With technology booming and companies growing, identity theft is unavoidably on the rise as well. Including malicious hacking, careless companies, and sub-par security standards being used, people are now in more danger than ever before in terms of facing identity theft and fraud. This article portrays an overview of the effects of careless mistakes and major issues that have been arising throughout 2013 in a basic infographic form to notify and warn the public of what problems they may face and what preventative measures should be taken.
Statistics play a major role in understanding identity theft, fraud, and the effects of data breaches. The information allows companies, individuals, and national groups to understand where major issues are growing or decreasing. Such information allows these groups or individuals to focus their efforts on areas that need more work and understanding while also providing an assurance on whether or not past actions have created improvements or not. Constant updates on data are needed to keep up with the overflow of issues arising on a daily basis.
Here is a Jackson Hewitt statistical graphic depicting the various issues of identity theft and preventative measures which should be taken. Data covers the number of people effected, fraudulent claims, tax thefts, complaints, and more. Preventative measures include a list of tips that would help the typical American when facing this type of danger.
This report shows the effects of identity theft for individuals and households, while depicting the specific financial and time loss issues faced by these effected people. It is covered by several graphs and charts to give readers a visual understanding of statistical data and the importance of information being shared.
This is a chart of statistics regarding the effects of identity theft on victims, the methods used, expenses, and recovery issues. Issues are separated into various subcategories to explain the information while depicting specific data to show changes and updates that are crucial to understanding identity theft and its effects.
This site maintains a record of the number of breaches, percent increases, locations, and main culprits of identity theft attacks. It explains that there has ben a 30% increase in the number of attacks reported in comparison to the previous year. It then goes on to explain where these attacks are reported from.
This column contains data regarding fraud rates, stolen money declined, online fraud, and various breaches. It shows that fraud has grown 44% while financial loss exceeds $18 billion. With these dramatic increases, data is used to amplify the idea that precautions need to be taken in order to deflate such major issues.
This is a blog specifying the use and rise of mobile devices which in turn in increasing the number of mobile identity theft cases. It explains that mobile devices are being used increasingly every day for daily tasks and the number is expected to double within a year. This means that users must be extremely cautious when using the device and need to take specific precautionary measures to maintain their anonymity.
This is an excerpt explaining the statistical effects of identity fraud and how they are detected. It shows data claiming that over 13 million Americans faced fraud in 2012 alone. Data breaches continue to play a major role in fraud cases and as such they offer tips on how to avoid situations, which may turn you into a victim.
This is a visual resource depicting complaints, cyber security survey results, and types of identity theft. It claims that identity theft has been the number one security complaint for over 11 years and though many measures are being taken, there is much more work to do. Individuals need to make many more changes in order to stay safe.
Though many identity theft issues arise from physical paperwork and mail, the online world is known for leaving ital. trail of information about users. This leads to many problems regarding data breaches, trailed digital footprints, and stolen information. With hacking on the rise, people are constantly at risk when using online resources, shopping, and providing digital information about themselves. As such, the following resources provide a list of precautionary measures to be taken, and places to avoid in the digital world.
This is a source that provides tips to protecting user identity including password tips, cautionary sharing measures, and scams to look out for. The site offers a list of passwords that are often used, ways to find reliable identity theft security companies, and several tips on what types of scams are most prevalent.
This is a publication depicting where scams originate, hotspots, complaints, and dollar amounts lost to those who fall victim of scamming. Several types of scams are reported including fraud, spam, credit card fraud, and computer crimes. Internet schemes depicted include phishing, investment fraud, and debt elimination schemes. Lastly are preventative measures shown to avoid all of these problems.
This site provides the ultimate guide to staying safe on public WiFi. The site shows that the majority of people who use public WiFi chose to do so because of the fact that it is free. However, surfing the web can be dangerous and can give hackers free access to personal information from social media, online banking, or other personal venues. The site therefore provides three basic tips to keeping users safe while using these free hotspots.
This Symantec site teaches about identity theft risk and tips about how to a avoid being the next victim. It provides information on WiFi issues, credit card scams, email phishing schemes, password issues, and tax scams. It continues by reporting which states have the most problems with identity theft and which sites put users into danger.
This VB security news excerpt helps users to prevent digital chaos by showing who hackers are and what they intend to do with the information. It then offers aid and tips in how to avoid the issues by having strong passwords, lying on personal questions, and providing fake information that will not get you caught in a web of trouble.
This McAfee poster shows that many websites are asking for too much personal information, which makes it easier for hackers to steal identities from online users. It teaches that people need to be careful about what information they allow people to see, who they connect with, and what types of things they buy online.
This infographic pokes fun at how foolish people can be when providing information online as an attempt to make people think twice about the information they share and ask for while online. It shows that websites and emails are not as reliable as many people would think and therefore users need to be careful when opening unknown information and making personal information public.
This Huffington Post article shows that the internet keeps more information public than people think. It reports how easy it is for people to steal user identities with the basic information such as name, date of birth, address, and mother's maiden name. If they receive more vital information then hacking just becomes easier. Therefore, users must keep this type of information private or use fake information when online.
Social Media has grown in popularity among both the old and young online. It is a place where people can interact and have digital social contact. However, with the rise in social media, many hackers and people with malicious intent have had free reign over individuals who willingly give up information and personal data. As such, these websites have become a breeding ground for illegal and fraudulent activities, as these next few articles will reveal to a greater extent.
This detailed graphic provides visual updates and changes that help individuals understand what social media is, how it works, what changes have ben made over time, and what types of information people freely give up to hackers. It backtracks through ten years of information and shows how social media has revolutionized the digital world.
This McAfee sponsored blog depicts how seniors and elderly people are trying to connect more often online, but they are much more trusting than the younger generations when providing personal data, which makes them more vulnerable to attacks and fraud. It provides bothersome data which shows the elderly are at a much higher risk due to certain activities and information they use.
This shows how people should rarely trust online companies and people who ask for information. It is saying that people want to know what information is being used or taken from their online activity, and yet at the same time individuals have less and less control over what is being taken and use online.
This article claims that certain states put you at more risk when using social media. It claims that California, Georgia, and Florida are the highest risk states. It shows how identity thieves steal information from social media and what measures could help you to prevent identity theft.
With identity theft on the rise, many more people are interested in how to prevent the problem from occurring to them. There are several people who do not know even the basics of how to protect their identity, or why people would want to steal their information in the first place. It is because of these types of interest that several companies and groups have created images with the specific intent of educating the public with tips and tricks in precautionary measures as will be shown in the next few articles.
This excerpt shows preventative measures, which can be taken to stop hacking. It shows a hacking checklist, methods of entry, websites, detection, and defenses. It offers information on how to see hacking before it happens and how to stop it from happening to individuals or people with computing devices.
When something physically is taken or lost, there are several steps that can be taken to prevent identity theft as this site shows. This excerpt provides a step-by-step process to go through to secure information and report it to the proper authorities before anyone can o more damage.
This visual piece depicts the 8 surprisingly dangerous items any people keep in their wallets. Items include social security cards, password cheat sheets, keys, checks, passport, multiple credit cards, receipts, and birth certificates. As such, one in ten Americans face identity theft. The list merges then into preventative tips.
This Pinterest photo shows why college students are at a higher risk for identity theft. This may include having grades posted by social security numbers, applying for credit cards, or other factors. However, overall, there are many tips and tricks to the trade when it comes to keeping college students safe from identity theft.
This image shows how there are various privacy threats in various areas where people commonly surf the internet. This may include home access sites, free WiFi locations, work computers and adware threats. After viewing each of these privacy threats, the image continues to report small and simple ways in which people can prevent security issues that could lead to identity theft.
This site shows that there are several places in which malicious hackers intend to find personal information that they can use to steal identities. Some of these sites include social media and public sites. It depicts the problem that identity theft is outpacing the regulations which are meant to protect the public. As this is a major issue, the site then focuses on the issue of educating people about how to prevent fraud and how to use the internet safely.
This guide is a step-by-step process which is meant to aid individuals in preventing identity theft. It states that users must not over share, they must use secure passwords, and they must limit their fingerprint both in the digital and physical world where people can gain access to information.
Along with tips and Tricks, individuals are in desperate need to understand how information can be stolen, and what the purpose of data breaches really is. These articles attempt to show how easy it is to steal information when people are lazy in terms of precautionary measures as well as when they search the internet for concealed or freely given information. As long as people understand that hackers with malicious intent are actively searching to steal identities, then they may be more likely to take caution when dealing with personal information.
This site intends to inform readers about who is stealing information ad what they intend to do with the information they have taken. It depicts perpetrators, the rise of identity theft crimes, the misuse of information and how people intend to fight back against these hackers to stop their malicious work.
This Pinterest picture shows what fraudulent individuals intend to do with information they steal. It includes showing how they steal information, sell it to the highest bidder, create fraud issues, and convert their work into cash while issues continue to arise for the victims. It is a simple process that causes major problems for victims.
This comic takes a more creative approach to educating people on how hackers and thieves get personal information and how they use it to cause chaos for victims. The comic shows several different, yet simple, scenarios in which information is stolen. Though using an artistic approach, the comic shows real-life issues with major problems that could arise.
This Pinterest picture shows how data breaches are much more prevalent during times when people are using credit cards and personal information online more, such as in seasonal shopping. The picture continues to explain the threat action types, the number of data breaches that occurred at intervals of time, and the most targeted groups.
This column shows the user data breaches due to no two-factor authentication. It shows the most common passwords, sites that have had the most users, which can cause high numbers of identity theft, and much more. It warns people to be more cautious if they want to avoid becoming the next headline.
This photo shows the ten worst passwords of 2013. It shows that a large scale of individuals are not taking the time to create passwords that are harder to guess or figure out and therefore hackers are being given a free pass into personal information sites and vital records.
In looking at identity theft and major breaches, it is much easier to understand the effects on customers and people when the data is categorized to address a specific audience. This may include medical breaches, state statistics, or even information about certain companies or groups. The following sites provide such reports for people with specific interests to get the information needed.
This site provides information on hundreds of companies who have had losses o over 30,000 records. Researchers can click on any one company to receive information on information lost and details about the company in itself. This way, victims can find specific information for their needs.
This Security Watch article shows the amount of Americans who face identity theft each year. It details specific threats to each state and which states have the most identity theft cases reported. It shows risks people have in each state and what can be one to avoid issues.
As shown in this article, medical identity theft affects all states in America, but this image rates the states from best to worst. It claims Iowa is the best in keeping medical records safe while California is the worst. It also shows that personal expenses due to identity theft exceed $22,000 for victims.
This image shows that inaccurate patient identification information is costing both the public and healthcare funds. It shows that 1.5 million Americans are facing identity theft each year and because of that many people are using those identities to create false medical records. Medical theft is the fastest growing form of identity theft in the nation and it is also causing health fraud, which in turn is costing huge amounts of money to companies and the public.
This snapshot shows the number of confirmed breaches since 2009 up until present day. It names three major forms of breaches and shows devices that have the most security issues. After al of that information, it gives ten quick tips for safety precautions that anyone can use to stay safe.
Two of the weightiest issues when it comes to identity theft are those regarding credit cards and tax season issues because these types of threats involve vital information used such as social security number and financial information. When a hacker gets into vital information such as this, they can create fraudulent charges that will financially drain you and make future financial investments harder to reach, as these next few articles will define.
This seasonal poster shows a list of annual scams the IRS has found that peaks during tax season. This includes doubles of information like w-2ʻs, bogus websites, and phishing scams. It also shows how thieves find and steal information. Then it continues on with tips on how to be seasonally safe to avoid scams and guarantee your money is sent to the right person. Otherwise, it explains how to report issues to the IRS.
This Pinterest image shows the number of tax returns made, the number of identity theft issues reported, and the amount lost in fraudulent cases, along with other information. It reports on about the IRS annual scam list and basic things you should and should not be doing with paperwork and vital information which becomes available during the tax season.
This seasonal poster shows individuals how to enjoy the holidays while keeping their identity in tact. It shows how important the shopping season is for the economy and how many people will be spending money during this season. As a result it shows how to be cautious when shopping and enjoying the season.
This article shows the 5 greatest heists in credit card history. It shows the TJX heist, Citibank heist, Western hotel Heist, -11 heist, and the card system heist. It gives information on who victims were and the extent of the damage. It is meant to show people how much damage can be done when malicious individuals gain credit card information because they can make purchases which have huge financial costs to the victims.
This post shows how the IRS is failing to keep up with the identity theft crisis in America, which causes a huge burden for victims. They cannot keep up with the constant demand and issues arising. They have created over 21 groups to deal with issues but it takes a minimum of 6 months to start the process and it costs thousands of dollars, which shows that identity theft is a major problem being faced today.
Though many identity theft images can be categorized, there are several important images which address various issues that face Americans today and these images will be described hereafter. These include child identification problems, facts about identity theft, various company informational excerpts, and much more. Though small, these images show a major impact identity theft has on Americans today.
This image shows how important a child's identity is, and how detrimental it can be if a hacker steals their identity at a young age. It shows laws that put parents in charge of keeping identities safe and the problems they face if something goes wrong. It also show that there is a pull between reporting the issues and dealing with it alone due to the laws that cause people to think twice before asking for help.
This image shows that children are at a much higher risk for identity theft than adults. It shows the number of reports being filed yearly, and the financial effect that it has on families. With this shown, it then reports on warning signs and quick tips parents may want to know to keep their children safe from identity theft.
This image warns that children are being put at risk when institutions such as schools gain access to Social Security Numbers. Many schools have sub-par security standards and use SSN that can be stolen easily by hackers. Also, institutions may keep vital information indefinitely which means that even when an individual grows up, they are still at risk of losing vital information.
This article is meant to inform readers on what identity theft really is. It explains where the highest dangers are, who is at risk, and depicts other statistical information that explains who is victimized and why. Information like this can be used to inform readers on basic information wherein they can research further to find specific help and details which thy find to be true or interesting.
This article breaks down information about data breaches and identity theft to make it easier to comprehend. It shows how many breaches there were in a specified year and how that breaks down on a daily basis. It continues to use this information to give recommendations on what is safest and what breaches may mean for victims.
This list aims to inform readers about the five signs that they have had their identity stolen. It explains that there may be lost mail, calls about unknown loans, credit or bank errors, credit report problems, and medical records that show problems you do not have. All of these signs can inform a person that they are already at risk so by noticing these issues, people can get a hold of their identity before someone else causes irreversible damages.
This image shows that date breaches are happening more often as time continues. It shows the number of breaches on a daily basis and depicts that many breaches are being found through malware, stolen computers, and software malfunctions. Different industries are being hit at various levels, but the major problem is that all of the breaches are increasing in number and in magnitude.
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