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Adam Daugherty Tempe, AZ

I have Aetna thru my work for health insurance. Calling the number on the back of my card to find a doctor near me is for the most part quick. Right around lunch time the lines can get bogged down but they are good at finding what service your looking for.

5 years ago

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William Roberts Asheville, NC

Affordable premiums and copays, but I was given wrong and false information regarding Dysport which is similar to Botox.Aetna clearly told me on the phone that cost of the injections would just be a copay.Five months later my Doctors office sent me a bill for over $400.

1 year ago

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Brian Coppedge Los Angeles, CA

Had BCBS for years but thought we could save money by switching to Aetna. What a mistake. Worst medical insurance I have ever had in 30 years. Needed an Urgent care for my son. Checked online for the closest In-Network Urgent care centers. Thank god we called as the location was permanently closed. Only found that out after looking at google maps. No other close options were given for my address. Called the 888 number for Aetna and had to listen to 5 minutes of crap to get someone on the line. They did not know it was closed but gave me one that was not even listed and was closer. Wouldn't you think ACCURATE Urgent care information would be important on your web site. They also denied a claim I had after the doctors office told me they accepted the insurance. The Doctors office accepted Aetna, Just not the Aetna plan I have. Cost me $771 dollars. Cant wait to leave this company when I can choose plans again. Research Aetna before you give them your money. They have been sued for excessive denials in the past and have not changed their ways. Even if your primary is in network you will spend hours trying to find specialists that are in network and close to where you live. We also found Doctors offices that accepted our Aetna plan, but the doctors within that office we wanted to see did not. You must ask everyone you see if they accept the exact plan you have - you cannot just ask if they accept Aetna. My daughter was going to college in Greenville NC and the closest primary doctor was 30 miles away, no General practitioner or OB/GYN. My daughter also had an Urgent Care listed in Greenville that was listed online but was actually permanently closed. This is all within the first 6 months of having Aetna. I put my families wellbeing and our savings in jeopardy to try and save a few dollars. I worry constantly that we may have any emergency before we can get off of this insurance plan.

1 year ago

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Constance Cameron Los Angeles, CA

I’ve been an Aetna customer for more than a year and am leaving next month because of its terrible customer service. Can’t get through in a timely fashion and have had to wait on line only to be cut off after long hold. More times than not, cannot understand customer rep with poor grasp of the language, his/her job, and bad phone connections. Was hung up on after Medicare services rep and I were kept on hold for a hours. Choosing to not live this way any longer, I’ve signed on with another insurer beginning in August. With Aetna’s premiums, service should be A or B grade level; instead it’s D or F.

1 year ago

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Paul Michael Scranton, PA

I can safely say this new Aetna insurance I have is the worst insurance I have ever have. They have ZERO customer service, I had a procedure denied, they wont even tell me why I called in multiple times and wasted hours and hours endlesssly transferred back and forth to different departments before eventually being told, I need to call Aetna directly. Which is who I called first. HORRIBLE all around, you should be ashamed of yourselves, I am going to leave as many reviews as I can. By the way - I had only 1 procedure requested in last 2 years, and have been paying my premiums the whole time which you gladly accept, but dont offer any sort of approvals or customer service.

1 year ago

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corinne Bradenton, FL

By far the WORST customer service I've ever experienced. I won't waste time with details but I will say that I called them about 10 times over the course of a month (after I newly signed up) to get problems fixed with my online profile and each time I was either given the wrong information, transferred from someone who "didn't handle it" to someone else who "didn't handle it", I was told someone would follow up on certain things and then never did, I often got people who spoke broken English and I could tell they were looking up answers and then either making things up or giving me their interpretation of what they were reading, the list of PCPs on their website is very outdated (I tried 4 different PCPson their list only to be told that for differing reasons the PCP could not be used). When I asked about their list of preventative care that's covered they said there was no list. I asked for some kind of outline instead and they could not provide that either. Which makes me believe there are none, or they don't want to pay so they don't make it easy to find. It was so bad that I decided it was better to risk going without health insurance then give this business another dollar, and I cancelled. Then they kept half of my premium even though I didn't use the insurance at all because they "assumed the liability" during that time. what BS. I can't believe they are still in business. DO NOT USE CVS-Aetna!!

1 year ago

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Chuck Mellisa

Worst health insurance I've ever had Aetna terrible My wife has to take a sugar pill to help her with her chronic kidney disease and they are denying her of it absolutely terrible since then she's been waking up with headaches and the pill was helping her out stabilizing her chronic kidney disease and since I've gotten this health insurance they denied her of help with the sugar pill terrible absolutely terrible I am so angry probably make no sense right now but just so aggravated and mad inside that this insurance company will not help us out The worst insurance company I've ever dealt with shame on these people

1 year ago

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Hannah Castrapel Irvine, CA

Aetna falsely advertises free preventive care. Please, pay attention to Aetna's billing summary! Last year, my husband had a routine checkup and routine lab tests by his PCP's recommendation. Later, he received a $114 bill from the laboratory and we discovered that Aeta treated these tests as diagnostic tests. We appealed twice to Aetna about this. However, they responded that it is considered a diagnostic test because my husband didn't finish his blood tests within 7 days after PCP was ordered. Since we didn't receive any information about the 7 days lab test policy from Aetna, we filed a complaint to California Department of Managed Health Care (DMHC), but they rejected our claim because Aetna is based in NYC. We filed a complaint to the Department of Financial Services (DFS) in NYC, and we finally got a response from DFS and Aetna saying that the lab test should be categorized as a preventive care except VitD test. As you can see, Aetna does their best to save money and try to deceive the customers!

1 year ago

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Tim Long

My name is Tim Long I signed up with Aetna back in Nov 2022. I've made several calls, waited hours, been told that my cards are in the mail, but its been months and still no cards. I didn't get my spending card either. This is not my first time with Aetna but it will be my last. Also my doctor is trying to schedule surgery to have defibrillator implanted and I've been waiting weeks for the approval. I am not satisfied with the service provided by Aetna. T Aetna sucks; there is no excuse for all the calling and waiting but never receiving insurance cards. Yes it's amazing how many hours I've wasted for no results. Having heart failure, the last thing I want to do is wait on the phone for a long time, and nothing come of it. And I'm not holding my breath and expecting the cards after this call to Aetna either.

1 year ago Edited February 3, 2023

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Rylin McGee Washington, DC

Wow! Aetna has been a nightmare. I pay extra for the PPO plan so that I can see specialists without a referral, as well as visit out of network providers. The out of network feature is very important to me, considering a lot of doctors in the DC area do not accept Aetna (probably because it's so horrible), and instead, they operate on an out-of-network basis. As a result, I frequently have to submit my own claims. Unfortunately, Every.Single.Time. the claim is processed incorrectly. I then have to spend hours on the phone each week fighting with representatives for a simple reimbursement. It's to the point where expect it to take around 2 months and 10 phone calls to finally get my claim processed correctly. After that, it takes a few weeks to finally receive a check in the mail. To make matters worse, a majority of their customer service associates do not understand English very well. As a result, I have to re-explain the issue around 3-4 times before they finally understand correctly. Then I get transferred to someone else, and the whole clown show starts over again. All in all, Aetna is a joke. If they are going to try to operate in the United States and use an electronic claim form to make things easier, maybe they should invest in a software that actually works, as well as customer service associates who speak English.

1 year ago

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Magdalena Pastrana Westchester, IL

Have to rate low. Didn't cover as much as Blue Cross has to pay more for meds and worse of all they covered a medication then month later I get letter that it was covered my mm is take and now I'm being billed 1700$ for these meds that pharmacy won't take back even if unopened they don't take meds back once they leave store.. I have to pay 1700$ because they covered medication that they weren't supposed to cover?? Who messed up me or Aetna? Now Im responsible to their mistake.. Wtf

1 year ago

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Deborah Stanger Grand Junction, CO

Do not apply for this insurance! Totally disorganized, couldn't even get a pain clinic referral straightened out, Medical Insurance so called "helped" me get a lifeline phone where I ended up with no service at all and ended up paying for a phone anyway. Referral to pain clinic from a city doctor in June and I still can't use the doctor I was referred to, website doesn't even work so, no customer service response because gmail isn't compatible, etc... Had to change my insurance and still can't get in to the doctor I was referred to and we are now at the end of December. This is how they take care of their disabled and elderly.

1 year ago

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mike nowaczyk Sylvania, OH

Customer service reps are not professional. You get a different answers about same question every time you call and problem never resolved. Reps are not knowledgeable at all! The last one I spoke with had babies crying in the background. Hardly a professional environment. Then I was put abruptly on hold presumably to quiet baby down. If you ask for someone higher up in company to get an answer they say they can't do that. Probably because they are sitting at home not in an office with supervisors as professional companies do. Extremely slow to get anything done if they do anything at all. Last rep I spoke with said nothing was processed even though the last two reps I spoke with said it was in process! I will not be a customer of Aetna any more . They need to hire professional and knowledgeable representatives.

1 year ago

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Chelsea Pierce Sioux Falls, SD

They are constantly bungling my claims. So far I have had to spend at least 15 hours of time over the last 5 months on the phone with them to sort out them denying my contraceptives, changing coverage amounts for prescriptions that my pharmacy has not been changing the prices on, using incorrect dollar amounts on bills from providers, and duplicating claims. I've asked many times to escalate or speak with supervisor and it's been months with no contact from a supervisor. They have used many tactics such as avoiding answering questions, cold transferring me to the wrong departments, as well as cold transferring me to various CVS pharmacies for medical (not pharmacy) claim questions.

1 year ago

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Keith Whiteley Pinellas Park, FL

This is how Aetna health insurance is trying to walk all over the little man again taking profits over health care for those that have paid them for it i.e., taking the premiums out of my paychecks. I am a teacher at our local technical college, and I suffer from a condition called Fibromyalgia which means that I feel pain at a tremendously higher level than the average person and there are several parts of my body that experience pain such as my hips, hands and feet. This condition inhibits my abilities in doing regular things like walking. I was in a wheelchair for years and got around in an electric scooter. I was a professional automotive repair mechanic for many years, now I teach our next generation how to repair vehicles. After seeing several doctors that could not do anything to ease my pain but give my addictive medications such as opiates that did not really help, I found Doctor Hana he worked with me to greatly reduce my use of opiates and started me on IV ketamine infusions that got me out of the wheelchair and up walking again. Now after covering these infusions for several years Aetna is trying to go back and deny this IV ketamine because they are trying to save money. I am appalled at this company’s complete lack of caring for someone in need. Please help me spread the word!!!!!! Of profits over people is happening again!!!

1 year ago

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Jaclyn OToole Yonkers, NY

Aetna is the worst of the worst! My company basically forces me to get Aetna and I needed a Surgery that would help me breathe and they said it was not a necessity.. i did not know breathing wasn't a necessity! The doctor appealed it sent in pictures i gave in my statement how i am stuck in bed i miss work i cant go out etc and basically they didnt care, I know most people will say who cares but I pay top dollar for the top plan my company offers and for me not to be able to breathe out of my nose at all and to be throwing up all the time bc of mucus is not ok and if a surgery can help i think it is a necessity why should i live like this

1 year ago

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Caleb Chattanooga, TN

After multiple instances of dealing with Aetna's customer service, I have determined it is one of the worst companies I've ever had to deal with on a purely customer service basis. The "logic" behind their decisions--even after appeal, documentation presented, etc.--clearly demonstrates that the company isn't interested in helping its 'customers,' or anyone else but itself. The company is only driven by its bottom line and profit margins and has no interest in listening to the reasoning, requests, or demonstrated needs of its customers. I pay several hundreds of dollars/month in premiums to this company...I'm far from a freeloader. The treatment I've received by the company is beyond bad. The processes they have in place are designed to exhaust customers and to prevent any objections to their decisions simply because of the red tape involved. If I had the option to give zero stars, I would. In fact, I would give negative stars if that were a thing. I cannot express how terrible this company is with words.

2 years ago

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Mark Windmar NY

For this year we switched from Univera to the medicare ppo plan. We regret the switch and will probably go somewhere else next season. The Drug coverage of the plan is a joke. We get considerably better prices from GoodRX or the Canadian pharmacy. Their web site is convoluted and you have to spend hours to find answers-if any! For example we could not find any dentist that would take Aetna in all of Western NY. Their phone customer service is good. We also keep getting calls from Aetna contracted people trying to come to your home for questions and surveys.

2 years ago

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TIGRAN TT Prairieville, LA

Aetna is not a realiable company, terrible in communication and doesn't care about their customers. I had to pay hundreds of dollars for lab works, simply because I wasn’t informed before the visit that aetna wasn’t going to cover them because of this specific lab work facility. They could just tell me we don't work with this provider so take your lab work to Quest for example. That simple communication would've save me money and make me satisfied customer instead. I was told to follow appeal process wich was a total waste of time. Not sure why they want these paper forms mailed instead of being communicated electronically. No wander why it took over 1 month for them to respond my appeal. Wish I had a choice for another healthcare provider with my employer.

2 years ago

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Amore San Antonio, TX

Aetna is JEOPARDIZING my health and future. Don’t understand why they are making it so difficult for an MRI to be approved. I need this asap in order for my doctor to understand what steps to take in order for my arm to have mobility again. I’ve been on the phone with Aetna since 9:00 am, it’s 11:49 Am and I am still on hold. I am in a lot of pain from my arm complications and here I am trying to get an MRI approved. I submitted an appeal to a voicemail. Yep, if you want to submit an appeal you have to leave a voicemail. Health insurance is a fraud. They take your money and make it difficult for you to get the best care possible. AETNA YOU JUST WANT OUR MONEY, right?! But don’t want to provide the benefits our money is paying for!!!

2 years ago

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K Wildau

I am appalled at the poor service of this company, I spent over SEVEN hours on the phone trying to enroll or reenroll (deepening on whom I spoke with ) in partD Drug Plan. I spoke to so many people that I lost count. Everyone told me something different. We were enrolled, we weren't, we would be, we owed money, we didn't owe anything, they would send confirmation but when I gave them the confirmation number, they couldn't find any record. I was transferred so many times. It was the. most painful consumer experience I have ever had. I am a retired lawyer and years ago, Aetna was a client of my firm. If I were still there , I would fire them. Someone ought to have a look at how they operate.

2 years ago

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Stanley Speed Fairbanks, AK

Just got my wife set up with Aetna purchased through DOD NAF from my new job. The policy is for myself and my wife. But as a veteran only my wife will be using. Aetna denied every one of her prescriptions some of which were generics which Aetna wanted replaced with other generics. Some were to be replaced with notably less effective drugs with significantly more side effects. This is the third time we have had Aetna. It has been a sh@$ show every time. We have had to call the pharmacy customer service line 5 times and each time there is a very polite person reading the same script about how they’re going to fix it. And then we review the prescriptions and they are wrong. Some of this involves emergency local prescriptions because my wife was supposed to have coverage beginning the end of 2021, but the didn’t her into the system until February. Her emergency prescriptions have still not been filled.

2 years ago

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b. p. Anderson, IN

I switched over to Aetna on Jan. 1st. It is a complete and total disaster. Apparently, they have outsourced all of their customer service to the lowest bidder. If they call you your caller ID will identify them as spam. If you pick up the phone you won't be able to understand a single word that is being said. Website is a much bigger disaster and must have been designed in the 1980's. Nothing about your account balance or payment due date is there. They ask you to order prescriptions online, but you can't do it. I can't wait to get away from Aetna. This was a huge mistake on my part. Don't make the same one. Don't flee from this giant glob of incompetence run from it at full speed. You'd be better off trying to use Good RX or another free service than dealing with this pathetic mess. When is the next open season - I can't wait?

2 years ago

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Roy Robinson Oneonta, NY

Customer service really needs improving because they like to pass the responsivity of a bad issue to the customer, and that's just wrong. Etna and I went around and around about a situation where a Rep. never asked me what card to pay my meds with. I told him NOT to put it on one card in their system, but to put it on another card and I furnished the card info. He , later in the conversation, asked what card did I want to use, but he never asked till the end of our conversation. I had to repeat myself and he still screwed it up. It took me two plus weeks to get the whole thing fixed. In the mean time I had no money to pay my rent because it was a chunk of change for the meds. I was charged twice, two different cards, for the same Rx, then had to fight like hell to get it back. Still no apology from Etna accept an email saying that it was my fault.

2 years ago

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bob pizza Laramie, WY

zero stars is more like it, I have had worse but not by much, they have zero in network providers within 60 miles of me, and even then when I try and call the ones from their site their list is so old and out of date 90+ % are phone numbers that are a dead end, person no longer practices, moved to a different clinic etc etc. when you call for help finding a provider the call center is in India and you can't understand much they are saying but you'll give up shortly anyway after they offer no help and tell you to just see an out of network provider at my expense since they cannot find one. trying to get a hold of someone for pre-authorization of tests is impossible, Ive called dozens of times and never once reached a person that could answer a simple question about coverage for a specific test.

2 years ago

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school acc 500 1 Cincinnati, OH

So i schedule an appointment the doctor office/ urgent care for COVID rapid test. This is the closest place around that offers it. They do virtual visits and then have you pull in line to get your COVID TEST. You know for everyones stafety. Aenta wont let you get the COVID TEST on the same day as the virtual meeting, instead it has to be order up and requested for the next day. However Aetna does allow you can get the flu and stripe same day. This doesn't make since to limit Covid test. If I wanted the test today I could pay 125 out of pocket and then try to fight with insurance to pay me back. I have a PPO plan so I don't have to pay out of pocket. My insurance should cover this without having to jump through hoop. The point of the virtual visit is to keep other safe so they can do their jobs and to not spread the virus. Without having the test to confirm what I have, then doctors can't treat it. You at literally putting my life at risk by delaying the test.

2 years ago Edited December 14, 2021

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Tim A Arlington, VA

There is very little to like. I've appealed a claim twice that Aetna refuses to pay. Aetna has repeatedly failed to acknowledge the error it made - which was Aetna did not provide a procedure quote to my doctor when it was requested by the doctor; had they done so, I would not have had the procedure done as it was almost 100% paid from my pocket and very expensive. Aetna hides behind its process, shuffles people back and forth between departments, and provides pages and pages of narrative without actually resolving the problem. And you can't actually speak to anyone during the appeals process - Aetna doesn't even provide a phone number. My employer has selected Aetna and I've been forced to use them for about 30 years over which time I have paid them ridiculous sums of money because my employer does not subsidize my insurance premiums. I've rarely made a claim and when I did, the claims were insignificant. This year when I actually had to have some expensive procedures done, Aetna didn't support me, the patient. I will continue to recommend to my employer that it drop Aetna. For a company that reported more than $1.7 billion dollars in net income last year, it's appalling. Aetna clearly cares more about making money than it's customers.

2 years ago

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Sally Smith

I am a current customer and I am beyond frustrated with this insurance company. I always have to call customer service to get my medicine approved even though my doctor said it is medically necessary for me to have the medicine. Atena also took 10 days to preauthorize my MRI & now they are denying my surgery stating its not necessary. Currently I can't sit for more than 10 mins, I cant walk far and I have a Limp, and I can't sleep through the night because my back and knee is hurting that bad. I guess this insurance company would rather I become crippled and have to pay for insurance claims the rest of my life instead of approving my back surgery. What ever happened to Quality of Life ?

3 years ago

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Denisse Furstenau Denver, CO

I would NEVER recommend this Medicare insurance. My sister was in the hospital for 83 days with renal failure Drs finally recommended an LTAC ( step down) denied. Ended up back in ICU Attempted multiple times to get skilled care.. denied Ended up fracturing a hip I hold them indirectly responsible due to the denial of PT/OT in a skilled facility After 83 days of hospitalization and a hip fracture and dialysis 3 X a week she has been in a skilled facility 1 week today, they are now denying further coverage. She is so weak and fragile from the lengthy hospital stay, dialysis and hip fracture it seems insane to deny PT/OT for strength and balance. In the process of appeal. I have been her POA for health care and am fatigued from the fight with insurance. When you really need them they will deny. Many Case Managers and Drs have informed me that they are the worst to work with. Please stay away from Aetna. My husband and mother both had strokes and were provided skilled care without hesitation. This insurance company holds no value on the life of a human They are all about profit. I am trying to warn as many as possible. I am a retired RN. I could go on but I will spare you. This has been a fight for her life, with every step and there is no end in sight. Please avoid Aetna, they will deny you when you need them the most! I would rate them lower if possible

3 years ago

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Ben Martinsburg, WV

Researched for months before choosing either a supplemental or advantage plan. So far this is the worst plan I have ever had. Everything is OUT OF POCKET. Drugs aren't being paid, office visits not being paid. All my expenses are going to out of pocket, deductibles, etc. I would be better of paying a monthly premium and going with a supplemental plan. STAY AWAY FROM AETNA!

3 years ago

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Cristina Enne Hempstead, NY

I had a problem with my insurance and Anjell from Aetna helped me to resolve my issues. She was amazing and very careful. Thank you so much Anjell, 5 stars for her.

3 years ago

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GM Austin, TX

My first negative experience with Aetna came when I needed to change my cholesterol medication because it was causing leg pains. They would not authorize the alternative prescribed by my doctor and so I have had to live with the leg pains. My worse experience came because I need surgery for BPH. There is a new treatment called water jet ablation that has been around for several years and which has shown very effective results. They refuse to cover that treatment and insist on the much older TURP procedure which carries a 95% chance of permanent sexual dysfunction and a high risk of incontinence. They hide behind a insurmountable wall of bureaucracy, and think they know better than the doctors or the patients what is in the patient's best interest. Their premiums are very expensive, and for what ? Second rate coverage and a complete lack of compassion or caring for the patients.

3 years ago

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hsm West Jordan, UT

I could not justify a two-star review. My husband has had Aetna with various companies over the decades (medical, dental, and vision). I have very little regard for Aetna for health, vision, or dental. It all stinks. Who are they kidding? If only the big companies who try to save money using Aetna would just see they are getting really lousy service for their employees, maybe it would bring about change. Among my reasons for a poor review: lousy network and lousy costs coverage. Aetna says they save us so much money on the premium vision plan, but it is entirely dependent upon premium prices to begin with. I much rather prefer VSP. I can't dislike Aetna enough. Big companies - stop thinking you are providing a great plan for your employees! Additionally, Aetna's slow transition into the 21st century astounds me. Their website is clunky and unintuitive! Even years later, there is very little progress. For example, on my search, if I search using a zip code, shouldn't it default to the nearest being within the zip code first?! Is this the 90's? How do they even exist? Is there really any competition, else why would a company choose Aetna?!

3 years ago

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Kevin McPherson Willard, OH

I've been trying to get reimbursed for a dental procedure for months, first they sent the check to the wrong address, ok I was patient, next I was told that I would get the check reissued and it would be 14 days, I've talked to 3 different employees telling me the check would arrive in 14 day's, that was 6 weeks ago, no check, I called and the last employee in formed that the check for my dental work was being processed and to give them an additional 21 days, in the meantime I have payments to make to the finance company that gave me the loan for my dental work .this is all quite inexcusable , yhis is the worst insurance company i have ever had the displeasure if dealing with, i know they are owned by c.v.s pharmaceutical, I will be complain to their corporate headquarters if I don't get the reimbursement soon !

3 years ago

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Frank K Niles, IL

Aetns took over Silverscript Drug Prescription Plan. Both my husbanf and myself have the same PDP. We received 2 invoices in January and paid with 1 check. Now, I received a letter that I eoll be disenrolled for non-payment of premium. What? My husband called and said hr psid. Thr person from India, Niel, a womsn said the check was not posted yet; that he should keep calling back every week to check. I called the bank and it was posted 2 days ago. I called and sokr to Jam from India and she went over both accounts and said the 1 check paid 2 months on my husbamd and none on myself. Shr said one check is allowed per account. 1 check cannot pay 2 PDP's. I was outraged as I worked for Bankers Life and Blue Cross anf one check could be applied for multiple insurance policies. I then had to pay another month to mskr up for the deficit. No one called to tell us this and the 1st rep lied about the check not being posted. Onr phone call or letter would have prevented thid. Considering cancelling both policies.

3 years ago

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Alexandra Lefevre Beverly Hills, CA

If only I could give less than one star...they will do everything in their power not to cover your medical bills. Had a skin cancer during COVID. First time I showed up for the surgery, I had a fever and had to get tested for COVID. I finally got the surgery after my surgeon had asked a pre-authorization to Aetna. It has been months and they have been denying every single one of my claims, because the Physician who saw me for the COVID test supposedly has not provided them with medical records and "it's all related to the same condition" according to them. Well...not exactly. Cancer has nothing to do with COVID. They are also saying that my surgeon did not obtain pre-authorization for the surgery. I guess with this insurance, you are supposed to stay with cancer for as long as your insurance will deem acceptable...until they finally wake up and decide to give you authorization, or not. Pretty unacceptable. Already got another insurance and I would never recommend them

3 years ago

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Donald Miller Liberty, KY

Sent a shifty insurance agent to my mother's home where I was convalescing from a head-on collision on my motor cycle with a car whose driver had Aetna Insurance. The agent who visited me told me it was not her fault, but because they're nice people, they would repair my cycle and pay my medical bills. I mentioned the clothes torn up in the accident as well as having to be adjusted to fit over my injuries. They would pay for that too I was told. Then I mentioned I would be unable to go back to work (I was working the summer between my freshman and sophomore year) and the man agreed to pay my lost wages. Being high on pain killers, I was not able to reason clearly so when I ran out of ideas, he had me sign the papers, I signed away my rights. I was unable to return to the judo team and have had problems with my leg over the years. Accident happened July 28, 1968. Unscrupulous, cheating company and I would never consider using their services.

4 years ago

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BCS Algonquin, IL

I highly do not recommend this insurance provider. As a business owner, I have been waiting since January 30th, 2020 for this company to signed the other half of the contract. Everytime I call and ask why I have not received a signed contract or in network with them, they give me all types of excuses. I have called over 10 times and each time I get the run around game. Its exhausting! I will continue to advocate for my clients. Out clients are depending on us for counseling services and this company does not even care. So, I will encourage all of our clients to leave this insurance provider and find another insurance provider. No person or company should have to beg or plead or get treated this way. We did everything we were suppose to do, and still they continue to mislead and disrupt our services and the lives of others. Shame!

4 years ago

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Rachel Baker Redwood City, CA

DO NOT CHOSE AETNA! They advertise one thing, but lie. I had a health concern, but didn’t really now my benefits so I called the Aetna health concierge. She told me my visit would be FREE, no cost to me (this call was recorded) and gave me 3 locations I could go for this visit. I went to the first one. Turns out I was given wrong information and 2 months later I’m left a $1350 bill!! I called to dispute it, they were able to pull the recorded conversation and confirm I was told the visit would be free. They tried to point fingers at anyone else but themselves. They said I should know my plan better?!?! That’s why I called the Aetna health concierge!! They are impossible to get into contact, wait on hold, calls get dropped, “well call you back” never happens, “I’m working my hardest on this” nothing happens for weeks”.

4 years ago

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A Santos Lenexa, KS

I have the misfortune of being stuck with Aetna as my health insurance provider. Before I went in for my foot surgery, I called them to verify that the four different surgical procedures that are going to be done on my foot are covered under my health insurance plan with them. They said yes. I felt silly for asking, but I also queried whether there will be problems with me having all four different surgical procedures done in one operation. They said there will be no problems. After I had the surgery, Aetna said that they will cover only the first surgical procedure, and they consider the three other surgical procedures as part of the first one, so they are not paying for those. I have appealed, and they continued to say that the will not cover the three other surgical procedures. I could have had the four different surgical procedures in four different operations, with four operations costing $100,000, or I could have had the four different surgical procedures in one operation, with the operation costing $20,000. I went with the latter, and I get the shaft because of it.

4 years ago

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Harry Keyworth Salt Lake City, UT

Review of prescription coverage for Aetna Coventry ...I'd give Aetna "0" if that were an option. I had a mail order prescription with 6 future approved refills - and placed an order at the final use of that first prescription. Order taken and nothing delivered. Called after two weeks of nothing ...only to be told the Dr. prescribing the prescription did not respond to Aetna's unneeded inquiry - which Dr's office denied. Requested Dr.'s office to regenerate mail order prescription - still no delivery. Upon calling Aetna a third time, they wanted ANOTHER confirmation from Dr - which was again provided. By this time I'm out of my heart medication and subject to stroke. Dr. office agreed to an emergency supply and called local pharmacy - which claim was denied because mail order process had been initiated. After two attempts with pharmacy and Aetna - Aetna would NOT override full payment required with plan's coverage as "Aetna's mail order was not the cause of the delay!" I'm still without medication 5 weeks after previous subscription expired. Throughout this trail, Aetna's representatives were nice but unable or not empowered to assist me as the customer ...and they would not submit the request to a higher authority because the higher authority had already ruled on the issue. I would NEVER recommend subscribing to Aetna Coventry. This is not the first, nor only prescription Aetna has fouled up the delivery. It's not worth the hassle to work with this kind of callous incompetency.

4 years ago

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Cindy Schexnider East Olympia, WA

It is open season for many people to be shopping for health insurance. Buyer Beware! We have had the same negative experience with Aetna as I have noticed others on here have, especially when it comes to a major medical cost, and isn't that the purpose of health insurance? They have been denying and stalling a necessary surgery for my husband. Their denials are weak and blatantly wrong, saying he doesn't meet all their guidelines when his Doctors and us can check off every requirement on their check list. Like others have said, they say you can appeal or pursue a civil action. Really? We need a lawyer to get them to pay medical bills? What is their insurance for? Our Doctors and us are completely frustrated and worried for my husband's future. We are confident they are responsible to pay. And we believe they know that as well, but they are pulling every string to stall which could mean permanent disability for my husband if he can't get this surgery soon, potentially even wheel chair bound. This is criminal behavior and we are in the process of filing a complaint with our State Insurance Commissioner. Getting your health insurance to pay what they promise to shouldn't be this painful. Health issues are hard enough without this fight!

4 years ago

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Stacy Flourtown, PA

I received a bill from my doctor for the bloodwork I had done for my annual physical. When I called Aetna, they told me it was denied because I didn't have the bloodwork done in the required 7 day period. I went 10 days after my physical appointment because I already had a scheduled mammogram at the same place and didn't want to miss more work. I explained that I was never informed that the bloodwork had to be within 7 days of the appointment as I have never had Aetna before and asked for an appeal because they could see I did both on the same day. I then asked for them to send me where it is written in my policy that I had to have the bloodwork done within the 7 days. I was then informed that it is not written in my policy. The 7 day rule is an internal rule. I asked for an explanation of how they can penalize a customer when the customer has no idea of this policy. I even called my doctor's office and they have never heard of this before. I am currently in appeal about this but feel something should be done about an insurance company basically scamming it's customers. If you are going to deny my claim because you say I didn't follow the rules, then you should be telling me the rules!

4 years ago

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Toni Meadville, PA

Just as others have stated if I could give them a 0 rating that’s what they would get from me. I was in extreme pain with a neck injury and all the doctors said I needed surgery and they said that they didn’t feel that it was - even after review, they said muscle spasms were not a reason for surgery MUSCLE SPASMS???? What I had was way worse. As soon as I could I changed to UPMC they didn’t blink an eye no argument they paid for it. The doctor told me that he didn’t understand how Aetna could get away with denying a surgery that I needed so badly - a three level neck fusion- and now I am scared for my husband who has recently been diagnosed with cancer . I worry that they won’t approve his treatment . I have no use for Aetna and we have been forced back to them by employers. I worry every day now about medical issues because Aetna is fine with the small stuff but something big happens and they refuse to pay . They disgust me.

5 years ago

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Rebekah Lynchburg, VA

I have been with them through my employment for over 12 years. I am in general happy with them. However of late, the prescriptions have been a problem. Getting paid and approved. I also am not happy that lab work is done through a 3rd party - Lab corp that I now have to pay.

5 years ago

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John San Diego, CA

I have orders that are in pending stages for days, and sometimes well over a week. These are orders that are flagged with messages like "we are checking inventory to see if we can fill your refill". How vague is that? This was 5 days after the order was placed. In the meantime, for some refill orders, you get random voicemails to call them back, and when you do, they dont need anything from you. Then you have some orders that just dont get processed. Nothing. You log in to check on the status of an order from 2-3 weeks prior and it shows cancelled. You call, and they give you some excuse like the credit card couldnt be processed (it could) or most commonly, they need to update the verification from the doctor (which the doctor's offices just shake their head at). Aetna is a joke, their processes and customer UI are absolutely horrible.

5 years ago

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Sandi St Louis, MO

Only gave Aetna star because you give less. My experience with Aetna is that Aetna is the absolute worst insurance that I’ve ever had ,and I’m 60. I can’t get an MRI 3 times now in the last 3-4 years when 2 different doctors have asked for it (different things wrong) and they refuse to pay any on a medication i was prescribed, and I bought my cpap supplies on line at amazon cheaper than I could get them though Aetna. Extremely the worst insurance out there .But the company I work for got Aetna because they got a good deal , they don’t care what we got to deal with because by law they have to offer us insurance so they got the cheapest one they could fine . Cheap for them ,terrible for us .

5 years ago

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Lindsay Monroe, GA

I was scheduled to have surgery on my cervical spine after doing everything else to help with the pain like physical therapy and taking years of pain pills and muscle relaxants. My right arm stays tingly, so it's now affecting my nerves and dangerous when I drive cause I have limited motion in my neck, however they denied my claim the day before surgery (after I already paid the doctor portion and did my pre op), I had everything arranged through my work and other people on taking care of me during the recovery time. The insurance knew 3 weeks prior to surgery, but chose to wait the day before. I'm trying to avoid a life on pain pills and pain. The insurance has no problem taking my money, so I'm covered, but refuses to use money to help make me better. Terrible insurance!!

5 years ago

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Chris Ziebarth Marysville, WA

I'm not sure how people can call this a good insurance plan. I am paying 45-55% out of pocket and can't afford to go to the Dr. anymore. They also taut their website as being the best, but I have a huge problem finding the right providers. I am searching for a provider, they don't exist. I try to find a hospital, I don't know how to spell the name, and if I search for it another way it comes up as #1 result (spelled the exact way I did ????) Then I try to use the filter which does nothing to the search. I tried by distance, returns are random, I tried by affiliation, results are random even though I am looking for Dr. in the hospital I chose. Then I said, ok I can narrow it by female vs male doctors and the results are both male and female doctors. How can a national company screw something like that up? I will switch ASAP and never look back. My family is suffering because we can't get simple care due to the cost of coverage. I pay $1000 out of pocket and my work pays an extra $800 and I pay 45-55% of the bills and my family limit is $9000 a year before they cover it all? How is that a good insurance plan? Some of the 5* comments are extremely general and repetitive. I expect paid for or bot written. Read the less than stellar reviews and you get a better picture.

5 years ago

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Kelly Westminster, CO

I was picking up my prescription when the Pharmacist told me that she couldn't fill it due to Aetna's abrupt (without any notice!) change in the way they cover prescriptions. She gave me a piece of paper from Aetna saying that I could get my prescription mailed, or go to CVS to get it filled. Since I was standing at Safeway, where I've filled the same prescription for the past 10+ years, I had to waste my time calling them to 'opt out' of their new way of wanting me to get my prescription filled. I had to waste at least 20 minutes of my time to ensure I could continue doing the same thing I've been doing. I'm paying premiums to this company to be inconvenienced?? Really?? Really, really not impressed!!!!

5 years ago