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Author: Kalicia Bateman

LAST UPDATED: April 14th, 2023

Slug-A-Bug has been offering services to homes and businesses in Brevard County since 1982. President Steve Lum and Vice President Michael Scott have worked hard to establish a quality team with a positive reputation in the pest control industry. Since it is a local business, it is able to offer specialized services to its customers. Slug-A-Bug offers pest, rodent, termite, and lawn control services on a year-round basis. 

This Slug-A-Bug review will explain the good, the bad, and the bottom line.

Top Ranked Companies


The Good

  • Free Pest Control Assessment 
  • Pest Control 
  • Rodent Control 
  • Termite Treatment
  • Lawn Care
  • Reviews

Free Pest Control Assessment

Residents of Florida deal with pests regularly. The subtropical climate offers pests good conditions in which they thrive. To ensure these pests stay out of your home, Slug-A-Bug offers a free assessment in which you will be given some treatment suggestions and bids. This is a great perk as it allows you to compare pricing and treatment suggestions with other pest control service providers. 

Pest Control 

If you decide to work with Slug-A-Bug as your pest control service provider, this is a brief overview of what its pest control services entail: 

  • Conduct a thorough inspection
  • Make sanitation recommendations
  • Find ways to keep pests from entering a home
  • Use mechanical and natural controls (clue boards or pheromones, etc.)
  • Recommend cultural controls
  • Use low-impact materials (more humane) 

Services typically are performed quarterly, but if there is a more pressing need, services for the following pests can be done more frequently: 

  • Ants 
  • Roaches
  • Fleas
  • Centipedes
  • Millipedes
  • Silverfish
  • Spiders
  • Earwigs
  • Pantry pests
  • Wasps (particularly nests that are easy to access)

Slug-A-Bug focuses on a number of common household pests. Details about each of these pests the their accompanying services are provided below: 

  • Ants — A number of ant species are commonly found in central Florida. Some include crazy ants, white footed ants, big headed ants, ghost ants, fire ants, and pharaoh ants. Slug-A-Bug technicians are trained to solve ant eradication problems.
  • Bee extermination — There are two main species of bees that you should be aware of if you live in Florida. This does not mean that the other species don’t matter, but these two are the most dangerous. Carpenter bees can slowly destroy your home by chewing through the wood over time. These bees carve tunnels in which they can lay their eggs year after year. They will commonly target soft, untreated wood for the construction of their nests. Africanized honey bee populations in Florida have been increasing rapidly over the past couple of years. These bees are aggressive and will chase you for up to a mile if they become agitated. They will focus their stinging on the neck and face in attempt to stop your breathing. Due to this aggressive behavior, they have been given the name “killer bees.” 
  • Wasp extermination — Common wasps that can be found in Florida include yellow jackets, bald-faced hornets, paper wasps, and mud daubers. These pests are known for stinging and can be dangerous. Slug-A-Bug employees are committed to protecting you and your family from these stings and are willing to safely take on the wasp control task. 
  • Fleas — Fleas commonly enter your home on your pets. They can cause acute allergic dermatitis which is seen as tiny red bumps on the skin. These spots will become itchy and can be uncomfortable. Slug-A-Bug technicians work to treat each stage of a flea’s life cycle to ensure that they do not bounce back. 
  • Cockroaches — If you have seen one cockroach in your home, it is likely that there are many more. These nocturnal pests hide in dark places and can often be found near water sources. When found in large populations, there is often a musty smell that accompanies them. They can live for up to a month without eating, making them very difficult to get rid of. Slug-A-Bug can help you rid your home of these pests. 

Rodent Control 

Florida is home to a number of different species of rodents that commonly find their way into home and other buildings. Some of the most common culprits include roof rats and mice. Not only do rodents cause damage when they chew through walls, insulation, electrical wires, and other things in your home, they also carry a host of diseases. To those who suffer from weak immune systems, they can be especially dangerous. 

Slug-A-Bug professionals look for eleven things when performing a comprehensive rodent inspection: 

  • Droppings
  • Tracks
  • Gnaw marks
  • Burrowing
  • Runways
  • Grease/rub marks
  • Urine stains
  • Live or dead rodents
  • Rodent sounds
  • Rodent odors
  • Nesting areas

The end goal with each inspection is to gather critical information to best understand the size of the populations and the routes that are being used by the rodents within the house.

Termite Treatment

Termites can cause a significant amount of damage to a home if not dealt with. Anything that touches the soil on the exterior of your home offers these pests a way in. This could include foundation cracks, plumbing/roofing leaks, faulty downspouts/gutters, rigid foam insulation, firewood, wooden steps, decks, and landscaping timbers. 

Slug-A-Bug state-licensed inspectors will conduct in-depth investigations of your property to identify the best treatment plan for your specific needs. All technicians are trained with the latest treatment techniques and have access to the most up-to-date equipment. All treatments are made with environmentally responsible materials. 

Slug-A-Bug technicians use a solution called Termidor. After this solution is applied, each termite that comes into contact with it will transfer it to other termites who in turn transfer it to the rest of the colony. Typically, this slow-acting treatment is able to eliminate a colony within three months. 

Lawn Care

Slug-A-Bug wants to keep your lawn thick, green, and bug-free year round. Typical lawn services are offered every two months to ensure that damaging insects and weeds are kept in check. If for any reason you have issues with your lawn or the service that has been provided, Slug-A-Bug technicians will return to your property before your next scheduled appointment to provide services free of charge. With more than 30 years experience, these lawn care professionals are able to tackle most any challenge. 


When looking for a pest control company, it is important to find one that has good reviews. Slug-A-Bug has good reviews from recent customers in which they mention being please with the following: 

  • Customer service
  • Going the extra mile
  • Timeliness
  • Professional demeanor 

The majority of online customer reviews for Slug-A-Bug are five-star reviews. 


The Bad

  • Limited Locations

Limited Locations

Though Slug-A-Bug offers a number of wonderful services, one of the challenges it faces is that it only offers services in Brevard County, Florida. Slug-A-Bug is not the right company for you if you do not live in or near Brevard County.


The Bottom Line

Slug-A-Bug offers a number of pest control and maintenance services to the residents of Florida. Online customer reviews speak highly of its services and technicians, and the majority of customers feel that they have seen great improvement in their homes and yards with Slug-A-Bug’s help. If you do not live in Brevard County, you will need to look elsewhere, but if you do, Slug-A-Bug is a great pest control solution for you.

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