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Danny Choi Syracuse, NY

Called to talk about claims. They have the call center setup to make you frustrated. The robo part in the beginning where you have to answer questions never works correctly, and then after awhile it gets you to real person. The first time i called i got hanged up on. After asking for someone else to help me. I called again this time i got someone who actually help me. But the way they have the plan written on their website is hard to tell if you are covered or not so i got confused. Not to mention why is it so hard if i have. the ADA codes to check if my plan is covered. Literally all they had to do is allow me to search by that code to figure it out but they don't. This company is the worst i have ever dealt with.

2 years ago

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Deb Warrior, AL

I use to think their dental was wonderful but no longer. It is secondary insurance and my dentist office calls to verify payments on procedures with my MetLife and then Guardian. Between the two they were to pay in full my two crowns that were side by side. MetLife gave done flack but did pay there half. Now for almost 3 mtgs trying to get Guardian to pay their half. We (my dentist and I) have sent multiple 6 or more MetLife EOBs to Guardian. Then when they finally admit they received one, they accused us of altering the EOB which has infuriated me since I took a snap shot of the EOB from MetLife’s website. Since Covid shut everything down Guardian is HORRIBLE

2 years ago

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Roxanne Cyr San Carlos, CA

Guardian Dental insurance should not be called "insurance". They say they cover dental cleanings (or any dental procedure) but what they mean is they take the cost of the cleaning (or procedure) then deny 1/2 of it saying the cost is too high, then base what they will cover on 1/2 the cost. It's irrelevant if the cost of the dental procedure is fair, they deny 1/2 no matter what because Guardian considers all charges to be exorbitant. Unfortunately this is the only choice my employer gives us. If you have any other choice, I suggest you take the other choice. I'm not sure how the people at Guardian Dental sleep at night but I'm sure they're laughing all the way to the bank!

2 years ago

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Duane Crum Commerce City, CO

I am writing today completely appalled at the lack of Customer Experience I have received from Guardian I received a bill from my Dentist for $420, they told me Guardian wouldn't cover the cost of the exam or the cleaning because my family had already been seen in the last 6 months. I scheduled an appointment a few weeks too early to accommodate my work schedule and now I am being punished by the insurance company I pay premiums to every month. I can't put into words how predatory and disgusting the service I have received from Guardian. In a pandemic, when inflation is at an all-time high and we are trying to do everything we can to survive I made an appointment a few weeks early so I could work it around my work schedule and you are telling me there is nothing you can do as a company? I don't abuse the system, I pay my premiums, I pay my taxes, I do everything the way I am supposed to in life and now my greedy insurance company is denying coverage because I scheduled an appointment a few weeks too early. This is disgusting and appalling and I hope your shareholders can sleep at night knowing how much they are hurting regular people just trying to support their family and get by each month. You should be ashamed of yourselves. 

2 years ago

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mindy Harrison Arlington, VA

Guardian is the worst dental insurance co. I have ever had. They only covered $18 for X-rays and did not cover any crown work which was covered from past dental insurance companies. When I talked to my dentist about the challenges, they stated that they also have seen other customers not receiving coverage that was typically covered with other companies and prior to covid. They make it impossible to file a claim or appeal stating they never received the information when it was sent numerous times and with numerous methods (ie. on their website, mail, fax, email). I cancelled my insurance with guardian since they were not customer oriented and they did not cover any of the crown work. Disappointing and unethical.

2 years ago

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Rena Winnsboro, LA

Enrolled my family through the marketplace, premiums were low for us which was great. But when we attempted to use them the first time (only time) it turned into a mess. I had never received any insurance cards with policy or group information. Called the company on the day of our appointment, was given group and ID #'s along with claim address for filing which I gave to our dentist office. That was October 2021. Over the next 6 months the claim has been denied at least 4 times stating I do not have an "employer sponsored policy" or that my "employer sponsored policy has been terminated", neither of which was ever true since I enrolled through the marketplace. In January 2022 our dentist office called me to inform me it had been denied again so I attempted to reach guardian again. This time though, each time I would work my way through the treacherous phone maze I would reach someone in support for their employer based insurance, would be told I had no policy and be redirected to call the exact phone number I had just called (and had called previously without issue) even after I explained that was the number I had called. After numerous phone calls, wait time and a couple of days (I had to take a mental break from the chaos) I finally reached someone who was kind enough to TRANSFER me to the correct department for marketplace policies . Reached another kind person there who stated she had no record of any claims on my policy and that they were most likely processed by the wrong department...but she gave me the correct filing information and mailing address. I then gave this to my dentist office and thought everything was fine until she called me last week to inform me she had received another denial similar to the previous ones. So today I was able to finally reach out to Guardian, and was told they have processed that claim just a few days ago...why did we receive a denial letter? Who knows. But I'm done. I no longer have this policy but if I did I would have terminated it right away. 6 months, numerous phone calls and headaches, I don't know how many claims filed for one little dental visit for my child. This is more than silly and Guardian needs to get their stuff together. It's just ridiculous how much time I had to spend to get this taken care of (and I don't totally trust it is but we will see.

2 years ago

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Kelly Diaz Oklahoma City, OK

I regret not looking up reviews before signing up with them for my dental insurance. They've been a complete nightmare. I would leave no stars if I could. I did not receive an invoice from them like they're supposed to send for the first premium payment. When I called they claimed it had been mailed but I have informed delivery with USPS and there was never anything scheduled to be delivered from them. This is the first lie they told me. After making the first payment over the phone, I set up automatic payments online. They never drafted any of the scheduled payments and I was completely unaware they'd failed to do so until three months later when I received a letter telling me they'd cancelled my policy due to non-payment. When I called to ask what happened, they told me the payment was denied and they'd emailed me a notification of refused payment. I never received an email so when I got off the call with Guardian, I called and checked with my bank and I was told they'd never attempted to draft the payment. When I called back to ask why they'd never drafted the payment, they doubled-down claiming they tried but it had been refused. When I asked again why was I not notified about the alleged refused payment, they said they don't notify people and it was my fault for not checking whether the payment had gone through. I explained someone was lying because I'd been told in no uncertain terms the other person I spoke with swore an email had been sent (which they can check because all calls are recorded), they finally relented and told me they would reinstate my policy. I was told it would take 5-7 days and I would receive an email once it had been reinstated. Well, ten days later and no email, I tried logging back in to see and it was reinstated. What good it will do me considering all the complaints about them not paying I can't say but at least I've got something. TLDR - never, never, never again will I not do a deep dive on a company before signing up.

2 years ago

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cmoore Oklahoma City, OK

Failed to send invoice in a timely manner but I was able to pay when I called to ask about why I hadn't received an invoice or my card. I set up automatic payments at the same time as making me first payment. They didn't notify me when they were having difficulty processing the subsequent automatic payments and I didn't find out until they sent a notice though the mail that they'd cancelled my policy. The notice was sent Mar. 6 but wasn't delivered until Mar. 22. One representative said they emailed me about the problem with the payment, another told me they didn't email me about it and that they don't notify customers when that happens. Representative said it was my fault for not checking whether the payment had gone through despite the fact the payment had gone through with no issues when I first set up the automatic payment. I regret signing up with them. Plans look great on paper but I should have read reviews of the company before signing up.

2 years ago

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Steven White

You should avoid this company at all costs if you are looking for a quality dental insurance company as Guardian is not it. The refused to pay a claim for a crown on a tooth because their dental consultation felt that the "prognosis" for a successful restoration was not high. So they are basically calling the dentist that I have been going to for nearly 20 years as incompetent. An oh by the way, since they are so slow at processing the original claim and my appeal, the crown has been in place now for 6 months and is doing just fine. If you are the benefits coordinator for any company and you care about your employees, stay as far away from this company as you can! Your employees are not going to be satisfied with their poor service and them hiding behind excuses like the opinion of their "dental consultant"!

2 years ago

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Meg Green Bedminster, NJ

Ive been covered by this company for less than a month and it has been nothing but problems. -i paid for my first premium in mid november -2 weeks into january i had 0 information— no insurance cards, no emails, nada. -i call customer service, sit on hold for like 15 minutes and i ended up having to just try again later -when i do try again later, i opt for them to call me back rather than sit on hold, i get a call and am immediately hung up on. -i try again and sit on hold, get thru to someone who says theyll transfer me, and as soon as my call is transferred i am once again immediately hung up on -FINALLY i get thru to someone, and sit on the phone with them for 10 minutes trying to figure out why i have no information and am told they cant find an account for me. She asks one more set of questions and miraculously finds it, but my ID number hasnt been generated yet. (Its been TWO MONTHS since i signed up, and we are 2 weeks into my plan) -i ask to verify which email she has on file. To this day i still have 0 emails from this insurance company. -finally, 3 days ago i get letters in the mail from them, including my (sad excuse for) insurance cards, and a bill (which i found out today i cant yet pay bc my account is ‘still being set up’) -i made my online account yesterday and if i try to login on my phone it just brings me back to the home page. -on top of all of this my deductible is not waived for cleanings. I got this plan because when i reviewed my finances for this year i found that id have some extra income, and am paying 2.5x the amount i did last year for my bcbs family grins plan, if im paying this much more why do i not even have a full account set up almost a full month into my coverage? And why doesnt their website seem to work? Ridiculous, esp with the waiting periods i found out i have to deal with. A full YEAR i have to wait if i need major dental care? Im switching from them as soon as humanly possible. The worst experience with insurance ever.

2 years ago

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Jake Philomath, OR

Like others here, I have been a victim of Guardian's obvious business plan which it to deny as many claims as possible and then cause endless fatigue for clients through a perpetual appeal process. The unreachable, unnamed "reviewing dentist" will determine that the documentation a dentist properly submits for a crown replacement (in my case) is not adequate to justify the procedure. Guardian Client Support suggests an appeal. Return to "reviewing dentist" step. Eventually the client wears down, the dentist loses patience in providing ever more documentation and the patient pays alone. Guardian's offshore Indian customer agents are sympathetic and happy to pass along the steps needed for another appeal, but are powerless to do anything more. For 15 minutes of 3rd world labor time listening or chatting, Guardian has avoided paying a significant but legitimate dental benefit. This should be explored further by authorities.

2 years ago

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NavidadInCO Thornton, CO

If I could rate it a -1, I would. I have bought Dental insurance individually for the last 20-25 years and this is by far the worst company I have dealt with. Every procedure has a lot of small print that will cause them not to pay for it. Our company switched providers 1/1/21 and since then we have heard nothing but complaints! I am out at least $1000 and a coworker has paid over $3000 in dental work that was plain denied. My dentist submitted and resubmitted the work for review and it was denied every single time. What I found out is that they use a separate company to "review" so that they can claim it was not them that denied it. If our company continues to use this option, I will not be taking it next year.

2 years ago

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Joe Kochanski Durham, NC

Terrible, pathetic excuse of a company. They have denied almost every claim I've had in the last 4 months with 2 separate providers. I changed from one dentist to another thinking it was the dentist who was taking advantage of me (after all claims were denied), but now that all claims are being denied with my new dentist, I see that this insurance company is totally corrupt. Deny every claim. Force you through a never ending appeals process. Their in-house dental consultant - paid to deny claims - knows better than the last 3 dentists I've been to, all of whom have recommended work be done for my dental health and well being. I will be reporting these fraudsters to the insurance commission; this needs to end now.

2 years ago

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TwelfthSign 73 Houston, TX

JUNK INSURANCE!!! My agency switched to this company a year ago so I had no other options for dental. I HATE THIS INSURANCE! We previously had United Healthcare, which was friggin awesome! I’m pretty sure the goal of this company is to take your money and do everything within their power to deny claims for anything outside of routine cleanings. They hardly pay for anything and have the nerve to suggest using a dentist in-network to save money. I switched to an in-network dentist when they started denying claims from my dentist because I needed bridges and crowns. Switching dentists is only a hassle and a gimmick because they half pay the dentists in-network. If you can avoid this company RUN! It’s a waste of your time, money, and sanity to throw money to the wind because that is what you’re doing with this company!

2 years ago

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Hope Funk Chicago, IL

The only thing this company is good at is taking your money on a consistent basis. Got their plan through the ACA marketplace and have had repeated issues since. Several plans have waiting periods for services of 6 months or more where effectively nothing is covered. Even after the waiting period, they routinely deny claims from dentists and have virtually no communication with subscribers. I recently had a wisdom teeth extraction last month and interacting with this company has been far more painful in comparison. No engagement via email support and when you get through to a live representative on their customer support line, they repeat company policy and make no effort to understand let alone remedy your situation. I am currently trying to terminate my policy and request a refund. I would rather do my own dental work by hand than give this company any more money.

2 years ago

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Ali Corton Framingham, MA

If there was a 0 star review I would select that. The rates they "contracted" for my rather expensive Boston suburb are embarrassing. Claims are not being paid according to the rates in my area and I am left with thousands of dollars in bills. I pay my coverage yet am not get any benefit from it. Customer services offers a lot of apologies but no solutions. The plan information provided is fraudulent, at best. This level of corruption has not been seen since prohibition. Avoid this company if you can. If you can't, then I suggest you keep EVERY piece of documentation and seek help from the attorney general of your state.

3 years ago

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Virginia Pellegrini Vista, CA

If you can avoid Guardian Dental Insurance at any cost, it’s a SCAM!!! I went to the dentist in December getting a simple oral exam and a cleaning which led to getting 2 fillings and a crown replacement. The insurance expects the dentist to use silver filling so even though that state that they cover your fillings 100% they only cover the charge that is equivalent to the silver filling not the composite filling that is commonly used. On top of that they didn’t cover my crown replacement at all because apparently it needs to be more than 10 years’ old. And I submitted a predetermination claim to replace my bridge as well, but since it’s not older than 10 years’ they won’t cover that either. Now to get my teeth fixed I’m supposed to come up with at least $2500 out of pocket! I called their customer service which is just completely useless and incompetent. The supervisor tried telling me that my procedures weren’t covered because of the plan my employer chose. However after this call I started an online chat on their website, where I asked if they have any plans that cover crowns or bridges that are more than 10 years’ old and they confirmed that they don’t have any such plans. Now the things is that I’ve been with Guardian for about 7 years. About 2-3 years after my bridge was put in another dentist told me that it needed to be replaced. When they submitted that predetermination claim it turned that it had to be at least 5 years’ old for the insurance to cover it, so I decided to wait. In the meantime I got a new employer and signed up with their insurance plan which was Guardian again. I thought that was a good thing, bad mistake!!! Turns out Guardian can change their rules as it pleases them, or whichever way makes them more money by setting their customers up for failure. Once I though I was finally ready to get this work done it turns out their coverage limitation change to a minimum of 10 years. Consider that on average a crown will last 5-15 years, so on a fixed average that would be exactly 10 years, which means Guardian is waiting until the last minute to even partially cover your necessary procedure by which time it might be even too late to a replacement and you will need an implant which under most of their plans/scenarios they don’t cover anyway. Be aware, this company is a SCAM that employees CON-ARTISTS who will only take advantage of you and your assumption that insurance is actually there to help you make your life better and healthier!

3 years ago

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T Wiesner Overland Park, KS

WORST dental insurance ever! I had this because that's what was offered at my work. i didn't have a waiting period, had a procedure approved. my work decided to switch insurance at beginning of year. I called guardian for weeks, and not one person there was competent, I was switched from one agent to the next, called 15 times. on hold for hours each time. All I wanted to do was continue with them and pay for plan myself rather then my work pay, so my procedure would be completed. BUT ABSOLUTLY not they said if I continue with them there would be a 9 month waiting period, ridiculous, I was already receiving insurance from them. I never had to wait with any company, especially if i was already a member, so i was left with 8000.00 fees out of my pocket to finish my implant, because this greedy company would not let me pay for their insurance without having to wait . Why pay when you get no benefits! Customer service has no knowledge at all, everyone I spoke to insured me they would call me back with answers the next day, never got a call. In the process at one point I did sign up to continue before I knew there would be a long waiting period, and come to find out the agent didn't even complete the process, they took my bank number and everything to process the fee. was told it would be taken Dec 26-30. and I can cancel anytime. well they took my money the same day, then I find out after that they refuse to waive the waiting period which i have been asking about for months. I BETTER see a refund. TERRIBLE customer service. No wonder my work changed companies!!!! DO NOT SIGN UP WITH THEM!!!

3 years ago Edited September 14, 2021

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Erin Steffek Fulshear, TX

Guardian is a TERRIB LE company. In November during open enrollment, my school district changed to Guardian. At the time, I contacted guardian to research what pediatric dentists were in the area for my 4 year old because she had a cavity I needed fixed. They gave me a list of pediatric dentists. In January when my insurance began, I contacted a dentist, but I was told in order to see the pediatric dentist I needed a referral. I got the referral. I thought all was well. I made my appointment. They could not see me for 3 weeks. Finally at 10am the day of my appointment, I get a phone call from Guardian stating that the dentist was no longer covered. I contacted guardian and they informed me that the list they gave me in November was a lie! They don't know who is in network unless the dentists contact them. So I have a bogus list of dentists and none are covered in my area. Having a cavity filled for a 4 year old isn't fun. I finally had her ready and now I have to drive over an hour away to get to a pediatric dentist. After being on hold for almost 4 hours, I am told there is nothing they can do. I am now stuck paying for insurance I can not use. They lied to us to get their bid with the district. They are a HORRIBLE company. I wouldn't trust them ever again.

4 years ago

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Gray Guo New York, NY

Not a insurance I like. I had a deep cleaning and they denied my claim saying my teeth weren't not at the right bone density level to cover a deep cleaning. I wish I would have known beforehand that they didn't cover my deep cleaning. Makes me feel all they care about is money instead of helping me out.

9 months ago

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Extra Buzz North Bergen, NJ

Don't buy this insurance. as soon as they get your payment card. you never can stop it. the autopayment is enforced. can' t be cancelled. the insurance policy doesn't cover a lot. most of dentist offices even don't accept them. Smart way is away from Guardian Dental

11 months ago Edited October 2, 2023

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Justin Parker South Jordan, UT

This company does everything thing they can to avoid paying for claims. Know if you use Guardian you may have to exercise your rights under ERISA because they will do their best to avoid granting you the benefits you've paid for.

11 months ago

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J Overland Park, KS

Absolutely horrible service. They have cost me so much money it's unbelievable. They've hung up on me. They refuse to pay a claim they said would be covered at 40%. I've been on the phone with them for hours now.. Avoid this insurance company at all costs. The current agent won't transfer me to a manager.. Ok - eventually I did get to talk to a manager. The same one that said they'd call me back and never did - her name is "Rain" - you can imagine how that went. DO NOT GIVE THESE PEOPLE YOUR MONEY

1 year ago

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Just Carolyn Travelers Rest, SC

I'd give no stars if I could. Paperwork is misleading. I have a missing tooth and wanted an implant. I got the insurance because I couldn't afford an implant on my own. They have a missing tooth clause. If you are missing a tooth- they will not cover an implant. Total BS. Why mention your coverage for implants at all?I called them and they said that the clause is on their website, it didn't have to be in the paperwork when they are selling it to the employees. I am Cancelling at the earliest opportunity. Choose another if it's not too late. I hope they are put out of business.

1 year ago

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Carolyn Mayes New Orleans, LA

This coverage is trash. They covered my annual exam and checkup but not the crown or buildup I required. They were sent my xrays and provider's notes detailing the need (cracked tooth, multiple cavities) and still refused to cover it. Do not use this insurance company. I appealed but they asked for additional documentation which does not exist, and is absurd given what they were already provided.

1 year ago

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Adam Taylor

Just horrible. I had an implant put in. My extraction happened a year prior and I was at a different company then with different dental insurance. I had a failed post implant that delayed my getting a new replacement tooth. Guardian paid $0 for the $5000 post implant (second operation) that was a success. Then I went to my dentist for the tooth implant. They have billed Guardian and they say because they didn't pay for the extraction, they will pay $0 (again) for the new tooth. I would avoid Guardian like the plague. They are impossible to deal with and in my experience never pay a claim.

1 year ago

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Joshua Moser Raleigh, NC

Absolutely the worst insurance I’ve even had for dental. My company’s benefits are nice and I appreciate that. But guardian denies almost every claim and then I have to spend hours calling back and forth to get claims resolved. The last time I had to call was because they misapplied my benefits and then I had to explain what they were to the person on the phone…and then they still denied the claim. I’ve held back on writing a review but I’ve made it to the end of my limit. Guardian is awful, don’t even stop to consider giving them business.

1 year ago

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E S Leesville, LA

Completely a total scam company. Joined through the health marketplace. Was told that my initial service date would be maintained after signing up for Medicare and having to maintain non marketplace coverage. Then when I needed work that requires a waiting period, I was told my service date was reestablished. Complaining to the health marketplace was totally useless.

1 year ago

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Gumby Rowland Heights, CA

Guardian was okay the last few years paying minor stuff like cleanings. Then I needed a crown. Guardian refused to pay saying is was not necessary. My dentist provided written proof 3 x but they still would not pay. I have submitted a complaint to the Cal Dept of Insurance to see if they can help.

1 year ago

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Casey Mcauley

I have had guardian for over a year now. Only had basic cleaning. Filling cavities and major work done cost me $150 for cavities and a root canal my dentist said will cost me like 500. I can't afford that while owning a house. Having to take care of kids. Only income in my family. Is there a better dental insurance who will cover the costs of my procedures for a better price? I can't seem to get a good smile back and this company isn't any good clearly. It's been a year and I can't afford nothing.

1 year ago

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angela kriegel Chicago, IL

They will cover your cleaning, but not much else. Half on my crown broke off, so my dentist said it needed replaced. Clearly it did need replaced, but Guardian's dentist reviewed my file and said that there was "no non-repairable demage or fracture to the existing restoration." Half the tooth was gone. If you pay for insurance, the company shoule provide insurance. It would be cheaper if I kept my premium and paid my dental bills.

1 year ago

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Daniel Majano Miami, FL

This dental insurance is one of the bad if not the worse . I had bad experience with this company I filed a complaint form as they asked about the dentist and they ignored my situation and they did not do anything with the dentist to resolve it. They did not care , they don’t care about their customers situation. If you can stay away from them . I will not recommend them

1 year ago

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Bcsfd Miami, FL

Guardian purposefully commits fraud. They will deny literally everything sent to them despite your policy saying in black and white that it’s covered. Their reps are either the dumbest people to walk the planet or actively helping to commit fraud. You’d be better off just saving up your money and asking your dentist for better out of pocket pricing.

1 year ago

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adrian avram Tampa, FL

I was using this insurance by my employer for 3 years and was good until this year since start denying valid claims to increase their profits. I had to send appeals and fight with them for every dollar-another insurance adopted fraud and deceiving members as a successful business model

1 year ago Edited December 2, 2022

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Sundansir Ire

Guardian Dental I am trying to cancel the insurance. I can’t stomach paying them another cent. First they refused to cover my dependent. They said if they are over 19, they can’t provide coverage. She’s in college. Then I went to get dentures and a crown and they denied the claim. They stated my lost teeth were a pre-existing condition. Duh 🙄! Save your money. Don’t use Guardian Thru your employer or privately. They’re just NO GOOD!

2 years ago

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lucy li Austin, TX

If you like a big hassle chose GUARDIAN DENTAL INSURANCE will not make you down. It was difficult to find a real review of Guardian Dental insurance from website. Let me give my experience 100% true. We bought HDMO dental plan. We spent long time but never find a pediatric dentist online or call the custom service so so many times they all know nothing and they made appointment were all wrong. Found the infos from their website were wrong.

2 years ago

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Helen Dupree Dallas, TX

Plan year started 08/01/22 and here we are two weeks later and the provider support team at Guardian Dental, specifically Jordan, cannot provide my dentist with details about our group plan. So I am having to pay the full amount out of pocket even though the customer service representative at Guardian is able to give me full plan details. It is infuriating but not surprising. Why can’t people just do their job?

2 years ago

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Hanna Kim Bend, OR

I've seen similar reviews and I agree - this is terrible dental insurance! They fight tooth and nail to NOT cover legitimate care. Their "licensed" dentist who reviewed my appeal for coverage is claiming that the core buildup for the crown I got was not a substantial loss enough to be covered. What are they looking for; the whole tooth to be missing?? X-rays/photos of my tooth show that it was eaten up practically down to the nerve. What a grift.

2 years ago

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Kevin Jennings Nashville, TN

I got a dental implant in Georgia in 2019. I then moved to TN and got a new job with Guardian. What a scam. My implant fell out in 2021 and I got it replaced. Guardian denied my claim because it was the second implant in ten years (was I supposed to just live without one for another 8 years!?!?) and keep in mind THEY DIDNT EVEN PAY FOR THE FIRST ONE. I'll be dumping this scam insurance ASAP.

2 years ago


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Soudabeh K TX

If I have a choice , I give them ZERO rating. This is my first time I have a Dental insurance. I always go for regular cleaning twice a year. There is a just one dentist accept this insurance in my town to mention it's not a small town. It took one and half hour just for X-ray and they give me appointment for regular cleaning for next 8 months. I called the insurance company and they didn't cooperate at all. I am so frustrated, I wish I can cancel my insurance for rest of the year 😫

2 years ago

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Anthony Schenectady, NY

0 stars. I signed up online, had an issue with my phone so I had to call in to finish up everything. Started seeing my dentist for a year now. Just found out that all of my visits had denied claims. Never received correspondence from Guardian about the claims, I just kept going bc I thought everything was ok. When I received my bill through dentist I called Guardian, I was out of network. They had me set for a dentist that was at the other end of the state. Worst customer service ever.

2 years ago

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SnoopySnotOffic Snot FL

First off I went out for surgery in January of this year. They me wait almost 2 months to get my short disability check from them. Every two weeks my claim started over so there was constant income coming from them. Then when it was time for the long term to kick in they told me it will take another 45 days to process the paperwork to get the long term started. If I was not getting money from the VA as a disable veteran. I don’t know where me and my family would be right now.

2 years ago

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Camluvly Grand Prairie, TX

I give them a negative 5 stars. They never sent me my insurance cards. In fact I never received any correspondence from them. I called them and made a payment because that activates my account status and two weeks later I was cancelled for inactivity and non payment. I, however received an email stating something totally different. They are not worth the trouble.

2 years ago

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Eric West Vanceboro, NC

Horrible company. When I went to their website to search for a provider, they gave two choices to select: PPO and some other option. NEITHER was on my card. So, I figured i'd call to understand if my insurance is PPO or the other option. FORGET IT! Their voice prompts ask a million things in order to get to an actual agent. VERY. FRUSTRATING. I told them: PUT THE TYPE OF INSURANCE ON MY CARD! They tried explaining that PPO is the default. FFS. Do they think typing "PPO" on cards is too much ink to pay for!!!?? I wish my employer would drop them.

2 years ago

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Sharmere Merriweather Augusta, GA

This company is should be out of business. They really added to my postpartum depression. Put me through a lot to receive my claim while I was out of work and needed to pay my bills. Horrible experience would NEVER recommend them to anyone. Also they have no supervisor that you can speak with to better help you. When I ask for a call back I never got one. Very disappointed.

2 years ago

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Carl Fisk Atlanta, GA

This company is a scam. I was with Guardian for over a year, and the credit card I used to pay for it was stolen. I got a new card and cancelled the old one, but Guardian never once got in touch with me to tell me my payment method hasn’t changed. Instead, with no communication, they cancelled my account and put me on the hook for a large dental bill. I even offered to pay retroactively for all the time I missed and they refused. Guardian will do everything they can to take your money, and then they’ll do everything they can to not pay out benefits when the time comes.

2 years ago

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Krishnanand Kamath Cary, NC

Absolute worst. After 5 months and 5 calls and hours of wasted time providing documentation they do not resolve claim and keep asking for same thing. The call center folks are absolute worst as well as there is no online paper trail of all the documents we submit on any claim. I have no idea how such a company can be in business, and even more surprised how companies (like my employer and other credible Fortune 500 companies) can use them for employer provided insurance.

2 years ago

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Nadia Adzinets Austin, TX

Guardian denied the claim for my crowns saying they were not medical necessity even though I consulted two dentists before having them done and both confirmed crowns were the only option to treat decay developing under very old (15+ years) extensive tooth restorations. Guardian was just useless! Our previous insurance Delta Dental covered my husband's crowns without questions.

2 years ago

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Christian Finamore Middletown, MD

This company is such a joke. I am in the process of attempting to get reimbursement for a mistake related on their end!!!! It’s been weeks and every time I’m told they have everything they need, they send some other BS “request for information” that they already have! Completely dishonest business model, and they definitely practice it to make people give up on their claims. Pathetic follow up and customer service, I have never had a more miserable experience then that with Guardian.

2 years ago

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Rylee Bennett Hutchinson, MN

Awful awful awful. Worst customer service ever. I've had to call back and forth between my dentist and this company's claims department so many times just to have a regular cleaning covered I can't even keep track. Then when theyve finally processed your claim, they don't even send the check unless you call to hound them. They're nothing but a headache.

2 years ago