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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: June 28th, 2022

CareLink operates under the direction of its parent company, Healthcom, Inc., which is based in Sullivan, Illinois. The company was established in 1992. CareLink specializes in medical alert systems, in particular fall detection devices. CareLink prides itself in utilizing the latest in technological advances to develop lifesaving products for senior customers and those with health challenges. If you or someone you care about has medical needs where getting to a phone could be difficult, or if you are concerned about falling, CareLink will provide peace of mind and reassurance. The devices can be used at home and on the go. You'll also love having 24/7 access to medical professionals when you have questions or concerns. On the negative side, the company's website is a little sparse with information and details.

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The Good

  • Experience
  • Free trial
  • Customer service


CareLink opened its doors 24 years ago, and since that time, it has assembled an experienced, talented staff and leadership team. Company leaders understand what essential features and components should be found with every medical alert company. Plus, if you have questions, you can be sure a CareLink customer service agent will have the knowledge to be able to provide you with the answer you're seeking.

Free Trial

The CareLink medical alert products can help save your life or the life of your family member in a dire time of need. However, you don't need to take the company's word that the product will work well for you. You can test the alert device for yourself and evaluate whether it's right for you. For the first 30 days of owning the product, you can try it out at no cost and with no questions asked. If you don't like how it works or choose not to use it for whatever reason, simply return it.

Customer Service

In any field, friendly, helpful, expert customer service is a must. It's certainly true with medical alert products. CareLink has dedicated, compassionate professionals who'll do anything in their power to make sure you're having a positive experience.

The Bad

  • Poor online transparency

Poor Online Transparency

Along with price, prospective customers want to know what kind of warranty comes with the product they're planning on purchasing. After all, accidents happen, and devices can easily break of malfunction. It's always nice to know that you can send back a non-functioning product for a full refund. However, CareLink says nothing about warranties associated with its medical alert products. Before you decide to use CareLink, carefully weigh whether you want to trust a product that potential has no warranty to protect you and your purchase.

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The Bottom Line

At can definitely be frustrating to search for a medical alert provider and having missing pieces of information. This makes your job all the more challenging as you consider what companies are right for you. CareLink should give careful consideration to adding this information to its website so that potential customers are guessing whether the product is right for them. On the other hand, if it's no big deal to you to pick up a phone and contact customer service for certain information, there's no reason why you shouldn't purchase your medical alert system from CareLink. The company has the experience and expertise to help you with your medical needs.

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Rachel Lake Indianapolis, IN

This was the worst customer service experience of my life. My mother passed away and the process of canceling her service and returning the equipment was a huge mess. Given how disorganized everyone I spoke to was, I would not trust this product with the safety of a loved one. The unit sent a dead battery alert while it was in transit back to carelink via UPS. They tried to send emergency services to my house, despite being told the service was inactive and the unit was dead. It went off 3 times after the battery supposedly died and they called to send EMS every time. After the equipment was returned I received a threatening letter stating I hadn't returned anything and they were going to charge a $250 fee. Every time I spoke to customer service they acted like I was the problem and that they didn't know how to fix anything.

7 years ago