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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: November 9th, 2021

Just Jobs is one of many job search engine websites operated by LatPro, Inc., established in 1997 and headquartered in Boulder, CO. Just Jobs was launched in 2009 alongside partner job sites helping employers connect specifically with Hispanics, veterans, the disabled, African Americans, Asian Americans, and members of the LGBT community.  

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The Good

  • Reach
  • Resources and learning materials
  • Special features
  • Experience
Just Jobs has 6.5 million visitors annually and is part of a network of 3,000 niche job sites, including relevant niche diversity sites like veteranjobs.net, latinojobs.org, and wehirewomen.com. At the time this review was written there were about 800,000 jobs currently posted, 600,000 of which were new posted in the previous week.
Resources and Learning Materials
"Just Jobs Academy" is the learning center linked to Just Jobs and includes helpful training materials for job seekers. Their Job Search Guide is a step-by-step guide to finding a job, complete with email templates, telephone scripts, cover letters, references, and networking. The guide is interspersed with lighthearted comics that help solidify the message of the text. The review team's favorite part of the training materials available is a set of career interviews with workers in various fields - some common, some very unique. These interviews provide a job-shadowing-type experience that gives job seekers personal and detailed insights into jobs and careers they may have never considered (or even heard of!). Examples of some of the career interviews are actress, after school program director, emergency room doctor, fundraiser, software engineer, and jailhouse teacher. Other specific training topics include:
  • writing a value proposition letter
  • making yourself memorable
  • surrounding yourself with a search team
  • working smart once you've landed a job
The downside of Just Jobs Academy is that it has not had new content posted for a few years, so unless content is updated on a regular basis, the information and tips available may not reflect the current job search trends.
Special Features
The articles in Just Jobs Academy include discussion boards where readers can comment and ask questions as well as give advice to other job seekers who post questions. The founder of the company and author of the content, Eric Shannon, has also answered questions through this avenue. Just Jobs is unique in that it has a scholarship program that awards $3,000 to one undergraduate or graduate student per year. There is no application fee, but the student must be a full-time student when applying and his or her school must be on the list of registered schools.
Just Jobs was launched in 2009, though the flagship site LatPro.com began in 1997. Thus, the company has almost 20 years of experience in the job search industry.

The Bad

  • Price range
  • Customer support
Price Range
Job searchers may look for jobs online at no cost. However, employers pay a pretty penny for recruitment. The price for just a single, 30-day posting is $159. There are companies that provide much better rates for comparable service. Just Jobs can quote costs to scrape the client's site to post unlimited jobs for a set fee over 3, 6, or 12 months, but affordability depends on the business.
Customer Support
Their customer service could use a little work. Job seekers, employers, and advertisers can seek assistance by submitting a form through the website, and replies are prompt. However, it would be even better of Just Jobs provided a phone number and email address for customer support so clients don't have to wait to be contacted and wonder if their form became lost in cyberspace. Just Jobs does have a Facebook and Twitter presence, but there is little to no interaction with clients and users-and inbox messages to the company go unnoticed. Additionally, the "refine your search" options for this search engine are lacking compared to other search engines. Users can type in specific words to look for, but cannot categorize search results based on salary or miles from a specific location. The only options to refine a search are title, company, or top search phrases.

The Bottom Line

The company's steep prices may be an automatic deal breaker for employers when they can reach just as many people-at a lower cost-through a different company. But the redeeming quality of Just Jobs is their learning resources, which are unique and exciting enough to benefit even the most experienced-or unmotivated-job seeker.
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