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PosiGen Solar Solutions

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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: November 13th, 2024

PosiGen was founded in 2011 in New Orleans, Louisiana. The company helps residential and commercial customers save money by offering them solar PV systems, and energy-efficient upgrades to their homes and businesses.

Additionally, PosiGen prides itself on its community efforts to help improve the financial stability of low to moderate-income families that need it the most, including involvement with Habitat for Humanity.

PosiGen provides a variety of payment options in order to give people of all budgets the opportunity to benefit from solar technology.

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Jessie Celeste Customer Review Video About PosiGen Solar Solutions

Jessie Celeste


The Good

  • Quality Equipment
  • Solar Roofing Options
  • Lease or Purchase 
  • Moving Options
  • Online Monitoring

Quality Equipment

PosiGen installs solar panel equipment from Silfab. Silfab solar panels sport an efficiency rating of just over 19 percent — for context, most solar panels fall in the range of 15 to 20 percent, with the industry leaders achieving as high as 22 to 23 percent. Additionally, Silfab solar panels come with an extended performance guarantee of 30 years, meaning the system will still produce sufficient solar power throughout its lifetime.

The solar energy company also sources its solar inverters through SolarEdge, the industry leader in solar inverter technology. SolarEdge's inverters average about 98 percent energy efficiency between the solar energy gathered by the solar panels and the electricity produced in the home. 

Solar Roofing Options

If you need to replace your roof prior to your solar installation, solar roofing is an option worth looking into. PosiGen offers DecoTech and Timberline solar shingles installed by GAF Master Elite Certified Roofers. Most solar companies do not offer this newer technology as part of their product and service offerings. 

Lease or Purchase

PosiGen offers two different payment models to help save on your utility bill: lease and purchase.

With a lease, PosiGen will install, maintain, and monitor the system at no upfront cost to you. Leases are a good option for customers who would like to save money on their electric bills each month but do not qualify for incentives or want the responsibility of owning a solar installation themselves. Credit score and income verification are not required for a 25-year lease agreement and system monitoring and maintenance are included for the life of the lease. 

PosiGen says it will not recommend you enter a solar lease unless the company can guarantee you will save on your monthly energy costs in the first year after system activation. 

Customers who are looking into renewable energy as an investment and would like to see a nice return will want to go the purchase route via cash or loan. Purchasing a solar system results in the ability to take advantage of tax credits and rebates. PosiGen gives an estimated upfront cost starting at $13,000, but your particular cost will depend on your location, property size, sunlight potential, and other factors. 

Moving Options

PosiGen Solar Solutions provides a few different options for its customers in case they need to move while still under contract. The new homeowner can take on the agreement along with all obligations, Posigen can relocate the solar power system for a flat fee of $750, or you can cancel your lease and have the equipment removed for a flat fee of $600.

The fact that you are allowed to cancel your contract at any time and only have to pay a fraction of the system cost is quite generous of PosiGen and should be recognized as a unique benefit.

Online Monitoring

PosiGen provides web-based system monitoring for 12 years for solar system purchases and for the lifetime of the system for leasing customers. 

A monitoring system allows customers to see their savings, energy storage, and system performance in real-time to assess how much energy their system is producing, as well as how much they are using. This helps customers to make any necessary corrections in a timely manner, cut back on their consumption if needed, and save even more money.

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The Bad

  • Limited Availability
  • Undisclosed Warranties
  • Undisclosed Solar Battery Brands

Limited Availability

Currently, PosiGen's service area is limited to New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and areas of the Gulf South.

While a limited service area is in no way an indictment on the company's customer service, installation practices, or quality of product, it can disadvantage PosiGen against nationally recognized companies with more well-known reputations. Leveraging verified reviews from actual customers can be an effective way to help solar companies like PosiGen stand out from the crowd.

Undisclosed Warranties

PosiGen does not disclose specific information on its equipment and workmanship warranties. These warranties protect the customer against product defects and installation errors.

Undisclosed Solar Battery Brands

While PosiGen does offer solar batteries, the company does not say which brand(s) it uses in installation. 


The Bottom Line

Available in a handful of states, PosiGen offers both lease and purchase options to help customers save on their electric bills. Additionally, there are a variety of options to choose from in the event that you need to move while under contract.

PosiGen is worth looking into if you're in the market for solar panels or solar shingles. And as an added perk, PosiGen offers a zero-cost home energy audit which will help you pinpoint areas of inefficiency that could benefit from fixes and upgrades. 

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