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Link Interactive

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Author: Kalicia Bateman

LAST UPDATED: November 18th, 2021

Link Interactive is a do-it-yourself security provider with over 60 years of experience under its belt. The company primarily sells 2GIG equipment, though other brands are available for add-on security and home automation components. Link Interactive charges $30.99-$44.99 per month for its monitoring services.

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The Good

  • 30-Day Money-Back Guarantee
  • Takeover Options
  • Many Equipment Options
  • Own the Equipment
  • Versatile Contracts
  • Three Comprehensive Package Options
  • Home Security Cameras
  • Video Analytics
  • Free Go!Control Panel Included with All Packages

30-Day Money-Back Guarantee

Link Interactive provides a 30-day money-back guarantee on its equipment and services, which gives customers a nice window for a trial run.

Takeover Options

The company also offers a takeover program, which makes it easy to switch over existing security equipment. Link Interactive will help customers expand an old security system into a state-of-the-art system, offering their own monitoring service, remote access, and automation.

Many Equipment Options

Link Interactive has many equipment options, including various disaster sensors that monitor flood, heat, freeze, smoke, and carbon monoxide levels. The company also offers a variety of home automation gadgets like smart door locks, thermostat, smart lights (bulbs and switches), video monitoring, a remotely controlled garage door opener, and even a doorbell camera.

Own the Equipment

Though customers pay for this equipment out of pocket, they always own the products. This is in contrast to other home security companies that require you to send back equipment when your contract expires.

Versatile Contracts

Customers can sign up for a one-year, two-year, or three-year contract. A three-year contract is the standard for most home security companies, so it's encouraging to see a company that's a little more versatile.

Three Comprehensive Package Options

Link Interactive also provides several package options, and all include a wider array and number of security components than you get with most companies-DIY and professionally installed alike. Depending on the package, customers get:

  • 3-5 door/window sensors (the norm in this industry is three, at best)
  • 1-2 motion sensors (other providers offer one, if any)
  • 1 wireless smoke/heat/freeze sensor
  • 1-2 light/appliance modules
  • 1-2 thermostats
  • 1 indoor camera
  • 1 outdoor camera

This is among the most comprehensive security/home automation packages we've seen. All systems are powered by and connect you to a certified professional monitoring station. Home automation devices are Z-wave products that can be managed from a mobile app.

Home Security Cameras

Link Interactive is one of the few home security companies that sells standalone cameras as well. These cameras can be accessed from a mobile app on your phone or tablet and even include night vision capabilities. They can also be incorporated into Link Interactive's traditional home security systems.

Video Analytics

Now included in Link Interactive's Elite plan are 3,000 video clips and video analytics. To compare, the majority of other home security companies only offer 1,000 clips. 

Link Interactive's video analytics continuously scan your property and only notify you when people, vehicles, or animals are detected. Combined with new virtual tripwires and fenced­-in activity zones, you can enhance perimeter security and gain more insight into what's going on at home.

Once a person, vehicle, or animal is detected, you receive an enhanced alert with a thumbnail image showing what was caught on camera. You only receive video alerts on what matters most to you. For example, when:

  • A person enters the yard, but not animals
  • A car pulls into the driveway at night, but not when it drives past
  • Someone loiters on the porch, but not when mail is delivered
  • Pets get on the sofa, but not when they are walking around the room

Additionally, you can even use Link Interactive's video analytics to trigger light automation like turning on an outdoor Z­-Wave light when a person is detected in the driveway.

When you view video analytics clips, playback begins when people, vehicles, or animals are detected. You can also create rules to automatically turn on Z-­Wave lights and devices whenever a person, animal, or vehicle is detected. For example, you can deter unwanted visitors from approaching your property by having interior lights turn on, making it look like someone's home ­ even when there's not. 

Free Go!Control Panel Included with All Packages

Each package includes a free Go!Control panel ($251 value), which customers own.


The Bad

  • Cancellation Terms

Cancellation Terms

Customers are locked into a contract and are responsible for 75% percent of the remaining balance should they choose to cancel early. However, this is common within the home security industry. 


The Bottom Line

Link Interactive offers a variety of security and home automation equipment—one of the best price-to-feature ratios out there. Some great benefits when going with Link Interactive include a 30-day money back guarantee, multiple equipment options, and no upfront costs. Read Link Interactive reviews below to learn about the company's customer service and monitoring service.

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