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The Home Service Club Reviews

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Laura Houston, TX

Given all the positive reviews, I was so optimistic about Home Service Club. I bought two warranties in summer 2019: one for our current house and one for a new house we were in the process of renovating. Neither has gone well, and I’m extremely disappointed with the lack of organization and complete inability to respond in a timely manner. Summary of my experience: - Every time I submit a request for service it takes at least a couple days (often much more) to get a response. And even after HSC notifies me of my service provider, then it takes another several days for the provider to schedule service. This is a huge problem when your a/c quits in the Texas summer and your family of 5 has to live in a 90 degree house for a week or more. - I have anxiety just thinking about having to call HSC for anything. I sit on hold for at least 15 minutes every call, and 90% of the time end up having to leave a voicemail that never gets returned anyway. (The “press 5 to receive a call back” option is a complete joke - I’ve pressed 5 about 20 times and have yet to receive a call back regarding any of them.) So then I call back the next day, and the next... adding up to literally hours of my life these past months spent on hold with HSC. - I placed a service request 8 days ago for electrical work (light fixture quit despite new bulbs). Never received a call with an assigned service provider. Three days after submitting request, sat on hold with HSC then left a voicemail asking for an update. The next day got a call back and was given provider contact info. Called provider immediately and was told they have never heard of HSC, they do not work with home warranties, and they cannot help me. Immediately called HSC back. Sat on hold. Left voicemail. Repeated the next day, and the next. Still no call back from HSC. - I submitted a separate request 7 days ago for a/c issues. Received a call two days later assigning me to a service provider. Have called that service provider three times since and left messages to schedule service but still have not heard back. - To top it all off, when I purchased the 5 year warranty on my new house, HSC mistakenly opened two contracts at the same address and charged me $1800 TWICE. It took me 5 months of calls, voicemails, and frustration to finally get the refund in December. I’m ready to give up and ask to terminate the contracts early. Although I’m sure that would require someone calling me back so guess I won’t hold my breath. Save your effort and go elsewhere for a home warranty.

4 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We appreciate you for taking the time to provide us with your customer service experience, as we are continually striving to improve the quality of service provided to our customers. Please be assured that we value the feedback and will utilize this input to improve our training and processes. We pride ourselves in having satisfied customers. Any report such as this about an unhappy customer is taken seriously with the utmost importance. We apologize if you are not happy with our product and with what our product offers. Our records reflect that you were in contact with a supervisor. We hope she was able to clear up any miscommunications, misunderstandings and/or frustrations. Should you need further assistance please feel free to reach out to her directly.

Mar. 3rd, 2020

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Elena Pink Saint Paul, MN

1. Sales person lied to me and swore there are no inspections needed or anything if I needed to file a claim. Several months later I had to file a claim and the first thing they demanded is an inspection report before even coming out. 2. Once they came out and looked at my AC unit, they said it was a previous condition per my home inspection report. I called my inspector and there was no such condition, my AC was fine and HSC is claiming they see a "hole" on the AC unit on one of the pictures there for will not be covering this. 3. Every time you call in, you're on hold for 20-40 min before you get to talk to anyone. 4. If you file a claim, you don't hear from them for weeks and when you call in they exclaim that they've been "trying" to contact me and have been waiting for me to get back to them. LIES! Very disappointed, not worth your time or money! Find a different company, I sure am looking!

4 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We appreciate you for taking the time to provide us with your customer service experience, as we are continually striving to improve the quality of service provided to our customers. Please be assured that we value the feedback and will utilize this input to improve our training and processes. We pride ourselves in having satisfied customers. Any report such as this about an unhappy customer is taken seriously with the utmost importance. Our records reflect that you were in contact with a supervisor. We hope she was able to clear up any miscommunications, misunderstandings and/or frustrations. Should you need any further assistance please feel free to reach out to her directly.

Mar. 3rd, 2020

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Derek Canoga Park, CA

This is the MOST CORRUPT, ILLEGAL AND DESPICABLE company I have EVER dealt with. Before I start, I will say that the majority of positive reviews here are COMPLETELY, AND BLATANTLY FAKE, phony, and shill! BEWARE, I mean BEWARE of this scam company. I have a FULL ON INVESTIGATION of this company in the works as I am typing this. They also have FAKE AWARDS they claim to of received. Again, this company is PHONY. I have a FULL OUT INVESTIGATION on them right now as I am typing this. I purchased a warranty 3 months ago they never sent me my paperwork or receipt, the same as other reviewers have said. I had to hunt him down to get my receipt and confirmation of my home warranty which was an immediate red flag but I chalked it up to him being busy. Move on, not even 3 months later our heat goes out with a newborn at home and nobody is there after 5 pm to take calls after 5 pm EST so you are forced to try to submit a claim online. I won't even go into the details of how difficult it was to get a claim submitted online but I got the claim submitted, got confirmation of the claim and was told I'd get an email or call back "shortly". FOUR DAYS LATER, no call, no email, no NOTHING! I can write a book on how disgusting this company is but to make it concise, it took me nearly a week to get them to send THEIR COMPANY "I.M AIR CONDITIONING" out to our home and THEIR COMPANY THEY SENT said we need a new circuit board and heater ignition control. Total cost was just over $700 and my contract showed these were included, not EXCLUDED PARTS so I expected a quick fix. That is where it went from terrible to horrendous! HSC WARRANTY then sends my claim to someone named JAY who CLAIMS is an HVAC supervisor. After a week of hunting him down, leaving messages and getting no response, he finally calls me back and tells me he disagrees with the technician SCV warranty sent and that he is deeming my issue pre-existing and denying the claim!!! We used our heat for nearly 2 years without issue, including two consecutive months before the heat went out this year and HSC warranty sent out their own technician who deemed the issue not pre-existing and which I have written confirmation of! I also have written confirmation of the parts needed to get our heat working and which Jay declined illegally! If this isn't atrocious enough, this scumbag, Jay then says he will sell me an entirely new heating unit for 11 thousand dollars! I don't think I have ever written a negative review in my life but this is the worst company on the planet! HSC Warranty should be immediately shut down. I am contacting the attorney general and in the process of filing a law suit against this company. I have never filed a lawsuit in my life either, but this company should be immediately, and I mean immediately shut down. 2 weeks without heat with a newborn and negating their own technician for a measly $700 for warranted parts and service by their own contract!!!! And on top, to negate the claim from someone who has never seen my heating unit and deem it pre-existing when this Jay lives across country in another state!!! In addition, I made sure to get sent the original technician's diagnosis of what I need (and what my contract legally covers) and in where NOWHERE was denied by the actual TECHNICAN who viewed my heating unit in person and who also, in NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM deemed the issue even REMOTELY pre-existing! I am attaching the diagnosis report here. I am currently in contact with the attorney general, I am filing an individual lawsuit as well as working with other people who were completely ripped off by this SHAM company and I will make sure this company gets what is coming to them. If you read my review and continue to purchase a home warranty plan, you get what you fully deserve. Last but not least, Aaron the guy that sold me the warranty is a complete scumbag as well. He answered every single call while working out the details of the home warranty contract I was about to sign, but when I needed help, crickets, he was nowhere to be found, didn't return calls, had to be hunted down as well. Pathetic, disgusting company overall, and they need to be shut down IMMEDIATELY! I am currently in the process of working with countless other people who have been illegally duped by this SHAM company in filing a class action law suit.

4 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We appreciate you for taking the time to provide us with your customer service experience, as we are continually striving to improve the quality of service provided to our customers. Please be assured that we value the feedback and will utilize this input to improve our training and processes. We pride ourselves in having satisfied customers. Any report such as this about an unhappy customer is taken seriously with the utmost importance. We apologize if you are not happy with our product and with what our product offers. Our records reflect that you were in contact with a supervisor. We hope she was able to clear up any miscommunications, misunderstandings and/or frustrations. Should you need further assistance please feel free to reach out to her directly.

Mar. 3rd, 2020

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Slagal Knight Houston, TX

This is my second review of this company and I am begging anyone looking for warranty company please please beware of this company. I submitted a review on Oct 8th because this company is currently holding $2650 of my money , and will not act to issue my requested refund. Since then i was contacted by one person from the company who suggested that if I removed my review my money would be refunded faster. I told him i was not comfortable with that and am would be willing to update my review once an appropriate resolution was achieved ( refund my complete sum). Since then i have not been able to get anyone in the company to pick up my calls. I will continue to share reviews and air all the things suggested to me, until this company provides me with a full refund.

4 years ago

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Elizabeth Levittown, PA

If I could honestly rate 0 I would. This company is a scam and their reviews are as well. My husband and I purchased a house about 4 years ago, of those 4 years we have been a member with HSC for about 2 years. Of those 2 years we had to contact them twice. The first time it was plumbing issue with a leak in a garage. This was a pretty serious issue. We called them, initiated a claim, and didn't get a call back for about 4 days from the date the claim was submitted. Finally, we had a contractor call us, by then, my husband had contacted someone to help us. The second time, and most recent (10/31/19) our pressure reading on our furnace was over 30 PSI, my husband right away shut off the heat, and we called HSC at 9pm on 10/31/19, They were closed, no one to talk to, so we went online and initiated a claim. No call the next day, so I called them, was on hold for about 30 minutes waiting for someone to answer then to be sent to a voicemail because no one was available. I hung up waited about 15 minutes, called again and the same thing happend, NO answer, then transferred to a voicemail to leave a message. So I did. 3rd day, STILL NOT A CALL BACK. Called again, and AGAIN no answer in their customer service department. I then tried the sales department, someone finally answered, I told them my concern and he said I can't help you with this, I have to transfer you to customer service. Hoping that because he transferred me, someone would answer..WRONG. Same thing, no answer and sent to a voicemail to leave a message. My husband and I at this point are furious. We had to call a plumbing company ourselves to come out because of the seriousness of the matter. We coudn't turn our heat on because of the pressure. 4th day, I called again, at this point, to cancel my contract with them and cx the claim because we already once again took care of the issue ourselves. Still NO ANSWER. Absolutely ridiculous! And we are calling during operational hours. I left another message and this time a very unpleasant message one to get a call back, because we want to cx. SURE ENOUGH, my husband gets not one but 2 calls today 11/5/19 from them. Unbelievable!! We wasted money for 2 years with a company who does nothing when you need them! Please save your money on this company! I honestly can not stress enough, their reviews are false. This company is a scam.

4 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We appreciate you for taking the time to provide us with your customer service experience, as we are continually striving to improve the quality of service provided to our customers. Please be assured that we value the feedback and will utilize this input to improve our training and processes. We pride ourselves in having satisfied customers. Any report such as this about an unhappy customer is taken seriously with the utmost importance. We apologize if you are not happy with our product and with what our product offers. Our records reflect that you were in contact with a supervisor. We hope she was able to clear up any miscommunications, misunderstandings and/or frustrations. Should you need any further assistance please feel free to reach out to her directly.

Mar. 3rd, 2020

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Maggie Nashville, TN

Run. Save your money! I’ve spent about $300 on my warranty so far, because I own a home with aging appliances that are toward the end of their useful life. I went to file a claim and the contractor determined that the water heater was leaking and submitted an estimate for the replacement because of its age. He spent 40 minutes on the phone with them and got nowhere, at which point he called me. They asked him “leading” questions to essentially get him to give reasons not to cover the replacement. Example: “how much rust is on the unit?” “What caused this besides normal wear and tear?” I spent three hours trying to get a customer service representative on the phone to find out the status of the claim. I finally submitted a request for a callback, which I got several hours later, from someone who sounded like she had a frontal lobotomy. Rude, gave very little information, offered no solutions, and simply said that they weren’t going to cover the replacement. She couldn’t point me to a specific place in my contract where the denial reason was listed, so I had to go find it on my own. Also in the contract, they make sure to put things in several different sections, so that you can’t connect the dots to figure out all the reasons something will not be covered. Ex: water heaters is listed under one section, exclusions under another, and rust/corrosion under yet another. I fully read the contract before signing up and still didn’t connect all the exclusions to each other. They are AWFUL. My contractor said he’s had two claims from them and this was the behavior each time. He said he’d never deal with them again after this. Now I’m out the $300 I’ve paid them to do nothing, and $1k for a new water heater. I’ll be canceling today and posting this review as many places as possible to warn others.

4 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We appreciate you for taking the time to provide us with your customer service experience, as we are continually striving to improve the quality of service provided to our customers. Please be assured that we value the feedback and will utilize this input to improve our training and processes. We pride ourselves in having satisfied customers. Any report such as this about an unhappy customer is taken seriously with the utmost importance. We apologize if you are not happy with our product and with what our product offers. Our records reflect that you were in contact with a supervisor. We hope she was able to clear up any miscommunications, misunderstandings and/or frustrations. Should you need any further assistance please feel free to reach out to her directly.

Mar. 3rd, 2020

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T W Marion, IA

I would give 0 stars if I could. Horrible experience. Horrible customer service. I only received calls back after I requested to cancel from “supervisors.” I had left a message for the supervisor Mr. G yesterday on his voicemail. When he called today he said he was just learning of our situation... when I told him I had actually left a message yesterday he told me he is a busy busy man who doesn’t have time to check his messages. When I confronted him about obvious fake reviews on Facebook from fake profiles, he claims they would never do such a thing. Ironically I see the same fake reviews on this site as well.

4 years ago

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Shawn Tahririan Concord, CA

On 9/5/2019, our contract began with HSC, and so did our troubles. On 9/9 or 9/10, I placed a simple door re-keying claim. After two weeks of going back and forth on a simple claim, they sent a vendor out to do the re-keying. The vendor then charged us a full amount, telling me that I need to claim it from HSC, which is what their process is. Given that the vendor was sent by HSC and that it had already taken two weeks to get someone out, and not to mention it was already after hours and no one picked up when I called at HSC to confirm this, I agreed to pay the Locksmith upfront. The following business day, I spoke to the HSC agent and requested reimbursement. This resulted in back and forth with no result. On 9/28/2019, I placed a request for cancellation of my contract with HSC, however because they processed the cancellation on 10/8/2019, they refunded a prorated amount. Total refund should of been $500, however they refunded back $414, claiming that we cancelled on 10/8/2019, and therefore subjected a prorated refund. Per the contract, if we cancel within 30 days, we should receive the full amount paid. This is a very dishonest, and unorganized business and I don't recommend them to anyone.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Good Afternoon Shawn,

I do apologize that you are frustrated, however, I do assure you that HSC has done nothing wrong. I am not sure if maybe you are misunderstanding the product that was purchased for you. However, I will explain and provide you with excerpts of our product.

You placed a claim for re-keying. We assigned the technician, informed him not to do any work without authorization, as indicated on the work order he accepted at the time. You then called in and informed us that the technician went out and did the work. We informed you that we do not cover unauthorized repairs as per our contract but assured you that we would look into it and see if there was any courtesy we can offer.

1. When repair or replacement services covered by this Agreement are required, you must contact our customer service representatives either by making a claim online 24 hours a day at or by calling us at (800) 601-1009. Our customer service representatives are available 9am to 5pm EST, closed on weekends and holidays. You must notify us immediately upon the discovery of a mechanical failure and while the contract is in effect. All repair and/or replacement work covered by this Agreement must be performed by an authorized contractor and approved by us in advance. Any and all unauthorized work, or work done without prior approval from us, will not be covered by this Agreement. Should the contract holder contract directly with others or do the work themselves, we will not be responsible for that cost. Any incurred cost or subsequent damage that may have occurred or have been caused by an unauthorized service contractor will be assumed by you

When reaching out to the technician we were informed that you told them to proceed as it was after hours and the technician could not get on the stop approval. We explained to the technician as indicated over the phone and on our work order that he should not have proceeded without approval. We asked him why the cost was so high for standard locks for the home and he indicated that the locks were expensive because they were not all standard door locks. Which is what HSC covers. We asked him for a description of what was done and for a price break down for the one lock that was replaced that would be covered. The technician indicated he worked on six locks, 2 for the garage door, three for a gate and one for the front door and told us he would send us over a break down for the cost. It is important to note that the only lock that would have been subject to coverage would have been the front door lock as we only cover the rekeying of hinged doors accessing the structural walls of the home. We reached back out to the technician when we did not receive the breakdown and he stated he had a family emergency and had to close his office. Ms. Reid the supervisor trying to assist you explained that without the technician providing us with the break down of the prices there is no way for us to work on a courtesy for you but would do so once the technician re-opens.

34. Rekey Service (Standard Coverage) (Basic Coverage)
COVERED: Rekey up to six (6) keyholes, including four (4)copies of the new key, on previously installed and properly functioning non-electronic door knobs and/or deadbolts for the hinged doors accessing the structural walls of your home. You are responsible for payment of your Trade Service Call Fee and the cost of any additional services provided. A separate Trade Service Call Fee applies for each unit of any covered multi-unit property.
NOT COVERED: Replacement of locks (including deadbolts), knobs or associated hardware; garage door openers (except as provided in Section E.25); broken or damaged locks; padlocks; skeleton locks and keys; window, file cabinet, safe, desk or mailbox locks; and any other services provided by a locksmith.

We are so sorry you did not wish to wait for us to get the prices from the technician and requested to cancel. The account was canceled out as per the cancellation policy. The contract started on 09/05/2019 on 09/28/2019 you submitted your request to cancel and a full refund in the amount of five hundred dollars was sent to the check issuer. I am not sure, due to not being able to reach you, where the miscommunication came from about the cancellation policy and the refund amount.

Again, we are sorry if you are frustrated, however, we have done nothing wrong but attempt to assist with courtesy for the unauthorized work. Should you have any further questions and or concerns please reach out to Senior Supervisor Jerry Renolds that has been trying to reach you.

Have a great day.

Nov. 1st, 2019

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Carol Fremont, CA

This company is a scam. I was looking for home warranty company for my rental property. The reason i chose this company because of the 10 days waiting period. The salesperson in the company kept pushing me buying multiple years' contract which against my will. I bought the contract on 9/4, and was promised that the contract would be effective on 9/14. I called the costumer service on 9/16 to request service, but was told that i had to wait for another 10 days. I felt be cheated. They broke their promise. I called and emailed the company to cancel my contract and to get money back. I got the email from the company the next day, stating the refund would take about 7 to 14 days. However, It has been 1 month passed, I still didn't get any update from them. I called their customer service number 4-5 times, each time held for more than 1 hr. Nobody answered the phone except for sales department. I don't know how to trust this company.

5 years ago

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Donyale Hall Dover, DE

POTENTIAL BUYER BEWARE!!!! I am an unsatisfied warranty contract holder. As a disabled military veteran on a fixed income, I am disgusted with the services I received from Home Service Club. Their five star ratings on their website and accreditations are highly misleading. Upon research I have found that I am not alone in my complaint of poor customer service and denial of a repair that should be covered under their warranty policy. According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), there is a Pattern of Complaint which states the following: "BBB files indicate a pattern of complaints concerning the company's customer service department and warranty policies. Consumers are telling BBB about problems with customer service when they contact Home Service Club Warranty Corp. (HSC) about a repair that they believe should be covered under their home warranty policy with the company. Complaints about customer service include multiple transfers to different representatives, being disconnected, and leaving messages to which there is a very delayed response or no call back at all. Other consumers allege to BBB that their claim for repairs is incorrectly denied, many times for reasons of age or pre-existing conditions, and they are unable to contact anyone in a supervisory capacity to appeal the decision. A few consumers say their policy is abruptly cancelled by the company without explanation." I highly discourage you from purchasing their warranty. I will be pursing all legal remedy available against this company!!!

5 years ago

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B. Copeland Beverly Hills, CA

I never expected that HSC techs were so careless. I am pretty much sure that my ceiling fan was not defective and just needs some cleaning. After they touched my fan, it suddenly became non-functional. I think the tech messed up some wiring. Reached out to customer service and they told me they were going to look into it. I hope it comes soon, i expected more from this company with all the 5-star reviews i see everywhere.

5 years ago Edited September 14, 2021

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scott brainard Columbia, MD

If I could give a zero I would. I signed up in July and went to use the service for the first time in August. I submitted a request on line for service and was never contacted to schedule a service call. After the second attempt I was contacted and a technician was scheduled. The technician arrived on the day 5 hours after the scheduled time. After a quick review I was told they didn't have the part and was charged $75 when my contract agreement said the service trip fee would only be $65. A week later I still have not been contacted by HSC to resolve the repair. I have attempted to talk to someone at HSC but have been left on hold twice for more than 20 minutes, with each call ending by being disconnected by their answering service. I mistakingly prepaid for the service and will be focusing my efforts on seeking a refund at this time. ****Update - When I went to cancel my service my account was deleted from their website. I no longer can access and every attempt to to talk to someone at their firm regarding this has me forwarded to an extension whose mail box is full and then I am disconnected. This company is a fraud and needs to be investigated by the New York AG.

5 years ago

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Candace Mozingo Euless, TX

Absolutely horrible service! They deny claims even when you submit with backup documentation. They do not provide the denial in writing so that you have recourse with the seller, even after repeatedly asking for it. They do not provide explanations for why claims are denied. They don not allow you access to a supervisors to try & rectify the situation. They do not return phone calls, or e-mails & they continually put you on eternal hold EVERY. TIME. YOU. CALL. My designated rep, Albert M, was absolutely no help. As a realtor, I've sent him a lot of business & he won't receive any more. I am removing them/him from my referral list. All this over $452. Disgusting & ridiculous.

5 years ago

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Isobella Parrish Forney, TX

When spring came around, I planned a cooling service through them and I paid for the service in advance, and was exceptionally fulfilled with the tech works.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Your response is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. we look forward to continuing to provide you with outstanding service. You are welcome to contact us at any time.

Josh Briggs

Aug. 12th, 2019

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Daniaal Collins New York, NY

HSC sets up appointment well. They are able to find a contractors easily and I think that is good since sometimes you will be needing an emergency repair.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Your response is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. we look forward to continuing to provide you with outstanding service. You are welcome to contact us at any time.

Josh Briggs

Aug. 12th, 2019

star star star star star

Aran Friedman Jersey City, NJ

Absolutely amazing experience. The contractor was very convenient and was able to visit our house within the day after filling a claim with Home service club.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Your response is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. we look forward to continuing to provide you with outstanding service. You are welcome to contact us at any time.

Josh Briggs

Aug. 12th, 2019

star star star star star

Ruby-Leigh Sears Macon, GA

The Home Service Club had reasonable prices and more importantly the most promising reviews. They also had an excellent service, knowledgeable and professional contractors.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Your response is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. we look forward to continuing to provide you with outstanding service. You are welcome to contact us at any time.

Josh Briggs

Aug. 12th, 2019

star star star star star

Katelin Arias Matthews, NC

We had Home Service Club for about 2 years now and our premium has been totally worth it. We have had excellent customer service and reps are all very helpful.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Your response is greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback. we look forward to continuing to provide you with outstanding service. You are welcome to contact us at any time.

Josh Briggs

Aug. 12th, 2019

star star star star star

Adolf Prout Belleville, IL

AC Units just went bad. had difficulty with them since i tried to repair it on my own. gave up and just filed a claim to hsc. Had our AC system running again in no time.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Thank you for the wonderful feedback. We are happy to hear that our Representatives and our technicians were able to provide you with outstanding service. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.

Peter Miles

Jul. 12th, 2019

star star star star star

Price Perret Ashland City, TN

Highly recommended these people. Once I had my dryer unit checked for repairs. It was too old so they decided to replaced it. Good thing we have this as our home warranty.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Price,

Thank you for the wonderful feedback. We are happy to hear that our Representatives and our
technicians were able to provide you with outstanding service. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.

Peter Miles

Jul. 12th, 2019

star star star star star

Lindsay Mceachern New York, NY

I can't even put to words how great I feel after a call from HSC. The customer service reps always know the right thing to say. Always thankful to have them by my side!

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Lindsay,

Thank you for the wonderful feedback. We are happy to hear that our Representatives and our
technicians were able to provide you with outstanding service. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.

Peter Miles

Jul. 12th, 2019

star star star star star

Gabi F. Grovetown, GA

HSC is very understanding with urgent claims. If they can't attend to it ASAP, they help you manage the problem by yourself. That's what a home warranty should always be.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Gabe,

Thank you for the wonderful feedback. We are happy to hear that our Representatives and our technicians were able to provide you with outstanding service. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.

Peter Miles

Jul. 11th, 2019

star star star star star

J. Melling Chesapeake, VA

I love the comprehensive plan of HSC. Gives all my bathtubs a good maintainance along with my pool. My property can survive a hundred or more years because of these guys,

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We appreciate the 5-star review and we are pleased to have serviced your home. The Home Service Club strives to continue to provide you with high-level service. Please feel free to contact us with anything you may need.

Candace Berg

Jul. 9th, 2019

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Cal Trickett Sunland, CA

I love the technician they sent to repair our ceiling fan. So polite and skilled. He even suggested other designs if ever we plan to switch up in the near future.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Cal,
We appreciate the 5-star review and we are pleased to have serviced your home. The Home Service Club strives to continue to provide you with high-level service. Please feel free to contact us with anything you may need.

Candace Berg

Jul. 9th, 2019

star star star star star

Horacio Burling Saint Paul, MN

I couldn't believe that my toaster burnt my bacon after just buying it a day before. I called the home service club and they immediately facilitated the replacement.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Horacio,
We appreciate the 5-star review and we are pleased to have serviced your home. The Home Service Club strives to continue to provide you with high-level service. Please feel free to contact us with anything you may need.

Candace Berg

Jul. 9th, 2019

star star star star star

Kyle G Baltimore, MD

The technician assigned to us was very prompt and was a gentleman. He fixed our AC unit for two days since it needed extra parts. Very satisfied with his work. Great job, HSC

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Kyle,
We appreciate the 5-star review and we are pleased to have serviced your home. The Home Service Club strives to continue to provide you with high-level service. Please feel free to contact us with anything you may need.

Candace Berg

Jul. 9th, 2019

star star star star star

M Vance Wilmington, DE

The reps are very lovely to talk to. They are polite and courteous. They make you feel secured and calm and you know that your home will be taken cared of soon.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We are pleased to have served you. Thank you for your feedback. We hope to continue to provide you with exceptional service. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any of your home warranty needs.
Hugh Morgan

Jul. 5th, 2019

star star star star star

Emmott S Essex Junction, VT

The contractors are very well-mannered and know their job really well. They repair my appliances and make them brand new again. Love the service of the HSC!

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Emmott,

We are pleased to have served you. Thank you for your feedback. We hope to continue to provide you with exceptional service. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any of your home warranty needs.
Hugh Morgan

Jul. 5th, 2019

star star star star star

Lys H

A home warranty is always a good investment. Always recommending this company since they have shown me nothing but the best. I'm a loyal customer for a few years already.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Lys,

We are pleased to have served you. Thank you for your feedback. We hope to continue to provide you with exceptional service. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any of your home warranty needs.
Hugh Morgan

Jul. 5th, 2019

star star star star star_border

Georgi Mack Holland, MI

The electrician that visited my house yesterday was kinda rude and didn't even fix my fan properly. It still makes that annoying sound!!! Called HSC again and they sent another electrician right away.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Georgi,

We're very happy to have served. Thank you. We aspire to continue to provide excellent support to you. Please don't wait to reach us out to just about almost some your home warranty requirements.

David Lee

Jul. 8th, 2019

star star star star star

D Ley Elk River, MN

Each time I submit a claim, the reps are very pleasant and polite and send good contractors. They successfully repair or check my home appliances/systems. Awesome service.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We're happy to have served. Thank you. We aspire to continue to supply outstanding support to you. Please reach us out for all of your home warranty requirements.

Nancy Hamilton

Jul. 3rd, 2019

star star star star star

Rudolf T New London, CT

The time I purchased a house was the time I also got the Home Service Club. Thanks to the my friend who recommended them, I have saved a ton of money already.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Rudolf,

We're happy to have served. Thank you. We aspire to continue to supply outstanding support to you. Please reach us out for all of your home warranty requirements.

Nancy Hamilton

Jul. 3rd, 2019

star star star star star_border

Ezri Brannon Austin, MN

Helps to have a home warranty plan. Really saves you money and takes away your stress. We had work done on my roof gutter recently and the Home Warranty is the best! They fixed it and repaired it. Good as new!

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Ezri,

We're happy to have served. Thank you. We aspire to continue to supply outstanding support to you. Please reach us out for all of your home warranty requirements.

Nancy Hamilton

Jul. 3rd, 2019

star star star star star

W. Stockton Boerne, TX

Service reps are very attentive and knowledgeable of common appliance problems. It was easy talking on the phone with them to coordinate regarding repairs.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We're happy to have served. Thank you. We aspire to continue to supply outstanding support to you. Please reach us out for all of your home warranty requirements.

Nancy Hamilton

Jul. 3rd, 2019

star star star star star

Marshal Conner Yakima, WA

Fridge had a problem with the cooling. Tech replaced the compressor and took around 3 days. not bad. Spent a lot less compared to buying myself a new unit at BestBuy.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Marshal,

We're happy to have served. Thank you. We aspire to continue to supply outstanding support to you. Please reach us out for all of your home warranty requirements.

Nancy Hamilton

Jul. 3rd, 2019

star star star star star_border

A. Short Kalamazoo, MI

Busted my garage door after 3 years of operation. HSC replaced it just like that and it took ony what... 3 days? cool right. I am still at awe about their diligence in servicing my unit. Wow...

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Thank you for the feedback we are happy that our agents and our technicians provided you with great service. We look forward to continuing to serve you. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Tim Wright

Jun. 30th, 2019

star star star star star

Dan E. Burlingame, CA

Had my AC cleaned before the summer. Costed me nothing actually. Tech was early and very focused on his job. Didn't make much noise during repair and I like that.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Dan,

Thank you for the feedback we are happy that our agents and our technicians provided you with great service. We look forward to continuing to serve you. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Tim Wright

Jun. 30th, 2019

star star star star star

S. Derham Vista, CA

Customer service is just on another level. They are so skilled in making sure the tech is right for the job before they send it to your home. Satisfied!

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Thank you for the feedback we are happy that our agents and our technicians provided you with great service. We look forward to continuing to serve you. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Tim Wright

Jun. 30th, 2019

star star star star star

Cregan G. New York, NY

Home Service Club is a company that loves and cares for their customers. It is a great company that has proven to be a protector of my house. kudos to you guys!

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Cregan,

Thank you for the feedback we are happy that our agents and our technicians provided you with great service. We look forward to continuing to serve you. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Tim Wright

Jun. 30th, 2019

star star star star star_border

V Mattias Northville, MI

Such smooth claim submission and transaction with well-mannered representatives as well. Just gets keeping better with every claim we submit. I have recommended this home warranty company to a lot of people lately.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Thank you for the feedback we are happy that our agents and our technicians provided you with great service. We look forward to continuing to serve you. Please feel free to contact us at any time.

Tim Wright

Jun. 30th, 2019

star star_border star_border star_border star_border

Mike Oberholtzer Warrensburg, MO

Sign-up was easy, features matched what I needed. The online service scheduled seemed to be a nice feature. Unfortunately my first experience attempting to initiate service is so abysmal I plan to cancel the service. I submitted a case online and have received zero follow up in a week. No service person has called back within the promised 48-hour time frame. I called HSC and talked to a live person the day after submitting the case. Since then I’ve tried calling multiple times. Each time I’ve been on hold for 15 minutes, then guided by the automated system to leave callback info. The first time the system disconnected before a message could be recorded. I have not received any calls.

5 years ago

star star star star star_border

Alison P Crowley, TX

Exhaust fans needed to be repaired. The rep who I talked to was very pleasant. Tech guy they sent was on time, he came 2 days after the filed claim. Really love their service.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Alison,

Thank you for the wonderful feedback. We are happy to hear that our Representatives and our technicians were able to provide you with outstanding service. Please feel free to reach out to us anytime.

Peter Miles

Jun. 27th, 2019

star star_border star_border star_border star_border

Charles Stetler Kansas City, MO

Purchased home in Kansas City on May 31. Seller provided 1 year basic HSC. Tried to log into account, no luck. Called in on June 11th HSC has no record of payment so couldn’t use services. Finally got that straightened out and Aaron convinced me to extend to 3 year Pro level and reduced my service fee to $65. Online records still reflect $95 to this date. Tried to schedule service for my garage door opener. Submitted online 6 times. No response. Called in after 30 on hold waiting time, rep said that they called me back and left info. LIES. No cell phone calls or messages or missed calls or spam. So she gave me service company info to call in. Called Overhead Door in KC. They had no record of my request and as matter of fact the owner said that they don’t even do business with HSC. That they tried in past but HSC didn’t honor agreements. AVOID THIS COMPANY. THEY LIE AND DO NOT PROVIDE CUSTOMER SERVICE.

5 years ago

star star star star star

K. Holt Houston, TX

We received excellent customer service. Someone contacted us immediately after we inquired about services. The representative was friendly, helpful, and patient.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We're very happy to have served. Thank you. We aspire to continue to provide excellent support to you. Please don't wait to reach us out to just about almost some your home warranty requirements.

David Lee

Jun. 24th, 2019

star star star star star

Albie M. Winter Park, FL

The representative was very professional and was very detailed with information. He was wanted to give me the best service possible. He is a great representative.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Albie,

We're very happy to have served. Thank you. We aspire to continue to provide excellent support to you. Please don't wait to reach us out to just about almost some your home warranty requirements.

David Lee

Jun. 24th, 2019

star star star star star

C. Patwell Galena, OH

Renewed for another 2 years with HSC, comprehensive plan has saved my household and my budget for quite sometime. I can say that this will be somewhat a longer relationship.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We're very happy to have served. Thank you. We aspire to continue to provide excellent support to you. Please don't wait to reach us out to just about almost some your home warranty requirements.

David Lee

Jun. 24th, 2019

star star star star star

U. Living Jonesboro, AR

What I love about this company is that they find the nearest techs to my home. As a result, no tech was late ever for servicing! Worth my time and money.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We are pleased to have served you. Thank you for your feedback. We hope to continue to provide you with exceptional service. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any of your home warranty needs.
Hugh Morgan

Jun. 20th, 2019

star star star star star

M Thaddeus Fort Lauderdale, FL

This company deserves a five-star rating! Such superb service from the representatives. Wouldn't get any other company. They're really worth every buck paid.

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

We are pleased to have served you. Thank you for your feedback. We hope to continue to provide you with exceptional service. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any of your home warranty needs.
Hugh Morgan

Jun. 19th, 2019

star star_border star_border star_border star_border

S. Mitchell Temple Hills, MD

On Friday June 14, 2017 I received a phone call from a number I did not recognize. Instead of the caller leaving a message they then hung up and called again. I than stopped my conversation and answered the call. It was a supervisor from The Home Service Club she stated that my contract had been escalated to her once I filed my claim for a repair and my contract was now going to be cancelled because my home was a foreclosure and they don't cover foreclosed homes. I then advised the supervisor I understand but my home was not foreclosed on, the sale had been suspended (since March) and that I still lived in the home and am in an active repayment plan. The supervisor then said "your home is in foreclosure we looked it up in (system name) and we will be cancelling the contract and you will receive a full refund". The supervisor was very rude, she cut me off without apology and offered no alternatives. Now once the policy was created (May 24, 2019) we could have been notified if they were unable to cover the home based on what their system "reads" but it was not until I filed a claim for services that the contract was then "escalated" and cancelled. June is our last month for the repayment plan (payment already made) and the final loan modification will be entered into the "system", we have documentation verifying we live in the home and are in an ACTIVE REPAYMENT plan. We have also been advised that our loan company would have given the company any documentation advising them the sale on the home has been suspended and the foreclosure is not in active status. The company's behavior has not placed us in a bind because we have no air conditioning in extremely hot weather with children in the home, we would then have to find a new company and wait the "waiting period" to file a claim and now this will be considered "pre-existing"

5 years ago

star star star star star_border

Sivell Hollis State College, PA

Even with just one claim I made, The Home Service Club really helped me have a smooth transaction. The contractor they sent was very accommodating and quick. The tech guy was on time as scheduled. Fast, quick and responsive!

5 years ago

The Home Service Club Logo

Reply from The Home Service Club

Dear Sivell,

We are pleased to have served you. Thank you for your feedback. We hope to continue to provide you with exceptional service. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us for any of your home warranty needs.
Hugh Morgan

Jun. 17th, 2019