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Medicare Rights Center

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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: February 2nd, 2021

The Medicare Rights Center does Medicare counseling, education, advocacy, and policy work. Its counseling services are free and accessible via a national hotline. It also offers online courses for Medicare beneficiaries and professionals.

If you're looking for assistance and educational resources, the Medicare Rights Center has a lot to offer.

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The Good

  • National Helpline
  • Benefits Enrollment Assistance
  • Medicare Education

National Helpline

The Medicare Rights Center offers a national hotline that people navigating Medicare can call for assistance and counseling. The phone number is easy to find on its website and is toll free. Assistance is available in Spanish and English.

The Medicare Rights Center pays attention to the kinds of questions and issues it helps people with and makes policy recommendations that would address them.

Benefits Enrollment Assistance

New Yorkers can receive assistance enrolling in Medicare from the Medicare Rights Center. With this assistance, the Medicare Rights Center also helps assess eligibility for cost savings programs that help qualifying individuals pay for Medicare.

Medicare Education

In addition to Medicare counseling, advocacy, and policy work, The Medicare Rights Center also offers training and educational programs. Some of its offerings are limited to community-based organizations in New York City.

However, it also offers an online reference tool — Medicare Interactive. With this program there is a free subscription option and a paid option called Medicare Interactive Pro. Both programs help people learn more about Medicare.

The Medicare Interactive Pro is designed for professionals. You can buy yearly subscriptions to the whole library or buy courses separately.


The Bad

  • Limited Reviews
  • Some Services Available in New York Only

Limited Reviews

Medicare Rights Center reviews on are limited, so general insight into how people experience their counseling services is unavailable. However, Medicare Rights seems to have promising dedication to helping Medicare beneficiaries.

Some Services Available in New York Only

Although Medicare Rights does offer a national hotline to help Medicare beneficiaries and their caregivers, some of its services like benefits enrollment assistance are only available to New Yorkers.

If you don't live in New York City and need assistance with Medicare, you may need to find another organization.


The Bottom Line

The Medicare Rights Center is a helpful resource if you have Medicare questions or want help understanding Medicare. Although New Yorkers benefit from more of its services, the national hotline and online educational materials are accessible and helpful to anyone outside of New York.

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