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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: December 1st, 2024

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield is a subsidiary of BlueCross BlueShield that serves parts of New York state. It offers Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C) and Prescription Drug Plans (Medicare Part D). If you’re interested in a private Medicare plan and live in Excellus’s service area, it’s worth investigating plan details further.

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The Good

  • Good Plan Offerings
  • Flexible Enrollment Process

Good Plan Offerings

Excellus offers Medicare Advantage and Prescription Drug Plans (PDPs). Its Medicare Advantage HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) and Medicare Advantage PPO (Preferred Provider Organization) plans are highly rated by The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. These star ratings are based on client satisfaction, chronic illness management, and the overall health of plan members.

Some of Excellus’s Medicare plans offer worldwide health coverage. In some cases, this feature may make some of Excellus’s plans more beneficial to clients planning to spend time abroad. Although, for those more interested in Original Medicare, some Medigap plans offer coverage for health services abroad.

Flexible Enrollment Process

Excellus allows Medicare shoppers to enroll via mail, phone, or online. This flexibility makes it easy for Medicare enrollees to use the process they are most comfortable with.


The Bad

  • Insufficient Customer Reviews
  • Limited Service Area

Insufficient Customer Reviews

Excellus has not received many customer reviews on Best Company, which means a full recommendation based on the customer experience is not available.

Limited Service Area

Excellus BlueCross BlueShield is only available in certain parts of New York state. However, BlueCross BlueShield has additional subsidiaries that serve other parts of the United States. If you’re interested in a Medicare plan from BlueCross BlueShield, you can look into the subsidiary that serves your area.


The Bottom Line

If you live in one of Excellus’s service areas, it’s worth getting more details on the Medicare plans it offers. Excellus’s Medicare Advantage HMO and PPO have high star ratings, which indicates these plans have high customer satisfaction.

As with any health plan, it’s important to be sure that it covers your prescriptions and other necessary health services and fits into your budget before enrolling.

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Albert Harnois

Website does not work, links are ineffective, and paying my bill is extremely difficult. It was not always like this, but just recently they've made changes and screwed everything up.

2 months ago