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Tax Network USA INC

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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: January 17th, 2025

Tax Network USA is a full service tax resolution firm serving Americans in all 50 states, and those living abroad, who owe money to the IRS or find themselves in difficult or unmanageable tax situations.

The firm has a number of accreditations and an approachable staff and website that can answer most questions you may have about tax preparation, resolution, or negotiation. You can also call for a free tax consultation to see if your situation qualifies for services from Tax Network USA.

Tax Network USA was founded in 2009, giving it more than a decade of experience, and the company is based in Encino, California. 


The Good

  • Free Consultation
  • Plenty of IRS Experience
  • Accreditation 
  • Tax Help for Truck Drivers
  • Informative Website
  • Tax Prep Services
  • Tax Network USA Reviews

Free Consultation

As a tax relief company, Tax Network USA offers a free consultation. This is the industry standard, and we recommend you only consider tax relief companies that offer such a feature. You deserve to fully understand your tax situation and what options might be available to you before you spend any money working with a tax relief program.

Plenty of IRS Experience

At Tax Network USA, the company seeks to alleviate you as the taxpayer from the burden of dealing with the IRS or state tax collectors. Tax Network USA will be your liaison so that you can get the most tax relief possible without having to deal directly with the government yourself.

Tax Network USA has plenty of seasoned professionals who have worked with the IRS countless times to resolve tax issues. The company knows the ins and outs of all the ways the IRS could make life more difficult for you, and wants to help you avoid such situations.

Tax Network USA’s first step with any client is to get you protected status with the IRS and file any amended tax returns (Reconsiderations) for years that you did not file a return. This step alone should significantly lessen your tax debt to the IRS. Then, the company will continue working with you to get you on a path to being tax-debt free moving forward.


Tax Network USA has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, a private nonprofit that provides services and programs to assist consumers and businesses. It is also an enrolled agent with the IRS and has been approved as an IRS continuing education provider.

The company has years of experience providing tax relief and has the credentials to prove that it does a good job of doing so.

Tax Help for Truck Drivers

Truck drivers often find themselves in particularly difficult tax situations that even some tax preparers aren’t familiar with. However, Tax Network USA specializes in helping truck drivers eliminate their tax problems, and has done so successfully countless times.

Tax Network USA knows the struggles and insecurities that come from not filing your taxes properly, and how those can build up over time and make you even less likely to want to file them. Its business approach is to be approachable and confident so that at least some of your tax debt can be eliminated by using its services, helping you feel relief and be able to move forward, make on-time payments, and stay on top of your taxes in the future.

Informative Website

Tax Network USA has extensive information about many different types of tax situations you might find yourself in. This information avoids jargon and is accessible to an everyday reader. The company also has a tax blog that it updates periodically with current events and answers to FAQs in the world of taxes.

Tax Prep Services

Even if you aren't behind on your taxes or seeking tax debt relief, you can still work with Tax Network USA to file your tax return for the current tax year. The company's tax preparers are IRS Enrolled Agents, so you can rest assured they know what they are doing and have the necessary training to file your taxes legally and effectively.

Tax Network USA Inc Reviews

Tax Network's review count is growing, the company is still averaging five stars per review. This is very encouraging and shows that customers really do like and recommend Tax Network USA and its services. Happy clients report that Tax Network USA "saved [them] from the IRS]" and helped them get back on their feet again after feeling buried in back taxes and tax debt.


The Bad

  • Undisclosed Pricing and Refund Policy
  • Lacking in Company Information

Undisclosed Pricing and Refund Policy

Tax Network USA doesn’t list any pricing information on its website, nor does it include a refund or payment structure. The only reference to pricing we could find was about the free tax consultation, but beyond that, we can’t really tell how the company compares to others in terms of pricing structure or how much it charges for its tax relief services.

Lacking in Company Information

Tax Network USA doesn’t provide a history of its company or a list of employees and company directors. Providing such information is fairly common in the industry and helps put a face to the company name.


The Bottom Line

Tax Network USA is an accredited tax relief firm with over a decade of experience. It offers tax preparation services as well as tax resolution, tax negotiation, and tax relief specifically for truck drivers.

While its website doesn’t disclose all the information you might want as a client, such as pricing, the company does offer free tax consultations where you could get any questions answered.

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Tax Network USA INC Frequently Asked Questions

Who will be handling my case?

Tax Network USA currently has three departments to provide the best customer service. This includes Onboarding, Tax Preparation and Resolution. Every department has teams designed to manage every situation and every step of the process. Commonly, there will be one main point of contact for each department.

Do I need a local tax representative?

Yes and no. Most, if not all, of the work to resolve a tax issue will be dealt with by telephone and fax. There is no real advantage to having a local tax expert solve your tax problem, except for your peace of mind. If you feel safer when you look your tax expert in the eye and shake their hand, do it. Just keep in mind that face-to-face meetings are not cheap and that local small firms often don't have all the resources that firms that operate at the national level.

Can you help me with my state tax issue as well?

Yes, Tax Network USA has a full spectrum team of licensed tax professional who can also resolve your state tax matter.

Do I need professional assistance for my tax liability?

If you are unable to pay the debt off quickly, you feel like you had special circumstances, or you believe the liability to be inaccurate, you should seek advice from a professional who is experienced in resolving back taxes. In many cases, we can reduce the amount taxpayers will have to repay. Not to mention help them avoid aggressive consequences such as wage levies, bank levies, and the seizure of assets.

How much will this cost?

Tax Network USA strives to make its legal fees as cost-effective as possible while maintaining a strong pipeline of professionals and customer service. At the end of the day, all tax issues are different and legal fees vary. You can take advantage of the company's free consultation to receive a suitable quote for your specific problem.

Can the IRS levy my social security?

Yes. Under the automated Federal Payment Levy Program, the IRS can garnish up to 15 percent of Social Security benefits. Many taxpayers on a fixed income fail to be proactive out of an inability to pay or fear of the IRS. However, through negotiations, there are many relief programs for those who rely on their monthly SSI benefits.

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Jeron Kerridge

I initially contacted Tax Network USA as a potential client based on their recommendation by Daily Wire. I spoke briefly with James G on December 19th at 10:40am. I was at work and unable to do the initial consultation call at that time. James informed me that he would be out of the office through the end of the year, so we scheduled a call for January 6th between 5-5:30pm, after I had explained that I have a varaible work schedule and couldn't ensure that I would be available until after 5pm. James called at 2:25pm, 3:42pm, and 3:58pm, and again at 3:08pm on January 7th in addition to sending an email both days. We spoke briefly at 12:50pm on January 9th and scheduled a call for the following Monday, January 13th. During our 12 minute call, he gave vague answers to my questions and said that more would be explained after I paid the $7500 retainer. I told him that I needed to discuss the details with my wife and father who would be helping me secure representation as well as another firm I had also spoken to while I was waiting to connect with James, and that I would contact him Tuesday or Wednesday with my final decision. On Wednesday, January 15th at 4:13pm, he left me a rude voicemail, saying that he was going to "give up on me." I sent James a text message the following afternoon letting him know that I did not appreciate his communication and that I was no longer interested in becoming their customer. He proceeded to accuse and insult me because of my decision not to hire him, saying that this "is exactly why I'm in the position I'm in," "Good luck, I'll need it," and that I "just make excuses." He even sent an email afterwards with the same sentiments. I feel this was an entirely unwarranted and unprofessional way to treat a potential customer, and was a far cry from the experience that I had while shopping other firms. I'm thankful that this happened before I paid the retainer. If this is how they treat potential customers, I can only imagine how I would have been treated once they had been paid.

2 weeks ago


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Al Pasadena, CA

I hired Tax Network USA to do a "compliance call" with the IRS. I had filled out the IRS OIC form well over a year ago and haven't heard back from the IRS at all. I spoke to a Jim R and he quoted me $200 to make this call to find out why the IRS was taking so long. I paid the money. Mr R assured me they deal with the IRS all the time. After two weeks, I called them for a status and left a message. That's when I discovered they don't call you back right away, if at all. I had to call them over 3-4 days before someone would call me back. This time I talked to a William C. He is not an attorney or EA. He gave me this story about how the IRS was not forthcoming with my information even though I had signed a POA for Tax Network to act on my behalf. He will file a FOIA form with the IRS. After a month, I called Mr C. Again, he doesn't answer his phone, nor call me back. I called other people at Tax Network. I am getting irritated that I have to keep prompting them to stay in contact with me. I finally was able to reach Mr C. This time he was RUDE and UNPROFESSIONAL. He said the IRS could not find me!? He told me he didn't have to call me back! That the $200 I paid was already used up with their time! He implied he would continue to work with me as a favor!? What kind of crap is that? First of all, I hired them to do a job which was to make a compliance call with the IRS. *THEY* quoted me $200. I did NOT hire them on an hourly basis. Secondly, returning phone calls is just common courtesy especially since I hired you! Note it has been OVER 30 DAYS since I hired them with little/no results. I decided to call the IRS myself. They found me right away! I did in less than an hour what Tax Network USA could not do in over 30 days! Talk about incompetence! Needless to say, I called Tax Network USA back for a $200 refund. I talked to a Maria P about this. That was over 3 months ago. So far, I have not received my refund.

1 year ago Edited January 10, 2024


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Anna Charlotte, NC

They’re terrible. We paid $10,000 for them to negotiate an Offer in Compromise with the IRS so we could sell our house without losing everything. Initially they promised it could be negotiated within days. Not only did they NOT negotiate an Offer in Compromise, they got us into the “currently uncollectable” status that we ALREADY had! When we asked if we could sell our house without consequence in this position, they told us yes. The IRS won’t take your proceeds. That was a complete lie. Not only did the IRS take EVERYTHING, we had no time between the sale date and closing date to negotiate an Offer in Compromise because it takes at least a month according to the IRS. We tried asking Tax Network for help and Mike literally laughed. He also said Sarah, the person he had directed us to talk to as his representative for tax advice was “only a secretary” continuing to laugh because we took advice from her as he’d directed. Seriously RUN. Do not walk but RUN from these people. They do not care about you nor, in my experience, do they give accurate tax advice. And they certainly do not do what you ask them to do, but you absolutely will pay out the nose for services. Bypass these people and talk to the IRS yourself. You’ll get farther and get correct information without being treated poorly.

1 year ago


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Pamela Brungardt Concordia, KS

I was told that my retirement savings would not effect the result of my final outcome. That was wrong. I'm now thinking that the IRS looked at that and said "they have money to pay off this debt, no way do they get a break!". My husband has become disabled since acquiring my tax debt and that made no difference that he was not and had not been working since COVID hit. Not only did they NOT help me but my tax debt went up by 10k and my payments went up %100. The only way to get my payments down now is to pay down my debt. I would have liked a reasonable payoff instead which I could have afforded. Can't afford what they are asking now. Now I'm stuck with 10k more to pay and never seeing the end. They are terrible at communication, never left a message on my phone if they called and rarely corresponded by email. Most of the correspondence I received from the IRS after the resolution was asking for more information from TAX Network USA. Makes me think they didn't ever receive their requests in order to resolve my debt. And do you think they bothered to call once my situation was resolved? NO! I paid nearly $2k to have them look at my situation, only to make it worse! WOW! So disappointed with their service, I picked them based on their reviews and now wish I would have gone somewhere else. DO NOT TRUST THEM!

1 year ago Edited January 10, 2024


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Daniel OConnor Killeen, TX

I chose Tax Network because they said they could and would get my taxes reduced and stop the interest and penalty charges - THEY DID NEITHER!! They did not get one cent taken off my taxes - nor stop the interest! All they did I suppose is buy me time which stopped the IRS from putting a lien on me. Now add in their fee and THEY END UP COSTING ME A WHOLE LOT MORE IN THE END!! That's not right as they assured me of what they could and would do. I should only pay them for the time they bought me - THAT'S IT!!

1 year ago

Tax Network USA INC Logo

Reply from Tax Network USA INC


When you approached us as a potential client, your account was in a dire state. You had fallen behind on your payments to the IRS by almost $12,000 over a period of two years.

You expressed your inability to afford our service, and after obtaining approval from management, we arranged the smallest possible payment plan for you. To put things into perspective, your payment amount was lower than that of all our 1,200 active clients. Despite this, you only managed to make 33% of the required payments and eventually stopped paying altogether once we resolved your tax issue.

Now, let's look into the specific actions we took on your behalf:

We removed your account from collections.
Conducted a comprehensive financial analysis.
Filed your 2021 tax return.
Petitioned and successfully secured a hardship program, enabling you to make no payments until the debt expired.
Achieved a case closed status with the IRS.
Completing these tasks was challenging because you did have the means to fully pay off the debt using your IRA.

With that said, your review appears to reflect more on your character as an individual rather than the quality of service you received.

Jun. 2nd, 2023


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Kathryn Chicago, IL

After weeks of demands they accomplished nothing where my case was concerned. They alleviated zero cents of a debt I never should have owed in the first place. All they did was arrange a payment plan which I could have done myself, then told me to call the IRS myself to find the full amount. They even blocked my email! Demanding, useless, and unprofessional.

1 year ago


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Theldon GA

They took my money and Fran with it. I continue to get letters from the IRS in which they told me they had taken care of my situation which they haven’t. My case worker who’s name is Sarah won’t return my phone calls so my next move will be my comments to the BBB

1 year ago


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Richard Gardner Dallas, TX

Horrible they take your money & Run never return your calls and then the IRS hits you with bigger fine because they did not do what they said they were going to do. don't waist your credit on them or your time .

1 year ago


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John Milwaukee, WI

I'm not happy ,after 6 months I received a notice from the IRS that I still owe them .I was told that this matter was resolved

1 year ago


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Gina Shipp Columbus, OH

Not good at all! I am paying on a debt that was paid in full but funds are still being debited from my acct!

1 year ago

Tax Network USA INC Logo

Reply from Tax Network USA INC

When you came to Tax Network USA you were stuck with a payment plan that you could not afford. We were able to negotiate a program with the IRS under which you were no longer obliged to make payments.

In any case, this is a great resolution. The fact that you are not happy is more a reflection of you as a client than the services our firm has provided to you.

We wish you the best Gina!

Jun. 2nd, 2023