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ID Theft Assist

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Author: Kaitlyn Short

LAST UPDATED: November 2nd, 2024

ID Theft Assist was created in 2004 by Worldwide Benefit Services. ID Theft Assist works to protect its customers' sensitive, personal information that could lead to harm if used without the permission of the customer. The company offers a comprehensive protection plan that includes monitoring in order to prevent identity theft attacks.

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The Good

  • 24/7 Customer Service
  • Credit Monitoring
  • Recovery

24/7 Customer Service

ID Theft Assist's customer service agents are available 24/7 so that customers can report issues as soon as they become aware of them and receive help immediately.

Credit Monitoring

ID Theft Assist customers have access to credit monitoring and up-to-date scores from all three major credit bureaus-Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion.


In addition to recovering financial losses, ID Theft Assist will also help its customers to recover other types of losses, including criminal theft, medical theft, and tax theft. ID Theft Assist offers up to $1 million in identity theft insurance. 


The Bad

  • Limited Monitoring

Limited Monitoring 

While Identity Theft Assist offers credit monitoring, the company does not offer several other types of identity monitoring, including bank account and social security number monitoring. 


The Bottom Line

ID Theft Assist offers credit monitoring, recovery, and reliable 24/7 customer service. However, the company does not offer a variety of identity theft monitoring like other companies in the industry.

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Frostydog33 Wingman

I never even agreed to this service and they charge me monthly for it anyway. They said they’d send me an email and never did. Now I’m trying to cancel it and it’s been a huge pain. BEWARE! Do not say yes at all on any phone conversation with these people. Someone should really build a class action against them.

3 months ago

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Dwayne Downton

I received the call scripted by the company. The idea sounded nice at first then after we hung up I researched and found that other companies offer the service for free. I decided not to enroll. I forgot to make the call to cancel within the 2 week time frame due to some personal family stuff. I completely forgot about this offer completely until about 8 months later. I don’t understand how I can be charged for a service I did not completely enroll in. They are not going to be giving me a full refund. I did get a couple months back. So if you’re considering using their services, just know that you don’t need to activate an account to be charged. I guess TD is too hard up and has to kick the small guy when they’re down. Banks make millions of dollars a year and can’t give a guy his $150 for a service he didn’t use. I know it’s not a huge amount of money to some, to others that’s a heat bill for the month, or groceries for the week or whatever. Big companies just don’t care anymore. It’s all about the shareholders getting their big vacation homes and yachts and whatever else the 1% like to buy. I guess I need to start the process to change banks as a matter of principle. My time is not worth anything to them. I know the grass is not greener on any other side of the fence, but atleast this service is free at other banks.

9 months ago

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G R Saint Anne, IL

Very comprehensive program. Easy to work with and very helpful team of support staff!

5 years ago