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Freedom Forever Reviews

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Mystic Zealot Houston, TX

Future Customers BEWARE: A system was sold way below the amount of generation I would need to completely offset my energy usage. Sales rep designed a 16,000kWH annual system when my annual usage for my home would far exceed 23,000kWH. @ 24cents per kWH, this would be nearly a 33% increase annually on my power bill. The result of this would lead to a higher electricity bill from the electricity company and would never yield net metering credits in any sustainable way. Eventually you would be paying the same price for electricity as you originally were, but are now "locked in" for 25 years. Fortunately I was able to cancel with the financing company very quickly (within the predatory 3-day cancellation clause). Canceling my purchase with Freedom Forever was not simple. Freedom Forever's "Contact us" number does not work (We're sorry this number is not in service) so you cannot speak with a representative of their company, and the dealer who sold you solar ignores your messages as Freedom Solar's contract ALSO has a 3-day cancellation clause in it. This required me to send a 100$ TELEGRAM yes telegram to their corporate office listed in the contract overnight to satisfy the 3-day cancellation clause on both contracts. Citizens are all looking for ways to limit our impact with potentially greener methods of energy that improve the life around us. This company does NOT reflect the values they claim to support with these predatory solar systems. Is it so hard to lay out facts on solar generation and make both parties contribute to a greener tomorrow? Solar (as we all know) literally sells itself, and yet you still proceed down that path of darkness for society, quite shameful. I'd say do better, but with 244 poor customer reviews its clear that this is by design from the top down. Fortunately deciding to do some late night reading and calculations at 3:00am revealed what I had signed up for. In the end I paid 100$ to get sold a exit scam. Very Shameful.

2 years ago

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Pamela Brown Fullerton, CA

DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY!!!!! find anyone else! I have been fighting with them since December of 2019. The reps lie, dont trust anything they say. They word it so you assume the warranty is good. It is NOT! Sent to me today by their escalations specialist at 1:06Pm and it sums everything up perfectly! Article 6- No savings guarantee 6.1 No savings guarantee. freedom forever has not guaranteed, promised or otherwise represented any reduction in electricity costs in relation to the system that will be installed on the property, and further provides no warranty or guaranty with respect to any cost savings from use of the system. My story started like many others, the reps dont work for them they are contracted so hold no liability. Then when you lodge a complaint, they tell you that you have to wait 1 year to see true production. Turns out this is so you lose the ability to have any recourse. I just want it removed from my home and cancel the contract- they of course will not do that. I am now paying $169 a month roughly in electric and another $100 plus a month for the solar that does nothing. You do not save "tokens" from the daytime and it is sent back to the electric company. Most days, my solar is not even running correctly to use for daytime use. When the power goes out from the electric company so does my home. Solar does not keep it running! Please be careful with them. If you choose to do like me and ignore the complaints on yelp or any other source, atleast have a lawyer look over the contract. You will get screwed with this company!

2 years ago

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Willard Henderson Copperas Cove, TX

Where should I start... Some time in the early part of April 2021 I signed up with Freedom Forever through a company under them named Sunder Energy one of the owners was assigned as my Ref/support guy Sterling G I've seen him once and talked to him on the phone two times and sent text &emails number of times but it was the same old story, he was in a meeting and would call me back later, never herd back from him. In the middle of June 2021 I finally got my call that they were ready to install the solar system and it only takes a few days to complete. I already had 28 panels at 50% and was going to set up a 100% system and lessen the bill with the power company as much as possible. I live in Texas you'll have a bill. Anyways It was competed in two weeks they had to order a part. I was informed that it would be about a week for the inspection to be completed by the power company( Oncor )and then I would be developing my owe power. Well its now 26 Oct 2021 and its still not on. My Bill with just 28 panels was at $150 to 180 a month plus $288.00 for the first set of panels and now I am back at $250.00 a mouth before any panels and Plus $288.00 for the set, $90.60 it will soon rise to $113.00 that's about $628.60 a month for power. They did say that they would pay for the loan payment but the way I see it there not even close, I sent them the bill but no word yet so will see. So Bottom line is Do Not Just Look at a few look Check them all out in your area if your going to solar-powered Because if you don't pay in full you will pay up to 20 years just like a mortgage and in this area for solar systems loan company is Mosaic solar loan company and THATS ANOTHER STORY. I am cutting this short because I don't think there is more room because I could go on an on about this Solar Company. Willard H

2 years ago

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Clement Bourg Elizabeth, CO

LIES INCOMPETENCE POOR TREATMENT I have never seen a company more incompetent and lie so much and then treat the customer as if all the issues were their fault. I signed my contract October 27, 2020. As of today October 8, 2021 (YES ALMOST A FULL YEAR LATER) I do not have a single panel installed nor are they moving to cancel the contract as stated multiple times by the sales rep Mike B. I was assured that at any time prior to panels being installed I could cancel the contract without issue. The first time I tried canceling the contract was maybe 10 months ago. Some woman from CA (I'm in CO) said that wasn't possible I had to cancel within 3 days of signing the contract. Whatever, they actually started to do something and I thought I would have an install soon. Nope. The next time I tried to cancel was maybe 3 months later. This time they put me in touch with Chris D from their customer retention department. That department alone should make you want to run far away from this company. Anyway he assured me things were moving and I would have an install soon. Nope. The next time I tried canceling I had a quote from another company for a larger system and $15k cheaper. They dropped their price $10k and said install was soon so I stuck it through. The next time I was going out of town for business and they claimed to have the contractor ready to come dig the trench needed for the job. The problem was NOBODY thought it necessary to mark my utility lines. The trench was to run across an existing electrical and propane line. This was compounded by the fact that my lines are considered private and 811 doesn't mark those so a private company had to do the work. Anyway I gave them a date range to get it done or I was finally done. My circumstances changed and I tried unsuccessfully at first to let Chris know. When I finally got ahold of him (what a chore that is) the trench was scheduled to be completed 3 weeks early. I thought finally we're getting somewhere. Nope. The trench was dug but NOBODY scheduled the inspection nor the panel installation. More than 2 weeks after the trench was dug I still had an open hazard in my yard. This time I called MOSAIC to cancel my loan because my emails and texts were being ignored. Also, this is what Chris told me to do before the trench was dug. I explained to them everything that had happened and their rep could only laugh with me at Freedom's incompetence. After that phone call I was hounded by both Mike and Chris both of them promising that they could do in TWO days what they couldn't do in the previous 11 months. It was too late. Life happens and now we need to sell our house and this is one hassle we don't need yet still fighting with because they REFUSE to admit their mistake and cancel the contract. During the hounding Chris is bullying me into proceeding by telling me I owe the company $8500 for the trench that was dug. Sorry pal, I've done construction a 45ft trench does not cost $8500. Besides if Freedom had done their job 12 months ago I wouldn't be sitting here writing this. If they did their job 9 months ago or 6 months ago or 3 months ago or even 3 weeks ago I would not be sitting here writing this. They failed every step of the way and refused to accept any blame putting it all back on me and then saying my wife wasn't professional when she told them to shove it. I think a mirror needs to be used. Did I mention that I’ve been paying on this system even though it’s not installed?!? I’m supposed to be reimbursed but that’s not happening either!!! Oh, and they’re not responding to the lender. DO NOT DO ANY BUSINESS WITH FREEDOM FOREVER!!!!

3 years ago

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No Stars! I have had my system for less than a year. They installed TWO (2) faulty inverters. We were told numerous times by the installers, promoter, and the NM supervisor, that Freedom Forever stands behind their equipment and that if we use any of our stored energy (power) due to their faulty equipment we would get reimbursed for our PNM utility charges. THAT WAS A LIE, THEY DO NOT HONOR THEIR '25-YEAR GUARANTEE. AND NOW WE ARE BEING GASLIGHTED BY THEIR CUSTOMER SERVICE SUPERVISORS. WISH WE WOULD HAVE LOOKED AROUND!!

1 year ago

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Ronaldo Diaz PA

Worst company I've ever dealt with. They are quick to sell you their products but once you sign the contract they offer little to no support whatsoever. Freedom forever damaged my home during installation 10 months ago and to this day they haven't repaired my home. To this very day they refuse to accept my phone calls. FREEDOM FOREVER IS A HORRIBLE COMPANY!!! I DON'T KNOW HOW THEY'RE EVEN ALLOWED TO DO BUSINESS. DO NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY OF THEIR PRODUCTS !!!

1 year ago

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Darren Moon Loma Linda, CA

signed my contract on March 15, 2022. To date (August 30, 2023) the system they installed has not passed final inspection. 17 months! You cannot contact them directly, they never return emails. I am on my 7th project manager (who actually text, but never return and answer to your question or concern. This is the worst experience I have ever had with a company I hired.

1 year ago

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Lupe Roybal Seguin, TX

Please do yourself a favor and educate yourself better than I. I have been with this company since August 2022, it is now August 2023 and my solar panels and power wall are still not operational... I am now paying for the solar panel loan and monthly electric bill. Please do not waste your time, or money with this sham of a company. Look elsewhere!

1 year ago

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Cindy G.B. Bakersfield, CA

DO NOT RECOMMEND. My experience with this company has been extremely negative. They have engaged in illegal activities and hired inexperienced contractors, leading to multiple failed roof inspections. Despite my attempts to address these issues, they have shown a complete lack of professionalism and have made no effort to resolve the situation. Even after seeking assistance from CSLB-Home, the problem remains unresolved due to their unscrupulous behavior - a behavior that cannot be tolerated.

1 year ago Edited August 4, 2023

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Tammy Trudelle Keller, TX

This has been one of the WORST experiences ever! It took them almost 2 months to finish the installation and the company lied multiple times blaming the city taking weeks to inspect and weeks but my city does inspections with a 48 hr or less turnaround...I know the inspectors and that’s for all inspections. Now, 6 months later, my system hasn't worked for 7+ weeks and they can't tell me when they will repair it as they are "waiting on a part." If you are looking to go solar, PLEASE DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY.

1 year ago

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rgtravis1 Mesa, AZ

In Arizona, over and over they prove that they are the Worst company to deal withlt with, their customer service is a joke and my system doesn't even come close to giving me the power output that I paid for, my 8KW system is only producing 6KW and they won't do anything to correct it. They told me to contact my sales rep, but he won't answer his phone or return my emails. Avoid this company, you won't get what you pay for. system has been down for a year. Told that I am not the only customer they have. They never installed the battery or regulator as promised. full of lies and excuses.

1 year ago

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Lonnie Chapman Dallas, TX

Worst company I have ever dealt with, their customer service is a joke and my system doesn't even come close to giving me the power output that I paid for, my 10.8KW system is only producing 7.6KW and they won't do anything to correct it. They told me to contact my sales rep, Aaron O, but he won't answer his phone or return my emails. Avoid this company, you won't get what you pay for.

1 year ago

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Claire Lawson Portland, OR

Was lied to by the salesman. Told Freedom Forever would pay at dollar one if the solar panels didn't provide the necessary electricity for my home. The installation was Nov 2019. First year true-up cost me over $300. That is nothing. Year 2 the true-up was over $800. For the past 4 months, the solar system is not recording data - system monitoring offline. I don't know if the system died, or just the software. I've called customer service 2x. Also submitted a work ticket. This company is not saving my any money. So sad I went with Freedom Forever.

2 years ago

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Anthony Nelson Mission, TX

If you want to pay two bills and have solar panels that are essentially paperweights for your roof then Freedom Forever is the way to go. I have been paying for my panels for nearly 3 months and they still are not functional. I continue to pay this company and my original light company. Every time I contact someone asking about the status of finally getting my solar panel working they essentially blame the electric company with no sense of urgency to find me a resolution. Waste of money and terrible customer service.

2 years ago


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David Lopez Jr AZ

I really didn’t enjoy working with Freedom Forever. To be completely honest, the sales person was a bit unprofessional with his friend that was with him to do the quote. I liked the rate, however, and continued through the process. I started the process on the 3rd of May and once I signed on, I had absolutely no progress to speak of. The sales guy Lawrence was not communicative at all, I checked the website and no updates. It was only until I was greeted by another solar company that had a more competitive rate that I canceled my project with Freedom. On the 26th. It was only then that “magically” the sales person was communicating and about progress. But no, I refused to work with a company that isn’t transparent or at least gives a small “hey sorry for the delay but…” I would not recommend this company at all.

2 years ago

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Kevin Tinley Park, IL

Sold us extra panels to offset ev charging. Paying more to Mosaic. Plus our usage is even more now. Our bill from ComEd remain the same. Plus paying for Mosaic. Our bill plus Mosaic end up paying $200 more a month in the next 25 years! Not worth it shifting to solar. Unsustainable

1 year ago

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samerritt1 Ashburn, VA

Made mistake dealing w/this company, lot of lip service with no action. Over 3 months waiting on Permission to Operate, and still waiting on having a loose panel needing to be reattached roof bracket, after contacting customer service numerous times.

1 year ago

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Kathy Howell Dallas, TX

Don’t do it with this company. They do not follow through. They have been paid for our project and now 5 months later we are making payments on our solar AND making electric payments. Still not operational. Wait times on hold are absolutely ridiculous. Probably with all of the dissatisfied customers.

1 year ago

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Kim Cord Reno, NV

Design and Installation problems. Took them 6 months to get system approval from NV Energy. Damaged my home during installation. Now they have reported the damage reimbursement to me as reportable income to the IRS! DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY. THEY ARE AWFUL! Customer service and responsiveness is the worst.

2 years ago