpful was the Billing Dept.

6 years ago

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Robert Rees-Jones Emerald Isle, NC

Spectrum technology, compared to Comcast, is appalling. Constant inactivation of boxes, requiring rebooting and reactivating. Countless "service calls" to the house, finding different problems each time, never fixing the underlying unreliability of their hardware. Leave the house for a month, come back, and nothing works. Reboot boxes, reactivate online, chat, talk to a service representative--never fixed. This is from a Signature Service Whole House DVR customer to the tune of $350/month. I can stream from my Comcast account in another city with no technical difficulty whatsoever. So that is now my service in this house.

6 years ago

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Edward Belmonte Lutz, FL

Previous Brighthouse customer, moved to new home and was forced into higher priced Spectrum packaging and forced to use a cable box on every tv we own. Spoke to customer service and was told that pricing would be the same. We refurbished the home for a month and after we finally moved in, low and behold, m pricing was the same, but I don't have all the channels I had previously! If I want all these see channels, I have to pay more! Now a supervisor is pulling my previous calls and seeing if the rep did in fact state that everything would be the same. Don't bother, I will be changing providers!

6 years ago

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The past week I have had the WORST experience with this company. I currently only have internet, and I recently decided I wanted to add cable. I call the company, they said since I had cable with spectrum before all I had to do was go to their local store and pick up my new box and wires. Sounds easy, right? WRONG. First, the box did not work. I was on the phone with the technician who just kept telling me to do the same thing over and over again (try hdmi 1, make sure my tv is set on the same one etc.) After 30 minutes of this, and restarting and "sending signals" the tech told me they needed to send someone out. I scheduled my appointment for two days later and they were supposed to arrive between 12-2pm. 2 pm came and left and there was no sign of the technician. I was on and off the phone with spectrum trying to figure out what was going on, no one could locate where the technician was, they called dispatch, who was supposed to contact me with more information; they never did. Finally I was told the tech was running an hour behind schedule, but was still on his way. I wound up waiting an extra 2 1/2 hours, and the technician never showed up. I called spectrum again to cancel the technician and they told me it might just be a bad box and if I wanted I could go back to the store and they will exchange it. I did this, and still the box was not working. Trying to stay positive, I scheduled an appt for a technician to come out today to hook up my cable. First, I got the text message notifying me of my time 6-8pm and then it had a link as to where I could track the tech. The link of course did not work (I was not surprised by this). I waited an hour and then called customer service to see if they could provide me with an idea of when the tech would be arriving and I was told he was finishing up his current job, and I would be notified soon that he would be on his way. Once it hit 7:40 I became worried of when he was going to be arriving so I called back to see what was going on. The first person I spoke to told me he had gone to my apartment and then left, and the second person they transferred me to said there was a note on my account saying that the box started to work. Neither of these actually happened!!! I asked to cancel the cable that I was trying to add and told them I would just like to keep my original internet package and the guy told me I could not longer have it at the price I was paying, and I would now have to pay $20 more a month for the same service. This has been an absolute horrible experience and I would not recommend TWC/Spectrum to anyone. Save yourself the stress and frustration and just pay a few dollars more for a cable company you can actually count on.

6 years ago

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Jennifer Spencer

I thought TWC was bad, but I find myself missing them daily, because since switching to Spectrum, my service has slowed DRASTICALLY, even cutting out completely most days. I frequently have to reset my modem, which results in lost work and time. We don't even have that many devices hooked up to it! But unless I want to spend EVEN MORE than I already do, I get to live with sub-par service. My price point stayed the same, but I lost my cable for it to be that cheap. With TWC, I had my phone and cable and WiFi for the price I'm paying Spectrum for WiFi and phone only. Spectrum also has these super fun "reconnection fees" and "deposits" that they make you pay, if you ever end up getting your service suspended for any reason (like in the instance that your debit card gets phished for $500 and you can't pay anything at all until your bank straightens it out). Spectrum has disappointed me.

6 years ago

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I will take the emotional side (anger) out of the review and tell the facts. I got quoted on a promotional deal for phone ("voice"), internet, and cable, at $98.36 a month. So yeah great deal, set up a date to install (which was supposed to be free since i went through an agent. So everything is installed and working great. Intill i get my first bill of $203.55, so i call customer service and lose that argument because he didnt validate the offer though "Spectrum" sister company TWC which he worked for while they were in the process of taking it over, but ok i said whatever one time thing ill just pay it. Month number two billing is $132 even i call them seeking explanation of why its not the quoted price, i get the most ignorant lady (Sahara) on customer service ive ever had. What happen was even though i agreed to nothing but the basic things accept wifi ($5a month), they hooked up DVR's in all of the rooms plus $4 each for the boxes $21 for the actual service of the DVR the extended tv package (not what i agreed to at all). But dont worry you can pay the installer to come back ($70) take the boxes back and you pay them again to put standard boxes back in (you know the ones that were supposed to be there in the first place)... Honestly after that i had to hang up because I was going to get ignorant with "Sahara" real quick. Bottom line they are borderline crooks they lied two separate times to me and when i called to say no no no thats not what was supposed to happen they turn in to horrible people blame it on you than have the gull to say well for another $120 we can make it right. Just watch yourself with them they agent was great to me but the the company itself is horrible. Im going back to Direct tv after all is said and done.

7 years ago

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Veronica Binghamton, NY

Spectrum is just awful. Ever since they switched from Time Warner I have had nothing but issues. Twice my DVR crashed and after the second time they sent me a new one. They also sent me 2 digital boxes for my other two Tv's. Well what they didn't tell me was that I am being charged for those two boxes I never asked for. I called and was told they were now required and you can no longer use the cable and put it in the back of your TV. Okay...well upon talking to friends and family I find out they do not have these boxes and I am paying for something I do need. Fast forward to many calls and chats and each time I get a different answer. I was told they would be sending letters to everyone about the boxes (never happened), I was told nobody nobody could get reception on TV's that do not have a box. (wrong again). I decided at this point to downgrade my service. I am paying for a phone I never hooked up and I was willing to get rid of my DVR service. After many chats and calls again I finally got someone to offer me a decent price of around $128. I was assured when I called to activate this it would be on my record. Well I call the next day and they tell me the price is not $128 but $158. That was it for me. I am in the process of cancelling and I already have Dish coming in to install my new service. Enough is enough!

7 years ago

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Chase Hicks Deltona, FL

My services was turned off yesterday for a past due balance. I got busy with things that I am dealing with and forgot to pay the bill. It happens to all of us at some point. But after the services being shut off I get online and pay the bill which was 181.14. well I payed 181. They wouldn't turn my services back on even after me asking if the 14 cents could be added to the next bill. I ended up having to use my card to pay 14 cents to have services turned back on. I just think they could have let me pay the 14 cents with the next billing cycle! Do not recommend this company. Wish I had other choices in my area

7 years ago

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Michelle Fry Gastonia, NC

My area experienced outages over 5-7 days I scheduled 5 separate service calls. 3 of those calls were cancelled by the tech indicating pocket outages affecting my home. One call the tech didn't bother to show up. Finally the 5 call tech "optimized" my home but still indicated that service to the area was impaired. I called back to request a credit on my account for the days without service and was told that I did not qualify for such credit as issue did not meet criteria. Not sure what else they as a company would want me to do. My point, I pay monthly for 39 days of service and did not receive 30 days and should be compensated for the outage and inconvenience. Guess not. As a long time signature home customer was given the shaft. Thanks Spectrum and thanks government regulators for allowing a no compete market to exist.

7 years ago

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Julia Emerson

DO NOT USE SPECTRUM!!! Their billing cycle will make you crazy. You will always be behind. They start calling you five days after the bill date. So your invoice date is the 7th of every month. They start harassing you on the 10th. Their bill cycle is the 25th to the 24th, you're due for that on the 7th, but they start the payment clock on the 24th. So technically you are past due on the 7th by two weeks! So when they start harassing you on the 10th, you're now three weeks past due. RIDICULOUS!!! The ONLY way to get them to stop is to set up auto bill pay, which I don't trust. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!! I'm in the process of switching! HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE!

7 years ago

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These guys dont wanna work... They came out to my house did something then left my property. Said they were done.. I trusted them said thanks and they left... I came into my and nothing worked and they knocked out my phone service.... Called them back after talking to 3 different people... For 2hrs... They then said they have a cut off time and cant come back till 2mora.... Haveing the service when it wrks is great.... Getting rhem to do the job ia a chore... The techs arent very knowledgeable... Amd dont run tests on the wrk they do.... My suggestion is dont let them leave till u inspect all they've done.

7 years ago

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Cindy Memphis, NY

I've been a customer of TWC (now Spectrum) for over 5 years. I called to go over my bill which had gone from $95 to $140 in a little over a year. Agent offered plan for $117 which I accepted and told me he was sending new equipment (my modem and tv boxes were outdated). Once I installed equipment & activated it they told me the cost was $162. I talked with multiple people including 4 supervisors and even though my account showed the date and $117 as per agent they would not give me that price. Finally offered me $30 off the $162 after I threatened to report to FCC. And get this...they sent me 3 EMPTY boxes delivered by Fedex to send back old equipment (how much did that cost them)!

7 years ago

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Judy Forest City, NC

Spectrum is HORRIBLE. I have been a Bright House customer since 2003 and was happy with their service. I was told that if I stay a "legacy Bright House customer" my charges and plans would not change after the acquisition by Spectrum. My charges have increased substantially. First they said my special Bright House plan had expired so internet charges increased. Then I went on seasonal, as I have done every year since 2003. I was not informed that there would be a recurring monthly fee while I was on the seasonal plan. Now I find that I am charged about $11 per month. I was not informed verbally when I went on seasonal. I am paperless so I was not informed by mail. I was not informed by email. I had a credit balance so I have not seen any charges until now. I called to cancel and was told I have to return equipment, but I am now up north. Spectrum is Horrible.

7 years ago

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B Cremeans

I have been with Time Warner, now Spectrum, for almost 2 decades. I've never had any major issues. Any issues I had were resolved in a timely manner. Today my TV and Internet services are both out. After 3 hours on the online chat and phone with 5 different persons, I find that I have to wait 2 days for service tech. I think this is quite unacceptable for a customer with all their services out. I was also informed that on weekends techs are only available from 8-4pm and they do not have on call techs. I find this for such a large company to be outrageous. That is a major lapse in service to customers. Having been with a great company for so long, I have come to expect great service which apparently Spectrum is not going to continue. I have decided to buy a Roku, sign up for Sling TV and find an alternate Internet provider. This is very sad and I'm very disappointed.

7 years ago

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John Lipinski Spring Hill, FL

Ever since Spectrum took over Brighthouse Networks, I have had nothing but problems. First, my modem crashed. That was replaced and the following day, it crashed again. When my DVR started acting up and failing to reboot, I asked for a new DVR. The technician that came out told me that my signal to the box was weak and he fixed it. Low and behold, I'm watching TV a week later, and the DVR went blank. Pissed off, I called Spectrum again and told them I want a new DVR and want it tonight. Well, that happened. With Brighthouse, they always tried to fix things properly. Spectrum seems to hire jokes. At least this evening, the Tech that came out today was from Brighthouse. He too, did the signal test and everything with the signal was fine. Now I have a new DVR and I hope it continues to work until the original contract I had with Brighthouse is up. Brighthouse also worked with you. If your contract/promotion was up and you couldn't afford the rate hike, they would give you a new promotion which most of the time was cheaper, or they would extend the promotion for you. Brighthouse wanted to keep you as a customer. I seriously doubt that this will continue with Spectrum. Stay away from Spectrum. This company is horrible

7 years ago

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Ron Cabral Denver, CO

I will never understand why cable companies can never get their act together. Spectrum took over Brighthouse in our area. After 10 years of being a Brighthouse customer who paid our internet and cable bill on time every time my wife and I have always been treated with contempt (from both Brighthouse and Spectrum). From the time we first signed up Brighthouse's contracted cable installers ruptured the main water pipe to our house during installation. It took two days to restore the water supply back to our house while we constantly argued with their customer service on who is responsible to repair the damage( no apology for the inconvenience) . Through the years calling for service was always a hassle either new equipment would fail soon after it was replaced or getting a service repair was never convenient. The final straw came about a week ago when we came home from work and there was no signal coming into our house. My wife noticed that our neighbor next door had cut their grass and it looked like they may have accidently cut the cable to our house(our cable runs underground).My wife called the service department it explained the situation. We work two jobs each and take care of an elderly parent our time is very limited. All we wanted to do was to have somebody come down and look at the outside line. They said we needed to be home for that. We explained the problem was outside and that we wouldn't be home during their service hours for several days. After some back and forth with the service manager it was determined that they would not send someone to look at the situation without someone home, We have dealt with similar situations with service from both Brighthouse and Spectrum always treated very rudely and with very much contempt as if we were bothering them but this last call was the final straw. We canceled our service after ten years and we get our internet with another provider and I watch TV over the air.......Good riddance !!!!!!!!

7 years ago

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Spectrum is the worst, I called in April 2017 to downgrade my TV and get slower Internet because our monthly bill went from $140 per month to $170 when they took over. With less TV channels and slower internet we were quote $129. The May bill was $166+ and my June bill is $189.30. I called and I was told the quote I was giving in April was in the system but they could not honor it. Even with less TV channels and slower internet the best they could do was $189.30 . Not a lot of families can afford their services Spectrum is expensive and their operators lie, I suggest keeping a close eye on your monthly bill from Spectrum. I canceled my services and looking somewhere else.

7 years ago

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Emily Dye

Internet service drops in and out often, is slow when it is on and screws up my email. They claim I should be obtaining my emails through their server, but it doesn't function in real time. There are very long delays. Many incoming emails are delayed 12 - 24 hours. Sent emails usually don't go with the first attempt. When they do go, the system has a hard time filing them in the Sent folder. There's also a very long delay before deleted emails show up in Trash. It's as though the emails are intercepted by an unknown party temporarily before going where they're supposed to go. When this happens with emails I'm sending, I'm stuck waiting sometimes for ten minutes and multiple attempts before I can move on to reading and responding to the next email. Their techies are unable to fix these problems. We've had mild problems with phone and cable. Sometimes callers will be able to hear me but I can't hear them. It's not unusual for movies and tv shows to disrupt. Netflix often has to reboot because of momentary lapses in cable service.

7 years ago

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Steve Stout

I got a promotional email and regular mail stating Spectrum wanted to provide me service. I called and placed an order. I explained problems I'd had with installation from Time Warner, but he didn't seem to listen. Just said it would be no problem to provide me with service. The day before they were supposed to come out I got a voicemail stating that they couldn't find me and they'd have to send out a survey crew and said I could call back but gave no phone number. I called the same number that placed the voicemail and it was someone else who had no idea what was going on. He wanted an account number, well how can I have one if I'm not yet a customer! Duh! So I gave the reference number the salesman gave me and he said it didn't exist. But he did say that the installation crew would be out today between 8am and noon and they would call me before they arrived. So today, No Call, No Installation. At 1pm I called back. Same run around, another 25 minutes on the phone giving my information over and over again. Same results. After being transferred to yet another person I'm told I have to start all over again after spending a total of 2 hours of my time to end up getting nothing but frustration. TERRIBLE CUSTOMRT SERVIVCE!

7 years ago

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Anne Hufstetler Fort Worth, TX

There is very little good about the Spectrum Cable. To start the remote is terrible, lots of tiny little buttons, make it very difficult. The channel lineup is terrible , I have channels listed I apparently don't get ? and then there's 2 sets of channel lineup , very confusing. Also I can't set up a favorite list so I only view channels I watch, not that with 800 channels with all sort of off abbreviations you can't figure it out anyway. Next the DVR service is terrible...i set up all my shows and then left town and came back and it had recorded nothing, went in and it was completely blank with nothing setup.....redid it and to this day some shows still won't record. And don't try to watch TV and record bc it won't do that! The boxes don't communicate so I can watch DVR from 1 room! Also n my DVR shows the sounds seems to go out frequently. They try to make up for the terrible DVR service with the On Demand, this is so bad, no many shows are in there and its so poorly organized and if you click on the wrong thing, you can't go back, you have to start all over. The only good thing I can say is that since its on a line it does not go out in bad weather BUT they do take over control of the cable during bad weather so you can't watch anything and you have to watch their weather report.....again very frustrating!!! I have called and called with no help. Talked to 3 people today couldnt get a discount and when I tried to cancel they wanted to transfer me to yet another person.

7 years ago

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This review is based upon service since the merger of Spectrum and Time Warner cable. Everything stated has happened frequently since then. Spectrum has somehow made something that was decent—TWC—to a service that is truly horrible. This is my first ever "true" review on a product and I am writing it due to the horrendous, unacceptable service that they provide. As a pretense, this review is coming from the viewpoint of a High Schooler who plays games and worries about speeds/connection a lot more than the average consumer. In short, Spectrum is known for falsely advertising higher speeds than they provide. For example, my bundle advertises 100 mb/s while I get roughly 1-2 mb/s Download and the same for upload (Over wifi). The connection is very unstable with Google not loading, as well as ping spikes up to 1200-1800 ms. On this service, Gaming is very difficult and often frustrating. The price is not worth the frustration it causes, get something such as FiOS instead. Hopefully, this negative review will help prevent others from suffering as I did. P.S. An interesting story to look up is the story about Spectrum being sued by the Attorney General for purposely toggling speeds and making their internet slower in order to account for more customers. The company is truly crooked and I look forward to seeing all the interesting stories one can find on google.

7 years ago

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Kim Huffman Harrodsburg, KY

5/22/17 I was called saying the fire dept was at my house that my cable wire was down blocking the road. The poll is on one side of the road and my house is on the other side. I was only few houses up, so I was there in a minute. When I got there the fire dept had got cable pulled up and tied to a tree, so the road was open. Spectrum had already been called at 5:10 pm, and I was told they were in route. The fire dept stayed about another hour, waiting for Spectrum to show up. Once I seen everything was ok and was told it was ok to leave, I left and returneded at 6:50 pm, and Spectrum had not been here. I call Spectrum and was told yes a call was made and they were looking for a tech to be available to come out. At 7:10 pm a supervisor called me back stating the same as the previous gentleman. I ask when the end of day was and that was at 8 pm. She said she was putting in for appt to be first in morning. I had a contractor coming out this morning and he wouldn't be able to get his work trailer in drive. My drive was blocked with cable wire. She said the call was listed as hazardous. At 9:50 am this morning I called back and that is when I was told that a 3 pm appt was sit up. I told the gentleman what was said last night. He went through notes and said yes the call was listed as hazardous, which meant this call should have been priority over others. There were no notes saying that I should have a appt 1st thing this morning. He even tried while I was online to see if he could someone out sooner. Dispatch responded, telling him no. I did ask him what would have happen if fire dept hadn't got wire out of road. He said as far as Spectrum was concerned, they wasn't aware anyone had moved wire so traffic could get through. In other words for 22 1/2 hrs Spectrum would have left the wire blocking the road. Way to go, great customer service-NO!

7 years ago

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Evelyn braswell

This company is a scam and perge the consumer. They really believe that the FCC and LFA does not apply to them because of no contracts. Spectrum is very quick to dismiss you nor will they honor any sales they advertise. I wish I could just rewrite the rules as I go along to fix my needs as they do. So we the consumer obviously do not matter as long as they are getting paid. Half the time my service would cut in and out certain channels would not work and dvr in all rooms would stop working and have to be rebooted. Go any where else besides this company for your data and network needs. Now as for the managers or supervisors who are suppose to help will not nor do they care. You are even lucky if you can get one to talk with you. The rude hateful soul that I was blessed to talk to was a Salina and if you get ahold of her then you will terminate your services all to quick. That customer service had no proper training and the all time worst service.

7 years ago

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Joe Shipp

Spectrum answered my call on a few rings. I asked for updated equipment. Problem resolved. I received equipment the next morning to my doorstep! Thanks Spectrum Joe

7 years ago

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James W. Cone Brooksville, FL

My experience with Spectrum has not been a good one, but it's the only game in town. Next day set up turned into a nightmare when the set up contractor brought along a trainee. The contractor spent most of the time teaching and not setting up equipment because the account was not ready and he had to wait. He ran out of time and left me to set up my own equipment. I called the tech services and got cut off several times. Finally I called Sales and they forced tech services to take my call. They couldn't help me and sent another tech out the same day. This time it was a company man who knew what he was doing. He took care of the problems quickly. Then I tried to set up an on-line account which I could not do because most of the information the first guy gave me was wrong. I couldn't get past security because to access the pin number I had to call using the phone that came with my order which was also not ready. You need to allow plenty of time on the day of your appointment. Like me, it may take all day.

7 years ago

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Gina Memphis, TN

I hate Spectrum! I have been a BrightHouse customer for many, many years! No problem whatsoever! Spectrum took them over, raised my monthly fee, and took away MANY of my stations that had been included in my premium package for years! Like BET, Comedy Central, VH1, etc... Now, in order to keep them I will have to pay EXTRA! I am beyond disappointed! Their Customer Service is awful too! NO compassion! At least BrightHouse was Customer Service friendly and would try to please their customers. Spectrum doesn't care about anything but getting your money!!! Your satisfaction with their service is NOT their concern! :-(

7 years ago

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Frank Orlando, FL

HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SERVICE ! ANACIEA in the call center is super rude and laughs at your issues she smirked so many times when I complained. They just want your money and try to sell you stuff all the time, take away their word their deals they gave you, ANACIEA THE MANAGER IS HORRIBLE AND RUDE !!! company sucks no privacy policy they just spew your personal info when you call anyone can know your information. bunch of druggies working in the call center, all sound HIGH and unprofessional...GARBAGE COMPANY OVER PRICED CRAPPY INTERENT !!! 60mbs for 59.99 omg how crappy. bright house charged me 42.00 for 100 mbs for years.

7 years ago

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Andres Orlando, FL

I was grandfathered in from Bright House in the Orlando area before Spectrum took over. The moment Spectrum took over I started seeing drops in speed. I was and am still paying for 100mbps, but my speeds clock in at a max 35mbps. I've been on 8 calls with Spectrum support, customer service, and what they call "Tier 3" support. I've had a technician come out and replace my box. No solutions, just terrible inability to ensure that a customer receives EXACTLY what he is paying for. I have no other recourse in my area, they are the only ISP available — so I can only gather from this that they are either (A) exploiting a monopoly to offer subpar service, or (B) making my life hell so I will switch over to their Spectrum 60 or 100mbps tiers. Either way, this puts Spectrum at the very bottom of my list for reliability.

7 years ago

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Outside of the retention group, there are not any great things I can say about this new service. Went from Brighthouse (basically because no other options in the area - monopoly) to Spectrum The transition for my services was a mess and wait lines now at the center in Daytona range from 1-2 hours just to pay a bill or exchange equipment. Contacted customer service to inquire into a better rate for my daughter who has a young child and on a limited income. No one could help at Customer Service so I requested retention and was immediately transferred. Spoke to Ashley A. and she was amazing, we worked out a rate, informed me we needed a new motem to support the upgraded speed as the one we had was not longer offered by Spectrum. Explained the wait issue at the center and she setup a service call for the next day in hours that would work. Well, no one showed and I found out today the office cancelled the appointment without notifying us. Then I call customer Service and am informed the appointment was cancelled, the woman argued about what was agreed with retention, could not identify what system I had (does not show online, only states "Standard") and put me on hold for long periods, finally said I would have to pay for the service call and I asked for retention, she refused and put me on hold again for a supervisor. Joseph (ID61332) got on the phone, again told me I would have to pay. I stated the summary on my bill shows no charge and he was not very agreeable. Asked for retention and he refused, which I find odd as they were the ones who setup the new contract. So after 50 minutes on hold, he told me I would have to wait an entire day, 12 hours, for an open day appointment, which is not possible. Finally identified a time frame within 2 hours and stated there would be no fee for the service call. Hopefully this is true. What a bad, bad, did I say "BAD" experience, again with their customer service. My husband has a restaurant we also experience this type of service, lack of quality in work or services. I wish ATT would get their act together to cover more area. This is not very customer friendly.

7 years ago

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Vikram Austin, TX

I have TWC taken over by Charter internet service. I added digital phone line and the technician who came to my house to add the phone service mistakenly took my modem with him, when he replaced it with the new one. I understand this was an honest mistake. I reported this to Spectrum Charter right away. Spectrum put a trace order to locate the Modem which they were never able to find. I called several times. Every time same answer - we are still looking for it. We haven't found yet. This went on for more than 6 months. Then they are changing from TWC to Spectrum - old records, complains, requests are now lost. And you start over. New people come on board and totally irresponsible. When I called, the answer I got, "We cannot find your modem so we are going to close this case" . We cannot reimburse you any money for the mistake we made because we cannot find your modem. I just want every reader to know that be careful when dealing with this company.

7 years ago

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chuck kasper Santa Paula, CA

Like other TWC customers, Spectrum took over and raised my prices shortly after that. Their customer care says they don't have the ability to fix bad pricing. I will cancel Spectrum as soon as I have another service provider. I feel they are deceptively doing business by offering a one year honeymoon price then drastically increasing the prices after the honeymoon. They do not disclose the post honeymoon prices. They don't disclose the uplink speeds for their Internet services. A week ago I suffered a "planned" 6 hour outage. I was not notified of the planned outage. My experience is they don't care about their customers as long as they pay their bills.

7 years ago

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Dennis Martinez Ashland, OR

Website hosting? Do NOT even consider using Spectrum (Charter Communications). I was enticed since I already have a business account for my Internet, IP phone and TV. Their internet is unbeatable, The IP phone has been satisfactory and the TV offerings are acceptable. Web hosting? I can't imagine how it could be worse. I was assured that tech support was available to assist me with migrating my site from ASO to Spectrum. After 2 weeks of talking to multiple techs that could correct a TV issue but did not have a remote clue about their website hosting services, I finally started screaming at the poor hapless chap demanding a supervisor for assistance. Several days later I received a call from a nice lady who could attend to my grievance, even though she knew nothing about website hosting. She assured me that she would follow through until my website issue was resolved (however she could not provide me with a phone number for her direct line and by no means could I speak with their technicians). After 3 days I received a call from one of their expert technicians to inform me that the hosting validations were completed and that their job was complete. While on the line I informed him that my site has disappeared and all I get now was a Spectrum page stating that you have reached my site. All my files on Word Press have disappeared. I am stuck in a hellish hand off situation with no hope of resolve. For God's sake, do not even be tempted to switch to Spectrum, I assure you, it will be the most nerve wracking events that you can imagine. There is no help, no recourse, ancient security controls and enless loops with customer service.

7 years ago

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Rhonda Kirschner

Although I was not impressed with their misleading advertising of telephone, internet and TV for $30 per month when bundled, I realized that was to good to be true and disregarded their misleading practices. So, I switched to Spectrum business telephone based on their no contract, $30.00 per month deal. I figured the $100 activation fee was worth the $30 per month until I received my first bill. The fees were outrageous! They charge more fees than my previous phone provider, my internet provider and my cel phone provider. Doing some research, I found out that they do not have to charge all of those fees such as the Federal Subscriber Line Charge. It's is not even Federal, the Federal Govt just allows it. As soon as our service was up and running we had intermittent static on our line, so I called, they came out, and of course it was not doing it at the time. So we dealt with the static until our phone began ringing only once, so I called they told me it was our phone. I almost purchased a new phone system till I did some checking and realized it was not our phone, so I called them back, they came out, and finally fixed the static and the phone ringing problem. Next I realized our call waiting wasn't working, so I called and asked if I had call waiting, found out that yes it comes standard, but you have to request to have it turned on. Then the next day, unknown to me, since I could make phone calls out, I was not receiving phone calls in. There was some problem with incoming calls all through out Texas. So, in the past month I have spent more time on the phone with Spectrum than I have been receiving phone calls that fuel our business.

7 years ago

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Scotty B North Olmsted, OH

Here is yet another beyond poor rating for this terrible company who only cares about making more money instead of retaining existing customers. Here is my grief.... Spectrum's customer service is less than satisfactory. With Time Warner Cable (TWC), if you are on a fixed income or just needed a little help lowering your monthly payment and working out a deal (aka, promo price) they were willing to work with you. TWC would look at the amount you owe each month vs the services you had with them. TWC would then lower the amount of some of the "fees" you are paying to help get your bill a little lower each month. This special "promotional price" was only good for 12-months but was helpful. After Spectrum took over, and my former TWC promo price expired, my bill went back up (which was expected). The only problem was, it went up even more than before. I called Spectrum and spoke to customer services who "could" not help me so they transferred me to a "retention rep" who was "unwilling" to help me - to say the least. She told me - and I quote "...we feel very confident in our pricing and you have every right to cancel your services with us at anytime. You are not locked into a contract so, if you choose to leave us, there will be no early cancellation fees to worry about..." I was speechless to say the least. I was a TWC for the last 25+ years and will now have to consider another cable company or possibly switching to a satellite company. I am even considering cancelling the cable TV and digital phone and streaming everything from the internet. All I have to say is, if you have a choice of more than one cable company, seriously consider choosing someone other than Spectrum.

7 years ago

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Nicolas Jancek

We got switched from TWC to this company. Terrible, absolutely terrible. Ever since they officially took over, my internet has gone out 3-5 times *a day*, 3 to 4 days a week. It takes four times to call them because the first three times the computer sends a "reactivation" signal to my modem and then HANGS UP ON ME. When I do as it says and call back, it goes through the process again. When I finally do get an the line with a real person, usually their accent is so thick (typically Indian) and they have such a hard time understanding what it is that I'm articulating, that nothing gets done. It's always the same cheat-sheet answers of "Restart your modem. If you have a router, unplug it. Restart your computer. Unplug your modem. Let me get a technician out to you." Fun fact, I've already changed my modem once, and the guy at the store refused to listen to me when I said I wanted *only* a modem, not a 2-in-1. Which, this messed up the functionality of my modem until I went in and changed the settings, though the man claimed I wouldn't have to do that. His exact words were "If you're only paying for a modem, it will only work like one, the Wifi won't turn on." My god I should get a job there if you don't need to know anything. And also, whenever I lose connection, the modem doesn't even report that there is no connection/that it is disconnected, it says "ACCESS DENIED." I've told them through four different phone conversations that it must be something on their end, but they refuse to accept that. My bill went from $40~ to $94, and I also am no longer allowed to add *any* extra services like TV or phone. In order to do it, I must first *increase my internet speed*, thus be charged even more, to even have access to adding TV or phone. And to top it all off? Where I am located, this is basically a monopoly. The only other internet service available in my town now is Verizon, at a whopping 1Mbps, vs the 30Mbps I get with Spunktrum. To quote our new President, "Sad."

7 years ago

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J.L. Gazelle Casselberry, FL

if you enjoy root canals and passing kidney stones, by all means, sign up for spectrum. these people took over brighthouse networks a few months back and it's been a fucking dumpster fire ever since. in 10+ years, i can recall 1 significant problem with brighthouse and it was handled immediately. in a 2 week period, spectrum has managed to shut down cable coverage to the entire region of central florida- cable was out for 24+ hours with no explanation and no apology AND last night i discovered that my internet service was down- as of this morning it was still down. we also inherited spectrum for our business after the brighthouse acquisition and it's been a total nightmare. their IT team migrated company data from our server to the cloud and they somehow managed to permanently lose critical files in the process. gone forever. again, no apology and no explanation. what is baffling to me is this......brighthouse exited with a fully functional infrastructure in place. in a few short months, the incompetent dolts from spectrum strolled into town and managed to fuck everything up. i pay a lot of money for my cable and internet service because it is important to me- mainly because of its reliability. spectrum has managed to completely fuck up what used to be a great thing. spectrum reminds me of the hillbilly who wins the powerball jackpot and buys a lamborghini and paints flames on the hood. i am cancelling my spectrum service and i STRONGLY recommend that you do your homework before hopping into bed with these morons.

7 years ago

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Delayne Coats Rochester, NY

I received a letter today saying I could upgrade my Spectrum service for $25 less a month than I'm paying now. When I called the number on the letter, the first two people I talked to had "never heard of that promotion." The third person said my account wasn't eligible because I already have service. What? When I asked why I was sent the letter saying my account was eligible, she said "I really don't know." Horrible customer service and advertising! Spectrum just took over for Time Warner, and I'm missing Time Warner already! I'm giving them a one, because at least they answered to phone, and they know how to forward calls to another department....

7 years ago

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Tiffany Donelow

Called yesterday to try and fix a cable issue. Apparently a year ago when the service tech came out to set up my cable he did it incorrectly and I've only had basic cable since. Well I live in an apartment complex where cable is bundled into the lease price and a neighbor came over this weekend to tell me I was missing several channels and it wasn't set up correctly. After calling yesterday, the first women was very helped and told me how to fix the issue. She let me know that i just needed to disconnect the smaller box and leave the large cable box connected. After reconnecting all the wires and rebooting the system, all of my channels were missing. I had to call back and was transferred twice before speaking to someone who promptly answered the phone to only disregard my problems. I had to tell him multiple times what the message on my tv said and he told me probably over 20 times to "just hold on one second" while I was actually on hold for several minutes. During this entire conversation the tech barely said 5 actual sentences to me, did not walk me through the process, and failed to even resolve my problem. He then told me that he would have to send a technician out and told me it would probably be an hour before someone would call. Frustrated with the call I gave up. Funny enough, my boyfriend called back and spoke with a completely different individual and the problem was solved in 5 minutes. Quinton was his name and that was exceptional service. What I want to know though is why could they not have done that for me the first time???

7 years ago

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Michael Poynter

Spectrum cable service. I can use one word to describe Spectrum, sad. Since the Charter merger with Time Warner it appears both customer service and actually service is not important. They simply want you to continue giving them your money. Seems they do not realize I can easily cut the cord and move on. Before Time Warner was purchased by Charter at least there was some halfway decent customer service. We had speeds of up to 300Mbps for our internet services for new customers and I had the 200Mbps. Well now if you are a new customer or change your package you get up to 100Mbps for the same price. Yes, you get downgraded and you get to pay the same. So if you have the 200 or 300 you better not make a change to your service if you are sort of happy with it. So let's get into my first experience having to speak with Spectrum customer service. First let me say a root canel would have been more pleasant. My wife and I sat down and went to watch the Travel Channel however suddenly it was not part of our subscription. No channel above 23 was now part of our subscription despite us having lived here over a year with the same exact service with no changes made within the past year, or March 30, 2016 to be exact. So I decide to call customer service expecting them to be somewhat friendly at the least but sadly that assumption was my first mistake. The customer service rep was rude and did not care to listen to my concerns. She simplt wanted to repeat the same thing over and over. That we had our extreme internet and just the starter package for cable. I explained that when we signed up we told Time Warner what stations we wanted when we moved in here early March 2016. Then late March, over a year ago, we upgraded to the Extreme Internet and Time Warner told us that we would keep our same channels. So basically I explained that is the service we have and have had for over a year. She would not allow me to speak as she would simply talk over me again and again. She explained we were just on the starter package for cable so we did not anything above channel 22 or 23. I start explaining how Time Warner told us we would receive this channels. That they said it was a special that had at the time since they were wanting more people to subscribe to the better internet. That we specifically remember asking if our channel line up would change because we specifially said we did not want it to. I told her Time Warner had explained that our channels would all stay the same. During me explaining my problem she would constantly talk and ignore what I was saying. I asked her not to speak over me but it continued. I then proceeded to explain how talking over the customer was rude and she needed to stop so I could talk. So what happened? I start talking again and explaining my problem but she starts talking over me again. I don't know about you but I feel this is very disrespectful plus how can you listen to the customer's issue without actually listening to it. Up to this point I was keeping it nice. Having been a supervisor at a call center in the past I knew this was not standard behavior from an agent so I once again asked her to stop talking while I was. Did it stop? Of course not. At point I was now a very upset customer that was far from happy with the way I was being treated. I told her to transfer me to a supervisor. She went right back into robot repeat mode so this time I had to get rude with her and simple told her I didn't want to hear another word from her to transfer me to a supervisor. I actually had to say this twice since she was talking over me again. The next time she tried to speak I just told her I didn't want to talk to her anymore, simply get me to a supervisor. So now I am thinking I will be treated better but that was my second mistake. The supposed supervisor was just as bad seemly sticking to a script and telling me there was nothing they could do. He also enjoyed speaking over me and when he would say my issue back to me it was obvious he had not been listening because he didn't correctly repeat my issue to me. Finally I told him I was just going to speak to someone at my local office. I get to the Spectrum sales and service center and spoke with Adam who actually did listen to my issue and researched it through the computer. Apparently a lot of customers were placed on the Start Pack with Time Warner and given the extra standard channels and simply allowed them to have them on the Start Pack. Charter, the new owners, however were not allowing this to happen and had performed audits and were cutting off channels to any customers in this situation even though those customers had been told it was part fo their service. I was told Charter was strict about things. Adam did however speak to someone else there and Adam told me that if they did said we were supposed to have these channels then they can pull the call and get most of them back. I told him that we would need all of the ones we previously had back since if it was said on the call that will be a legally binding contract. That was the service we bought and paid for so that is the service we receive. So he made notes for someone to pull the call and review it. He told me to call the call center and talk to a supervisor since they would listen to the call from over a year ago. Adam was friendly and helpful. He has been with them since before they were even Time Warner. He looked beaten down. I simply said "I bet you have seen a lot of changes over the years". He agreed and anything negative I said about the recent changes he didn't respond to and actually looked saddened. I was very nice to him. I feel bad for Adam. So I step out to call the call center and this is the point where things go completely south again. The first agent sounded half asleep and just kept repeating about how I was missing channels, blah blah, and repeating about how they were not included with that packaged. So for a second time, on this call, I asked for a supervisor and explained they were pulling a call and that I was told to specially ask for a supervisor. So finally I get the supervisor. So at this point I am thinking, great they can listen to the call and we can get this whole mess put behind us. Right? Wrong! The supervisor wanted to keep explaining about how I wasn't supposed to be getting A&E, History, or Travel Channel with my Starter Package. I asked him to read Adam's notes and after that he was very friend and said he would get me to someone that could help me. That he doesn't pull the calls or listen to them. So at this point I realized that this guy is not a supervisor and that I have been lied to again. He informs me that he will transfer me to customer solutions. So I am placed on hold and disconnected. At this point I am far from happy but I am not yelling and I am treating them ok since I know they are most likely simply doing things the way they are told to. So I call back. This next customer service again was just as bad at the first and proceeded to try and up-sell me to get my channels back. What? Why the heck would I pay more for something I was promised as a different lower price. No, I explain how I was disconnected and need to get to a supervisor. Then more stalling before finally being transferred. This 'supervisor' wasn't able to see Adam's notes in the system, that I had watched him type in and that the previous supposed supervisor finally saw before transferring me and cutting me off. So we start to go round and round and I simply asked for customer solutions and get cut off conveniently again. This next time I call the rep that I spoke with instantly transferred me to customer solutions once I explained they were helping me and we were disconnected. So at this time I am speaking to a lady in customer solutions and once again I let hope spring back in that I was about to get this resolved....and no, no. I am then told that they will have to pull the call, keep in mind this is Saturday, but that they will not listen to it and call me back until Tuesday. Really? After all I have just experience I am being put off again? So here I sit Sunday and most of my channels still gone through Spectrum. Thankfully I found a better cord cutting solution. I am done with Spectrum and their TV service. I signed up for SlingTV last night so I get the channels that are important to me and the picture quality superior to that I was getting through Spectrum. I am going to back up a bit to when I was speaking with Adam. I explained how my internet service, 200Mbps, has only been getting speeds of about 100 if I am lucky and at times far, far less. That this has only strangely started happening after the Charter takeover. Monday morning a technician will be coming out to see what is wrong with my internet. Having worked in the I.T field myself I am fulling expecting them to pass the buck and blame either the router or modem even though I have tested those and neither are the problem and nothing has changed setup wise with my network. Sadly poor internet speeds are not uncommon throughout this nation of ours. If you look at other countries Japan, Romania, ect all have higher speeds on average than the United States. What makes me feel even worse is that here in Lexington KY before Time Warner bought out Insight Communications we had great cable and reliable internet. Insight had outstanding customer service, the best I have ever experience, but all of that went downhill somewhat with Time Warner and now Charter/Spectrum has completely flushed customer service and reliability down the toilet. The customer is no longer important, screw the customer. They simply want your money. I am now a cord cutter as I am going to return my cable box this week no matter the results of the pulled call. Now I will explore other options for internet also seeing how Spectrum do not deserve my business with that either since I do not deserve to be treated as I have been. Spectrum, just because you are a monopoly for your cable services doesn't mean the customer has to put up with it. There are other services like Netflix, Hulu, the actual network websites, and SlingTV. I cannot wait for the downfall of the cable industry. Still trying to bundle TV, Internet and phone. Really, phone. HA! You are a service that is desperate to stay relevant. You are a service that is starting to suffer and will eventually go extinct.

7 years ago

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Ashieka Nealey

Had my first bad experience with Spectrum and it was terrible!! They increased my bill because according to them if the services is disconnected you loose the promotion you were in and placed in whatever promotion that they are currently offering. That's fine but please advise the customer this instead of allowing them to think they are still getting the original promotion rate. Ask if the new rate is fine with them. My bill went from $114 per month to $195. I never had this issue when it was just BrightHouse. But after dealing with that so called customer service department, I know longer want your service!! The supervisors were awful.

7 years ago

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Jim Hays Columbus, OH

I have been trying for a month to have a cable removed from my home that was installed by a previous owner. I have called the Spectrum Customer Service team on 9 or more occasions, all to no avail. After I had initially called and had an appointment set up, I waited for the day of the appointment. No one showed. I called to find out why, and they told me the appointment had been moved to the next day. When they didn't show up that day either, I called again, and they said it had been rescheduled again. Every time I call I am told "Your appointment has been rescheduled for today!" but no one ever shows up. I have wasted hours and hours of time on the phone. I have had Customer Service tell me that the installers will call if the appointment is rescheduled (they did not), that Customer Service will call if the appointment is rescheduled (they did not), and I even spoke with a supervisor who personally assured me that she would call me back if the appointment was rescheduled (she did not). The Customer Service team knows that nothing can be traced back to them personally, so they will say whatever they need to to get you off the phone, even if it means lying to you. I have been told that Spectrum can't enter work orders for non-customers (they can). I have been told that Spectrum doesn't remove old cable lines (they do). The experience has been extremely frustrating, and is still not resolved.

7 years ago

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Susan Jacksonville, NC

So far not impressed in the least with Spectrum. I called in December to find out about pricing and was told to call back in February because they were switching from Time Warner Cable and I should be very impressed with the new pricing. Called back in Feb. Was told to call back in March. Called back in March several times and got different answers from all the reps. What it comes down to is there is no savings and there is no basic cable price. Their idea of basic cable is $64.99. When I reluctantly decided on a package which by the way saved me nothing from switching from TW I was told I needed boxes for my spare bedrooms in order to receive TV and everything would be mailed and deal done in 5 days. Well it's going on a week and nothing. We currently have Amazon Fire which is great and if I can ever figure out a way to get local channels without the cable company I am leaving this mess for good.

7 years ago

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stacey Saratoga Springs, NY

It has only been a few short weeks since the public announcement of the transition to spectrum. It is hard to imagine customer service worse than time warner, but there is. We recently called to ask a question about our TW service and was told that we could save money for the exact same service we had if we switched to spectrum. When asked "what's the catch?" and was told nothing, even after confirming, once again, no change to services. Low and behold, the very next day my channels were different. When I called to inquire, I was told that the customer service representative should not have told me the information that it did, that they could not switch me back because the codes did not exist anymore, and that there was nothing they could do. It is hard to believe that in 2017, companies would be engaging in bait and switch tactics. I was told in order to receive my original services I would have to pay $40 more. So basically I was lied to switch services only to be trapped into paying more to get what I once had. These are unethical business practices and cannot believe the cable provider market could get worse than TW, but it has.

7 years ago

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Samantha Burton

After being a customer of Time Warner for over a year, I contacted Spectrum who transferred my account to their service and turned on service for our router at my new apartment a month ago. Today, I came home and the internet was out. It took nearly an hour talking yo customer service to even find out they couldn't find my account. I had to provide the serial number for the router before they could locate it and then they told me it was deactivated and I had to call back during business hours. Rude, clueless customer service, and absolutely no warning about this cancelation of service, and all bills have been paid on time, in full.

7 years ago

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Henry Wilson

Spectrum ( formerly TWC) is no bargain. I've had TWC for 25+ years and any changes you make to your grandfathered TWC account will migrate you over to a Spectrum account, subject to their pricing and package breakouts. For example, Standard and starter TV with grandfathered TWC includes all the channels we watch regularly. Spectrum has taken some channels out of the basic TV package(like Comedy Central, Turner Classic Movies, ESPN) and placed them in higher priced tier TV packages. Disappointing and unfair trade practice. Who cares if they tout their services as being "the best in the industry" when they are so much more costly than TWC? And being the best in the industry should mean there are no more picture distortions, sound issues, stations frozen or out- but I experienced all of these (just like w/ TWC) over the past few days. Pay more, get less. Not impressed and I suspect Spectrum will become so high priced in the next year or so that I'll be forced to cancel my TV service. I kind need the internet, but I also suspect that cost will continue to rise as well. Once I cancel the TV I'll no longer have a grandfathered TWC plan, so I'll be forced to pay Spectrum's current fee for internet. Can you say MONOPOLY? Also, disappointing that Spectrum is not open to retaining current customers with price breaks if you call and ask for a discount, being a great long time customer and all. Gone are the days where you could negotiate a new deal. So far, I've seen nothing to write home about, just have a big fat hand digging around in my pockets looking for money.

7 years ago

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Kevin Grames Swanton, OH

We have been with Time Warner for 15 years. Now they are Spectrum and we were looking forward to the change. Not so much now. They simply have the worst customer service I have seen. Hours on the phone talking to people who did not care to help fix our phone that had been out since the change over. They kept telling us that it was our personal modem that was the problem and that it was not compatible with their speed....hmmm a 300 MBPS modem ok sure. After hours of people who did not understand this I finally get one person who was the only good one. He immediately knew that the problem was with a second modem (an old TWC modem that ran our phone) that was hooked up to our system that was no longer compatible. I tried explaining this for hours to them and they only cared about selling me new services and another modem that they wanted to charge me for.....Today they turn off my modem and when I call they say oh we are sorry the system did that. Another hour of frustration and finally they fix it. I can only hope that another company with better service comes along someday, but I will not hold my breath.

7 years ago

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Erika Johns Sanford, FL

Where do I start... Spectrum has the WORST customer service I have ever experienced. We called to get a better deal for our internet, tv, and phone service we've had since Spectrum took over Brighthouse, because they were offering better deals for newer customers. Well needless to say it did not go as planned.. FIRST we found out that even though we were still paying for 100 megabits, they only offered 60 or 300, so we were most likely downgraded to 60 but still paying for 100 megabits. SECOND, the representative told us that he would upgrade us to 300 megabits and that we could keep all of our existing services (sports channels, phone service, etc.) for $150 (which was close to the rate for new customers). We agreed and they came to our house and switched our modem. BUT we then we noticed that our channels were unsubscribed and our phone service was cancelled. We called customer service again and the rep stated that to get all of the services we previously had (that were not supposed to be removed in the first place) our rate would be $230 now. What's WORSE, they said that they would not be able to return us to our original rate and services from before we agreed to this deal, so we are essentially now stuck with paying $230 for the same services (we were paying $190 originally). We would have never accepted to change what we were currently paying if we were not told that our rates were being lowered; but when we requested to go back to our original rate we were told it would not be possible! We were transferred to so many people I lost count, were told that we would receive a call from a supervisor and never did, were apologized to for basically being LIED to but not offered any answers or any real help. We were told Spectrum would lower our rate to $150 for the same services we had, but ended up with the only option being to keep our same services now for $230 or nothing. They take no accountability, no one seems to know what they are doing, say one thing but do another. This company is all bait & switch. We are looking for a new service provider. THIS WAS THE MOST FRUSTRATING EXPERIENCE. I would advise anyone who doesn't want to be trapped in an endless cycle or being transferred from representative to representative with no answers and no real help, anyone who doesn't want to be lied to, to stay away and look elsewhere for your service.

7 years ago

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M.R. Betts Whitehall, MI

We had Charter services INSTALLED IN THE FIRST WEEK OF FEBRUARY 2017 and, before the month was over, had called customer service two times about the TV service turning itself off and taking 7-10 minutes to reboot: except in one case when it did not reboot at all. This happened, probably 1-2 times a week, at random times of the day/night. Our household watches very little TV so, the frequency of this was unacceptable. They provide no satisfying reasoning or explanation. It is now the THIRD WEEK OF MARCH AND WE HAVE CANCELLED TV SERVICES. The internet is fast and satisfying, in that regard, when it, too, doesn't have to be rebooted. 2-3 times (at least) each week a computer, mobile device or smart TV will read "No Internet Connection" and the router will require a reboot. Very irritating. These services are inefficient and I do not recommend them. West Michigan Area

7 years ago

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Larry Lilly Chatsworth, GA

We had a problem and called customer service at Charter Spectrum. They sent out a tech who fixed the problem. Before the tech fixed the problem, we were able to get Amazon Prime and Netflix. A few days after the problem was fixed we tried to access Amazon Prime and Netflix. No go. I waited a few hours in case something was down someplace and tried again. Nope. I turned every thing off and back on, No Amazon or Netflix. No problem I foolishly though, I'll call Spectrum, they'll send the tech back out and fix the problem. The first time I called they said the problem wasn't at their end and gave me the telephone number Panasonic. I called Panasonic and they wanted $10 to talk to me. I waited a couple of days tried everything again (unplug, turn off and on) but still not able to access Amazon or Netflix. I again called Spectrum, this time I got handed to off seven (7) different people. The last was a tech that said they could send out another tech but it would cost me $45. I'm just not feeling the love. I didn't have the problem prior to them coming out and did after, I don't understand why I should pay for their mistake. I really did not expect this from them. Now I'm looking for another provider.

7 years ago