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Virginia Credit Union

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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: May 24th, 2022

Virginia Credit Union has a very rich history of providing its members with the tools necessary to move forward with financial confidence. Founded in the 1920s, Virginia Credit Union worked to do more than offer banking services. Instead, the company has continually tried to help its members understand and make sound financial decisions through free educational services. These educational services cover several topics, including checking and savings accounts, loans, insurance, retirement funds, investments, and more.

Top Ranked Companies


The Good

  • Competitive APRs
  • Rewards program
  • Security
  • No annual fees
  • No foreign transaction fees

Competitive APRs

Virginia Credit Union offers interest rates ranging from 8.99 to 12.99 percent. These APRs are very competitive among those offered by other top credit card companies.

Rewards Program

Virginia Credit Union provides its customers with a rewards program that allows them to earn points and cash back when they make purchases with their credit card. The company provides a number of different categories that cardholders can earn rewards for, including gas, travel, and groceries.


When credit cards are left unsecured, they can be extremely vulnerable to fraud and theft. However, all of Virginia Credit Union's credit cards are offered through MasterCard, which has put many security measures in place to protect its customers. For example, the company uses chip technology in each of its cards, provides emergency card replacement, and offers identity theft resolution services in the event that a stolen credit card is used to commit identity fraud.

No Annual Fees

Virginia Credit Union does not charge its customers any annual fees just to hold one of its cards. This is a nice feature that can save cardholders hundreds of dollars each year.

No Foreign Transaction Fees

Virginia Credit Union does not charge foreign transaction fees, which is especially convenient for frequent travelers.

The Bad

  • Late payment fees
  • Limited card options
  • Restricted reward categories

Late Payment Fees

For every payment that comes in late, Virginia Credit Union charges a fee of up to $35, which is on par with industry average. However, there are a few other credit card companies that charge much lower late payment fees.

Limited Card Options

Virginia Credit Union only offers three different types of credit cards for its customers to choose from. These cards have similar features and are not extremely varied. Every customer has different needs when it comes to credit cards, and three options may not be enough to sufficiently cover each of those needs.

The Bottom Line

Virginia Credit Union offers competitive APRs, a rewards program, and security features. In addition, the company does not charge any annual or foreign transaction fees. However, Virginia Credit Union does charge late payment fees and its card options are limited.
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