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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: January 22nd, 2020

Founded in 1973 in Stamford, Connecticut, IdentitySecure is an identity theft protection company that provides an identity protection services at an affordable monthly rate. IdentitySecure offers credit and public record monitoring, credit reports and scores, a personal data protection suite, and more.

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The Good

  • Identity Monitoring Services
  • Records Reimbursement
  • Emergency Cash

Identity Monitoring Services

IdentitySecure provides its customers with credit monitoring, public records monitoring, bank account monitoring, and data sweep services that are much more comprehensive than those offered by many of its competitors. The company continuously monitors both public and private databases to ensure that its customers' sensitive information is protected.

Records Reimbursement

IdentitySecure will reimburse expenses related to restoring a stolen driver's license, medical record, or insurance record. The company also provides lost wallet assistance and will help its customers replace stolen credit cards and other items.

Emergency Cash

IdentitySecure provides its customers with up to $1,000 in emergency cash and a prepaid airline ticket for the nearest airport if their identity or wallet is stolen while traveling. Certain restrictions may apply.

The Bad

  • Government Actions
  • Service Limitations

Government Actions

In 2013, the government took action against IdentitySecure's parent company, Affinion Group, due to allegations that the company was misleading consumers with discount clubs and membership offers. Several misleading marketing practices were identified and a $19 million fund was set up to provide reimbursement to affected consumers.

Service Limitations

IdentitySecure offers only one theft protection plan for individuals. Family plans are not available. Additionally, fraud resolution specialists only provide guidance during the dispute process; customers must do the majority of the actual work themselves. 


The Bottom Line

IdentitySecure is an identity theft protection company that offers comprehensive identity monitoring services, reimbursement for stolen records, and emergency cash in the event of an identity theft situation while traveling. However, the company  does not offer family plans and was subject to government action in 2013 for employing misleading marketing practices. 

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Darrell Burdick Charleston, SC

Identysecure proclaimed to be free of charge through my credit union, and without my knowledge stared deducting $13.95 per month. They continued to deduct this amount for about two years. Since the deduction was not clearly identified, I did not realize what the deduction was for. I only found out after receiving a recent letter indicating the were going to automatically renew my membership by continuing to draft $13.95 a month from my checking account. When I called IdentySecure the gave me the run-around, and finally tried to make a deal to refund six months of payments. This company I a ripoff.

9 years ago

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richard sutton Pensacola, FL

idenitysecure came on to me through Pen Air credit union. I thought it was some free service of pen air. it was not until I had my credit card compromised, that I realized I was being hit for 15 dollars each month and out of my checking account.. this comp[any did not notice my credit card fraud, I did. I immediately cancelled. like to know how much they ripped me off all together for. an how did they get access to my bank account.

9 years ago

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John Coatesville, PA

The same thing happened to me.I never signed up for their service but somehow they've been billing me $9.95 a month for a year and I never noticed it until now.I received the same renewal letter and when I looked at my bank statement I now see the ACH Withdrawal for $9.95.

10 years ago

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Glenn Lawrenceville, GA

This company sent me a letter advising me it was time to renew my member ship. They even included a membership number. Problem is, I have never heard of IdentitySecure !!! Who's zooming who?

11 years ago

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felchneta Missouri City, TX

The gentleman Abdi was very courteous and helpful in explaining matters to me.

10 years ago