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Pinnacle Credit Management

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Jay Clark New York, NY

Pinnacle credit management is Amazing! Amazing at stealing your money. I spent 3400 dollars in the first week with Andrew N of Jersey city NJ who works for this scam company. 1 month later, all i got is excuses. When I complained about services not being rendered, Andrew N called me a negro and a street person and threatened to beat me up in person. Please don't use those racist wannabe thugs for anything. Andrew N will be getting a order of protection filed against him.

5 years ago

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

This person is a Liar and a dishonest person that has ZERO reputation. To put things into perspective you will find ZERO information about this guy JAY CLARK online and a HUGE amount of POSITIVE information about me. Just take a look at my Instagram Jay @pinnaclecreditmanagement. I have a question why do you keep changing phone numbers and addresses? Is is because you are running from the many creditors you have DEFRAUDED, after all you did come to me to "repair" your credit right? Jay take a good look at the above paragraph and how dishonest it is. You speak so personally about me as if you know me but we only have had a few phone calls in which most of them were constant reminders of you PAST DUE BALANCE. Jay one thing is for certain you don't know me but I will share something PERSONAL with you since you incest. My FICO score is amongst the highest in all of the entire country, unlike you, I do not STRUGGLE TO PAY MY BILLS OR BORROW MONEY living outside of my means. Unlike you its MY BUSINESS to help repair peoples credit and mentor them. What about you? I don't think you own one domain or social media page. So to put things into perspective Jay you called me, in your late 50s begging me to FIX all the nonsense FRAUD and DECEPTION you placed upon many banks and creditors that did you a favor by GIVING you money and all you did was DEFRAUD them with CPNS and did not pay them back a penny, and that pattern of behavior is 100% consistent in how you hired me and I worked hours and hours helping you out and you were LATE ON ALL OF YOUR PAYMENTS and you STILL OWE. I haven't even bothered to send you to a collections agency for the money you owe us. Now I understand that you have used this forum to pout and cry because I refused to let you further take advantage of me and my staffs' hard honest work and precious time, but in general, it makes me feel great that MY BUSINESS is getting more success each day. How about you? Are you still struggling to pay your bills on time? Good Luck out there

Feb. 13th, 2019

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Brian Crocker Irvine, CA

Total waste of money.. I've given this man time and time again to correct his mistakes. literally not one change was made on my credit report.. no communication. SCAM! I WAS SEEK EVERY WEBSITE THAT THIS BUSINESS HAS A RATING ON IT TO WARN CONSUMERS! ALL WE WANT IS WHAT WE WERE PROMISED.

3 years ago

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

Brian we have not received any calls to our office regarding your dissatisfaction of our services. We have shown a lot of improvement to your credit during the time we have been given considering you reached out to us admitting you had made big mistakes with other companies before. Although we have not completely fixture issues that doesn’t necessarily mean we are a scam in fact we are not a scam probably nor is the company or companies you have hire prior to us although you did call us and you said many many negative things about the companies you hired perhaps this is a reflection of yourself and not those companies. What I would do is to make sure that you call our office any other number other than 800-246-9028 will not be able to help issues like this not texting my staff after hours harassing them or making threats towards them is going to help you but I would recommend you do is to put on your big boy pants call my office and we could have a conversation. Or not :). Good luck! I already posted your before and after on my YouTube channel so people can see the truth :). Good luck buddy!

Dec. 9th, 2020

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Truth Teller Baltimore, MD

Andre is arrogant and unprofessional. He get's information mixed up and doesn't like you questioning what he's doing even when he's not being successful. He will cuss you out and talk down to you if he's challenged. It's really sad that he believes that this is acceptable. I would NOT recommend this company.

5 years ago

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

It's interesting how this person "Truth Teller" expects anybody to take them seriously when they hide behind an anonymous user name but then again they wish to pass judgment in such a bitter way to a person that is 100% more successful than them. Common sense people this person is obviously afraid to reveal their identity but then again they have the nerve to talk about people that put their name and reputation on the line to change peoples lives. Speaking of which just have a look at my reputation on Instagram @pinnaclecreditmanagement you will find that we have a pretty big network and a huge amount of success. So before you go about talking bad about somebody 100% more successful than you will ever be, please make sure to be qualified and also show your name because quite frankly to me you are just hiding behind a computer screen spreading lies about somebody you don't know and have NEVER met.

Feb. 13th, 2019

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Russ kroger New York, NY

Andre does everythinf he days he can do. Fixed my credit added primarys and got be huge credit limits 500k

5 years ago

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

A pleasure to have helped you Russ.

Feb. 9th, 2019

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Michael W Thomas Port Orange, FL

Andre has a good sales pitch and that is all it is is a sales pitch. He will take your money and run then not return phone calls text emails nothing! Claims your money is refundable that won’t even return a call about a refund. Don’t let this go rip you off!

5 years ago

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

Michael, please call our office 1-800-246-9028 EX 101

Feb. 9th, 2019

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Brendan Costello Mason, OH

I had a terrible experience with this company. I spent $1200.00 and the owner, Andy (or whatever name he’s using) kept the money, didn’t do what he promise and ghosted me when I asked for a refund. STAY AWAY!

1 year ago Edited April 24, 2023

Pinnacle Credit Management Logo

Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

Brendon, we have been trying to reach you as we cannot identify that you ever had any history working with us. We checked all records and we do not even have one single email or paper trail of doing business with you. We encourage you to email us at any proof you have to show that you have worked with us and we will do the best we can to fix any issue. We don't ghost people and we don't charge people upfront without showing results and work. There is no owner here named Andy. Please contact us immediately by email or phone

Apr. 24th, 2023

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hunt Greenville, TX

poor communication, noting has been removed from any of the three credit bureaus call the phone number provided and nothing no return call no emails no nothing this was a total waste of money !!!!

3 years ago

Pinnacle Credit Management Logo

Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

Hunt? We have no client by the name of hunt perhaps you should call our office 800-246-9028 we cannot find any records of you. We would be happy to address any concern you have should you call us directly. We apologize for any inconvenience or confusion.


Good luck!

Dec. 9th, 2020

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Brian Crocker Irvine, CA

Hands on! Best experience ever! I’ll always choose this company for all my credit needs

3 years ago Edited September 14, 2021

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

Brian I’m so sorry that there has been a disconnect. We both spoke over the phone last night and I’m glad we resolved this issue and I promise to get you results my friend. I know you found us a year or so ago but didn’t pull the trigger because you choose another source to repair your credit and you were not successful but I am dedicated to fixing you credit! (If this review has changed to a five star it means it was updated by Brian because we spoke last night about this issue and it had been resolved) stay tuned folks!
- Andre

Aug. 22nd, 2020

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Freddy Miami, FL

This is by far the best I can only tell you it works and it works fast great job thank you

5 years ago

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John W Pittsburg, CA

Andre and Pinanncle after one week removed a BK and 3 collections! They are the best.

5 years ago

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

Happy to have helped you John

Feb. 9th, 2019

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Terrell Meeks Kansas City, KS

Omg!!! Pinnacle credit repair is Persistent and very fast!!!!

1 year ago

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Meer Islam The Bronx, NY

Good people and solve problems with integrity. Thanks Andre.

5 years ago

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

Meer, your last name is Islam and you should be ashamed of lying because you and I both know that this review is 100% dishonest. I find it interesting of how subjective and biased people like you that don't seem to get there way are the first to just right down anything negative. In psychology we call this narcissism, and one thing that I have noticed with credit distressed persons is that the vast majority of them falter to OVER SELF INDULGENCE I.E living outside of their means, and having HUGE amounts of entitlement which leads them to believe they can BORROW MONEY FROM OTHERS AND OR ORGANIZATIONS and think that it is 100% ok not to return it. In addition to that I will have you know that I have been in this business for nearly a decade and have been doing well and I would NEVER yell at anybody over the phone, but let's go ahead and analyze the above statements that you wrote in such an ANGRY and RESENTFUL state. "Then he sent me an agreement to my email that I signed online. Next day he started calling me.' <------------- So you basically flat out admitted that you did sign our agreement and I will also remind you that you agreed to pay our standard fee for services on a specific date and you did not even bother to call, and instead I had to call you (Classic Bate & Switch Tactic) Mr. Islam change your name because you give such beautiful terminology and VERY bad name, and so I stand to CORRECT YOU. Rule of thumb when you make the decision to invest in your financial future (The same finances you have messed up because you DEFRAUDED so many creditors throughout your life) it is the time to keep your promises because if one were to be considered HONEST he would keep his word on ALL OF HIS PROMISES! If one to be considered a courteous and RESPECTFUL human being than he would APPRECIATE those men out there that put their life on the line with a business that they have dedicated their life to, to help people in YOUR SITUATION and he would TAKE INTO CONSIDERATION their time. Mr. Islam, Your DID NOT show any appreciation for the FULL HOUR I spent with you dissecting your credit reports and sharing with your strategies in order to help your situation. Strategies that you OBVIOUSLY had no clue existed because remember YOU CALLED ME to FIX YOUR HORRIBLE CREDIT, not the other way around. Mr. Islam, I know that you enjoyed posting this biased and resentful view because you actually think people are going to take it seriously and associate your psychological defects (Lying & Breaking your Promises, Borrowing Money and not returning it) and the experience we had but I would like to inform you that your review shows one thing: You signed an agreement with ABSOLUTELY NO INTENTIONS ON PAYING. You see people like you have NO RESPECT OR CONSIDERATION for other peoples time and are SO FRAGILE that when SUCCESSFUL people like me CONFRONT THEM on their lies, their identity is hurt, and so the basic maneuver to redeem themselves is to SLANDER the very people that just had enough of their bullshit. Its basic psychology people like you always leave bad reviews because you fear the shame of what others think about you, so in haste, you aim to SLANDER successful people like me because they are a REFLECTION of how MISERABLE & PATHETIC LIARS like you are. Next time if you Cannot afford to Fix your financial, don't waste other peoples time especially when it's their business to fix peoples financial problems, and mislead them asking them to give you PRIVILEGED ADVICE that THOUSANDS OF OTHERS HAVE TO PAY FOR, and the think that your warped perception is actually worth something in the real world. Wake Up Meer and the only shame belongs to you and I thank you for revealing yourself on my forum :).

Feb. 13th, 2019

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gary plummer Los Altos, CA

they repaired my credit in two weeks, they are great

5 years ago

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

Happy to have helped you Gary, BTW gary used to play for the golden state warriors

Feb. 9th, 2019

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Roger Lindes Beverly Hills, CA

Scam. Takes your first work fee and doesn't do anything with it. Impossible to get ahold of. Fake reviews.

4 years ago

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

Roger I’m sure you can produce an authentic contract from Pinnacle Credit Management right? Because every single client is required to sign one and You are no customer of Pinnacle Credit Management as their is no signed agreement or any paper trail, so speaking of fake reviews. Yours is pretty fake. To put things into perspective you don’t get ranked top five of the best credit repair company is on Best for having fake reviews if you have any respect for best company and their rating algorithm you would know the calculations that they use however you don’t seem that intelligent because you think leaving a fake review people are going to believe you but actually your review doesn’t talk about any experience you have had with Pinnacle credit management you have no standing agreement and you have never called our office. What it seems like is that you’re probably a competitor or just a hater. Nice try buddy but you got to do better than that! :)

Sep. 11th, 2019

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Alayna Seattle, WA

Okay overall. It is hard to get ahold of anyone to see progress.

4 years ago

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Reply from Pinnacle Credit Management

Alayna, im shocked to find that your review is 100% dishonest and need I remind you the 100th time we NEVER state that we will remove all your accounts overnight which is what you have been continuously imposing on Pinnacle Credit Management. There are about 50 different emails and chats in which you have opened up through our website including my own personal cellphone number in which you have been calling at 4a.m in the morning and 11pm in the evenings when we have shown you DRASTIC improvement on your credit.
Everyone reading this review you go to Pinnacle Credit Management on YouTube and there is a video proving that not only has the Sociopath harrassed my employees and spoke down to them but also harrassed my personal cellphone at night when we have helped her credit. These are the types of ungrateful people that I have NO PROBLEM with exposing since they go out of their way to spread malintent, slander, and lies all because they are in a rush because THEY cannot take responsibility that THEY are the ones that messed up their credit and it CANNOT and WILL NOT be fixed overnight. In this review you have stated you have been a client for two months that is a lie, and also If you look at reviews from most of my clients and look on our website you will see that the average length of the fast track program is 1-3 months for full results. I also want to make it CLEAR to EVERYONE reading this review that Alayna did not pay us! She is not a paying client! Go to YouTube and type "Pinnacle Credit Management" then search for the video Alayna. Time to time you have these degenerates try to make a bad name out of our business but since it is my business I have no problem defending it against LIARS that have ripped off creditors expected their mistakes to be erased overnight only to make those same mistakes again later.

Sep. 3rd, 2019

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Emna kahri District Heights, MD

Worst credit repair no response from business owner nothing goes as promised...

4 years ago